Icon for on-line/off-line is missing

T-Bird sometimes falls to off-line mode and I never know it until I try to send a message, tells me I'm in off-line mode and would I like to go back online. When this happen THE ICON SHOWING ITS OFF-LINE IS MISSING. At one time it was in the L/R corner. How do I get it back?

From the menu bar select View-Toolbars and make sure the Status Bar is turned on.
No menu bar? Press the alt key.

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    In a Finder window, right click on the window's tool bar, select Customize, and drag the Burn button to the tool bar.

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    Hi, we're mixing two different ideas I had. The first idea was to hide certain columns automatically in the same table when I entered print view. The second idea was to create a second table on a separate sheet that automatically replicated the values in the columns from the first table, I just wouldn't make columns for the things I wanted to hide.
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    There is no built in clock app on the iPad.
    Check Settings>General>Restrictions and if you have restrictions enabled, you may have disabled installing apps and the app store icon will not be present on the iPad.
    Swipe from screen to screen to look for it if it isn't restricted.
    You can also reset the home screen layout and the icon will reappear - but the home screen will return to the way that it looked when you first activated your iPad.
    Settings>General>Reset>Reset Home Screen Layout.

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    Hello @Jeff48,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More. 
    I understand that a system icon for power is not powered on for your computer, and that it cannot be changed. What is the icon name on your computer? Is this a recent or a reoccurring issue? Are you able to toggle this icon when booting your computer in Safe Mode? I would be happy to help you, but first I would encourage you to post your product number for your computer. Below is a is an HP Support document that will demonstrate how to find your computer's product number.
    How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?
    Please re-post with the necessary information, this way I will be able to research this further for you. I look forward to your reply!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Hello cor-el, thanks for your reply. I changed my settings for downloads to desktop and it has appeared on there. When I double click I am asked which program I want to open file. I click firefox and another box "opening install" says I have chosen to open the file which is an application and do I want to save it. This is the only real option so I press save file. I get a box saying this is an executable file which may contain viruses - do you want to run. I press ok and the final box showing C drive file name and desktop appears stating application not found.
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    Is there anything you could suggest. Thanks for your time.

  • For all entries : lines are missing in the results

    Hi all,
    I have a problem with my abap code.
    some lines are missing in the results.
    I have check the note 65554 but i use the version 6.40
    TYPES: BEGIN OF wys_bseg,
             bukrs TYPE bsad-bukrs,
             belnr TYPE bsad-belnr,
             gjahr TYPE bsad-gjahr,
             augbl TYPE bseg-augbl,
             augdt type bseg-augdt,
             hkont TYPE bseg-hkont,
             WRBTR type bseg-WRBTR,
             KOART type bseg-KOART,
             SHKZG type bseg-SHKZG,
           END OF wys_bseg.
    TYPES: begin of wys_bsas,
             bukrs TYPE bsas-bukrs,
             hkont TYPE bsas-hkont,
             augbl TYPE bsas-augbl,
             augdt type bseg-augdt,
             gjahr TYPE bsas-gjahr,
             belnr TYPE bsas-belnr,
             waers TYPE bsas-waers,
             blart TYPE bsas-blart,
             gsber TYPE bsas-gsber,
             dmbtr TYPE bsas-dmbtr,
             xblnr TYPE bsas-xblnr,
             SHKZG type bseg-SHKZG,
             zmntfact TYPE bsas-WRBTR,
           end of wys_bsas.
    DATA: wt_bseg_tmp TYPE wys_bseg OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : wt_bsas type wys_bsas occurs 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
        sort wt_bsas by bukrs belnr gjahr.
        DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM wt_bsas COMPARING bukrs belnr gjahr.
    IF NOT wt_bsas[] IS INITIAL.
        select bukrs belnr gjahr augbl augdt hkont WRBTR KOART SHKZG from
    bseg into table wt_bseg_tmp
                  for all entries in wt_bsas
                  where bukrs EQ wt_bsas-bukrs
                    and belnr EQ wt_bsas-belnr
                    and gjahr EQ wt_bsas-gjahr
                    and koart EQ 'D'.

    Yes Arun is right, INTO TABLE option delete automatically the duplicates lines, so you make sure to insert all keys in order to load all record.
    Insert the field BUZEI in the structure of internal table:
    TYPES: BEGIN OF wys_bseg,
             bukrs TYPE bsad-bukrs,
             belnr TYPE bsad-belnr,
             gjahr TYPE bsad-gjahr,
             buzei type bseg-buzei, <------ New field
             augbl TYPE bseg-augbl,
             augdt type bseg-augdt,
             hkont TYPE bseg-hkont,
             WRBTR type bseg-WRBTR,
             KOART type bseg-KOART,
             SHKZG type bseg-SHKZG,
           END OF wys_bseg.

  • BAPI_PR_CREATE for Service line items only

    Hi All,
    We are unable to create the Purchase Requistion Order using the BAPI_PR_CREATE for Service line items.
    The Error Message 436(06) " In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item" is always received with respect to Account Assignment.
    We are currently using ECC 6.0 EHP 4. SAP instance to create the Purchase requisition order.
    We already did this analysis and came to this include previously for the Error Message 436(06) and could find thatt the accounting tables are not filled.
    Also, the accounting items table is refreshed and deleted in 3 places in the code.
    We did put debug on that u2026 but during debug, the control does not go to these places.
    I suppose there is some other major functionality related to Service PR is missing in the BAPI_PR_CREATE.
    Also we are unable to find the detailed documentation.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Shivakumar K.

    Hi Shivakumar,
                                                                                    Hi Shivakumar,
    in most of the cases this error - 06 436 - happens due to wrongly filled BAPI structures.
    Please check the entries in the x-structures in first line, for example:
    PRACCOUNT structure
    PREQ_ITEM                      00010
    SERIAL_NO                      01
    GL_ACCOUNT                     2222222     
    COSTCENTER                     SAP-DUMMY
    PRACCOUNTX structure
    PREQ_ITEM                      00010
    SERIAL_NO                      01    <<<<
    GL_ACCOUNT                     X
    COSTCENTER                     X
    SERVICEACCOUNT structure
    Line 1:
    DOC_ITEM                       00010
    OUTLINE                        0000000001
    SRV_LINE                       0000000010
    SERIAL_NO                      01
    SERIAL_NO_ITEM                 01
    Line 1:
    DOC_ITEM                       00010
    OUTLINE                        0000000001
    SRV_LINE                       0000000010
    SERIAL_NO                      01       <<<<
    SERIAL_NO_ITEM                 X     <<<

  • How can I activate drill down report for planned line items please urgent?

    Hi Everyone,
    Please suggest me how can i activate drill down report for planned line items in internal orders. S_ALR_87012993. Please suggest me, I'll award full points. I am unable to do it in client system, which has already line items. I tried in my sys with new config it is working.
    Kind regards

    It is based on the reports attached in the Report Group - TCODE: GR53
    In the Report Group screen
    Press CONFIGURE – This is to attach any Drill Down reports.
    Press the “Insert Line” icon
    As is the screen may be used to insert a Report Writer report group. To add an ABAP, press “other report type”
    Double click on “ABAP Reports”
    Enter the name of the ABAP and ENTER
    <b>RCOPCA08                       Profit Center: Plan Line Items</b>

  • Few of my amount_cr lines are missing from the query, check GL_JE_LINES_V.

    I have a discover report which have 5 union all, and one of the select statement brings the information about the cr.type like 'MISC'from the table called ar.ar_cash_receipts_all cr.
    This query basically brings the information of amount_dr and amount_Cr from the general ledger table, the navigation for the same is as below.
    Enter journals
    pick some Batch Name
    Click find button
    Place cursor on the line item from the list that has Journal Name like Miscellaneous receipts
    Click on Review Journal.
    When you check the record history pulls the information as GL_JE_LINES_V.
    I am not able to pick few of my amount_cr values.
    Tables and joints used for my query is as below.
    Please correct me if i am missing any information.
    Thanks in advance.
    APPS.ra_customer_trx_all ct
    ,AR.ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt
    ,AR.ar_distributions_all ard
    ,apps.hz_cust_accounts_all cust
    ,AR.hz_parties cust2
    ,AR.ar_adjustments_all adj
    ,GL.gl_sets_of_books books
    adj.set_of_books_id=books.set_of_books_id) and
    nvl(adj.postable,'Y')='Y') and
    adj.adjustment_id=ard.source_id) and
    ard.source_table='ADJ') and
    and ctt.cust_trx_type_id=ct.cust_trx_type_id) and
    cust.cust_account_id=decode(ctt.type,'BR',ct.drawee_id,ct.bill_to_customer_id)) and
    cust2.party_id=cust.party_id and

    Hi Blushadow,
    Thanks for responding my query, here is best i can mention further regarding my query problem.
    The code which I have posted earlier, has been coded by some other technical person, I have posted part of the main query which pulls ‘MISC’, the posted query is not pulling all the amount_credit (amount_cr) column information, few of the lines are missing,
    The amount_dr, amount_cr is basically called form GL_JE_LINES_V, I have checked this from record history, I want to know whether, I need any further tables to be added for the existing query, in order to pull the missing amount_cr
    Basically, when we check the description of the view GL_JE_LINES_V
    We have few tables.
    I would like to know is there any way to use another table instead of
    GL_JE_LINES_RECON REC, because when I query it, I wont see any data from this table and this have two major joins in the mentioned view called GL_JE_LINES_V.

  • TDS Line Item missing in J1INCHLN

    Dear All,
    Tds line item (194C) in some cases of MIRO invoice like asset PO or in service PO , getting missed in J1INCHLN. What may be the reasons because this is statutory requirement. We are not able to find out the actual tds amount which we have to submit.
    Pl any body  help me

    Dear Alok,
    You are right. This is standard requirement of business place and recipient type in vendor master data for tds line items to be appeared in J1INCHLN.
    My issue is so specific , here we have already business place and recipient type maintained.
    However is missing in J1INCHLN.
    It happens specially in MIRO Invoive of asset PO and service PO.
    Here for 194C , base line item not coming in J1INMIS and Surcharge line item not showing in J1INCHLN
    tds Base:Coming in J1INCHLN but not in J1INMIS
    tds ecess: Showing in both report, J1INMIS & J1INCHLN
    tds hecc: Showing in both report, J1INMIS & J1INCHLN
    tds surcherge: Coming in J1INMIS but not in J1INCHLN
    May be some problem when we make miro of asset PO , system is not able to transfer in different tds table..
    Pl give some specific answer.
    Thanks in Advance

  • 2lis_02_scn-AB lines are missing

    HI BW gurus,
      I am haveing the problem in po data  confiramation data souce.in my data source not capture the AB line items,some times picking up the AB lines some times its not picking the AB line.in LA lines are updateing properly. AB line are missing in some cases.how to identify when is AB lines are missing.

    Hi all.
    Did you face any solution on the issue.
    I am having the same problem and I have found out that the missing data is having no change log entries for the line.
    The issue is only related to delta load - full load is doing the extraction fine.
    A solution in my way is to extract data directly from the confirmation-tables, however, I would like to use the 2LIS_02_SCN extractor due the business content ..
    BR Mikkel

  • MRP can be configured not to run for a line item

    Hi Folks,
    I have a question... Scenario is like this:
    We are getting a Sales Order in SAP from a Portal which is exposed to external customers. The Sales Order has say 10 line items. Usually this will kick off MRP for each of these line items right away. Now we do not want MRP to kick off as we do not know as yet the line items in there are valid or not. There is  another application which will confirm if the line item is valid or not. Once it confirms if the line item is valid the MRP will run for only those items which are valid and rest of the line items will be rejected.
    Question how we can stop the MRP to not to run for the for the line item once the sales order is created. Creating a Delivery block is not going to help in stopping MRP run...
    Looking for some out of the box solution without any customization.
    Thanks and Regards

    Check your requirements class via transaction OVZG. Do they have automatic planning set? Is No MRP Set?

  • Best File Format For Online Line Art?

    I thought the conventional wisdom was that all line art for the screen should be saved as GIFs, all photographic line art should be saved as JPEGs.
    Then PNGs came along and offered an alternative to GIFs.
    I've been exploring this because I've been having a problem when exporting line art from Illustrator 8 as a PNG and opening it in Fireworks MX, where it appears washed out.
    I did a bit of research among comic strip artists -- the art I'm exporting from Illustrator is a comic strip -- and came up with conflicting results.
    Dilbert seems to save black and white line art as GIFs, e.g. http://dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/images/dilbert2008611230313.gif
    ... But its Sunday colored strips seem to be saved as JPEGs, e.g. http://dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/images/dilbert2008040261966.jpg
    Meanwhile Donnesbury seems to save colored comic strips as GIFs, e.g. http://images.ucomics.com/comics/db/2008/db080406.gif
    Any thoughts, suggestions?

    I assume your line art is drawn as vector art in Illustrator, correct?
    As far as I'm concened, the "best file format for online line art" would be .swf, because it would retain its scaleable vector nature, and the Flash Player is most likely embedded in any reasonably recent computer's browser.
    But a little simple experimentation would be in order regarding file size. SWF (as exported from Flash, not necessarily AI) is very efficient. But the complexity of the line art could still make a given image require more bandwidth as .swf than as a rasterized version.
    The former conventional-wisdom regarding PNG is the old "not supported in older browsers" saw. I see even Firworks's online help still says:
    > However, not all web browsers can view PNG graphics.
    Personally, I think its way past time to stop cow-towing to outdated browsers and use PNGs anyway. So if it were me, and the nature of my line art required rasterization for online use, I would use PNG for its obvious advantages. But then, my livlihood is not affected by some minority of outdated web viewers not being able to view my PNGs.
    I would think that whatever color problems you are having in getting your AI files exported to PNG can be worked out with a little investigation/experimentation. (PNG supports color management profiles, so that alone may be your problem, and may be easily fixed in your workflow.) GIF is by definition limited to a subset of colors. JPEG is by definition a lossy compression format. So there are certainly precise color-accuracy issues with those overused formats, too.
    But again, that's just me. What little I do in web graphics that would involve this issue doesn't really affect my livelihood. Lowest-common-denominator compatibility may be more important to you.
    > Gilbert seems to...
    > Doonsbury seems to...
    The two images are very close to the same size (132K & 125K). They both include contone grads. Between JPEG and GIF, I would expect JPEG to more consistently yield acceptable results. Since GIF is limited to an 8-bit lookup table, I would expect aberations such as unwanted banding to be more likely in GIF if the artwork contains many colors and alot of highly-rendered shading.
    Since you specify
    line art, though, that would rule out contone fills, and you could use GIF with a very small color table.
    On the other hand, you do not specify whether you want to use transparency in your line art images. If you do, PNG would be far superior, because it supports true alpha transparency. In a GIF, if you can only make one particular color transparent. So even with line art, if the line art is antialiased at all, you'll have the ugly halos so commonly seen in GIFs when displayed on a wrong-colored background.
    The only functional "advantage" that I see in GIF over PNG is its multi-image capability, for quick & dirty frame-by-frame animation. My personal animation efforts focus entirely on Flash/SWF, and use scripted animation whenever possible to avoid frame-by-frame. But I recognize the simplicity convenience of animated GIFs for web banners and those (often-annoying) moving icons and such.

  • Step wise config data for schedule line agreements

    DEar All,
    I need urgently one the foolowing doc:
    step wise config data for schedule line agreements.
    s KUMAR

    1) Scheduling Agreement is a long term agreement and PO is normally a one-off. When you have long term relation with supplier you will go with SA.
    2) SA need not have delivery schedules at the time of ordering. It's like a contract with vendor for all basic prices, quantities & terms. You will release schedules as & when required. This method is very popular with manufacturing ind (e.g. automotive) where they negotiate prices but delivery schedules are given periodically based on their actual production/sales demands.
    3) In a PO, you must give schedules in PO itself.
    4) If you know contract & release order (or call-off) concept, then SA is like contract and SA schedule is like release order. PO is release order.
    While using schedule agreement, you will create delivery schedule, when ever you require materials.
    Firm and trade off zone in delivery schedule details will be forwarded to your vendor. you can create daily , weekly , monthly schedule lines
    Example : if you have created a schedule agreement for product " A " for quantity 1000, and you require material of 100 nos in the first month, you can create schedule line for this 100 only and this will be transmitted to vendor( if you are using LPA you have to release schedule line). when ever you require further qty based on your requirement you will create another delivery schedule line, then it will be transmited to vendor.
    In case of PO if you are ordering 1000 qty , you need to specify the delivery date in Purchase order it self, and all the dates are immediately transmited to vendor along with Purchase order.
    For configuration steps please follow
    Hope this will help.

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