Icloud on family account - lost one account - no reset?

We have always had mobileme and the all the kids are on my family  plan so I can track them with find my iphone.  Three of us all rolled to icloud a few months ago but my two daughters did not.  I rolled daugher A today and it worked fine.  When we try to roll B it keeps saying her password is wrong.  We've tried all the ways to reset with no luck.  She's still on my family account so why can't we log in anymore?  Any idea?  Her itunes account did the same thing -- just deleted her and we lost everything and had to start over with a new account a couple years ago. 
She still shows on my mobileme though so why can't we just reset the password and roll her to the cloud like everyone else?  I can't even track her anymore it says her password is wrong.  Since I'm the primary on a paid account it seems like there should be a way I can reset it. 
Thanks for any help.........Apple doesn't like to reply. 

Once a sub-account has changed their password the master account cannot access it - the master account can only delete it, but not get at the account itself.
Are you absolutely sure the password is correct? - some people have a separate ID for iTunes and find themselves trying to log in with that. If you click the 'forgot password' link on the login page you should be able to answer a securiy question you set and reset the password.
If you can't get that to work you will need to contact Support. Go to http://www.apple.com/support/mobileme/ww/ and select your country. In the next window click on a category to expand it, then on a subject to get a link to 'live chat'.

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    You need to start by understanding the distinction between iTunes and iCloud - Apple confuse the issue by referring to 'iTunes Match' as part of iCloud. It isn't.
    You don't have to have the same login (Apple ID) for iTunes and iCloud; many people don't and there's no problem about it.
    Your iCloud ID gets you email, calendars, contacts, iWork documents and PhotoStream syncing between devices.
    Your iTunes ID gets you the iTunes Store, the App Store for iOS, the Mac App Store for OSX,, 'iTunes in the Cloud' (downloading of purchased items to any logged-in device) and 'iTunes Match' (uploading of songs not purchased in the iTunes Store).
    Your family members can easily each get their own iCloud account to keep email etc. separate - in each case they will need a different non-Apple email address (a free one from Yahoo etc. would do) to set up the ID. If they are sharing a Mac they need to be using a separate user account.
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    "Can we each have separate Icloud IDs and still have one Apple ID we use for Itunes account?"
    Yes, that's the suggested way of doing it.
    As for starting from scratch - you need to decide which Apple ID to use for the mac.  If each member of the family uses the mac, then set up a seperate account for each and use the Apple ID (the one used for iCloud) to sign into icloud.  Use the common ID for itunes purchases.  I'd suggest first syncing devices to icloud to get whatever data is important (contacts, events, ...) saved.  When on the mac you connect to an iCloud account, the data (just synced from a device) will come down to the mac (for that account).
    Tell us what "data" you want to get to the new Mac?

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unfortunately, OSX 10.6.8 will not support iCloud. You can use the mail address from the iCloud account with Snow Leopard bot not the rest of the iCloud features. You can access then via the web browser though at iCloud.com.
    To set up iCloud mail.
    Delete your mail account from Mail preferences and set it up again using the Mail Server Information.
    Some users have apparently encountered issues using this information in pre-Lion set ups (I haven't), Roger Wilmut has kindly provided instructions for those who find themselves with this problem.
    Entering iCloud email settings manually in Snow Leopard or Leopard

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    You can use one Apple ID in itunes for all your purchases.
    You can also use different IDs in iCloud so that each ID keeps whatever devices are registered to that ID are kept in sync.  If you don't want you wife's and your calendars to be identical, then you need different IDs.  Again, you can all keep the same Apple ID for your iTunes purchases.

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    You do not have to call US, but you need to call. Or else.
    Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support

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    Thanks for any tips on how to better prepare for the conversion.

    Thanks for the reply.
    I think I understand what you are saying.
    I am wondering why the iCloud would be device-dependent. For instance, we have in our home two MacBooks, two iPhones, one iPad, one AppleTV. So, somewhat preciently knowing we'd eventually have more Apple devices, our main account (esp for iTunes) is our joint account. Joint email, calendar, and iTunes/iBooks content. Works great.
    So, if we had a family with children with their own accounts, would it then not be possible for each person to have their own accounts and iCloud syncing off of, say, one home computer?
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    Thanks for the instruction -- just trying to figure out how to get things set up when we go to iCloud (we haven't turned it on yet for this reason).
    I see in the discussions forums loads of issues from people switching over.
    Maybe the right way to do it is each MacBook retains their accounts. Same with the iPhones. But turn off the other, shared accounts. Turn on iCloud...let it see everything, get synced: Computer A with iPhone A with iCloud Account A (email and contacts only). And Computer B with iPhone B with iCloud Account B (email and contacts only). Then add in the shared iCloud Account (email/calendar/iTunes only).

  • ICloud family account

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    Apple should go back to family accounts.

    That's not how MobileMe Family Accounts worked - each sub-account had a limited amount of storage but it couldn't be moved between accounts. The point was to allow family members to have their own separate accounts with email and limited storage at a lower price that buying a complete account: as iCloud is free at basic level there is no need for that. If you have family members who need separate iCloud accounts each will get 5GB free and will have to purchase more if required on an individual basis.

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    Hello ggg39,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that you have some content in your iTunes library that you would like to restrict access for the child set up on Family Sharing with you. To do this, you can set restrictions on the child’s device as described in the attached article. 
    Family Sharing - Apple Support
    Now kids under 13 can have their own Apple IDs. As a parent or legal guardian, the family organizer can create an Apple ID for a child and add the child to the family group automatically. Ask to Buy is turned on by default, and the organizer can also limit the content kids have access to on their devices through Restrictions on an iOS device or parental controls in OS X and iTunes.
    For more information on restrictions and how to set them up, please reference the next attached article. 
    About Restrictions (parental controls) on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    Have a great day,

  • How do I create one Family account with multiple sub web sites?

    It seems like this would already have been discussed. I have searched and have not found what I am looking for.
    What I would like is:
    then I might have one for whatever reason:
    and my wife would want hers:
    She has her own laptop and would like to post to her subsite but under the family account.

    You could purchase a .Mac Family Account.
    But, based on the way you have demonstrated the urls you want, all of you could use a single .Mac account and just publish to it with whatever machine you choose. Just configure each machine to the account using System Preferences, and publish to it. As long as each site is named differently, they will not overwrite one another.

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    According the this: http://www.apple.com/mobileme/transition.html, "After moving to iCloud, family member accounts are no longer linked to the master account."  You can share an iCloud calendar (see http://support.apple.com/kb/PH2690), but I don't think you will be able to share iCloud contacts unless you are signed into the same iCloud account on both phones.

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    I have a .mac family account, a personal .mac account and separate iTunes id I use for my work iPhone and the associated apps.  How do I keep them separate in the iCloud change?

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    Could you tell us a little more about what you want to do. Bear in mind that iTunes has nothing to do with your iCloud account.

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    Did you ever find an answer cuz I am curious too!

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