I WEB NOOB question:  "submission" box....

Hey Forum! I'm new to iWEB and having a blast creating my first website ever...it's called "sharonVbootcamp.com" (I bought the domain and everything!) Anyway, I was trying to find a way to insert a "submission box" for a free e-course on nutrition... you know...where someone can put their name and email in a box and hit "submit" (like the log-in for this site).
Is there any way to do that in iweb? I've got the rest figured out, got paypal buttons, hyperlinks, all working great!
any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Sharon V

You'll get code to paste in an HTML snippet at......
.. or if you are publishing to a commercial server you can make your own.

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    hi all,
    sorry for the noob question, but i need something clearing up if possible. i was just about to buy a D.I. box and then had a query about them and whether i actually would benefit from one in this scenario...
    fig 1. is how i currently record.
    fig 2. is how i would with d.i. box
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    As I see it you have basically three alternatives for recording electric guitar:
    1. Get a great amp sound, record it with a mike or several, in a good sounding room.
    Challenges: you will likely need a proper studio, or at least no neighbours, as this might get LOUD. Also it takes time and experience to mike an amp well, and even (several) expensive mikes. Result depends on room acoustics more than you think.
    Another route here, is to get/build an isolation box around your amp,  which will be a sort of micro studio for it, allowing you to play loud  and with a good tone, but in a more controlled envirnment. Many pros do  this. Unfortunateley, the outlay may also be 'pro' - but I'm sure there  are DIY solutions.
    2. Record the amp 'dry' via either its Line out (FX send will also do) or use a 'power soak which will allow you to turn up the amp (some amps sounds much better then), but with a low volume in the room. You can connect the soak device directly, or give the speaker the 'tamed' signal and mike the amp without disturbing the neighbours that much now. Good power soaks don't come cheap(?). Recording dry, i.e. using no mike, will often sound like that: dry. This depends on your musical style, but an electric guitar should probably be concidered as an acoustic intrument. Instead of a wooden membrane, it has a speaker. The sound we often want to achieve is of a good sounding amp in a good room, i.e. an acoustic sound. You simply can't get that from a Line output or from a power soak's direct out (no speaker). It will need some treatment.
    3. Use software like GuitarRig, Amplitube etc. No mike or setup needed, independent of size of room and its acoustics (except that room acoustics still will affect listening!!!). The software simulates amp, effects and even mic setups; adding the 'air' that you wont get with a direct connection. Again, depending on your style. If I was Bill Frisell or Jim Hall, i.e. anyone with a very 'naked' guitar sound as the main content of their music, I probably wouldn't do it (but these guys have access to great engineers too...), but in a pop / rock idom with other instruments blended in, and certainly for making demos, this is actually what I would recommend. Escpecially for us space challenged who have neighbours and not infinite time either. No, it will not make you sound like "everybody else"; it's garbage in - garbage out like always (many are disappointed by this, but some are glad it is still so)
    All you need is a soundcard with an instrument input. If you have a *good* soundcard already which doesn't have instrument input, you can concider a DI box. Otherwise I'd say it is redundant.

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    It is not often one wants to call oneself a dope, but here it is. Ok, you answered my question. So I tried and tried to upload my files but no luck. over and over again, but no luck. then I came to the forum looking for answers. And I came across my own message string. And there was the answer. REMEMBER TO MAKE A WEB SAFE FOLDER, NO SPACES OR OTHER UNACCEPTABLE CHARACTERS. If you hadn't thrown that little bit of info into your response I would still be wasting time.
    Thank you again, Brian.

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    In Web Dynpro You can not write HTML , Java Script or insert any CSS code.
    It is not possible.
    If you want a line break between UI elements, you should follow Layouts
    you have different types of Layouts
    1. Matrix Layout
    2. Grid Layout
    3. Row Layout
    4. Flow Layout
    You can control your layout only using the above options.

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    I hope I am posting this in the right place.

    The general approach at this time is to ask if you've checked for any problematic fonts (all languages) with Apple's Font Book (look in the Applications folder). Find and remove all duplicates also.
    Start there to be sure all fonts that are in play come out with a clean bill of health.
    Don't hesisate to perform wholesale deletion of old and/or little used fonts - be skeptical of anything that has come from Office 2008, including those related to an Equation Editor installation.
    By all means be sure any 3rd party apps AND plug-ins are Snow Leopard compatible.
    An additional measure is to clear the existing font caches:
    That said, 10.6.2 release notes have this to say about fonts:
    Fonts fixes provided for:
    • an issue with font spacing
    • an issue in which some Fonts are missing
    • font duplication issues
    • an issue with some PostScript Type 1 fonts not working properly
    Good luck in any case.

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    Thanks for taking the time to answer these silly questions.

    That's not quite what I was looking for.
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    I guess I will just have to play to try it out.

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    Here is my issue.
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    One Key Figure:                   Subtotal1
    One Restricted Key Figure:  Subtotal with restriction " Sales Organization 1000"
    Two Rows                             Plant, Sales Organization
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    BEx Variable in Webi Report questions

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    Hi Ria,
    I think you need a SAP Service Marketplace user ID. You can request it here:

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    Hi all
    This is another one of the extreme noob questions. I wrote a small program to read form a text file
        String NetworkLine = new String();
            FileReader inputFile = new FileReader("Test.txt");  //
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(inputFile);
               while (in.readLine() != null){
                NetworkLine = in.readLine();
           }catch (IOException e){
                System.err.println("Error in reading the file");
        }catch (FileNotFoundException e){
        }My Test.txt is
    without the *
    The output I get is
    I cannot figure out why only even no. lines are being read. I inserted a breakpoint at the line
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        String NetworkLine = new String();
            FileReader inputFile = new FileReader("Test.txt");  //
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(inputFile);
               while (in.readLine() != null){  // <-- This reads a line, checks it for null ,and drops it
                NetworkLine = in.readLine(); // <-- this reads the next line
           }catch (IOException e){
                System.err.println("Error in reading the file");
        }catch (FileNotFoundException e){
        }So the upshot is that you print every other line.
        String networkLine = new String();
            FileReader inputFile = new FileReader("Test.txt");  //
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(inputFile);
               while ((networkLine = in.readLine()) != null){
           }catch (IOException e){
                System.err.println("Error in reading the file");
        }catch (FileNotFoundException e){

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    thanks in advance for your help.

    so, do the new macbooks have some kind of software
    pre-installed that runs windows? my friends who just
    got a macbook tells me he can run windows programs if
    he needs to.
    The MacBooks have Intel processors in them. So, no emulation is necessary. They can directly install and run Windows if they want.
    The reason you need a program like Virtual PC on an iBook is because it uses a PowerPC processor which Windows cannot communicate with. And, the PowerPC Mac's architecture is completely different.
    So, that means you need a program like Virtual PC to completely emulate an entire PC computer. Basically, it is a program that simulates a real computer and then translates those Intel instructions into PowerPC instructions that your iBook can understand.
    There is a severe performance penalty for all this translation. The iBook G4 will not perform like a regular Windows PC. It will be much slower, and you will need to be more patient. With a G4 iBook, you could reasonably expect your performance to be comparable to a 300 MHz PC running Windows XP.
    With a 1.8 GHz iMac G5 and 2 GB of RAM, I was experiencing performance comparable to a 1.3 GHz Intel Celeron system with 256 MB of RAM (which I happened to have around for comparison).
    But, for more intensive tasks, the performance was more comparable to a 500 MHz system.
    Anyway, back to the Intel Macs. Those machine's only need a free Apple Utility "Boot Camp" to provide the drivers and create a Windows compatible boot partition:
    And, then they need Windows XP Home or Pro. That's it.
    With programs like Parallels, they can run Windows inside the Mac OS (or along side it) much like you would with Virtual PC:
    i am trying to figure out where this might be useful
    in the first place.
    It is useful if you need to be able to run Windows software, but don't want to buy a PC. It's more convenient to have one machine that can do everything than it is to have a Mac and a separate PC.
    Feel free to ask additional questions if you have them. Or, if you like, hit solved on the post if you feel everything is answered.
    But, do let me know if I can answer any additional questions or need to re-state something clearer.

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    I really do apologize about this insanely noob question but this is driving me up a wall.
    I've read several several different resources on openbox (particularly trying to find information on the root menu)
    i'm either looking in the wrong place - or I totally saw it and didn't put 2 and 2 together. *shrugs*
    so, here is the dealio -
    I'm trying to edit the root menu (or as I like to call it right clicky drop down thingy)
    I'm running LXDE and from everything I've gathered over the last couple of days trying to tackle this
    with lxde you edit the lxde-rc.xml instead of the menu or rc.xml
    although after reading through it a plethora of times I noticed that it pulls off of the menu.xml as well...
    Which file do I actually edit to add stuff to the root menu?
    and i've seen dozens of actual templates for editing the menu.xml and lxde-rc.xml but whenever *I* try to follow that I get a syntax error on openbox --reconfigure
    and insight or even a swift kick in the ass that will land me on a site that has info that actually works would be ever so appreciated (even if its a search term - I think my problem now is that i've spent so much time looking for this one thing that I might actually be insanely over complicating this and not picking out the right information   )

    stlarch wrote:An easy way is to install obmenu
    I can agree with that even though I'm not sure how to use that program very well. I'd rather learn how to manually edit the stuff, and not have to rely on another program
    the main reason I got away from ubuntu was to be semi/forced to learn everything.
    JackH79 wrote:Have you read this here as well?
    I did glance at that but didn't think that was referring to the root menus...I can decifer through the xml those menu files to some extent...the stuff on freedesktop is straight crypic to me atm...but at least now I know I need to take a much closer look hehe.

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    Sorry for the noob question but I'm transitioning over to LR from aperture and I believe DNG is  a good move for me.  Now then, is there any advantage to using the converter over letting LR do it?

    It really is the same integrated tool, yes. All the same preferences are there.
    The only thing I am not aware if Lightroom can do is Extract Embedded Originals. But that's not something I'd ever do to my own RAW files.

  • Noob Question: Flowing Input Dataset Row/Record IDs Through to the Score Model Output

    I've got a noob question that I'm having difficulty finding the answer to:  if my input dataset contains row/record IDs and I want to flow these through to the Score Model module output but *don't* want to include this column in model training (because
    it's just an arbitrary row tag), how do I go about accomplishing this?  
    I am able to Project Columns and eliminate the IDs entirely early in the process but then can't really determine which input row a prediction is associated with because I've lost the IDs.  I'm not quite sure how to accomplish what I'm trying to do via
    the Metadata Editor, either.
    Surely somebody else has dealt with this same question.  If the solution is implemented somewhere in a Gallery experiment that you'd like to point me at, too, that would also be just as good as a written explanation.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hey Kevin!
    Sorry for making this process unclear :( Azure ML has a notion of Feature Columns
    (by default everything is a Feature), that is columns/variables that are intended to be treated as part of the observation vector. You can use the Metadata Editor
    and (after selecting the column(s) you want), mark the column as
    Fields -> Clear Feature. This will have the semantics you desire - data attached to the input data while not being used for training.

  • Blue Question Mark Box Issue

    I have a 2011 iMac with version 10.6.8. I haven't made the switch yet to Mountain Lion.  I just upgraded internet service from AT&T DSL 3.0 to AT&T U-verse High Speed Internet 6.0.  After the "upgrade" I now get the blue question mark box on websites where images should be.   Also, I'm unable to stream videos on sites like Hulu.  I have troubleshooted the issue by ensuring the "Display images when the page opens" box is checked and reseting Safari.  I do not have any 3rd party extensions.
    Now here's where I get really confused...I also have a Dell laptop (work computer) connected to the same network.  It doesn't have this problem at all.  Works fine.  
    Anyone have any ideas?

    Hello, I'd reseach all the problem & missing features in 10.8 before considering it.
    For the Safari problem, this has worked for a few...
    Make a New Location, Using network locations in Mac OS X ...
    10.5.x/10.6.x/10.7.x instructions...
    System Preferences>Network, click on the little gear at the bottom next to the + & - icons, (unlock lock first if locked), choose Set Service Order.
    The interface that connects to the Internet should be dragged to the top of the list.
    Instead of joining your Network from the list, click the WiFi icon at the top, and click join other network. Fill in everything as needed.
    For 10.5/10.6, System Preferences>Network, unlock the lock if need be, highlight the Interface you use to connect to Internet, click on the advanced button, click on the DNS tab, click on the little plus icon, then add these numbers...
    Click OK.
    Also, turn off IPv6:
    System Preferences » Network » AirPort » TCP/IP tab » Configure IPv6
    Or whatever Interface you use.

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