I need to reinstall iMovie4

And now that I have updated to tiger and installed iMovie HD and idvd5, my iLife 4 dvd checks for imovie and will not let me reintsall iMovie 4 even after trashing (but not emnptying) iMovie Hd. How can I get back to iMovie 4 and keep both versions if poswsible. I need to use version. Help appreciated. Thanks

Try copying iMovie to an other another disk and drag it to your hard drive without using the installer. I had both at the same time, after importing my old programs to my new G5, and they seemed to run independently from each other.

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    Message was edited by: umustbejoking

    If the computer's running Mac OS X, move the cursor to the very top of the computer's screen, click on Store, and choose Authorize this Computer.
    If the computer's running Windows, press the Alt and S keys and choose Authorize this Computer, or click here, follow the instructions, click on Store in the menu bar, and choose Authorize this Computer.

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    Okay, that's got one thing ruled out at least.
    Can you check something for me, big? I'd like to see if iTunes launches with the Bonjour Service disabled.
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    Expand "Services & Applications".
    Open "Services". (Perhaps maximise the screen to better see what's going on.)
    Right-click the Bonjour Service and select "Properties".
    In the General tab, set the Startup type to "Disabled":
    ... and click OK.
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    That means it can find the Hard Drive, or can't find the things needed for booting.
    See if DU even sees it.
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
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    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
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    Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider. You may have to leave the machine there for several days.
    Back up all data on the internal drive(s) before you hand over your computer to anyone. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional—ask if you need guidance.
    If privacy is a concern, erase the data partition(s) with the option to write zeros* (do this only if you have at least two complete, independent backups, and you know how to restore to an empty drive from any of them.) Don’t erase the recovery partition, if present.
    Keeping your confidential data secure during hardware repair
    Apple also recommends that you deauthorize a device in the iTunes Store before having it serviced.
    *An SSD doesn't need to be zeroed.

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    I hesitate to recommend a reinstallation of a specific application because I have not seen evidence that it is an effective troubleshooting procedure. On the other hand, I would be inclined to offer a reinstallation of the Mac OS X 10.4.6 Combo for PPC which is appropriate for your Powerbook.
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    Your new questions are valid and you would benefit from starting a new post in either the .Mac Sync or the iDisk forum.
    Good Luck,

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    There is no download for the software.  The factory software that you are looking for is called ilife.  It is all of the software that would have came preinstalled with your mac on your original hard drive when you first bought it.  You will have to get new software on your computer.  This might actually be a great opurtunity to upgrade to Lions.  Search the Lions software in the mac store and it will come up.  Click add to cart and check out.  The price for it is $20.  I defientely recomend Lions, it has alot of new great features.  Then wate for the install disk to come in the mail.  when it come just pop it in and follow the step by step instructions.  If you dont want to upgrade to lions however you can download the ilife package from apple.com for a small price.  Hope this helps.

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    Short answer: You do NOT have to reinstall all your apps and copy your files back.
    Longer answer: Upgrading the OS does not touch any user files. Upgrading the OS should not interfere with any applications which are compatible with Mavericks.  In my experience non-Apple apps are generally left unchanged by the upgrade.  It is possible that some apps may need to be upgraded. One good resource for checking application compatibility is RoaringApps.
    Finally, it is always wise to backup everything, just in case.

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    Windows could not start the Apple Mobil Device Service on local computer.
    Error 1053  The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
    I have already uninstalled itunes, all the related programs and I cannot reinstall, this Apple Mobil Device message stops the install.
    Can anyone please help?

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    Try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

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    Hello joeydak,
    We've an article that provides troubleshooting steps which can help get iTunes back up and running.
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open

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    Prepare Your Mac for Sale
    Boot from the OS X Installer Disc One that came with the computer.  After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.  After DU loads select the startup volume from the left side list then click on the Erase tab.  Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) then click on the Options button.  Select the one pass Zero Data option and click on the OK button.  Then click on the Erase button.
    Note: You can skip the Zero Data option if you are not concerned about removing sensitive personal data from the hard drive.  If you choose to skip this part of the process then it is possible for others to recover data from the hard drive.  The Zero Data procedure will prevent others from getting access to your personal information.
    This process will take 30 minutes to several hours depending upon the size of the hard drive.  After formatting has completed quit DU and return to the installer.  Now complete the OS X installation.  At the completion of the installation do not restart the computer.  Instead just shut it off.  The next user will be presented with the Setup Assistant when they turn on the computer just as it would if new out of the box.

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