I think my ipod is dead...out of nowhere

It all began as itunes started freezing my computer, then not even reading or recognizing the songs. I had the problem of the songs freezing and then going on to the next and so on. Now even after recharging my ipod all night, the ipod randomly gives me a picture of a dead ipod asking to go to the website for support. But now it doesn't even display this anymore, or not very often. This is after restarting it numerous amounts. The computer has asked me several times to reformat the disc as the hard drive may be corrupted, but it will not allow me to reformat. Any idea as to what could possibly be going on the blitz or if it is just a simple problem? Much appreciated after much frustration. Thanks

Have you tried a reset?

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  • I am in need help.i think my ipod is dead :-(

    i really think its dead you know, it has frozen 3times in its 13months of life but i let the battery die and hey presto all is fine....but a month ago it stopped for no reason tried loadsa stuff suggested but to no avail, eventually updated it on a friends pc and it was gr8 soooooooo overjoyed cos for 3weeks i was musically deprived, then 2 days l8r its gone again-thats tonight (12.18 in ireland now u c). i dont kno wat to do my warranty has run out...........
    ipod with photos   Windows XP  

    I HIT IT OFF A WALL...now it works

  • I think this ipod is dead.

    First, let me say I have done everything that the support website has told me to do.
    Restarted the ipod, retried with a different USB, restarted the computer, reinstalled updater software.
    However, when I plug the ipod in, nothing happens. I hear that it connects, then disconnects and the updater program says "can't mount ipod." Or "plug in an ipod to update it."
    When not plugged into the computer, we have only an apple icon which after about 30 seconds turns into a folder with an exclamation point. Leading me again to the 5 r's, which I cannot complete. When I plug it in to charge in the electrical outlet, it does not respond.
    Is there something that can be done?!
    Please, for the love of ipod, help!

    this isn't a technical answer, but it might help!
    The same thing has happened to me several times now. The first time it did, I spent hours in front of my PC trying to get it to recognise my ipod. A friend suggested that I try giving my ipod a gentle tap on its side (using the side of a table or something). I didn't hold up much hope, but since I was so fed-up, I thought i'd give it a try. To my surprise, my ipod started up straight away.
    I don't think this is a long-term solution, but at least it means that your PC/Mac will recognise the ipod so you can restore it.
    PC   Windows XP  
    PC   Windows XP  

  • I 'think' my Ipod Touch is in recovery mode and people say to hold the power and home button for 10 sec and i did, but its still not turning back on. Plus its dead and wont charge

    I 'think' my Ipod Touch is in recovery mode and people say to hold the power and home button for 10 sec and i did, but its still not turning back on. Plus its dead and wont charge. PLZ HELP ME!!!!

    - If in recovery mode the screen will have an iTunes logo with an USB plug.
    - Have you tried connecting it to your computer for a n hw and then see if it appears in iTunes. If it does restore the iPod.
    - If screen is blank, try placing he iPod in recovery mode and then restoring. For recovery mode:
    iPhone and iPod touch: Unable to update or restore

  • New to Apple, I think my ipod touch is doa

    Hello all
    First of all, I would just like to say I am new to Apple and the discussion forums so hello to all!
    Unfortunately, my main reason for joining isn't a positive one. I have received an 1st gen 8gb ipod touch from an upgrade offer with a mobile phone network (UK). After a long wait and several complaints to them, they finally sent me the ipod. However, I think the device is dead on arrival.
    When I first unboxed it, I did the usual thing: Download iTunes, connect the device to my computer. iTunes informed me that the device was in "recovery mode" and that I must "restore" first to use the iPod. This is where the problem is, the restore process does not complete. I get an "1604" error.
    I went to an Apple store, where a kind member of staff attempted to get me started with the device only to encounter the same problem. He pointed out to me that on the same page as the "restore" button in iTunes, the ipod information does not state the device capacity and other information which he found wierd. Could this be clue to whats going on?
    The mobile phone network don't want anything to do with my problem as it was a promotional offer, also they no longer have stock of the device and the new ipod is out now. They insist I should take up my problem with apple.
    Has anyone had experience with this? Maybe there is someone out there who has also had a doa device. Any advice is much appreciated. What are my options? Am I able to have this device repaired or replaced?
    Many thanks in advance

    Typical phone service.
    Not the 1604, this will lead to error (6).
    Had this while trying to update to 2.0.
    Congradualations to your phone company for sending you an iPod with an overloaded hardriive incapable of handling a software too advanced for it.

  • Ipod Suddenly DEAD (Improperly Disconnected)?? Gulp :(

    I have an 80g Classic. It is Windows formatted and I was trying to reformat it for Mac. I connected it to my G5 desktop running iTunes 7.6.2 with the USB cable. Itunes told me it was downloading the correct software. It was taking a REALLY long time...after quite a while it then looked like it was reformatting (hard to say what it was doing)...it then asked me for my G5 password. Then it started to 'sych'...it looked like it was synching pictures (there was like 1,000 pics it was slowly converting each one to ipod format and importing it to the iPod). I didn't want it to sych and I removed the iPod without ejecting the icon and without getting the 'ok to disconnect' screen...on hindsight probably a big mistake.
    Immediately when I removed it, and still now, the iPod appears DEAD. It does not power on (it was fully charged right before I did all this so I know it's not the battery). Could I have disconnected while it was formatting and it has caused a software issue with the ipod's HD? Any ideas how to get it working again??? Presently a dark screen on the ipod and NO signs of life....GULP!!
    Thanks a bunch for any ideas!
    PS: IF I am able to get the ipod back to life, what is the recommended way to change it from Windows format to Mac?
    Message was edited by: Lovegasoline

    During the improper ejection, either the software being corrupted or the hard drive of the iPod got crashed (bad sectors). Have a read the following carefully, I believe the way to solve it is quite similar.
    The best way to change the format of your iPod - just do a Restore for your iPod on your Mac.
    If a sad iPod icon or an exclamation point and folder icon appears on your iPod’s screen, or with sounds of clicking or HD whirring, it is usually the sign of a hard drive problem and you have the power to do something about it now. Your silver bullet of resolving your iPod issue – is to restore your iPod to factory settings.
    If you're having trouble, try these steps at different levels one at a time until the issue is resolved. These steps will often whip your iPod back into shape.
    Make sure you do all the following “TRYs”
    A. Try to wait 30 minutes while iPod is charging.
    B. Try another FireWire or USB through Dock Connector cable.
    C. Try another FireWire or USB port on your computer .
    D. Try to disconnect all devices from your computer's FireWire and USB ports.
    E. Try to download and install the latest version of iPod software and iTunes
    For old and other versions of iPod updater for window you can get here
    F. Try these five steps (known as the five Rs) and it would conquer most iPod issues.
    G. Try to put the iPod into Disk Mode if it fails to appear on the desktop
    If none of these steps address the issue, you may need to go to Intermediate level listed below in logical order. Check from the top of the lists to see if that is what keeping iPod from appearing on your computer in order for doing the Restore.
    Intermediate Level
    A. Try to connect your iPod with another computer with the iPod updater pre-installed.
    B. Still can’t see your iPod, put it in Disk Mode and connect with a computer, instead of doing a Restore on iPod Updater. Go and format the iPod instead.
    For Mac computer
    1. Open the disk utility, hope your iPod appears there (left hand side), highlight it
    2. Go to Tab “Partition”, click either “Delete” or “Partition”, if fails, skip this step and go to 3
    3. Go to Tab “Erase” , choose Volume Format as “MAC OS Extended (Journaled), and click Erase, again if fails, skip it and go to 4
    4. Same as step 3, but open the “Security Options....” and choose “Zero Out Data” before click Erase. It will take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
    5. Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    6. Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
    For Window computer
    Go to folder “My Computer”
    Hope you can see your iPod there and right click on the iPod
    Choose “Format”. Ensure the settings are at “Default” and that “Quick Format” is not checked
    Now select “Format”
    Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
    In case you do not manage to do a “Format” on a window computer, try to use some 3rd party disk utility software, e.g.“HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool”.
    C. Windows users having trouble with their iPods should locate a Mac user. In many cases when an iPod won't show up on a PC that it will show up on the Mac. Then it can be restored. When the PC user returns to his computer the iPod will be recognized by the PC, reformatted for the PC, and usable again. By the way, it works in reverse too. A Mac user often can get his iPod back by connecting it to a PC and restoring it.
    a. It does not matter whether the format is completed or not, the key is to erase (or partly) the corrupted firmware files on the Hard Drive of the iPod. After that, when the iPod re-connected with a computer, it will be recognized as an fresh external hard drive, it will show up on the iTunes 7.
    b. It is not a difficult issue for a Mac user to find a window base computer, for a PC user, if they can’t find any Mac user, they can go to a nearest Apple Shop for a favor.
    c. You may need to switch around the PC and Mac, try to do several attempts between “Format” and “Restore”
    Advance Level
    A. Diagnostic mode solution
    If you have tried trouble shooting your iPod to no avail after all the steps above, chances are your iPod has a hardware problem. The iPod's built-in Diagnostic Mode is a quick and easy way to determine if you have a "bad" iPod.
    You need to restart your iPod before putting it into Diagnostic Mode. Check that your hold switch is off by sliding the switch away from the headphone jack. Toggle it on and off to be safe.
    Press and hold the following combination of buttons simultaneously for approximately 10 seconds to reset the iPod.
    iPod 1G to 3G: "Menu" and "Play/Pause"
    iPod 4G+ (includes Photo, Nano, Video, and Mini): "Menu" and "Select"
    The Apple logo will appear and you should feel the hard drive spinning up. Press and hold the following sequence of buttons:
    iPod 1G to 3G: "REW", "FFW" and "Select"
    iPod 4G+ (includes Photo, Nano, Video, and Mini): "Back" and "Select"
    You will hear an audible chirp sound (3G models and higher) and the Apple logo should appear backwards. You are now in Diagnostic Mode. Navigate the list of tests using "REW" and "FFW". The scroll wheel will not function while in diagnostic mode. For further details on Diagnostic mode can be found at http://www.methodshop.com/mp3/ipodsupport/diagnosticmode/
    Try to do the 5in1, HDD R/W and HDD scan tests. Some successful cases have been reported after the running the few tests under the Diagnostic mode. In case it does not work in your case, and the scan tests reports show some errors then it proves your iPod has a hardware problem and it needs a repairing service.
    B. Format your iPod with a start disk
    I have not tried this solution myself, I heard that there were few successful cases that the users managed to get their iPod (you must put your iPod in disk mode before connecting with a computer) mounted by the computer, which was booted by a system startup disk. For Mac, you can use the Disk Utility (on the Tiger OS system disk), for PC user, you can use the window OS system disk. Try to find a way to reformat your iPod, again it does not matter which format (FAT32, NTFS or HFS+) you choose, the key is to erase the corrupted system files on the iPod. Then eject your iPod and do a Reset to switch out from Disk Mode. Reboot your computer at the normal way, connect your iPod back with it, open the iPod updater, and hopefully your iPod will appear there for the Restore.
    If none of these steps address the issue, your iPod may need to be repaired.
    Consider setting up a mail-in repair for your iPod http://depot.info.apple.com/ipod/
    Or visit your local Apple Retail Store http://www.apple.com/retail/
    In case your iPod is no longer covered by the warranty and you want to find a second repairing company, you can try iPodResQ or ifixit at your own risk
    Just in case that you are at the following situation
    Your iPod warranty is expired
    You don’t want to pay any service charges
    You are prepared to buy a new one
    You can’t accept the re-sell value of your broken iPod
    Rather than leave your iPod as paper-weight or throw it away.
    You can try the following, but again, only do it as your last resort and at your own risk.
    Warning !!!! – It may or may not manage to solve your problem, and with a risk that you may further damage your iPod, which end up as an expensive paper weight or you need to pay more higher repairing cost. Therefore, please re-consider again whether you want to try the next level
    Last Resort Level
    1. . Disconnecting the Hard Drive and battery inside the iPod – Warning !! Your iPod warranty will be waived once you open the iPod.
    In Hong Kong there are some electronic shops offering an iPod service for Sad iPod, the first thing they do is to open up the iPod’s case and disconnecting the battery and the Hard Drive from the main board of the iPod. Wait for 5-10 minutes and reconnecting them back. The reason behind which I can think of is to do a fully reset of a processor of the iPod. In case you want do it itself and you believe that you are good on fixing the electronics devices and have experience to deal with small bits of electronic parts, then you can read the following of how to open the iPod case for battery and HDD replacement (with Quicktimes)
    2.Press the reset button on the Hard Drive inside the iPod – Suggestion from Kill8joy
    Have I tried these myself? No, I am afraid to do it myself as I am squeamish about tinkering inside electronic devices, I have few experiences that either I broke the parts (which are normally tiny or fragile) or failed to put the parts back to the main case. Therefore, I agree with suggestion to have it fixed by a Pro.
    2. Do a search on Google and some topics on this discussion forum about “Sad iPod”
    Exclamation point and folder and nothing else
    Spank your iPod
    Exclamation point and folder and nothing else
    What should I do with my iPod? Send it or keep it?
    Strange error on iPod (probably death)
    Sad Face on iPod for no apparent reason
    Meeting the Sad iPod icon
    Sad faced iPod, but my computer won’t recognize it?
    iPod Photo: unhappy icon + warranty question
    4th Gen iPod Users - are we all having the same problem?
    Low Battery, and clicking sounds
    Sad faced iPod, but my computer won’t recognize it
    Sad iPod solution
    Re: try to restore ipod and it says "can't mount ipod"
    iPod making clicking noise and is frozen
    Cant put it into disk mode
    I think my iPod just died its final death
    Apple logo & monochrome battery stay
    My iPod ism’t resetting and isn’t being read by my computer
    I am not suggesting that you should follow as well, but just read them as your reference. You are the person to make the call.
    Finally, I read a fair comments from dwb, regarding of slapping the back of the iPod multiple times
    Quote “This has been discussed numerous times as a 'fix'. It does work, at least for a while. In fact I remember using the same basic trick to revive Seagate and Quantam drives back in the mid to late 1980's. Why these tiny hard drives go bad I don't know - could be the actuator gets stuck in place or misaligned. Could be the platter gets stuck or the motor gets stuck. 'Stiction' was a problem for drives back in the 80's. Unfortunately the fix can cause damage to the platter so we temporarily fix one problem by creating another. But I know of two instances where a little slap onto the table revived the iPods and they are still worked a year or more later.”UnQuote
    Message was edited by: Mitch 751

  • How can my iPod be dead?

    I just bought a 60g Black iPod video, I took it out of the box, used it for about 3 hours then battery needed to be charged, so I plugged it up in my computer before going to sleep. Three hours after I plugged it, I checked on the screen and the battery was still charging (nothing abnormal at this point). I then decided to go to bed and leave the thing charging.
    When I woke up, I checked my iPod and realised the screen was black. So I thought: Okay, it must be recharged.
    I then wanted to load new songs in the computer and was surprised to see that the thing refused to turn on.
    I check the "Hold" button, but everything was correct.
    I read this site's FAQ, when it says that you must leave it layed down on a flat surface for about 24 hours. That' what I did, but nothing happened.
    Anyone experienced the same problem?
    Could this be because I don't have a USB2 port?
    I'm now thinking of buying a Power adapter, but I dont want to pay $35 without being sure that this could fix my problem.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Custom   Windows XP Pro  
    Custom   Windows XP Pro  

    Thank you for your reply,
    But I already did read the whole thing before posting in here (didn't want to waste everyone's time with a question that could be answered by reading the FAQ)
    My concern is, How can my iPod be dead after being charged for several hours? Nothing appears on the screen, that thing is totally dead. Oh, and did I mention that It is BRAND NEW??
    This is the first time that I'm buying an Apple product and this may also be the last time.
    Anyone experienced that problem before?
    Thank you for your time,

  • How do i synch my pdf/books to my library. I was able to synch my ipod touch purchases by transferring them but can't figure out how to do my pdfs. Also why is my ipod picture greyed out-the one that lets my move the icons around.

    How do i synch my pdf/books to my Itunes  library. I was able to synch my ipod touch app purchases by transferring them but can't figure out how to do my pdfs. Also why is my ipod picture greyed out-the one that lets my move the icons around.
    I am afraid if i don't get the pdfs into my book library, i will lose them when i update to IOS 5-is that true?

    thank you-i have to check into the authorization and the account-i gave my husband my old ipod when i updated last year so both at one time have been on this computer but as it stands, it only comes up with my device when i plug into Itunes.
    i don't think i have any restrictions for installing apps although my normal way of doing it is to download from the ipod touch. i did find that all i had to do was right click on my device name and got the message to transfer my apps and then they showed up in my library. Also when i clicked the synch checkbox i was able to view the ipod touch picture without it being greyed out. after all that i was able toupdate to IOS 5 successfully except my videos and podcast, and pdfs  did not come over. This confuses me since i had dragged them over to my library to make sure that i had everything in my library and on my device. Not a big problem, since i just dragged them in itunes from my library to my device but sometimes i wonder if i understand the big picture:)

  • Can you give me some reasons about why I need to buy an iPod touch 5.Although I have the iPhone ,iPod nano, iPad ,MacBook pro,I think the iPod touch 5 is so attractive that I can't help buying it at once.If I have it,what I can do with it,can you tell me?

    can you give me some reasons about why I need to buy an iPod touch 5.Although I have the iPhone ,iPod nano, iPad ,MacBook pro,I think the iPod touch 5 is so attractive that I can't help buying it at once.If I have it,what I can do with it,can you tell me?

    All I can say is that I REALLY like my Touch 4th gen because I have all sorts of capabilities in a small form: e-mail, web browsing, news, weather, books, magazines, etc. etc.  Plus lots and lots of apps out there, including so many free ones.  I use the Cloud a lot so it's great to have everything sync'd to my MacBookPro (e-mail, Evernote, Pocket, etc.)
    It would be easier, though, to do some of this, especially magazines, on the iPad mini, but, again, I love the small size of the Touch. 
    As for the 5th gen instead of the 4th, the fifth has Siri and the 3D feature in maps, which are great.  And I'm sure it's a lot faster in iOS 6 than the 4th gen.  And cool colors! 
    Don't know if this helps . . .

  • My ipod is dead.  I have tried resetting but to no avail.  I have attached to itunes and it sees that the ipod is bad, but it still can't seem to work.  How do I get it fixed?

    My ipod is dead.  I have tried resetting but to no avail. I have attached it to itunes and it sees the ipod is bad, but it still can't seem to work. How do I get it fixed?

    Its probably just as you said, it's dead. I mean the battery.
    I have a second generation iPod and the battery doesn't hold a charge long. So yours must be really struggling with the battery.
    You can send it off for a battery replacement, or as is expected due to the cost of doing that and with standard manipulative business thinking, you could just get a new iPod like a good little customer.

  • Ever since the ios5 update some of my ipod songs come out as duplicate and only on my ipod not on my itunes why is that? how can i fix it?

    ever since the ios5 update some of my ipod songs come out as duplicate and only on my ipod not on my itunes why is that? how can i fix it?

    Hey Ryan, When you looked at Get Info as Illaass instructed did you compare all the info listed in iTunes Get Info on the computer's copy? When you looked at the song(s) that are separated, do they list anything different like a featured artist? Or a different composer / song writer? Sometimes that will trick the the software into thinking it is 2 different albums. Make the info about the album and artist match, then sync to your iPod. The songs should go back where they belong on your iPod. Good luck. Cheers.

  • Ipod plays dead

    hello all, first of all my ipod is over one year old, i was recharging the battery and wanted to turn the ipod on. When i discharged it from its dock the ipod went dead.
    i mean, the display isnt working and there is a humming noise coming out of it.
    I tryed the 5R's, get an update but even my computer wont recognise the hardware (also I-tunes won't recongnise it)
    I have no idea what to do about it and never heard about this before, so I hope someone can help me with it...

    here is my answer to my own problem with the ipod:
    leave the ipod humming in your livingroom overnight, in the morning there's no sound of humming. Then try to get into the ipod's menu, after that the screen says that the battery needs to be charged.
    Connect it to the USB port of your PC, get an update from apple and disconnect it through "my computer",click on the sign IPOD, right mouse click and disconnect. Then conncet the ipod to the main charger and charge the battery...all music is still on the ipod!!
    Hopefully it works for everyone here
    greetz sharon

  • ITunes sometimes 'thinks' the iPod is corrupted

    iTunes sometimes thinks the iPod is corrupted. But it only thinks so if I connect the iPod WHILE itunes is running. If I connect the iPod and then start iTunes there isn't a problem. Or if the message below appears I can click OK.. stop itunes, restart itunes and then iTunes can see the the iPod just fine.
    I've tried reformatting the iPod - same thing. I've also flushed my OS installation out.. reinstalled OS X from scratch.. and the problem went away... until today. Now the problem is back.
    Any thoughts on how to determine what the root cause might be, or how to diagnose it?

    I am having the same problem with my old iPod. I just bought a new iPod an hour ago and same thing.
    Help anybody?
    I am using Windows XP

  • I just downloaded I tunes on my new computer, I've had an apple I'd since the iPod mini came out, I signed in and went to download purchases from my iPhone. It downloads apps fine but when I click on a song it says "your computer is not authorized" ***??

    I just downloaded I tunes on my new computer, I've had an apple I'd since the iPod mini came out, I signed in and went to download purchases from my iPhone. It downloads apps fine but when I click on a song it says "your computer is not authorized" ***??

    Authorize the coumputer.  Go to store in the top of the screen and authorize it.

  • I've had my iPod 5th gen for a few months now and out of nowhere the microphone has stopped working.

    I've had my iPod 5th gen for a few months now and out of nowhere the microphone has stopped working. It won't pick up anything, I can't use it for recording, face time, siri or anything else. Every time I try and record and play it back its just all fuzzy, is there anyway of fixing it without having to send it off for repair?

    - Make sure the mic hole is clear and unobstructed. It is the little hole on the back by the camera lens(if has back camera). For the 16 GB one without the back camera the mic hole is on the tope edge near the center.
    - Open the Voice Memos app and see if you see movement on the VU meter needle with changes in noise level trying to be recorded.
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                 
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                       
    You can also send it to Apple.

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