I2C Non-standard Read and Writ

I'm now trying programming to emulate the slave equipment for I2C on USB-8451.
My develope environment is Visual C++.
The format is as follows: ([...] is transmitted by Slave side,I'm slave.)
S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] S Addr Rd [A]  [DataLow] A [DataHigh] A [PEC] A P 
It is nessesary that I(slave) would transmit [DataLow] and [DataHigh] corresponding by command code(Comm)  I  receive. 
I don't understand which I should use in NI-845x I2C APIs.
My best regards. 
follows as Japanese: 
開発環境はVisual C++です。
S Addr Wr [A] Comm [A] S Addr Rd [A]  [DataLow] A [DataHigh] A [PEC] A P 
NI-845xのI2C APIのどれをどのように組み合わせて使用すべきか解らず困っています。
S     (1 bit) : Start bit
P     (1 bit) : Stop bit
Rd/Wr (1 bit) : Read/Write bit. Rd equals 1, Wr equals 0.
A, NA (1 bit) : Accept and reverse accept bit. 
Addr  (7 bits): I2C 7 bit address. Note that this can be expanded as usual to 
                get a 10 bit I2C address.
Comm  (8 bits): Command byte, a data byte which often selects a register on
                the device.
Data  (8 bits): A plain data byte. Sometimes, I write DataLow, DataHigh
                for 16 bit data. 

Noriboo 様
日本ナショナルインスツルメンツ技術部 横本と申します。
横本 充央

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  • Can you improve the speed of my CSV Reader and Writer?

    hi all, i'm trying to develop a CSV Writer and Reader. i have done a good work to implement the special character and quoting it, it's also support multi line value but it's incredibly slow.
    can someone help to make it faster?
    here it's how to use the writer
    char *stringhe_sorgenti[10] = {0};
    out = OpenFile(nfile, VAL_WRITE_ONLY, VAL_TRUNCATE, VAL_ASCII);
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*); i++){
    stringhe_sorgenti[i] = (char*)calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    sprintf(stringhe_sorgenti[0], "example1");
    sprintf(stringhe_sorgenti[1], "example2");
    scrivi_riga_csv(out, stringhe_sorgenti, sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*), formato);
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*); i++){
    here is the writer 
    void scrivi_riga_csv(int file_handle, char *stringa_sorgente[], int numero_stringhe, int formato)
    char delimitatore[2][2] = {{',', '\0'}, {';', '\0'}};
    char stringa_destinazione[1024] = {0};
    int index_destinazione = {0};
    int index_start = {0};
    int index_fine = {0};
    int errore = {0};
    int i = {0};
    //int k = {0};
    size_t lunghezza_stringa = {0};
    for(i = 0; i < numero_stringhe; i++){
    if(i != 0){
    stringa_destinazione[index_destinazione++] = delimitatore[formato][0];
    index_start = 0;
    lunghezza_stringa = strlen(stringa_sorgente[i]);
    // se la stringa sorgente
    if( (FindPattern(stringa_sorgente[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa, delimitatore[formato], 0, 0) != -1) // contiene delimitatore
    || (FindPattern(stringa_sorgente[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa, "\"", 0, 0) != -1) // contiene parentesi
    || (FindPattern(stringa_sorgente[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa, "\n", 0, 0) != -1) // contiene a capo
    // apro parentesi all'inizio
    stringa_destinazione[index_destinazione++] = '"';
    // metodo find pattern, piu' complesso ma piu' performante
    do{ index_fine = FindPattern(stringa_sorgente[i], index_start, lunghezza_stringa - index_start, "\"", 0, 0);
    if(index_fine != -1){
    // copio dall'inizio fino alle virgolette
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione, index_destinazione, stringa_sorgente[i], index_start, index_fine - index_start);
    index_destinazione += index_fine - index_start;
    // ne aggiungo una dopo
    stringa_destinazione[index_destinazione++] = '"';
    // aggiorno la posizione di start e riparto con il while
    index_start = index_fine;
    }while(index_fine != -1);
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione, index_destinazione, stringa_sorgente[i], index_start, lunghezza_stringa - index_start);
    index_destinazione += strlen(stringa_sorgente[i]) - index_start;
    // alla fine della riga chiudo la parentesi
    stringa_destinazione[index_destinazione++] = '"';
    // altrimenti la copio semplicemente e shifto l'indice della stringa di destinazione
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione, index_destinazione, stringa_sorgente[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa);
    index_destinazione += strlen(stringa_sorgente[i]);
    memset(stringa_sorgente[i], 0, strlen(stringa_sorgente[i]));
    errore = WriteLine (file_handle, stringa_destinazione, strlen(stringa_destinazione));
    if(errore == -1){
    errore = GetFmtIOError();
    MessagePopup("WriteLine -> WriteLine", GetFmtIOErrorString(errore));
     here how to read the file
    char *stringhe_sorgenti[10] = {0};
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*); i++){
    stringhe_sorgenti[i] = (char*)calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    out = OpenFile(nomearchivio, VAL_READ_ONLY, VAL_OPEN_AS_IS, VAL_BINARY);
    leggi_riga_csv(out, stringhe_sorgenti, sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*), formato);
    strcpy(intestazione.data, stringhe_sorgenti[1]);
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*); i++){
     and here the reader
    void leggi_riga_csv(int file_handle, char *stringa_destinazione[], int numero_stringhe, int formato)
    char delimitatore[2][2] = {{',', '\0'},
    {';', '\0'}};
    char stringa_sorgente[1024] = {0};
    int stringa_in_corso = {0};
    int index_inizio_valore = {0};
    int index_doublequote = {0};
    int offset_stringa_destinazione = {0};
    size_t lunghezza_stringa = {0};
    int inquote = {0};
    int errore = {0};
    int i = {0};
    for(i = 0; i < numero_stringhe; i++){
    lunghezza_stringa = strlen(stringa_destinazione[i]);
    memset(stringa_destinazione[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa);
    do{ memset(&stringa_sorgente, 0, sizeof(stringa_sorgente));
    errore = ReadLine(file_handle, stringa_sorgente, sizeof(stringa_sorgente) - 1);
    // If ReadLine reads no bytes because it has already reached the end of the file, it returns –2.
    // If an I/O error occurs, possibly because of a bad file handle, ReadLine returns –1.
    // You can use GetFmtIOError to get more information about the type of error that occurred.
    // A value of 0 indicates that ReadLine read an empty line.
    if(errore == -1){
    errore = GetFmtIOError();
    MessagePopup("leggi_riga_csv -> ReadLine", GetFmtIOErrorString(errore));
    else if(errore == -2){
    errore = GetFmtIOError();
    MessagePopup("leggi_riga_csv -> ReadLine", "already reached the end of the file");
    lunghezza_stringa = errore;
    index_inizio_valore = 0;
    // metodo find pattern, piu' complesso ma piu' performante
    for(i = 0; i <= lunghezza_stringa; i++){
    // se come primo carattere ho una " allora e' una stringa speciale
    if(inquote == 0){
    if(stringa_sorgente[i] == '\"'){
    inquote = 1;
    index_inizio_valore = ++i;
    // altrimenti cerco il delimitatore senza il ciclo for
    i = FindPattern(stringa_sorgente, i, lunghezza_stringa - index_inizio_valore, delimitatore[formato], 0, 0);
    if(i == -1){
    // se non lo trovo ho finito la riga
    i = lunghezza_stringa;
    if(stringa_sorgente[i - 1] == '\r'){
    if(stringa_in_corso < numero_stringhe){
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione[stringa_in_corso], 0, stringa_sorgente, index_inizio_valore, i - index_inizio_valore);
    offset_stringa_destinazione = 0;
    if(stringa_sorgente[i] == '\r'){
    index_inizio_valore = i + 1;
    if(inquote == 1){
    // se sono nelle parentesi cerco le virgolette
    i = 1 + FindPattern(stringa_sorgente, i, lunghezza_stringa - index_inizio_valore, "\"", 0, 0);
    if(i == 0){
    if(stringa_sorgente[lunghezza_stringa - 1] == '\r'){
    // se non le trovo ho finito la riga, esco dal ciclo for
    // se incontro una doppia parentesi salto avanti
    else if(stringa_sorgente[i] == '\"'){
    // !!!! fondamentale non cambiare l'ordine di questi else if !!!!!
    // se incontro una parentesi seguita dal delimitatore
    // o se incontro una parentesi seguita dal terminatore
    // \r = CR = 0x0D = 13
    // \n = LF = 0x0A = 10
    // a capo = CR + LF
    else if( (stringa_sorgente[i] == delimitatore[formato][0])
    || (stringa_sorgente[i] == '\r')
    || (stringa_sorgente[i] == '\0')
    // salvo il valore
    inquote = 0;
    if(stringa_in_corso < numero_stringhe){
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione[stringa_in_corso], offset_stringa_destinazione, stringa_sorgente, index_inizio_valore, i - 1 - index_inizio_valore);
    offset_stringa_destinazione = 0;
    if(stringa_sorgente[i] == '\r'){
    index_inizio_valore = i;
    // se sono andato a capo scrivo fino a dove sono e poi procedo con la nuova riga
    if(stringa_in_corso < numero_stringhe){
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione[stringa_in_corso], offset_stringa_destinazione, stringa_sorgente, index_inizio_valore, lunghezza_stringa - index_inizio_valore);
    strcat(stringa_destinazione[stringa_in_corso], "\n");
    offset_stringa_destinazione += lunghezza_stringa - index_inizio_valore;
    }while(inquote == 1);
    // elimino le doppie parentesi
    for(i = 0; i < numero_stringhe; i++){
    index_doublequote = 0;
    do{ lunghezza_stringa = strlen(stringa_destinazione[i]);
    index_doublequote = FindPattern(stringa_destinazione[i], index_doublequote, lunghezza_stringa - index_doublequote, "\"\"", 0, 0); // contiene doppia parentesi
    if(index_doublequote != -1){
    memmove (stringa_destinazione[i] + index_doublequote, stringa_destinazione[i] + index_doublequote + 1, lunghezza_stringa - index_doublequote);
    }while(index_doublequote != -1);

    the format is CSV, i try to explain better what i'm doing.
    our client asked to save acquisition data with header description in an excel readable format, i've decided to use .CSV and not .TDM because it's a simple txt file and we never used .TMD but i will propose to use it.
    after some research on the internet i've found nothing to handle .CSV in CVI except from this csv_parse but i've found it difficult to be maintained so i've write it by my own hand.
    i've written two example of how to use my function to read or write and i've copyed my function used to read and write.
    in the write function i check with FindPattern if the string to be write contain some special character, if i find this i have to quote the string to respect the standard RFC4180 and if i find a quote i have to double it. aftere i've done this check i write the line in the file.
    in the read function, that is more complicated, i:
    check if the first character is a quote.
    if it's not i copy the string until the delimitier or until the end of the line.
    if it is i have a string with special character inside so:
    i find the first quote in the string. when i've found i check if it's follwed by another quote. this means that in the starting message i was writing a single quote.
    if it's not followed by another quote but it's followed by a delimiter or a carriage return i've finished the special line.
    if i don't find it it means that the special quote have a carriage return inside and i have to check the next line. before checking the next line i save this in my string.
    after this loop i check in every string if i have a double quote and i delete one.
    the main problem is in the speed of this, i'm acquiring data at 1000 S/s with 8 active channel for 60 second so i have 480000 data to be stored, divided in 60.000 row and 8 column. to read a file like that my pc stay "locked" for 15 second or more.
    i've tried to use the arraytofile function and it's extremly fast and i can also put header because the function can start from the last position in the file but the filetoarray function start from the beginning and i cannot read the header correctly. also if i'm using the european CSV with semicolon as delimiter with arraytofile i cannot select the semicolon but only the coma

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    I would like to read and write data to a text file on a remote computer. This is easily accomplished using one of the file functions such as "write characters to file.vi". If I am already connected to the remote computer, all I need to do is specify the path to the particular file and it will work fine.
    My problem is that I want to connect to the remote computer programatically within LabVIEW (I do not want to have to use the computer's OS to establish the connection. Is there a function that I can use to do this?
    Thomas D. Schaefer
    Wells Manufacturing Corp

    You should really start a new thread with a new question like this, so that more people see it. Some people look primarily at threads that have no responses yet. Also, don't post the exact same question in multiple places. Or, if you must cross-post to some other forum, make sure to mention it in your question text.
    I'm happy to be a brick in your Western Wall, but I'm not sure what the main objective is here. Is the main problem really getting access to the "X bytes received in Y seconds at Z bytes/sec" string? Or is it accomplishing the file transfer? And what OS and LabVIEW version are you running?
    I think your problem is that you the LabVIEW System Exec command does not allow for the degree of interactivity that you need if you want to issue a sequence of commands to a command-line executable. However, under Windows XP (and, presumably, other Windows versions, though I can't check), you can tell the FTP executable to use commands from a textfile script by using the -s switch, and you can override the prompts during multiple file transfers with the -i switch:
    If you issue a command in this format to System Exec, and make sure to create a file at FILEPATH with your command sequence (one per line), then you should at least accomplish the FTP actions. This won't give you the transfer details in the standard output, unfortunately. However, if you just want a general sense of how much was transferred and how quickly it happened, you can code that in LabVIEW by getting the resulting file sizes and using Tick Count before and after the System Exec call to see how long the transfer took.
    Hope that helps,

  • Modbus Ethernet read and write to a Eurotherm 6180XIO Modbus server using LV8.2 shared variables

    I am having EXTREME difficulty trying to establish communications with a Modbus device using LV8.2 shared variables.  The device is a Eurotherm 6180XIO Datalogger configured as a Modbus master.  The PC and a cFP-1804 are slaves.  All IP addresses are set correctly.  This approach using shared variables would seem simple, but I can't find any examples or proper guidance on how to get it working.  I am trying to avoid having to mess around with TCP/IP, OPC, or any other old-fashioned method.
    I have read many threads on related topics but none directly apply to this situation.  I have created a library containing a Modbus I/O server and shared variables bound to read and write holding registers.  I have followed all recommended tips for creating such variables but I can neither read or write data.  All data types are U16 due to Modbus protocol limitations.  I have also applied the LV x10 factor in the most significant digit in the register offset (6 digits instead of 5).
    I have a cFP-1804 on the same network which reads into the datalogger OK.  The registers I use are 31000 (for CH0 on module 0, 31002 for CH1, etc) and the data can be read as FLOAT32.  I have updated the firmwate on the 1804 to the latest level.  I cannot even get shared variables to read SGL values.  Using registers 301001 for CH0 and 301002 for CH1 I can only read U16 values, and not a 2-word SGL.
    Third party Modbus simulation software is able to write to and read from registers very easily, but not LabVIEW.
    Some questions are:
    - do I use a Modbus master or slave as an I/O server in the library as a target for binding the shared variables?
    - is there some other wierd translation in register offsets between LabVIEW and traditional Modbus?
    - is this actually possible using shared variables or am I wasting my time?

    Sending the whole 60-character string using a string or array would be the most efficient.  I have tried both methods, and these only cause the datalogger to flag a message log but no text is displayed.
    For a string variable, I have used the following binding "My Computer\Modbus Test.lvlib\ModbusServer6180\442305", where ModbusServer6180 is a Modbus I/O server configured with the logger IP address, and 42304 is the register offset at the start of the text block in the logger.  I need to write to 30 consecutive registers starting with this one.  I am not using buffering and have not enabled single writer.
    Can anyone confirm whether this method should work in 8.2?
    Does the string need a special termination character?

  • Standard and Non-standard exports and queries issue

    We have created a few STANDARD books with standard exports in them. The standard exports use standard queries.
    The ISSUE is that in the Verifications/Filters tab, where we have put in a lot of queries - ONLY the STANDARD queries show up. We would like to have all the queries show up. I am the adminsitrator and still only the standard ones show up.
    I am worried that if I "Save As" the export as a non-standard export, it does not allow me to uncheck the standard tick column and save it but I have to manually change the name of the export. Can we change this in anyway?
    Is there a system preference where I can allow all the queries to show up in the verifications/filter tab at least for the admnistrators if not for all? Thanks
    - Ad

    Thanks for your input but DRM does seem to be behaving what you said or may be I am still missing something here.
    I created a standard query.
    I have a standard export.
    Now, in the verification/filter tab of my Standard export, I am able to see my standard queries.
    I am unable to see the Non-Standard Queries.
    If I have a Non-Standard export --> I am able to ALL the queries. This makes it a lot more flexible in doing things.
    My question is the WHY are my standard exports not able to reach the non-standard queries. What I wanted to do a twist in my export for analysis purposes for a particular use. If non-standard exports have access to Standard and Non-Standard queries --> it just makes more sense to always use a non-standard export and create non-standard queries.

  • Pbs to read and write messages on the same port

    I am novice so I do some tests to send messages with the example : CAN trasmit periodic, and to receive messages with the Channel Monitor, so I want to use this two VIs in my program but there is an error because I can't use the two examples at the same time...
    How can I proceed to use this two example in my program? There is an other solution to read and write in the same time (I use a database .dbc)? 

    I'm sorry for my mistake but CAN transmit periodic exist in two version, one for FPGA and other for PC card. I didn't see the second one.
    You can monitor your CAN bus with NI-CAN BusMonitor: How Can I Monitor the NI-CAN Bus?
    Aurélien J.
    National Instruments France
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    >> Du 30 juin au 25 août, embarquez pour 2 mois de vidéo-t'chat ! Prenez place pour un voyage au coe...

  • How to read and write on ntfs partitions??

    Hello everyone, thanks for viewing my post.  I want to know how to read and write on ntfs partitions under sata hd on my arch64 system.  I'm using kde as my de and dolphin does sees it but can't access it anyway.  I didn't had problem so far on mounting usb drives it just automounts maybe because it is a fat partition not a ntfs?  Please I need your help...Thanks in advance:)

    You will most likely need to rework your fstab.  The one from my desktop is shown below. If you want regular users to be able to access the partition, then you will need to change the gid option as I have done. Although you could create a group just for people you want to have access.
    You will need to know the device that your windows partition is held on of course. In my case it is my first hard disk, first partition, hence /dev/sda1.
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/dvd /media/dvd auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd1 /boot ext2 defaults 0 1
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd2 / reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd3 /var reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd5 /opt reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd6 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd7 /home reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/sdd1 /mnt/andromeda vfat defaults 0 0
    /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows ntfs-3g defaults,user,gid=users 0 0
    My XP partition is set to mount automatically, as I regularly interchange documents between the OS's.
    Hope that helps.

  • In iCal and Notifications on a notebook, is it possible to expand the notes window to make it easier to read and write notes?

    In iCal and Notifications on a notebook, is it possible to expand the notes window to make it easier to read and write notes? In the past, I have used Outlook calendar and tasks and I was able to expand the windows which allowed me to put a great amount of details into either the notes section in events and tasks. It would be great to be able to do this in iCal and Notifications as well. I am using a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.8. Thank you very much for assistance with this.

    Try Spaces for a virtual desktop.

  • I have an external hard drive, from Iomega. However, I cannot copy or save any file to it. On my PC it says that is possible to read and write in it, but in my Mac, it says I can only read. can somebody help me?

    I have an external hard drive, from Iomega. that I can open and see my files. However, I cannot copy or save any file to it. On my PC I have it says that is possible to read and write in it, but in my Mac, it says I can only read. can somebody help me?
    Also, Im a photographer, so I like to name a lot of files at the same time (used to do in on PC and it was very usefull.) cannot find out how to do it on my Mac. Really appretiate if some one can give me a solution! Thanx

    Your drive is formatted with the NTFS file system.  OS X can read but not write to the NTFS file system.  There are third party drivers available that claim to add the ability to OS X to write to an NTFS partition.  I have not tried them and don't know if they work.
    The only file system that OS X and Windows can both write to natively is the FAT32 file system.

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    Mac desktop. 10.6.8. Text edit. Not locked. Read and write, not read only. Documents are locking when they are moved from desktop to another folder or saved directly into that folder on the server. Not happening with anyone else but me and the boss's computer so has to be in the properties for my text edit software. Techies can't figure it out after trying for two weeks. Boss can do a cut and paste and put into a new document, but that's starting to become a problem.

    Mac desktop. 10.6.8. Text edit. Not locked. Read and write, not read only. Documents are locking when they are moved from desktop to another folder or saved directly into that folder on the server. Not happening with anyone else but me and the boss's computer so has to be in the properties for my text edit software. Techies can't figure it out after trying for two weeks. Boss can do a cut and paste and put into a new document, but that's starting to become a problem.

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    I am working on sharepoint 2013.I want to read and write data in excel sheet (micrsoft excel) from stored file in shrepoint docoumnt library .please suggest me

    check those links
    Kind Regards, John Naguib Technical Consultant/Architect MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation. Please remember to mark the reply as answer if it helps.

  • Need help to read and write using UTF-16LE

    I am in need of yr help.
    In my application i am using UTF-16LE to export and import the data when i am doing immediate.
    And sometimes i need to do the import in an scheduled formate..i.e the export and imort will happend in the specified time.
    But in my application when i am doing scheduled import, they used the URL class to build the URL for that file and copy the data to one temp file to do the event later.
    The importing file is in UTF-16LE formate and i need to write the code for that encoding formate.
    The problem is when i am doing scheduled import i need to copy the data of the file into one temp place and they doing the import.
    When copying the data from one file to the temp i cant use the UTF-16LE encoding into the URL .And if i get the path from the URl and creating the reader and writer its giving the FileNotFound exception.
    Here is the excisting code,
    protected void copyFile(String rootURL, String fileName) {
    URL url = null;
    try {
    url = new URL(rootURL);
    } catch(java.net.MalformedURLException ex) {
    if(url != null) {
    BufferedWriter out = null;
    BufferedReader in = null;
    try {
    out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
    String line;
    do {
    line = in.readLine();
    if(line != null) {
    out.write(line, 0, line.length());
    } while(line != null);
    } catch(Exception ex) {
    Here String rootURL is the real file name from where i have to get the data and its UTF-16LE formate.And String fileName is the tem filename and it logical one.
    I think i tried to describe the problem.
    Plz anyone help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    thanks for yr reply...
    I did the as per yr words using StreamWriter but the problem is i need a temp file name to create writer to write into that.
    but its an logical one and its not in real so if i create Streamwriten in that its through FileNotFound exception.
    The only problem is the existing code build using URL and i can change all the lines and its very difficult because its vast amount of data.
    Is anyother way to solve this issue?
    Once again thanks..

  • How do I read and write at the same time using the NI-CAN channel API?

    Here's the situation.  I have one CAN bus, and I need to read and write channel data (using the channel API) at the same time both at an interval of 20 ms.  It's easy to do one or the other using the channel API, but you can't setup a channel task to do both.  It's either input or output, not both.  Is this even possible?

    yes , this is possible. But you have to create two tasks, one for input and one for output. see the attached example for LabVIEW.
    If you download and install NI-CAN 2.4 you will get this example and one for C and VB as well.
    Single Sample Input Output same Port.vi ‏79 KB

  • How do I set an external HD permission to read AND write?

    I received an iMac for Christmas and need a little help.  I have a 2TB external HD that contains .shn and .flac files of GD concerts (and other music).  I managed to find Cog that will play them...but what I want to do is download them and move them upon completion to the external HD.  I can not do this because the HD is read only.  I can move stuff to a SD card because it is read and write.  I assume when I change the permission I will be able to move the folder of a show to the HD as well.  Surely this is simple...  Thank You and sorry for the dumb question!

    Your external hard drive is likely NTFS formatted for use with a PC.
    OSX can read but cannot write to NTFS formatted volumes. You can install software that allows writing to a NTFS drive, as Niel has suggested, or you can reformat your external drive using Disk Utility for use with your Mac.
    If you decide to reformat your drive for Mac use, copy your data off to another drive before you proceed.

  • How to share files in a network and allow read-and-write to a specific computer only?

    I have several computers in my network, and I want to share a folder and allow read-and-write from computer A to Computer B only, and omit computer C. How do I do that? Thanks.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I like this approach as Java is more familiar to me than other languages.
    Our DBA is out of touch today, so I could not grant the javauserpriv to my database user. I tried to run the script anyway in the chance that my user had the privs, and it seemed to have hung. I am now combing Oracle's site for more documentation so I can write some tests to see if I can get a basic Java object working. Under what heading would I find this?

Maybe you are looking for

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