ICal timezone : set floating as default

This is the biggest headache I have ever had with a Mac and I am really fed up. Why is it not possible to simple set "Floating" as a timezone preference in iCal?. My appointments get thrown out of whack every time I change the timezone in Date & Time. I have missed appointments because of this. Never mind trying to synch to iPhone. MAKE IT STOP!

I posted this to a user that wants floating events on his iPhone. It also helps with laptops. OK it is not as good as those arrogant #^% @#(%*#$% at Apple not listening to us for 3 years asking for this, but it is the best I can do.
This might work. Create a whole lot of floating events in iCal on your laptop / desktop and put them at the end of your day. You can do this quickly by creating one event in iCal that is floating and then copying it. You do that by dragging the event with your finger on the Option Key. This gives you floating events in your iCal which you are not using yet. Then when you want to use your iPad just drag one of these events from the end of the day to where you want it and use it.
It should work. I tested it just now on my iPad and laptop and it worked perfectly. I use Lion as an operating system. I don't know for Leopard. I use a weekly view. On Lion you cannot drag from the end of one week into the next. This has been corrected in Lion. I use ONLY floating events as I travel a LOT. It is the best way for me.
For creating floating events on my laptop I don't create new events, I always copy an existing event. This way all new events are automatically floating. It took a little while to get used to it. Now it is second nature to me. Since many events are the same as past events, it also saves time not typing in the event details.
For example I might schedule playing badminton at irregular times in a week. I simply create one event and then drag a copy to the new event's locaiton. It is already floating and named correctly. Otherwise I drag a different event and just rename it.
This does not work on the iPhone / iPad / iPod as you cannot copy events. That is why you need to create extra floating events on your laptop at the end of the day so that you can drag them down when you want to use them.

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    That's actually how Guest Access feature works. You can share internet to your guest/visitors without giving them access to your local network. You may configure the Guest Access settings on the router using Linksys Smart Wifi through the local access interface; check this site for the instructions, http://www6.nohold.net/Cisco2/ukp.aspx?vw=1&docid=b509a1805dd6416ebb0e35a7e5a58937_Configuring_Guest...
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    Guest Network Frequently Asked Questions

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <DLL Name="OSDRefreshWizard.dll"/>
    <DLL Name="SharedPages.dll"/>
    <Setter Property="bannerFilename">UDI_Wizard_Banner.bmp</Setter>
    <Setter Property="title">Operating System Deployment (OSD) Wizard</Setter>
    -<Page Name="WelcomePage" Type="Microsoft.SharedPages.WelcomePage" DisplayName="Welcome">
    -<Field Name="WelcomeText" Summary="" Enabled="true">
    <Default> Welcome to the Deployment Wizard. This wizard will walk you through a series of screens that will allow you to choose Language type. Click on the 'Next' button to start your selected language pack installalation. Please allow 1 hours for installation. If you need support during this process, please e-mail your system administrator. </Default>
    -<Page Name="ConfigScanPage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.ConfigScanPage" DisplayName="Deployment Readiness">
    -<Tasks StatusTitle="Status" NameTitle="Configuration Check Name">
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.ShellExecuteTask" DisplayName="Check Windows Scripting Host">
    <Setter Property="filename">%windir%\system32\cscript.exe</Setter>
    <Setter Property="parameters">Preflight\OSDCheckWSH.vbs</Setter>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\WinScriptHost.bmp</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Windows Scripting Host not installed." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.SharedPages.WiredNetworkTask" DisplayName="Wired Network Check">
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\WiredNetwork.ico</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="No Wired connection found. Please plug in to a network cable." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.AppDiscoveryTask" DisplayName="Application Discovery">
    <Setter Property="readcfg">$LogPath$\OSDSetupWizard.xml.app</Setter>
    <Setter Property="writecfg">%temp%\AppDiscoveryresult.xml.app</Setter>
    <Setter Property="log">$LogPath$\AppDiscovery.log</Setter>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\AppDiscovery.ico</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="Successfully scanned applications." Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Could not run application discovery engine (reason unknown). The appropriate applications may not be selected." Value="*" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="One or more warnings were encountered (nonfatal) while running App Discovery. The appropriate applications may not be selected." Value="1" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Critical problems were encountered while initializing App Discovery. The appropriate applications may not be selected." Value="16777216" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Critical problems were encountered while processing the Application Master List. The appropriate applications may not be selected." Value="33554432" State="Warning"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.ShellExecuteTask" DisplayName="Get Printers">
    <Setter Property="filename">%windir%\system32\cscript.exe</Setter>
    <Setter Property="parameters">Preflight\OSD_GetPrinters.vbs /xmlout:%temp%\PrinterList.xml;$LogPath$\PrinterList.xml</Setter>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\Printers.ico</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Output filename not specified correctly." Value="10" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Unable to create output file." Value="20" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="An unknown error has occurred." Value="*" State="Warning"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.ShellExecuteTask" DisplayName="CheckSMSFolderOnUSB">
    <Setter Property="filename">%windir%\system32\cscript.exe</Setter>
    <Setter Property="parameters">Preflight\CheckSMSFolderOnUSB.vbs</Setter>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\USB.bmp</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Please disconnect any USB Drives at this time, cancel the wizard, and start the task sequence over." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    <Error Type="-1" Text="The path not found" Value="2" State="Error"/>
    <Error Type="-1" Text="The file not found" Value="3" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.ACPowerTask" DisplayName="AC Power Check">
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\ACPower.bmp</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="No AC power detected. Please plug in to power." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.ShellExecuteTask" DisplayName="Check Drive Encryption">
    <Setter Property="filename">%windir%\system32\cscript.exe</Setter>
    <Setter Property="parameters">Preflight\OSDBitlockerState.vbs %systemdrive%</Setter>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\bitlocker.ico</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Drive is fully encrypted. Encryption will be paused during deployment and resumed." Value="1" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Drive encryption is paused. Encryption will resume after deployment has completed." Value="4" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Drive encryption is paused. Encryption will resume after deployment has completed." Value="5" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Drive is currently encrypting. Please fully encrypt or pause encryption to continue." Value="2" State="Error"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Drive is currently decrypting. Please fully decrypt or pause decryption to continue." Value="3" State="Error"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="A script error was detected. Please contact support to continue." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Page Name="ConfigScanBareMetal" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.ConfigScanPage" DisplayName="Deployment Readiness">
    -<Tasks StatusTitle="Status" NameTitle="Configuration Check Name">
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.ShellExecuteTask" DisplayName="Check Windows Scripting Host">
    <Setter Property="filename">%windir%\system32\cscript.exe</Setter>
    <Setter Property="parameters">Preflight\OSDCheckWSH.vbs</Setter>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\WinScriptHost.bmp</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Windows Scripting Host not installed." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.SharedPages.WiredNetworkTask" DisplayName="Wired Network Check">
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\WiredNetwork.ico</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="No Wired connection found. Please plug in to a network cable." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.ACPowerTask" DisplayName="AC Power Check">
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\ACPower.bmp</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="No AC power detected. Please plug in to power." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.PrestageDriveLookupTask" DisplayName="OEMMedia Lookup">
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename"/>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="Success" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Error" Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.AppDiscoveryTask" DisplayName="Application Discovery">
    <Setter Property="readcfg">%OSDDataSourceDrive%\%OSDDataSourceDirectory%\AppDiscoveryresult.xml.app</Setter>
    <Setter Property="writecfg">%temp%\AppDiscoveryresult.xml.app</Setter>
    <Setter Property="log">$LogPath$\AppDiscovery.log</Setter>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\AppDiscovery.ico</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="Successfully scanned applications." Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Could not run application discovery engine (reason unknown). The appropriate applications may not be selected." Value="*" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="AppDiscovery exited with success as Application matching information is not available in Windows PE." Value="1" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Critical problems were encountered while initializing App Discovery. The appropriate applications may not be selected." Value="16777216" State="Warning"/>
    <ExitCode Type="1" Text="Critical problems were encountered while processing the Application Master List. The appropriate applications may not be selected." Value="33554432" State="Warning"/>
    -<Page Name="RebootPage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.RebootPage" DisplayName="Reboot">
    -<Field Name="RebootText" Summary="" Enabled="true">
    <Default> Your machine will now be rebooted. Click on the 'Finish' button to reboot. </Default>
    -<Page Name="WelcomePageReplace" Type="Microsoft.SharedPages.WelcomePage" DisplayName="Welcome">
    -<Field Name="WelcomeText" Summary="" Enabled="true">
    <Default> Welcome to the Replace Wizard. This wizard will walk you through a series of screens that will allow you to customize your data and settings for USMT. After you have entered the information, the wizard will begin USMT. Click on the 'Next' button to start. Please allow 2 hours for USMT. If you need support during this process, please e-mail your system administrator. </Default>
    -<Page Name="VolumePage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.VolumePage" DisplayName="Volume">
    <Field Name="Image" Summary="Image Selection:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDImageIndex"/>
    -<Field Name="Volume" Summary="Volume:" Enabled="true">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">There are no volumes available for installing the OS.</Setter>
    <Field Name="Directory" Summary="Windows Directory:" Enabled="true"/>
    <Field Name="Format" Summary="Format:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDDiskPart"/>
    <Setter Property="MinimumVolumeSize">10</Setter>
    <Setter Property="FormatWinPE">Partition and &format disk 0.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="FormatFullOS">&Clean the selected volume.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="FormatWinPEWarning">WARNING: Choosing this option will repartition and format disk 0!</Setter>
    <Setter Property="FormatFullOSWarning">WARNING: Choosing this option will delete all data on the target volume!</Setter>
    -<Data Name="ImageSelection">
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Windows 7 RTM (x86)</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Index">1</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Architecture">x86</Setter>
    <Setter Property="ImageName">Windows 7 RTM Images</Setter>
    -<Page Name="UserRestorePage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.UserStatePage" DisplayName="Select Target">
    <RadioGroup Name="LocationGroup" Locked="false"/>
    -<Field Name="TargetDrive" Enabled="true" VarName="">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">No target drive found. Please insert a valid USB drive and click the Refresh button.</Setter>
    -<Field Name="NetworkLocation" Enabled="true" VarName="SMSConnectNetworkFolderPath">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">No valid network share.</Setter>
    -<Field Name="Username" Summary="User:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDUserStateKey">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">You have to input user name. Example is domain\user.</Setter>
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.RegEx">
    <Setter Property="Message">User name format is invalid. Example is domain\user.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Pattern">^([A-Za-z0-9-\.]+)\\([^+#,*"<>;=\[\]:?/|']+)$</Setter>
    -<Field Name="Password" Summary="" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDUserStateKeyPassword">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">Password is required. Please enter the password.</Setter>
    <Field Name="NoDataRadio" Enabled="true" VarName=""/>
    <Field Name="LocalRadio" Enabled="true" VarName=""/>
    <Field Name="USBRadio" Enabled="true" VarName=""/>
    <Field Name="NetworkRadio" Enabled="true" VarName=""/>
    <Setter Property="NetworkPassword"/>
    <Setter Property="NetworkUsername"/>
    <Setter Property="DataSourceText">Please select a location where user data will be captured and/or restored.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Format">disable</Setter>
    <Setter Property="FormatPrompt">disable</Setter>
    <Setter Property="MinimumDriveSize">10</Setter>
    <Setter Property="State">Restore</Setter>
    <Setter Property="NetworkDrive">n:</Setter>
    <Data Name="Network"/>
    -<Page Name="ComputerPage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.ComputerPage" DisplayName="New Computer Details">
    -<RadioGroup Name="DomainGroup" Locked="false">
    -<Field Name="ComputerName" Summary="Computer Name:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDComputerName">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">The computer name is required. Please enter a computer name.</Setter>
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.RegEx">
    <Setter Property="Message">The computer name is not valid. It either contains a character that isn't allowed, or is longer than 15 characters.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="NamedPattern">ComputerName</Setter>
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.InvalidChars">
    <Setter Property="Message">One of the characters in the computer name is not valid.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="InvalidChars"/>
    -<Field Name="DomainCombo" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDDomainName">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">You must select a domain.</Setter>
    <Field Name="DomainOUCombo" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDDomainOUName"/>
    -<Field Name="WorkgroupName" Summary="Workgroup:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDWorkgroupName">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">The workgroup name must be between 1 and 15 characters long, and cannot contain any of these characters: " : ; | = + * ? < ></Setter>
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.RegEx">
    <Setter Property="Message">The workgroup name must be between 1 and 15 characters long, and cannot contain any of these characters: " : ; | = + * ? < ></Setter>
    <Setter Property="NamedPattern">Workgroup</Setter>
    -<Field Name="Username" Summary="Join Domain Account:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDJoinAccount">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">You have to input user name. Example is domain\user.</Setter>
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.RegEx">
    <Setter Property="Message">User name format is invalid. Example is domain\user.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Pattern">^([A-Za-z0-9-\.]+)\\([^+#,*"<>;=\[\]:?/|']+)$</Setter>
    -<Field Name="Password" Summary="" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDJoinPassword">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">Password is required. Please enter the password.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="ADCredentialCheck" Type="boolean">true</Setter>
    <Setter Property="ADComputerObjectCheck" Type="boolean">true</Setter>
    <Setter Property="UseExistingComputerName" Type="boolean">false</Setter>
    <Data Name="Domain"/>
    -<Page Name="AdminAccounts" Type="Microsoft.SharedPages.AdminAccountsPage" DisplayName="Administrator Password">
    -<Field Name="Username" Summary="Add as Administrator:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDAddAdmin">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.InvalidChars">
    <Setter Property="Message">One of the characters in the Account Name(s) field is not valid.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="InvalidChars">/[]:|=,+*<>?"</Setter>
    -<Field Name="Password" Summary="" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDLocalAdminPassword">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">Password is required. Please enter the password.</Setter>
    -<Page Name="UDAPage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.UDAPage" DisplayName="User Device Affinity">
    -<Field Name="DeviceAfinity" Summary="" Enabled="true">
    -<Field Name="Username" Summary="User Device Affinity Account:" Enabled="true" VarName="SMSTSUdaUsers">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">You have to input user name. Example is domain\user.</Setter>
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.RegEx">
    <Setter Property="Message">User name format is invalid. Example is domain\user.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Pattern">^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)\\([^+#,*"<>;=\[\]:?/|']+)$</Setter>
    <Field Name="Password" Enabled="true"/>
    -<Page Name="LanguagePage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.LanguagePage" DisplayName="Language">
    -<Field Name="LanguagePack" Summary="Language Pack:" Enabled="true" VarName="UILanguage">
    -<Field Name="InputLocale" Summary="Locale:" Enabled="true" VarName="UserLocale">
    -<Field Name="KeyboardLocale" Summary="Keyboard Locale:" Enabled="true" VarName="KeyboardLocale">
    -<Field Name="TimeZone" Summary="Time Zone:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDTimeZone">
    <Default>Pacific Standard Time</Default>
    -<Data Name="LanguagePacks">
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">English (United States)</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Language">EN-US</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.)</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Language">ZH-HK</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">German (Germany)</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Language">DE-DE</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Japanese (Japan)</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Language">JA-JP</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Polish (Poland)</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Language">PL-PL</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Romanian (Romania)</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Language">RO-RO</Setter>
    -<Page Name="ApplicationPage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.ApplicationPage" DisplayName="Install Programs">
    <Setter Property="Link.Uri">%temp%\AppDiscoveryresult.xml.app</Setter>
    <Setter Property="TsAppBaseVariable">PACKAGES</Setter>
    <Setter Property="TsApplicationBaseVariable">APPLICATIONS</Setter>
    <Setter Property="TsWindowsAppPackageAppBaseVariable">WINDOWSAPPPACKAGEAPPS</Setter>
    <Setter Property="TsAppInstall">AppInstall</Setter>
    <Page Name="SummaryPage" Type="Microsoft.Shared.SummaryPage" DisplayName="Summary"/>
    -<Page Name="UserCapturePageOldPC" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.UserStatePage" DisplayName="Select Target">
    <RadioGroup Name="LocationGroup" Locked="false"/>
    -<Field Name="TargetDrive" Enabled="true" VarName="">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">No target drive found. Please insert a valid USB drive and click the Refresh button.</Setter>
    -<Field Name="NetworkLocation" Enabled="true" VarName="SMSConnectNetworkFolderPath">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">No valid network share.</Setter>
    -<Field Name="Username" Summary="User:" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDUserStateKey">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">You have to input user name. Example is domain\user.</Setter>
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.RegEx">
    <Setter Property="Message">User name format is invalid. Example is domain\user.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Pattern">^([A-Za-z0-9-\.]+)\\([^+#,*"<>;=\[\]:?/|']+)$</Setter>
    -<Field Name="Password" Summary="" Enabled="true" VarName="OSDUserStateKeyPassword">
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">Password is required. Please enter the password.</Setter>
    <Field Name="NoDataRadio" Enabled="false" VarName=""/>
    <Field Name="LocalRadio" Enabled="false" VarName=""/>
    <Field Name="USBRadio" Enabled="true" VarName=""/>
    <Field Name="NetworkRadio" Enabled="true" VarName=""/>
    <Setter Property="NetworkPassword"/>
    <Setter Property="NetworkUsername"/>
    <Setter Property="DataSourceText">Please select a location where user data will be captured.</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Format">disable</Setter>
    <Setter Property="FormatPrompt">disable</Setter>
    <Setter Property="MinimumDriveSize">10</Setter>
    <Setter Property="State">Capture</Setter>
    <Setter Property="NetworkDrive">n:</Setter>
    <Data Name="Network"/>
    -<Page Name="ProgressPage" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.ProgressPage" DisplayName="Capture Data">
    <Setter Property="LogFilename">$LogPath$\USMTcapture.prg</Setter>
    -<Tasks StatusTitle="Status" NameTitle="Task Name">
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.CopyFilesTask" DisplayName="Copy AppDiscovery XML">
    <File Dest="$DriveLetter$\%OSDDataSourceDirectory%" Source="%temp%\AppDiscoveryresult.xml.app"/>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\copy.bmp</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Copy failed." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    <Error Type="-1" Text="Copy failed. Please check the OSD Wizard log file for details." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.CopyFilesTask" DisplayName="Copy Printers XML">
    <File Dest="$DriveLetter$\%OSDDataSourceDirectory%" Source="%temp%\PrinterList.xml"/>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\Printers.ico</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Copy failed. Please check the OSD Wizard log file for details." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.CopyFilesTask" DisplayName="Copy ProductsList">
    <File Dest="$DriveLetter$\%OSDDataSourceDirectory%" Source="%temp%\ProductsInstalled.txt"/>
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\copy.bmp</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="Copy failed." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    <Error Type="-1" Text="Copy failed. Please check the OSD Wizard log file for details." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Task Type="Microsoft.Wizard.ShellExecuteTask" DisplayName="Run USMT">
    <Setter Property="BitmapFilename">images\usmt.bmp</Setter>
    <Setter Property="filename">%windir%\system32\wscript.exe</Setter>
    <Setter Property="parameters">//B %ScriptRoot%\ZTIUserState.wsf /capture /OSDStateStorePath:$DriveLetter$\%OSDDataSourceDirectory% /UserDataKey:%OSDUserStateKeyPassword%</Setter>
    <ExitCode Type="0" Text="" Value="0" State="Success"/>
    <ExitCode Type="-1" Text="USMT scan state failed." Value="*" State="Error"/>
    -<Page Name="RebootAfterCapture" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.RebootPage" DisplayName="Reboot">
    -<Field Name="RebootText" Summary="" Enabled="true">
    <Default> Your machine will now be rebooted. Click on the 'Finish' button to reboot. </Default>
    -<Page Name="BitLocker" Type="Microsoft.OSDRefresh.BitLockerPage" DisplayName="BitLocker">
    <!-- Valid values: TPM,TPMPIN,TPMKey and ExternalKey-->
    -<RadioGroup Name="BitLockerRadioGroup" Locked="false">
    -<RadioGroup Name="LocationGroup" Locked="false">
    -<Field Name="BitLocker" Summary="" Enabled="true" VarName="BDEInstallSuppress">
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    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.NonEmpty">
    <Setter Property="Message">The PIN must not be emtpy</Setter>
    -<Validator Type="Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.RegEx">
    <Setter Property="Message">PIN should be a number between 4-20 digits</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Pattern">^[0-9-]{4,20}$</Setter>
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    <Default>Choose Language Type</Default>
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    -<Field Name="combo5" Summary="ABBLang" Enabled="true" VarName="ABBLang">
    -<Data Name="CustomFields">
    <Setter Property="ControlType">label</Setter>
    <Setter Property="ID">3</Setter>
    <Setter Property="X">37.27</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Y">3.67</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Width">100</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Height">12</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Name">label3</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Label">Choose Language Type</Setter>
    <Setter Property="ControlType">combo</Setter>
    <Setter Property="ID">5</Setter>
    <Setter Property="X">36.87</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Y">21.25</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Width">100</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Height">12</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Name">combo5</Setter>
    -<Data Name="combo5">
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">English</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">0</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Chinese</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">1</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Japanese</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">2</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">German</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">3</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Lang-2</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">4</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Lang-3</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">5</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Lang-4</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">6</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Lang-5</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">7</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Lang-6</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">8</Setter>
    <Setter Property="DisplayName">Lang-7</Setter>
    <Setter Property="Value">9</Setter>
    -<StageGroup DisplayName="New Computer">
    -<Stage Name="NEWCOMPUTER" DisplayName="New Computer">
    <PageRef Page="WelcomePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="LanguagePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="SummaryPage"/>
    -<Stage Name="NEWCOMPUTER.Prestaged" DisplayName="New Computer (prestaged media)">
    <PageRef Page="WelcomePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="BitLocker"/>
    <PageRef Page="UserRestorePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="ConfigScanBareMetal"/>
    <PageRef Page="ComputerPage"/>
    <PageRef Page="AdminAccounts"/>
    <PageRef Page="UDAPage"/>
    <PageRef Page="LanguagePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="ApplicationPage"/>
    <PageRef Page="SummaryPage"/>
    -<StageGroup DisplayName="Refresh">
    -<Stage Name="REFRESH" DisplayName="Refresh">
    <PageRef Page="WelcomePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="VolumePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="UserRestorePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="ConfigScanPage"/>
    <PageRef Page="ComputerPage"/>
    <PageRef Page="AdminAccounts"/>
    <PageRef Page="LanguagePage"/>
    <PageRef Page="ApplicationPage"/>
    <PageRef Page="SummaryPage"/>
    -<StageGroup DisplayName="Replace">
    -<Stage Name="REPLACE" DisplayName="Replace, in full OS">
    <PageRef Page="WelcomePageReplace"/>
    <PageRef Page="ConfigScanPage"/>
    <PageRef Page="RebootPage"/>
    -<Stage Name="REPLACE.WinPE" DisplayName="Replace, in WinPE">
    <PageRef Page="UserCapturePageOldPC"/>
    <PageRef Page="ProgressPage"/>
    <PageRef Page="RebootAfterCapture"/>

    I don't know much about the UDI but I think the FieldName should be TimeZoneName and not just TimeZone.

  • ICal timezone issues

    I have my timezone set up as eastern time on all my devices (MBP, ipad, iphone). I have (among other entries with the same problem) a recurring entry that was at 9am, when I went to Hawaii for vacation and changed the time zone, it showed up as 3am (correctly), now that I am back and have changed my timezones in all devices including mobileme to eastern again these entries are still in the HI time zone. When I click on it to edit it opens up and correctly the time shows as 9am, Save it and it shows back up again as 3am. Again all timezones are set for Eastern time zones .... what gives????
    I don't understand this.
    Please help.

    It sounds like the event is in Hawaii time and iCal is set in Eastern Time.
    When you open the event does it have a time zone field? What is it set to?  In iCal's main window what does itbsay in the top right?
    Best wishes
    John M

  • How can I set up a default (pre-recorded) voicemail greeting on iphone 4s?

    How can I set up a default (pre-recorded) voicemail greeting on iphone 4s?i dont want a custom one with my voice i want the pre-recorded where a lady says my number . how do i get that?

    Voicemail is a cell phone carrier function.  Contact your carrier to see if they have this option.  If not, i'm sure you can download a sound file from the internet with a greeting and add your name.  Then play it back on you PC while holding your iPhone near the speaker when recording the greeting to voicemail.

  • How can I set up a default page in CS5-CC?

    How can I set up a default page in CS5-CC?

    Save or modify one of the presets here on Mac (windows similar location):
    HD\Users\(user name)\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS#\en_US\New Document Profiles
    When making a new document, choose the preset you saved.

  • After uninstalling nightly, I can no longer set firefox as default browser for email links and they no longer open.

    When I try to change the default firefox protocols in windows, only the nightly shows and I can not unclick it. When I attempt to click on a link in an email (Windows Live) I get "Class not registered"
    I presently have IE set as my default because it is the only possible way to open email links.

    You can install both win32 and win64 Firefox Nightly builds on a 64-bit Windows computer. As you should know, all Firefox nightly builds are intended for testing only. If you downloaded your Firefox nightly build from http://nightly.mozilla.org/ then you got the win32 installer. (win64 installers are available from http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/ and possibly elsewhere: [http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=12694481#p12694481 ref.])
    Anyway, the bug report I referred to earlier ([https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=870312 Bug 870312] - Installing Nightly causes "Class not registered" error on click on link in other apps after uninstall) fits your issue ("broken" uninstaller). It was triaged as a "Shell Integration" Firefox bug for x86_64 Windows 8.
    Whether you had the 32-bit or 64-bit Firefox nightly installed, you can try reinstalling a more recent build of that, and then uninstall it again. That worked for a Windows user who had problems uninstalling Firefox Nightly x64 as reported in this thread:
    If that doesn't work, also try reinstalling Firefox 25, to see if that helps matters.
    I'm not the best person to help you, though, since I'm not testing Firefox nightly on my Win7 x64 computer. Hopefully someone will be along that can help you better, or you could try on the MozillaZine Firefox Builds forum (it's linked from the nightly.mozilla.org page).

  • Set iCloud as default in outlook 2013

    I like to set iCloud as default in outlook 2013 (Windows 8.1 x64)
    The big issues are the contacts and appointments.
    How can I use those as default?
    Is there an upgrade of iCloud software being developed, or is there a workaround I can use instead?
    With best regards,

    Unfortunately, you can't set iCloud as your default.  You can, however, change the default address book in Outlook to access your iCloud contact list when addressing email, as explained here: http://www.msoutlook.info/question/262.

  • Post upgrade issues from Timezone setting

    We just upgraded from 4.5 -> version 6.0 SP1 (so we first upgraded the data to 4.5 WS then to version 6)
    After the upgrade, we saw the web service registration to have the send timezone setting to portlet as checked for all the portlets that were upgraded/migrated.
    Then after the DB upgrade, we saw some portlets not displaying because of a person's time zone setting. This went a step further and there are users who reported that they can't access the change locale settings page or even add portlets to their page.
    A PT spy of the users experience showed this particular error: com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.portalsettings.localesettings.LocaleSettingsView     LocaleSettingsView::Display An error occured when trying to display the HTML.
    System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
    at com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.portalsettings.localesettings.LocaleSettingsModel.GetTimeZoneSetting() in e:\buildroot\Release\portalui\6.0.x\ptwebui\portalpages\dotnet\prod\src\com\plumtree\portalpages\browsing\portalsettings\localesettings\LocaleSettingsModel.cs:line 192
    at com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.portalsettings.localesettings.LocaleSettingsView.Display() in e:\buildroot\Release\portalui\6.0.x\ptwebui\portalpages\dotnet\prod\src\com\plumtree\portalpages\browsing\portalsettings\localesettings\LocaleSettingsView.cs:line 59
    I noticed that the cast error originates from the GetTimeZoneSetting() method. This led me to believe that some values in the DB were unexpected. True enough, I noticed that for the strTimeZone preference some users has a value of 1/-1 and the PrefValueType is set to 3 (instead of 8). After modifying this we resolve the issue and the users could proceed as normal.
    My question is that has anyone else experienced a similar issue(or is this just specific to our environment)? Also is there a list of settings/preference you need to check for data integrity after an upgrade? Thanks!

    I experienced an issue similar to this once. I don't know if it was exactly the same because it was a 4.5 to 5.x upgrade done a couple years ago, but it sounds like pretty much the same thing. I also tracked it down to a pref problem in the database. I had to manually fix the bad values, but that resolved the problem, and that was the only problem of that type I encountered. That doesn't mean you won't find anything else strange with your upgrade, but it seemed to be a strange isolated incident to me. I have done many upgrades since that time, and never encountered the problem again. I would suspect that if you have fixed all the database records that were affected by this, then you are probably OK.
    DJ Dewey | VHA Inc. | [email protected]


    I have a item using select list and I like to set this item default value as
    today's date , such as "select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual"
    HTMLDB failed recongnize the default value, or throw error Error ERR-9132 Error in PLSQL expression for item default code, ...". I have tried each of 3 avaialable Default Value Types
    Per http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=443287, it is used to be doable, but the default value type (sql) is no longer avaialble in HTMLDB 2.0
    I would appreaciate it very much if anyone has successfully done this before, either set to today or current month

    Ching - Did you try a PL/SQL Expression using to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')?
    There have been no changes to the item default types available in HTML DB. The thread you referenced is for Oracle Portal, a separate and unrelated product.

  • How do I set up a default dial-in number for all live meetings?

    How do I set up a default dial-in number for all live meetings?

    Never mind.  Found my answer.  Sometimes all you have to do is type it - then you can figure it out! 

  • Custom Master page set as a default on feature activation in Moss

    I've a site in moss. I have created feature in my solution and on feature activation it will set the custom master page
    CustomMaster.master as a default master page and on feature deactivation it will set as a default master page
    The problem I'm facing is that if I'm activation the feature at first time then it will set the CustomMaster.master as a default master page but when I'm deactivate the feature it will remove the
    CustomMaster.master page and module. but when I'm again activate feature at that time it will not create mo1dule and CustomMaster.master in "_catalogs/masterpage/". So, no error was given on feature activation but
    it will give error while I'm accessing my site as a "File Not Found" because
    CustomMaster.master is not created.
    Code of Module.xml file
    <Module Name="Master" Url="_catalogs/masterpage"> <File Path="Master\CustomMaster.master" Url="Master/CustomMaster.master" IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="TRUE" Type="GhostableInLibrary"/> </Module>
    Code of method which is call on feature activation
    public void SetCustomMasterPage(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, string MasterPageName)
    #region SetMasterpage
    SPSite siteCollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
    if (siteCollection != null)
    foreach (SPWeb web in siteCollection.AllWebs)
    // Get the Site Collection root path to get the master page gallery.
    string siteCollectionRoot = web.Site.RootWeb.Url;
    // Set the Site Master to Custom.master
    var siteMaster = new Uri(siteCollectionRoot + "/_catalogs/masterpage/Master/" + MasterPageName);
    web.CustomMasterUrl = siteMaster.AbsolutePath;
    web.MasterUrl = siteMaster.AbsolutePath;
    // Clear the Alternate CSS
    web.AlternateCssUrl = string.Empty;
    // Save the changes back to the web
    catch (Exception)
    Code of methods which are call on feature deactivation
    public void SetDefaultMaster(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    SPSite siteCollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
    if (siteCollection != null)
    foreach (SPWeb web in siteCollection.AllWebs)
    // Get the Site Collection root path to get the master page gallery.
    string siteCollectionRoot = web.Site.RootWeb.Url;
    // Set the Site Master to Custom.master
    var siteMaster = new Uri(siteCollectionRoot + "/_catalogs/masterpage/default.master");
    web.CustomMasterUrl = siteMaster.AbsolutePath;
    web.MasterUrl = siteMaster.AbsolutePath;
    // Clear the Alternate CSS
    web.AlternateCssUrl = string.Empty;
    // Save the changes back to the web
    catch (Exception)
    public void RemoveCustomMasterPage(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, string MasterPageName)
    using (SPSite sitecollection = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent)
    using (SPWeb web = sitecollection.RootWeb)
    string WebAppRelativePath = sitecollection.ServerRelativeUrl;
    if (!WebAppRelativePath.EndsWith("/"))
    foreach (SPWeb site in sitecollection.AllWebs)
    WebAppRelativePath = site.Url;
    if (!WebAppRelativePath.EndsWith("/"))
    WebAppRelativePath += "/";
    String MasterUrl = WebAppRelativePath + "_catalogs/masterpage/Master/" + MasterPageName;
    SPFile fileUrl1 = site.GetFile(MasterUrl);
    if (fileUrl1 != null)
    SPFolder folder = fileUrl1.ParentFolder;
    //attempt to delete the folder if it is now empty
    if (folder.Files.Count < 1)
    catch (Exception)
    Pls guide me for solve this issue.

    Hello Sameer,
    When you are calling "RemoveCustomMasterPage" function?
    Also make below change in web.config file your web application to know the problem:
    1. Open up your sites web.config, and make the standard custom errors edit. You want it to be < customerrors mode="Off"/>
    2. Then, search for the CallStack="false" and change it to CallStack="true", you should find this in the "<safemode>" node.
    3. Find:   <compilation debug="false" />, Replace with: <compilation debug="true" />
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • Set InDesign -- by default -- not to make hyperlinks Shared Destinations?

    I have a newsletter template in ID CS4 based on a template with some standing hyperlinks to my organization's web pages.
    Recently, when I created a new file based on the template, my computer started bogging down looking NOT for the web page in the hyperlink, but in the copy of the InDesign file that created it. Checked the properties in Hyperlink Options, and instead of URL, the links went to a Shared Destination (a copy of the document on a shared drive, not an Internet server).  Changed the properties to link them to URLs instead, but when I opened the document again, they went back to Shared Destinations. How can I set InDesign -- by default -- not to hook hyperlinks up to Shared Destinations?  (My agency was ready to upgrade me to CS6 until it became available in the Cloud only).
    Note: If a URL hyperlink isn’t working in the exported PDF, there may be a problem with the hyperlink being a “Shared Destination.” Double-click the hyperlink in the Hyperlinks panel, choose URL from the Link To menu, deselect Shared Hyperlink Destination, and click OK
    But I wan to make NOT sharing hyperlinks the default

    Given the bug with shared hyperlinks (see https://forums.adobe.com/message/6408902#6408902), I too would like to turn off shared hyperlink destination as the default. Anyone found a way to do this?

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