I need help with exporting project for the web

Probably something i am doing wron g but here are the problems. When I use Quicktime Converter, if I try to convert to a Quicktime movie or an MPEG-4 nothing happens and i get a 'File error;File Unknown message' when i try to convert to an AVI File, it works, but even though I have already rendered the project, it shows up with little flashes of blue that say 'unrendered'. and finally, when I try to make it a w
Windows Media File, it stops after 29 seconds. Any ideas?
I have an iMac with dual core processor, and FCE HD 3.5.1. I have my video files on an external drive.
iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

perform a search using the term export for web and it should throw up some ideas.
here's one for starters:
If you're using flip4mac to convert to wmv, the trial stops at 30 seconds - you need at least wmvstudio to export to wmv:

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  • Need help with calculator project for an assignment...

    Hi all, I please need help with my calculator project that I have to do for an assignment.
    Here is the project's specifications that I need to do"
    """Create a console calculator applicaion that:
    * Takes one command line argument: your name and surname. When the
    program starts, display the date and time with a welcome message for the
    * Display all the available options to the user. Your calculator must include
    the arithmetic operations as well as at least five scientific operations of the
    Math class.
    -Your program must also have the ability to round a number and
    truncate it.
    -When you multiply by 2, you should not use the '*' operator to perform the
    -Your program must also be able to reverse the sign of a number.
    * Include sufficient error checking in your program to ensure that the user
    only enters valid input. Make use of the String; Character, and other
    wrapper classes to help you.
    * Your program must be able to do conversions between decimal, octal and
    hex numbers.
    * Make use of a menu. You should give the user the option to end the
    program when entering a certain option.
    * When the program exits, display a message for the user, stating the
    current time, and calculate and display how long the user used your
    * Make use of helper classes where possible.
    * Use the SDK to run your program."""
    When the program starts, it asks the user for his/her name and surname. I got the program to ask the user again and again for his/her name and surname
    when he/she doesn't insert anything or just press 'enter', but if the user enters a number for the name and surname part, the program continues.
    Now my question is this: How can I restrict the user to only enter 'letters' (and spaces of course) but allow NO numbers for his/her surname??
    Here is the programs code that I've written so far:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Project {
         private static String nameSurname = "";     
         private static String num1 = null;
         private static String num2 = null;
         private static String choice1 = null;
         private static double answer = 0;
         private static String more;
         public double Add() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) + Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Subtract() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) - Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Multiply() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) * Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Divide() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) / Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Modulus() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) % Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double maximumValue() {
              answer = (Math.max(Double.parseDouble(num1), Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double minimumValue() {
              answer = (Math.min(Double.parseDouble(num1), Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double absoluteNumber1() {
              answer = (Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(num1)));
              return answer;
         public double absoluteNumber2() {
              answer = (Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double Squareroot1() {
              answer = (Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(num1)));
              return answer;
         public double Squareroot2() {
              answer = (Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public static String octalEquivalent1() {
              int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(num1);
    String octal1 = Integer.toOctalString(iNum1);
    return octal1;
         public static String octalEquivalent2() {
              int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(num2);
              String octal2 = Integer.toOctalString(iNum2);
              return octal2;
         public static String hexadecimalEquivalent1() {
              int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(num1);
              String hex1 = Integer.toHexString(iNum1);
              return hex1;
         public static String hexadecimalEquivalent2() {
              int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(num2);
              String hex2 = Integer.toHexString(iNum2);
              return hex2;
         public double Round1() {
              answer = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(num1));
              return answer;
         public double Round2() {
              answer = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
              SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy");
         Date now = new Date();
         SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");
         static Date timeIn = new Date();
         public static long programRuntime() {
              Date timeInD = timeIn;
              long timeOutD = System.currentTimeMillis();
              long msec = timeOutD - timeInD.getTime();
              float timeHours = msec / 1000;
                   return (long) timeHours;
         DecimalFormat decimals = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
         public String insertNameAndSurname() throws IOException{
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        while (nameSurname == null || nameSurname.length() == 0) {
                             for (int i = 0; i < nameSurname.length(); i++) {
                             if ((nameSurname.charAt(i) > 'a') && (nameSurname.charAt(i) < 'Z')){
                                       inputCorrect = true;
                        inputCorrect = false;
                        try {
                             BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                             System.out.print("Please enter your name and surname: ");
                             nameSurname = inStream.readLine();
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        }catch (IOException ex) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter your name and surname, " + nameSurname + " is not a name, please enter your name and surname :");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        System.out.println("\nA warm welcome " + nameSurname + " ,todays date is: " + format1.format(now));
                        System.out.println("and the time is now exactly " + format2.format(timeIn) + ".");
                        return nameSurname;
              public String inputNumber1() throws IOException {
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                             System.out.print("\nPlease enter a number you want to do a calculation with and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             num1 = br.readLine();
                             double number1 = Double.parseDouble(num1);
                             System.out.println("\nThe number you have entered is: " + number1);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("\nYou did not enter a valid number: " + "\""+ num1 + "\" is not a number!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return num1;
         public String calculatorChoice() throws IOException {
              System.out.println("Please select an option of what you would like to do with this number from the menu below and hit <ENTER>: ");
              System.out.println("Please select an option from the list below: ");
              System.out.println("1 - Add");
              System.out.println("2 - Subtract");
              System.out.println("3 - Multiply");
              System.out.println("4 - Divide (remainder included)");
              System.out.println("5 - Maximum and minimum value of two numbers");
              System.out.println("6 - Squareroot");
              System.out.println("7 - Absolute value of numbers");
              System.out.println("8 - Octal and Hexadecimal equivalent of numbers");
              System.out.println("9 - Round numbers");
              System.out.println("0 - Exit program");
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                             System.out.print("Please enter your option and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             choice1 = inStream.readLine();
                             int c1 = Integer.parseInt(choice1);
                             System.out.println("\nYou have entered choice number: " + c1);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter a valid choice number: " + "\""+ choice1 + "\" is not in the list!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return choice1;
         public String inputNumber2() throws IOException {
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                             System.out.print("\nPlease enter another number you want to do the calculation with and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             num2 = br2.readLine();
                             double n2 = Double.parseDouble(num2);
                             System.out.println("\nThe second number you have entered is: " + n2);
                             System.out.println("\nYour numbers are: " + num1 + " and " + num2);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter a valid number: " + "\""+ num2 + "\" is not a number!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return num2;
         public int Calculator() {
              int choice2 = (int) Double.parseDouble(choice1);
              switch (choice2) {
                        case 1 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " + " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 2 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " - " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 3 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " * " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 4 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " / " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.print(" and the remainder is " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 5 :
                             System.out.println("The maximum number between the numbers " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The minimum number between the numbers " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 6 :
                             System.out.println("The squareroot of value " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The squareroot of value " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 7 :
                             System.out.println("The absolute number of " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The absolute number of " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 8 :
                             System.out.println("The octal equivalent of " + num1 + " is: " + octalEquivalent1());
                             System.out.println("The octal equivalent of " + num2 + " is: " + octalEquivalent2());
                             System.out.println("\nThe hexadecimal equivalent of " + num1 + " is: " + hexadecimalEquivalent1());
                             System.out.println("The hexadecimal equivalent of " + num2 + " is: " + hexadecimalEquivalent2());
                        case 9 :
                             System.out.println("The rounded number of " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The rounded number of " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 0 :
                             if (choice2 == 0) {
                   return choice2;
              public String anotherCalculation() throws IOException {
                   boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                             try {                              
                                  BufferedReader br3 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                                  System.out.print("\nWould you like to do another calculation? Y/N ");
                                  more = br3.readLine();
                                  String s1 = "y";
                                  String s2 = "Y";
                                  if (more.equals(s1) || more.equals(s2)) {
                                       inputCorrect = true;
                                       while (inputCorrect = true){
                                            inputCorrect = true;
                                  } else {
                                       System.out.println("\n" + nameSurname + " thank you for using this program, you have used this program for: " + decimals.format(programRuntime()) + " seconds");
                                       System.out.println("the program will now exit, Goodbye.");
                             } catch (IOException ex){
                                  System.out.println("You did not enter a valid answer: " + "\""+ more + "\" is not in the list!!");
                                  inputCorrect = false;
              return more;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
              Project p1 = new Project();
    *Can you please run my code for yourself and have a look at how this program is constructed*
    *and give me ANY feedback on how I can better this code(program) or if I've done anything wrong from your point of view.*
    Your help will be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Smirre wrote:
    Now my question is this: How can I restrict the user to only enter 'letters' (and spaces of course) but allow NO numbers for his/her surname??You cannot restrict the user. It is a sad fact in programming that the worst bug always sits in front of the Computer.
    What you could do is checking the input string for numbers. If it contains numbers, just reprompt for the Name.
    AND you might want to ask yourself why the heck a calculator needs to know the users Name.

  • Need help with installing Windows for the bar exam

    I need to retake the bar exam in Feb 2011 and I've decided to switch to typing. I am trying to figure out what Windows I need (the software says XP is fine but is that even available anymore)- so can someone walk me through this process? I've partioned my hard drive with the default 5GB but should it be more?
    I'm looking at buying Windows- is XP okay or should I shell out for 7-i.e. is one more compatible with Macs?
    And then finally, in the installation instructions they mention that I need my Mac OS disc for the process- is that the snow leopard disc or something else? My discs are in storage right now so should I wait until I get them before starting this process or can I get replacements if I accidentally threw them out in moving?
    Sorry for all the questions, but well, I'm racing to get everything done and I want to make sure I don't crash my system halfway through the exam!

    You don't need Boot Camp, but even XP will have a lot of stuff to update from after the install, and that takes temp space. Just as your Mac shows 5-10GB there is add'l hidden space used.
    Apple's 'requirements' has gotten others in trouble and I was pretty sure it was more like 10GB. Plus a lot of XP discs are now SP3.
    XP out of the box but connected to the net is just waiting for malware, average is 15 minutes to be infected. 7 is better and just in case you need it again.
    System Builder can come in 32 or 64-bit but XP is 32-bit only.
    VirtualBox by Oracle is a free VM.
    1GB for one program actually seems like a lot, or is that RAM requirement?

  • Need Help with instr/Regexp for the query

    Hi Oracle Folks
    I am using Oracle
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    I have some student responses and the valid values are +/-/O(alphabet)/P and spaces at the end of the sting only not in the middle.
    As per my requirement the record number 2 3,4 should be listed from the query but I am getting only one (record 3).
    Can we use REG_EXP
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance.
    with x as (
    SELECT '+-+-POPPPPPP   ' STUDENT_RESPONSE, 1 record_number FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT '+--AOPPPPPP++' STUDENT_RESPONSE, 2 record_number FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT '+-+-  OPPPPPP--' STUDENT_RESPONSE, 3 record_number FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT '+-+-9OPPPPPP   ' STUDENT_RESPONSE, 4 record_number FROM DUAL )

    Hi, Rajesh,
    Rb2000rb65 wrote:
    Hi Oracle Folks
    I am using Oracle
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsThanks for posting this (and the WITH clause for the sample data). That's very helpful.
    I have some student responses and the valid values are +/-/O(alphabet)/P and spaces at the end of the sting only not in the middle.Are you combining the responses to several qeustions in one VARCHAR2 column? It might be better to have a separate row for each question.
    As per my requirement the record number 2 3,4 should be listed from the query but I am getting only one (record 3). What exactly is your requirement? Are you trying to find the rows where student_response contains any of the forbidden characters, or where it contains a space anywhere but at the end of the string?
    Can we use REG_EXPYes, but it's easy enough, and probably more efficient, to not use regular expressions in this case:
    Here's one way:
    SELECT     record_number
    ,     student_response
    FROM     x
    WHERE     TRANSLATE ( UPPER ( RTRIM (student_response, ' '))
                , 'X+-OP'
                , 'X'
                )     IS NOT NULL
    ;That is, once you remove trailing spaces and all occurrences of '+', '-', 'O' or 'P', then only the forbidden characters are left, and you want to select the row if there are any of those.
    If you really, really want to use a regular expression:
    SELECT     record_number
    ,     student_response
    FROM     x
    WHERE     REGEXP_LIKE ( RTRIM (student_response)
                  , '[^-+OP]'          -- or '[^+OP-]', but not '[^+-OP]'.  Discuss amongst yourselves
                  , 'i'
    ;but, I repeat, this will probably be slower than the first solution, using TRANSLATE.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Oct 17, 2011 1:05 PM
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Oct 17, 2011 1:41 PM
    The following is slightly simpler than TRANSLATE:
    SELECT     record_number
    ,     student_response
    FROM     x
    WHERE     RTRIM ( UPPER ( RTRIM (student_response, ' '))
               , '+-OP'
               )          IS NOT NULL

  • Need help with Export workflow.

    Hello again.
    Today I was experimenting with exporting a project using Export QT Movie and QT Conversion.
    My goal is to show a QT project on the web, either 640x480 or 320xx240, depending on how monstrous the file size is.
    My initial impression was that export QT Movie simply generates (I'm guessing) a full size rendering of the project. It's icon is a FC icon. What I did then was an "Open with..." quicktime(pro). This is where I get confused: I know that the next steps are for for preparing the project for sizes, compressions and so on. The export to QT movie seems to be a longer route to get to the settings that you need to use in QT Conversion, which after selecting QT conversion, you have the Format, Use, and Options settings.
    Am I right so far?
    Some background about my project- Easy setup= DV-NTSC. If I look in my browser, my clips are 720x480, 29.97fps, Compressor(?)DV/DVCPRO-NTSC, pixel aspect ratio, NTSC-CCIR 601 and anamorphic is checked.
    I also have still photos motion control stuff, PS tiffs, that do not have anamorphic checked.
    Form here on is where I get confused.
    Under settings, I am selecting DV/dvc-NTSC for compression frame rate 29.97, medium compressor, scan mode, interlaced, and aspect 4:3.
    The filters setting I don't use.
    The size setting I'm trying 320x240 with aspect ratio and de interlace video UNCHECKED.
    Is this a good workflow for the web. I notice on 640x480 my titles (livetype) seem kind of jagged.
    Any help preparing a project for the web would be appreciated. If you need more info let me know.
    Thanks so much.

    Thanks for the additional comments and ideas.
    In terms of profile, as I mentioned, the intermediates will be going off to the editor (off-site) for editing on his FCP suite.  I'll stick to working in the prescribed HDTV (Rec. 709) space, and I've given him all the detail I can of how I'm working, but crucially I haven't stood at his edit-suite to see how the stuff looks.
    But, he's no newbie, so I'm hoping it'll be OK.
    Blasted shame about the H.264 BluRay not being compatible with QT - I thought I had this whole issue beat until that came along.  It's not a matter of disk space here, but the editor is mithering that the intermediates we are testing, in either PNG, or Animation, and a couple of others, are choking his playback.
    I'm not sure what to say about that, other than to go down this road of trying to squish these intermediates as low as possible without wrecking the look, hence finding that the DNxHD is providing the best solution.  If it had been a SD project, I might well have tried the native H.264, even over our normal PNG workflow.
    So what will play the native H.264 BluRay compressed output?

  • I have an itouch, most songs i got off my cd's. i have a new laptop and want to put songs from itouch to laptop.I can only get the songs that i purchased onto the laptop? need help with how to get the rest from itouch to laptop please??

    i have an itouch, most songs i got off my cd's. i have a new laptop and want to put songs from itouch to laptop.I can only get the songs that i purchased onto the laptop? need help with how to get the rest of the songs (from my cd's) from itouch to laptop please??

    See this previous discussion:
    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device: Apple Support Communities

  • I need help with export settings

    Hi everyone,
    I need help outputting an HD file for presenting a video to a client. I have tried exporting to HD .mov (H.264 codec) and PE keeps crashing (error compiling movie). From what I’ve read here, it’s due to the gargantuan file QT creates and HD space (even though I think I have enough HD available).
    So, I need a recommendation from you on what kind of file to output which will allow me to present the movie to the client in HD. This file is solely for the presentation, I have already published for web (FLV) and YouTube (direct share from PE) and they both worked fine.
    Here are my project specs:
    Timeline:           4:26
    Format:               1920 X 1080 HD
    Timebase:          29.97 frames per second
    OS:                        Windows XP SP3
    Processor:          Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.66GHz
    RAM:                    4GB
    Project Drive:   250GB disk with 152GB free space internal dedicated project drive (separate from OS)
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Hi Steve, Neale,
    I wanted to follow-up on this post. I came into the office today to run a few tests so I can make sure that I have the correct settings on my camera and PE project for the next time around. Here are few observations I was wondering if you can comment on:
    My Sony camera cannot shoot HDV. The only format it supports is AVCHD, so I'm stuck converting.
    I tried to convert the footage I have to HDV with the software I have (AVS Video Converter and Koyote Soft HD Converter) and neither of the two have an "HDV" conversion setting. I see AVI, MPEG, MOV and many different settings in each (AVI: Hd Video 1080p: H.264AVC, 29.97fps, 4200kbps, Audio MP3, 256 kbps or MPEG: HD Video 1080p - MPEG2, 15000 kbps, 1920X1080, 29.97fps, etc). What should I be looking for?
    I searched for "best file format" in the forum and found various postings from both of you referring to converting to DV-AVI within PE; especially if you have AVCHD footage (which I have). So, I followed directions and converted a file for testing. Then, I created a new project using HDV 1080i 30 settings and imported the converted file. I still get a red line on the timeline. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?
    I also converted the MOV files (shot in HDV 60i with the pro camera) to DV-AVI. I also get a red line on the timeline...
    The DV-AVI converted footage (both cases) doesn't appear to be HD. It looks jagged on the preview window. Is it HD?
    The DV-AVI converted footage is almost double the file size as the MTS (AVCHAD) file (138mb vs. 60mb). Isn't that going to make PE run slower?
    Thanks in advance for your help. I just wanna make sure I do my homework now so I set everything up correctly on the next project.
    P.S. I almost forgot! Here's the link to the live video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEkqPmefJV0
    Message was edited by: josejb70 - Added YouTube link

  • Need help with XI certif for technical consultant

    Hi XI experts ,
    I am trying for certif for Development Consultant SAP NetWeaver u201904 - Exchange Infrastructure & Integration Technology -  C_TBIT44_04 .
    Can somebody please give me some sample questions and answers?
    I really will appreciate such help since I donu2019t have any idea what kind of questions are at the exam!
    I only have heard it is not an easy exam to take.?Is this true?
    Also any shared experienced will be appreciate it. If you have, please give me more hands on information , not just course numbers and syllabus.
    Looking forward to receive info from you. Please use emal contcts in my Business Card.
    Thanks in advance all!

    Yes its true ...any SAP certification is never ever be the easy stuff...that could be easily achievable....
    You need to be well prepare for the Certification. There are many SDN links available for sample questions. you can just search on SDN as well as on Internet.
    1. SAP XI Certification - Important Topics
    2. Regarding XI Certification Material.
    3. Xi sample Certification questions
    XI certification passing used to be normally 65%. It may vary based on the runtime exam rules.
    There are marks as well as no of questions allocated for every section, so you may refer below link
    you can go to the following site and check the information.
    SAP XI Certification - Important Topics All about XI certification

  • Exporting video for the web for windows Media player

    What software can i use to compress an AVI file for the web. The finished product will be WMA file.

    WMA is Windows Media Audio. I think what you meant is WMV (Windows Media Video). To export to that format on a Mac you'll need Flip4ac, available from www.flip4mac.com Once you've installed it, it adds the WMV and WMA export option to QT and other apps such as Sorenson Squeeze.

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    I have adobe acrobat 9 standard with Adobe liveCycle Designer installed.
    There are couple of things I want to do.
    I would like to add a box where I can change the number (default is 1), and when I increase it, (for instance to two)
    it will postulate the particular sections twice.
    For instance, I am taking two drugs right now, then I would like to increase the number of drugs to 2, so then for each drug
    I would enter appropriate information such as drug name, drug form, route of drug administration etcs
    I hope this is clear
    I am trying to export this in xml format so that only the ones where the user fills in in pdf form gets exported to xml format.
    I would like the boxes to have its own tag, for instance the drug name mentioned above can have a tag of <drugname></drugname>
    I know this is possible through changing the box's name in binding tab.
    What I am interested in is to add a tag for the section, like a header.
    For example, if I were to enter two drug information I want the first drug information to be exported to be
    how would I add <drug> </drug> for each drug?
    also, can I change the order of the tags??
    in the pdf form, if the drugname box is displayed later than drugroute box, then when I export it, it will display as
    but I want to manually set the order of tags when exported.
    Sorry I asked so many questions
    I hope it is clear enough for you to visualize what I am trying to do
    Thank you so much

    1. You can certainly add sections for the number of drugs that the user specifies pr
    ovided that the form is set up the correct way to begin with. The drug information section must be wrapped in a subform (usually Poistioned) and that in turn must be wrapped in a flowed subform. Then the form must be saved as dynamic. If this information is all that is on the form then that shoudl be all you need to do. If th edrug section is in the middle of the form then you need to wrap the other parts of the form in a subform so they can be pushed down when we add the drug subforms. It can get confusing ...seeing the form amnd its structure would help to clarify.
    2. You canbnot change the names of tags on the fly but you can change their values. AS mentioned above, when you wrap the Drug information in a subform that subform name can be used as a tag in the XML. Then you could have a node with the tag (or an attribute) that names the drug in question. Something like this:
    <Drug Section>
         </Drug Subform>
    </Drug Section>
    As mentioned earlier this is always easier to explain when you see it in context of your form.....if you want to send it to me at [email protected] I can get you started at least. Please include a description of your issue in the email

  • Need help with export, truncate and import partitions for schema

    I need to export a couple partions for our Oracle 10g Data Warehouse, truncate the partions and re-import the data using the exported file. How can I do this?
    In summary here is what I need to do:
    1) Export partition P_SUB_1 of table1
    2) Export partition P_SUB2 of table2
    3) Truncate P_SUB1 partition of table1
    4) Truncate P_SUB2 partition of table2
    5) Rebuild indexes on table1 and table2
    6) Re-import data into each partition from export files.

    If you have enough free space it might be easier to keep these partition in the database and do an exchange.
    That means:
    create table tmp_sub1 as select * from table1 where 1=0;
    create table tmp_sub2 as select * from table2 where 1=0;
    alter table table1 exchange partition sub1 with table tmp_sub1;
    alter table table2 exchange partition sub2 with table tmp_sub2;After that your have the data of your original partitions in the tmp tables and the particular partitions in the partitioned table are empty and ready for the loading process.
    If the loading process fail and you need to restore the partitions just reverse the exchange statements and you are done.

  • I need help with my project [Navigator application acesible thru the phone]

    I am currently working on my project proposal for the project i want to do. I need to develop a navigator appliation that is accesible thru a phone and hsa the following features:
    1. Load image in display buffer and deending on wat user inputs, then i can manipulate the image and draw stuff on it like if the user requires the shortest route, then it can be drawn...
    2. Provide traffic updates from rss feeds [online]- in this case i need to know how to use the http request class in J2ME wireless toolkit.
    3. Incorporate GPS System or if any other otpion is there for me to be able to tell the location of a user dynamically and use that info to map the location on the map image in the display buffer
    4. Provide info about places using pop ups depending on what the user inputs
    5 general advice on MIDP development esp that its different from wat am used to [desktop programming]...
    The biggest challenge is that am new to mobile apps esp MIDP,Am a student in my final year, and the proosal is this coming week and ineed some help [or should i say breakthrough] SOMEBODY HELP ME..!!

    Sup mismis ,
    Its a shame to say this but am so new to this i would bore you to death coz i have little (if any soultions)...but i believe if we work together we can go far...
    The gps part was quite as process because either way, i had to go thru a 3rd party to get the service, so wat i said i will do is simulate a gpsi.e have a sub component on the side that simultes a gps (as i believe it return the latiotude and longitude positions of wea u are) then using this info i can trace on which region of the map you fall in depending on what mesh u fall in, is that simple or wat?
    The othe rthing is that am using J2ME which am not familiar alot wih. Ive used netbeans but for desktop applications not mobile....
    But i also have a question, since the whole app would be better on the mobile fully, how do u include the dbase?

  • Help with exporting HD for use in DVDSP.

    Hi Guys,
    Very glad I found this forum as I am just out of ideas to get this working. Here is the situation:
    I have a project of a wedding in HDV, which contains 3 sequences with the following lengths:
    The Service = 45mins
    Photoshoot = 5mins
    Reception = 80mins
    I have decided I would like to have the Service + photoshoot on ONE DVD and the reception on ONE DVD. If possible? If not possible I will have the reception spread over two but i do not see the need.
    First of all I have a Powermac dual 1.8 which doesn't have a dual layer dvd burner, so to have a higher quality result and to be able to fit more on I have decided I probably best to get a Dual Layer burner to do this project.
    But before I do that, I need to work out what is the best settings for exporting this project out of FCP 5.1 to work on a SD DVD? Do I use compressor? If so which preset or what settings of my own? I have tried various things and I honestly get lost and my project in DVD SP is around 12GB. So i try exporting again with other ways in compressor and then the quality just looks terrible.
    The FCP project is all in HDV with apple intermediate codec so I would be exporting from that, but obviously only need the DVD in SD!
    If it helps converting the HD project to SD/DV I can do that with the sequence which I did try and then some more export experimenting but it looked really bad.
    Please help guys I am desperate and no idea on what to do here.
    I really appreciate your time, feel free to ask me anything to help you determine what I should do.
    Thank you so much.
    G5 Dual 1.8ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   2.5gb ram, 320gb + 160gb + 320gb ext.

    Thanks for the reply.
    How can I set the audio in the DVD SP project?
    I am using the "default" settings now which are 4.0 and 7.0 and it still says too high? Whats the deal
    Here is the log:
    Starting DVD Build HAWKESDVDPROJECT...
    Compiler Initializing...
    Precompiling Project HAWKESDVDPROJECT
    Compiling VMG Information...
    Created 9 PGCs in VTSM1
    Created 5 PGCs in VTSM2
    Created 5 PGCs in VTSM3
    Created 5 PGCs in VTSM4
    Created 5 PGCs in VTSM5
    Created 8 PGCs in VMG.
    1 Menu(s) will be created...
    Compiling Menu PGCs...
    Compiling Menu#1 (Menu 1)...
    Rendering Menu:Menu 1,Language:1...
    Generating Transition: VTSM #01, VOB #1...
    Generating Transition: VTSM #01, VOB #2...
    Writing VIDEO_TS.VOB
    Compiling Menu PGCs...
    Writing VTS020.VOB
    Compiling Menu PGCs...
    Writing VTS030.VOB
    Compiling Menu PGCs...
    Writing VTS040.VOB
    Compiling Menu PGCs...
    Writing VTS050.VOB
    5 VTSs and 5 Titles will be created...
    Compiling VTS#1 (PhotoShoot-uncomp8bit (Video))...
    Muxing VTS011.VOB
    Compiling VTS#2 (PhotoShoot-uncomp8bit (Video)-2)...
    Writing VTS020.VOB
    Muxing VTS021.VOB
    Compiling VTS#3 (PhotoShoot-uncomp8bit (Video)-3)...
    Writing VTS030.VOB
    Muxing VTS031.VOB
    Compiling VTS#4 (Service-uncomp8bit (Video))...
    Writing VTS040.VOB
    Muxing VTS041.VOB
    Video Bitrate Too High
    I'm not sure whats going on with 3 different photoshoots? I am so lost and restarted the project about 4 times now.
    Mode: One Pass?
    Motion Estimation?
    Any suggestions? Sorry to keep bothering you.

  • Need help with exporting video

    I hope that you will be able to assist me with my issue. This products has been a learning curve and I am finally down to the end of this project but I am struggling with creating the final product. What I really would like is to create a MP4 or something comparable that can be put on a jump drive and played on any computer. Also, I need to have the menu in the beginning of the DVD instead of the video itself beginning at start up.
    Edited by: Kevin Monahan
    Reason: Please make a shorter title for your post.

    Not quite sure if you want mp4 just to play on the computer or do you want to make a dvd also.
    Mp4 does not come with a menu, under H.264 you will find several presets like HD 1080p.
    If you want a menu you have to make a dvd but you need Encore to do so. Encore is a seperate download.
    Follow the instructions in the link
    Encore CS6 not installed with Creative Cloud 
    For exporting to dvd you need to make mpeg2-dvd file.
    I gather you have never worked with Encore then follow instructions in link below.
    Using Encore CS6 with PremierePro CC « DAV's TechTable 

  • Need Help with Export

    I have a 57 min project( 1920x1080 i )  that I have exported as 1920 x 1080 P QT movie. It's about 6 GB.  I will be showing this on a projector. I went to the venue to test things out, but due to some difference in cables plus Mac file vs windows system, was not able to do a test.  From what I saw on start up of the projector the resolution is something like 800x 600 .
    If I were to re-export this project or perhaps convert it using QT Pro........would there be any benefit to using a different resolution say like 1240 x 720 ? 
    I would have a smaller file size for sure but might the projector handle a lower resolution better ?  I am going to be testing my movie again tomorrow afternoon and would like to have the best image I can squeeze out of the equipment.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Thanks for the quick response Tom.  I can't play it from my MBP because my machune's output doesn't connect to the projector.  They don't have HDMI wired to the projector from the podium,  but I can use my wifes older MBP to connect.  I'll try setting the resoultion as you suggested.  I'll also take a thumb drive with the movie to try on their windows XP machine and see what I can do with that.  Go back to a windows machine seems very foreign to me now.

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