I want to put XP on my intel imac, but I dont have internet to update osx..

Is it still possible...
Basically i dont have the internet on my imac yet as im awaiting a new router although I do have the net on my pc. I have downloaded bootcamp on my pc ready to transfer onto the mac and I also have a copy of windows xp sp2.
Having looked into bootcamp i can see that before u can install BC and xp you need to be updated on your imac right? So seeing as I dont have the net is it impossible to get these updates anywhere else?
at the moment im running 10.4.4

Just an idea for you. There is an entire Apple Discussion forum dedicated to Boot Camp and Windows XP.
Whereas, not everyone here with an Intel iMac has installed, tried to install or has experience with BC & XP, everyone there has or at least has an interest. You may attract help more quickly there.
The Forum is at the bottom of the main Apple Discussions page under Windows Compatible Technology.
Here is a link;
Forum: Boot Camp Public Beta

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