IBM's Crazy T30 machine

Alright. Even though im 15, i do A LOT of computer work. I work with kernels for OSx86, and i have to say I am amazed by the T30. I have only 256mb of IBM issued ram, and another 256 stick of hynix ram in there as well (non-IBM branded). If i leave teh hynix in, kernel panics rain in like crazy. however, if i leave only th IBM stick in there, OS X FUNCTIONS PERFECTLY! Here is my question, why does this happen? Why is my t30 so **bleep** about having non-ibm memory in there? and is there ANYBODY that has spare IBM ddr memory that i can purchase or that you can donate? im currently using only 256 megs, which is no where near enough. Thanks for reading!
X41T: Dead from a power surge during a BIOS Flash!

What you're dealing with is likely a bad stick of RAM...have you run memtest 86 on it?
FWIW, my T30 has a 1 GB stick of generic Samsung RAM in it and doesn't fuss whatsoever...and I've owned many of them that have behaved the same way...
In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
Collecting dust: T60
Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

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    My laptop: Ibm Thinkpad T30 Windows Xp Pro  
    im not sure where to find the serial number on it either sadly its kinda old but please respond thanks bye

    Love you ajkula66111
    I have heen having the same problem with my T40.  I put the expansion memory in the orignal slot under the keyboard and it starts up like a dream.
    Before I would have to start it up a few times before it would not beep and go to BIOS and then start for real.
    summitzl, check out the link (you could probably find the exact one for your computer type, but here is what to look for).
    I do not know if you have an expansion memory (slot is on the back of computer, first one listed on the page of how to get to it), but I pulled that one out and put it in my orignal slot since I am pretty sure the expansion one is newer.
    Now, I do not know if I should try to put the old one in the expansion slot or what.
    THANK YOU!!!

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    Ay advice?
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    GeForce 8600M GT:
      Chipset Model:          GeForce 8600M GT
      Type:          Display
      Bus:          PCIe
      PCIe Lane Width:          x16
      VRAM (Total):          512 MB
      Vendor:          NVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID:          0x0407
      Revision ID:          0x00a1
      ROM Revision:          3212
    Color LCD:
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      Depth:          32-Bit Color
      Core Image:          Hardware Accelerated
      Main Display:          Yes
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    Oracle supports the configuration you have planned.
    We once thought about this combination but the advantages of running AIX 5.2/5.3 outweighed the benefits of running Linux on P Series.

  • IBM T30 BlueTooth drivers?

    hello ppl
    IBM T30  1.8ghz  model 2366 BM1
    120gb HDD
    1gb ddr 333
    11b wifi
    BlueTooth Module FRU-91P7297
    Windows XP SP3
    i just got this bluetooth/modem module.   windows setup the modem but cant see any bluetooth options
    i installed the drivers from ibm for the t30 bluetooth but still it not working am i using wrong drivers??
    i do know the module is from a T40  but dont want to spend $80aud for the original daughter card for the T30
    can anyone help me out to get the bluetooth working  as i got it for BT only, modem side is useless to me..

    Welcome to the forum!
    After downloading the drivers, have you unpacked them from the appropriate directory, should be C>Drivers>Win>BDC
    Good luck and let us know. 
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

  • Compaq machines and Java Plug-in 1.2.2

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    Has anyone seen this type of behavior before? I'm not trying to make Compaq look bad, but it seems to be consistent (we've tried this on several Compaq machines). What can I check/change? It looks like the applet is not even getting loaded at all.
    Van Williams

    Hi again Van
    Is anything showing up in the Plug-In console to indicate how far through the loading process things are going?
    Also, is the problem occuring with any Plug-in applet, or just the particular one you mention.
    You could also try some of the applets at (all Swing-based and Plug-in requiring) to see if the problem is related to a one particular applet or the Compaq setup in general.
    Is there any difference in the amount of memory between the machines?
    I guess you've tried all these kind of things, I'm just clutching at straws here.

  • RMI server crashing the Virtual Machine

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    The crashing is happening at seemingly random points and I have covered all my public methods with try....catch blocks that catch Throwable, and it doesn't seem to be an exception. Code that 19 out of 20 times will run fine, crashes on the 20th run etc.
    What I am wondering is - has anyone had similar problems and do you know how to fix it?
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    Any insights or help from people developing similar services would be greatly appreciated (this is the first RMI service I have implemented).

    YES!!! I finally solved it..........
    I put the monitoring code into the startup script - incidentally, on linux the shell variable is $? as opposed to $status.
    Then I let it run and this morning it exited again and the error code was 130 - or Control-C.... This made no sense to me as the service was running on a linux box which I was monitoring through a telnet window on my Windows PC. And I know for sure that I wasn't pressing Control-C.
    After talking to someone else at work I found out that they had heaps of problems running a resin server in a similar way (through a telnet window), and in the end it came down to the telnet window was sending things it shouldn't to the resin server and causing all sorts of problems. As soon as they ran it in the background, the problems disappeared.
    So I ran it in the background and the problem has disappeared. Instead, to monitor the service I just did a tail -f on the log file and every half hour or so the tail program running through the telnet window was just dying mysteriously...... ha ha ha ha
    Thanks a lot for your help EJP, I wouldn't have been able to sort it out without your suggestions. And I have learnt a lot more about RMI in tracking this bug down. Only problem is that the clients were here for a demo last week and had it exit once while they were running the client app......arg!!!

  • Oracle Error from inserting a table from a table

    Hi all,
    We got a oracle error, as following,
    Thu Mar 2 16:34:03 2006
    Errors in file /oracle1/app/oracle/admin/M3US/udump/ora_1773234_m3us.trc:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4518], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    The SQL is below,
    A.COM_CODE ,
    A.DIV_CODE ,
    A.PGM_NO ,
    A.PGM_SEQ ,
    A.PGM_TYPE ,
    A.CUST_CD ,
    A.BILL_TO ,
    A.TXN_TYPE ,
    A.TXN_NO ,
    A.TXN_SEQ ,
    A.TXN_DATE ,
    A.MODEL ,
    A.SUFFIX ,
    A.PCT_RATE ,
    A.QTY ,
    WHERE PGM_NO = '2006-DA0004B'
    If we tried to insert into a table with one more condition,
    and rownum=1;
    it went throught without error.
    And, if we insert into the table with value( val1, val2,.....,valn), it also went through without any error message, but ONLY when the whole SQL is executed.
    There is no error either for the select statement in the SQL either.
    It is Oracle 64-bit on IBM AIX 5.2 machine.
    What is wrong?
    Thanks for advance!

    Dump file /oracle1/app/oracle/admin/M3US/udump/ora_1773234_m3us.trc
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    ORACLE_HOME = /oracle1/app/oracle/product/8.1.7
    System name: AIX
    Node name: lgeus
    Release: 2
    Version: 5
    Machine: 00C9C4CD4C00
    Instance name: M3US
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 86
    Unix process pid: 1773234, image: oracle@lgeus (TNS V1-V3)
    *** SESSION ID:(184.8386) 2006-03-02 16:13:16.189
    *** 2006-03-02 16:13:16.189
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4518], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    D.COM_CODE, D.DIV_CODE, '2006-DA0004B' PGM_NO,
    DECODE ( T.PRODUCT, 'WR', 1, 'WL', 2, 'WK', 3, 'JE', 4, 'JM', 5, 'FR', 6, 'FD',7, 0 ) PGM_SEQ , 'KO' ,
    GREATEST ( M.INVO_DATE, '20060228') , D.MODEL, D.SUFFIX,
    D.NET_AMT_TXN * 0.02,D.NET_AMT_TXN * 0.02, 'S', 'USD', 'P', 2, 0, D.NET_AMT_LOC, D.NET_AMT_TXN, 'L',
    SELECT /*+ ORDERED M, D, T */
    AND M.INVO_DATE BETWEEN '20060101' AND '20061231'
    AND M.BILL_TO IN ( 'US006900' )
    WHERE PGM_NO = '2006-DA0004B' )
    WHERE PGM_NO = '2006-DA0004B'
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling call entry argument values in hex
    location type point (? means dubious value)
    ksedmp+00cc bl ksedst 1 ?
    ksfdmp+0018 bl ksedmp 110276CD ?
    kgeriv+0104 bl _ptrgl
    kgeasi+0104 bl kgeriv 84 ? 70 ? 6 ? 6 ? 2FF1A24C ?
    ktbwbi+00f8 bl kgeasi 20009408 ? 201287D4 ? 11A6 ?
    2 ? 0 ? C0 ? 8000 ? 0 ?
    kdisle+100c bl ktbwbi 2FB0 ? 11919F50 ? 0 ? 0 ?
    kdiins0+0f84 bl kdisle 69362E20 ? 2FF1A740 ?
    2FF1B008 ? 1000001 ? 80008 ?
    22243DE8 ? 2C002C ? 0 ?
    kauxsin+13e8 bl kdiins0 69362E20 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ?
    0 ? 0 ? 80000 ?
    insidx+0388 bl kauxsin 69362DD4 ? 117694C4 ? 0 ?
    201B4278 ? 201B4308 ?
    201B4350 ? 201B4260 ? 0 ?
    insflush+013c bl insidx 88 ?
    insrow+04a0 bl insflush 201B41D4 ? 1 ? 2FF1DE48 ?
    insdrv+0450 bl insrow 201B41D4 ? 2FF1DE48 ? 0 ?
    insexe+04ec bl insdrv 201B41D4 ?
    opiexe+1f2c bl insexe 63406C80 ? 3 ?
    opiall0+0c60 bl opiexe 4 ? 2 ? 2FF1F7F0 ?
    kpoal8+0678 bl opiall0 5E ? 22 ? 2FF1FAA8 ? 0 ?
    2FF1FA50 ? 20121CB8 ? 5EB ?
    4422022 ?
    opiodr+0668 bl _ptrgl
    ttcpip+09d8 bl _ptrgl
    opitsk+066c bl ttcpip 57B ? 200AEA88 ? 2FF21288 ?
    7FF ? 1 ? 0 ? 20067B70 ? 4C ?
    opiino+061c bl opitsk 2000CE18 ?
    opiodr+0668 bl _ptrgl
    opidrv+0450 bl opiodr 3C ? 4 ? 2FF229C8 ? 0 ?
    sou2o+0028 bl opidrv 3C ? 4 ? 2FF229C8 ?
    main+0130 bl sou2o 0 ? A0 ? 2FF22890 ? 0 ?
    __start+0088 bl main 2 ? 2FF22A38 ?
    ----- Argument/Register Address Dump -----
    Argument/Register addr=1.
    Dump of memory from 0x0 to 0x101
    000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [................]
    Repeat 15 times
    100 7C7243A6 [|rC.]
    Argument/Register addr=110276cd.
    Dump of memory from 0x1102768D to 0x110277CD
    11027680 4BFFFCA5 [K...]
    11027690 2C030000 40820020 3B5A0001 80010040 [,...@.. ;Z.....@]
    110276A0 3B390001 7C1A0040 4180FDF8 80610050 [;9..|[email protected]]
    110276B0 48000010 4BFD2989 60000000 38600001 [H...K.).`...8`..]
    110276C0 800100A8 818100A4 382100A0 7C0803A6 [........8!..|...]
    110276D0 BA21FFC4 7D808120 4E800020 00000000 [.!..}.. N.. ....]
    110276E0 00002043 800F0600 00000000 000002D8 [.. C............]
    110276F0 00096472 65696931 696E7300 BE21FFC4 [..dreii1ins..!..]
    11027700 607F0000 7C0802A6 7D800026 90010008 [`...|...}..&....]
    11027710 8003000C 91810004 2C000000 9421EF70 [........,....!.p]
    11027720 408207A0 60960000 83DF0000 60B50000 [@...`.......`...]
    <and go on>
    this file is huge, I just copy/paste the first part. I hope it helps.
    Thanks a lot, Sri.

  • Writing files to other computers on network

    I'm trying to build a tool that replaces a configuration file on several computers (PCs) on a network. I've been browsing through some documents and it seems like all I need to do is to provide the UNC pathname when I'm reading and writing. I haven't had a chance to try this yet, but I believe this is correct. But would it possible to run a tool from a UNIX box and manipulate files on PC's on the same network?

    If you have a Windows network then JCIFS should work for this. I use it for transferring files between IBM iSeries and Windows machines.
    And as for the UNC path idea, that would work provided the user ID on the "central" computer was allowed to sign on to all of the "other" computers. Otherwise you would have to provide a user ID and password, and I don't know if you can do that in a UNC path. However JCIFS does allow for that.

  • ITunes 10.5 has three processes that hog CPU 100%

    Since I updated iTunes to 10.5, there are three proceses that hog the CPU to 100% and everything comes to a screaching slow mode. These are APSDaemon.exe, MDCrashReportTool.exe, and AppleMobileDeviceSerivce.exe. Even when I close iTunes, these processes keep running and continue to hog the CPU.
    I am running Window XP on an IBM (Lenovo) Thinkpad T60 machine with 2GB Ram and T2500CPU @ 2.00GHz.
    What are these processing doing that takes so much CPU poawer. Before iTunes and iPad updates, they use to function properly.

    When I called Apple Support to ask about the 100%  CPU usage, they wanted to charge me because my Ipod was out of warranty.  I insisted on talking to someone and finally got to talk to a software engineer for free.  He said that he had never heard of the problem in his three years at Apple.  Nonetheless, he sounded really interested and suggested that it might be a conflict with anti-virus software.   I deleted the antiviruse and that DID NOT HELP AT ALL.
    It seems as if Apple could care less.    There is no official response.   Their primary response is to look at the Forum.   At least you find out that the problem isn't your fault, it really is Apple!!!!
    So far the best solution is just to delete iTunes and use Mediamonkey to sync your pod.
    Apple, please fix this!!!!!

  • Database movement from Hp 11.00 to AIX 5.3 (db version : )

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    pls help me in doing this activity.
    Thanks in advance

    At your version,the following can be performed.
    1)Create an empty shell in AIX 5.3 that of your Source Database.
    2)Export the Source database.
    3)Import into the Target Database.
    Export/import can be through creating the dumpfiles at the file system level and it has to be transferred to the Target Server to perform Import. You can Also use the Unix Pipe options to perform the export/import simultaneously without creating the Export dump files.

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    I think Oracle XE is for x86 ... will it run on IBM power processors ?
    Please help?

    I think Oracle XE is for x86 ... will it run on IBM
    power processors ?Why just don't try ;-)

  • Oracle Linux Installation - Custom Partitioning - GPT Partitioning

    we have successfully installed Oracle Linux 5.5 on IBM - System X3650 M3 machine and later scrapped this Linux OS and Installed Windows 2008 OS for other demo purpose.
    Now again we are trying to install the Oracle Linux on this machine we are encountering the below issue...
    Oracle Linux 5.5 installation on IBM - System X3650 M3
    Encountering below error message while creating the custom partitioning creation
    Partitioning Error
    The following critical errors exit with your requested partitoning scheme.
    Your boot partition is a disk using the GPT paritioning scheme but this machine cannot boot using GPT.
    These errors must be corrected prior to continuing with your install of enterprise linux.
    Please help.
    Edited by: user13681259 on Jun 18, 2012 1:07 AM

    Thanks, we managed to clear GPT partition and continued the installation processs...
    we have successfully installed Oracle Linux 5.5 on IBM - System X3650 M3 machine and later scrapped the Linux OS and Installed Windows 2008 OS for other demo purpose.
    Now again we are trying to install the Oracle Linux on this machine and the machine is NOT detecting the network devices and the network configuration screen does not appear during the installations to assign the staticIP and the hostname to the machine.
    Now, the Network Devices screen is NOT displaying during the installtion (where we have to enter the IP Address and hostname details)- the Network Devices Screen should come after the partition layout and GRUB boot loader screen.
    The network cable is attached with this machine already.
    # lspci | grep -i net
    0b : 00.0 Ethernet controller : Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet
    0b : 00.1 Ethernet controller : Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet
    Link encap:local Loopback
    inet addr mask
    Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr E6.lF:l3:A8:AF:3F
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    #ifconfig -a
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Edited by: user13681259 on Jun 19, 2012 1:02 AM
    Edited by: user13681259 on Jun 19, 2012 1:16 AM

  • Hello can anyone explain me how to solve this scenario.

    Hello Experts,
    Today i have attended an interview .. the interviewer has given me this scenario and gave me a system and asked me to solve this scenario practically..
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    IBM sells Notebooks and Machines through dealers.they provide direct selling to corporates.
    .they give 10% discount to orders of 10 pcs and more.
    maintaining dealers
    maintaining product list and price
    maintainig corporate details.
    no of orders placed and delivery date.
    . dealer wise order report
    . company stock report
    .sales report monthly and yeraly wise.
    So what i am asking you is kindly guide me how to approach to solve this scenario.

    this is the exception,I don't know why this exception exist sometimes and isn't exist sometimes
         at REDCSecurity.RSAKeyPair.readFromFile(
         at REDCTools.USBHandler.getPrivKey(
         at REDCClient.Disconnected.authenticate(
         at REDCClient.Disconnected.connect(
         at REDCClient.ConnectionAgent.connect(
         at REDCClient.testConnect.main(

  • Problem with the installation of Third party softwares

    I've installed Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition on my server. Installation was successful.
    Now I've problem with installing third party Applications. While installing one of the IBM product on my machine it's throwing an error in the middle saying that ERROR:1704 and ERROR:1719 saying windows installer service could not be accessed.
    Kindly help me in this issue asap.
    Thank you.
    Shivaji Alluri

    Hi Shivaji Alluri
    You might want to restart the server.
    After that, you right-click on setup.exe and Run as administrator
    Error 1704 Install for program is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that install to continue.
    Suggestion: go to regedit, HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress
    and remove the value.
    Error 1719 Windows Installer service could not be accessed
    1) Run Fix It Tool (
    2) download and re-install Windows Installer

Maybe you are looking for

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