Idoc DOCMAS and check in file

I'm creating a Document Info Record with an original filepath for a document. All creates OK except that i cannt check the file in to the repository.
Can any one give me further information as to how I can check in the original file.
Many thanks, Mark

Check AL11 tcode

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  • Dialog prompt and check if file exists, and use the result of dialog

    I have this working script and I want to change the way it behaves.
    I want a dialog to come up, Do you want to skip or replace existing files.
    Then the result  of the dialog to be used in the reast of the script.
    I've added it in the script where I need to use it. in noce big letters, hopefully its not a big job.
    Many thanks
    property type_list : {"8BPS"}
    property extension_list : {"psd"}
    script o
              property theseNames : {}
    end script
    -- empty log file
    do shell script "echo  'Files not processed in Photoshop :'  > ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt"
    set noError to true
    --Setup list of folders and process details of folders
    set dtF to paragraphs of (do shell script "ls -F ~/Desktop | grep '/' | cut -d'/' -f1")
    set tc to (count dtF)
    repeat with i from 1 to tc
              set folderName to item i of dtF --<:  is the folder name, no need to use text item delimiters -->":"
              if folderName does not start with "2_" and folderName does not start with "Hot" and folderName does not start with "Press" and folderName does not start with "Design" and folderName does not start with "Keywords" and folderName does not start with "Season" and folderName does not start with "Sue" and folderName does not start with "Design" then
                        set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, "_WK"}
                        set FolderEndName to last text item of folderName
                        set brandName to first text item of folderName
                        set my text item delimiters to "_PSD"
                        set weekNumber to first text item of FolderEndName
                        set my text item delimiters to oldTID
                        set theFolder to ("Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:" & folderName)
      --set up names to destination folders and create locally based on brand name and week number
                        set this_local_folder to "Images:2012-2013"
                        set localWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("WK" & weekNumber, this_local_folder)
                        set localBrandFolder to my getFolderPath(brandName, localWeekFolder)
                        set localBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", localBrandFolder)
                        set localBrandFolder_High_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_HR", localBrandFolder)
                        set localBrandFolder_PSD to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_PSD", localBrandFolder)
                        set this_Network_folder to "GEN:Brands:Zoom:Brand - Zoom:Upload Photos:2013:"
                        set networkWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("Week" & weekNumber, this_Network_folder)
                        set networkBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", networkWeekFolder)
                        set website_images to "GEN:Website_Images:"
      --set up names to destination folders and create over Netwrok for FTP collection (based on a mounted drive)
                        set this_ftp_folder to "pulse:"
                        set ftpWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("Week" & weekNumber, this_ftp_folder)
                        set ftpBrandFolder to my getFolderPath(brandName, ftpWeekFolder)
                        set ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", ftpBrandFolder)
                        set ftpBrandFolder_High_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_HR", ftpBrandFolder)
      --at the beginning of the script, ask whether to replace or skip existing files? to apply to all?
      --use the result for the if file exists?
                        display dialog "Should I replace or skip exisiting files?" buttons {"Replace", "Skip (Faster)"} default button 2 with icon 1
      --taking the folder identify which process it must follow.
                        if brandName is equal to "BH" then
                                            tell application "Finder" to set o's theseNames to (name of files of alias theFolder whose file type is in the type_list or name extension is in the extension_list)
                                  on error
                                            set o's theseNames to {} -- no psd files or "8BPS"
                                  end try
                                  set numOfNames to (count o's theseNames)
                                  repeat with j from 1 to numOfNames
                                            set thefile to theFolder & ":" & (item j of o's theseNames)
      --    B H   Folder Photoshop Process
      --if thefile exists in the folder localBrandFolder_PSD then do the result of dialog.
      --"Skip" the file and move on to next
      --If "replace" continue the rest of the script.
                                            tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
      -- I remove the command activate, Photoshop stay in background
                                                      set ruler units of settings to pixel units
      open (alias thefile) showing dialogs never
                                                                set origName to name of current document
                                                                set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options, quality:12}
                                                                set myPSDOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:true, save layers:true}
                                                                tell current document
      --If the quick mask mode has been left on then delete the channel Quick Mask
                                                                          if (quick mask mode) then delete channel ¬
                                                                                    "Quick Mask"
      --If the Layer is incorrectly labeled with Original Layer it needs renaming to original Image
                                                                          if (exists layer "Original Layer") then ¬
                                                                                    tell layer "Original Layer" to set name to "Original Image"
      save in (localBrandFolder_PSD & origName) as Photoshop format with options myPSDOptions without copying
                                                                          (delete layer "Original Image") flatten
      resize image resolution 300 resample method none
      --sharpen image
      filter current layer using unsharp mask with options {amount:80, radius:3.2, threshold:0}
      save in (localBrandFolder_High_Res & name) as JPEG with options myOptions without copying
      --get file path, return path of the JPEG file, work with (without copying)
      -- (with copying) : it return path of PSD file
                                                                          set newFile to file path --( return path of type alias )
      -- duplicate file using the Finder  -->on duplicateFile(..)
                                                                          my duplicateFile(newFile, {ftpBrandFolder_High_Res})
      --Prepare for Low RES by resetting image history
                                                                          set current history state to history state 3
                                                                          resize image width 1348
      resize image resolution 300 resample method none
      filter current layer using unsharp mask with options {amount:80, radius:3.2, threshold:0}
      --add save to lowResFolder with same options
      save in (localBrandFolder_Low_Res & name) as JPEG with options myOptions without copying
                                                                          set newFile to file path
                                                                          set newFile2 to newFile as string -- for testing end of name
                                                                          if newFile2 ends with "_2.jpg" or newFile2 ends with "_3.jpg" then -- exclude website_images
                                                                                    my duplicateFile(newFile, {networkBrandFolder_Low_Res, ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res})
                                                                                    my duplicateFile(newFile, {networkBrandFolder_Low_Res, ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res, website_images})
                                                                          end if
      close saving no
                                                                end tell
                                                      on error
                                                                set noError to false
                                                                my myLogs(thefile) -- write path to log file in Desktop
      close saving no --if exists, close current document
                                                                end try
                                                      end try
                                            end tell
                                  end repeat
      --End BH
    -- else if and the rest of the script.....
    end repeat
    if not noError then do shell script "/usr/bin/open  ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt'"
    on myLogs(t)
                        do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of t) & ">> ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt'"
              end try
    end myLogs
    on duplicateFile(tFile, foldersPath) -- tFile is an alias, foldersPath is a list of folder
              tell application "Finder" to repeat with folderPath in foldersPath
                        with timeout of 200 seconds -- adjust it,  error if the copy  is longer that 200 seconds
      duplicate tFile to folder folderPath with replacing
                        end timeout
              end repeat
    end duplicateFile
    on getFolderPath(tName, folderPath)
              tell application "Finder" to tell folder folderPath
                        if not (exists folder tName) then
                                  return (make new folder at it with properties {name:tName}) as string
                                  return (folder tName) as string
                        end if
              end tell
    end getFolderPath
    tell application "Finder"
              open "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:LogPhotoshopError.txt"
    end tell

    I think that's what you want.
    I put the dialog in the beginning, so it does not appear to each folder, otherwise put it in the loop as it was originally.
    property type_list : {"8BPS"}
    property extension_list : {"psd"}
    script o
          property theseNames : {}
    end script
    -- empty log file
    do shell script "echo  'Files not processed in Photoshop :'  > ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt"
    set noError to true
    --at the beginning of the script, ask whether to replace or skip existing files? to apply to all?
    --use the result for the if file exists?
    display dialog "Should I replace or skip exisiting files?" buttons {"Replace", "Skip (Faster)"} default button 2 with icon 1
    set skipFiles to (button returned of the result) is "Skip (Faster)"
    --Setup list of folders and process details of folders
    set dtF to paragraphs of (do shell script "ls -F ~/Desktop | grep '/' | cut -d'/' -f1")
    set tc to (count dtF)
    repeat with i from 1 to tc
          set folderName to item i of dtF --<:  is the folder name, no need to use text item delimiters -->":"
          if folderName does not start with "2_" and folderName does not start with "Hot" and folderName does not start with "Press" and folderName does not start with "Design" and folderName does not start with "Keywords" and folderName does not start with "Season" and folderName does not start with "Sue" and folderName does not start with "Design" then
                set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, "_WK"}
                set FolderEndName to last text item of folderName
                set brandName to first text item of folderName
                set my text item delimiters to "_PSD"
                set weekNumber to first text item of FolderEndName
                set my text item delimiters to oldTID
                set theFolder to ("Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:" & folderName)
                --set up names to destination folders and create locally based on brand name and week number
                set this_local_folder to "Images:2012-2013"
                set localWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("WK" & weekNumber, this_local_folder)
                set localBrandFolder to my getFolderPath(brandName, localWeekFolder)
                set localBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", localBrandFolder)
                set localBrandFolder_High_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_HR", localBrandFolder)
                set localBrandFolder_PSD to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_PSD", localBrandFolder)
                set this_Network_folder to "GEN:Brands:Zoom:Brand - Zoom:Upload Photos:2013:"
                set networkWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("Week" & weekNumber, this_Network_folder)
                set networkBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", networkWeekFolder)
                set website_images to "GEN:Website_Images:"
                --set up names to destination folders and create over Netwrok for FTP collection (based on a mounted drive)
                set this_ftp_folder to "pulse:"
                set ftpWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("Week" & weekNumber, this_ftp_folder)
                set ftpBrandFolder to my getFolderPath(brandName, ftpWeekFolder)
                set ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", ftpBrandFolder)
                set ftpBrandFolder_High_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_HR", ftpBrandFolder)
                --taking the folder identify which process it must follow.
                if brandName is equal to "BH" then
                            tell application "Finder" to set o's theseNames to (name of files of alias theFolder whose file type is in the type_list or name extension is in the extension_list)
                      on error
                            set o's theseNames to {} -- no psd files or "8BPS"
                      end try
                      set numOfNames to (count o's theseNames)
                      repeat with j from 1 to numOfNames
                            set thefile to theFolder & ":" & (item j of o's theseNames)
                            --    B H   Folder Photoshop Process
                            tell application "Finder" to set b to exists file (localBrandFolder_PSD & item j of o's theseNames)
                            if b and not skipFiles then -- file exists and "replace" (continue the rest of the script).
                                  tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
                                        -- I remove the command activate, Photoshop stay in background
                                        set ruler units of settings to pixel units
                                              open (alias thefile) showing dialogs never
                                              set origName to name of current document
                                              set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options, quality:12}
                                              set myPSDOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:true, save layers:true}
                                              tell current document
                                                    --If the quick mask mode has been left on then delete the channel Quick Mask
                                                    if (quick mask mode) then delete channel ¬
                                                          "Quick Mask"
                                                    --If the Layer is incorrectly labeled with Original Layer it needs renaming to original Image
                                                    if (exists layer "Original Layer") then ¬
                                                          tell layer "Original Layer" to set name to "Original Image"
                                                    save in (localBrandFolder_PSD & origName) as Photoshop format with options myPSDOptions without copying
                                                    (delete layer "Original Image") flatten
                                                    resize image resolution 300 resample method none
                                                    --sharpen image
                                                    filter current layer using unsharp mask with options {amount:80, radius:3.2, threshold:0}
                                                    save in (localBrandFolder_High_Res & name) as JPEG with options myOptions without copying
                                                    --get file path, return path of the JPEG file, work with (without copying)
                                                    -- (with copying) : it return path of PSD file
                                                    set newFile to file path --( return path of type alias )
                                                    -- duplicate file using the Finder  -->on duplicateFile(..)
                                                    my duplicateFile(newFile, {ftpBrandFolder_High_Res})
                                                    --Prepare for Low RES by resetting image history
                                                    set current history state to history state 3
                                                    resize image width 1348
                                                    resize image resolution 300 resample method none
                                                    filter current layer using unsharp mask with options {amount:80, radius:3.2, threshold:0}
                                                    --add save to lowResFolder with same options
                                                    save in (localBrandFolder_Low_Res & name) as JPEG with options myOptions without copying
                                                    set newFile to file path
                                                    set newFile2 to newFile as string -- for testing end of name
                                                    if newFile2 ends with "_2.jpg" or newFile2 ends with "_3.jpg" then -- exclude website_images
                                                          my duplicateFile(newFile, {networkBrandFolder_Low_Res, ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res})
                                                          my duplicateFile(newFile, {networkBrandFolder_Low_Res, ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res, website_images})
                                                    end if
                                                    close saving no
                                              end tell
                                        on error
                                              set noError to false
                                              my myLogs(thefile) -- write path to log file in Desktop
                                                    close saving no --if exists, close current document
                                              end try
                                        end try
                                  end tell
                            end if -- else "Skip" the file and move on to next
                      end repeat
                      --End BH
                end if
          end if
    end repeat
    if not noError then do shell script "/usr/bin/open  ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt'"
    on myLogs(t)
                do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of t) & ">> ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt'"
          end try
    end myLogs
    on duplicateFile(tFile, foldersPath) -- tFile is an alias, foldersPath is a list of folder
          tell application "Finder" to repeat with folderPath in foldersPath
                with timeout of 200 seconds -- adjust it,  error if the copy  is longer that 200 seconds
                      duplicate tFile to folder folderPath with replacing
                end timeout
          end repeat
    end duplicateFile
    on getFolderPath(tName, folderPath)
          tell application "Finder" to tell folder folderPath
                if not (exists folder tName) then
                      return (make new folder at it with properties {name:tName}) as string
                      return (folder tName) as string
                end if
          end tell
    end getFolderPath
    tell application "Finder"
          open "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:LogPhotoshopError.txt"
    end tell

  • SharePoint and FrameMaker 10 CMS/Integration - Checked Out Files Stuck

    I originally set up the CMS connection to my SharePoint through FrameMaker using the domain name as a part of the user name (as suggested in a previous post), but have still run into this same issue discussed in that post, (unalterably locked files), and have been completely unable to resolve it.
    When I check out a file, it gets "stuck" in that checked-out/locked state, and I'm unable to edit, check in, or discard my check out. The only thing I'm still able to do is view the files as "Open (Read only)," and delete the files.
    I've even tried to access the files through the SharePoint site itself (as well as through SharePoint Workspace) in an attempt to check the files back in, but this command only returns an error about the files being checked out to a local draft, or one claiming the file may not even be checked out in the first place, etc. The only thing I seem to be able to do is delete the files from the server.
    Thus far, I've been completely unable to use this tool.
    Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm at a loss.
    Thank you,

    Hello Vimal -
    Thanks so much for your reply.
    The login name that I used to connect to the SharePoint repository is in the format DomanName\EmployeeNumber. However, in the "Modified By" field of the Properties dialog, my full name is listed (last name, first name). Attempting to log in with the credentials DomainName\Full Name (as listed in the properties dialog) results in an error message reading: "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized".
    Working outside of FrameMaker's CMS, i am indeed able to upload, check out, edit, and check in files successfully. The problem, however, with working with the files from outside of FrameMaker itself, is that SharePoint doesn't understand file dependencies upon upload. So, when I open a checked out *.book file from the server, it cannot locate the individual (also checked out) chapter *.fm files necessary to edit the document - which means I can only work with these files through FrameMaker. And, it's only within FrameMaker's CMS that I'm running into an inability to check documents back in or edit them. Bummer...
    Thanks again for responding. Any ideas welcome!

  • Creating and parsing LDIF file

    Does JNDI provide any libraries to create and parse LDIF files by performing an ldap search?.
    thanks in advance

    My guess would be that when you created the war file the internal paths were incorrect. Open the war file using WinZIp and check the file paths. They should be relative to the web application directory (ie should have the file path "WEB-INF/classses")
    As an added thought you may want to put your servlet file into packages.

  • EDI 821 and EDI 823 field mapping file and basic IDOC type and message type

    Hi All,
    We are facing some issues regarding EDI 821 and EDI 823 file mappings.
    We are mapping EDI 821 and EDI 823 transactions into SAP using IDOCs. Currently we are using the below entries
    EDI 823 - Lock Box
    Basic IDOC type - FINSTA01
    Message type - FINSTA
    Process Code  - FINS
    The problem is we are able to get the IDOC into SAP with status red and the various errors were due to not able to create the lockbox entry in SAP and once we got yellow status also but the lock box entry was not created and the errors are like No Conversions,no header etc.
    EDI 821 -
    Basic IDOC type - PEXR2002
    Message type - PAYEXT OR REMADV
    Process Code  - PEXC OR REMA
    We are facing the same problem here also and the internal payment order is not creating in SAP and IDOC was generated with yellow status and red status.
    We are trying different combinations but nothing is working so far.
    I need the following things to proceed furthur.
    1)Are the IDOC , Message and process codes are correct that I am using now for both EDI 821 and EDI 823
    2)If those are not correct, can you please let me know the correct entries
    3) Please provide me the field mapping if any one of you have worked earlier for both the above IDOC and message type or new ones and we have one field mapping now but if you can send it to me then  I can re check it.
    4) Do we have to create any configuraion or customizing in SAP to create the IDOC in green status and if so please let me know the customizing steps and procedures for both EDI 821 and EDI 823.
    thanks in advance for all your help.
    Please let me know if my question is not clear.

    Hi Ramesh,
    I believe you are using those interfaces with the business partner type as Bank, Whatever idoc type, message type and process code you have used are perfectly correct.
    First of all did you enable your bank for EDI, the house bank has to be EDI enabled first then only your idoc's can be processed, talk to your fi functional consultant and he might help you.
    Are you can give me the exact error and i can help you as well.

  • (Cisco Historical Reporting / HRC ) All available connections to database server are in use by other client machines. Please try again later and check the log file for error 5054

    Hi All,
    I am getting an error message "All available connections to database server are in use by other client machines. Please try again later and check the log file for error 5054"  when trying to log into HRC (This user has the reporting capabilities) . I checked the log files this is what i found out 
    The log file stated that there were ongoing connections of HRC with the CCX  (I am sure there isn't any active login to HRC)
    || When you tried to login the following error was being displayed because the maximum number of connections were reached for the server .  We can see that a total number of 5 connections have been configured . ||
    1: 6/20/2014 9:13:49 AM %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-3-UNK:Current number of connections (5) from historical Clients/Scheduler to 'CRA_DATABASE' database exceeded the maximum number of possible connections (5).Check with your administrator about changing this limit on server (, however this might impact server performance.
    || Below we can see all 5 connections being used up . ||
    2: 6/20/2014 9:13:49 AM %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-3-UNK:[DB Connections From Clients (count=5)]|[(#1) 'username'='uccxhrc','hostname'='']|[(#2) 'username'='uccxhrc','hostname'='']|[(#3) 'username'='uccxhrc','hostname'='']|[(#4) 'username'='uccxhrc','hostname'='']|[(#5) 'username'='uccxhrc','hostname'='']
    || Once the maximum number of connection was reached it threw an error . ||
    3: 6/20/2014 9:13:49 AM %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-3-UNK:Number of max connection to 'CRA_DATABASE' database was reached! Connection could not be established.
    4: 6/20/2014 9:13:49 AM %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-3-UNK:Database connection to 'CRA_DATABASE' failed due to (All available connections to database server are in use by other client machines. Please try again later and check the log file for error 5054.)
    Current exact UCCX Version
    Current CUCM Version
    Business impact  Not Critical
    Exact error message  All available connections to database server are in use by other client machines. Please try again later and check the log file for error 5054
    What is the OS version of the PC you are running  and is it physical machine or virtual machine that is running the HRC client ..
    OS Version Windows 7 Home Premium  64 bit and it’s a physical machine.
    . The Max DB Connections for Report Client Sessions is set to 5 for each servers (There are two servers). The no of HR Sessions is set to 10.
    I wanted to know if there is a way to find the HRC sessions active now and terminate the one or more or all of that sessions from the server end ? 

    We have had this "PRX5" problem with Exchange 2013 since the RTM version.  We recently applied CU3, and it did not correct the problem.  We have seen this problem on every Exchange 2013 we manage.  They are all installations where all roles
    are installed on the same Windows server, and in our case, they are all Windows virtual machines using Windows 2012 Hyper-V.
    We have tried all the "this fixed it for me" solutions regarding DNS, network cards, host file entries and so forth.  None of those "solutions" made any difference whatsoever.  The occurrence of the temporary error PRX5 seems totally random. 
    About 2 out of 20 incoming mail test by Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer fail with this PRX5 error.
    Most people don't ever notice the issue because remote mail servers retry the connection later.  However, telephone voice mail systems that forward voice message files to email, or other such applications such as your scanner, often don't retry and
    simply fail.  Our phone system actually disables all further attempts to send voice mail to a particular user if the PRX5 error is returned when the email is sent by the phone system.
    Is Microsoft totally oblivious to this problem?
    PRX5 is a serious issue that needs an Exchange team resolution, or at least an acknowledgement that the problem actually does exist and has negative consequences for proper mail flow.

  • E26 253 Error while checking in and storing: \\sapserver\file.tif

    Hi Experts,
    I have now been fighting with this problem for a couple of weeks, and not been able to solve the issue.
    My problem is to upload/check-in documents from the application serve in background.
    I have a program to create DIF and attach files using BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2.
    When I'm running the program in foreground there is no problem.
    When I run it in background I get the error message E26 254 Error while checking in and storing:
    I have checked that the background process can see the document on the server and that is OK, so the problem must be within the actual storing of the document in DMS in the BAPI.
    Any input to how I can solve this issue is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi All,
    We have now done some testing.
    We got it to work on one of our systems but not on the other
    I ran report RSCMST on both systems with the same backend directory. (A directory on the application server of the one that fails).
    Running this report I get this result on the system that does not work.
    HTTP interface test using function group SCMS_HTTP
    21.06.2010 14:39:01
    contRep                   ZEBAN
    contRepDescription        PR Attachments
    serverStatus              running
    serverVendor              Copyright SAP AG, All rights reserved 1998, 2001
    serverVersion             6300
    serverBuild               193
    serverTime                123902
    serverDate                21.06.2010
    pVersion                  0046
    contRepStatus             data(89%) log(1%)
                                                      ok           58.848
    create(1): new doc (frontend)                     ok          445.211
    create(2): new doc (back end)
    check_subrc: subrc     2  instead          0
    check_subrc: HTTP error: 400 Bad Request
    create(2): new doc (back end)                    error
    docGet/create(1): copy document                   ok          105.684
    info(1): existing doc                             ok           26.881
    update(1): new comp                               ok           47.050
    info(2): after update                             ok           30.458
    delete(1): unknown doc                            ok           33.061
    delete(2): unknown comp                           ok           31.669
    delete(3): existing doc                           ok           53.330
    delete(4): deleted doc                            ok           34.781
    delete(5): existing doc                           ok           31.088
    putCert:                                          ok           35.785
             1  errors
    Any ideas to what could be wrong?
    Thanks in advance.

  • PS CS4 64-bit (in Web Premium CS4) on Win 7 PC.  I did a duplicate file check on my hdd and deleted dup files. Now I get "Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory, Please reinstall.."

    PS CS4 64-bit (in Web Premium CS4) on Win 7 PC.  I did a duplicate file check on my hdd and deleted dup files. Now when I try to run PS 64-bit I get "Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory, Please reinstall the application." When I do this, it seems to install correctly until the very end, then it says "Installation Complete With Errors", and when I try to run I get the same 'component missing message'. What can I do? PS 32 bit runs fine. Some of the other applications ib Web Premium say the shortcut has been changed or removed. I appreciate your help...Thank you

    Best advice I can think of is to uninstall and run the Clean Script from here.
    Adobe - Adobe CS4 Clean Script

  • How do I write an excel file and check what the next empty column would be to put the data in?

    I have somehow managed to write the portion of labview that prompts the user for a name. It checks a file to see if they are a new user or not and then assigns a number if they are. The program then acquires data that is to be put into a spreadsheet. Each subject will have ten trials which will have three columns. How do I get the information into the columns and then check each time to see which column it should go into (i.e. the next empty column for that subject). I have attached what I have thus far. I wrote this a long time ago and haven't touched it for some time so everything is a blur.
    Attachments: ‏76 KB
    Swimmers.dat ‏1 KB ‏28 KB

    To perform those operations in excel you will use ActiveX. I will attach some examples of using Excel in LabVIEW and you can use these to do exactly what you want.
    These three examples show how to manipulate properties, write to excel and read from excel. Let me know if there is more I can do.
    Allan S.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏102 KB ‏90 KB ‏80 KB

  • I recently upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard and I noticed that I have more capacity available on the Macintosh HD. I checked my files and applications and they are still on my computer. Can capacity on the HD change after an OS upgrade?

    I recently upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard on my MacBook and I noticed that I have more capacity on the Macintosh HD than before the upgrade. I checked my files and applications and they are still on my computer and nothing appears to be missing. Before the upgrade I had around 111 GB capacity with around 10.50 GB available on the Mac HD but now after the upgrade I have 119 GB capacity and 20.92 GB available. Can capacity on the HD change after an OS upgrade?

    No, but the upgrade removed unneeded PowerPC code and changed the way free space is determined.

  • File to Idoc Scenario and Idoc to File Scenario's

    Hi Friends ,
    This is Shalini Shah,
    Please give me the details of how many busines sytems required in File to Idoc Scenario and Idoc to File sceanrio's.
    In business system , what is the name of Integration server(this name is related to XI ot Third Party)
    Please give me the full details of these two scenarios from Scratch.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Shalini Shah.

    These r few links which gives u complete scenarios...
    for idoc to file:
    for file to idoc:
    part 3
    This link is also good:
    Troubleshooting File-to-IDOC Scenario in XI.
    kindly rewards points if helpful.

  • BPM to Check Two files and Connect R3 server

    Two Files are comimg to XI. Both Files having same strucure.
    Sceanaro is File to Proxy
    In File1 ,XiI  search for Record1->Id . if ID found ,then it will connect R3 system and check if ID is present there or not. if not it will create.
    IF Id is present in R3 Server then it will wait  for File2.
    at same time  Xi search for file2 and check whether this ID is there or not.
    If it is not then  Xi will change details in R3 server.If yes then wont modify details of ID in R3 server.
    tWhat will BPM steps Involved in this case.
    Start -> Fork1(Two receiver)-> then what
    plz help me to desing BPM

    Sorry For Confusion
    Can amy one help me to get steps For BPM.
    FILe1->  Contaiss -Hedear(1)-Record(many) Footer(1)
    FILe2->  Contaiss -Hedear(1)-Record(many) Footer(1)
    In Record there is Material Number.
      If File1 Contains 6 Recird and File 2 Contains 4 record.
    When Both file come to XI,
    XI check First Record of File1 and  then check  this Material number for Record 1 agains material Numbers of   all 4 Records of file2.
    If it found same Material Number,in mapping It will update one traget field.
    Edited by: harshalata Gaonkar on Oct 15, 2010 10:28 AM

  • IDoc to file. Grouping and generation of files based on condition

    Hi All,
    I am working on a scenario, Idoc to File. I need to create number of files based on  occurrence of a field(vendor) in the idoc. Also the condition is to group by the field(vendor) and create as many files as the number of groups formed.
    For e.g.: In an Idoc if there are ten items present and 3 vendors who are supplying it. <b>The vendor and items can repeat in any order within the same idoc. </b>
    I need to group the items by the vendors and create a file separately for each vendor.  Like :   
    Item         Vendor
    Item1       V1
    Item2         V1
    Item3         V2
    Item4       V2
    Item5        V2
    Item6         V2
    Item1      V2
    Item2         V2
    Item3        V3
    Item6        V3
    What we have to achieve is, to group by the vendors irrespective of the order of the items or number of reoccurrence of the items.  As you see, the Item1 is supplied by both V1 and V2. I need to generate 3 files as follows:
    V1.xml with Item1 and Item2 details.
    V2.xml with Item3, Item4, Item5, Item6, Item1 Item2 details.
    V3.xml with Item3 and Item6 details.
    Can someone please help me with achieving this without using BPM?

    Hi Shashi,
    For this scenario you have to use multimaping without BPM using this blog.
    And while doing your message mapping you have to use <b>removeContext</b> & <b>SplitByValue</b> (double clike the on splitbyvalue and select <b>value changed</b>) function. This function you have to use with the node in which your Vendor is coming. Example:
    if required to sort the vendor, then first sort the vendor in the below mapping.
    Vendor (NODE) -
    > removeContext -
    > SplitByValue (value Changed) -
    > IDOC.
    By doing this your vendor will be grouped and you will get new IDOC on change of  Vendor.

  • How to check file name in local c drive and run exe file

    Hi All,
    I'm newbie user in action script. How can i check sepecific
    file name in local c:\ drive and if file doesn't exist in local
    drive download from server and run and if exist go to frame ..... .
    Please help to me.

    Dear Marghoob Suleman
    Thank you very much for your kind help.
    Thanks in advance

  • How to convert text file into xml file format with and check that with DTD

    I have an text file with | seperator . I have to convert this to an xml file and check with DTD present with me..
    plz help me out

    can i get some code that how to compare the xml with dtd or just give the DTD name with an XML

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