ICal shows birthdays in all my calendars

I laboriously created a birthday field in my address book and a birthday subscription calendar. I have several calendars, personal, business, etc. All the birthday reminders appeared on ALL my calendars. How do I restrict this to just my personal calendar?
Thank you.
<Email Edited By Host>

Greetings Miriam,
If you turn the Birthday calendar subscription off in iCal > Preferences > General, do all the birthdays disappear or just the ones in the Birthday calendar?
Did this behavior happen when you first started using the Birthday field in Address Book or did it happen later on during use (what you describe is not a normal occurrence for iCal so this suggests something caused it)?
Do you maintain regular backups such as with Time Machine and do you have a backup of your information from before the issue occurred ?
Do you use a server based calendar like iCloud / Google / Yahoo / MobileMe?
General troubleshooting while you answer those questions:
1. First make an iCal backup:  Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal one at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
2. Go to iCal > Quit iCal
3. Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical
Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache if present)
--- NOTE: To get to "Home > Library" in Lion: Click anywhere on the desktop and then click on the "Go" menu at the top of the computer screen while holding down the "option" key on the keyboard.  You will see "Library" in the menu.
4. Launch iCal and test.
If the issue persists:
1. Go to iCal > Quit iCal
2. Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical
Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache if present)
Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
--- NOTE: Removing these files may remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
3. Launch iCal and test.
Hope that helps.

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    Greetings Judith,
    Before making any attempts at deleting calendar data, backup what you have just in case:
    Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal one at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
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    This forum is for questions about the Communities themselves and so is not the most likely place for you to get help with your problem.
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    I am not 100% sure that what I am saying is going to answer what your asking.
    Below I have steps that will allow you to have all your calendars on your home computer all your calendars on your ipod (as a backup) and some of your calendars on your work computer. If this is not what your asking then I am sorry.
    I like the iPod method. I use it and it has saved my bum at least once. I would, on your computer at home, create a separate calendar or calendar(s) that you don't want to show up on your computer at work.
    When you go to work plug in your ipod. Open itunes if its not already open and in the preferences under ipod you will see a calendar section. Tell it to only sync the calendars you do want. once you have that set up, eject your ipod and remove from your computer at work the calendars you don't want.
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    Perhaps you could do something similar?  In the meantime, be very careful not to let iCloud’s amnesia get synched to your iPhone (and other devices).
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    Try the following:
    1 - Go to your user account home folder, and open the library folder within it.
    Look for the folder named "Calendars" and inside you might find a bunch of different folders with weird names. If they are there that means your calendars might not be lost.
    2 - Look for the file "Calendar Cache". That file might be corrupted. Trash it. You may want to save a copy of it elsewhere. Once trashed, re-open ical. This should force it to rebuild its library based on those folders with weird names you saw. Your calendars should be back. Good luck

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    Event Name:  Happy birthday!
    Accepted by:  Contacts Unknown
    Notes:  Happy birthday!
    I created a new contact to see what information was published and this is the email address that shows up:
    [email protected]ual
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    Is anyone else having this problem?  Before I call Apple I thought I'd check the community!

    Hi guys,
    I think I've found a solution. I went to https://www.google.com/calendar/iphoneselect and turned off the contacts birthday calendar from syncing. I then went into settings for my calendars and turned them all off as well as my contacts. I then checked the contacts had been deleted from the device and the calendar was also gone. I then closed both the calendar and contacts apps, and then turned the calendar and contacts back on in the settings app. Duplicates are now gone!
    Hope it works for you as we'll. even if you don't show a birthday calendar go ahead and update the I formation at this link and it may still fix the problem. My friend did have the calendar but repeated birthdays were still gone once she updated at this link.

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    If the old account was or had been upgraded to an iCloud account as you seem to be implying, you should be able to add it back to your mac as a secondary account (system preferences > mail, calendars & contacts. This should cause both accounts calendars to show up in iCal (click the calendar button -top left corner- to confirm this. Then you should be able to copy the calendars across to your new account by following the instructions below.
    Create a new empty calendar from the iCal file menu, select which account you want to create it in.
    If you have only a few appointments you can move them individually by editing them and changing the calendar in the edit options.
    Alternatively you can copy all the appointments in one calendar to another and delete the original.
    To copy a calendar ctrl-click on it from the menu that appears when you select the calendar button (top left corner of iCal) and choose export (export it to your desktop for ease)
    Double click the exported file and choose the new empty calendar to import them into.
    Ctrl-click on the original calendar from the menu that appears when you select the calendar button and choose delete.
    I'm guessing the reason your calendars show on your phone is because that account is enabled as a secondary account there.

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    There are some countries where FaceTime is not included in the software of the phone, due to certain laws.
    If you bought a phone in those countries, FaceTime can not be installed at all.
    FaceTime may not be available in certain countries. Find more information about what's available in your device's region of purchase.
    copied from iOS: Using FaceTime
    The only other reason for FaceTime not being on your phone would be if you have restrictions for FaceTime set up in Settings/General/Restrictions.
    If an app is restricted, it can't be found on any of the screens on the phone. Disable the restrictions and the app will be back again.

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    How can I restore the iCal 'Show Holidays calendar' ?

    Hi guys,
    I had this problem too. I resolved it by going into System Preferences  > Language & Region and making sure the primary language was "English (U.K.)" under primary languages (i.e. at the top of the list of preferred languages).
    I always had this set before, but I think upgrading to Yosemite changed this setting to "English" (without the "U.K.) which I guess is a generic "countryless" language. I believe the holidays setting in the calendar needs to know which country's holidays to display.
    Hope this helps this waiting for a fix...

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