IChat International Use

Is it possible to use iChat internationally between Mac's? If so are there certain settings or system configurations I need to change? Is it better to use Skype for international?

So should have I
I have VIDEO chatted with people in Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, India, Japan, Sweden, most European Countries and some in the Middle East.
Most issues are about Router or modem set up rather than distance.
Available Internet Speed does play a part in some cases.
Turkish end to Cyprus is difficult.
I have only had one contact in Poland where the speed was very slow.
Warning !!!
Australians tend to answer the phone with their shirt Off. Unfortunately they think of iChat in the same way.
7:43 PM Thursday; October 8, 2009
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    Hi Michael,
    I pointed you to that thread as the error message you posted is normally associated with either a spellcheck problem or something odd with the Me Card in the Address Book.
    You can drag pics to the Recent Buddies folder but iChat will not see them.
    Create a New Folder and call it iChat Recent Pictures
    The alias should be removed.
    You should now find that iChat will let you select a choice as a new Buddy Pic.
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    The Billing team should have assisted you with this issue since it requires access to your Account details.
    However try the following steps if you havent tried these yet.
    1) Open the Following link in an InPrivate Window (Internet Explorer press Ctrl+Shif+P) and check if you are still getting error.
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    2) Try using a different WLID (LiveID/Microsoft Account) to activate the offer if you already have a MPN offer on the same WLID.
    3) The error may also be gerenated if the Silver Pack benefits is not being entitled to you. Call the Number 1-800-765-7768 to make sure that you are entitled to receive the silver pack benefits. you can alternatively to the website below to attempt to purchase
    Let us know if this helps.
    Nithin Rathnakar

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    command_directory = /usr/sbin
    config_directory = /etc/postfix
    content_filter =
    daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
    debugpeerlevel = 2
    enableserveroptions = yes
    html_directory = no
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    mydestination = $myhostname,localhost.$mydomain,localhost,osx-server.local
    mydomain = Osx-Server.local
    mydomain_fallback = localhost
    myhostname = Osx-Server.local
    mynetworks =,
    mynetworks_style = host
    newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
    queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
    readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
    relayhost =
    sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
    sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    setgid_group = postdrop
    smtpdpw_server_securityoptions = plain
    smtpdrecipientrestrictions = permitsasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauthdestination,permit
    smtpdsasl_authenable = yes
    smtpdtls_keyfile =
    smtpduse_pwserver = yes
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    It means that BADI can be used only by SAP, i.e. it can be used only on the original SAP system, so not in a customer system as yours.
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    Hi Diana,
    On 4.7 at least, it is not released for external use by customers..  There is a SAP note out there that says the same thing -- and tells you to use the standard exits (eg. MV45AFZZ)
    Guess SAP created it in case they need to enhance the standard, and they don't want us to touch it yet.

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    Hello Pratap
    Labelling this BAdI as "Internal Use only" SAP can do whatever they want with this BAdI - they may even remove it !!!
    Thus, your development relies on something very unreliable.
    Perhaps SAP releases this BAdI for general use in the future - or not.
    Therefore, I would recommend to use the enhancement framework instead if already available in your SAP system.
    Final remark: If you set your implementation of this internal BAdI productive and the customer runs into trouble later on when SAP changes or deletes this BAdI with support packages YOU are liable - and not SAP.

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    i.e. if this fm have bug u don't get any support .
    in the tab attributes u can see if the FM is released  or not.
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    To add a bit to max's post, my understanding is that:
    The important difference is that the interface is stable for released FM's, and the coding on the inside is supported by SAP.
    For non-released FM's, SAP will still "support" and fix stuff on the inside of the FM (most likely, they will be thankfull for a real bug), but they will also not consider your requirements when changing the interface of the FM to make it compatable with the changes for their own requirements (which belong to SAP).
    That is why SAP makes BAPI's available (popular demand
    My 2 rappen,

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    The Business Add-In is reserved for SAP internal use...
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    please help me on this

    HI Rajan,
    You cannot use this badi as it is used by SAP for internal use...Check for other badis which is not internal use.

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    In SRM RFx bid document, when i attach file and checked internal flag for the attachment,
    how does it behave in ERP system? does ERP has option for internal use?
    Currently i using Content server and storing file attachment in Document type SRM.
    Where can i confirm the internal flag is checked for the document in ERP.
    Looks like SRM has internal use option and ERP does not have internal use option at DMS screen CV01n
    or document screen
    Pls advice

    Where can i confirm the internal flag is checked for the document in ERP.
    As far as I understand, ECC RFQ does not have attachment capability. Where would you want the RFx in SRM and its attachments to flow in ECC?
    If you are talking about follow-on documents of an SRM RFx, such as PO/CTR to be replicated in ECC, then no, ECC attachment does not have "internal" flag. Such flag is only in SRM to indicate the visibility of an attachment to the purchasing company and vendors. If "internal" is set, the document is invisible to the vendors/suppliers.

  • Configuring ichat to use .mac

    I'm trying to get my ichat to use my .mac id and password. But evertime I open ichat, it gives me an error message that says my AOL password is incorrect. I don't want anything to do with AOL or its AIM service.
    Took the problem to the Apple store, they couldn't fix it; Apple Care couldn't fix it - they suggested a reinstallation of the operating system (tiger 10.4.11), which I did - still no fix.
    Any suggestions. Thanks Dan

    At present iChat still list using @Mac.com names and has not changed to show a choice for @me.com names.
    @mac.com names are still valid and the process of starting up with Mobile Me that has replaced .Mac links them.
    It seems the AIM servers are only talking to the @me.com list to verify Screen Names and Passwords.
    This means that when you Add an @mac.com name at this point in time you get the Password error message.
    @me.com, if you have a very new name that was not an @mac one before, and/or want to move an @mac name you have used before such as a Trail Account that has not been moved to MobileMe/@me.com,you will need to follow the fix as listed above or as you say get an AIM Name.
    7:51 PM Friday; August 8, 2008

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