ICal - Outlook invitation

I am new owner of MacBook Pro and I have small problem with iCal. In my work, we are using calendar (everybody except me Outlook). When they send me calendar invitation from outlook, I receive the file with the invitation. I just open it and it works (it's not so good, because I have to open it, but ok). Problem is when I send to them, they have to open some file and it is not co comfortable (especially for my boss). Do you know how to fix this?
Thank you.
P.S.: I hope there is not the answer in this forum because I didn't find...

I have noticed that MobileMe sends out invitations automatically when I copy a meeting from a local calendar to a MobileMe calendar. This happens even if I'm not the originator of the meeting. I'm also wondering if there's any way to disable this behavior?

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    I have the same issue -- even worse it seems in the last day with 10.4.4 update. But there is no mention in the 10.4.4 release notes of any iCal 'changes'.
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    PowerMac G5 (2.0 GHz)   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    Hello Nelson,
    On Lightning, to create your calendar access you need to fill an address like the following one:
    On your browser --> http://hostaname:port/caldav
    Then you need to proceed with the authentication, then after the organisation name choose
    - principals
    - individuals
    - you should see the <username> value
    - and then you will see the CalDav url you need to enter in Lightning to access your Calendar. From this point you should be able to see all the meeting created on Outlook and accept the future invitation.
    Hope that answer your question

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     What if you use the Gmail app and/or outlook app ?

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    Outlook 2011 is not compatible with iCloud, it won't work and your 'workaround' may affect iCloud clients on the same account.
    Don't use 2011.

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    Nathan Miah wrote:
    Is there absolutely anything else I could do to sort this such as phone Apple Support
    If you want.
    or maybe install Snow Leopard using the disc it came on with my Mac and just set it up from a Time Machine Backup on my external hard drive (since it works under SL)?
    Did you install Lion on an empty partition, or did you upgrade Snow Leopard?  If you upgraded, I'd not recommend erasing it, since your backups are apparently gone.  It's doubtful Snow Leopard will recognize them. 
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    I just really don't understand how this happened. Could it not be an issue with WD because they haven't issued firmware to support Lion yet?
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    1) The best way to relocate the iTunes library folder is to move the entire iTunes folder with all subfolders to the new path, then press and hold down shift as start iTunes and keep holding until prompted to choose a library, then browse to the relocated folder and open the file iTunes Library.itl inside it.
    If you've done something different then provide some more details about what is where and I should be able to help.
    2) Purchases on the device should automatically transfer to a Purchased on <DeviceName> playlist, but it my depend a bit on whether automatic iCloud downloads are enabled. If there is a cloudy link then the transfer might not happen. You can use File > Devices > Transfer Purchases. In iTunes you should also check out iTunes Store > Quick Links > Purchased > Music > Not on this computer.
    3) Backup the device, then immediately restore it. In some cases you need to add a restore as new device into that equation. Obbviously not to be attempted until you're sure all your media is in your library. See Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device should it be needed.
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  • Create outlook invitations

    hi guys,
    i am in the process of designing a system that is to be created using Java/Java Servlets. One functionality that is required of the system is that it needs to accept input from a user (name, email, date, time etc...) and then generate an Microsoft Outlook invitation and send this invitation as an attachment to an email address.
    My question is, is this possible? are there any libraries on the net that can do this?
    Thanks for your time.

    Search the Web for information about the iCalendar format

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    Hello helprequired123,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iCal meeting invitations are sent using default Mail account
    Best of luck,

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    Hello mcdannej,
    While a Verizon employee may occasionally post here, this community is meant mainly for peer-to-peer support. If you need to talk to a Verizon representative, you should contact customer service directly through our Support Page or Contact Us.

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    Is there any way to change this embedded email address? Where is iCal getting this address from?
    Thanks for the help,

    Hi Guys,
    I was able solve this problem by going into my addressbook, selecting preferences then "Template" and finally adding an extra email field to the template and setting the first email field to "home" and the second one to "work". Then closed the preferences and tested an iCal meeting invite. The reply accept email address now used my home email address.
    Hope this helps.
    Citizen G'kar

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