I need to silently install the latest Mozilla firefox on Win7 machines, I do not see any .msi available and the /S or -S commands on the setup.exe installer does not work. Does someone know what can I do?

I need the silent install of firefox for image deployment.

For windows 7, you can use the -ms switch. For example, I have a batch file that works great. It contains the following:
@Echo Installing Firefox
@start /wait "Firefox Setup 3.6.10.exe" -ms
However this does not seem to work well in windows XP. To get it to work in windows XP, I had to remove the spaces from the firefox installer and run the following command:
@start /wait FirefoxSetup3.6.10.exe -ms
If anyone has an easier way to get silent install working under XP (without renaming the firefox installer) please let me know!

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