I started sync on my laptop first, then on desktop, but want to reverse that so the info on my desktop goes to the laptop. How do I change this?

I mistakenly began by setting up a sync account with my laptop. When I connected my desktop, the tabs etc from my laptop added to those on my desktop, but not vice versa. I'd like my desktop tabs to add to the laptop... how can I make this happen?
Is the only way to set up a new account starting with my desktop and with a different e-mail address etc? If so, perhaps the system should be tweaked to make such changes easier?

Thanks Ibai!
The article you linked did not help... I can see the screen with the code in the boxes on my laptop, and the same screen with a different code in the boxes on the other computer, but I can't get an empty code box in either computer. Both offer me a code to transfer to the other, but neither will empty... so I cannot replace the code on either computer with the code from the other .
However... your second suggestion, that I pretend I don't have the other device with me, enter my account, password and sync key... then it all synced to the first computer. It seems an unwieldy/non-intuitive route to follow. Did I do something incorrect the first time?
But now... the next puzzle... the screen warns me... "Be sure to leave Firefox Sync connected so your data will automatically sync every day." but it doesn't suggest how I should leave it connected. As far as I know I didn't switch it off before, and I certainly don't know how to disconnect it.

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