I want to duplicate this video opening.

I have Search and searched but unable to find anything. Hey Guys - I need help creating something like the Link before - Pretty identical actually - I just want to mimic the background and background how it's 3D particles Z axes and the Color changes with the ramped speeds. Also do you recognize those Transitions for the text? It's only the first 11 seconds. Thanks so much
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/viFOv62db9k&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl= en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/viFOv62db9k&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en &feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Message was edited by: SurJones

I can start you off, but I can't say I know what those transitions are.
I assume you want to do this in After Effects? If so, you can open up a single transition/effect in Adobe Bridge and see all of them categorized by folder. These folders are organized just like they are in AE and you even get a thumbnail preview of what they do.
For starters, the background is quite simple. Its a solid background with a ramp applied to it. Effect > Generate > Ramp. Change it from linear to radial and then mess with the point of origin and the colors until you like what you see.
This background is a 2D layer and it is just dissolving (or being keyframed) to the same background with a different color every time the text changes.
On top of the BG is another solid with particles on it, which you'll just have to mess with the settings until it looks right. The particle shape appears to be Lens Convex or similar. It does look like the particles have a glow on them, so don't forget to add that effect as well.
As for the text, like I said I can't give you the transition names but it's possible a particle plugin is just being applied to the text and controlled with keyframes. Also, something like Trapcode's Particular might have a preset that does this for you.
I hope this is a good start for you.

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    Yes, you can use GarageBand loops for commercial purposes. Here's the Apple Doc:
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    I would suggest that you do it this way:
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    One way to do this is with FancyBox (modal window).
    Scroll down to YouTube (iframe) example:
    fancyBox - Fancy jQuery Lightbox Alternative
    Nancy O.

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    Let me start by saying that it is entirely possible that this is an editing job as Dave LaRonde and Szalam have said. But I have a thought I would like to pass along.
    It's possible to use expressions to read Comp and Layer names as well as arrays inside the expressions. This solution allows you to set up the Final Pitch Video and then have the text change dynamically as you duplicate it for what you described as 1a, 1b, 1c, etc . Create a folder for your final pitch videos and make a new comp named something like "Final Pitch Video 1".
    Create a precomposition with your Video #2 content in outside the Finals folder. Then layout your Final Pitch Video 1 comp as follows:
    1) Intro Text Layers with all the animation first (Make sure to have a separate layer for Name and Business)
    2) Then add the Video #2 Precomp (Leave this as a precomp so you can edit it at any point and not have to replace it in your hundreds of videos) If this is just a video clip, you don't necessarily need to us a precomp. I'm just guessing you'll want to be able to easily update it at some point in the future.
    After you have your text layout and your separate layers for Name and Business, put these expressions on your Name layer in the Source Text expression field:
    try {
    compName = thisComp.name;
    compNum = compName.substr(compName.length -1, 1);
    theNames =  ["blank", "Bill Jones", "Tom Riddle", "Frank Frankenstein", "etc."]; // Add your names here
    } catch(err) {
    "No More Entries"
    And then on the Business Text Layer in the Source Text expression field:
    try {
    compName = thisComp.name;
    compNum = compName.substr(compName.length -1, 1);
    theBusiness =  ["blank", "Jones Construction", "AA Plumbing", "Frank's Hot Dogs", "etc."]; // Add your businessess here
    } catch(err) {
    "No More Entries"
    At this point the name and business text layers use the comp number to read the arrays for each text layer. For example:
    The text layers would work this way each time you duplicate the Final Pitch Video. Either start with "Final Pitch Video 0" or leave the first place in the array "blank" since arrays start counting at zero.
    COMP NAME                         Name from Array                    Business from Array
    Final Pitch Video 1                    Bill Jones                              Jones Construction
    Final Pitch Video 2                    Tom Riddle                            AA Plumbing
    Final Pitch Video 3                    Frank Frankenstein                Frank's Hot Dogs
    Final Pitch Video 10                  No More Entries                    No More Entries
    Let me know if you have any questions on this! I don't know your exact situation, but I hope it helps.

  • I am facing 'How do you want to use this disc' whenever I read/open any lightscribe discs having data.

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    lightscribe DVD/CD via NON lightscribe optical drive, I noticed that the DVD/CD  opened well without any problems at all.
    Also, how can the System show to me 'How  do you want to use this disc' , in particular when  a DVD is non rewritable(DVD-R) and also contains data)?
    Bear in mind, not all DVDs/CDs were not detected. However, only full lightscribe discs' (having data)
    However, even blank lightscribe discs were detected without problems. When insert a lightscribe disc having data, then I faced that error. However, when inserting  blank lightscribe discs I found that the disc were opened.  Also,
    non lightscribe discs were opened well.
    When checking the device manager, I didn't see any issue with DVD/CD drive. If there were a problem unrecongnising, then I would have seen 'a remarkable mark' in front of it.
    Note: I have faced this problem after trying formating a rewritable CD inserted onto the drive. Althouthg the format failed, all data on the disc was deleted. Anyway, after that, then inserting full-lightscribe  discs are unregonised
    Do you think the problem wth my optical drive. IF so, I would be saying why it wasn't happened with all other non lightscribe discs. If my lightscrib discs were corrupted, then why would they have opened well on another laptop.
    I have done:
    Press the Windows logo key+R to open the Run dialog box.
    Type devmgmt.msc in the Run dialog box, then press Enter. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow
    In Device Manager, expand DVD/CD-ROM drives, right-click the CD and DVD devices, and then clickUninstall.
    When you are prompted to confirm that you want to remove the device, click OK.
    Restart the computer.
    But the same prolbem is existing.
    yes there is a virtual CloneDrive program installed on my PC, however, there is no any CD mounted into it. Even if a CD was mounted into Virtual Clondrive, there would be no problem at all, because the virtual CloneDrive is used to only
      mount ISO disc images into it, and not physical discs.
    Any I have do what you have said, when inserting a light-scribe disc having data, then I open it, I found this
    NOTE: in the above screen shot there is a lightscribe DVD having data inserted. However, in the screen shot below, there  a ightsrbe DVD not having data inserted. In the first screen shot, the disc is not reconginsed by Windows, however, in
    the second is recognised. 
    Even when I have inserted a lightscribe disc not having data(empty), it opened well regardless of  what virutal CloneDrive is enabled or disabled.
    But when cliced on my problem didn't solve,
    A man should convert his anger and sadness into strength to continue living in this life.

    The product Name of my computer is: HP Pavilion dv6-6093ex Entertainment
    Notebook PC support
    The number of my computer is : LM610EA#A2N.
    Could anyone please at this splendid forum take some of their precious time
    out to really reply my questions and solve my problems?
    My HP Pavilion Laptop is about 3 years old.
    sister's Dell Inspiron laptop is 3 years old.
    My HP lapotp is well-cared, as opposed to my sister's Inspiron Dell laptop,
    which is always thrown in dust without caring at all. Also, its battery is
    always inserted even when it is fully charged while the laptop is plugged in to
    the main power supply.
    However, my laptop is either used on only battery, or on plugin. Also, it is
    kept from the dust.
    But, I really found that the battery of the Dell laptop
    still lasts about three and half hours, and there is no problem cooling fan is
    not oproperly preporly.
    I only remember one thing differently done on my laptop battery which is I
    charged it fully, then I stored it without using it for about four months, then
    when I reused it, I found it got worse over time. I.e. first time of using it
    after storing,I found it empty, then I charged it again fully, however, then it
    lasted about 2 hours, then 1 and half hours, next an hour, now it is only
    lasting about 20 minutes without performance. If there is high performance, then
    the computer shuts down suddenly.
    My problem is follows:::
    First: Whenever I inserted any Containing Data OR Data
    CD/DVD-R LightScribe discs, I found that HP optical driver was
    unable to read them. When clicking on the optical disc drive
    'duble-click', then I find that disc opens as this way(NOT: With a CD/DVD player
    is grayed out)
    Blank Or Used CD, DVD±R,RW lightscirbe is unable to be
    read:(clicking on it let it Open like a USB FlashDrive or With a CD,DVD player:
    NOTE: with CD/DVD Player is grayed out)
    Used CD/DVD±R/RW Non-LightScribe disc opens normal:
    Blank CD,DVD±R,RW Non-LightScribe opens normal(Opens like a USB FlashDrive or
    With a CD,DVD)::
    My HP CD/DVD DVD±R/RW specis are::
    Optical Drives
    hp CDDVDW TS-L633R
    Media Type DVD Writer
    Name hp
    Availability Running/Full Power
    Capabilities Random
    Access, Supports Writing, Supports Removable Media
    Read capabilities CD-R,
    DL, DVD+R DL
    Write capabilities CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R,
    Config Manager Error Code Device is working
    Config Manager User Config FALSE
    Drive E:
    Media Loaded
    SCSI Bus 0
    SCSI Logical Unit 0
    SCSI Port 0
    SCSI Target Id
    Status OK
    Trying to solve the problem,
    I have done these steps in order::
    I tried checking with dignostic ulitiy:
    I have tried Advanced View , this is the file of output data
    diagnostic utility
    LightScribe System Software Settings:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
    SOFTWARE\LightScribe\LSPrintDialog C:\Program Files
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
    SOFTWARE\LightScribe\LSPrintAPI C:\Program Files
    LightScribeService Direct Disc Labeling
    Used by the LightScribe software components to support 3rd party disc labeling
    applications using the LightScribe COM Application Programming Interface
    (LSCAPI). This service needs to run for LightScribe direct disc labeling to
    SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CDRom\autorun 1
    Application Accelerator Not detected
    Drives and Media:
    Drive 0 : hp CDDVDW TS-L633R 0300 219 (E, Media
    Imaging Parameter : 114
    I tried running the below command line to fix potential disk issue 'Chkdsk
    /r /f'
    I cleaned the drive, discs, and so on.
    I have uninstalled the all third-party data recording software.
    I have uninstalled the Cyber DVD suite, lightscribe system software which
    came pre-installed with my HP pavilion Notebook.
    I have recovered my system from the Factory Recovery discs.
    I have tried opening all those LightScibe discs not opening on my HP optical
    drive, on a Dell optical drive, and all of them were opened well, although Dell
    optical drive did not have a lightscribe feature at all., nor third party disc
    recording software
    However, the problem is still with opening the discs LIGHT-SCRIBE
    Thus, my questions are:
    How to determine if the drive is corrupted and needs to be replaced with
    another one.
    I think there something needed to be done on the BIOS Of my HP
    laptop[[[A similar problems happened on my Desktop computer's optical
    drive which is as follows:::(ALL discs are opened as empty by Optical Drive of
    My Desktop Computer) ---while my optical drive of my desktop was connected to
    the primary slave IDE, and the HDD was connected to the
    primary master IDE, the optical drive and hard disk are functioning
    well. However, I remember that while burning an image with Nero essential V: 5,
    something went wrong, and then the Optical Drive of My Desktop Computer
    (HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NP20) became NOT recognised/Installed on
    BIOS, although it was still shown on the device manager as a
    recognised device. Also, it was listed on my computer, however, when entering a
    disc(blank or with data) into the drive, I found it was not recognised, and it
    opened empty(no files at it), although it contains data. Thus, I decided to boot
    to BIOS, and clicked on 'Autodetection for IDE', then I found that only HDD was
    still shown as installed on BIOS. However, the optical drive was not. Th I tried
    clicking on it on BIOS and then clicking on 'enter' to try to let the device be
    re-recognized. However, that made no difference. I had to take part my computer
    ,and then reconnected the optical drive onto the secondary slave
    IDE , and let HDD connected to the same primary master IDE.
    Then, I found that the problem solved and all discs became being read
    normally. Aslo, optical drive became installed on BIOS]]]
    What is meant with with double Layer Support.
    How much does it cost?
    A man should convert his anger and sadness into strength to continue living in this life.

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    I have an ipad mini. From one moment to another a document that was created and used on pages app ( on the ipad mini) does not want to open ( When pressed it states " document cant be opened). How can I make this document open again?
    I have tried back ups and  restoring, resetting, and even updating the pages app. And nothing has worked.

    I have an ipad mini. From one moment to another a document that was created and used on pages app ( on the ipad mini) does not want to open ( When pressed it states " document cant be opened). How can I make this document open again?
    I have tried back ups and  restoring, resetting, and even updating the pages app. And nothing has worked.

  • Can i have the same itunes acct for two ipods (one nano and one shuffle)?  the shuffle is new and i want to duplicate the music. how do i do this?

    I have a nano that's a couple years old with an itunes acct.  Just got a shuffle and want to duplicate the playlist on the shuffle.  When I plug in the shuffle to the existing acct nothing happens.  How do I copy that music onto my shuffle.  thanks.

    You can sync as many ipods/iphone/ipads as you like to one computer/library.  This has nothing to do with your issue.
    Itunes does not "see" the ipod?
    iPod shuffle (4th generation): Not seen in iTunes
    iPod not recognized in iTunes and Mac desktop
    iPod not appearing in iTunes

  • HT201303 how do i associate a different apple ID with my ipad?  I need to do this bc my gmail account was hacked and a hoax email sent out from it. so i opened a new gmail account and want to associate this new email with my ipad

    how do i associate a different apple ID with my ipad?  I need to do this bc my gmail account was hacked and a hoax email sent out from it. so i opened a new gmail account and want to associate this new email with my ipad

    To check if you have a virus, you can download ClamXav
    also, go to Applications>Utilities>Activity Monitor and see if there's anything that you don't recognize, and check your sent email to see if you've been sending emails without your knowledge.

  • I could previously open my itunes program on my computer. Not now as when it asks, Do you want to allow this program to make changes to your computer and I select, Yes, it shuts down.  I have removed and re-installed itunes, checked firewall. Pls help

    I could previously open my itunes program on my computer and sync with ipad, ipod and iphone but no longer. When I select itunes a dialogue box opens  with question - "Do you want to allow this program to make changes to your computer"  When I select YES, it just shuts down.   I have removed and reinstalled itunes. have checked firewall and spent hours trying to fix. Please help.

    A possible cause of this error is that Firefox is set to run as Administrator.
    Check that Firefox isn't set to run as Administrator.
    Right-click the Firefox desktop shortcut and choose "Properties".
    Make sure that all items are deselected in the "Compatibility" tab of the Properties window.
    * Privilege Level: "Run this program as Administrator" should not be selected
    * "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" should not be selected
    Also check the Properties of the firefox.exe program in the Firefox program folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\).

  • Video i took on iphone 4 will not open. can i recover this video?

    i took several videos over the last two days. all are fine except one that says it cannot be opened. not sure why it won't, it was only maybe 3-4 mins long. anyone know if there is any way to recover this video? it was for a band that just won a huge contest and is playing for the Alice Cooper "Proof is in the Pudding" show so it's a very important video to them. thanks.

    The video will not play on the device or on the computer?
    If on the computer, what program are you trying to use for playing the video?

  • I would like to put a video in an other video,but the video (if want to inscrust for example in an IPad screen on this video) will follow, in 3D  and automatically the moves of the IPad (here). I remember I found 2 months ago a plugins on the Internet but

    I would like to put a video in an other video,but the video (if want to inscrust for example in an IPad screen on this video) will follow, in 3D  and automatically the moves of the IPad (here). I remember I found 2 months ago a plugins on the Internet but I can not anymore find it. Who can help me? Thanks

    I think you might mean Slice X. I think it has a motion tracker.

  • Videos won't play in Safari. Notice says, "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video." I have downloaded it, but no change. All videos play OK in firefox, but I like the controls in Safari better and want to stay with it.

    Videos won't play in Safari. Notice says, "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video." I have downloaded it, but no change. All videos play OK in Firefox, but I like the controls in Safari better and want to stay with it.

    Try deleting Flash cookies.
    Flush.app – Flash Cookie Removal Tool For OS X | MacHacks.TV
    If that doesn't help, UNinstall the old Flash plugin first, then reinstall new.
    Troubleshoot Flash Player | Mac OS
    Then restart your Mac.

  • When trying to open lightroom I get a message that says, "The lightroom.exe that the short cut refers to has been changed or moved, so the short cut will no longer work properly.  Do you want to remove this short cut?  The program has opened and worked fi

    When trying to open lightroom I get a message that says, "The lightroom.exe that the short cut refers to has been changed or moved, so the short cut will no longer work properly.  Do you want to remove this short cut?  The program has opened and worked fine in the past.

    You have (probably accidentally) moved or deleted the Lightroom program. You need to find it (have your operating system search for lightroom.exe) and move it back to where the shortcut expects it to be.

  • Whenever I open a new Firefox Browser, the other Firefox Browsers that I have minimized to the bottom of the screen all restore, (reopen up) onto the screen with the new opened Firefox Browser, how do I stop this? Just want the new one to open on screen

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I think when a I updated or downloaded a newer version of FireFox at Firefox's suggestion.

    Hmm that does sound a bit strange - I use a system quite similar to yours (XP, FF 3.6.3), and don't see this behaviour.
    I would recommend trying to start Firefox in Firefox [[Safe Mode]] (make sure you close '''all''' running Firefox instances first), and see if this problem persists.
    If not, it could be some add-on causing this behaviour - restart Firefox in Safe Mode, disable all add-ons, and enable them one by one to find the guilty one.
    If it still happens in Firefox Safe Mode, some other program (or something in Windows itself) most likely is the cause. We may be able to help with this too, so let us know what works and provide as much additional information as possible to let us help you solve this.
    Please let us know how above works out, and if we can be of further assistance. Detailed feedback is appreciated and helps us to help you better, plus enables us to better help other users with similar issues.

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