IBook Author TOC

I have been working with the iBook Author but am having trouble with the table of contents feature. It is not giving me any listings or page numbers as requested. I do get the chapter number and title. I also have a photo book which I can delete and other boxes which I cannot change. Any suggestions.

Christine, The Toc has limitations. It's worth your wile to not only go through the help files, but download this free
from O'Reilly press, Publishing With iBooks Author :   http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920025597.do
- Fabe

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    Change a chapter title does not update the TOC page.
    Any way to edit that title from the TOC?

    I just started using iBooks Author and ran into trouble when adding a hyperlinked page of chapters as a "Section", not knowing what other way to add it since I didn't want it labeled as a chapter.  In the process, the TOC stopped showing anything more than the Section I added, with the visual page view and dotted slider thing only showed one blank page and nothing else.  After driving myself crazy for a while and finding nothing useful in comments to similar problems here, I started hunting around at the bottom of the TOC window where those little blue arrows are.  They didn't have any effect, but when I clicked on the little percent window next to them, I came up with a pop up menu saying different things including fit page or something like that.  When I checked that choice, lo and behold, my slider thingy worked again and showed all my chapters again.   Still wish they  would provide an automatically hyperlinked Table Of Contents page like normal books have so you don't have to scroll through a bunch of pictures of pages to find what you are looking for, but it isn't too hard to make one bookmarking the text at the beginning of each chapter and hyper linking your chapter list to it.  Still a new user, but at least I got the thing working again.  Don't know if this will help others at all since there seem to be a variety of problems with  figuring out how to use the TOC.  I guess I'll have to buy a book on how to use the thing.  Who ever invented help menus forgot that you actually have to explain how to do things to be of any help.  Mostly it isn't at all obvious.

  • IBook Author's TOC

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    is the TOC loading the images that are on each chapter page? (do't place the images on the TOC page, place them on the cahpter pages.
    if that is not working then the link has been broken or there is no "main" image placeholder on each chapter page.
    You can test to see how it works with a new document.
    If it is working properly, then you can relace the images on the TOC page (after you place the images on the individual chapter header pages.
    There are some old threads with screen captures etc.

  • How can i print the TOC in iBook Author?

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    Share/Export a PDF?
    Use the Print menu to output a PDF if you don't care for iBA's banners, etc.
    You can also screenshot off your iPad, too

  • CAN the TOC in iBooks Author be customized?

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    What specifically do you need to do?
    I believe it depends on the book. I believe If its locked landscape/portrait book, the TOC only includes a sections/chapters. If its a landscape and portrait book, you can add paragraph styles to the TOC, such as Heading 1, Heading 2 etc.

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    Thanx for the prompt response, KT. I have indeed seen that thread, only just after I posted the question.
    I have spent hours on the phone with what I now know is a call center in Texas on this question.
    I think Apple could be a little more "hands on" with iBooks Author users, and it should also be pointed out that landscape photos will not display in portrait mode.
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    Preview is not reliable.  Instead you should export your book to .ibooks format and transfer that to your device and open it using the ibooks app.

  • IBooks Author table of contents does recognize paragraph styles

    The video
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    The video shows the Inspector for TOC as a separate window and shows explicitly, under Sections, the items Copyright, Dedication, Foreword, Section and Section Text. It also has two Paragraph styles listed, Heading 1 and Heading 2. 
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    The iBA Help has info on: table of contents
    Which includes:
    Each book comes with a table of contents that is updated automatically. You can view the table of contents at any time by selecting Table of Contents in the sidebar. The table of contents includes a default set of items, but you can change which items appear. A table of contents can include:
    Chapter and section titles: All chapter and section titles are included in the table of contents by default. If you remove a section from the table of contents, all other sections that use the same layout are removed as well.
    Text that uses specified paragraph styles: By default, the table of contents includes all paragraphs in the book that use the Heading 1 and Heading 2 style, but you can include whichever styles you like. Paragraph styles appear in the table of contents only in portrait orientation. See Format text using styles.
    The way the table of contents looks depends on the current page orientation. In landscape orientation (shown below), each chapter has its own contents page, with navigation buttons at the bottom. In portrait orientation, the entire book’s table of contents is visible as an expandable list.
    Add or remove items in the table of contents
    If the Document inspector isn’t open, click Inspector in the toolbar and click the Document Inspector button.
    Click the TOC button.
    Do either or both of the following:
    To add an item: Click the Add pop-up menu , choose Add Paragraph Style, and choose an option from the submenu.
    To remove an item: Select the item you want to remove and click the Delete button .

  • Customize features in iBooks Author

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    Thanks K T, This definitely got page numbers to appear.
    Now I actually have to read the iBooks Author support to figure out what I'm doing wrong with the whole Section/Chapter template thing. (It would be nice to just have a simple picture book template. Not to complain.)
    Thanks for your technical support across so many issues.

  • How to make table of contents in IBooks Author?

    I am having trouble with the Table of Contents in IBooks Author, I have completed successfully all the steps and pages,
    photos and widgets, but have been stuck on the Table of Contents for months.  I've Googled and searched for help,
    but either don't understand or it doesn't apply to my book.  I am trying to publish a Children's Book which really doesn't need
    the Table of Contents, but apparently they won't publish without one. 
    Please advise if you have an answer for this frustrating problem,
    thank you!

    Crafting a chapter-less book is possible, but a minimum of one section is required.
    Remove the chapter label, leave the TOC blank and you'll then have a basic/generic point from which to work with. Use the 'File/Save As Template' menu before modifying further if you want to reuse later, etc.
    Keep in mind that the default navigation means at the very least there will be a series of small dots along the bottom of the screen indicating sections, which when tapped will display thumbnails. If your book isn't doing that (landscape), try another template.

  • IBooks Author strips tab stops from Table of Contents

    Tab stops that are generated from section names are stripped from published iBooks Author files.   When I click on Table of Contents in iBooks Author, I can see it exactly like it should be.  Please see the screenshot that I have uploaded tabs.jpg. 
    Please note the Tab stops of the inspector that are in the screenshot.  It shows clearly that I have made a number of tab stops and how it should be displayed. However, please download the following file to see how the tab stops are stripped from the .ibooks file that is created when I publish it:
    I am in immediate need of a solution for a large book that I am in the process of publishing.  Please advise.

    The iBA Help has info on: table of contents
    Which includes:
    Each book comes with a table of contents that is updated automatically. You can view the table of contents at any time by selecting Table of Contents in the sidebar. The table of contents includes a default set of items, but you can change which items appear. A table of contents can include:
    Chapter and section titles: All chapter and section titles are included in the table of contents by default. If you remove a section from the table of contents, all other sections that use the same layout are removed as well.
    Text that uses specified paragraph styles: By default, the table of contents includes all paragraphs in the book that use the Heading 1 and Heading 2 style, but you can include whichever styles you like. Paragraph styles appear in the table of contents only in portrait orientation. See Format text using styles.
    The way the table of contents looks depends on the current page orientation. In landscape orientation (shown below), each chapter has its own contents page, with navigation buttons at the bottom. In portrait orientation, the entire book’s table of contents is visible as an expandable list.
    Add or remove items in the table of contents
    If the Document inspector isn’t open, click Inspector in the toolbar and click the Document Inspector button.
    Click the TOC button.
    Do either or both of the following:
    To add an item: Click the Add pop-up menu , choose Add Paragraph Style, and choose an option from the submenu.
    To remove an item: Select the item you want to remove and click the Delete button .

  • About table of contents on ibooks author

    Hello everyone, I am preparing an ibook on ibooks author and I want to custom the table of contents but I don't get to do it. Whenever I paste an item it appears on every single section within the table of contents. I would also like to know, if I paste an image how do I get it to fill the entire slide. Thanks in advance

    I'm not 100% sure what you're hoping to do, but if you mean the TOC background, that will look the same for every chapter (what changes is the text and the thumbnails that are generated at the bottom). Whichever colors and graphical treatments you choose when editing the master, that is what you will see throughout the TOC. As you add new chapters, they are automatically added to the TOC and generated on preview / export / publish.
    iBA is heavily template based, as the program is geared towards text books even though Apple doesn't market it as exclusively for text books.

  • Landing on page 1 of chapter 1 is impossible in iBooks Author

    I am a veteran iOS programmer, new to iBooks.
    We have now finished two iBooks and one Kindle book.
    Today I called Apple support because I could not figure out how to get iBooks Author to set my iBook to land on page 1 of my iBooks.
    In Kindle, this is easy.
    Apparently, inexplicably, in iBooks this is impossible. This is not technically difficult, but apparently Apple doesn't want to let us do this!
    We are doing children's books. We want them to be able to launch their iBook and see page 1 of chapter 1. They expect this, it's user friendly behavior.
    No problem in Kindle, it's the default.
    In iBooks, it is impossible!
    Apple Tech said "sorrry, no help".
    We are not going to do our valuable in print books in iBooks until Apple bothers to give us better abilities in iBooks Author. There is a posted HTML fix to this online, but Apple does not allow us to modify our iBooks HTML code.
    Apple should provide first-rate software for iBooks if it expects to compete successfully with Amazon. Apple seems to be devoting little attention to iBooks Author capabiltities. Check out Adobe Photoshop for world class features.

    Apple iBooks store open all  books from the cover image in  the iBooks app - it then  opens the introduction  image or video, then manually the reader/viewer can swipe through the book using the TOC thumbs.
    Whatever other publishers  do or options make  possible - two things needs to be taken into consideration.
    1.     iBooksAuthor produces an hybrid, part book part "app" - Apple create the software and  systems  right through to getting it into the iBooks store - free of charge.
    2.     Apple set their system and  supplu you free software to do it,  so you have to make a choice, if it suits  you  use what is made available - if its does not suite you, opt out and  stay with those who do what you want to do.
    You can use feedback to make your  opinion  heard,  but unless it  is.... what you have  is what is available.
    This is not technically difficult, but apparently Apple doesn't want to let us do this!
    It is their software, therefore they can dictate how it is  used.
    This is not technically difficult, but apparently Apple doesn't want to let us do this!
    But  did not bother to read the guidline before starting and  when you previewed your book,  you  saw ho wit was presented.   Did you add a video or image in teh introduction...knowing its shown after the  cover page ?
    Apple should provide first-rate software for iBooks if it expects to compete successfully with Amazon.
    I dont know how Apple compares to Amazon, but my  guess i s that Apple dont give two hoots for what Amazon are doing..... Apple concentrate on doing what is right for them
    Amazon do not  supply free software or allow any single person with an idea to create an interactive  book and put it in the iBooks store for free and without any payment whatever to Apple, granted they take 30% from a paid book - but  30% of $1,49 is  hardly going to drive up their share price is it?
    Apple seems to be devoting little attention to iBooks Author capabiltities. Check out Adobe Photoshop for world class features.
    1. Apple  is free software
    2. Photoshop does not  really make books, inDesign  does... and both  cost around $600 + PA with their Creative  Cloud fees.
    What  amazes me is you never thought to check everything out  before committing your time to making teh  two iBooks.
    There are litterally tens of thousands of users of IBooks Author creating and uploading books and all are quite  happy with the software and the systems.
    Its basically your  choice on what you do and  how you do it.  But lambasting Apple  simply because it does not do what you  failed to check if it could do... seems pointless - especailly as Apple do not  monitor these USER groups.

  • Is there a way of hiding certain pages from the preview at the bottom of the ipad screen in ibooks author?

    Is there a way of hiding certain pages from the preview at the bottom of the ipad screen in ibooks author?
    I'd like to only show the first page of a section in ibooks author's preview.

    Thanks for your reply, Ken. I did start a separate topic for this but it didn't seem to publish properly.
    I've posted it again here:
    I assume you don't know why this is happening to my TOC?

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