I need to get Keyboard input as well as mouse input on a JButton

I need to get Keyboard input as well as mouse input on a JButton
I have attempted to implement KeyListener. I get the keyCode but I need it to go in to the same String variable as my Actionlistener section.

Here is the code I have trouble with getting keyboard input as wells as mouse input into the same variable.
public class Calctester extends JFrame
implements ActionListener, KeyListener
private double var1, var2;//var1 and var2 are used to perform calculation
String operand1 = "";//takes first input until an operator is pressed
String operand2 = "";//takes input after operator is invoked
double result;//is used to store the result
boolean flag = false;//to signal operator pressed
boolean decimalFlag = false;//to signal decimal pressed
String stringInput;//used as a temporary store for all entry to allow for conditions to be evaluated
char ch; //used to store the operator for comparison//Reason is pre does not compare using string
String pre = "";//used to store the operator
double mem; //will hold memory operation values
double vMod; //Temporary store for var2 to be used with percent operations
//Creates buttons
JButton btn0 = new JButton("0");
JButton btn1 = new JButton("1");
JButton btn2 = new JButton("2");
JButton btn3 = new JButton("3");
JButton btn4 = new JButton("4");
JButton btn5 = new JButton("5");
JButton btn6 = new JButton("6");
JButton btn7 = new JButton("7");
JButton btn8 = new JButton("8");
JButton btn9 = new JButton("9");
JButton btnC = new JButton("C");
JButton btnCE = new JButton("CE");
JButton btnBkpSpc = new JButton("Backspace");
JButton btnPlus = new JButton("+");
JButton btnMinus = new JButton("-");
JButton btnMultiply = new JButton("*");
JButton btnDivide = new JButton("/");
JButton btnEquals = new JButton("=");
JButton btnPeriod = new JButton(".");
JButton btnPlusMinus = new JButton("+/-");
JButton btnSqrt = new JButton("sqrt");
JButton btnMod = new JButton("%");
JButton btnOneOverX = new JButton("1/x");
JButton btnMC = new JButton("MC");
JButton btnMR = new JButton("MR");
JButton btnMS = new JButton("MS");
JButton btnMPlus = new JButton("M+");
//Displays Text area for Display
JTextField txtArea = new JTextField("0.");//The calculation display area set to 0.
JTextField mArea = new JTextField();//to display memory operations
//Default constructor
//Defines a content pane
Container c = getContentPane();
//Defines the layout of the frame and sets it to null to allow absolute positioning
//Defines event handling
//Adds the buttons to the frame and sets the font of the label to be
//logical font Dialog,plain as opposed to Bold and the label size to 12
//Also sets the border type of aech button
c.add(btn0).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn0.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn1).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn1.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn2).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn2.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn3).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn3.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn4).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn4.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn5).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn5.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn6).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn6.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn7).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn7.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn8).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn8.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btn9).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btn9.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnC).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnC.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnCE).setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnCE.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnBkpSpc).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnBkpSpc.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnPlus).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnPlus.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnMinus).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnMinus.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnMultiply).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnMultiply.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnDivide).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnDivide.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnEquals).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnEquals.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnPeriod).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnPeriod.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnPlusMinus).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnPlusMinus.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnMod).setFont(new Font("Albertus Medium", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnMod.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnSqrt).setFont(new Font("Microsoft San Serif", Font.PLAIN, 11));
btnSqrt.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnOneOverX).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnOneOverX.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnMC).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnMC.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnMS).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnMS.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnMR).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnMR.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
c.add(btnMPlus).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
btnMPlus.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
//sets the color of the label of the buttons
//The display text area and the memory operation text area
txtArea.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED));
txtArea.setBounds(7,0,240,25);//To provide a Text box @ the top of the frame
mArea.setBounds(13, 35, 28, 25);
mArea.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED));
setSize(260,251);//size of the frame
setTitle("Calculator"); //Title
setVisible(true); //this makes the frame visible on the screen
setResizable(false); //this disallow resizing of the frame
setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);//to close app
//instead of the above method you can use the WindowsListener which extennds other classes and implements other interfaces.
setLocation(300,200);//positioning of the window on the screen
txtArea.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT);//sets the text in the text field to the right
mArea.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER);//centers the label
JMenu editMenu = new JMenu("Edit");//creates menu
JMenuItem copy = new JMenuItem("Copy Ctrl+C");//creates menu item
copy.addActionListener(this);//event handling
JMenuItem paste = new JMenuItem("Paste Ctrl+V");//creates menu
paste.addActionListener(this);//event handling
JMenuBar myMenu = new JMenuBar();//declares a menu bar
setJMenuBar(myMenu);//adds the menu bar to the frame
editMenu.setBorderPainted(false);//removes the border shadow around the menu bar
myMenu.setBorderPainted(false);//removes the border shadow around menu bar
//adds menu items to the menu, sets the font and font size.
editMenu.add(paste).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));//
editMenu.add(copy).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
myMenu.add(editMenu).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
JMenu viewMenu = new JMenu("View");//creates menu
JMenuItem sci = new JMenuItem("Scientific");//creates menu item
sci.addActionListener(this);//event handling
JMenuItem std = new JMenuItem("Standard");//creates menu item
//adds menu items to the menu, sets the font and font size.
viewMenu.add(sci).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
viewMenu.add(std).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
myMenu.add(viewMenu).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help");//creates menu
JMenuItem helpTopics = new JMenuItem("Help Topics");//creates menu item
JMenuItem aboutCalc = new JMenuItem("About Calculator");//creates menu item
helpTopics.addActionListener(this);//event handling
//helpTopics.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
//adds menu items to the menu, sets the font and font size.
helpMenu.add(helpTopics).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
helpMenu.add(aboutCalc).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
myMenu.add(helpMenu).setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
//aboutCalc.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
//aboutCalc.setActionCommand("Nothing here right now");
//Setting absolute positions for the buttons.
btn0.setBounds(50, 160, 35, 28);
btn1.setBounds(50, 130, 35, 28);
btn2.setBounds(90, 130, 35, 28);
btn3.setBounds(130, 130, 35, 28);
btn4.setBounds(50, 100, 35, 28);
btn5.setBounds(90, 100, 35, 28);
btn6.setBounds(130, 100, 35, 28);
btn7.setBounds(50, 70, 35, 28);
btn8.setBounds(90, 70, 35, 28);
btn9.setBounds(130, 70, 35, 28);
btnC.setBounds(180, 35, 63, 28);
btnCE.setBounds(115, 35, 63, 28);
btnBkpSpc.setBounds(50, 35, 63, 28);
btnPlus.setBounds(170, 160, 35, 28);
btnMinus.setBounds(170, 130, 35, 28);
btnMultiply.setBounds(170, 100, 35, 28);
btnDivide.setBounds(170, 70, 35, 28);
btnEquals.setBounds(210, 160, 35, 28);
btnPeriod.setBounds(130, 160, 35, 28);
btnPlusMinus.setBounds(90, 160, 35, 28);
btnMC.setBounds(8, 70, 35, 28);
btnMR.setBounds(8, 100, 35, 28);
btnMS.setBounds(8, 130, 35, 28);
btnMPlus.setBounds(8, 160, 35, 28);
btnSqrt.setBounds(210, 70, 35, 28);
btnMod.setBounds(210, 100, 35, 28);
btnOneOverX.setBounds(210, 130, 35, 28);
// btn7.addKeyListener(this);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Could not load Metal Look and Feel");
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
//btn1 = txtArea.getRegisteredKeyStrokes();
// System.out.println(1);
// keyTyped();
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
//if (e.getActionCommand().equals("1"));
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
//displayInfo(e, "KEY TYPED: ");
System.err.println("KeyTyped >>> " + e.KEY_TYPED);
/* protected void displayInfo (KeyEvent e, string s)
int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
keyCodeString = "key code " + keyCode
+ "("
+ KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyCode);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
stringInput = e.getActionCommand();
System.out.println("First stringInput action performed>>" +stringInput);
System.out.println("First pre action performed>>" +pre);
if (stringInput == "C")
operand1 = "";
operand2 = "";
var1 = 0;
var2 = 0;
var1 = result;
flag = false;//to force the operations to jump to operand 1 and go through the loop as normal
pre = "";
if (stringInput == "CE")
operand2 = "";
var2 = 0;
flag = true;//to force the operations to jump to operand 1 and go through the loop as normal
if (stringInput == "MR")
if (var1 != 0)
System.err.println("mem@operand1 >> "+ mem );
else if (var2 != 0)
System.err.println("mem @ mR else>> "+ mem );
if (stringInput == "MS")
if (operand1 != "")
mem = var1;
else if (operand2 != "")
mem = var2;
mem = 0;
if (stringInput == "MC")
mArea.setText("");//to clear the text area display
mem = 0;//to reset the variable
if (stringInput == "M+")
flag = true;//to force the operations to jump to operand 2 and go through the loop as normal
if (stringInput == "=")
//result = evaluate();
System.out.println("Equals>>" +stringInput);
System.out.println("Equals>>" +pre);
System.err.println("The flag at equals is " + flag);
if (stringInput == "+"||stringInput == "-"||stringInput == "/"||
stringInput == "*"||stringInput == "=")
pre = pre.concat(stringInput);
System.out.println("Second action perfo/check for operator>>" +stringInput);
System.out.println("Second pre action perfo/check for operator>>" +pre);
operand2 = "";
System.err.println("The flag at +,- etc is " + flag);
if(!flag &&(stringInput == "*"|| stringInput == "/"))
var2 = 1;
stringInput = "";
flag = true;
stringInput = pre;
System.out.println("if flag true/stringInput" +stringInput);
System.out.println("flag true/pre" +pre);
//These statements extract the operator
stringInput = pre.valueOf(pre.charAt(pre.length()-2));
ch = pre.charAt(pre.length()-2);
System.out.println("@ position -2 stringInput" + pre.valueOf(pre.charAt(pre.length()-2)));
System.out.println("@ position -2 pre" + pre.charAt(pre.length()-2));
result = evaluate();
var2 = 0;
operand2 = "";
System.out.println("Total is " + result);
flag = true;
if(!flag &&(stringInput == "*"|| stringInput == "/"))
var2 = 1;
stringInput = "";
flag = true;
if (stringInput == "%")
System.err.println("mem @ mR else>> "+ result + " %" );
if (stringInput == "1/x")
if (operand1 != "")
//System.err.println("mem@operand1 >> "+ mem );
else if (operand2 != "")
operand2 = "";
//System.err.println(">> "+ mem );
if (Character.isDigit(stringInput.charAt(0))||stringInput == ".")
if (stringInput == "." && operand1 == "")
operand1 = "0";
System.out.print("fail op1");
if (stringInput == "." && operand2 == "")
System.out.print("fail op2");
operand2 = "0";
if (flag==false)
operand1 = operand1.concat(stringInput);
result = Double.parseDouble(operand1);
System.out.println("op1 =>" + operand1);
//result = var1;
System.out.println("result after var1 = result " + result);
operand2 = operand2.concat(stringInput);
var2 = Double.parseDouble(operand2);
//var2 = vMod;
System.out.println("op2 =>" + operand2);
txtArea.setText(" ");//to clear the text area
txtArea.setText(operand2);//to display the second number if (operators == "+")
System.out.println("result after var2 " + result);
public double evaluate()
if (ch == '+' )
result = result + var2;
if (ch == '-' )
result = result - var2;
if (ch == '/' )
result = result / var2;
if (ch == '*' )
result = result * var2;
if (ch == '%')
var2 = Double.parseDouble(operand2);
result = result/vMod*100;
System.out.println("% "+ result);
return result;
public static void main(String [] args)
Calctester x = new Calctester();

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    Hello Fignut,,
    this is the forum for the JavaHelp product, not for general java programming questions.
    Unfortunately I have no supernatural powers to know how your Keyboard class looks like, so I can offer only a solution with the standard API
        String line;
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    So you are trying to connect both your computer speakers and your receiver to the sound card at the same time? Are teh computer speakers running through the receiver, or are they two separate deals?
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    except to cause me to rebuild my workspace.
    So you have never saved your workspace?
    figuring out what the H it's doing this time.
    Consulting the Help might help.
    Check out »Temporarily zoom an image« under »Viewing images«:
    holding the shift key down activates the grabber tool for moving the image around
    Do you mean the spring-loaded Hand Tool? You could try the spacebar.
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    public static void main(String[] args)
    char rock = 'r';
    char paper = 'p';
    char sciccsors = 's';
    System.out.println("Player 1 please enter a letter");
    char c1 = SavitchIn.readChar();
    System.out.println("Player 2 please enter a letter");
    char c2 = SavitchIn.readChar();
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    char paper = 'p';
    char sciccsors = 's';
    if ((c1 == rock) && (c2 == paper))
    System.out.println("Player 2 Wins");
    private static boolean quitoption()
    System.out.print("Would you like to repeat this program?");
    System.out.println(" (y for yes or n for no)");
    char answer = SavitchIn.readLineNonwhiteChar();
    return ((answer == 'y') || (answer == 'Y'));
    thanks for your help
    (i will reply to this post with the code required to make the SavitchIn.readline thing work.

    this is the code required for the SavitchIn read- copy the below code and save it as SavitchIn.java:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    *Class for simple console input.
    *A class designed primarily for simple keyboard input of the form
    *one input value per line. If the user enters an improper input,
    *i.e., an input of the wrong type or a blank line, then the user
    *is prompted to reenter the input and given a brief explanation
    *of what is required. Also includes some additional methods to
    *input single numbers, words, and characters, without going to
    *the next line.
    public class SavitchIn
    *Reads a line of text and returns that line as a String value.
    *The end of a line must be indicated either by a new-line
    *character '\n' or by a carriage return '\r' followed by a
    *new-line character '\n'. (Almost all systems do this
    *automatically. So, you need not worry about this detail.)
    *Neither the '\n', nor the '\r' if present, are part of the
    *string returned. This will read the rest of a line if the
    *line is already partially read.
    public static String readLine()
    char nextChar;
    String result = "";
    boolean done = false;
    while (!done)
    nextChar = readChar();
    if (nextChar == '\n')
    done = true;
    else if (nextChar == '\r')
    //Do nothing.
    //Next loop iteration will detect '\n'
    result = result + nextChar;
    return result;
    *Reads the first string of nonwhite characters on a line and
    *returns that string. The rest of the line is discarded. If
    *the line contains only white space, then the user is asked
    *to reenter the line.
    public static String readLineWord()
    String inputString = null,
    result = null;
    boolean done = false;
    inputString = readLine();
    StringTokenizer wordSource =
    new StringTokenizer(inputString);
    if (wordSource.hasMoreTokens())
    result = wordSource.nextToken();
    done = true;
    "Your input is not correct. Your input must");
    "contain at least one nonwhitespace character.");
    "Please, try again. Enter input:");
    return result;
    *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type int on
    *a line by itself, except that there may be white space before
    *and/or after the number.
    *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type int.
    *The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is not
    *entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will be
    *asked to reenter the input. In particular, this applies to
    *incorrect number formats and blank lines.
    public static int readLineInt()
    String inputString = null;
    int number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy.
    //Designed to look like a garbage value.
    boolean done = false;
    while (! done)
    inputString = readLine();
    inputString = inputString.trim();
    number = Integer.parseInt(inputString);
    done = true;
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    "Your input number is not correct.");
    System.out.println("Your input number must be");
    System.out.println("a whole number written as an");
    System.out.println("ordinary numeral, such as 42");
    System.out.println("Minus signs are OK,"
    + "but do not use a plus sign.");
    System.out.println("Please, try again.");
    System.out.println("Enter a whole number:");
    return number;
    *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type long on
    *a line by itself, except that there may be white space
    *before and/or after the number.
    *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type
    *long. The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is not
    *entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will be asked
    *to reenter the input. In particular, this applies to
    *incorrect number formats and blank lines.
    public static long readLineLong()
    String inputString = null;
    long number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy.
    //Designed to look like a garbage value.
    boolean done = false;
    while (! done)
    inputString = readLine();
    inputString = inputString.trim();
    number = Long.parseLong(inputString);
    done = true;
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    "Your input number is not correct.");
    System.out.println("Your input number must be");
    System.out.println("a whole number written as an");
    System.out.println("ordinary numeral, such as 42");
    System.out.println("Minus signs are OK,"
    + "but do not use a plus sign.");
    System.out.println("Please, try again.");
    System.out.println("Enter a whole number:");
    return number;
    *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type double
    *on a line by itself, except that there may be white space
    *before and/or after the number.
    *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type
    *double. The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is
    *not entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will be
    *asked to reenter the input. In particular, this applies to
    *incorrect number formats and blank lines.
    public static double readLineDouble()
    String inputString = null;
    double number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy.
    //Designed to look like a garbage value.
    boolean done = false;
    while (! done)
    inputString = readLine();
    inputString = inputString.trim();
    number = Double.parseDouble(inputString);
    done = true;
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    "Your input number is not correct.");
    System.out.println("Your input number must be");
    System.out.println("an ordinary number either with");
    System.out.println("or without a decimal point,");
    System.out.println("such as 42 or 9.99");
    System.out.println("Please, try again.");
    System.out.println("Enter the number:");
    return number;
    *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type float
    *on a line by itself, except that there may be white space
    *before and/or after the number.
    *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type
    *float. The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is
    *not entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will
    *be asked to reenter the input. In particular,
    *this applies to incorrect number formats and blank lines.
    public static float readLineFloat()
    String inputString = null;
    float number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy.
    //Designed to look like a garbage value.
    boolean done = false;
    while (! done)
    inputString = readLine();
    inputString = inputString.trim();
    number = Float.parseFloat(inputString);
    done = true;
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    "Your input number is not correct.");
    System.out.println("Your input number must be");
    System.out.println("an ordinary number either with");
    System.out.println("or without a decimal point,");
    System.out.println("such as 42 or 9.99");
    System.out.println("Please, try again.");
    System.out.println("Enter the number:");
    return number;
    *Reads the first nonwhite character on a line and returns
    *that character. The rest of the line is discarded. If the
    *line contains only white space, then the user is asked to
    *reenter the line.
    public static char readLineNonwhiteChar()
    boolean done = false;
    String inputString = null;
    char nonWhite = ' ';//To keep the compiler happy.
    while (! done)
    inputString = readLine();
    inputString = inputString.trim();
    if (inputString.length() == 0)
    "Your input is not correct.");
    System.out.println("Your input must contain at");
    "least one nonwhitespace character.");
    System.out.println("Please, try again.");
    System.out.println("Enter input:");
    nonWhite = (inputString.charAt(0));
    done = true;
    return nonWhite;
    *Input should consist of a single word on a line, possibly
    *surrounded by white space. The line is read and discarded.
    *If the input word is "true" or "t", then true is returned.
    *If the input word is "false" or "f", then false is returned.
    *Uppercase and lowercase letters are considered equal. If the
    *user enters anything else (e.g., multiple words or different
    *words), then the user is asked to reenter the input.
    public static boolean readLineBoolean()
    boolean done = false;
    String inputString = null;
    boolean result = false;//To keep the compiler happy.
    while (! done)
    inputString = readLine();
    inputString = inputString.trim();
    if (inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
    || inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("t"))
    result = true;
    done = true;
    else if (inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("false")
    || inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("f"))
    result = false;
    done = true;
    "Your input number is not correct.");
    System.out.println("Your input must be");
    System.out.println("one of the following:");
    System.out.println("the word true,");
    System.out.println("the word false,");
    System.out.println("the letter T,");
    System.out.println("or the letter F.");
    System.out.println("You may use either upper-");
    System.out.println("or lowercase letters.");
    System.out.println("Please, try again.");
    System.out.println("Enter input:");
    return result;
    *Reads the next input character and returns that character. The
    *next read takes place on the same line where this one left off.
    public static char readChar()
    int charAsInt = -1; //To keep the compiler happy
    charAsInt = System.in.read();
    catch(IOException e)
    System.out.println("Fatal error. Ending Program.");
    return (char)charAsInt;
    *Reads the next nonwhite input character and returns that
    *character. The next read takes place immediately after
    *the character read.
    public static char readNonwhiteChar()
    char next;
    next = readChar();
    while (Character.isWhitespace(next))
    next = readChar();
    return next;
    *The following methods are not used in the text, except for
    *a brief reference in Chapter 2. No program code uses them.
    *However, some programmers may want to use them.
    *Precondition: The next input in the stream consists of an
    *int value, possibly preceded by white space, but definitely
    *followed by white space.
    *Action: Reads the first string of nonwhite characters
    *and returns the int value it represents. Discards the first
    *whitespace character after the word. The next read takes
    *place immediately after the discarded whitespace.
    *In particular, if the word is at the end of a line, the
    *next reading will take place starting on the next line.
    *If the next word does not represent an int value,
    *a NumberFormatException is thrown.
    public static int readInt() throws NumberFormatException
    String inputString = null;
    inputString = readWord();
    return Integer.parseInt(inputString);
    *Precondition: The next input consists of a long value,
    *possibly preceded by white space, but definitely
    *followed by white space.
    *Action: Reads the first string of nonwhite characters and
    *returns the long value it represents. Discards the first
    *whitespace character after the string read. The next read
    *takes place immediately after the discarded whitespace.
    *In particular, if the string read is at the end of a line,
    *the next reading will take place starting on the next line.
    *If the next word does not represent a long value,
    *a NumberFormatException is thrown.
    public static long readLong()
    throws NumberFormatException
    String inputString = null;
    inputString = readWord();
    return Long.parseLong(inputString);
    *Precondition: The next input consists of a double value,
    *possibly preceded by white space, but definitely
    *followed by white space.
    *Action: Reads the first string of nonwhitespace characters
    *and returns the double value it represents. Discards the
    *first whitespace character after the string read. The next
    *read takes place immediately after the discarded whitespace.
    *In particular, if the string read is at the end of a line,
    *the next reading will take place starting on the next line.
    *If the next word does not represent a double value,
    *a NumberFormatException is thrown.
    public static double readDouble()
    throws NumberFormatException
    String inputString = null;
    inputString = readWord();
    return Double.parseDouble(inputString);
    *Precondition: The next input consists of a float value,
    *possibly preceded by white space, but definitely
    *followed by white space.
    *Action: Reads the first string of nonwhite characters and
    *returns the float value it represents. Discards the first
    *whitespace character after the string read. The next read
    *takes place immediately after the discarded whitespace.
    *In particular, if the string read is at the end of a line,
    *the next reading will take place starting on the next line.
    *If the next word does not represent a float value,
    *a NumberFormatException is thrown.
    public static float readFloat()
    throws NumberFormatException
    String inputString = null;
    inputString = readWord();
    return Float.parseFloat(inputString);
    *Reads the first string of nonwhite characters and returns
    *that string. Discards the first whitespace character after
    *the string read. The next read takes place immediately after
    *the discarded whitespace. In particular, if the string
    *read is at the end of a line, the next reading will take
    *place starting on the next line. Note, that if it receives
    *blank lines, it will wait until it gets a nonwhitespace
    public static String readWord()
    String result = "";
    char next;
    next = readChar();
    while (Character.isWhitespace(next))
    next = readChar();
    while (!(Character.isWhitespace(next)))
    result = result + next;
    next = readChar();
    if (next == '\r')
    next = readChar();
    if (next != '\n')
    "Fatal Error in method readWord of class SavitchIn.");
    return result;
    *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type byte on
    *a line by itself, except that there may be white space before
    *and/or after the number.
    *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type byte.
    *The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is not
    *entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will be
    *asked to reenter the input. In particular, this applies to
    *incorrect number formats and blank lines.
    public static byte readLineByte()
    String inputString = null;
    byte number = -123;//To keep the compiler happy.
    //Designed to look like a garbage value.
    boolean done = false;
    while (! done)
    inputString = readLine();
    inputString = inputString.trim();
    number = Byte.parseByte(inputString);
    done = true;
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    "Your input number is not correct.");
    System.out.println("Your input number must be a");
    System.out.println("whole number in the range");
    System.out.println("-128 to 127, written as");
    System.out.println("an ordinary numeral, such as 42.");
    System.out.println("Minus signs are OK,"
    + "but do not use a plus sign.");
    System.out.println("Please, try again.");
    System.out.println("Enter a whole number:");
    return number;
    *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type short on
    *a line by itself, except that there may be white space before
    *and/or after the number.
    *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type short.
    *The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is not
    *entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will be
    *asked to reenter the input. In particular, this applies to
    *incorrect number formats and blank lines.
    public static short readLineShort()
    String inputString = null;
    short number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy.
    //Designed to look like a garbage value.
    boolean done = false;
    while (! done)
    inputString = readLine();
    inputString = inputString.trim();
    number = Short.parseShort(inputString);
    done = true;
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    "Your input number is not correct.");
    System.out.println("Your input number must be a");
    System.out.println("whole number in the range");
    System.out.println("-32768 to 32767, written as");
    System.out.println("an ordinary numeral, such as 42.");
    System.out.println("Minus signs are OK,"
    + "but do not use a plus sign.");
    System.out.println("Please, try again.");
    System.out.println("Enter a whole number:");
    return number;
    public static byte readByte() throws NumberFormatException
    String inputString = null;
    inputString = readWord();
    return Byte.parseByte(inputString);
    public static short readShort() throws NumberFormatException
    String inputString = null;
    inputString = readWord();
    return Short.parseShort(inputString);
    //The following was intentionally not used in the code for
    //other methods so that somebody reading the code could more
    //quickly see what was being used.
    *Reads the first byte in the input stream and returns that
    *byte as an int. The next read takes place where this one
    *left off. This read is the same as System.in.read(),
    *except that it catches IOExceptions.
    public static int read()
    int result = -1; //To keep the compiler happy
    result = System.in.read();
    catch(IOException e)
    System.out.println("Fatal error. Ending Program.");
    return result;

  • How to get the input details on the output screen in T code KCR0

    Hi All,
    How to get the input details on the output screen in T code KCR0, the issue is that we need to get the input details like Company code and payment date on the output screen while executing the report painter via t code KCR0.
    I tried to chane the settings via t code KCR6 but still didn't get the required output details.

    This is the asset accounting forum.  You should post your question in the proper forum.

  • Keyboard input not working at boot

    Hello --
    I don't get keyboard input for ~30 seconds at boot, and I'm not sure why. I'm using a hand-rolled kernel with no initrd, though when I use the stock Arch kernel with initrd it does the same thing. According to my kernel logs, the keyboard is recognized before the root filesystem is mounted (and it appears to be PS2, not USB), and from reading the rc scripts, little or nothing happens after the ttys are started.
    udev starts before the root fs is mounted, and when root is fscked at boot, I don't encounter this problem. Therefore I think udev is at fault. Via I can't find any information on telling udev to deal with the keyboard earlier.
    Any ideas on how to fix this? Other than putting "sleep 30" in my rc scripts, that is.

    Sorry, I wasn't being very clear.
    I'm using a laptop, and lsusb doesn't report anything except the buses themselves. Therefore I concluded that my keyboard is not a USB keyboard, as I mentioned above.
    This is booting to a tty console, not to X, so it can't be a KDE issue. And I have full control of my keyboard with GRUB; it's just the kernel that hesitates to acknowledge its existence.

  • Keyboard input help!?

    What is the easiest way to get keyboard input into my application?

    Do you know [url http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=java+keyboard+input&btnG=Google+Search&meta=]Google? It is very helpful.
    Also you should read thoroughly the [url http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/index.html]Essential Java Classes Tutorial, more specifically (related to the question): [url http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/system/iostreams.html]The Standard I/O Streams Tutorial.

  • Read keyboard input as binary

    how can i read keyboard input as binary

    7biscuits wrote:
    I want to be able to get keyboard input as binary as the key is being pressed, without having to press enter,That requirement should have been posted in your original question!
    7biscuits wrote:
    This is required to enable my program respond to (ctrl , alt , shift , F1 , F2 etc) key's.
    Does anyone know how to do it?Reading keyboard input without pressing return on the standard shell (command prompt), this is not possible with Java.

  • I need to get an icon on the selection screen as well as selection text .

    HI ,
           Can anybody please tell me how to get an icon in the selection-screen along with the selection texts written for select-options or parameters.
    For Example:
                        Select-Options: S_WERKS  For  T001w-werks,
                                                S_AUART   For  TVAKT-AUART,
                                                S_ERDAT   For  LIKP-ERDAT.
                     FOR S_WERKS  i write (WareHouse)
                     FOR S_AUART   i write (OrderType)
                     FOR S_ERDAT  i write  (PlantDate)
              I need to get the icons for this fields as well as selection texts written for these fields.
    I will reward full points to the solution.

    Hi mohan,
    <b>Run the below code</b>
    Report zex33.
    tables : t001w,
    type-pools: icon.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 1(20) text_001.
    select-options: S_WERKS For T001w-werks.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 1(20) text_002.
    select-options :S_AUART For TVAKT-AUART.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 1(20) text_003.
    select-options : S_ERDAT For LIKP-ERDAT.
    selection-screen end of line.
      write ICON_WAREHOUSE  as icon to text_001.
      concatenate text_001 text-001 into text_001 separated by space.
      write ICON_ORDER  as icon to text_002.
      concatenate text_002 text-002 into text_002 separated by space.
      write ICON_PLANT  as icon to text_003.
      concatenate text_003 text-003 into text_003 separated by space.
    *In text-001 -> Warehouse
    *In text-002 -> Order Type
    *In text-003 -> Plant Date

  • Just started with NetBeans IDE, need to capture all keyboard input!

    I discovered that I can only capture keyboard events when my GUI application has focus. Ok, but I need a functionality that can capture all keyboard input, even if my application runs in the background or in the system tray.
    How can I achieve that?

    I know...sorry, didn't mean to imply otherwise.Don't worry about it; I wasn't offended. (I didn't think that that was what you were tying to do.) I was trying to (subtly) take this a different direction. (Was going to write something Solaris specific or perhaps something in ASM that would effectively do what the O/P wanted. Seeing as how Key Loggers only serve one practical purpose - as far as I know - I just wanted to give him code that he could do nothing with.)

  • Keyboard Input OS X 10.9

    A student changed the MacBook keyboard input to a foreign country keyboard.  It is changed at the log in screen too.  I can't figure out how to change it back.  I can use an external keyboard and log on and type and I have no problems. I just can't use the keyboard on the laptop.  This MacBook is using OS X 10.9.

    Hey Sweet 1971,
    Well let’s see if we can get the keyboard back to what you need. If you can log in to the account, go to System Preferences > Keyboard and go to the Input Sources tab and remove any keyboard that you do not want and you should be good to go. I have also provided an article on how to change the keyboard layout at the log in window and it talks about OS X Lion but will be the same for OS X Yosemite. 
    OS X Mavericks: Use input sources to type in other languages
    OS X: How to change the keyboard layout at the login window
    Take care,
    -Norm G.  

  • Please please help. I need to get this code working ASAp

    hi! right, I am a java dunce. I am doing a web design degree at uni and annoyingly have to take a programming module. I just don't get it one bit and the lecturer is a sadist and won't help. I have tried countless books and what not but it all goes over my head.... to the problem
    We were given some code for a "guess the number" game. it generates a random number between 1 and 1000. You then have to guess the number. If you guess higher it should output "you ned to guess higher" and visa versa. Also if you enter 0 it should exit the program (which it does)
    The code had logical and syntax erros in it most of which I think I have managed to find but it still does not work and I have been at this for hours now (even my headache has a headache)
    It compiles now but when you enter a number the program just spits out the line "Enter your guess, from 1 to 1000 inclusive (0 to quit):" again but doesn't tell you if you should go higher or lower.
    I can only get it to spit out the "you need to guess lower" line if you enter a number above 1000 which is wrong.
    please please help me. Just point me in the right direction or something but please use novice language or I think I might have to go jump of the nearest peir.
    The code I have so far is:
    import java.util.*;
    public class guessgame2
    public static void main(String[] args)
    // Declare variables, setup keyboard input and the
    // random number generator
    int game_number, user_number;
    String continue_pref;
    Scanner data_input = new Scanner(System.in);
    Random generate = new Random();
    // Generate game number
    game_number = generate.nextInt(999) + 1;
    // The following line is a debug line, comment out
    // for real game.
    // System.out.printf("Game number:%d%n", game_number);
    // Get users first guess
    System.out.print("The computer has generated a number.");
    System.out.printf("%nEnter your guess, from 1 to 1000 inclusive (0 to quit):");
    user_number = data_input.nextInt();
    } while ((user_number >= 1) && (user_number <= 1000));
    // While user has not guessed right and does not want to quit
    while ((user_number == game_number) || (user_number != 0))
    if (user_number > game_number)
    System.out.printf("You need to guess lower%n");
    System.out.printf("You need to guess higher%n");
    // Get users next guess
    System.out.printf("%nEnter your guess, from 1 to 1000 inclusive (0 to quit):");
    user_number = data_input.nextInt();
    } while ((user_number >= 1) && (user_number <= 1000));
    if (user_number == game_number);
    // User has guessed right
    System.out.printf("%nYou guessed correctly, well done.%nDo you want to play again (y/Y)=Yes: ");
    continue_pref = new String(data_input.next());
    if (user_number == 0)
    // User wants to quit
    continue_pref = new String("No");
    } while (continue_pref.equalsIgnoreCase("N"));
    } (thankyou)

    Is this posted in two different sections of the forum? Oh well... here you
    are, would be a good idea to do as WIlfred_Death suggested and write
    out what you need your program to do, then put them in the order for
    them to work, and then convert your notes to code, and then you get
    like so....
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class guessgame2{
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
              BufferedReader userIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
              Scanner data_input = new Scanner(System.in);
              Random generate = new Random();
              int game_number, user_number;
              String continue_pref = "Y";
              Boolean done = false;
              int max = 1000;
              int min = 1;
              System.out.println("Would you like to play my guessing game?(y/n) ");
              continue_pref = userIn.readLine();
              continue_pref = continue_pref.trim();
              game_number = generate.nextInt(999) + 1;
              //System.out.println(game_number);//--->UNCOMMENT THIS IF YOU WANT TO DISPLAY game_number<---
              /*-----Run program while user agrees to-----*/
                   /*-----Let user guess until they win or choose to quit-----*/
                        System.out.println("Enter your guess, from 1 to 1000 inclusive(0 to quit):");
                        user_number = data_input.nextInt();
                        /*-----check if user wants to quit-----*/
                             continue_pref = "n";
                             /*-----Check if user won-----*/
                                  System.out.println("Congradulations you've won! Would you like to continue(y/n)?");
                                  continue_pref = userIn.readLine();
                                  continue_pref = continue_pref.trim();
                                  /*-----If user wants to play again,
                                            regenerate game_number-----*/
                                       game_number = generate.nextInt(999)+1;
                                       //System.out.println(game_number);//--->UNCOMMENT THIS IF YOU WANT TO DISPLAY game_number<---
                             }/*-----Check if user number is lower-----*/
                             else if(user_number<game_number){
                                  System.out.println("You need to guess higher!\n");
                             else{/*-----Number must be higher-----*/
                                  System.out.println("You need to guess lower!\n");

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