IBook G4 Freezing, possibly heat related

My computer is freezing. When this happens, nothing responds, though I can still move he cursor. The only solution is a restart. Then, I can use the computer for a little while before a new freeze, at which point another restart gives me even less time, until eventually I can't restart any more. When the computer doesn't load, I get passed the grey screen, but what should be the login screen is just a blank, blue one.
Being that I could stll move my curose, I figured it was a software issues, i tried running utilities and eventually wiped my hard drive and reinstalled Mac OS. The installation went fine, but I'm having the same problem. (BTW, the machine works fine as a firewire target)
I think it is somehow heat related, because of this diminishing time thing. In other words, the problem occurs when the machine gets to a certain temperature.
Everyone should bear in mind that this machine's logic board has been repaired twice.

I know I'm going to star sounding like a broken record, but it sounds like your logic board.
The first time my logic board failed, it did this exact same thing. It would last for shorter amounts of time until it just wouldn't boot up at all. After leaving it alone for an hour or so the cycle would repeat.
I also thought it was a heat issue, but the mac genius told me that unless it's VERY hot and smoking, it wasn't likely that it was heat related.
It ended up being the logic board (first of 3 that failed) and after they replaced it the computer was working fine (for a while).
Hope this helps!

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    iBook G4 933 MHz
    Mac OS X 10.4. Tiger
    640MB RAM
    40GB internal ATA hard drive
    Computer boots but then quickly locks up.
    If I immediately restart, then the iBook hangs at the blue screen before the Mac OS X progress screen appears.
    If I remove the battery and unplug the power cord then allow the computer to sit for at least 30 minutes, able to fully boot, but then the machine quickly freezes up.
    I assume the problem is heat related?
    I have so far:
    - Totally disassembled/reassembled
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    - Reset PMU
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    Sometimes during startup a fan turns on briefly, but not every attempt to boot.
    Yes-- I know about the 'solder' issues with iBook G4 logic boards, but I do not think the above is related. The VGA works fine.
    Thanks for any assistance that can be rendered.

    After a month, I have been notified by Superior Reball that the logic board has been repaired. I promptly made payment of $35 and the board was shipped back to me on June 17 via USPS Priority Mail Delivery Confirmation. I have received the tracking number and anticipate receiving the package by June 20.
    In my situation, well worth the wait for only $35.
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    Thanks and sorry for the long post!

    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with it.
    As you mentioned here, you've done everything that can be done to your phone software wise, and it still plays up.
    And as you further mentioned, it's related to hardware failure.
    As your device is not covered by warranty in Iraq, you will either have to pay for the repairs down there or send it back to your friend in Norway who can then send it in for warranty repair/replacement.

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    Well, in my case it's definitely not a cell phone - I don't have one - nor a cordless phone, since I wasn't using one at the time. My AirPort Extreme base station is immediately below the MacBook, about 2-3 feet, and a Fantom disk drive is nearby.
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    It may be more load-related than heat-related, or it may be neither, but hopefully it'll stay infrequent and easily resolved until a real fix comes along.

  • My ibook is freezing

    my ibook is freezing up. It usually happens when i'm moving it around. Any suggestions as to why it is freezing?

    Hi, and welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Try booting into Safe Mode. This will take quite awhile longer than a normal startup because it does a file check and repair of the hard disk.
    You will see your normal desktop. Once completely started up in Safe Mode, restart normally, and go to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility. Click on the top hard drive icon in the left sidebar and note the S.M.A.R.T. status at the bottom right of the pane. What does it say?
    Select the named boot volume in the left sidebar, ("Macintosh HD" unless you've renamed it). What is the hard drive capacity and how much space remains available on it? Repair permissions on it.
    See if a little hard drive maintenance helps things out.
    If you have questions in the future, you may want to try posting in the iBook G4 Forum.
    You have posted in the iBook G3 (Dual USB) Forum.

  • IBook G4 freezes after 10 minutes

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    2. Startup from install disc and repaired disc, although it was OK. Disc seems to be fine.
    3. Reset PROM.
    4. stored the iBook in a cold place and it ran for longer.
    5. Ran a temperture monitor - all temperatures are OK.
    6. I have tried using the latest MAC OS 10.4 and the original one supplied with th iBook (10.3).
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    I think the only thing left is that some hardware fails when it gets wram and works agin when cold. The colder t is to at startup, the longer it works for.
    I have now run out of ideas.

    It ran long enough to install from disc-1 then froze. After restarting, it asked for disc-2 and that loaded then froze. After restarting, it worked a short while then froze. To get this far, I left the iBook in a cold place before starting it up and this extended the runtime from the normal 5 minutes to as much as 25 minutes.
    I disconnected the disc and it behaved the same while starting from the CD drive so I think the disc is OK or its more than one cause.
    This feels like a dry solder joint problem, to me - applying pressure on the motherboard or lowering the temperature will temporarily fix it for a few minutes.
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  • Heat related clicking?

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    MacBook 2.0Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • IBook is freezing, help help.

    ok, so i have had my ibook for about two years now. i was running 10.3.9 and problem free. i had replaced a logic board a year ago and some bad memory. other than that i am good to go.
    about two months ago my ibook started freezing. i didn't get kernel panics telling me to restart. the mouse icon would freeze(the color wheel would stop , or the hand would be stuck as the hand icon) and i could not access my dock. however, with an ethernet cable i was still able to bridge the internet from the ibook to my desktop computer.(which is how i am online right now) it will start up fine and won't freeze if i have it on and run nothing. sometimes it runs for a while without freezing. but then sometimes it freezes right away.
    i reinstalled 10.3 hoping a clean install would clear it up, but no such luck. i ran the hardware test also, and everything came out passing. anyone have any suggestions?

    also, i would like to note that my iSight still gave out video of me moving around after my desktop had frozen. which i could not really explain? and the monitor dims still and puts up the screen saver, even if it is frozen.

  • IBook G4 freezing, and nothing much more

    I’m hoping for some creative help with a very troubling problem I’m having with my G4 iBook.
    Bought in 2004, this 14-inch iBook is running Tiger (though it came with Panther) and has 768 MB of RAM, a 60 gig hard drive, and a 1.07 GHz processor. It has never caused me any problems and I have been able to run an impressive array of programs at the same time with only about a dozen full-scale crashes that I can recall.
    About three weeks ago, the computer started to freeze repeatedly, particularly when hooked up to an external monitor or TV. I ran the Disk Utility, both from the computer and off the Mac Os install disk, though no problems were found. The freezing continued and became even more persistent. At that time, programs would become non-responsive, the clock would stop, but the mouse pointer could still be moved. Sometimes, a thin line of zebra stripes would appear at the top of the screen and the mouse pointer would not move. A small, multi-coloured line (about one pixel wide and barely the height of the top menu bar) developed on the screen and has remained since.
    Luckily, I use the computer for work and sent it off to our company repairperson, who specializes in Macs. As always seems to be the way, he could find nothing wrong with the computer — it worked fine for him over the three days he tested it. He installed a fresh copy of Tiger, removed Norton Utilities, which often can often cause operating problems, according to him. (He did not remove any other programs.) He did a hardware diagnosis and found no problems. He sent it back to me.
    When I got the computer back, at first it worked fine. The only problem was that a blue screen would appear and the computer would become unresponsive when I hooked it up on the fly to an external monitor. (The computer tech suggested I hook up the source before powering the computer on to avoid a crash, though this was unnecessary before).
    I moved my preferences from the archived system folder to the new library folder. The freezing then returned. This time, much worse. Without going into detail at this point about the freezing, I can say that the freezing became so bad that I decided to do something drastic — wipe the hard drive and re-install Tiger completely, which I did. (I backed up all my documents and preferences on another hard drive, of course.) This seemed like a good thing to do, seeing as the problem may have been with one or more of my programs. I was getting some corrupted file messages before I wiped the hard drive.
    Sadly, even after two reinstalls of Tiger, freezes are persistent. I have also reset the power management unit several times, along with resetting the Parameter RAM. I have also turned off hard disk spin down and the option that puts the computer to sleep (in the Energy Saver control panel) to avoid unnecessary sleeping. No luck — freezes continue.
    At this point, the computer has a clean hard drive and fresh copy of Tiger, including all the software updates through the Apple menu. I do have a few basic programs installed, such as Microsoft Office, iPhoto and some small, free downloadable programs. There is about 41 gigs of free hard disk space.
    Here are the freeze patterns:
    - When the computer freezes, the seconds counter on the clock stops, all programs are unresponsive and no force quitting is possible. The pointer can still be moved by the mouse, but that is the only action the computer makes. The only way to reset the computer is to hold down the power button.
    - Typically, if the computer is powered back on within less than five minutes, it boots up past the Apple symbol and spinning dial, then freezes on the blue screen.
    - If I wait for about five minutes or more, the computer will almost always boot up normally.
    - The computer seems particularly susceptible when peripheral devices are attached while running. For instance, it has crashed a few times while the computer was running as soon as — or shortly after — I inserted a USB key, a firewire cable (for a firewire transfer), or unplugged and re-plugged in the power adapter.
    - It has also taken to freezing or crashing when audio or video is played — iTunes, DVD Player (especially) or Quicktime. It doesn’t always freeze or crash, but it more often does than does not. It has crashed a few times when Acquisition — a peer-to-peer file sharing program — was running. I am currently running the Internet through an Airport wireless connection.
    - The computer was freezing consistently today after about 45 minutes operation, even with no programs running. I reset the Power Management Unit, Parameter RAM and disabled sleep and hard disk spin down, and it ran for two hours this evening (with no programs running and no network connected) and did not freeze. I intend to try a longer run overnight to see how it fairs.
    Sorry for the long description. I just want to be very thorough with my explanation so potential problem solvers have enough to go on.
    Hope you can help! I really appreciate it. I love this computer and am not quite ready (financially) to buy a new one.
    - niall

    Luckily, I use the computer for work and sent it off to our company repairperson, who specializes in Macs. As always seems to be the way, he could find nothing wrong with the computer — it worked fine for him over the three days he tested it. He installed a fresh copy of Tiger, removed Norton Utilities, which often can often cause operating problems, according to him. (He did not remove any other programs.) He did a hardware diagnosis and found no problems. He sent it back to me.
    This is the major sign of hope so far.
    If the computer could run for 3 days and be functional enough to reinstall the OS, the logic board and HD can't be totally FUBAR.
    Can your computer guy lend you a different power adapter?
    Now, I'm guessing the computer guy didn't plug in peripherals while he was testing, so the problem may be with your ports. There could be a cracked solder joint, or the hot-plugging of your TV connection could have traumatized some electrical component inside the iBook.
    You can't count on your OS at this point, because you have done some forced shutdowns. I'd recommend borrowing a new power adapter and seeing if Ubuntu can run your iBook for an extended period without freezing. Probably best not to go heavy on the multimedia test, since that could just as well be an Ubuntu bug.
    Running Ubuntu with it's screen saver going for a day will be a pretty good test. Since Ubuntu loads into RAM, your system will get a thorough workout. Don't plug anything else in. I'm trying to reproduce the results that your computer guy got.
    There's one other far-fetched possibility that would be good to check: could some of the outlets in your house be improperly wired? You can pick up an inexpensive outlet tester that will check to make sure the hot and neutral wires aren't reversed, and that the ground (earth) is properly grounded. You should check the proper wiring of all outlets that are involved with the computer, namely the TV's outlet, the monitor's outlet, and outlets that power any peripheral.
    Again, this is a long shot, but it has been the answer for me in the past.

  • Possible heat damage to my MacBook Pro

    I''m running into an unusual problem that I suspect is caused by heat damage.
    This is a mid-2009 MacBook Pro, 3.06, 8 gigs RAM, 500 gig 7200 RPM hard drive.
    The Mac has been trouble free for a couple of years, but in the last 4-5 months has been giving me problems. I'll touch it in the morning to wake it up and the white sleep light will go from pulsating to off completely, and I can hear a low whirl come from the computer, as though it were working properly. Despite that it won't start up, and I have to hold down the power key to force a shutdown. When I reboot it the computer is often unresponsive and slow, and I have to restart. Eventually it gets back up to speed.
    Yesterday I noticed my cat sitting on the keyboard. I've noticed her do this a lot, because of the heat. I've never thought much about it until yesterday, when the computer apparently froze at 3:26 AM (unlike other overnight freezes this one froze the Finder on the screen.) When I attempted to restart, both my OS X and Boot Camp partitions were non-bootable (or even even visible in Disk Utility) and I had to restore from Time Machine.
    I'm now beginning to realize that my cat probably sleeps on my computer every night, and is overheating it by blocking the airflow vents. I have walked into the room and shes been sitting on it with the fans whirring, but I just didnt put two and two together, My basic assumption is that the cat sits on it, overheats it, and then pushes it a bit warmer due to the fact that she's insulating it. (it doesn't help that she's a Russian Blue and her fur is very, very insulating.)  I'm concerned that this latest, worse incident means that some permanent damage has occurred.
    So...does this sound like heat damage to hardware? If its the hard drive I'm sure I can just replace it. If its processor-related, well, ugh.
    Thanks in advance!

    While a cat sleeping on the machine can't do the machine any good, I don't see anything in what you describe that would tell me "heat damage". Note that overheating doesn't necessarily have any specific symptoms—for instace, it may cause some electronic component to fail much sooner than expected (all components fail sooner or later).
    If the machine wasn't doing anything particularly strenuous at the time (eg, video rendering), then the heat would be less of an issue.
    So far, it's not clear at all to me what the problem is. I'd go through the normal troubleshooting routine—verify disk, check for problematic 3rd party software, etc, including running the AHT, as OGELTHORPE suggested. I'd also take steps to prevent furry creatures from nesting on the MBP. (If you succeed, I'd be much obliged if you shared the secret.)

  • IBook G4 freeze

    Yesterday I opened up my iBook G4 and it instantly gave graphical glitches followed by a black screen. For a while I wasn't able to reboot the computer, it would just freeze while booting, sometimes giving the startup chime and white Apple loading screen and sometimes the fans would be switched on and the screen remained black. I have not installed any new software or hardware, the only thing that differed from my normal usage is that I usually keep my iBook in sleep mode, but this week I shut it down to prevent the battery from running out because I knew I wasn't going to use it often. Therefore I first tried to boot up without the battery, which seemed to work and during that time I reinstalled Leopard without problems. I tried running off the battery again and after a few minutes of Leopard running normally it froze again, with the same random graphics glitches followed by a black screen. I also got a message that my internal clock was set to a date before 2004. Trying to run without the battery seemed to work initially, but only delayed the onset of the problems. Could it be an overheating problem, since my iBook seems to get hot a lot faster with the battery than without it?

    Hi megamillions,
    Welcome to the Discussions.
    Remove any external devices, additional RAM and the AirPort card if it's user accessible then try to start in Safe Mode. If it starts restart normally and if it starts normally shut down and reinstall the RAM, restart again and see if it runs. Next the AirPort card if applicable.
    If the above steps don't work go through the troubleshooting guide linked above.
    PS In the future post a new topic rather than adding to another poster's topic. You problem (and its solution) may not be related to the original poster's.

  • Spaces Keyboard Freeze, Possible Insight?

    I’m one of the thousands who are struggling with the use of Spaces and the locked up keyboard.  When I use my keyboard to move between spaces, the Spaces image remains on the screen, freezing up my keyboard so that only limited buttons still work.  The most effective way I’ve found to combat this is to open Activity Monitor and quit the Dock, thus giving me full control of my keyboard back again.
    However, in the past 24 hours I’ve discovered something that I thought might be of use to someone with more insight into OS X than myself.  I’m a Kensington Mouse user of more than 15 years.  Their Mouseworks software allows one to customize mouse clicks in any way they see fit.  Yesterday I noticed that when I go into the Mouseworks preference panel and indicate that I’d like to define a specific command for this or that button, that once I click in the space that allows me to type this command, my simple click therein immediately publishes anywhere from 1 to a half dozen characters, without my command.  It’s almost as if somehow characters are being stored in my click.  For example, I just clicked in this box and without me touching the keyboard, the letters Q and W suddenly appeared therein.
    How does this relate to Spaces?  A few hours ago when Spaces locked my keyboard, I went into Mouseworks and tried this again, and when I clicked in this box which displays any command accompanying my click, only the letter Q appeared on its own.  I then canceled out of this box and pressed the letter Q on my keyboard, and Spaces unlocked!  Suddenly my keyboard was free.  A short time later Spaces locked on me again.  Going back into Mouseworks, the input box displayed, “Q W Up Arrow” after I clicked therein.  I exited out and pressed each of these keys and Spaces freed up again.
    While I am a lifelong Mac user, I’m not an expert by any imagination, so I don’t know what any of this means, definitively.  It appears to me, nonetheless, that for some reason, letters and commands, keyboard keys, are somehow lingering into my mouse clicks, and it appears as if Spaces is freezing my keyboard because it’s waiting for those buttons to be pressed.
    Is this a keyboard error? A preferences error?  An OS X error?  I don’t know.  But I thought that if I shared my findings here, someone might be able to look into solutions that I can’t conceive.

    Okay everyone, let me add to my own post, another piece of insight in the last 24.  First, let me post an image that might help define what I've described above:
    According to the instruction I've given the Mouseworks software, this box should just be "command Q", a command I've assigned to that particular mouse button.  But when I click my mouse in this box, rather than just placing the cursor there, the letter “Q” and the symbol “[“ are deposited, without my every touching the keyboard.  I then use my keyboard to change Spaces, and my keyboard get locked out.  But then I type in these two letters, the Spaces image disappears, and my keyboard is free.
    If my findings in the last 24 are consistent, then here's what I've surmised: If the only button I press on my mouse is the left button, then the Spaces does not freeze on my screen and my keyboard does not lock me out. But if I hit any other button on my mouse, a button wherein I've told my software to press a keyboard combination, then Spaces does freeze, until I go back into Mouseworks, find out what key combination is lingering, and then type that combination.
    One more thing.  If I've gone into Mouseworks and discovered the key combination, and then typed that combination of letters, everything is back to normal. In fact, if I immediately go back to that Mouseworks screen and click my mouse therein, there are no longer any lingering letters.  If at this point I unplug my mouse, I can uses Spaces and my Trackpad all I want, bouncing back and forth between any Space I wish by using the keyboard, and Spaces never hangs.
    My conclusion: Is it possible that each of us suffering from Spaces causing our keyboards to freeze is using an external mouse?  That seems totally plausible.  Or is it possible this problem is caused by those of us who are using software to have key commands activated when we click a button?  Doesn't Apple's own Magic Mouse software allow for such?
    I can't imagine that finding this for myself is unique to me.  I also can't imagine that everyone with this problem is using a Kensington mouse; that seems WAY too coincidental.  But I can imagine there's a solution somewhere in this revelation.  Is it the mouse software we need to delete?  Is it a keyboard preference that's causing characters to linger in the clicking?  Is this all some evil scheme of Steve Jobs to force all of us to use the Magic Mouse? 
    Look into this for yourself!  Tell me what you guys find.

  • IBook keeps freezing

    First my specs:
    iBook G4, 512MB RAM (256MB onboard, 256MB Apple supplied stick), 40GB HDD, Airport Extreme and OS X 10.4.2/10.4.
    My problem:
    I am experiencing random lockups where basically the whole system freezes. If sound is playing it stutters continuously, if I close the lid the screen stays on. The mouse also freezes. I only thing I can do is to manually power off or restart using ctrlcmdpwr. It seems to happen randomly, when it it in use or idle. It seems to happen more often when connecting USB devices but has happened without USB devices attached. Some times when restarting from a freeze it won't start, it freezes on the blue screen before the OS X loading progress bar box appears, though the mouse cursor appears in the corner.
    What I've tried:
    Permissions repair, volume repair, Apple hardware test, archive and install. Since the archive and install I have not installed any updates but the problem still exists. I have removed the extra RAM and Airport card and it still freezes without them in.
    This is the second freezing problem I had, the other one was related to pressure being applied in the lower left corner and the mouse still moved, it was reparied by Apple but has started happening again as well as the new problem. I am confident that this new problem is also a hardware issue as I have followed all the troubleshooting step I could find.
    I bought this iBook in July '04 and is now that it's out of warranty I'm wondering what are my options? I wish I had got the Applecare when I bought it...
    How much does a 1 event Applecare cost (UK) and what sort of cost would it be to fix it (say if a new logic board is required). Does anyone have any advice?

    I thought it would be, but with all the other problems I have had it seems like something major is wrong... (but I'm probably wrong...)
    Thanks for the link some really useful info there, I think I'll try the hardware test on loop next, and then perhaps a visit to an Apple Store.

  • My ibook is freezing alot..

    I have ibook G4..we updated to leopard.
    But now it is freezing alot..i was thinking maybe it's the operating system.
    But it freezes alot when you move the laptop as well..
    I am thinking of putting back on the original operating system it come with.
    How do i do that?

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Freezing can be due to either hardware or software problems. But if the freezing problem is associated with a software update, it would be good to test the software first.
    One thing to do before you do anything else is to back up your data if you can.
    If you want to reinstall the OS that your computer originally came with, you will need the original set of gray discs that came with the machine. You should also review the following article:
    Mac OSX 10.4, 10.5 installation options
    You will need to choose either "Archive and Install" or "Erase and Install", as you cannot use the upgrade since there is a newer version of the OS already in place.
    When you put in install disc #1, navigate to Disk Utility and verify and repair if necessary both permissions and the disk. Do the same when you finish. This is just good practice.
    When you do the installation, you might want to print out the "Read Me" instructions and read them carefully and have them at hand while you proceed.
    If you can, you probably want to do an "Archive and Install" since that should preserve your data. An "Erase and Install" will erase all of it. And if you can, you might choose to customize your installation and remove all of the printer drivers and languages you will never use. This will free up a little space on your hard drive.
    Once you have reinstalled the OS, you will also need to reinstall all the other software that came with your computer. There should be some discs labeled "Software Restore" or something like that. You just feed them in and follow the instructions.
    When all of this is done, you will probably need to update your software. When that is done, you want to run Disk Utility and verify and repair if necessary both permissions and the disk. You can do this with the Disk Utility that lies in your utilities folder. If the start up disk needs repair, you will have to use the Disk Utility on your install disc #1.
    This is a great deal of trouble. And it could even be that you have an underlying logic board problem or something like that which is the real culprit here. Sometimes a software update will not be the actual cause of a problem, but might just be a catalyst for showing up a problem that was already present. For that reason, I would recommend that you apply some pressure to the lower left corner of your computer and see if this makes a difference. If it does, you could be starting to have some problems associated with the ball grid array that holds your chips to the board beginning to fail. If this is the case, you might be able to solve the freezing problem by making and inserting some home made shims.
    It's also probably worth running the Apple Hardware Test just to be sure there isn't a problem there. You might do this first. If you get an error code, please post back with it.
    It's also possible that one of the more experienced and knowledgeable members of the forum could post a less drastic approach to your freezing problem
    Good luck!

  • Help with ibook G4, Freezing and wont turn on :-(

    Can anyone help a fellow MacLady?
    I have an ibook G4, her her a year with no problems,
    2 days ago cursor froze, and I turned off and restarted and am left with a blank screen.
    Every now and then it starts up, all my documents are there, connects to to wireless ok, and last for anything from 5mins to 1hr. Then freezes again.
    Took it to a local PC man who looked and said he doenst really know apples but guessed it was Hard Drive.
    Have no lost NO information from the PC, its all backed up now thankfully as I do occassionaly get access to it, though all my 876 entourage emails have strangely dissapeard. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Have an appointment with a "Genius" in Bluewater on Wednesday (earliest they can see me), but just wondered if anyone knew what the problem might be and how much I am maybe looking at for a repair? As the PC man told me to buy a new one as this will cost hundreds.
    I work from home so not been able to print or do hardly anything so am running out of time
    Thanks for any help, the PC is here next to me (am on my old Win one, blergh) so if anyone can help or give advice I would really appreciate it,
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    Hi LadyMacB and welcome to Apple Discussions.
    First of all see if you can start up inSafe Mode.
    Safe Boot takes longer than normal startup.
    What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode.
    If you are able to start up in Safe Mode and reboot into normal mode this may, in itself, be enough. If not restart in Safe Mode, if you are able, & put your OS X install disk in and restart holding the C key until you see the spinning gear wheel. When you get to the Language screen select your language and select 'Next'.
    At the top of the screen towards the left in the menu bar select Utilities>Disk Utility. Select the Drive name at the very top, then look at the report at the bottom of the window. Amongst everything else you will, hopefully, see S.M.A.R.T. status 'Verified'.
    If it says 'Failing' then your PC bloke is spot on. Be grateful that you were able to get everything backed up. Otherwise proceed…
    Select your OS volume 2nd down in the left hand box, then click the 'Repair Disk' button. Leave Disk Repair to run, If it reports that repairs were made select 'Repair Disk' again until you get the message that the Volume appears to be OK. If DU reports at any time that it could not repair then third party utilities may be necessary or, irrespective of the S.M.A.R.T. status report, your HD may be shot. Try the above for starters and report back.
    Best of luck,

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