IDOCs Erroe

Hi Gurus,
I am facing an erroe when i am loading data from 2LIS_11_VAHDR(Sales order header data) like
An error occurred in the source system.
System response
Caller 09 contains an error message.
Further analysis:
The error occurred in Service API .
Refer to the error message.
How you remove the error depends on the error message.
If the source system is a Client Workstation, then it is possible that the file that you wanted to load was being edited at the time of the data request. Make sure that the file is in the specified directory, that it is not being processed at the moment, and restart the request.
Please any one help me out in solving this.
thanx in advance
peter bogiti

Identify the OLTP and BW IDOC from the 'Details' tab of the monitor screen for the dataload process.
Then use 'bd87' to find the status of IDOC in OLTP as well as in BW. In case the status is shown with yellow colour coding, then you can right click and then choose 'process immediately'. This will again enable flow of data between the two systems.
Assign points if useful.

Similar Messages

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       my idoc : DESADV.DELVRY03.
    while creating IDOC in target end created with error status 51.
      the error is POSEX field is empty.
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    Hi Venu,
    <i>>>>I have another douts create the Delivery document IDOC is DESADV.DELVRY03 is correct or not...if any other IDOC's is there to create delivery document.</i>
    This IDOC is the right one.
    POSEX is the external item number. How many line items are there, I mean how many delivery items are there? Are you sure you are assigning POSEX for all the records?

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    Hi Micky,
    Exact error messages showing in WPER can't be extracted from EDIDC and EDIDS tables.....

  • IDOC ERRO " ::000"

    hi all
    Am doing an idoc to file scenario. Wen i send idoc from r/3 in
    r/3 :
         we02 : shows successful with status 03
         sm58 : idoc sending status is set to "::000"
    and so i doc is not reaching xi. So what can be the possible cause for this error

    The user Id being used in the SM 59 to trigger the IDoc's from the R3 system , i,e , the XI user id being used in SM59 of R3 does not have the authorizations to post the Idoc.
    Note : 837595 describes the authorizations needed to post and Idoc. Make sure that the user id has the authorizations in this note.

  • IDOC-XI scenario problem

    I have a IDOC - XI scenario,
    where IDOC is generating from a R/3,
    the problem is, an IDOC was sent from R/3, but has not reached XI,
    in R/3, i have seen in WE05, there i see this IDOC having status '03',
    and, also in SM58, there i no error corresponding to this IDOC,
    but in XI, in IDX5, i cant see that IDOC,
    where the problem lies?

    Make sure that the sender partner and receiver partner values corrrespond to the logical system names you have used in your partner profile in we20. Sender Partner Name should be your R3's logical system name, and Receiver Partnr Name should be the Logical System name for which you have created an Outybound Entry in We20.The Sender port and receiver port also should be be the ones created in We21 for XI, and SAP+"SYSID" for R3
    ) Check your PARTENER PROFILE settings ; is IDOC in outbound messages.
    2) You may need to check Bussiness System given for Technical System for r3 and in ID check Adapter Specific Identifiers in OBJECTS ->Bussiness System->Service
    Go to bd87 and trigger them. You can only trigger the idocs if they are in yellow color. If it is in red it is having an error.
    So try to send the one which are in yellow error so that we can see whether it is reaching XI or not. If everything is OK then you should see the idoc in sxmb_moni.
    Please see the below links ,
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    IDOc testing - /people/
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    idocs - /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/08/24/do-you-like-to-understand-147correlation148-in-xi
    idoc mapping - /people/james.guanzon/blog/2006/03/23/how-to-support-industry-standards-in-xi-part-ii-of-iii--mapping
    note:reward points if solution found helpfull.....

  • What all configurations to do in SAP R/3 to send an iDOC to XI system

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    Pls let me know the STEPS I HAVE TO DO IN MY r/3 SYSTEM .
    I have created the RFC destination in R/3 and XI system but still the idoc is not going into XI system.
    It would be a great help if i can get step bu step guide for the configurations i have to do in R/3 .

    First check the status , with we02
    Also see the below links
    IDOc testing - /people/
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/10/27/idoc146s-not-reaching-xi133-not-posted-in-the-receiver-sap-systems133 - Idoc’s not reaching XI…. Not posted in the receiver SAP
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    idoc mapping - /people/james.guanzon/blog/2006/03/23/how-to-support-industry-standards-in-xi-part-ii-of-iii--mapping

  • Reg : Idoc Transfer From SAP R/3 to Gentran

    Hi Floks /
    Any body can transfer SAP R/3 idoc to external Sterling Gentran intgration suite . what are process steps required to sending and what are the transaction codes are available in Gentran and Sap .
    can u please help me out.

    See the below links
    In Gentran
    XI with Gentran
    XI vs Gentran for EDI
    SAP ECC 5.0 Upgrade questions with Gentran, BDC, screens
    Gentran EDI ?
    Interuppting/debugging response from Gentran
    Gentran and XI 3.0 question
    Interuppting/debugging response from Gentran
    In R3 IDocs
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    IDOc testing - /people/
    /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/06/24/convert-any-flat-file-to-any-idoc-java-mapping - Any flat file to any Idoc
    /people/pooja.pandey/blog/2005/07/27/idocs-multiple-types-collection-in-bpm - Collection of IDoc to Single File
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    File-XI-IDoc Scenario - File to Idoc
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    idocs - /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/08/24/do-you-like-to-understand-147correlation148-in-xi
    idoc mapping - /people/james.guanzon/blog/2006/03/23/how-to-support-industry-standards-in-xi-part-ii-of-iii--mapping
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    see the below links to get more details about IDocs
    Troubleshooting of ALE Process - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    IDOC Convertion
    Please check this online document for ALE and IDoc.
    serialization /people/alessandro.guarneri/blog/2006/11/26/content-based-serialization-dynamic-queue-name-in-xi sDefinition/0,,sid21_gci852485,00.html - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
    Process codes in IDOC
    Check this link to find out the difference b/w ALE,IDOC and BAPI
    ---Split messages :

  • IDoc to File, SM58 shows error, ST22 short dump - Runtime error

    Hi friends,
    I am doing a simple IDoc to file scenario using the EVMSTA01 IDoc. My XI is running on client 100 and I am trying to send the IDoc from the client 200 on the same machine. I have completed the design and configuration steps required and also performed the required steps in Sender client (Sm59, we21 and BD54) and receiver client (Sm59, IDX1 and IDX2).
    When I tried sending the IDoc from WE19, status meesage says that, the IDoc has been successfully sent to the receiver but SM58 shows error "IDOC_ERROR_WORKFLOW_START_R". When I looked in to ST22, there was a short dump with the below message -
    Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
    Date and Time          18.10.2008 23:24:29
         The current application triggered a termination with a short dump.
    What happened?
         The current application program detected a situation which really
         should not occur. Therefore, a termination with a short dump was
         triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X).
    Error analysis
         Short text of error message:
         Unable to read RFC destination WORKFLOW_LOCAL_200
         Technical information about the message:
         Message classe...... "SWF_RUN"
         Number.............. 617
         Variable 1.......... "WORKFLOW_LOCAL_200"
         Variable 2.......... "RFC_READ_DESTINATION_TYPE"
         Variable 3.......... "DESTINATION_NOT_EXIST"
         Variable 4.......... " "
         Variable 3.......... "DESTINATION_NOT_EXIST"
         Variable 4.......... " "
    Trigger Location of Runtime Error
         Program                                 CL_SWF_RUN_WIM_LOCAL==========CP
         Include                                 CL_SWF_RUN_WIM_LOCAL==========CM07Z
         Row                                     10
    Module type                             (METHOD)
    Module Name                             IF_SWF_RUN_WIM_UTL_INTERNAL~GET_SYSTEM_USER
    rce Code Extract
    e  SourceCde
    1 METHOD if_swf_run_wim_utl_internal~get_system_user .
    2   DATA: l_excp TYPE REF TO cx_swf_run_wim.
    4   TRY.
    5       IF me->m_int_state-system_user IS INITIAL.
    6         me->m_int_state-system_user = cl_swf_run_workflow_properties=>get_rfc_destination_us
    7       ENDIF.
    8       re_user = me->m_int_state-system_user.
    9     CATCH cx_swf_run_wim INTO l_excp.
    >>       MESSAGE ID     l_excp->t100_msg-msgid
    11               TYPE   'X'
    12               NUMBER l_excp->t100_msg-msgno
    13               WITH   l_excp->t100_msg-msgv1 l_excp->t100_msg-msgv2
    14                      l_excp->t100_msg-msgv3 l_excp->t100_msg-msgv4.
    15   ENDTRY.
    17 ENDMETHOD.                    "
    Any help would be appreciated..!!
    PS: Points would be assigned to all the helpful replys without fail

    See check for RFC destination and it is working as per your configuration or not , i mean , it is trying to locate remote server.. , so try to check in sm59, remote login and the respective result is going to your required client or not ??
    Also see the further errors while doing Idoc related scenarios..
    IDOc testing - /people/
    /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/10/27/idoc146s-not-reaching-xi133-not-posted-in-the-receiver-sap-systems133 - Idoc’s not reaching XI…. Not posted in the receiver SAP
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    idoc mapping - /people/james.guanzon/blog/2006/03/23/how-to-support-industry-standards-in-xi-part-ii-of-iii--mapping
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process

  • How to get Idoc acknowledgment in File to Idoc scenario

    Hi All,
    Please give suggestions about the below mentioned scenario:
    Scenario: File–XI- ECC - Data from File is converted to various IDocs and posted in SAP. (No BPM used)
    Problem: Exception Handling > > We want a message back from SAP system telling us that out of 100 IDocs that were sent, ‘n’ were posted successfully and rest failed along with the error description. How can this be achieved?

    Pls go thruough these links also
    Please see the below links
    unable to import from SLD
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    <b>IDOC Acknowledgements</b>
    R/3 IDOC ->XI-> ORACLE Error Handling
    Abhishek Agrahari

  • IDoc triggered frm R/3

    Dear All,
    When an Idoc is triggered frm R/3 it shows status red(error to port), yellow(still processing) or green(succesfuly port)..
    as an eg. green..
    Does it mean a confirmation as a color in status grp that the Idoc has reached to the destination port or simply when the Idoc succesfully comes out of R/3 the status grp become green..
    Please suggest..
    - Pankaj

    Hi Pankaj ,
    Make sure that the sender partner and receiver partner values corrrespond to the logical system names you have used in your partner profile in we20. Sender Partner Name should be your R3's logical system name, and Receiver Partnr Name should be the Logical System name for which you have created an Outybound Entry in We20.The Sender port and receiver port also should be be the ones created in We21 for XI, and SAP+"SYSID" for R3
    ) Check your PARTENER PROFILE settings ; is IDOC in outbound messages.
    2) You may need to check Bussiness System given for Technical System for r3 and in ID check Adapter Specific Identifiers in OBJECTS ->Bussiness System->Service
    Go to bd87 and trigger them. You can only trigger the idocs if they are in yellow color. If it is in red it is having an error.
    So try to send the one which are in yellow error so that we can see whether it is reaching XI or not. If everything is OK then you should see the idoc in sxmb_moni.
    Please see the below links ,
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    IDOc testing - /people/
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    idocs - /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/08/24/do-you-like-to-understand-147correlation148-in-xi
    idoc mapping - /people/james.guanzon/blog/2006/03/23/how-to-support-industry-standards-in-xi-part-ii-of-iii--mapping
    note:reward points if solution found helpfull.....
    Sunil Singh

  • IDOC Scenario Steps

    I want to master IDOC scenario...
    Where i can see step by step of IDOC scenario?.
    I want steps in ECC side and steps involved in XI side....
    Never saw a nice blog showing each step in details like wiki pages....
    Can somebody write or do we have a detailed blog?.

    See the below links
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    IDOc testing - /people/
    /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/06/24/convert-any-flat-file-to-any-idoc-java-mapping - Any flat file to any Idoc
    /people/pooja.pandey/blog/2005/07/27/idocs-multiple-types-collection-in-bpm - Collection of IDoc to Single File
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    File-XI-IDoc Scenario - File to Idoc
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    idocs - /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/08/24/do-you-like-to-understand-147correlation148-in-xi
    idoc mapping - /people/james.guanzon/blog/2006/03/23/how-to-support-industry-standards-in-xi-part-ii-of-iii--mapping
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    see the below links to get more details about IDocs
    Troubleshooting of ALE Process - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    IDOC Convertion
    Please check this online document for ALE and IDoc.
    serialization /people/alessandro.guarneri/blog/2006/11/26/content-based-serialization-dynamic-queue-name-in-xi sDefinition/0,,sid21_gci852485,00.html - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
    Process codes in IDOC
    Check this link to find out the difference b/w ALE,IDOC and BAPI
    ---Split messages :

  • IDOC TO R3

    Iam trying to connect import r3 through IDOC but it is showing unable to connect to r3 ,i had given all the details correctly like appsrv name and sysno and client and user but it showing ubable to connect r3 can anyone help in this case,and pleae podt some blogs regarding this.
                 Thanks in adavance

    check the r3 is running or not.
    Next check the uid , pwd are correct or not, to import the Idocs into IR.
    checkserver details
    Also see the below links
    IDOc testing - /people/
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    idoc mapping - /people/james.guanzon/blog/2006/03/23/how-to-support-industry-standards-in-xi-part-ii-of-iii--mapping
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process

  • Sorry raising the same question: idoc and SLD

    forum(dont get irritated as me raising the same question) ,
    clarify it
    when i make a business system corresponding to a SAP system(Say Z), in the SLD, do i need to name its logical system name in a way thats similar to the way which the system Z appends in the Sender partner while sending an IDOC to my XI, 
    means if sender's system  Z  has system-id SD1 and client 330,   should i make a business system with logical system name SD1CLNT,
    so that when an IDOC reaches my XI for system Z, it can identify that the IDOC has reached from a particular system, coz i believe when an IDOC is sent from system Z, the sender partner is appended as "System-id"CLNT"client no."..
    is it so????

    When you see the moni trace , it is just info, so no error, and for the metadata always uses the sender Port , through port only the metadata will be passed, this was configured in IDX2.
    Next whether the IDoc was reached to XI or not , we can see in sender side WE02 and direction is 1 and with the basic type see the status is 12 or not .. and next see in IDX5 in R3 instance of XI.
    See the error statuses and respective solutions
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    IDOc testing - /people/
    Idoc settings
    idoc erros -
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    <i>reward points if it is helpful..</i>

  • Documentation tools in idoc interface

    i read this in
    How can i see documentation about particular idoc?.
    Never we need to create new IDOC?. Nobody create new idoc?..
    Most of the IDOCS are already created in sap ecc?.
    when you write ur own idoc, how u document them?.
    want to master idoc.

    see below
    See the below links
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    IDOc testing - /people/
    /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/06/24/convert-any-flat-file-to-any-idoc-java-mapping - Any flat file to any Idoc
    /people/pooja.pandey/blog/2005/07/27/idocs-multiple-types-collection-in-bpm - Collection of IDoc to Single File
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    File-XI-IDoc Scenario - File to Idoc
    idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
    idoc erros -
    idocs - /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/08/24/do-you-like-to-understand-147correlation148-in-xi
    idoc mapping - /people/james.guanzon/blog/2006/03/23/how-to-support-industry-standards-in-xi-part-ii-of-iii--mapping
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    see the below links to get more details about IDocs
    Troubleshooting of ALE Process - /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2007/07/19/troubleshooting-of-ale-process
    IDOC Convertion
    Please check this online document for ALE and IDoc.
    serialization /people/alessandro.guarneri/blog/2006/11/26/content-based-serialization-dynamic-queue-name-in-xi sDefinition/0,,sid21_gci852485,00.html - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
    Process codes in IDOC
    Check this link to find out the difference b/w ALE,IDOC and BAPI
    ---Split messages :

  • What is iDoc Adapter for XI?

    I am working on XI and came to know that I have to use iDoc Adapter for the same. I want to know
    1. What is an iDoc Adapter
    2. How it is used for XI
    3. How to configure the same

    Hi Nishant,
    Follow these steps................Here You can find the detailed decription...
    ALE settings.
    SAP XI
    1) RFC Destination (SM59)
    a) Choose create.
    b) Specify the name of the RFC destination
    c) Select connection type as 3 and save
    d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#.
    e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL.
    f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#.
    g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system.
    h) Test the connection and remote logon.
    2) Create Port (IDX1)
    a) Select create new button
    b) Enter the port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)
    c) Enter the destination client.
    d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP R/3 towards other system.
    e) Save
    3) Load Meta Data for IDOC (IDX2)
    a) Create new
    b) IDOC Message Type
    c) Enter port created in IDX1.
    SAP R/3
    1) RFC Destination (SM59)
    a) Choose create.
    b) Specify the name of the RFC destination
    c) Select connection type as 3 and save
    d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#.
    e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL.
    f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#.
    g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system.
    h) Test the connection and remote logon.
    2) Create Port (We21)
    a) First Select Transactional RFC and then click create button
    b) Enter the destination port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)
    c) Enter the destination client.
    d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP R/3 towards other system.
    e) Save
    3) Create Partner Profile (WE20)
    a) Create New
    b) Create the Partner no. name as same the logical system name of the destination system.
    c) Select Partner type LS
    d) Enter details for Type: US/USER, Agent, and Lang.
    e) Click on the + button to select the message type.
    f) Select Partner no. and LS which ever create above.
    g) Select Message type
    h) Select Process code related to the Message type.
    I) save.
    In SLD – System Landscape Directory
    TS for R/3 (Logical system):-Assign the client name created in R/3 as Logical system Name.
    Ts for Third Party (Logical system):-
    BS for SAP R/3 (Logical system):- Assign the client name created in R/3 as Logical system Name.
    BS for Third Party (Logical system):-Enter the XI logical system name.
    In Transaction SALE
    Define and Assign the logical system name.
    See the below links
    Introduction to IDoc-XI-File scenario and complete walk through for starters. - IDoc to File
    IDOc testing - Generate Test Case for an IDOC Scenario
    Convert any flat file to any Idoc-Java Mapping - Any flat file to any Idoc
    IDOCs (Multiple Types) Collection in BPM - Collection of IDoc to Single File
    Introduction to IDoc-XI-File scenario and complete walk through for starters. - IDoc to File
    File-XI-IDoc Scenario - File to Idoc
    idoc settings Configuration steps required for posting idoc's(XI)
    idoc erros -
    idocs - /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/08/24/do-you-like-to-understand-147correlation148-in-xi
    idoc mapping - How to Support Industry Standards in XI (Part II of III) - Mapping
    IDoc erros troubleshooting - Troubleshooting of ALE Process
    Aspirant to learn SAP XI...You won the Jackpot if you read this!-Part III
    see the below links to get more details about IDocs
    Troubleshooting of ALE Process - Troubleshooting of ALE Process
    IDOC Convertion
    Changing fields in an Idoc segment
    Please check this online document for ALE and IDoc.
    serialization The specified item was not found. sDefinition/0,,sid21_gci852485,00.html - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
    Process codes in IDOC
    Check this link to find out the difference b/w ALE,IDOC and BAPI
    Introduction to IDoc-XI-File scenario and complete walk through for starters.
    ---Split messages :
    Illustration of Multi-Mapping and Message Split using BPM in SAP Exchange Infrastructure
    Have a look at this document, which explains the settings in IDOC-File scenario,

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