IBots error kmsgPortalGoRequestHasBeenCancelled

I am having issues with iBots (OBIEE I dont receive the email and the log file says:
Error Codes: AGEGTYVF
+++ ThreadID: 181a : 2013-12-06 16:22:46.336
    iBotID: /users/melark/_ibots/variance report
    ...Trying iBot Get Response Content loop again.
+++ ThreadID: 181a : 2013-12-06 16:22:46.338
... Sleeping for 7 seconds.
+++ ThreadID: 2c3d : 2013-12-06 16:22:46.344
[nQSError: 77006] Oracle BI Presentation Server Error: A fatal error occurred while processing the request. The server responded with: ***kmsgPortalGoRequestHasBeenCancelled: message text not found ***
Error Codes: YLKKAV7S
Please help me find the cause of this error.
Thank u.

Check this doc id 1560699.1
other than Windows it might required Patch 8530843
~ http://cool-bi.com

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    Sounds like some memory issue or some network problem. Check to make sure you telnet to port 25 of SMTP server from the command line.

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    Thanka & Regards,

    Hi Mr.Phani,
    this is my instaconfig file details..
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <WebConfig>
    - <ServerInstance>
    - <Alerts>
    - <AdvancedReporting>
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    - <CredentialStore>
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    - <!-- To configure a limited set of languages to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLanguages> tag below and choose a subset set of language tags from the list. Values must be comma separated.
    - <!-- <AllowedLanguages>ar,cs,da,de,el,en,es,fi,fr,hr,hu,it,iw,ja,ko,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-br,ro,ru,sk,sv,th,tr,zh,zh-tw</AllowedLanguages>
    - <!-- To configure a limited set of locales to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLocales> tag below and choose a subset set of locale tags from the list. Values must be comma separated.
    - <!-- <AllowedLocales>ar-dz,ar-bh,ar-dj,ar-eg,ar-iq,ar-jo,ar-kw,ar-lb,ar-ly,ar-ma,ar-om,ar-qa,ar-sa,ar-so,ar-sd,ar-sy,ar-tn,ar-ae,ar-ye,cs-cz,da-dk,de-at,de-ch,de-de,de-li,de-lu,el-gr,en-au,en-ca,en-cb,en-gb,en-hk,en-ie,en-in,en-jm,en-nz,en-ph,en-us,en-za,en-zw,es-ar,es-bo,es-cl,es-co,es-cr,es-do,es-ec,es-es,es-gt,es-hn,es-mx,es-ni,es-pa,es-pe,es-pr,es-py,es-sv,es-uy,es-ve,fi-fi,fr-be,fr-ca,fr-ch,fr-fr,fr-lu,fr-mc,hr-hr,hu-hu,id-id,it-ch,it-it,iw-il,ja-jp,ko-kr,ms-my,nl-be,nl-nl,no-no,pl-pl,pt-br,pt-pt,ro-ro,ru-ru,sk-sk,sv-fi,sv-se,th-th,tr-tr,zh-cn,zh-mo,zh-sg,zh-tw</AllowedLocales>
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    We are using LDAP for authentication.
    Very urgent, quick replies would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Check this doc id ID 1140667.1
    as per this your catalog is corrupted, you might need Oracle support for this.
    Mark if helps

  • IBots error, works most of the times

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    Error Codes: U9KP7Q94
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    Have double checked my configurations, moreover this error is not consistent and runs fine most of the times which leads me to believe this is not an authentication issue.
    Has anyone faced a similar situation, do let me know if more details are required?

    Make sure you are pointing the ibot to the right path of presentation catalog. In the job manager on the application server, Under Ibot tab change to point to right presentation catalog. Also make sure you have right port information. Try restarting the server on which OBIEE is installed. This should resolve your issue.

  • Ibots Error

    Global Error: [nQSError: 77006] Oracle BI Presentation Server Error: Unexpected end of file encountered. 4 bytes were requested and 0 bytes were read., Error Codes: KUWODMKH (multiple iBots with same job id)
    what do you mean by this?
    Thanks in Advance

    I think this means you're having problems connecting to the database tables for the Scheduler. Double check the configuartion of the Job Manager. If all of it looks good, make sure you can actually connect to that DB from the BIS.

  • IBot Phone Delivery

    Hi All -
    I've been playing around with some of the iBot options using OBIEE Delivers trying to get alerts to different devices. I've been able to get alerts via email, but have not been successful in having an alert sent to my phone.
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    Documentation says to not use spaces, punctuation, etc, so I have not tried those formats...
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    I have a BlackBerry Curve 8330. Can anyone please help??

    Hi Christian -
    Thanks for the response. The reason I was looking into this was because I had always seen the other available device delivery options other than email (phone, pager, handheld, other) but had never used them. I was curious to see the type of output and the display format that would display on the phone.
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    Currently all alerts I have set up have been through email, and no one has ever asked me for anything different. This experiment was more to understand the full capabilities of the tool better so that if a client ever asked for this type of delivery (i.e. they had a work phone with text only capabilities and no email) I would be able to handle the request.
    Given the fact that there is only one line in the tool's documentation of how to use the phone number delivery option, I shouldn't be that surprised if it isn't supported :)
    Thanks again for the info, and if anyone knows of a way to use this option, please let me know!

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    select groupname,webgroups from ldap_gp where
    iBot error logged
    [nQSError: 77006] Oracle BI Presentation Server Error: A fatal error occurred while processing the request. The server responded with: Odbc driver returned an error (SQLDriverConnectW).
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC
    State: 08004. Code: 10018. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
    [nQSError: 13024] Successful completion of init block 'LDAP_Group' is required. (08004)

    Same error in AIX server. We are using the default pw for the Administrator, can you help us?

  • Does OBIEE picks up Email Id of the user from LDAP?

    Hello All,
    As soon as I configured the iBot I want to send the reports output as email. I assigned them to the user. It is failing with the following errors.
    " No devices for user: xxxxxx"
    My understanding was LDAP where the user authentication happens would supply the email id to OBIEE I guess I'm wrong. Can some one put somelight on this.
    How do go further,..!

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  • Unable to send mail (days ago it worked)

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    I've already configured scheduler tables on a database schema and my mails were sent correctly till few days ago.
    Today I've tested using telnet my smtp server and it works, I created another Ibot and I find it into S_NQ_JOB table, but I still don't receive the mail.
    File $OracleBI/server/Log/NQScheduler.log logs only scheduler start and stop.
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    How can I debug my error ? What other log files should I analyse ?

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    What do you think ?

  • Error While saving a iBot

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    I am getting the below error while saving a iBot.
    Oracle BI Scheduler Error: [nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: S1C00 code: 106 message: [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver]Optional feature not implemented . at stage of execute transaction command with data source: Procurement_Demo
    I am using xls as a datasource to create Repository. I have created scheduler tables for iBot in the same datasource.
    Can i not use XLS as a datasource for iBot?
    If i can use , what is the solution of this problem.
    Thanks in advance.
    -- Ashish

    Hi Vivek,
    Please close your SharePoint Designer application, clear/delete the cached files and folders under the following directories from your server installed SharePoint Designer, then check results again.
    <user profile>\appdata\roaming\microsoft\SharePoint Designer\ProxyAssemblyCache
    <user profile>\appdata\local\microsoft\websitecache\<sitename>
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Error while executing the iBot

    I have configured Scheduler on Unix box. I am able to create an iBot and save it but its not executing it when i check the iBot log i can seen the below error
    iBot Chain Started.
    Scheduler iBot Version: 201
    Job ID: 23
    Instance ID: 139.000000
    User ID: Administrator
    Job Version: 2
    Root iBot ID: /users/administrator/_ibots/test8
    Oracle BI Presentation Server: localhost:29480
    Debug: True
    iBot Load Balancing Enabled.
    +++ ThreadID: 6 : 2008-05-08 20:34:53.530
    Global Error: [nQSError: 77030] Oracle BI Presentation Server Connection Error: An error occurred during execution of "connec
    t". Connection refused [Socket:20]
    Error Codes: ETI2U8FA
    +++ ThreadID: 6 : 2008-05-08 20:34:53.532
    ...Trying main loop again.
    +++ ThreadID: 6 : 2008-05-08 20:34:53.536
    ... Sleeping for 3 seconds.
    +++ ThreadID: 6 : 2008-05-08 20:34:56.556
    Global Error: [nQSError: 77030] Oracle BI Presentation Server Connection Error: An error occurred during execution of "connec
    t". Connection refused [Socket:21]
    Error Codes: ETI2U8FA
    +++ ThreadID: 6 : 2008-05-08 20:34:56.559
    Terminal Error: Exceeded number of retries.
    +++ ThreadID: 6 : 2008-05-08 20:34:56.560
    iBot Chain Completed.
    Please le me know the solution if any one knows.

    Hi Vamsi.
    The exactly erro refers to a problems when you try upgrade from these version to 11.5.10.
    Can you read this note and apply solution? The note refers a patch, but the problem is the same.
    After Patch 4334965, adstrtal.sh & adstpall.sh is failing with errors [ID 360046.1]
    BR Rafael Ceolim

  • Error while saving Ibot

    Hi im using siebel analytcis.
    I have created those tables required for configuring the scheduler in the database, i am able to start my scheduler services also.
    But when i try to save an ibot, the following error comes:
    Siebel iBots Server Error: [nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: S1000 code: 1456 message: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01456: may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction . [nQSError: 16015] SQL statement execution failed. at stage of execute transaction command with data source:
    Can anyone help on this?

    in metalink3 there a doc. for a similar issue , the doc id is 486843.1

  • Error while saving Ibots

    I got following error while saving the ibots. Scheduler is running, and we checked in the configuration we found no error there
    nqserror:12008 unable to connect to port 9705 on machine dev01
    nqserror:12010 communication error connecting to remote end point access
    nqserror 12002 Socket Communication error at call

    Hi phani,
    Check out youe configuration steps again.check this links for configuration and are you missing anything
    Hope it helps you.

  • Getting error while creating a IBOTs (scheduler ibot setup error)

    Hi , While running the IBOTS , I am getting below error:-
    error :-
    +++ ThreadID: 1760 : 2011-08-15 13:25:13.265 Global Error: [nQSError: 77006] Oracle BI Presentation Server Error: Authentication failed.
    Error Codes: WKY9UVRD: Authentication Failure. Error Codes: IHVF6OM7:OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC Odbc driver returned an error (SQLDriverConnectW).
    State: 08004. Code: 10018.
    [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
    [nQSError: 43001] Authentication failed for Administrator in repository Star: invalid user/password.
    (08004) +++ ThreadID: 1760 : 2011-08-15 13:25:13.390 ...Trying main loop again.
    +++ ThreadID: 1760 : 2011-08-15 13:25:13.515 ... Sleeping for 4 seconds. +++ ThreadID: 1760 :
    2011-08-15 13:25:18.515 Global Error:
    [nQSError: 77006] Oracle BI Presentation Server Error: Authentication failed.
    \Error Codes: WKY9UVRD: Authentication Failure. Error Codes: IHVF6OM7:OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC Odbc driver returned an error (SQLDriverConnectW).
    State: 08004. Code: 10018. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
    [nQSError: 43001] Authentication failed for Administrator in repository Star: invalid user/password.
    (08004) +++ ThreadID: 1760 : 2011-08-15 13:25:18.625 Terminal Error: Exceeded number of retries.
    I have followed the below setps:-
    1) In Job manager, Provided the Scheduler Administartor(User/pwd) - Administrator/Blank (I have given same RPD Administrator but left blank, since with pwd
    I am not able save the Ibot (these instructions I saw in othr forums)
    Provided all other information in Job magaer & save it.
    2) Run the cryptoutility..
    C:\OracleBI\web\bin>cryptotools credstore -add -infile C:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml
    Credential Alias: Admin
    Username: Administrator
    Password: *************
    Do you want to encrypt the password? y/n (y): y
    Passphrase for encryption: ******
    Do you want to write the passphrase to the xml? y/n (n): n
    File "C:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml" exists. Do you want to overwrite it? y/n (y): yIn this also I have given same Administrator user id /pwd tht I have given in Job manager- Administrator/Administrator
    My credention xml got updated after running the Crypto utiltity:-
    - <sawcs:credential type="usernamePassword" alias="Admin">
    - <sawcs:password>
    - <xenc:EncryptedData>
    other things
    3) Updated the Intance config xml file..
    - <CredentialStore>
    <CredentialStorage type="file" path="C:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml" passphrase="sceret"/>
    4) scusessfuly run the all services ( BI server, Presentation server, Scheduler server , Java host, Oc4j)
    5) Created a test Ibot & save it but that IBOT not come as alerts not not sent to recipient & i have recived a above mention error in show Ibots acting on My Behalf.
    Please do let me know if I need to do some other steps that I have missed or I have done something wrong.
    One more point, When I am providing Administrator password in Job manager that time I am not able to save my Ibot but when I left that password blank in the
    Job manager I am bale to save but not able to run & getting above authentication error.
    I have followed these forumns :
    Unable to save iBot
    Please suggest!!
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Deepak,
    Thanks For replying.
    Connection poolsetting are following in Job Manager & RPD:-
    Connection Pool Setting in Job Manager :-
    Database Type: Oracle 10g R2
    Call Interface :- Default(OCI 10g R1/R2)
    DSN : ORCL
    Usrname: SH , Pwd : SH
    Timeout : 60 , Max Connection: 5
    Connection Pool Setting in RPD :-
    Call Interface :- OCI 10g/11g
    DSN : ORCL
    Usrname: SH , Pwd : SH
    Timeout : 5 min , Max Connection: 10
    Is this issue because of user id (Administrator) that I have provided in Scheduler, general tab? can we provide same user id /pwd (Administrator/Administrator)tht we use for our RPD?
    Or do I need to create another user with Admin priviledges?
    Please suggest!!

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