IBook Notes - big time issues

iBook is a great app, but if this is the future of education, then we have an issue. The ability to highlight is a great study tool. But why does performance degrade with the more highlighting that is done? If you are a prolific highlighter, this is a major issue. Secondly, why can you not sort the notes by page number? Why is date the only sort method? If we are to be using this to replace paper books, these issues must be addressed very quickly.

To have Apple see you requests, you should repost them at

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    He insisted the Reminder App was updated with the new update of IOS September/October 2013. Not true
    Yes, it is true.
    iOS 7 was released 18 Sep 2013. At this time, the Reminders app was updated (with most everything else).
    the issue just started about 5 days ago August 31,2014.
    Your issue just started but the app was not updated 5 days ago.
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    Cannot figure out what your talking about since it makes no sense.
    If you are the account owner you can go to the My Verizon web portal http://www.verizonwireless.com
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    I wrote a few days ago about this and was told that gathering
    information from a form using Post as the method and having the
    results emailed to someone wasn't a good idea and that it didn't
    work very well. People basically told me to investigate scripting
    or hiring someone, or use a pay service like MailChimp. None of
    these are options for me right now, I absolutely have to get this
    site done tonight and the person I'm doing it for will not pay for
    a service.
    The client wants to have a form on his site to collect email
    addresses so he can compile them into a mailing list to send out
    infrequent emails notifying people of upcoming events he's putting
    on. He's a local artist with a very modest following, nothing big
    time. I have no idea about databasing or MySql, and the person
    doesn't want to pay for a service, so basically I'm stuck doing it
    the "unreliable" way.
    Can someone walk me through how to do this in Dreamweaver? I
    assume I add a form field, and put a text field and submit button
    inside of it. Here's my questions, to get this to work and use the
    mailto: thing, what do I put for...
    Form Field: Name, Action, Method, Target, Enctype
    Text Field: Name
    Button: Type, Name, ID, Value
    Any help would be greatly appreciated by one stressed out,
    hack web designer, thanks!

    If this client doesn't want to pay for a service then tell
    him the best
    you can do is gather INDIVIDUAL emails from his site and have
    emailed to their email address. Then it's up to them to mail
    out to
    their modest following INDIVIDUALLY.
    Basically you put a form on the site to collect the email
    address of the
    user. Like this:
    <form name="emailForm" method="post"
    <p><label for="email">Enter email
    <input type="text" id="email" name="email"> </p>
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
    You would then need to send the submitted form to a formmail
    which will then send it on to the clients email address.
    A free script named Formmail does exist if you search for it
    in google
    under Free formmail script
    You would need to alter the script as per the instructions
    which should
    come with it and then upload it to your cgi-bin assuming you
    have one on
    your server.
    You then point the form at the script by filling in the
    action attribute
    <form name="emailForm" method="post"
    I no longer use formmail because it can be a bit of an issue
    to set up
    for beginners.
    I now tend to use server side scripting like php to gather
    information. IF you have php running on your server then
    NateMail is
    FREE and very very simple script to set up. It comes with
    clear pdf
    instructions that will do the job in about 10-15mins.
    xslamx wrote:
    > I wrote a few days ago about this and was told that
    gathering information from
    > a form using Post as the method and having the results
    emailed to someone
    > wasn't a good idea and that it didn't work very well.
    People basically told me
    > to investigate scripting or hiring someone, or use a pay
    service like
    > MailChimp. None of these are options for me right now, I
    absolutely have to
    > get this site done tonight and the person I'm doing it
    for will not pay for a
    > service.
    > The client wants to have a form on his site to collect
    email addresses so he
    > can compile them into a mailing list to send out
    infrequent emails notifying
    > people of upcoming events he's putting on. He's a local
    artist with a very
    > modest following, nothing big time. I have no idea about
    databasing or MySql,
    > and the person doesn't want to pay for a service, so
    basically I'm stuck doing
    > it the "unreliable" way.
    > Can someone walk me through how to do this in
    Dreamweaver? I assume I add a
    > form field, and put a text field and submit button
    inside of it. Here's my
    > questions, to get this to work and use the mailto:
    thing, what do I put for...
    > Form Field: Name, Action, Method, Target, Enctype
    > Text Field: Name
    > Button: Type, Name, ID, Value
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated by one stressed
    out, hack web designer,
    > thanks!

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    Look under the Store menu in iTunes for the "Check for available downloads" command and select that. You may find the tracks there to be downloaded. If not, check the Purchases area of the iTunes Store and you may be able to download the album there:
    If not, go here:
    to report the issue to the iTunes Store.

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    Hi, I to own a similar model spectre, 3210nr. I am having the exact same issue and was not able to be helped by tech support staff. Infact the staff I spoke to claimed it was hardware related.
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    Hmm. I've been sticking with 2.1 until hearing widespread reports of stability. Every time I checked the forums, I didn't like what I heard about 2.2 so I stayed away. I dropped by to see what the Mac users thought of 2.3. Have you tested on another machine? I assume 2.1 was good for you? Can't wait to see what others are experiencing.

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    Your symptoms, though not exactly the same, seem to indicate a problem with your RAM. The startup chime is a signal that your Mac has passed the Power On Self Test and suitable RAM was found. No startup chime is usually a sign of bad or poorly seated RAM.
    Intel-based Mac Power On Self Test RAM error codes
    I would start by removing the RAM modules and test them one at a time in each of the RAM slots to rule out bad RAM or a bad slot. Then seat both modules securely.
    Intel-based iMac: Installing and replacing memory (RAM)

  • I can not get Time Machine to back up an external WD Passport 2 TB drive!  Has anyone else had this problem?  The drive is new and I was running Snow Leopard and upgraded to Lion and it still won't do it.  Time Machine backs up the internal drive fine.

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    Thanks so much but none of that helped.  It was driving me crazy because it would back up another external drive.  I just changed the name of the drive from iPhoto/iTunes Library to Media Libraries and IT WORKED!! I guess for some reason it didn't like the drive being called iPhoto or iTunes ???? I don't understand but I have tried so many solutions and exchanging things out but the name change did it????!!!
    Thank you for your help and replying to this.  Guess I made my own issue!

  • Having horrible service with 4GLTE I have had 3G for several weeks (I am not the only person I know having this problem), I have reset my network settings and it did not resolve the issue.  I am also unable to send SMS and text messages without them eithe

    Having horrible service with 4GLTE I have had 3G for several weeks (I am not the only person I know having this problem), I have reset my network settings and it did not resolve the issue.  I am also unable to send SMS and text messages without them either failing or not sending at all.  Is there an outage in the Cleveland, Ohio area (zip codes 44129, 44134, 44137) or anything else I can do to resolve this issue?

    Not that I'm a Verizon employee, but I have experience in the field. An LTE tower will only extend up to, on a perfect day, with no elevation, 6-7 miles. On a typical day, you will be lucky at four (4) miles. The three ZIP codes you've given are all within about a 12 mile radius. That would mean that 2-3 towers are currently down at the same time, and Verizon would know about it within the hour. Being it's Cleveland, I'm sure they would receive numerous calls regarding an outage of that size.
    My point is that if you're having issues in all three ZIP codes, chances are it's a phone issue. If you're handset is simply not receiving LTE, but still receiving 3G, that would signify a SIM card issue. You need to get your SIM card replaced.

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    Hello,  I have songs that show they are "Waiting" for download from the cloud but they are greyed out.  Some songs in one album are done others in the same album will not download. It is not a time function because i have been working on this for weeks. I have allowed my compter to run for days and the songs are still not accessible.  I have a Match subscription and Match is working.  If I click on the "Genre" link the greyed out songs show that they are ready for download from the cloud but I cannot download them.  I have downloaded over 1500 other songs, so I am trying to understand what is going on here. I would appreciate any help anyone can give me.

    I did think about that and if I have to I will do that, however there are about 50 songs. I have closed and reopened iTunes several times and I am sure that I have the latest version. It fails right away but I can click on the cloud download icon and download the song that it failed on ... therefore it is not that song "or any one song" causing the issue. Any ideas?

  • How to restore a deleted iCloud note from time machine backup?

    The short of it... one of my kids decided they didn't need certain notes, therefore deleted them!!!! 
    (my fault i did not have notes/synced/off on new device!),
    but they are important and iCloud is synced across all devices and those notes are gone. 
    Wasn't sure if a device/ restore from back up would work - didn't.
    Tried some of the Apple Communities/ going to lib/ turn off wifi/ move the 3 files to desktop/ move back to lib file, nothing. 
    Could I get some 'really specific' step by steps?  seems others have had success, and maybe i'm in TM when I should be on my Mac or vice versa?! or in the wrong library?
    My TM backups just does not let me get anywhere to restore those deleted notes.
    Any help would be wonderful!
    Thinking Apple should have given us an iCloud safety net or at least allow TM/ iCloud to be userfriendly.

    I used this to restore my deleted notes from Time Machine, hope this helps others
    closed Notes,
    turned WiFi off,
    entered finder/go+option/ to 'get to library':  /Library/Containers/com.apple.Notes/Data/Library/Notes/
    entered TM and selected the 3 files/ hit restore/ keep both (just to make sure, then I deleted the newer file, not the 'restored' file when this worked out)
    opened notes and my deleted notes were back so I copied my notes into pages as a backup,
    turned on WiFi and the notes disappeared!
    replaced my restored notes by copy/pasting my backups into notes/iCloud.... 
    notes/mac would not show across iCloud.... don't remeber this being an issue prior to Mavericks when 'all' notes were selected?
    Apple needs to hear from us so they can fix glitches like this.  TM was created for instances like this, hopefully this is just an oversite.  Pass this along to Apple Feedback/iCloud/bug.  If enough of us flag such issues, hopfully it's addressed on the next update.
    Dear Apple, this should be much easier than it is. We should be able to open Notes, go into Time Machine, and restore anything regardless if it's on my Mac or on the cloud.

Maybe you are looking for

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