IDVD 5.0

After upgrading my eMac to Tiger 10.4.2. I then installed iLife 5.0. However now when I try to find iDVD 5.0 my system only shows it as iDVD 3.0. Did I forget to toggle something on or off or decompress something?? Any suggestions??

Thanks Hui Cheng,
I did try your suggestion. However when I try to do a custom install the Garage Band and iDVD does not appear for the selections. I only have access to Registration and Support, iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie HD. I do receive a message
that states "my computer has a DVD drive, you are installing from a CD. It is recommended that you install from a DVD to obtain all the software supported by my computer." I now am wondering do you have any other suggestions?? I sure will feel P.O.ed if I have to go out and purchase an iLife 5.0 program with DVD installation. Look forward to any suggestions or sites to upgrade from iDVD 3.0.1 where I am starting from.

Similar Messages

  • Sharing More than One Movie with iDVD????

    Okay.. I would like to know if there is another way to burn MORE than one movie an iDVD project. It seems that sending the movie straight to iDVD creates it's own project, and when you try to send another movie, it creates a completely different project. I know I can send a movie to Media browser but the quality of the movie is much better when I share it via the command in iMovie 09 (Shrare->iDVD). I've noticed that the file type is different when you send it to iDVD than when you put it in Media Browser as well.
    Currently this is what I do.. Share it to iDVD.. Then I save that iDVD project to my desktop. I close iDVD, and start sharing my second movie. I then Control-Click on the first iDVD project and choose "Show Package Contents". I then dig into the trenches of that file to find the movie file. I then drag it to the desktop and delete the first iDVD project. When the new iDVD project gets made, I simply drag the file on my desktop into the iDVD project I want it in and then it works. This seems like a so un-apple way to do this though. I think iMovie definetly needs and update here. It's great if you ony want to burn a 1 movie to iDVD, but what if you want to do more. There should be a way to select multiple movies to send to iDVD or the option of adding a new imported movie to the current project in iDVD.
    Am I missing something or is there another way to do this? Is there a good export option in QuickTime? DV doesn't work because the quality I get is horrible. Somehow the shared to iDVD movie is the best quality and it's a QuickTime file via h.264. Is that my best export option? Sharing with the Media browser creates a mv4 file that's much smaller in size, even at the largest setting. The frames are more jumpier when iDVD finishes with it than the h.264 file.
    Any better suggestions? Also, where do I go to make suggestions for Apple. I can't find it anymore on this website.

    Q:Also, where do I go to make suggestions for Apple.
    A: Launch iDvd and then scroll down to Provide iDvd Feeback.

  • How do i add a second movie to an idvd project when 'sharing' from imovie always opens a new idid window?

    I am creating an idvd project with multiple imovie projects.  I know I need to share my imovie project with Idvd.  WEhen I do that, idvd automatically opens.  Now I want to add a second project.  The problem is that when I share imovie projects a second time, it automatically opens a second idvd project.  I want to add multiple imovie projects on one idvd project.

    One should not share directly to iDVD from iMovie.  The Share ➙ Media Browser option should be used as that results in a better quality movie in iDVD.  Do the same for both movies and you can drag the movies from the Media ➙ Movies pane in iDVD into the DVD menu window at the left.
    Follow this workflow to help ensure the best quality video DVD:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option. This will separate the encoding process from the burn process. 
    To check the encoding mount the disk image, launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding is good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.

  • Multiple iDvd creation issues

    I've got multiple questions I've been meaning to address for awhile but I'm always forgetting so while I'm sitting here at work thinking about them I'm just gonna throw them all into one big post (I never tend to think about this stuff when I'm actually at home in front of the computer). Any help will be appreciated.
    First let me note that I'm using one of the flat panel 17" imacs. It's like 3 years old now but it's served me very well so far. I've added more memory & an external hard drive & am using iLife 6.
    The only dvds (besides movies & the like) that the superdrive recognizes are DVD-R's. Has anyone ever come up w/ a way to use DVD+Rs or better on these old machines?
    Continuous Play Music Video DVDs:
    My goal is to make music video mix dvds. This means I want to burn music vids on a dvd that can be accessed separately or you can just pop the dvd in & click play & it will run through the whole dvd. Problem is I haven't found any kind of continuous play option in idvd. So the obvious choice is to convert all of the videos into one long movie in iMovie (broken into chapters) but of course I've been unsuccesful at this. Even though I've converted the videos into the proper format (arrived at through research on this forum) the videos don't load into imovie least 3 out the 4 I tried didn't (tried multiple times on each). It would condense the video into like a quarter of the screen & leave everything else black space. So anyone got any suggestions on how I can get this done?
    SD on Widescreen formatted disc:
    I have burned a music video DVD a little while back & ended up w/ something interesting. I formatted the disc for widescreen assuming the standard def(4:3) videos would all just be letterboxed on the side but the result was that some were & some weren't (in fact most weren't). This means they are stretched out to widescreen. This isn't a huge deal since I can use the tv itself to letterbox them but still I'd like to know if there is a way to deal with this in the creation of the disk. Any suggestions?
    Forgive me if I've missed anything obvious. I have tried at various times to research each of these topics but haven't found any answers. Thanks.

    Hello Farrell,
    for this kind of project you'll need to get your workflow straightened out - and I think at the moment you're "mixing apples & pears".
    The only dvds (besides movies & the like) that the superdrive recognizes are DVD-R's. Has anyone ever come up w/ a way to use DVD+Rs or better on these old machines?
    DVD-R media is actually your best bet compatibility-wise. The only other option would be Double-Layer DVD+R, but that would mean getting an external burner in your case. If your content doesn't exceed, say 90-100 min. I would stick with the DVD-R.
    Even though I've converted the videos into the proper format (arrived at through research on this forum) the videos don't load into imovie correctly...
    You might have converted to the correct format, but obviously the sizes don't match. DV video is 720x480 (NTSC) or 720x576 (PAL), so if you want to fill the screen, you'll have to convert to the proper size. On the other hand, if you have some web clips at 320x240, up-rezzing them might degrade the quality to a point that the whole thing becomes unwatchable.
    I formatted the disc for widescreen assuming the standard def(4:3) videos would all just be letterboxed on the side but the result was that some were & some weren't (in fact most weren't)
    If you want to burn a widescreen DVD, you'll need to start off with a widescreen project in iMovie. As you have quite mixed footage, the best thing would be to turn on "auto letter & pillarboxing" in preferences. This will preserve the correct aspect ratio of your clips.
    but still I'd like to know if there is a way to deal with this in the creation of the disk
    Widescreen DVDs created in iDVD 6 are set to "auto letterboxing & pan-scan", meaning it depends on the setting of your DVD player how the disc will be displayed - but as you found out, you can easily toggle the view option on your remote.
    If you want to force letterboxing, you can re-edit your final DVD with a little app called myDVDedit (
    hope this helps

  • When sharing iMovie11 project  with iDVD inmediately message 'the project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred (Error in user parameter list).  Finalize issue?

    When sharing my 60 minutes iMovie project with iDVD inmediately message 'The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error  occurred (Error in user parameter list)' appears. Could not find the user parameter list, so I've no more info about this error.
    Option File - Finalize Project gives inmediately the same errormessage.
    Also option Share - Media Browser - Large/Medium/Mobile give the same errormessage.
    Please advise, thank you!

    Additional info: trying to write to internal disk (268 GB Free out of 499 GB)
    Please advise, alko80

  • IDVD is not working in Mavericks... what now?

    I am very upset that iDVD is not working in Mavericks! I need the ability to burn DVDs for family who is unable to access the internet. Any patches or fixes available to make this software usable again? I am very disappointed that Apple would do this without warning users that previously purchased software would be incompatible with the new OS.

    I am also having problems with iDVD under Mavericks. I have used iDVD for many years creating DVD's for family members and archiving our vacations. It worked great under Snow Leopard, Lion, and Mountain Lion, but now Mavericks is a different situation.
    I have two basic problems, (1) after importing the video I want to use, I play it back to preview and a small band shows up at the top of the screen that is not in sync with the rest of the screen. And (2) when showing a slideshow using standard jpegs there are color issues on playback. Help,  I need my iDVD back!

  • IDVD 08 audio/video sync drift toward end of DVD movie - fix/workaround?

    Anyone know how I can fix this issue? It's driving me crazy.
    I've just spent a few evenings in iMovie 08, editing together the video of my son's birth. All looked & amazingly good in iMovie. The "Large" .m4v file output by iMovie - Shared with the Media Browser - plays perfectly in Quicktime too.
    However, after adding that shared movie to iDVD 08, and burning a DVD, I noticed that the audio sync drifts toward the end of the Movie when plated back. At the start of the DVD all seems well, but by the end of the ~1hr 20 minute movie the audio is unbearably out of sync with the video. Completely unwatchable.
    After a little Googling I came across some reports that iDVD might not deal well with video that's been recorded with 12-bit audio. I've confirmed that my camcorder is (was!) set to 12-bit rather than 16-bit (the default, I'm sure). So if that's the problem I'm hosed... it's not like I can get a retake on that footage
    Is there a reasonable workaround for this issue? I'm obviously unable to re-take the video (or the other 10 hours of DV video tape I've yet to use in an iMovie project). Ideally I'd like Apple to release a patch for this. Shouldn't it be possible for iDVD to account for audio that was originally recorded in 12-bit... even if it's just a checkbox you have to select to tip it off?
    Then again, perhaps this is totally unrelated to the 12-bit issue, and this is just a run of the mill bug?
    As I said... iMovie generates a MPEG4 video file of the Movie that looks/sounds perfect, so it seems this sync issue's being created somewhere in iDVD as it's rendering the audio/video to burn to the DVD...
    Thanks in advance.

    I've tried most of the options I can think of, and the audio sync drift issue continues on this ~1hr 12 minute iMovie/iDVD 08 project.
    A couple of promising ideas tried used QT Pro, to export the audio track from the iMovie generated MPEG-4 file - as a WAV file, resampling to 48kHz and 16-bit... then Adding this back to the video track in the MPEG-4 file (having deleted the original audio track). In another test I also tried the Add to Selection and Scale option. Oddly enough I think the Add to Selection and Scale attempt generated more sync issues than before in the final DVD movie... so I stuck with the MPEG-4 file containing the video track and the added, resampled at 48kHz & 16 bit, WAV audio track.
    This was saved as a self contained Movie file, producing a QT .mov file. I moved this .mov file into the iDVD projects directory structure so that it was avalable in iDVD's Media Browser. I then reworked the iDVD project to use this QT file, instead of the original iMovie large.m4v file.
    As a reminder... the original large.m4v file has the following properties:
    29.97 FPS H.264 Decoder, 960 x 540, Millions
    AAC, Stereo (L R), 44.100 kHz
    0:01:12:07.16 duration
    The resampled and saved QT MOV file has the following properties:
    29.97 FPS H.264 Decoder, 960 x 540, Millions
    16-bit Integer (Little Endian), Stereo, 48.000 kHz
    0:01:12:07.16 duration
    BOTH versions of this Movie file play flawlessly within QT Pro... there's no audio sync drift evident toward the end of the movie unless I use iDVD 08 to burn either movie file to a Physical DVD (or DVD Disk Image). In both cases the resultant DVD Movie exhibits significant audio sync drift as the ~1hr 12 minute movie progresses. The sync goes out by ~ <= 1 second based on a rough visual assessment.
    I've not yet tried to burn either the original iMovie produced MPEG-4 video file or my QT Pro tweaked audio track .MOV file version to a DVD on my PC...
    ... But I have used an application called Burn (referenced in this earlier/archived iDVD sync drift forum post: by user F Shippey - to take the QT Pro tweaked .mov file version of the original MPEG-4 file and burn it to a DVD...
    The Burn app burnt DVD plays with NO audio sync issues!... Even though it was generated from the same audio tweaked (48kHz/16-bit resampled) QT Pro .mov file.
    However, whenever I burn a DVD using iDVD 08 the audio sync gradually drifts. It matters not whether I use the original iMovie 08 generated MPEG-4 movie file, or the QT Pro version of that file with the resampled audio track (the same one that works fine with Burn).
    It sure looks to me like iDVD has a problem... Again, refer to for someone else who seems to have run into similar challenges.
    Am I overlooking something?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Sound problems with film made in iMovie when burned to DVD in iDVD

    I have upgraded to iLife 09 and for all the bad that people have to say, I actually like it a lot. Anyway, it gave me the encouragement I needed to play with some old home movies I had stored with the aim of producing DVDs to give to my friends, and hopefully showing off the slick production values I have come up with.
    So after spending a week getting to grips with iMovie and editing an old holiday film with all the cuts, transitions, chapter markers and music etc that I wanted, I ended up with an hour long movie that I was happy with.
    Then to iDVD. After trying out all sorts of ways to go from iMovie to iDVD to ensure the best quality, I have finally given up trying to replicate the on screen quality of the movie in iMovie with the finished DVD, and just opted for the easy to use 'share to iDVD' option. The quality is not great, but then the footage is old anyway so not too much of an issue.
    Then I spend another few days playing with and learning iDVD and again end up with a finished product that I am happy with, with nice looking menu's and a slideshow etc.
    So I come to burn the final DVD, for which I pick the 'Professional burn' option which takes 4 hours but I am happy to wait if it means the best quality possible, and my DVD is done.
    I then play the DVD to discover my problem - the sound in the movie is not right. To explain further, in my movie I have reduced the sound of some of the film clips to nothing and placed music over the top. When played and previewed in iMovie it works fine - the music plays and the sound that is attached the the video does not. When previewed in iDVD it works fine - just as I had edited it in iMovie. But then when I burn the DVD, some of these sounds are present again which completely wastes all my hard work at the editing stage.
    I have searched and searched for help on this but am unable to find any.
    Sorry for the very long description and story behind my issue, but it is massively frustrating. Basically, at some point during the 'burn to DVD' stage in iDVD it decides to completely ignore most of the sound edits I have made on the movie in iMovie.
    If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Many thanks. Looking at that thread it looks like there are a few others having the same issue as me. Might be to do with not using the predetermined rates for clip slowdown and inputting my own.
    The frustrating thing is that I have only done this once right at the start of my hour long movie and if I change it now it with though the timing of my whole film out.
    Not much else I can do though I suppose.

  • Choppy video in iMovie/iDVD from Sony HDD Camcorder

    I feel like I must be doing something wrong here, I've just moved from a windows XP machine to a nive shiny iMac which is lovely and I just want to hug it a lot, but.....
    My DVD's just aren't coming out right, here's me thinking Macs were renowned for their video editing, but all my stuff is looking better from windows.
    To explain further, I connect my Sony DCR-SR32 to the mac via USB (the Sony is a hard disk camera which records to mpeg2) iMovie recognises the camcorder and allows me to import all my clips. I spend hours putting together some holiday footage with appropriate fades, titles and cuts. I then import the finished project into iDVD and spend more hours messing with the motion video menus and getting everything looking right.
    I then burn to a DVD and it looks horrible, the frame rate looks like it's about 10 fps and it's jumping around all over. After some research, I find that Perion is probably to blame, and I can work around it by exporting from iMovie as a DV file or removing Perion which I've creating a DVD.
    So the output is better, not so jerky, but something is not quite right, while it's not jerky its not quite as smooth as if should be, and the colours seem to be a little more pixelated a bit like when a divX movie struggles in an area of low contrast.
    I'm comparing this to running XP in a parallels session, attaching the camcorder and hitting the "Disc burn" button which burns a lovely smooth and colourful DVD without a problem.
    I thought this must be an issue with the conversion, convert to h.264 when the file is pulled off the camcorder, and then again into mpeg to burn must be missing something, but I took the raw mpeg files and got Toast to burn a DVD and that was the same "not quite right" result. I've read a lot about OSX's difficulties with mpeg2 and suggestions to use Streamclip with the MPEG quicktime plugin - will this do anything better, it just seems that with any conversion you're going to lose some quality, and converting several times to get something into iMovie then again when iDVD prepares the disk seems to be asking for more trouble ?
    I've double checked all the obvious things, like is it set to PAL, and is the DVD burning at the best quality. I'm even burning to disk images to take the physical DVD out of the equation.
    But still the results are not satisfactory. I really don't want to have to run windows still, iMovie and iDVD - although fairly basic were really nice to use, and the overall result is great... if I could just get it to look right.
    Any idea on what might be wrong in all this, or how I can get a better quality movie to burn ?

    Ok, this time I tested it in playback mode.
    Connected USB. Chose HDD connect. NO NAME appeared on desktop. Opened iMovie (started my stopwatch at this point). Detected camera - scanning. Generating thumbnails (at this stage it is generating thumbnails for all the clips I have on my camera. For the record, I have 6 clips of 52secs, 22secs, 40secs, 27secs, 29secs and 1min). Finally, after around 1m50s, the 'Import From' window pops up showing me the thumbnails for each clip. I stop the stopwatch.
    I only want to import the 1min clip this time, just for timing reference. To import this 1min clip on my imac (see my mac profile below) took 2m30s. This includes generating the thumbnails too, although I'm not quite sure why it does this again. I think 2m30s is very slow considering that DV would/should import in real time.
    Anyway, those are my findings today and I for one now have a better understanding of how to connect my camera...playback mode only!

  • Tried Many Different Discs/Still Unable to burn in Imovie 6/Idvd 6

    So I have an 8 times burner, and I'm wondering if I upgraded to a 16 times burner would that alliviate my problems or create more? I have 84 GB's of free hard drive space in my source drive. I've tried all different discs including TDK,Memorex, various printable ones and Apple(Apple ironically is the disc that I have had the most problems with-i've yet to have a disk successfully burn using Apple Disks)
    There is one disk that I have found at Fry's Electronics-a total no name brand that seems to work just fine everytime. All the rest so far have been a complete waste of money.
    I've tried to burn all different kinds and sizes of projects-Really big ones with alot of third party effects, as well as really small ones with nothing more than just a few minutes of raw footage. The results are the same each time: Only this one off brand of dvd at Fry's seems to work. The rest don't burn, or finish burning with errors.
    This is becoming a bigger issue because 8 times disks are getting harder to find. but I really don't want to upgrade to 16 times burner if it's going to introduce more problems.
    Anyone have any suggestions? Much appreciated. thanks

    These are the most common recommendations made by others in this forum.
    Use Verbatim or Maxcell DVD-R disks as recommended in this forum. Save to a disk image and burn the disk image using disk utility at 2x (you can control the burn speed in disk utility, iDVD does not allow you to alter the burn speed).

  • Output settings to iDVD for DV footage

    Hi, I have edited widescreen 720x576 DV PAL footage from a Sony MiniDV camcorder. If I want to export the .mov to iDVD should I export it as 720x576 or 768x576. What is the difference? .
    When viewing my footage in the monitor window of FCE should I see my widescreen footage as widescreen or 4:3?
    What is the difference between choosing 720x576 SD and PAL DV 720x576.
    Any help would be appreciated,
    Thank you,

    To export to iDVD you should simply use *Export/Quicktime Movie* (not Using Quicktime Conversion), and select Audio and Video, Chapter Markers (if you set them in FCE), and Make Movie Self-Contained.
    This last setting is not mandatory: if you don't check Make Movie Self-Contained, the resulting quality will be the same, the export will be faster and the (reference) movie will use little disk space, BUT you'll have to create and burn your iDVD project on the same Mac before making any modification to the original FCE project. The reference movie +points to+ the movie media, it +does not include+ them.

  • How do I create a place for my family to log in and download the DVD I created in IDVD?  Can this be done?

    I have created a memorial DVD for my Mom who passed this year and would like to share it with family members.  Can I somehow allow them to copy the IDVD I made--maybe in mobile me?  If so, how do I set it up?  Or could I email it to them?  If so, how do I attach the DVD to the email?  Thanks for all help.

    There are many ways to produce slide shows using iPhoto, iMovie or iDVD and some limit the number of photos you can use (iDVD has a 99 chapter (slide) limitation).
    If what you want is what I want, namely to be able to use high resolution photos (even 300 dpi tiff files), to pan and zoom individual photos, use a variety of transitions, to add and edit music or commentary, place text exactly where you want it, and to end up with a DVD that looks good on both your Mac and a TV - in other words end up with and end result that does not look like an old fashioned slide show from a projector - you may be interested in how I do it. You don't have to do it my way, but the following may be food for thought!
    Firstly you need proper software to assemble the photos, decide on the duration of each, the transitions you want to use, and how to pan and zoom individual photos where required, and add proper titles. For this I use Photo to Movie. You can read about what it can do on their website:
    (Other users here use the alternative FotoMagico: which you may prefer - I have no experience with it.)
    Neither of these are freeware, but are worth the investment if you are going to do a lot of slide shows. Read about them in detail, then decide which one you feel is best suited to your needs.
    Once you have timed and arranged and manipulated the photos to your liking in Photo to Movie, it exports the file to iMovie 6 as a DV stream. You can add music in Photo to Movie, but I prefer doing this in iMovie where it is easier to edit. You can now further edit the slide show in iMovie just as you would a movie, including adding other video clips, then send it to iDVD 7, or Toast,  for burning.
    You will be pleasantly surprised at how professional the results can be!
    To simply create a slide show in iDVD 7 onwards from images in iPhoto or stored in other places on your hard disk or a connected server, look here:

  • I just finished creating a movie in IMovie and now want to burn it to a DVD and make it loop.  Since I just purchased this IMac it no longer comes with IDVD.  My question is how to burn and loop a dvd without IDVD.  Thanks for any help.

    I just finished creating a movie using IMovie and want to burn it to a DVD and loop it.  Since I just purchased this mac it looks like they no longer include IDVD.  Is there something out there to help me do this.  I am new to MAC and any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

    There is free open source software called Burn that will burn DVDs. Here is a link.
    If you wish to pay for software, there are many, including TOAST TITANIUM from Roxio. Apple's retail copy of iLife 11, and Apple's Compressor.
    Of these, I would say that iDVD is known for being able to create very professional looking DVDs with intros, menus, lots of interesting templates.
    Toast is much simpler and the menus and templates are more plain.
    Compressor is a professional tool that does a lot more than make DVDs. Don't expect much in the way of menus or templates.
    Burn, I have never tried, since I have iDVD and Toast for those ocasions when I need to burn a DVD. However, since it is free, I think it is worth a try.
    Each software package is a little different, but in general, in iMovie, you can use the SHARE menu to SHARE/MOVIE in Large size. Save the movie to your desktop or someplace you can easily find it. Then drag it into the tool of your choice. You can alsouse SHARE/MEDIA BROWSER/LARGE if you have iDVD or Toast.

  • Adding music files to iDVD project

    Hello All,
    Sorry if this has been asked before... I didn't seem to find anything in my "search" of past posts...
    A friend of mine recently passed away & I am (trying to) putting together a dvd to send to his brother that includes some home video of us ..... and I would like to include some music (files) from an old band he was in.... (he did a hme made cd)...
    I'd like his songs to be in a separate folder and be able to select from them with the menu (like Toast sets up a "music dvd)...
    All I have been able to figure to do is to include an iTunes playlist but that way one cannot jump from song to song... I even tried to do a seperate iMovie project with chapters for each song then export into iDVD & that (sort of) worked but I then couldn't figure out how to "combine" those "scenes" into my main project with the movies too...
    Now I am going the looong way around and saving out individual clips of each song as full quality dv and then will try to add them into a folder in my main project....
    My short question to all this long wind is:
    is there a way to create a "slide show" of individual music files the same way that slide show of photos works... so that you can move around between them with the menu.... all I have found is that a play list can be added into the sound "well" but then you cna't skip from song to song like you can with a what Toast does when it sets up a music dvd
    any ideas?
    thanks & regards to all for a great holiday
    from the coast of Maine

    Well...I'm not sure if my suggestion or ideas will help, but you could certainly use iMovie to organize and edit the movie portion of your DVD, then for the music portion, first add your songs to iTunes, then go back to your iMovie project, select the songs you want to add to your DVD project, and drag each song into the timeline. Now, you can add chapter markers at the beginning of each song. This might not give you a separate folder to open (folders are for data DVDs), but at least your audience will be able to see each song title and skip through the songs as neededce they are chapters. Other than this, you might want to wander over to the Toast discussion forum on the site where users of Toast may have a suggestion. With Toast, you might be able to drag your video and audio portions of your project into Toast separately, that way you only have two chapters: Video and Audio.

  • Getting iDVD 7.0.4 to recognize 16:9

    I'm turning once again to the power of the Apple community...
    I have created a video shot and edited in 16:9, but I am having trouble getting the iDVD to recognize it as such; when imported into an iDVD project, it changes it to 4:3.
    I have created a Quicktime movie version of it, as well as a FCE reference movie version of it.
    I researched this, and found two threads which dealt with this.
    The first thread is the Apple article TS1611, which explains using the options in the "Export using Quicktime Conversion" choice in FCE. I followed this to the letter, but I wasn't successful. I wondered if the article, dated May 6, 2008, may not apply to the idiosyncrasies of an Intel iMac running 10.6.2 with iDVD 7.0.4 and FCE 4.0.1.
    There was a second thread discussing a software application called "Anamorphicizer" which I've downloaded. The instructions are to drag to movie to this application, but I don't know how to do this. I've downloaded the software, and it appears in the dock as a grey and black square/rectangle with "16:9" however, when I double click on it, all that appears is its name at the top of the screen indicating the the software is running, but I don't see any type of icon nor interface to which I could "drag the movie."
    If anyone has had success with this particular task using the combination of iDVD and FCE listed above, I'd appreciated you sharing you knowledge of this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks F Shippey.
    We're getting there...
    I saw that info, but I didn't realize I had to go to the iMac install DVD to download QT7. I did, and now it works.
    However, when I add the movie to iDVD, it DOES display 16:9, but it doesn't include the chapters (no "scene selection"). When I added it to iDVD earlier, it DID bring in the chapters, but didn't display it in 16:9.
    If I can't get the chapters, I'll just go with the 16:9 display and not worry about it.
    Thanks for the help.

  • How Do I Use DVD Studio Pro Files In iDVD?

    I had somebody create a DVD for me using DVD Studio Pro. (This was a compilation of many different videos.) It turned out great.
    I now want to make a DVD of one of those videos on my own using iDVD '08.
    I have the raw video/audio files. But, my problem is the raw files that were used for the DVD Studio Pro project are separated into one video file and one audio file. I don't know how I can get them both into iDVD. I was told that I have to recombine these two files into one file. But, how do I do this and still maintain the best quality?
    (I am not a video expert by any means, but I can tell you that the video file is a ".mpeg" and the audio file is an ".ac3". When looking at the .mpeg file in the finder it lists its Kind as "MPEG Movie" and when looking at the .ac3 file in the finder it lists its Kind as "Unix Executable File".)
    (I'm using iDVD 7.0.1 - I do have Quicktime Pro - I do not have the Quicktime MPEG-2 Playback component - I do not have DVD Studio Pro)
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Q: How Do I Use DVD Studio Pro Files In iDVD?
    A: You don't, essentially.
    DVDSP is apple's top end app and it is intended to be used with FCP > Compressor > DVDSP. All of these are pro apps.
    i-Apps are consumer apps all of which are QT based. With that in mind ....
    now that doesn't mean you can't use FCP > iDvd. You can. But you have to do it in a way that iDvd will read all the files (meaning you must think in terms of QuickTime and export in this way). So when you export your QT File / Movie from FCP over to iDvd, it will look something like this hopefully regardless of the raw image & audio files you have already compiled which unfortunately will NOT work with i-Apps BUT will work with apple's pro apps which is the intended workflow / direction of said files in the first place.
    Btw ... if your QT movie has chapter markers then please use the following settings so iDvd can read these markers. (if on the other hand you were looking to export this file to DVDSP; then you would choose DVDSP Markers.
    Let me know if the above helps. If not, just come on back.

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