IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS segment E1EDKA1 is inheriting values from default

I'm trying to use a user exit in IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS ... function group VEDA.
What I want to do is clear the WE (ship to) DXVBADR segment and fill it with a diferent destination.
My problem is that some of the fields are overwritten by the customer address settings when it was created with transaction XD01.I can't seem to get any control over many of them. When I examine the code in IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS, I can see why. Many fields, example HAUSN aren't checked. They just get over-written by the default customer settings from XD01.
EXIT_SAPLVEDA_001 and EXIT_SAPLVEDA_002 don't seem to work.
If I could get control over EXIT_SAPLVEDA_002, I could modify the bdc lines for the ship to party. But, that seems very error prone to me.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?

I couldn't find any "official" way to do it. So, I used EXIT_SAPLVEDA_002 to blow away all of the fields on the ship to address screen and rebuild it. This probably isn't the most elegant way to do it. But, it works for me and has been stable in my production system.
I can't get my code pasting to format correctly.
I'm surrounding it by
but it isn't working today.
You may need to claw your way through this mess.
*&  Include           ZXVEDU04
*{   INSERT         ES1K900037                                 
*"*"Lokale Schnittstelle:
*"       IMPORTING
*"       TABLES
*"              DXVBAP OPTIONAL
*"              DXVBEP OPTIONAL
*"              DYVBEP OPTIONAL
*"              DXVBADR OPTIONAL
*"              DYVBADR OPTIONAL
*"              DXVBUV OPTIONAL
*"              DXKOMV OPTIONAL
*"              DXVEKP OPTIONAL
*"              DYVEKP OPTIONAL
*"              USER_ERROR
*&                         MODIFICATION LOG
*& Developer    : Ed Baker (ebaker)
*& Date         : 5 November 2009
*& Change Marker: ejb091105
*& CTS request  : 800899
*& Transport    : DE1K980565
*& Description
*& Added:
*&  [1] Protection for NAME4 segments to preserve previous
*&      user exit functionality
*&  [2] Added insert of NAME3 segment
data: ta_bdcdata            like bdcdata occurs 0.
data: ts_bdcdata            like bdcdata.
*>>>>>>>>>> Save NAME4 segment ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<START<
*"05.11.2009 06:57:13
* Holding table for NAME4 segments
* these need to be preserved for compatability with
* previous user ext.
data: ta_bdcdata_name4      like bdcdata occurs 0.
data: ts_bdcdata_name4      like bdcdata .
*>>>>>>>>>> Save NAME4 segments ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<END<
data: ta_idoc_data          like edidd occurs 0 .
data: ts_idoc_data          like edidd.
data: tmp_data              like bdcdata.
data: v_we_index            like sy-tabix.
data: v_v09c_index          like sy-tabix.
data: v_addr1_begin         like sy-tabix.
data: v_addr1_end           like sy-tabix.
data: v_index               like sy-tabix.
data: v_lines               type i.
data: v_string              type string.
data: v_sich_found          type c.
data: st_e1edka1            like e1edka1.
data: st_vbak               like vbak.
data: ra_vkorg like RANGE OF tvko-vkorg.
data: rs_vkorg like LINE OF ra_vkorg.
*& Build range table of allowed sales orgs
refresh ra_vkorg[].
rs_vkorg-sign = 'I'.
rs_vkorg-option = 'EQ'.
rs_vkorg-low = '0010'.
rs_vkorg-high = space.
APPEND rs_vkorg to ra_vkorg.
rs_vkorg-sign = 'I'.
rs_vkorg-option = 'EQ'.
rs_vkorg-low = '0020'.
rs_vkorg-high = space.
APPEND rs_vkorg to ra_vkorg.
rs_vkorg-sign = 'I'.
rs_vkorg-option = 'EQ'.
rs_vkorg-low = '0070'.
rs_vkorg-high = space.
APPEND rs_vkorg to ra_vkorg.
st_vbak = dxvbak.
*>>>>>>>>>> Wrapper for NAME4 check ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<START<
*"05.11.2009 08:25:40
"check st_vbak-vkorg in ra_vkorg .
if st_vbak-vkorg in ra_vkorg.
*>>>>>>>>>> Wrapper for NAME4 check ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<END<
  " VKORG check passed. Go ahead and convert the inputs
  " to internal tables with structures.
  ta_bdcdata[] = DXBDCDATA[].
  ta_idoc_data[] = DIDOC_DATA[].
  " Get the ship to address information
  READ TABLE ta_idoc_data into ts_idoc_data
    with key segnam = 'E1EDKA1'
             sdata+0(2) = 'WE'.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    st_e1edka1 = ts_idoc_data-sdata.
  " If the NAME1 field is blank, the default ship to address
  " is the same as the customer. Don't do anything. Just leave.
  check st_e1edka1-name1 ne space.
  " Wait until the SICH (SAVE) code is reached before doing
  " anything with the TA_BDCDATA table
  LOOP AT  ta_bdcdata into ts_bdcdata .
    if ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'
      and ts_bdcdata-FVAL = 'SICH'.
      v_sich_found = 'X'.
  " the ta_bdcdata itab is stable once the SICH ok_code is found
  " you can go ahead and
  " process it and not have to worry about looping through it
  " multiple times
  IF v_sich_found = 'X'.
*  >>>>>>>>>> Preserve NAME4 segment ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<START<
*  "05.11.2009 07:01:15
  " Preserve any NAME4 segment for compatability
  " with previous user exit.
      LOOP AT ta_bdcdata into ts_bdcdata
        where fnam = 'NAME4'.
        ts_bdcdata_name4 = ts_bdcdata.
*  >>>>>>>>>> Preserve NAME4 segment ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<END<
  " First: find the line that says WE ship-to information is nex
      LOOP AT ta_bdcdata into ts_bdcdata .
        IF ts_bdcdata-program = 'SAPLV09C'.
          v_index = sy-tabix + 1 .
          read table ta_bdcdata INTO tmp_data
            index v_index .
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            v_we_index = v_index .
  " Second: find the line where the addr1_data segments start
  LOOP AT ta_bdcdata into ts_bdcdata .
    if sy-tabix > v_we_index.
      IF ts_bdcdata-program = 'SAPLV09C'.
        v_addr1_begin = sy-tabix + 1.
  " Third: find the BDC_OKCODE for the last addr1_data
  LOOP AT ta_bdcdata into ts_bdcdata .
    IF sy-tabix > v_addr1_begin.
      IF  ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'
      and ts_bdcdata-fval = 'ENT1'.
        v_addr1_end = sy-tabix - 1 .
  " Fourth: delete all of the ADDR1_DATA lines
  " program SAPLV09C and screen 5000
  if v_addr1_begin > 0.
   " v_addr1_end
    delete ta_bdcdata
     from v_addr1_begin to v_addr1_end.
*  &============================================================
*  &============================================================
  " Fifth: build up whatever you want
*  &============================================================
*  &============================================================
      clear ts_bdcdata.
      ts_bdcdata-dynpro = '0000'.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-NAME1'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-name1.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      if st_e1edka1-name2 is initial.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-NAME2'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-NAME2'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-name2 .
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  >>>>>>>>>> Add the NAME3 segment ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<START<
*  "05.11.2009 07:41:58
*  & Add the NAME3 segment. It's used sometimes
      if st_e1edka1-name3 is initial.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-NAME3'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-NAME3'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-name3 .
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  >>>>>>>>>> Add the NAME3 segment ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<END<
*  >>>>>>>>>>> Preserve NAME4 segment ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<<STAR
*  "05.11.2009 07:10:29
*  & Insert the preserved NAME4 segment
      IF not ts_bdcdata_name4 is initial.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'ADDR1_DATA-NAME4'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'ADDR1_DATA-NAME4'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval = ts_bdcdata_name4-fval.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  >>>>>>>>>>> Preserve NAME4 segment ejb091105 <<<<<<<<<<<<END<
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-STREET'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-stras.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
     if st_e1edka1-land1 = 'US'.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-HOUSE_NUM1'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-hausn.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-HOUSE_NUM1'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
     insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
     add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-CITY1'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-ort01.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-CITY2'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-ort02 .  " implement county
                                              " ejb091118
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      if st_e1edka1-land1 = 'US'.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-REGION'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-regio.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-REGION'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      if st_e1edka1-land1 ne 'US'.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-TAXJURCODE'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = '' .
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-TIME_ZONE'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-POST_CODE1' .
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-pstlz.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-COUNTRY'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-land1.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      IF st_e1edka1-telf1 ne space.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-TEL_NUMBER'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-telf1 .
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-TEL_NUMBER'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-TEL_EXTENS'.
      ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
      if st_e1edka1-PFACH ne space.
       ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-PO_BOX'.
       ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-PFACH.
        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'ADDR1_DATA-PO_BOX'.
        ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  " all remaining fields on the ship to screen will be blank.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'EXTENSION1'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'EXTENSION2'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'PO_BOX_CTY'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'PO_BOX_LOC'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'PO_BOX_REG'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'POST_CODE2'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'POST_CODE3'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'REMARK'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam = 'TIME_ZONE'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  " Fill in all of the SZA1_D0100 fields
*      IF st_e1edka1-telf1 ne space.
*        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-TEL_NUMBER'.
*        ts_bdcdata-fval   = st_e1edka1-telf1 .
*      else.
*        ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-TEL_NUMBER'.
*        ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
*      ENDIF.
*      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-MOB_NUMBER'.
*      ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
*      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-FAX_NUMBER'.
*      ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
*      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-FAX_NUMBER'.
*      ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
*      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*      ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-SMTP_ADDR'.
*      ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
*      insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*      add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fnam   = 'SZA1_D0100-DEFLT_COMM'.
*  *    ts_bdcdata-fval   = ''.
*  *    insert ts_bdcdata into ta_bdcdata index v_addr1_begin .
*  *    add 1 to v_addr1_begin.
  DXBDCDATA[] = ta_bdcdata[]. "restore the passed parameter
endif. " end of st_vbak test
loop at DXBDCDATA where FNAM = 'ADDR1_DATA-NAME4'.

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    use the set_attribute( ) method now to set the attribute with a particular key eg HIGH in ur case
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    SQL> truncate table abc;
    Table truncated.
    SQL> declare
      2    NULLVAL exception;
      3    pragma exception_init(NULLVAL, -01400);
      5  begin
      7    begin
      9      execute immediate 'insert into abc (y) values (1)';
    11      exception
    12        when NULLVAL then
    13          -- handle the error
    14          execute immediate 'insert into abc (x,y) values (0,1)';
    16    end;
    18    commit;
    20  end;
    21  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from abc;
             X          Y
             0          1

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    2 messages. Displaying 1 through 2.
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    Gene Dianoski - 5:22am Mar 23, 07 PST (#1 of 2)
    This, or some variation of this, should work:
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    Ben PF - 6:49am Mar 23, 07 PST (#2 of 2)
    Thanks very much.
    I put it in at document level to start, but it didn't run the script automatically when date1 was first filled in, so I have put it in as a mouse exit action in date1 and it works a treat.
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    Okay forget what I posted above and lets start over. Go to your first field and under Properties -> Actions Tab -> Select Trigger -> On Blur Run A JavaScript.
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    this.getField("myField2").value =;
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    I am currently working with Acrobat XI Pro version. I want to know whether it is possible to remove the default value from a dropdown list.
    When the list has less than 4 items, it is possible to deselect the default value by pressing the whitespace below. However, when there are more items, this is not possible anymore.
    I have read that you should include a whitespace as item in the item list, however, then you will see an empty list item when people are working with the pdf which is not preferable.
    So, does anyone know how to remove the default value from a dropdown list?

    Ok, I found a perfect workaround for my problem using FormsCentral for Acrobat. Here is what you should do:
    Step 1:
    -   Open FormsCentral
    -   Create New Form (Choose Blank Form)
    -   Click on the dropdown icon to create a new dropdown
    -   Fill in the list items by clicking on the edit (you also can add a label if you want)
    -   Click: File > Save as PDF Form...
    Step 2:
    -   Open the saved PDF (you now see a blank pdf with a dropdown menu)
    -   Click: Tools > Forms > Edit Form (when a popup shows that you should save a copy of the document in order to make changes, press "Save as a copy" and open the pdf copy file with Acrobat)
    -   Select the dropdown, copy the dropdown and paste it in the desired document
    Now you have a dropdown menu without a default choice. Keep in mind that you cannot edit the items in the dropdown, because a default choice will be chosen and you have to use the pdf copy file again. As long as you don't click on a list item, it doesn't choose a default choice.
    It is not a perfect solution, but it works for me.
    Good luck and thanks!

  • How to remove default value from table definition?

    running 9.2
    Following problem :
    I need to remove default value from table.
    Now even when I use MODIFY like
    The default is still there:
    Is there any way?

    found the answer. It is not possible!!!!
    If a column has a default value, then you can use the DEFAULT clause to change the default to NULL, but you cannot remove the default value completely. That is, if a column has ever had a default value assigned to it, then the DATA_DEFAULT column of the USER_TAB_COLUMNS data dictionary view will always display either a default value or NULL

  • Default value from Oracle database not working

    Hi Everyone:
    We use JHeadstart
    I have an Oracle table that has 2 fields that are both mandatory and have default values. We have been spending a lot of time putting this type of business logic in the database so that these checks do not have to happen in the JHeadstart Application.
    The mandatory field is being brought into our Entity Object (as the mandatory checkbox is checked), but the default values do not seem to be getting pulled from the database. Even though the default value is defined at the database level, when trying to insert a new row into the table, a value must be filled in by the User running the application, otherwise an Oracle error is received that it is a mandatory field and must have a value. This happens when I am running the ApplicationModule by right-clicking it and clicking on "Test" as well as when running the Application
    Does JDeveloper not pull default values from the database? Is there something I am missing?
    Just for clarity, we have developed a re-usable library of entity objects that imports all of our Business Components similar to the following link This is working well, but want to mention it here in case it is a consideration.
    Thanks in advance.
    U of W

    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. Good to hear from you. Hope you are keeping warm in the Netherlands!
    During synchronization or initial creation of the Business Components from the Oracle tables, JDeveloper brings over the mandatory attribute as defined in the database.
    Would it be possible, in a future release, to also bring over the default values found in the database and assign them to the "Default" property in the Entity Objects Editor?
    I always like to follow the best practice of defining something in one spot to make maintenance as easy as possible and avoid manual steps.
    Thanks very much for your time.
    Mary B
    U of Windsor

  • Setting default values from a configuration file...how_to

    When we place controls in the front panel VI, there are default values
    that we can set during design time. Is it possible to load up a VI and
    read those default values from a file? I guess the point is that I want
    to be able to store different control settings for different users with
    one VI. Maybe possibly use the File I/O VI's to load up default control
    values that way. Is it possible?

    _Steven Chang wrote:
    >Hi,>>When we place controls in the front panel VI, there are default values>that
    we can set during design time. Is it possible to load up a VI and>read those
    default values from a file? I guess the point is that I want>to be able
    to store different control settings for different users with>one VI. Maybe
    possibly use the File I/O VI's to load up default control>values that way.
    Is it possible?>>Thanks,>Steven>
    After trying many various ways of storing configuration data, the way I use
    the most is to set up a "configuration global", a global that consists of
    basically a single cluster into which I place anything about the application
    that I want to configure and store. I usually include the application's path,
    DASQ settings, a
    nd user preferences. You can then read/write this cluster
    anytime during your test session. You can provide user access to specific
    portions of the global through a tabbed dialog box and allow multiple records
    in your config file which can be accessed at any time.

  • Defaulting value from one Attribute to another.

    I am trying to add a new item (Message Text Input), to the iExpense Header (/oracle/apps/ap/oie/entry/header/webui/GeneralInformationPG), and default the value of this filed to the 'Justification' field, at line level ( /oracle/apps/ap/oie/entry/lines/webui/CashAndOtherLinesPG).
    I am trying to use Personalization to copy the value from the new field. So for the 'Justification' field, I set the initial value as: ${oa.ExpenseReportHeadersVO.field1}.
    However, I cannot see the initial value appear when i try to enter an expense report.
    1) Is this not the correct way of setting/defaulting values?
    2) Expense Lines is a multi-record page. I want the above defaulting logic to apply ONLY when a user enters a new line. Can this be handled through personalization? Or will it require any programming?
    We are on 11.5.10CUP4, 11i.OIE.K

    Yes.. that's exactly what I'm trying to achieve. The user enters the 'Project Name' at expense Header level, and this value defaults to the 'Project Name' field at line level. Also, at line level, this field should NOT be updateable by the user.
    To minimize customization, I was thinking of using DFF at the Header level to capture the Project Name, and then default this value at line level.
    Is there any way I can do this using Personalization? Reason being I need to put the estimates accordingly.
    Thanks for you suggestions.

  • Default value from another table in dummy field on a portal form ..

    A form based on a table :
    I created a dummyfield on the form in which i would like the
    name corresponding to xx_id -> I would like to fetch a value
    from another tabel into a dummy field.
    Trine Hindsholm

    I could do this task by creating the form manually - is there anyway I can modify the insert for a form created by the wizard?

  • Selecting Multiples Values from Multiselect Box

    Here is my requirement ,
    Multiselect List Box should display Simulator_Type Values
    Simulator_Type Values           Values to search for in the column simulator type
    AC - small signal                              AC
    HB - Carrier                                    HB
    SP - Linear Noise                            SP - L
    SP - s parameters                           SP - s
    TR - Transient                               TR
    DC - operational point                     DC
    ET - Envelope Transient                  ET
    SSNA                                           SSNA
    [nothing]                                      nilDepending on the values selected in the multiselect values the data has to be dipayed where the value is in the simulator type column
    For Eg : AC - small signal is selected in the :p1_simulator_type multiselect box, The data where the word AC is in simulator_type column should display
    Examples of data in the simulator_Type column:
    ac, dcOp, Periodic Steady-pss
    AC - small signal
    AC Small Signal, Operating Point, Periodic Steady
    AC - small signal, SSNA
    DC - operational point
    ET - Envelope Transient
    So , here if i select AC - small signal from the multiselect list box , then the data where "AC" is there in simulator_type has to be displayed , in this case the data associated with
    ac, dcOp, Periodic Steady-pss
    AC - small signal
    AC Small Signal, Operating Point, Periodic Steady
    AC - small signal, SSNA
    has to be displayed...
    currently i have the report query below which is working but only when one simulator type is selected ....
    * from   DW_RFA_JOBDATA
    and RFA_SUBMIT_TIME < :P1_END_DATE    
    AND RFA_SIMULATOR_TYPE like '%'||:P1_SIMULATOR_TYPE||'%'Could any body please let me know how do i get data when multiple values are selected...
    Please let me know any further explanation is needed for the question
    Thank you
    Edited by: priyapinky on May 5, 2010 9:26 PM
    Edited by: priyapinky on May 5, 2010 9:54 PM
    Edited by: priyapinky on May 6, 2010 8:48 AM

    It seems to me like you don’t really understand how multi select items work in APEX. This type of items (we are talking about multi-select list, checkbox and the shuttle item) don’t really returned multiple values. They returned a single value that contains multiple segments, each include one valid option. By default, each segment is delimited with a colon (:). In your case it means that if you chose two values from your static LOV, the returned value will look similar to “HB:DC” (or any other combination of options). Now you need to work with this value.
    The way your RFA_SIMULATOR_TYPE column build, you can’t really work with the multi-select value, as you’ll never find a match to it, as this is actually an artificial value that only exist as a result of your multi-select.
    Regarding the new query you are trying, you wrote yourself that “i am getting the data with all the simulator_type select”, and that is correct. Where in this query you are using your filter (:P1_SIMULATOR_TYPE)? This is not the way to go.
    You need to break the compound value returned by your multi-select items, and work individually with each segment. You can do that in two ways. The simple one, as I already suggested, is to add another column that will contain only the code describing the simulator (similar to the returned value of the static LOV). In this case, using the instr() function you are checking if the column value is included in your filter (it’s a revered angle – you are actually checking if the single column value is included in your filter and not if the filter included in your column).
    The second option is a bit more complicated and it involves slicing the filter itself and dynamically build your query, using the “SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query)” report option. In this case we are going to use the APEX built-in function APEX_UTIL.STRING_TO_TABLE(). The following is a very simple code example that you’ll need to adapt to your scenario:
      q      varchar2(4000);
      q := 'select * from emp where ';
      filter := apex_util.string_to_table('10:20');
      for i in 1..filter.count loop
        if i = 1 then
          q := q || 'deptno = ' || filter(i);
          q := q || 'or deptno = ' || filter(i);
        end if;
      end loop;
      return q;
    end;In your case the parameter for the string_to_table is your filter item, and you can use LIKE as your comparison operator.
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Forthcoming book about APEX: Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • SSRS 2012: How to get a "Select All" that returns NULL instead of an actual list of all values from a multi-select parameter?

    I have a multi-select parameter that can have a list of thousands of entries. In general, the user will pick a few entries from the list or "Select All". If they check "Select All", I would much prefer that I get a NULL or an empty string
    instead of a list of all values. Is there any way to do that?
    In experimenting with a work-around, I tried putting an "All" label with a null value in the list, but it is ignored (does not display in the drop-down). If I use an empty string for the value, my "All" entry does get displayed, but so
    does "Select All", which is confusing. Is there a way to suppress "Select All"?
    - Mark

    I adapted the following from a workaround posted by JNeo on 4/16/2010 at 11:14 AM at
    To get a null value instead of the full list of all values when "Select All" is chosen:
    1) Add a multi-value parameter "MyParam" that lists the values to choose.
    2) Add a DataSet "ParamCount" identical to the one used by "MyParam", except that it returns a single column named [Count] that is a COUNT(*) of the same data
    3) Add a parameter "MyParamCount", set it to hidden and internal, then set the default value to 'Get values from a query', choosing "ParamCount" for the Dataset and the one [Count] column for the Value field.
    4) Change the parameter for the main report DataSet so that instead of using [@MyParam], it uses this expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!MyParam.Count =
    Parameters!ParamCount.Value, Nothing, Join(Parameters!MyParam.Value, ","))

  • Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: Retrieving all Values from a Tiled View

    Let me try to explain you this time. I have a text field in a TiledViewBean.
    When I display the page, the text field
    html tag is created with the name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" say
    five times/rows with same name.
    The html tags look like this.
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    When the form is submitted, I want to get the text field values using the
    method getTbFieldName().getValues() which
    returns an array object[]. This is in case where my TiledViewBean is not
    bound and it is working fine.
    Now in case when my TiledView is bound to a model, it creates the html tags
    as follows.
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[1].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[2].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    Now when I say getTbFieldName().getValues() it returns only the first
    element values in the object[] and the rest of the
    values are null.
    May be we need to create a utility method do get these values from
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Todd Fast <toddwork@c...>
    Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 3:52 AM
    Subject: Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: Retrieving all Values from a Tiled View
    I wanted to know how the getValues() method works the reason being,
    when the tiled view is NOT bound to a model, it populates all the
    fields with the same name as some thing likeI'm afraid I don't understand your point--can you please clarify? Do you
    mean "value" instead of "name"?
    What are you trying to do? What behavior are you expecting but notseeing?
    Without further clarification, I can say that the setValues() methodsNEVER
    populates data on multiple rows of a (dataset) model, nor does it affect
    multiple fields on the same row. Perhaps what you are seeing is theeffect
    of default values. Model that derive from DefaulModel have the ability to
    carry forward the values set on the first row to other rows in lieu ofdata
    in those other rows. This behavior is for pure convenience and can be
    turned off, and it is turned off for the SQL-based models.
    [email protected]

    I wanted to know how the getValues() method works the reason being,
    when the tiled view is NOT bound to a model, it populates all the
    fields with the same name as some thing like
    in which case, the getValues() method works fine.
    But in case where the tiled view is bound to a model, it populates
    with different field names such as,
    in this case, the getValues() doesn't work. Any soultion to this?
    We are using Moko 1.1.1.
    thanks in advance,
    --- In iPlanet-JATO@y..., "Todd Fast" <toddwork@c...> wrote:
    Does anyone know of is there a single method to get all values of a
    field in a tiled view without having to iterate through all the
    values ie
    resetTileIndex() / nextTile() approach.
    ie Something that returns an Object[] or Vector just like ND returned a
    CspVector. I tried using the getValues() methods but that allways returns
    single element array containing the first element.
    (I think now, that method is used for multi selecteable ListBoxes)Actually, no. We can add this in the next patch, but for now, I'd recommend
    creating a simple utility method to do the iteration on an arbitrary model
    and build the list for you.

  • How to get ALL values as default for  a drop down box in JSF

    I have a drop down box in JSF page which retrieves values from I have values like Company, Client, User, ALL in the drop down box.
    By default blank value is selected for the drop down box. I want to make ALL(which retrieves data for all the values) as default value for the drop down box.
    Could any body help me? Any help must be appreciated.

    Thanks Nikhil. But I am fetching the values from the
    I am using <af:selectManyChoice>. Is there any way I can use value for selecting default values instead of hard coding?
    I mean to say can I write
    where LOVCache.entityTypeSelectionList is used to populate the drop down box.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Adhoc Query Join Problem

    Hi All, I have created a query on PNP logical database which looks very simple, Lets say it has pernr, first name, last name, and Mailing ZIP on the output. P0006-SUBTY = 'MAIL' Now, the problem is .... if someone do not have mailing address subtype

  • Pricing Condition not picking from Info record

    Dear Sapians We have made all the Changes for Higher Education Cess. Now while creating PO some conditions are not picking from info record(only for some materials). In Dev. server Everything working fine. What could be the problem? Warm Regards Suku

  • Conversion from RGB to CMYK

    Hi, I would be so grateful if someone could help! I need to submit a PDF of a book I have written to the printers. They tell me that they are printing in CMYK. My book has many paintings inside and two use RGB mode (others are CMYK). I have tried con

  • How can I make type do this?

    I want to set up a Photoshop doc that will allow me to simply edit the text  and have the typeface automatically adjust to fit the width and height of the paragraph text box. Hope these examples show what I'm trying to do, but I had to adjust each te

  • HT1420 Unable to reauthorise my home computer in iTunes...

    I had to deauthorise this computer and my work computer in iTunes because my work computer died.  Now I am trying to reauthorise my home computer again under "my account".  The option to authorise this computer is not available.  How can I do this??