Icloud storage issue/ icloud email

I just received 2 emails from 'icloud'. the first stated that my free 5GB of storage is almost full. The next then stated it was suspending my mail service unless i free up space or buy more....now here it is....when i go to icloud to manage storage it states i've 23.69gb free of 25gb available....can anybody explain whats happening?
thanks in advance

Go to Settings>iCloud>Storage & Backup, then tap Manage Storage, swipe across your backup and tap Delete, then go back and turn iCloud Backup back on again.

Similar Messages

  • HT4847 You have now exceeded your iCloud storage, including an additional amount provided to allow you to continue receiving email. As a result, you will not be able to send or receive new email messages with your iCloud email address until you free up st

    You have now exceeded your iCloud storage, including an additional amount provided to allow you to continue receiving email. As a result, you will not be able to send or receive new email messages with your iCloud email address until you free up storage space or buy more storage. I have 20GB remaining.  WHat is the issue here?

    Today I received the same message but have 4.6gb available from a total of 5.0gb. I also received the same message when i first set up my icloud account and icloud was virtually empty. Unfortunately the only way i can see to contact apple is to pay for a telephone call. If anyone knows what is going on i would appreciate knowing.

  • ICloud storage issue; Restoring iPhone calendar from iMac after accidental iCloud deletion

    I set up iCloud to back up calendars and contacts and for find my phone.  Initially, it seemed to work alright.  Then I got messages on iPhone that there wasn't enough iCloud storage, even though the storage tab showed that I had used none of my iCloud storage at all.  So I turned off iCloud/contacts.   In iTunes I switched back from iCloud backup to backup from my iMac. 
    Later I got the same message about not enough room in iCloud even though only calendars involved.  So I truned off iCloud/calendar on my iPhone and was given the choice of keeping the calendars from the iCloud or deleting them (a foolish choice without a failsafe!!!).  I clumsily and mistakenly hit delete.  My calendars have most recently been synced with my new iMac and appear on the iMac and should also be in TM.  But right now there is no data in my iPhone calendar.
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    I don't want to do another sync until I can make sure that the sync with the iMac will resotre the calendar(s) to the iPnone.  How do I do this?
    Do I have to do anything on the iMac before I try a sync?
    How do I avoid these problems in the future?  The only thing I really would like from iCloud is "find my phone".  How do I keep that capability without backing up or su=yncing otherwise anything through iCloud? 
    Is iCloud still Beta?

    Apple walked me through this and helped me revert to backing up on my iMac, using iCloud only for find my iPhone and iMac.  The process, however, is not straightforward and what the respective mac and iPhone support people (yes, they have that kind of specialization) led me through was clearer, if somewhat convoluted, than any instructions on Apple's support or community pages.
    Since my main concern was not losing my calendar and contacts information, the key was saving that, via export, to my desktop.  Sorry I didn't write down all the other steps - but I see that as Apple's job.  Back in the days of the IIC, Apple's manual was a model of clarity and completeness at the same time.
    Bottom line is while my immediate concerns were resolved, the underlying iCloud storage issue was not.  On my iPhone, I was being told that my attempts to backup to the iCloud failed because I didn't have enough storage, even though I determined almost none of my alloted space was used.  This issue is not helped by the multiplicity of settings relating to iCloud, or the interfaces (such as the iCloud on the iMac through Mavericks) which present a screen of icons without additional information.
    For my purposes, iCloud remains Beta.

  • HT4847 iCloud emails me to say I have exceeded my iCloud storage but Settings tells me I have 18 out of 25gbs available. I can't understand this.... can anyone explain?

    iCloud emails me to say I have exceeded my iCloud storage but Settings tells me I have 18 out of 25gbs available. I can't understand this.... can anyone explain?

    Same problem.  Received a from icloud about 2 hours ago saying that I had exceeded my storage and my mail would be stopped.  Checked all devices and I have 22.5GB available.  It sounds as if there is a problem with icloud?

  • ICloud - Email Storage - cannot be deleted

    iCloud - Email Storage - cannot be deleted
    please, can anybody help me how to delete 1.8 GB in iCloud.com?
    I do not have any emails there - really nothing.
    But it still says that I have 1.8 GB of data.
    I tried to connect to iCloud Email via iPhone and iPad, but still nothing -> no emails there, but still 1.8 GB. :-(
    <Link Edited By Host>

    Quit Mail
    Go to your User's Library How to enable the User’s Library folder
    Scroll down to the Mail folder
    In V2 > MailData do you see Accounts.plist
    Verify permissions by doing a Get Info.
    You(me)   Read & Write
    Staff         Read only
    Everyone Read only
    If yes, try renaming this file as AccountsOLD.plist
    Log out under the Apple in the Menu bar
    Log in and lauch Mail.
    Do you still see your accounts? If yes, can you delete the gmail account now?
    Repair Permissions might help.
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Applications/Utility folder.
    2. Click on the First Aid tab and select Repair Permissions
    3. Click on the icon for your boot volume.
    4. Click the repair permissions button.

  • HT204247 How much storage space do I have in my iCloud email?

    HHow much storage does my icloud email have? For example when I used gmail to send pictures it holds 17GB. So if I send pictures through my ICloud email
    how much storage does it have? Is the storage on my iPad?

    I believe the iCloud email is part of your free 5GB of iCloud storage. The iClould storage lives on Apples computers. Read the article below. Scroll down to Mail then IOS for more info.
    Manage your iCloud storage - Apple Support

  • TS4002 Issue getting iCloud email into Mac

    Dear All,
    I have a problem getting my icloud email into Mac
    Sometimes the email came in very late and not real time
    Othertime, it just does not come in at all
    However, this do not happen for my icloud email in my iPhone
    All the email comes in.
    Anyone has similar issue?

    Try going back to http://appleid.apple.com and changing the ID back to the original address. If you can get this accepted, then go to the iCloud preferences/settings pane, stop 'Find My ....', and then sign out. Do the same on any other devices or computers.
    Then go back to http://appleid.apple.com and change the ID to the new one. Sign in with that on all your devices.
    However as the address which forms the original ID is now not working it can't be validated and it's possible that you won't be able to revert to it. In this situation only Support can help you.
    To contact  iCloud Support: if you currently happen to have AppleCare, either because you recently bought Apple hardware or have paid to extend the inititial period, you can contact them here:
    You will need the serial number of the covered hardware.
    If you are not covered by AppleCare, then - in common with other free email services - there is no free support and you may be asked to pay a fee.

  • Can somebody please explain ICloud email storage ?

    I use Mac Mail (within OS X Snow Leopard) with both my @mac.com address and also my @btinternet.com address.
    I had a Mobile Me account also when that was still available, although that's perhaps irrelevant. (My @mac.com account is long-established)
    When ICloud became available my @mac.com email account became an 'ICloud' Account although nothing else appeared to change.
    I have now been told that my ' email storage on ICloud has exceeded the free limit and I must buy more'
    I don't understand that, as I had no idea that my email was being stored in ICloud.
    My assumption was that all stored email was somewhere within the  (several terabytes) storage on my Mac Pro.
    How do I stop storing email in ICloud and simply store all received email on my Mac Pro ?
    Can I continue using my @mac.com account without it being an 'ICloud' account?
    I do not have an Iphone or any other mobile phone. (although I do have an IPod and IPad and a MacBook)
    Gordon Sapsed

    iCloud email is IMAP, as was MobileMe: this means that the emails are stored on the server and read from there by your Mac and other devices. The stored emails use your 5Gb free or extended (purchased) space.
    You can reduce the online storage of emails by downloading some of them to your Mac. Create a new mailbox in Mail, making sure it is under 'On My Mac'. Now go to your iCloud email and select the messages you want to download. Drag them to the new mailbox and wait while they download (if there are a lot it could take some time).
    This will remove them from the server and free up space: obviously they will then only be available to read on your Mac, not on any other devices.
    Can I continue using my @mac.com account without it being an 'ICloud' account?
    Your iCloud storage is also used by 'Documents in the Cloud', iOS device backup, and 'Photo Journal' galleries if you choose to host them there. It is not used by PhotoStream, iTunes in the Cloud or iTunes Match. There is no general file storage in the manner of the late lamented iDisk.
    You can increase your storage space if you need to: additional 10GB, $20 p.a., 20 GB, $40 p.a., 50GB $100 p.a.

  • I have been having syncing issues with icloud notes, contacts, and now icloud email. Does anyone have suggestions?

    Just recently, I have been unable to receive icloud email on my iphone and new ipad3. Although, I am a loyal apple consumer, I feel a bit let down. I am a PhD student and used my ipad/icloud email for downloading  and reading PDF journal  articles. My goal is to eventally buy a MacBook Pro and eliminate some of the syncing issues with icloud by storing my documents on the hard drive. I hope this will give me some relief from all the trouble I have had with icloud. Please share your suggestions.

    Right now, there is an iCloud blackout.  Most people are having issues syncing Notes, Calenders, and Contacts between devices, emails aren't being sent, and Find My iPhone isn't working.

  • I have been having issues with my iCloud email on my iMac. For some time period, everyday, it won't reload and often shows symbols instead of letters for the text. Any ideas how to solve?

    I have been having issues with my iCloud email on my iMac. For some time period, everyday, it won't reload and often shows symbols instead of letters for the text. Any ideas how to solve?

    All I can suggest is that you open that file on the MBA and save it as a new file, then see if you can open the new one on the iMac.

  • Anyone having issues with iCloud email?

    I am having some serious issues accessing my iCloud email today. It keeps checking, and coming up with nothing. This is happening on my iPad, iPhone and MacBook. First noticed the issue when my iPhone brought up a few days worth of email and had them as being unread.
    This is really a terrible time for this to happen as I am preparing to close on a home on Friday!
    Any help would be great!

    Me too! It's driving me crazy. All was fine until about a week ago when my mail account on my MBP started constantly asking for my password. Did all the usual fixes to no avail. Then yesterday my mail account on my iPhone started doing the same thing. And since last night I haven't rec'd any emails in my .me account - which I know is bogus.
    This stinks! Someone at Apple please do something. I need reliability with my email accounts as this is primary means of communication.

  • I have not had access to icloud email for over a day now...anyone else having this issue?

    I have not had access to icloud email for over a day now...anyone else having this issue?

    The first trouble shooting steps are restart and reset: Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    If problems persist Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings

  • I have deleted all emails from my ICloud email account but my manage storage still shows that the mail is using 9.7GB.  Why isn't the number decreasing if all emails have been deleted?

    I have deleted all emails from my ICloud email account but my manage storage still shows that the mail is using 9.7GB.  Why isn't the number decreasing if all emails have been deleted?

    It might be caused by storage "buffering".  If so, the space will adjust automatically when another iCloud feature uses the space previously allocated to your deleted email.  See http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4873.

  • My ICLOUD email storage is full I cannot send or recive email.How can i fix

    My ICLOUD email storage is full I cannot send or receive email.How can i fix it without purchasing more storage and how long does it take to start working again ?

    Create a new mailbox under On My Mac, download the e-mails and then drag them to the new folder. If necessary, go to iCloud and delete the downloaded e-mails.

  • ICloud email - Sent Messages using up storage, multiple "Sent" folders

    Several questions about iCloud email that I cannot find answers to on Apple's KB articles:
    First, my situation.... I have the standard 5gb account and use it primarily for email and do not backup to iCloud.  Right now my Account Info in OS X Mail shows 0% usage in the graphic, and no info next to "Currently in Use" and "Total Available", which does not agree with what System Preferences reports (300 MB of usage my iCloud Mail).  That's a separate issue and most likely a bug in OS X.  One of my "Sent" folders is showing the majority of this usage.  My primary issues are as follows:
    1.     I have iCloud email setup on my iPhone, iPad, and Mac, all systems running latest OS X and iOS versions.  Why are there 2 Sent folders, and two Trash folders showing in Mail?  Why is there a Deleted Messages folder on my Mac Mail app if I already have a Trash folder?  On iPhone and iPad I also have 2 Sent and 2 Trash folders, as well as the web interface if I log into iCloud in a browser.  This is not logical to me at all.
    2.     Why is my Sent folder taking up so much space?  Currently it is showing the most usage by far.  I don't keep emails around and keep my inbox very small.  But I see that the Sent folder has messages from January 2013 in there.  What's Apple's method for a user managing their 5gb of iCloud space as far as Mail is concerned?  Do they expect me to go to my Sent folder, of all places, highlight all the messages, press Delete, THEN go to the Deleted Messages folder, and the hit trash again?  I find it hard to believe that Apple expects users to perform this set of tasks to free up space.
    3.     Is there a way to have only ONE Sent foler, and ONE Trash folder, synced across all devices?  This, to me, would make the most sense and would fit with Apple's reputation for simplicity.
    Thanks in advance folks!

    Several questions about iCloud email that I cannot find answers to on Apple's KB articles:
    First, my situation.... I have the standard 5gb account and use it primarily for email and do not backup to iCloud.  Right now my Account Info in OS X Mail shows 0% usage in the graphic, and no info next to "Currently in Use" and "Total Available", which does not agree with what System Preferences reports (300 MB of usage my iCloud Mail).  That's a separate issue and most likely a bug in OS X.  One of my "Sent" folders is showing the majority of this usage.  My primary issues are as follows:
    1.     I have iCloud email setup on my iPhone, iPad, and Mac, all systems running latest OS X and iOS versions.  Why are there 2 Sent folders, and two Trash folders showing in Mail?  Why is there a Deleted Messages folder on my Mac Mail app if I already have a Trash folder?  On iPhone and iPad I also have 2 Sent and 2 Trash folders, as well as the web interface if I log into iCloud in a browser.  This is not logical to me at all.
    2.     Why is my Sent folder taking up so much space?  Currently it is showing the most usage by far.  I don't keep emails around and keep my inbox very small.  But I see that the Sent folder has messages from January 2013 in there.  What's Apple's method for a user managing their 5gb of iCloud space as far as Mail is concerned?  Do they expect me to go to my Sent folder, of all places, highlight all the messages, press Delete, THEN go to the Deleted Messages folder, and the hit trash again?  I find it hard to believe that Apple expects users to perform this set of tasks to free up space.
    3.     Is there a way to have only ONE Sent foler, and ONE Trash folder, synced across all devices?  This, to me, would make the most sense and would fit with Apple's reputation for simplicity.
    Thanks in advance folks!

  • HT4847 Icloud storage reset value on icloud-emails

    I have deleted all my icloud emails sucessfully including the trash can (about 3 GB). However,  in settings @ "manage storage" it didn't reset the Mail storage value, consecuently I cannot add files to the icloud. What may be wrong here?

    You can go to Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage, and select the backup of the old device. This will give you a breakdown of how much storage each individual app takes up but you can't see what exactly is backed up.

Maybe you are looking for