I need help replacong my hard drive in my G62 laptop. Trying to install western digital 320gb drive.


The replacement procedure is detailed starting on Page 42 of your Maintenance & Service Guide.
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    Any 2.5" diameter, 9.5mm thick SATA drive will be compatible.  Currently they come up to 1.5 TB in capacity.  I have a 1 TB Seagate SSHD (hybrid) drive installed in my primary MBP.  The cost is a modest premium over a conventional HDD of the same capacity.  Boot and shutdown times are significantly faster when compared to a conventional HDD,  I can recommend this as an option.
    If the bank account permits, an SSD will produce the overall maximum performance gains.  Boot, shutdown and resource hungry applications will be noticeably faster.  Casualyll use such as e-mails and text editing will produce no meaningful performance differences compared to a conventional HDD.
    I am of the opinion that the cost premium is still too high for the benefits that they afford.  Other have different views.

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    Call Apple to purchase replacement discs or order a copy of Snow Leopard from Apple's Online Store. Follow these instructions:
    Drive Preparation and Install Snow Leopard
    1. Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer Disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
    7. When completed quit DU and return to the installer. Install Snow Leopard. Once you boot from Snow Leopard you should open Software Update and install all the available updates required. After you complete this and restart the computer open the App Store application in the Dock or Applications folder.
    8. Sign into the App Store with your Apple ID and password. Purchase and download Lion.
    9. After Lion's installer downloads, install Lion.

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    You probably won't like this suggestion, but I suggest you reinstall Lion.
    First, backup your system. Next, reboot your system, press/hold the COMMAND-R keys to boot into the Recovery HD. Select 'Reinstall Mac OS X'. If you purchased Lion as an upgrade to Snow Leopard, the reinstall process will install Lion 10.7.3. If your system came preinstalled with Lion, you might still get Lion 10.7.2. Both installs are a total install of the OS. None of your apps or data will be impacted. Just the OS.

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    There could is likely a compatibility problem between the old software and the newer operating system.

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    Please clarify.
    What mini are you using? One of the new 2009 models?
    As for the drive, is this a Firewire 800 drive or a Firewire 400 connection?
    If it is a firewire connection, are you daisy chained to another firewire device? If so, in what order is the hard disk?
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    What is the model of your WD ext drive?
    When you say that your desktop goes "blank" what exactly do you mean? The computer is still on, but there is no image on the screen?
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    My bad?
    You're original response was questions/post  about an iMac. Now you've edited it to ask about a Mac Pro?
    You can more easily add internal drives in a Mac Pro.
    Not too terribly easy to add/replace drives in an iMac.
    If younhave questions about a Mac Pro, try posting in the Mac Pro forums.
    Much more knowledgeable users there.

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    See the further information area of Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

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    How is it connected?  Have you tried different port?  How about logging in as a different user then trying to mount the drive.

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    I've tried and failed.
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    Will a replacement (larger) Toshiba HD work?

    Power down the notebook and start it pressed ESC key.
    On the third bios page (pg down) you find the raid configuration.
    I assume you actually have already the RAID setting but it is not really written to the HDD.
    At first remove the RAID and change to JOBD the password confirmation 1234.
    Save settings und reboot. Enter bios again and change it from JOBD to RAID (again 1234).
    After this your HDD will work fine!

  • Need Help with External Hard drives and too much music

    I am not terribly tech-savvy, and I need your help. I have a G5 PPC dual processor with an internal 250GB drive. I have two seagate firewire/USB2 external hard drives. One is 250GB and one is 350GB. I want to know how to use them to get my Mac to run faster and better.
    My original hard drive is 7GB shy of being full. Almost half of this is my itunes library which is over 100GB. The older (250GB) hard drive has about 150GB of photos/videos.
    My Mac is running slow as molasses and when I power up the external hard drives it slows down to what I recall my original Mac Plus ran like.
    I use the G5 primarily to work with photos, illustrations and creating the occasional DVD with video and photos. the apps I use most often are Photoshop, Illustrator and Painter. I always listen to music while work.
    I hope all of this information is helpful! Here is my question:
    What is the best way for me to set up and use these external hard drives to return my G5 to its original blazing (to me) fast speed?
    PPC G5 Mac OS X (10.4.9)

    I think you should look at adding two 500GB internal drives. I'd say Maxtor MaxLine Pro for cost, but they also run much warmer (43ºC even when nearly doing zilch) so I'd go with WD RE2 500GB for $40 ea. more.
    dump whatever you don't need, trash anything that is hogging space and is just temp file or useless cache. Web browsers can leave behind a ton of small files eating up tens of MBs.
    Use SuperDuper to backup/clone your drive.
    Disk Warrior 4 to repair (after it gets to 15% free, or just forget for now).
    A 250GB drive formats to 240GB and you have ~3% free it looks like.
    For every data drive plan to have two backup drives.
    Keep your boot drive to 40% used.
    And your data drive to 60%.
    Backups can go a little higher.
    Drives are cheap and inexpensive, especially for the space and performance. And they have improved SATA over the years it has been out.
    By doing a backup followed by erasing your drive, and then restoring it, using SuperDuper, which optimizes the organization, skips copying temp files that aren't needed, it also defragments your files. I would do backup daily to different sets that you "rotate." And before any OS update. And do the erase and restore probably every 2 months.
    Make sure you keep one drive partition somewhere that is just your disk utility emergency boot drive that is not a copy of working system, used for doing repairs like running Disk Warrior and Disk Utility.
    You may need to repair; backup; even erase and restore your external drives. Rather than spend on vendor made case, just pick up a good FireWire case either with drive, or bare (and add your own). I think it'd add 500GB FW drive though.
    To begin backup of your current drive. To leave your other FW drives "as is" for now.
    Then install a new internal 500GB drive as well so you now have a good current backup, and you have moved your data off 250GB to 500GB. If anything happens, you have one off line FW backup.
    Then begin to clean up, organize, and get your FW drives working. It sure sounds like they have had some directory or file problems.
    You can find a lot of Firewire and SATA drive choices over at OWC:

  • Need help with second hard drive on mac G4

    I recently took apart another computer and installed the hard drive on top of the "master" drive hoping I would be able to download more videos, music ect but when i try and download anything message pops outs that my disk is almost full i need help as you can see. I thought all i had to do was connect the drive but I guess that wasn't it.

    chuck818, welcome to Apple Discussions.
    What size is your Master HD & how much free space do you have? Are you getting messages about the HD being full?
    Insufficient HD space can lead to many problems - freezes, directory/file corruption, etc.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Need help adding 2nd hard drive

     Hey guys whats up. I need some advice about adding a second hard drive. Right now i have a WD 320GB 7200 RPM IDE Ultra ATA100 Hard Drive running on the primary IDE. Everything is fine but i wanted to get a smaller and faster drive for the operating system and for some small video editing. I recently purchaced a Western Digital Raptor 36.7GB 10,000 RPM Serial ATA150 Hard Drive.
    Now the questions:
     1. How should i assing the drives? (which master/slave/cable select)
     2. Also am i going to have to do anything since im going to have one on the IDE and another on SATA?
     3. Any advice that you have...
     What i was thinking is this...i should disconect my current HD and hook up the new one to SATA port 2, and set it to master(or CS maybe). Format it and then install the operating system. Once OS installed and working, ill hook back up the IDE drive and make the setting to slave(or CS maybe). Then uninstall the operating system from the IDE.
    Thanks for any input

    Thanks NovJoe,
     What setting (master/slave/cable select) should i set the IDE drive to? And yes i do want my OS on the raptor.
    Thanks for your advice...didnt think that anyone was going to.

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