If else in a procedure

Hi, Everyone,
I am new to pl/sql and when i am writing a if else statment in a procedure i get errors. could anyone please help me how to write this one
create or replace PROCEDURE call_all_test
(     b_bmonth      IN     NUMBER,     
b_TENR     IN     VARCHAR2,
b_sample     IN     NUMBER,
b_tmonth1     IN     NUMBER,     
b_tmonth2     IN     NUMBER
dbms_output.put_line('BMONTH = ' ||B_BMONTH);
dbms_output.put_line('SAMPLE = ' ||B_SAMPLE);
dbms_output.put_line('BANNER_NAME = ' ||B_BANNER_NAME);
dbms_output.put_line('TMONTH1 = ' ||B_TMONTH1);
dbms_output.put_line('TMONTH2 = ' ||B_TMONTH2);
dbms_output.put_line('TENR = ' ||B_TENR);
PRO_CARDBASE_FULLBASE (b_bmonth,b_banner_name,b_sample);
pro_cardbase (b_bmonth,b_banner_name,b_sample);
pro_agg_sales_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name,b_tmonth1,b_tmonth2);
pro_bas_sales_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_card_sales_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_SKU_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name,b_tmonth1,b_tmonth2);
pro_freq_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_LAPSE_DAY_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_card_agg_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_LAST_VISIT_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_RC_TMP_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_RC_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_agg_sales_disc_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name,b_tmonth1,b_tmonth2);
pro_bas_sales_disc_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
pro_card_sales_DISC_BANNER (b_bmonth,b_banner_name);
end call_all_test;
Am i writing the if else statement in the correct way?
Thanks in advance

SQL> @a
SQL> declare
  2  flag number;
  3  begin
  4  dbms_output.enable(10000);
  5  flag := 0;
  6  if (flag = 0)
  7  then
  8  dbms_output.put_line('flag1 is true');
  9  else
10  dbms_output.put_line('flag1 is false');
11  end if;
12  flag := 1;
13  if (flag = 0)
14  then
15  dbms_output.put_line('flag2 is true');
16  else
17  dbms_output.put_line('flag2 is false');
18  end if;
19  end;
20  /
flag1 is true
flag2 is false
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    if @CustNo = '0142'          begin              insert #custnos (CustNo, ClientNo)              values ('0142', '1100')                      ,('0142', '1200')                      ,('0142', '1201')                      ,('0142', '1700')                      ,('0142', '1602')                      ,('0142', '1202')                      ,('0142', '1603')                      ,('0142', '2002')          endstore procUSE ODSSupport
    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
    drop procedure dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work
    IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work') IS NOT NULL
    PRINT '<<< FAILED DROPPING PROCEDURE dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work >>>'
    PRINT '<<< DROP PROCEDURE dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work >>>'
    CREATE PROC dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work
    @BatchNo varchar(7) = null,
    @CustNo char(4) = null,
    @NewBatchNo varchar(7) = null
    /* Object dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work 2006234 */
    -- SSR# : 2242
    -- Date : 12/23/2005
    -- Author : Roxy Newbill
    -- Description : Add new PASO BCAT 1602
    -- SSR# 1932 - 2/22/2006 SEN - Add logic to include only ArgusCustNo - 0142
    -- and change PharmacyClaim.ProcessDate to DateWritten
    -- SSR# : 2419
    -- Date : 08/22/2006
    -- Author : Betty Doran
    -- Description : PASO reports project
    -- Correct mapping of Dispense fee amt from 'AmtProfFee' to 'DispenseFee' -
    -- Mapping changed by Argus - did not inform PHP. Used in calcs for mClaimTotAmtCharge and
    -- mClaimAmtAllowed fields.
    -- SSR# : 2496
    -- Date : 06/27/2007
    -- Author : Roxy Newbil
    -- Description : PASO Reporting Project
    -- Add data load for new columns: Prescription No, Drug Name, NDC
    -- Date : 10/13/2009
    -- Author : Tj Meyer
    -- Description : Add BCAT 1201 for new PEBB business--
    -- SSR# : 132707
    -- Date : 12/17/2009
    -- Author : Terry Phillips
    -- Description : PASO Reporting Project
    -- Fix data length issues for Argus_SubGroupId,Argus_PlanCode,vchParticipantId,
    -- vchProviderId
    -- SSR# : 3253
    -- Date : 03/28/2011
    -- Author : Susan Naanes
    -- Description : PrescriptionNo increased in size from 7 to 12 characters
    -- SSR# : SPOCK project
    -- Date : 08/09/2012
    -- Author : Raymond Beckett
    -- Description : Modifed to bring in RxKey from PharmacyClaim instead of using identity value for iRecId
    -- Also, modified to load any new batches since last batch loaded into PASOArgusClaims
    -- if @BatchNo not supplied
    -- Various 'fixes'
    -- - removed grouping from initial query due to unique grouping caused by BatchNo, ClaimNumber, ClaimType
    -- SSR# : TFS 5264 - Premera Remediation -(3997)
    -- Date : 12/21/2012
    -- Author : Satish Pandey
    -- Description : Add BCATs 1202 and 1603 to the Where clause selecting pharmclm.ArgusClientNo as BCAT
    -- SSR# : TFS 10286
    -- Date : 1/15/2014
    -- Author : Raymond Beckett
    -- Description : Add HRI Customer Number and BCAT's. Also add Customer Number and alternate batchno to parameters
    -- Only use '@NewBatchNo' if adding data from missed custno and the batchno already exists in PASOArgusClaims
    -- ITSM Ticket : 1800925
    -- Date : 4/15/2014
    -- Author : Roxy Newbill
    -- Description : Silverton Hospital had new BCAT (2002) with start of 2014 business. This was never accomodated for
    -- Adding this BCAT in so that we can start capturing these claims (Note, special insert being done to capture
    -- all BCAT 2002 claims prior to this fix.)
    -- ITSM Ticket : TFS 14587 -Intel BCAT Remediation
    -- Date : 08/14/2014
    -- Author : Andrew Omofonma
    -- Description : Added BCAT's (1604,& 2103) for Intel
    DECLARE @iCount int
    create table #tmpArgusWork (
    iRecId int,
    BatchNo varchar (7) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    BatchDateTime datetime NULL ,
    BatchStatus varchar (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    ReadyDateTime datetime NULL ,
    Argus_GroupId varchar (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    Argus_SubGroupId varchar (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    Argus_ClassId varchar (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    Argus_PlanCode varchar (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    Argus_BusinessCategory varchar (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    FacetsClaimSubType varchar (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    PASOClaimType varchar (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    vchClaimNumber varchar (14) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    dtPaidDate datetime NULL ,
    dtProcessDate datetime NULL ,
    dtServiceDate datetime NULL ,
    vchParticipantId varchar (14) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    vchProviderId varchar (12) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    vchProviderName varchar (55) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    mClaimTotAmtCharge money NULL ,
    mClaimAmtDiscount money NULL ,
    mClaimAmtAllowed money NULL ,
    mClaimAmtDenied money NULL ,
    mClaimAmtDeduct money NULL ,
    mClaimAmtCoinsurance money NULL ,
    mClaimAmtCopay money NULL ,
    mClaimAmtPaid money NULL ,
    PASO_GroupId varchar (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    PASO_SubGroupId varchar (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    PASO_ClassID varchar (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    PASO_PlanCode varchar (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    PASO_BusinessCategory varchar (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    RecordStatus varchar (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    ErrorDesc varchar (128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    PrescriptionNo char(12) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    DrugName varchar(30)COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    NDC char(11) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL
    create table #batches (
    BatchNo char(7) not null
    primary key (BatchNo))
    create table #custnos (
    CustNo char(4),
    ClientNo char(5), -- bcats associated with the customer
    primary key (CustNo, ClientNo)
    @len_Argus_SubGroupId smallint,
    @len_Argus_PlanCode smallint,
    @len_vchParticipantId smallint,
    @len_vchProviderId smallint
    --Get field lengths for the following fields
    SELECT @len_Argus_SubGroupId = 4, --datalength([@tmpArgusWork].[Argus_SubGroupId]),
    @len_Argus_PlanCode = 8, --datalength(@tmpArgusWork.Argus_PlanCode),
    @len_vchParticipantId = 14, --datalength(@tmpArgusWork.vchParticipantId),
    @len_vchProviderId = 12 --datalength(@tmpArgusWork.vchProviderId)
    declare @maxbatch char(7)
    IF @BatchNo IS NULL
    -- assume normal run. Add ClientNo's and custno's to tables
    insert #custnos (CustNo, ClientNo)
    values ('0142', '1100')
    ,('0142', '1200')
    ,('0142', '1201')
    ,('0142', '1700')
    ,('0142', '1602')
    ,('0142', '1202')
    ,('0142', '1603')
    ,('0142', '2002')
    ,('0142', '1604')
    ,('0142', '2103')
    ,('0669', '*')
    -- get batches loaded since last batch loaded into PASOArgusClaims
    SELECT @maxbatch=Max(BatchNo)
    FROM ODSSupport.dbo.PASOArgusClaims
    declare @dt datetime
    declare @ds datetime
    select @dt = MIN(DateTimeStamp)
    from ODS.dbo.PharmacyClaim_Common
    where BatchNo <= @maxbatch
    and DateTimeStamp > DATEADD(dd,-16,getdate())
    insert #batches (BatchNo)
    select distinct BatchNo
    from ODS.dbo.PharmacyClaim_Common pcc
    inner join #custnos ct
    on ct.CustNo = pcc.ArgusCustNo
    and (
    ct.ClientNo = '*'
    ct.ClientNo = pcc.ArgusClientNo
    where DateTimeStamp > @dt
    ; -- batch may have had a claim altered since last load, drop any batches already loaded into PASOArgusClaims
    with pba as (
    select distinct BatchNo
    from ODSSupport.dbo.PASOArgusClaims
    delete ba
    from #batches ba
    inner join pba
    on pba.BatchNo = ba.BatchNo
    else if @NewBatchNo is not null and @CustNo is not null
    --make sure we haven't already done this batch number/customer combination
    set @maxbatch = @NewBatchNo
    SELECT @iCount=count(*)
    FROM PASOArgusClaims
    WHERE BatchNo=@maxbatch
    and Argus_BusinessCategory = @CustNo
    IF @iCount > 0
    PRINT 'Msg: Batch ' + @maxbatch + ' already exists for CustNo ' + @CustNo + '.'
    if @CustNo = '0142'
    insert #custnos (CustNo, ClientNo)
    values ('0142', '1100')
    ,('0142', '1200')
    ,('0142', '1201')
    ,('0142', '1700')
    ,('0142', '1602')
    ,('0142', '1202')
    ,('0142', '1603')
    ,('0142', '2002')
    ,('0142', '1604')
    ,('0142', '2103')
    if @CustNo = '0669'
    insert #custnos (CustNo, ClientNo)
    values ('0669', '*')
    insert #batches (BatchNo)
    values (@BatchNo)
    --make sure we haven't already done this batch number
    set @maxbatch = @BatchNo
    SELECT @iCount=count(*)
    FROM PASOArgusClaims
    WHERE BatchNo=@maxbatch
    IF @iCount > 0
    PRINT 'Msg: Batch ' + @maxbatch + ' already loaded.'
    insert #batches (BatchNo)
    values (@maxbatch)
    ** Insert Pharmacy Claims to temporary table
    INSERT INTO #tmpArgusWork
    isnull(@NewBatchNo, pharmClm.BatchNo),
    pharmclm.OrigDateTimeStamp as BatchDateTime,
    'PENDING' as BatchStatus,
    NULL as ReadyDateTime,
    substring(pharmClm.GrpNumber,1,8)as Argus_GroupID,
    left(pharmClm.ArgusSubgroup1,@len_Argus_SubGroupId) as Argus_SubgroupID,
    substring(pharmClm.GrpNumber,9,4) as Argus_ClassId,
    substring(pharmClm.GrpNumber,13,@len_Argus_PlanCode) as Argus_PlanCode,
    pharmClm.ArgusClientNo as Argus_BusinessCategory,
    '' as vchFacetsClaimSubtype,
    PASOClaimType = CASE WHEN pharmClm.ClaimType='A'
    pharmClm.DateCutoff as dtPaidDate,
    pharmClm.DateWritten as dtProcessDate,
    NULL as dtServiceDate,
    left(pharmClm.MemberId,@len_vchParticipantId) as vchParticipantId,
    left(pharmClm.PharmacyNo,@len_vchProviderId) as vchProviderId,
    vchProviderName = CASE WHEN pharmclm.PayMemberInd = 'Y'
    THEN 'Member Reimbursement'
    ELSE pharm.PharmName
    mClaimTotAmtCharge = CASE WHEN pharmclm.PayMemberInd = 'Y' -- When this is a member reimbursement use the amt paid
    THEN isnull(pharmClm.IngredientCostPaid,0) + isnull(pharmClm.DispenseFee,0) + isnull(APSFee,0) -- as amt charged.
    ELSE isnull(pharmClm.AmtBilled,0)
    case when pharmclm.PayMemberInd = 'Y'
    then isnull(pharmClm.AmtRejected,0) * -1
    else isnull(pharmClm.AmtBilled,0) - isnull(pharmClm.IngredientCostPaid,0) - isnull(pharmClm.DispenseFee,0) - isnull(APSFee,0) -isnull(pharmClm.AmtRejected,0)
    end as mClaimAmtDiscount,
    isnull(pharmClm.IngredientCostPaid,0) + isnull(pharmClm.DispenseFee,0) + isnull(APSFee,0) as mClaimAmtAllowed,
    isnull(pharmClm.AmtRejected,0) as mClaimAmtDenied,
    isnull(pharmClm.MemberPaidAmt,0) - isnull(pharmClm.MemberCopayAmt,0) as mClaimAmtDeduct,
    0 as mClaimAmtCoinsurance,
    isnull(pharmClm.MemberCopayAmt,0) as mClaimAmtCopay,
    isnull(pharmClm.AmtPaid,0) + isnull(APSFee,0) as mClaimAmtPaid,
    NULL as PASO_GroupID,
    NULL as PASO_SubgroupID,
    NULL as PASO_ClassID,
    NULL as PASO_PlanCode,
    NULL as PASO_BusinessCategory,
    'OK' as RecordStatus,
    NULL as ErrorDesc,
    PrescriptionNo = pharmClm.PrescriptionNo,
    DrugName = pharmClm.DrugName,
    NDC = pharmClm.NDC
    FROM ODS..PharmacyClaim as pharmClm
    LEFT JOIN ODS..pharmacy as pharm on
    pharmClm.PharmacyNo = pharm.PharmacyNo
    INNER join #batches ba
    on ba.BatchNo = pharmClm.BatchNo
    INNER join #custnos ct
    on ct.CustNo = pharmClm.ArgusCustNo
    and (
    ct.ClientNo = '*'
    ct.ClientNo = pharmClm.ArgusClientNo
    WHERE pharmClm.ClaimType in ('P','A') -- Processed or Adjusted
    --AND pharmClm.ProcessCode <> 'MC' --code doesn't exist
    --GROUP BY
    -- pharmClm.BatchNo,
    -- substring(pharmClm.GrpNumber,1,8),
    -- substring(pharmClm.GrpNumber,9,4) ,
    -- substring(pharmClm.GrpNumber,13,@len_Argus_PlanCode),
    -- pharmClm.ArgusSubgroup1,
    -- pharmClm.ClaimNo,
    -- pharmClm.ArgusClientNo,
    -- pharmClm.DateCutoff,
    -- pharmClm.DateWritten,
    -- pharmClm.MemberId,
    -- pharmClm.PayMemberInd,
    -- pharmClm.PharmacyNo,
    -- pharm.PharmName,
    -- pharmClm.OrigDateTimeStamp,
    -- pharmClm.ClaimType,
    -- pharmClm.PrescriptionNo,
    -- pharmClm.DrugName,
    -- pharmClm.NDC
    IF @@RowCount=0
    PRINT 'Msg: No records found.'
    --Update the Discount column for these Pharmacy Claims
    --UPDATE @tmpArgusWork
    --SET mClaimAmtDiscount=mClaimTotAmtCharge-mClaimAmtAllowed-mClaimAmtDenied
    ** Get the lowest service Date for each claim and update temp table
    UPDATE #tmpArgusWork
    SET dtServiceDate = (SELECT min(pharmclm.DateSvc)
    FROM ODS..pharmacyClaim AS pharmclm
    WHERE pharmclm.ClaimNo = tcpr.vchClaimNumber
    AND pharmclm.MemberID = tcpr.vchParticipantId)
    FROM #tmpArgusWork as tcpr
    ** Copy over the eligibility fields that Argus provided
    UPDATE #tmpArgusWork
    SET PASO_GroupId = Argus_GroupID,
    PASO_SubGroupId = Argus_SubGroupId,
    FROM #tmpArgusWork pw
    WHERE COALESCE(Argus_GroupID,'') <> ''
    OR COALESCE(Argus_SubGroupId,'') <> ''
    OR COALESCE(Argus_classid,'') <> ''
    OR COALESCE(Argus_PlanCode,'') <> ''
    OR COALESCE(Argus_BusinessCategory,'') <> ''
    ** If Argus did not provide all 5 eligibility fields, get them from faEnrollmentHistory
    ** based on the group, member, date of service
    UPDATE #tmpArgusWork
    SET PASO_GroupId = eh.GroupId,
    PASO_SubGroupId = eh.SubGroupId,
    FROM #tmpArgusWork pw
    INNER JOIN ODS..FAEnrollmentHistory eh
    ON eh.MemberID =pw.vchParticipantID
    AND eh.Groupid =pw.Argus_GroupID
    AND eh.eligind='Y'
    AND eh.ProcessCode<>'ID'
    AND pw.dtServiceDate BETWEEN eh.EligEffDate AND eh.EligTermDate
    WHERE COALESCE(Argus_GroupID,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(Argus_SubGroupId,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(Argus_classid,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(Argus_PlanCode,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(Argus_BusinessCategory,'') = ''
    ** If we have eligibility for all records, go ahead and set the ready date to today.
    FROM #tmpArgusWork
    WHERE COALESCE(PASO_GroupID,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(PASO_SubGroupID,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(PASO_ClassID,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(PASO_PlanCode,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(PASO_BusinessCategory,'') = '')
    UPDATE #tmpArgusWork
    SET ReadyDateTime=convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101),
    PRINT 'Msg: Exceptions found.'
    UPDATE #tmpArgusWork
    SET RecordStatus='ERR',
    ErrorDesc='No valid Eligible span for this Member/Group/Subgroup at time of Service'
    WHERE COALESCE(PASO_GroupID,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(PASO_SubGroupId,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(PASO_ClassID,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(PASO_PlanCode,'') = ''
    OR COALESCE(PASO_BusinessCategory,'') = ''
    ** Insert the records into the final table.
    SELECT * FROM #tmpArgusWork
    -- Verify that the stored procedure was created successfully.
    IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work') IS NOT NULL
    PRINT '<<< CREATED PROCEDURE dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work >>>'
    PRINT '<<< FAILED CREATING PROCEDURE dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work >>>'
    GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.pr_Load_PASOArgusClaims_Work to role_ODSLoad

    this part of the code below
    = '0142'
    insert #custnos(CustNo,
    values ('0142',
    store proc
    How do I covert it to a common table where the values can be selected from when needed.

  • MBP suddenly extremely slow, checks return fine - anything else?

    Hi there,
    The issue:  MBP had been working fine but all of a sudden it is frustratingly slow to the point it is near unusable.  This literally happened overnight - it was fine, then I woke up to use the laptop and these issues occured. 95% of requests (clicking on something) are followed by a few sections of nothing, then the spinning pinwheel for anywhere from 5-30 seconds, this also happens when scrolling or opening web pages or writing things in word or on the web.  I have just timed my boot up at 3.23mins and I have nothing that opens on boot up. 
    Spec:  I am using an MBP mid 2012 model, 2.5Ghz Intel Core i5 processor, 4GB 1600MHz DDR3 memory running OS X Lion 10.7.5.  The 500GB hard drive has 323.13GB free space and 2.69GB free memory.
    So far: I have removed any external additions, unplugged anything that was plugged in, disabled my firewall and turned off WI-FI - this didn't help.  I have checked the CPU usage and the computer is having issues even when running at 95% idle.  I just did the AHT which reported no issues and checked the HD in disk utility - it gave me both the brand, model, size of the HD which as far as I know means theres no hard drive issue (correct me if I am wrong).  I also just finished backing up all my files on time machine which took about 2 days.
    I know there have been similar threads which is where I got most of my troubleshooting noted above from.  I am aware that it would also seem logical to take the laptop to get checked out at the apple store, however I am an international student at college in quite a remote area - the nearest apple store is at least 90 minutes away and I am unable to drive cars in the US.  We do have a computer store on campus who have technicians however they charge regardless of if they can help - I am wondering if there is anything else I can do myself to fix the issues, or at least determine what might be causing them, before taking the laptop in to be seen as a last resort.
    Any help at all would be greatly appreicated.
    P.s, apologies for the length of this, I have tried to be as in-depth as possible to avoid any time wasted asking simple questions etc.

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostic  test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything suggested in this comment. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. It does nothing but produce human-readable data about the state of your computer. However, you need to be cautious about running any program at the behest of a stranger on a public message board. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    Here's a summary of what you need to do: Copy a line of text from this web page into the window of another application. Wait about a minute. Then paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. Details follow.
    You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken in “normal” mode. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only run the test in safe mode, proceed anyway.
    If you have more than one user, and the affected user is not an administrator, then please run the script twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The administrator is the user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time. If you can't log in as an administrator, just run the script as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking  anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in your browser, and you can then copy it.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign ($) or a percent sign (%). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    clear; shopt -s extglob; Fb='%s\n\t(%s)\n'; Fm='\n%s:\n\n%s\n'; Fs='\n%s: %s\n'; PB="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print"; Pm () { [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(sed 's/^/   /' <<< "$o") && printf "$Fm" "$1" "$o"; }; Pc () { o=$(egrep -v '^[[:blank:]]*($|#)' "$2"); Pm "$1"; }; Pp () { o=$($PB "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); Pm "$1"; }; Ps () { o="${o##+( )}"; [[ "$o" -ne 0 ]] && printf "$Fs" "$1" "$o"; }; a=$(id | grep -w '80(admin)'); r=1; [[ "$a" ]] && { sudo true; r=$?; }; { [[ "$a" ]] || echo $'No admin access\n'; [[ "$a" && "$r" -ne 0 ]] && echo $'No root access\n'; system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | sed '8!d;s/^ *//'; o=$(system_profiler SPDiagnosticsDataType | sed '5,6!d'); fgrep -q P <<< "$o" && o=; Pm "POST"; o=$(nvram boot-args | awk '{$1=""; print}'); Ps "boot-args"; o=$(df -m / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}'); [[ $o -lt 5120 ]] && Ps "Free space (MiB)"; o=$(($(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256)); o=$((o>=1024?o:0)); Ps "Pageouts (MiB)"; s=( $(sar -u 1 10 | sed '$!d') ); [[ ${s[4]} -lt 90 ]] && o=$(printf 'User %s%%\t\tSystem %s%%' ${s[1]} ${s[3]}) || o=; Pm "Total CPU usage" && o=$(ps acrx -o comm,ruid,%cpu | sed '2!d'); Pm "Max %CPU by process (name, UID, %)"; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); Pm "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); Pm "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); Pm "Inserted libraries"; for f in crontab fstab launchd.conf sysctl.conf; do Pc $f /etc/$f; done; Pc "hosts" <(sed '1,10d' /etc/hosts); Pc "User crontab" <(crontab -l); Pc "User launchd" ~/.launchd; o=$(find {,/u*/lo*}/e*/periodic -type f -mtime -10d); Pm "Modified periodic scripts"; Pp "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; Pp "User login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; Pp "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); Ps "Restricted user files"; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {/,}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB\ :CFBundleIdentifier "$d/Info.plist") || ID="No bundle ID"; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|\.hpio|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf "$Fb" "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); Pm "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); Pm "Unsigned shared libraries"; o=$(system_profiler SPFontsDataType | egrep "Valid: N|Duplicate: Y" | wc -l); Ps "Font problems"; for d in {/,}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}*; do o=$(ls -A "$d" | egrep -v '\.DS_Store|^com\.apple'); Pm "$d"; done; o=$(ls /L*/L*/Dia*/*.panic | wc -l); Ps "Panics"; o=$(ls /L*/L*/Dia*/*.c* | tail); Pm "System crash logs"; o=$(ls L*/L*/Dia* | tail); Pm "User crash logs"; [[ "$r" -eq 0 ]] && { o=$(sudo profiles -P); Pm "Profiles"; o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); Pm "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); Pm "Login hook"; Pc "Root crontab" <(sudo crontab -l);}; o=$(syslog -F bsd -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; $5=""; print}'); Pm "Kernel messages"; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; exit
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the script will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important, so don't worry about it.
    The script may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "[Process completed]" to appear in the Terminal window.
    You can then quit Terminal. The output of the script will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. All you have to do is paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V again. If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary. Please don't copy anything from the Terminal window.
    When you post the output, you might see in your browser the message, "You have included content in your post that is not permitted." That's because the forum software falsely identifies something in the post as a violation of the terms of use. If that happens, please post the output on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    Note: This is a public forum, and others may offer you advice based on the output of the script. They speak only for themselves and I don't necessarily agree with their views.
    Copyright © 2014 Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Terms of Use of Apple Support Communities ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

  • Actuate 7 PL/SQL Stored Procedure Call Before the Report Run.

    I need a small help to call a pl sql stored procedure in actuate 7.
    I wrote a code a on component content
    Function runProc(procName as String, connection As AcDBConnection )
    ' Insert your code here
    Dim statement As AcDBStatement
    Dim results as string
    ' Prepare statement
    Set statement = connection.Prepare("BEGIN " & procName & "; END;" )
    If statement Is Nothing Then
    results = "Failed to prepare statement."
    results = results & " " & connection.GetSpecificErrorText( )
    results = results & " " & connection.GetGeneralErrorText( )
    Exit sub
    End If
    ' Execute sprocoutparam
    If statement.Execute() = 0 Then
    results = "Stored procedure " & procName & "execution failed."
    results = results & " " & connection.GetSpecificErrorText( )
    results = results & " " & connection.GetGeneralErrorText( )
    results = "Stored procedure " & procName & " execution success."
    End if
    End FunctionNow this Code I am calling on the Chart Start Method
    Sub Start( )
        Super::Start( )
        ' Insert your code here
        Dim ProcName as String
        Dim connectionObject As AcDBConnection
        runProc(ProcName, connectionObject )
    End SubNow when i Run the Report i get this Error !
    NewReportApp::Frame::Chart%Start(9): Invalid procedure reference. - (runProc)
    1 Semantic Error(s) found

    Finally Figured Out Here....
    Steps to Call the Stored Procedure In Actuate 7
    1 – Right Click on Content – Frame and go to properties and method Tab.
         1 – Click on New Button to you create own custom method.
         2 – Write the following code :
    Sub runProc(procName as String, connection As AcDBConnection )
         Dim statement As AcDBStatement
         Dim results as string
         Set connection = GetConnection()
         'Prepare statement
         Set statement = connection.Prepare("BEGIN " & procName & "; END;" )
              If statement Is Nothing Then
                   results = "Failed to prepare statement."
                   results = results & " " & connection.GetSpecificErrorText( )
                   results = results & " " & connection.GetGeneralErrorText( )
                   MsgBox "Procedure Not Called....Badddddd"
                   Exit sub
              End If
         ' Execute sprocoutparam
              If statement.Execute() = 0 Then
                   results = "Stored procedure " & procName & "execution failed."
                   results = results & " " & connection.GetSpecificErrorText( )
                   results = results & " " & connection.GetGeneralErrorText( )
                   MsgBox "Procedure Not Called....Badddddd" & results
                   results = "Stored procedure " & procName & " execution success."
                   MsgBox "Procedure Called....Wowwww"
              End if
    End Sub2 – Now let call the stored procedure before our actual report query runs.
         1 - Right Click on Content – Frame and go to properties and method Tab.
         2 - Select the Start Method and Click on Override button.     
         3 - Write the following code:
    Sub Start( )
         Dim ProcName as String
         Dim connectionObject As AcDBConnection
         Set connectionObject = GetConnection()
         ProcName="XXTEST ()"
         runProc( ProcName, connectionObject )
        Super::Start ( )
    End Sub3 – Now design your report as usual using the Textual Query window.

  • Possible to use stored procedure to fill excel template?

    I want to fill a defined named range in an Excel file with a matrix of values from a stored procedure in Oracle. Is this possible?
    Today from our ASP.NET client we ask an oracle database for resultset and then rearrange and work with the resultset and print the final resultset to defined named ranges in an Excel file with the OLEDB provider. We repeatingly execute a SQL statement like "INSERT INTO [DATA_RANGE1] VALUES ('var1','var2','var3');" and for each sql statement a new row is inserted in excel file in the defined named range "DATA_RANGE1". This works fine, but is VERY time consuming!
    It would be nice writing all insert statements in one call to the excel file instead of repeatingly call the excel file.
    If I try to use sql statements separated with ";", like "INSERT INTO [DATA_RANGE1] VALUES ('var1','var2','var3'); INSERT INTO [DATA_RANGE1] VALUES ('var1','var2','var3');" in one query from the ASP.NET client I get System.Data.Oledb.OledbException "Characters found after end of SQL statement".
    Today the connectionstring look like
    _connectionExcel = NewSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection ("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source="+ "'" & strFullPathAndName & "';Extended Properties=Excel 12.0 Macro;")
    for Excel 2010 files and
    _connectionExcel = NewSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="+ "'" & strFullPathAndName & "';Extended Properties=Excel 8.0 Macro;")
    for Excel 2003 files.
    Is there another method to solve this?
    I asked about this in an Excel forum and they advised me to use a stored procedure, but I am not sure about how to do this, and if it is possible?
    BR, Siri

    Is it possible to provide a very simple example how to implement such a lock?
    Funny you should ask. I wanted to check out Tubby's suggestion also so did a very simple (i.e. non-useable) example.
    -- function to get a handle - this could be in a package - the AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION is only needed if you care about the COMMIT that gets done.
    create or replace function get_lock_handle (p_name IN varchar2)
      return VARCHAR2 is
      v_handle VARCHAR2(2000);
        RETURN v_handle;
    -- actual procedure you want to serialize
    create or replace procedure test_lock is
      v_handle VARCHAR2(2000);
      v_lock_result INTEGER;
       v_i INTEGER;
      v_handle := get_lock_handle('test_lock'); -- here you could pass the name of the procedure as the name of the lock
      v_lock_result := dbms_lock.request(v_handle, timeout => 2); -- only wait 2 seconds to get the lock
      if (v_lock_result = 0) then
         v_i := 1;
            if (v_i = 10) then
            end if;
            v_i := v_i + 1;    
        dbms_output.put_line ('procedure is executing'); 
          end loop;
        dbms_output.put_line('procedure is locked');
        end if;
        v_lock_result := DBMS_LOCK.RELEASE(v_handle);
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
               v_lock_result := DBMS_LOCK.RELEASE(v_handle);
    end;Now call EXEC TEST_LOCK from two different sessions.
    The second session will time out after 2 seconds. Keep running it and once the first session releases the lock the second will execute.
    Thanks for the question - and thanks Tubby for suggesting DBMS_LOCK - I hadn't used it for this purpose before.

  • How do I stop Finder from crashing when I try to view my external drive?

    I've read through a few similar posts, but the solutions don't seem to fit my problem. I was moving some files around on an external drive that I've been using for a year with no problems. While moving one file to another folder (within the drive, not between my computer and the drive), it froze up. After waiting for 20 minutes or so, I pulled the drive out and restarted the computer.
    Now when I plug the drive back in, it shows up as usual, but when I click on it, Finder crashes immediately. I ran disk utility repair, and it says "The volume appears to be ok" in green, but it still crashes finder when I try to open it. Based on the advice of another post, I ran Console, and copied what I thought to be the relevant portion of the transcript, though I don't know what any of it means ("Uzak" is the name of the drive):
    12/27/13 7:02:27.778 PM fseventsd: disk logger: failed to open output file /Volumes/Uzak/.fseventsd/000000000003357c (No such file or directory). mount point /Volumes/Uzak/.fseventsd
    12/27/13 7:02:27.779 PM fseventsd: disk logger: failed to open output file /Volumes/Uzak/.fseventsd/000000000003357c (No such file or directory). mount point /Volumes/Uzak/.fseventsd
    12/27/13 7:02:27.826 PM mds: (Error) LSOF: File '/Volumes/Uzak' (fd=11) left open on device 234881033
    12/27/13 7:02:31.598 PM WDSecurityHelper: DriveDisappeared Called with a string of disk1
    12/27/13 7:04:05.000 PM kernel: USBF:          881.622          [0xffffff800a66fc00] The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating a USB device that has been plugged in.  It will keep retrying.  (Port 1 of Hub at 0xfd100000)
    12/27/13 7:04:05.000 PM kernel: USBF:          881.622          [0xffffff800a66fc00] The IOUSBFamily was not able to enumerate a device.
    12/27/13 7:04:07.000 PM kernel: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 575844314537324E4E453037 0x1058 0x7a8 0x1033
    12/27/13 7:04:08.683 PM WDSecurityHelper: UnrecognizedDiskPeek Called with a string of disk1
    12/27/13 7:04:08.737 PM WDSecurityHelper: UnrecognizedDiskPeek Called with a string of disk1s0
    12/27/13 7:04:08.000 PM kernel: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
    12/27/13 7:04:08.000 PM kernel: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
    12/27/13 7:04:08.000 PM kernel: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
    12/27/13 7:04:08.000 PM kernel: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
    12/27/13 7:04:08.000 PM kernel: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
    12/27/13 7:04:08.958 PM WDSecurityHelper: UnrecognizedDiskPeek Called with a string of disk1s0s1
    12/27/13 7:04:08.960 PM WDSecurityHelper: mountApproval Called for device disk1s0s2
    12/27/13 7:04:08.961 PM WDSecurityHelper: Approved mount devices = (
    12/27/13 7:04:08.962 PM WDSecurityHelper: The mounting of WD Unlocker on disk1s0s2 was not approved.
    12/27/13 7:04:08.969 PM WDSecurityHelper: processDiskApperance for device disk1s0s2
    12/27/13 7:04:08.999 PM WDSecurityHelper: encryptionStatus = 1
    12/27/13 7:04:09.118 PM [0x0-0x16016].com.westerndigital.WDSecurityHelper: WDDevice::PerformDriveConfiguration
    12/27/13 7:04:09.629 PM WDSecurityHelper: UnrecognizedDiskPeek Called with a string of disk2
    12/27/13 7:04:09.712 PM WDSecurityHelper: mountApproval Called for device disk2s1
    12/27/13 7:04:09.713 PM WDSecurityHelper: Approving mount of Uzak on disk2s1
    12/27/13 7:04:09.836 PM WDSecurityHelper: processDiskApperance for device disk2s1
    12/27/13 7:04:09.837 PM WDSecurityHelper: disk2s1 is not supported...
    12/27/13 7:04:09.881 PM fseventsd: could not open <</Volumes/Uzak/.fseventsd/fseventsd-uuid>> (No such file or directory)
    12/27/13 7:04:09.882 PM fseventsd: log dir: /Volumes/Uzak/.fseventsd getting new uuid: E6CE571A-E193-4549-94FC-0A76ACCEA37F
    Sorry to dump all these lines of code, but if anyone can decipher them for me I'd be extremely grateful...

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostic  test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything suggested in this comment. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as some other aspects of the configuration that may be related to the problem.
    Don’t be alarmed by the seeming complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out. Here's a brief summary: In each of two steps, you copy a line of text from this web page into a window in another application. You wait about a minute. Then you paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is copy; paste; paste again. That's all there is to it. Details follow.
    You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken while booted in “normal” mode. If the system is now running in safe mode and is bootable in normal mode, reboot as usual. If it only boots in safe mode, use that.
    Below are instructions to enter UNIX shell commands. They do nothing but produce human-readable output. However, you need to think carefully before running any program at the behest of a stranger on a public message board. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    The commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
    If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. Step 1 should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PB=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; PC () { o=$(grep [^[:blank:]] "$2"); PR "$1"; }; PF () { o=$($PB -c Print "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); PR "$1"; }; PN () { [[ $o -eq 0 ]] || printf "\n%s: %s\n" "$1" $o; }; { system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | sed '8!d;s/^ *//'; o=$(system_profiler SPDiagnosticsDataType | sed '5,6!d'); fgrep -q P <<< "$o" && o=; PR "POST"; o=$(( $(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256 )); [[ $o -gt 1024 ]] && printf "\nPageouts: %s MiB\n" $o; s=( $(sar -u 1 10 | sed '$!d') ); [[ ${s[4]} -lt 90 ]] && o=$( printf 'User %s%%\t\tSystem %s%%' ${s[1]} ${s[3]} ) || o=; PR "Total CPU usage"; [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(ps acrx -o comm=Process,ruid=User,%cpu | sed 's/  */:/g' | head -6 | awk -F: '{ printf "%-10s\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3 }'); PR "CPU usage by process"; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); PR "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); PR "Inserted libraries"; PC "cron configuration" /e*/cron*; o=$(crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "User cron tasks"; PC "Global launchd configuration" /e*/lau*; PC "Per-user launchd configuration" ~/.lau*; PF "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; PF "Per-user login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; PF "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); PN "Restricted user files"; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist") || ID=; ID=${ID:-No bundle ID}; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf '%s\n\t(%s)\n' "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); PR "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); PR "Unsigned shared libraries"; o=$(system_profiler SPFontsDataType | egrep "Valid: N|Duplicate: Y" | wc -l); PN "Font problems"; for d in {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}*; do o=$(ls -A "$d"); PR "$d"; done; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 1 done'
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    The command may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "Step 1 done" to appear below what you entered. The output of the command will beautomatically copied to the Clipboard. All you have to do is paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-Vagain. Please don't copy anything from the Terminal window. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Remember that you must be logged in as an administrator for this step. Do as in Step 1 with this line:
    PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; { o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); PR "Login hook"; o=$(sudo crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "Root cron tasks"; o=$(syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'); PR "Log check"; } 2>&- | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 2 done'
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    You can then quit Terminal. Please note:
    ☞ Steps 1 and 2 are all copy-and-paste — type only your login password when prompted.
    ☞ When you type your password, you won't see what you're typing.
    ☞ If you don’t have a password, set one before taking Step 2. If that’s not possible, skip the step.
    ☞ Step 2 might not produce any output, in which case the Clipboard will be empty. Step 1 will always produce something.
    ☞ The commands don't change anything, and merely running them will do neither good nor harm.
    ☞ Remember to post the output. It's already in the Clipboard. You don't have to copy it. Just paste into a reply    
    ☞ If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output of either command, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    ☞ Don't post the contents of the Terminal window.
    ☞ Don't paste the output of Step 1 into the Terminal window. Paste it into a reply.

  • Script won't quit; AppleEvent timeouts and Errors! Any advice?

    Hi Forum,
    Applescript is driving me crazy... I'm using quite a bunch of scripts on a highly automated server which are supposed to shuffle files and folders, process images, create and export XML files, etc.
    All scripts are tested multiple times and run without a problem, however, when I put them in a Cron to execute during nighttime, I get mysterious messages in the morning like:
    "AppleEvent timed out" or
    Of course, all folloving scripts and events are then stucked and even the weekly reboot will not be executed! And I can't understand why; when I launch the apps (the scripts are saved as executable applications) manually, they never fail!
    Anyone any idea? How could I trap this problem? Many thanks in advance!
    Kind regards,

    In fact, the same scripts do not always run into problems; one day it works, the next not. So enabling logging would be helpful in any case... but how can I do this?
    Concerning the user, I already tried running the script with the only user account as well as root; the problems are basically the same. The system goes never to sleep and only a screensaver is activated. Also the scripts do not rely on any dynamic path, only fixed AS pathes are used, however they mostly point to server volumes!
    I can post a (simplified) script as an example. This script is in real too big to post here but this should give you an idea. It basically looks for TIFFs in an INPUT folder and generates downsampled JPEGs in an OUTPUT folder if they do not exist yet. All this is logged in a file and finally a message with the results is being mailed:
    tell application "Finder"
    set the_date to (current date) as string
    if exists disk "SERVER_VOLUME" then
    set theInputFolder to folder "INPUT" of disk "SERVER_VOLUME"
    set theInFiles to every file of theInputFolder
    set theOutputFolder to folder "OUTPUT" of disk "SERVER_VOLUME"
    set theOutFiles to every file of theOutputFolder
    set theLoggingPath to a reference to "SERVER_VOLUME:" as string
    set log_path to theLoggingPath & "tiff.log"
    set logfilecontent to (open for access file log_path with write permission)
    write the_date & return to logfilecontent starting at eof
    on error
    close access logfilecontent
    end try
    close access logfilecontent
    repeat with x from 1 to length of theInFiles
    set theInFile to file ((item x of theInFiles) as string)
    set extension hidden of theInFile to false
    update theInFile
    end repeat
    repeat with y from 1 to length of theOutFiles
    set theOutFile to file ((item y of theOutFiles) as string)
    set extension hidden of theOutFile to false
    set label index of theOutFile to 4
    update theOutFile
    end repeat
    set theExisting to every file of theOutputFolder whose name extension = "jpg"
    count (every file of theOutputFolder whose name extension = "jpg")
    set ExistingCount to result
    repeat with z from 1 to length of theExisting
    set theImage to file ((item z of theExisting) as string)
    set the file_name to the name of theImage
    set logfilecontent to (open for access file log_path with write permission)
    write "[EXST] " & file_name & return to logfilecontent starting at eof
    on error
    close access logfilecontent
    end try
    close access logfilecontent
    end repeat
    set theTiffs to every file of theInputFolder whose name extension = "tif"
    count (every file of theInputFolder whose name extension = "tif")
    set TiffCount to result
    tell application "Image Events"
    repeat with a from 1 to length of theTiffs
    -- the image processing is done and logged
    end repeat
    end tell
    tell application "Mail"
    -- a mail is sent
    end tell
    -- a restart procedure is initiated
    end if
    end tell
    In the morning I mostly have the JPEGs, the Log and the Mail, yet the script failed to quit with an error message and all further scripts are blocked!
    Thanks again!

  • HT6065 After upgrading to Mavericks , I now find my Mac mini runs very slowly.

    Now that I've upgraded to Mavericks why does my Mac mini feel like a PC?
    Speed was never an issue I have  stock standard 2011 model....
    Processor  2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory  16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB
    500Gb Hdd SATA (175Gb free)
    1x USB3 external hub w/- 4 Seagate external self powered hard drives
    (3x 2Tb/ 1x 1Tb)
    I regularly remove files that I no longer require, I use Clean my Mac and remove the garbage regularly too.
    I have checked for any open programs with activity monitor and the results are.....there hasn't been any.
    As mentioned before upgrading I was using OSX Mountain Lion with no problems at all.
    My son said" Don't upgrade until all the bugs are ironed out"
    Well.....Younger generation knows best
    and of course I use Time machine for back ups.
    So I am very tempted to downgrade after the new year...
    Any speed resolutions would be handy
    Thanks in advance

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostictest. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary in case your startup drive is failing.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as some other aspects of the configuration that may be related to the problem. Don’t be alarmed by the seeming complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out. 
    If possible, these steps should be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing. If you can only boot in safe mode, you can still use this procedure, but not all of it will work. Be sure to mention that in your reply, if you haven't already done so.
    Below are instructions to enter UNIX shell commands. The commands are safe and do nothing but produce human-readable output, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. I am not asking you to trust me. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    The commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
    Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. Step 1 should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PB=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; PF () { o=$($PB -c Print "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); PR "$1"; }; { o=$(( $(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{print $2}' | tr -d .)/256 )); [[ $o -gt 1024 ]] && printf "\nPageouts: %s MiB\n" $o; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); PR "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); PR "Inserted libraries"; o=$(crontab -l); PR "User cron tasks"; o=$(cat /e*/lau*); PR "Global launchd configuration"; o=$(cat ~/.lau*); PR "Per-user launchd configuration"; PF "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; PF "Per-user login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; PF "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); [[ $o -eq 0 ]] || printf "\nRestricted user files: %s\n" $o; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist"); ID=${ID:-No bundle ID}; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf '%s  (%s)\n' "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); PR "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); PR "Unsigned shared libraries"; for d in {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}* L*/Fonts; do o=$(ls -A "$d"); PR "$d"; done; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 1 done'
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    The command may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "Step 1 done" to appear below what you entered. The output of the command will be automatically copied to the Clipboard. If the command produced no output, the Clipboard will be empty. Paste into a reply to this message. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Remember that you must be logged in as an administrator for this step. Do as in Step 1 with this line:
    PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; { o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); PR "Login hook"; o=$(sudo crontab -l); PR "Root cron tasks"; o=$(syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'); PR "Log check"; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 2 done'
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    You can then quit Terminal.
    To prevent confusion, I'll repeat: When you type your password in the Terminal window, you won't see what you're typing.
    Note: If you don’t have a login password, set one before taking Step 2. If that’s not possible, skip the step.
    Important: If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output of these commands, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    Remember, Steps 1 and 2 are all copy-and-paste — type only your password. Also remember to post the output.

  • Macbook Pro getting slower and slower, freezing all the time

    My early 2011 Macbook Pro is gettin slower and slower, and I'm pretty sure Mavericks only worsened the condition. This is my report, can someone help me on why this is happening?
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011)
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,1
              1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2 cores
              4 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 384 MB
    Audio Plug-ins:
              BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
              AirPlay: Version: 1.9 - SDK 10.9
              AppleAVBAudio: Version: 2.0.0 - SDK 10.9
              iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    Startup Items:
              FanControlDaemon: Path: /Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon
    System Software:
              OS X 10.9.1 (13B42) - Uptime: 1 day 1:28:0
    Disk Information:
              TOSHIBA MK5059GSXP disk0 : (500,11 GB)
                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209,7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 499,25 GB (54,63 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898 
    USB Information:
              JMicron USB to ATA/ATAPI bridge 500,11 GB
                        EFI (disk2s1) <not mounted>: 209,7 MB
                        Filmes (disk2s2) /Volumes/Filmes: 499,76 GB (330,53 GB free)
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Inc. iPhone
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    FireWire Information:
    Thunderbolt Information:
              Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Kernel Extensions:
              de.novamedia.driver.NMSmartplugSCSIDevice          (1.0.1)
              com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower          (1.5.1)
              com.bresink.driver.BRESINKx86Monitoring          (8.0)
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
              [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
              [loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist
              [loaded] com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist
    Launch Agents:
              [failed] com.brother.LOGINserver.plist
              [loaded] com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist
              [loaded] de.novamedia.VodafoneDeviceObserver.plist
    User Launch Agents:
              [failed] com.akamai.single-user-client.plist
              [loaded] com.facebook.videochat.[redacted].plist
              [failed] com.google.GoogleContactSyncAgent.plist
              [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac.helperTool.plist
              [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac.trashSizeWatcher.plist
              [loaded] com.spotify.webhelper.plist
              [loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
    User Login Items:
              HyperDock Helper
              Assistente de gestor de conteúdo
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Akamai NetSession Preferences
              Fan Control
              Flash Player
              Flip4Mac WMV
    Internet Plug-ins::
              DirectorShockwave: Version: 11.5.9r620
              o1dbrowserplugin: Version:
              Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 3.4.2f3 - SDK 10.5
              Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
              Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: Version:
              RealPlayer Plugin: Version: Unknown
              Silverlight: Version: 5.1.20913.0 - SDK 10.6
              FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: 11.9.900.170 - SDK 10.6
              Flash Player: Version: 11.9.900.170 - SDK 10.6
              QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
              googletalkbrowserplugin: Version:
              npgtpo3dautoplugin: Version: - SDK 10.5
              iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.8
              SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.6
              JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 7 Update 45
    Bad Fonts:
    Old applications:
              Content Manager Assistant:          Version: 1.10.4086.78 - SDK 10.5
              Content Manager Assistant:          Version: 1.10.4086.78 - SDK 10.5
              FacebookVideoCalling:          Version: - SDK 10.5
                        /Users/duarte_cunharosa/Library/Application Support/Facebook/video/
              Microsoft Alerts Daemon:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Alerts Daemon.app
              Microsoft AutoUpdate:          Version: 2.3.6 - SDK 10.4
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app
              Microsoft Chart Converter:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Chart Converter.app
              Microsoft Clip Gallery:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Clip Gallery.app
              Microsoft Database Daemon:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Database Daemon.app
              Microsoft Database Utility:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Database Utility.app
              Microsoft Document Connection:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Document Connection.app
              Microsoft Error Reporting:          Version: 2.2.9 - SDK 10.4
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MERP2.0/Microsoft Error Reporting.app
              Microsoft Excel:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Excel.app
              Microsoft Graph:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Graph.app
              Microsoft Language Register:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Additional Tools/Microsoft Language Register/Microsoft Language Register.app
              Microsoft Office Reminders:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Office Reminders.app
              Microsoft Outlook:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Outlook.app
              Microsoft PowerPoint:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft PowerPoint.app
              Microsoft Ship Asserts:          Version: 1.1.4 - SDK 10.4
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MERP2.0/Microsoft Ship Asserts.app
              Microsoft Upload Center:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Upload Center.app
              Microsoft Word:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word.app
              Miro Video Converter:          Version: 2.6 - SDK 10.0
                        /Applications/Miro Video Converter.app
              My Day:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/My Day.app
              Open XML for Excel:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Open XML for Excel.app
              Plants vs:          Version: 1.0.40 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Plants vs. Zombies.app
              RipIt:          Version: 1.6.2 - SDK 10.5
              SLLauncher:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Silverlight/OutOfBrowser/SLLauncher.app
              Solver:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Add-Ins/Solver.app
              SyncServicesAgent:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/SyncServicesAgent.app
              UPlayBrowser:          Version: - SDK 10.5
                        /Library/Application Support/Ubisoft/Assassin's Creed Brotherhood/UPlayBrowser.app
    Time Machine:
              Mobile backups: ON
              Auto backup: YES
              Volumes being backed up:
                        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 464.96 GB Disk used: 414.09 GB
                        Time Machine [Local] (Last used)
                        Total size: 698.32 GB
                        Total number of backups: 3
                        Oldest backup: 2013-12-20 18:10:54 +0000
                        Last backup: 2013-12-22 19:52:17 +0000
                        Size of backup disk: Too small
                                  Backup size 698.32 GB < (Disk used 414.09 GB X 3)
              Time Machine details may not be accurate.
              All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
    Top Processes by CPU:
                   9%          Transmission
                   4%          Dropbox
                   2%          WindowServer
                   2%          Dock
                   1%          Google Chrome
    Top Processes by Memory:
              123 MB          Google Chrome
              119 MB          iTunes
              102 MB          Dropbox
              87 MB          Google Chrome Helper
              66 MB          Finder
    Virtual Memory Statistics:
              148 MB          Free RAM
              995 MB          Active RAM
              859 MB          Inactive RAM
              1.03 GB          Wired RAM
              7.80 GB          Page-ins
              4.84 GB          Page-outs

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostic  test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything suggested in this comment. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as some other aspects of the configuration that may be related to the problem.
    Don’t be alarmed by the seeming complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out. Here's a brief summary: In each of two steps, you copy a line of text from this web page into a window in another application. You wait about a minute. Then you paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is copy; paste; paste again. That's all there is to it. Details follow.
    You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken while booted in “normal” mode. If the system is now running in safe mode and is bootable in normal mode, reboot as usual. If it only boots in safe mode, use that.
    Below are instructions to enter UNIX shell commands. They do nothing but produce human-readable output. However, you need to think carefully before running any program at the behest of a stranger on a public message board. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    The commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
    If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. Step 1 should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PB=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; PC () { o=$(grep [^[:blank:]] "$2"); PR "$1"; }; PF () { o=$($PB -c Print "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); PR "$1"; }; PN () { [[ $o -eq 0 ]] || printf "\n%s: %s\n" "$1" $o; }; { system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | sed '8!d;s/^ *//'; o=$(system_profiler SPDiagnosticsDataType | sed '5,6!d'); fgrep -q P <<< "$o" && o=; PR "POST"; o=$(( $(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256 )); [[ $o -gt 1024 ]] && printf "\nPageouts: %s MiB\n" $o; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); PR "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); PR "Inserted libraries"; PC "cron configuration" /e*/cron*; o=$(crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "User cron tasks"; PC "Global launchd configuration" /e*/lau*; PC "Per-user launchd configuration" ~/.lau*; PF "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; PF "Per-user login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; PF "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); PN "Restricted user files"; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist") || ID=; ID=${ID:-No bundle ID}; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf '%s\n\t(%s)\n' "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); PR "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); PR "Unsigned shared libraries"; o=$(system_profiler SPFontsDataType | egrep "Valid: N|Duplicate: Y" | wc -l); PN "Font problems"; for d in {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}*; do o=$(ls -A "$d"); PR "$d"; done; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 1 done'
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    The command may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "Step 1 done" to appear below what you entered. The output of the command will beautomatically copied to the Clipboard. All you have to do is paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-Vagain. Please don't copy anything from the Terminal window. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Remember that you must be logged in as an administrator for this step. Do as in Step 1 with this line:
    PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; { o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); PR "Login hook"; o=$(sudo crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "Root cron tasks"; o=$(syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'); PR "Log check"; } 2>&- | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 2 done'
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    You can then quit Terminal. Please note:
    ☞ Steps 1 and 2 are all copy-and-paste — type only your login password when prompted.
    ☞ When you type your password, you won't see what you're typing.
    ☞ If you don’t have a password, set one before taking Step 2. If that’s not possible, skip the step.
    ☞ Step 2 might not produce any output, in which case the Clipboard will be empty. Step 1 will always produce something.
    ☞ The commands don't change anything, and merely running them will do neither good nor harm.
    ☞ Remember to post the output. It's already in the Clipboard. You don't have to copy it. Just paste into a reply    
    ☞ If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output of either command, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    ☞ Don't post the contents of the Terminal window.
    ☞ Don't paste the output of Step 1 into the Terminal window. Paste it into a reply.

  • After upgrading to Safari 6.1.1: Nothing works!

    Opening new tabs (or windows) results in no new tab, empty address field, and empty content. Not possible to use History to go back either. Safari becomes non-responsive. Same thing when going into Preferences. I get the menu and I can navigate in it, but when I try to close the Preferences window - it freezes.
    I am on a MacBook Pro (couple of years old) and OSX 10.8.5. I don't have any extensions that I know of. Installed a Safari Update. Before the update, everything was just fine and dandy - now I am two steps away from switching to Firefox...
    Would be truly grateful for some clever thinking on this!

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostic  test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything suggested in this comment.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as some other aspects of the configuration that may be related to the problem.
    Don’t be alarmed by the seeming complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out. Here's a brief summary: In each of two steps, you copy a line of text from this web page into a window in another application. You wait about a minute. Then you paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is copy; paste; paste again. That's all there is to it. Details follow.
    While investigating the problem, you may have started the computer in "safe" mode. If possible, these steps should be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing. If you can only boot in safe mode, you can still use this procedure, but not all of it will work. Be sure to mention that in your reply, if you haven't already done so.
    Below are instructions to enter UNIX shell commands. The commands are safe and do nothing but produce human-readable output, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. I am not asking you to trust me. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    The commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
    Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. Step 1 should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PB=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; PF () { o=$($PB -c Print "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); PR "$1"; }; { o=$(( $(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256 )); [[ $o -gt 1024 ]] && printf "\nPageouts: %s MiB\n" $o; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); PR "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); PR "Inserted libraries"; o=$(crontab -l); PR "User cron tasks"; o=$(cat /e*/lau*); PR "Global launchd configuration"; o=$(cat ~/.lau*); PR "Per-user launchd configuration"; PF "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; PF "Per-user login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; PF "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); [[ $o -eq 0 ]] || printf "\nRestricted user files: %s\n" $o; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist"); ID=${ID:-No bundle ID}; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf '%s\n\t(%s)\n' "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); PR "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); PR "Unsigned shared libraries"; for d in {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}* L*/Fonts; do o=$(ls -A "$d"); PR "$d"; done; } 2>&- | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 1 done'
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    The command may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "Step 1 done" to appear below what you entered. The output of the command will be automatically copied to the Clipboard. If the command produced no output, the Clipboard will be empty. Paste into a reply to this message. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Remember that you must be logged in as an administrator for this step. Do as in Step 1 with this line:
    PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; { o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); PR "Login hook"; o=$(sudo crontab -l); PR "Root cron tasks"; o=$(syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'); PR "Log check"; } 2>&- | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 2 done'
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    You can then quit Terminal.
    To prevent confusion, I'll repeat: When you type your password in the Terminal window, you won't see what you're typing.
    Note: If you don’t have a login password, set one before taking Step 2. If that’s not possible, skip the step.
    Important: If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output of these commands, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    Remember, Steps 1 and 2 are all copy-and-paste — type only your password. Also remember to post the output.

  • Are Power PC based Macs open to infection by Flashback?  And if so how do I find out if it's on my G4?

    Are Power PC Macs open to infection by Flashback?  And If so, how do I check to see whether my G4 has been a victim?  All the scanners that I've seen are for Intel based Macs only.

    I would run Terminal, then COPY the command shown in Step 2 (from the web site link).  PASTE it in Terminal (to ensure you don't mistype something) and hit Return.  If you do NOT get "... does not exist" message, don't do the anything else in the procedure. 
    If you DO get the "... does not exist" message, then COPY the command shown in Step 8.  PASTE it in Terminal and hit Return.  If you do NOT get "... does not exist" message, don't do the anything else in the procedure. 
    If you DO get the "... does not exist" message, then your Mac is clean.
    The commands in Steps 2 and 8 can do no harm, because nothing is being changed.  Some of the other commands for "removal" in the procedure do make changes.  So if Steps 2 and 8 indicate your Mac is clean, that's good and you're done.
    If they indicate otherwise, there may be a problem.  You can ask additional questions here about what to do.
    FYI - I just ran the procedure on my Power Mac G5 running Leopard, and I got the expected "... does not exist" messages after entering the commands in Steps 2 and 8.

  • VERY SLOW Mac Book Pro after Mavericks update...

    I have recently updated my MacBook Pro to Mavericks and everything is slow. I use IMovie and my computer freezes. What should I do?

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostic  test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary on principle, not because of anything suggested in this comment. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help to identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as some other aspects of the state of the system that may be pertinent.
    Don’t be alarmed by the seeming complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out. Here's a brief summary: You copy a line of text from this web page into a window in another application. You wait about a minute. Then you paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is: copy, paste, paste again. That's all there is to it. Details follow.
    You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken while booted in “normal” mode. If the system is now running in safe mode and is bootable in normal mode, reboot as usual. If it only boots in safe mode, proceed anyway.
    Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script. It does nothing but produce human-readable output. However, you need to be cautious about running any program at the behest of a stranger on a public message board. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    The script will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but it's really a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
    If you have more than one user, and the affected user is not an administrator, then please run the script twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The administrator is the user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time. If you can't log in as an administrator, just run the script as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign ($) or a percent sign (%). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    clear; PB=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(sed 's/^/   /' <<< "$o") && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; PC () { o=$(egrep -v '^[[:blank:]]*($|#)' "$2"); PR "$1"; }; PF () { o=$($PB -c Print "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); PR "$1"; }; PN () { [[ $o -eq 0 ]] || printf "\n%s: %s\n" "$1" $o; }; a=$(id | grep -w '80(admin)'); [[ "$a" ]] && sudo true && r=1 || r=; { [[ "$a" ]] || echo $'No admin access\n'; [[ "$a" && ! "$r" ]] && echo $'No root access\n'; system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | sed '8!d;s/^ *//'; o=$(system_profiler SPDiagnosticsDataType | sed '5,6!d'); fgrep -q P <<< "$o" && o=; PR "POST"; o=$(($(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256)); o=$((o>=1024?o:0));  PN "Pageouts (MiB)"; s=( $(sar -u 1 10 | sed '$!d') ); [[ ${s[4]} -lt 90 ]] && o=$( printf 'User %s%%\t\tSystem %s%%' ${s[1]} ${s[3]} ) || o=; PR "Total CPU usage"; [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(ps acrx -o comm,ruid,%cpu | sed '2!d'); PR "Max %CPU by process (name, UID, %)"; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); PR "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); PR "Inserted libraries"; PC "cron configuration" /e*/cron*; o=$(crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "User cron tasks"; PC "Global launchd configuration" /e*/lau*; PC "Per-user launchd configuration" ~/.lau*; PF "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; PF "Per-user login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; PF "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); PN "Restricted user files"; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist") || ID=; ID=${ID:-No bundle ID}; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf '%s\n\t(%s)\n' "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); PR "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); PR "Unsigned shared libraries"; o=$(system_profiler SPFontsDataType | egrep "Valid: N|Duplicate: Y" | wc -l); PN "Font problems"; for d in {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}*; do o=$(ls -A "$d"); PR "$d"; done; [ "$r" ] && { o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); PR "Login hook"; o=$(sudo crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "Root cron tasks"; }; o=$(syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'); PR "Log check"; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; exit
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). The text you pasted should vanish immediately, leaving the Terminal window empty. If that doesn't happen, press the return key.
    If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter your password, the script will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important, so don't worry about it.
    The script may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "[Process completed]" to appear in the Terminal window.
    You can then quit Terminal. The output of the script will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. All you have to do is paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V again.
    Please note:
    ☞ This procedure is all copy-and-paste — type nothing in the Terminal window except your login password if and when prompted.
    ☞ Remember to post the output. It's already in the Clipboard when you see "[Process completed]" in the Terminal window. You don't have to copy the output; just paste into your web browser.
    ☞ If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.

  • IMac starting to really bog down

    By bog down i mean that every operation has a noticeable lag time before initiating.
    I have a mid-2010 iMac
    3.2 GHz Intel Core i3
    512 MB ATI Radeon graphic card
    12 GB 1333MHz DDR3 in 4-4-2-2 formation
    I'm using about 75% of my 1 TB hardrive (more than i should I know but not enough to be slowing down machine this dramatically).
    The problem was most apparent initially when running Aperture and I'd be getting a lot of spinning beach balls and painfully slow processing.  I rebuilt the aperture library but that didn't seem to fix the problem.  The interesting thing is the activity monitor is not showing any obvious problems.  Plenty of RAM available (over 8 gb), CPU is only running at about 10% on average with no noticeable spikes when trying to open a program nor any evidence of CPU Load spikes in the histogram.
    The steps I've taken:
    1. verified disk
    2. repaired permissions
    3. rebuilt aperture library
    4. closed all applications and tried to open one at a time.  all are slow to open.
    Here is my most recent system diagnostic report from the Console.  I really can't make sense of it unfortunately but was hoping some more technically literate folks out there might see something obvious that points to an identifiable problem. 
    coresymbolicationd [719]
    Code Type:  
    X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [1]
    coresymbolicationd [719]
    User ID:    
    2013-12-30 18:51:57.908 -0600
    OS Version: 
    Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  C37F79B1-DC99-0E09-DA0E-38B0F635A22C
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-overcommit-priority
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: 0x000000000000000a, 0x0000000109e85000
    VM Regions Near 0x109e85000:
    0000000109a00000-0000000109a89000 [  548K] rw-/rw- SM=PRV 
    --> mapped file       
    0000000109a89000-0000000109ec5000 [ 4336K] r--/rwx SM=S/A  /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.coresymbolicationd/data
    mapped file       
    0000000109ec5000-000000010a301000 [ 4336K] rw-/rwx SM=S/A  /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.coresymbolicationd/grow.3X7N0TQ
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-overcommit-priority
    0   libsystem_platform.dylib 
    0x00000001075bf0de _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Nehalem + 254
    1   coresymbolicationd       
    0x00000001067983bc 0x106791000 + 29628
    2   coresymbolicationd       
    0x00000001067987e9 0x106791000 + 30697
    3   coresymbolicationd       
    0x0000000106792a23 0x106791000 + 6691
    4   libxpc.dylib             
    0x000000010762d510 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 58
    5   libxpc.dylib             
    0x000000010762c123 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 2124
    6   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072ebafe _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9
    7   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072ec3b8 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 143
    8   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072ea633 _dispatch_queue_drain + 359
    9   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072eb69e _dispatch_mach_invoke + 154
    10  libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072e9fa3 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 75
    11  libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072eb193 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 40
    12  libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x00000001075dcef8 _pthread_wqthread + 314
    13  libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x00000001075dffb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-overcommit-priority
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x00000001074c7caa __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072f27e4 _dispatch_sigsuspend + 21
    2   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072f27cf _dispatch_sig_thread + 45
    Thread 2:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x00000001074c8662 kevent64 + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072ea43d _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 239
    2   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x00000001072ea152 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
      rax: 0x0000000109ec5000  rbx: 0x00000001091df198  rcx: 0x0000000000000010  rdx: 0x000000000003f1c9
      rdi: 0x000000010a2c0fd0  rsi: 0x0000000109e84fd0  rbp: 0x00000001090c03c0  rsp: 0x00000001090c03c0
       r8: 0x0000000000000005   r9: 0x000000000b6e0000  r10: 0x0000000000000001  r11: 0x000000000043c000
      r12: 0x00000001091df198  r13: 0x00007f8b604175e0  r14: 0x0000000109a89000  r15: 0x0000000109ec5000
      rip: 0x00000001075bf0de  rfl: 0x0000000000010202  cr2: 0x0000000109e85000
    Logical CPU:
    Error Code: 
    Trap Number:
    Binary Images:
    0x106791000 -   
    0x10679bfff  coresymbolicationd (141) <C459E6EE-7EE9-36F8-BCE9-7FC72C550772> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/coresymbolication d
    0x1067a3000 -   
    0x106823fff  com.apple.CoreSymbolication (3.0 - 141) <B018335C-698B-3F87-AF1C-6115C4FA8954> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/Versions/A/CoreSy mbolication
    0x106843000 -   
    0x106895fff  libc++.1.dylib (120) <4F68DFC5-2077-39A8-A449-CAC5FDEE7BDE> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
    0x1068f5000 -   
    0x1068f6ff7  libSystem.B.dylib (1197.1.1) <BFC0DC97-46C6-3BE0-9983-54A98734897A> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x106904000 -   
    0x106933fff  com.apple.DebugSymbols (106 - 106) <E1BDED08-523A-36F4-B2DA-9D5C712F0AC7> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DebugSymbols.framework/Versions/A/DebugSymbol s
    0x106955000 -   
    0x106b3aff7  com.apple.CoreFoundation (6.9 - 855.11) <E22C6A1F-8996-349C-905E-96C3BBE07C2F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x106caf000 -   
    0x106d19ff7  com.apple.framework.IOKit (2.0.1 - 907.1.13) <C1E95F5C-B79B-31BE-9F2A-1B25163C1F16> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
    0x106d4f000 -   
    0x106d4ffff  com.apple.CoreServices (59 - 59) <7A697B5E-F179-30DF-93F2-8B503CEEEFD5> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
    0x106d55000 -   
    0x106f02f27  libobjc.A.dylib (551.1) <AD7FD984-271E-30F4-A361-6B20319EC73B> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0x106f29000 -   
    0x106f6bff7  libauto.dylib (185.5) <F45C36E8-B606-3886-B5B1-B6745E757CA8> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
    0x106f83000 -   
    0x106f84ff7  libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib (100) <4CDB0F7B-C0AF-3424-BC39-495696F0DB1E> /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
    0x106f8a000 -   
    0x107142ff3  libicucore.A.dylib (511.27) <003B6C21-CBD1-3486-9A1D-030ADF5FA061> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x1071ec000 -   
    0x1071fdff7  libz.1.dylib (53) <42E0C8C6-CA38-3CA4-8619-D24ED5DD492E> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
    0x107203000 -   
    0x10722cff7  libc++abi.dylib (48) <8C16158F-CBF8-3BD7-BEF4-022704B2A326> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
    0x10723d000 -   
    0x107241ff7  libcache.dylib (62) <BDC1E65B-72A1-3DA3-A57C-B23159CAAD0B> /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib
    0x107246000 -   
    0x107250fff  libcommonCrypto.dylib (60049) <8C4F0CA0-389C-3EDC-B155-E62DD2187E1D> /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
    0x107261000 -   
    0x107268fff  libcompiler_rt.dylib (35) <4CD916B2-1B17-362A-B403-EF24A1DAC141> /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
    0x107275000 -   
    0x10727cff3  libcopyfile.dylib (103) <5A881779-D0D6-3029-B371-E3021C2DDA5E> /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib
    0x107283000 -   
    0x1072d1fff  libcorecrypto.dylib (161.1) <F3973C28-14B6-3006-BB2B-00DD7F09ABC7> /usr/lib/system/libcorecrypto.dylib
    0x1072e7000 -   
    0x107301fff  libdispatch.dylib (339.1.9) <46878A5B-4248-3057-962C-6D4A235EEF31> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    0x10731e000 -   
    0x107321ff7  libdyld.dylib (239.3) <62F4D752-4089-31A8-8B73-B95A68893B3C> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
    0x10732d000 -   
    0x10732dff7  libkeymgr.dylib (28) <3AA8D85D-CF00-3BD3-A5A0-E28E1A32A6D8> /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib
    0x107337000 -   
    0x10733eff7  liblaunch.dylib (842.1.4) <FCBF0A02-0B06-3F97-9248-5062A9DEB32C> /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib
    0x10734b000 -   
    0x107350fff  libmacho.dylib (845) <1D2910DF-C036-3A82-A3FD-44FF73B5FF9B> /usr/lib/system/libmacho.dylib
    0x107357000 -   
    0x107359ff7  libquarantine.dylib (71) <7A1A2BCB-C03D-3A25-BFA4-3E569B2D2C38> /usr/lib/system/libquarantine.dylib
    0x107365000 -   
    0x107366ffb  libremovefile.dylib (33) <3543F917-928E-3DB2-A2F4-7AB73B4970EF> /usr/lib/system/libremovefile.dylib
    0x10736c000 -   
    0x10737dff7  libsystem_asl.dylib (217.1.4) <655FB343-52CF-3E2F-B14D-BEBF5AAEF94D> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_asl.dylib
    0x10738e000 -   
    0x10738fff7  libsystem_blocks.dylib (63) <FB856CD1-2AEA-3907-8E9B-1E54B6827F82> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
    0x107395000 -   
    0x10741eff7  libsystem_c.dylib (997.1.1) <61833FAA-7281-3FF9-937F-686B6F20427C> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
    0x107451000 -   
    0x107453ff3  libsystem_configuration.dylib (596.12) <C4F633D9-94C8-35D9-BB2D-84C5122533C7> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_configuration.dylib
    0x10745a000 -   
    0x107462fff  libsystem_dnssd.dylib (522.1.11) <270DCF6C-502D-389A-AA9F-DE4624A36FF7> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_dnssd.dylib
    0x10746f000 -   
    0x107496ffb  libsystem_info.dylib (449.1.3) <7D41A156-D285-3849-A2C3-C04ADE797D98> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_info.dylib
    0x1074b2000 -   
    0x1074ceff7  libsystem_kernel.dylib (2422.1.72) <D14913DB-47F1-3591-8DAF-D4B4EF5F8818> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    0x1074f7000 -   
    0x107526fd2  libsystem_m.dylib (3047.16) <B7F0E2E4-2777-33FC-A787-D6430B630D54> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_m.dylib
    0x107538000 -   
    0x107553ff7  libsystem_malloc.dylib (23.1.10) <FFE5C472-B23A-318A-85BF-77CDE61900D1> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
    0x107562000 -   
    0x107589ff7  libsystem_network.dylib (241.3) <8B1E1F1D-A5CC-3BAE-8B1E-ABC84337A364> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib
    0x1075a9000 -   
    0x1075b2ff3  libsystem_notify.dylib (121) <52571EC3-6894-37E4-946E-064B021ED44E> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
    0x1075bb000 -   
    0x1075c1ff7  libsystem_platform.dylib (24.1.4) <331BA4A5-55CE-3B95-99EB-44E0C89D7FB8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
    0x1075da000 -   
    0x1075e1ff7  libsystem_pthread.dylib (53.1.4) <AB498556-B555-310E-9041-F67EC9E00E2C> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
    0x1075f2000 -   
    0x1075f3ff7  libsystem_sandbox.dylib (278.10) <A47E7E11-3C76-318E-B67D-98972B86F094> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
    0x1075fb000 -   
    0x1075fffff  libsystem_stats.dylib (93.1.26) <B9E26A9E-FBBC-3938-B8B7-6CF7CA8C99AD> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_stats.dylib
    0x10760a000 -   
    0x10760bfff  libunc.dylib (28) <62682455-1862-36FE-8A04-7A6B91256438> /usr/lib/system/libunc.dylib
    0x107613000 -   
    0x107618ff7  libunwind.dylib (35.3) <78DCC358-2FC1-302E-B395-0155B47CB547> /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib
    0x107622000 -   
    0x107646fff  libxpc.dylib (300.1.17) <4554927A-9467-365C-91F1-5A116989DD7F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
    0x107664000 -   
    0x1077d4ff6  com.apple.CFNetwork (673.0.3 - 673.0.3) <42CFC3DB-35C8-3652-AF37-4BCC73D8BDEF> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
    0x1078db000 -   
    0x107bc5fff  com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore (1077.14 - 1077.14) <B00BEB34-A9F5-381F-99FD-11E405768A9A> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
    0x107c44000 -   
    0x107cd3fff  com.apple.Metadata (10.7.0 - 800.12.2) <A9F5D471-8732-3F95-A4A2-33864B92A181> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
    0x107d3e000 -   
    0x107db5fff  com.apple.CoreServices.OSServices (600.4 - 600.4) <36B2B009-C35E-3F21-824E-E0D00E7808C7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServi ces.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
    0x107e5d000 -   
    0x107ecafff  com.apple.SearchKit (1.4.0 - 1.4.0) <B9B8D510-A27E-36B0-93E9-17146D9E9045> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
    0x107f0f000 -   
    0x107f6affb  com.apple.AE (665.5 - 665.5) <BBA230F9-144C-3CAB-A77A-0621719244CD> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.fram ework/Versions/A/AE
    0x107f9e000 -   
    0x108067fff  com.apple.LaunchServices (572.23 - 572.23) <8D955BDE-2C4C-3DD4-B4D7-2D916174FE1D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
    0x1080df000 -   
    0x108108fff  com.apple.DictionaryServices (1.2 - 208) <A539A058-BA57-35EE-AA08-D0B0E835127D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Diction aryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
    0x108131000 -   
    0x108141fff  libbsm.0.dylib (33) <2CAC00A2-1352-302A-88FA-C567D4D69179> /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
    0x10814c000 -   
    0x1081afff7  com.apple.SystemConfiguration (1.13 - 1.13) <F05F4149-981B-380B-8F50-51CE804BBB89> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
    0x1081ed000 -   
    0x108445ff1  com.apple.security (7.0 - 55471) <233831C5-C457-3AD5-AFE7-E3E2DE6929C9> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
    0x10858f000 -   
    0x108679fff  libsqlite3.dylib (158) <00269BF9-43BE-39E0-9C85-24585B9923C8> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
    0x108690000 -   
    0x108777ff7  libxml2.2.dylib (26) <A1DADD11-89E5-3DE4-8802-07186225967F> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
    0x1087b0000 -   
    0x1087bdff7  libxar.1.dylib (202) <5572AA71-E98D-3FE1-9402-BB4A84E0E71E> /usr/lib/libxar.1.dylib
    0x1087cb000 -   
    0x1087cffff  libpam.2.dylib (20) <B93CE8F5-DAA8-30A1-B1F6-F890509513CB> /usr/lib/libpam.2.dylib
    0x1087d7000 -   
    0x1087d7ffd  libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib (157) <19F0E769-0989-3062-9AFB-8976E90E9759> /usr/lib/libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib
    0x1087e2000 -   
    0x1087efff0  libbz2.1.0.dylib (29) <0B98AC35-B138-349C-8063-2B987A75D24C> /usr/lib/libbz2.1.0.dylib
    0x1087f9000 -   
    0x1087fefff  com.apple.DiskArbitration (2.6 - 2.6) <F8A47F61-83D1-3F92-B7A8-A169E0D187C0> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
    0x10880e000 -   
    0x108815fff  com.apple.NetFS (6.0 - 4.0) <8E26C099-CE9D-3819-91A2-64EA929C6137> /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/NetFS
    0x10881f000 -   
    0x10882afff  libkxld.dylib (2422.1.72) <C88EF3E6-B31F-3E12-BE9B-562D912BA733> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
    0x108836000 -   
    0x108841ff7  com.apple.NetAuth (5.0 - 5.0) <C811E662-9EC3-3B74-808A-A75D624F326B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NetAuth.framework/Versions/A/NetAuth
    0x10884f000 -   
    0x108b4efff  com.apple.Foundation (6.9 - 1056) <D608EDFD-9634-3573-9B7E-081C7D085F7A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
    0x108d8c000 -   
    0x108d8dfff  liblangid.dylib (117) <9546E641-F730-3AB0-B3CD-E0E2FDD173D9> /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
    0x108d96000 -   
    0x108db1ff7  libCRFSuite.dylib (34) <FFAE75FA-C54E-398B-AA97-18164CD9789D> /usr/lib/libCRFSuite.dylib
    0x108dbd000 -   
    0x108e21ff3  com.apple.datadetectorscore (5.0 - 354.0) <9ACF24B8-3268-3134-A5BC-D72C9371A195> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataDetectorsCore.framework/Versions/A/DataDe tectorsCore
    0x108e67000 -   
    0x108e6afff  com.apple.TCC (1.0 - 1) <32A075D9-47FD-3E71-95BC-BFB0D583F41C> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Versions/A/TCC
    0x108e71000 -   
    0x108e88fff  com.apple.CFOpenDirectory (10.9 - 173.1.1) <3FB4D5FE-860B-3BDE-BAE2-3531D919EF10> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFOpen Directory.framework/Versions/A/CFOpenDirectory
    0x108ea7000 -   
    0x108eb1ff7  com.apple.bsd.ServiceManagement (2.0 - 2.0) <2D27B498-BB9C-3D88-B05A-76908A8A26F3> /System/Library/Frameworks/ServiceManagement.framework/Versions/A/ServiceManage ment
    0x108ebc000 -   
    0x108ee4ffb  libxslt.1.dylib (13) <C9794936-633C-3F0C-9E71-30190B9B41C1> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
    0x7fff66cc6000 -
    0x7fff66cf9817  dyld (239.3) <D1DFCF3F-0B0C-332A-BCC0-87A851B570FF> /usr/lib/dyld
    External Modification Summary:
      Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
      Calls made by this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
      Calls made by all processes on this machine:
    task_for_pid: 4500
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
    VM Region Summary:
    ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=35.3M resident=33.3M(94%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=2044K(6%)
    Writable regions: Total=47.8M written=2120K(4%) resident=2688K(5%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=45.2M(95%)
    REGION TYPE                 
    Dispatch continuations        
    Kernel Alloc Once                
    MALLOC (admin)                  
    STACK GUARD                     
    mapped file                   
    shared memory                    
    From the looks of this report, it appears like on Thread 0 crashed.  Unfortunately I'm not sure how to fix this.
    Any help would be really appreciated.  I'm kind of at my wits end here.

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostic  test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything suggested in this comment. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as some other aspects of the configuration that may be related to the problem.
    Don’t be alarmed by the seeming complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out. Here's a brief summary: In each of two steps, you copy a line of text from this web page into a window in another application. You wait about a minute. Then you paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is copy; paste; paste again. That's all there is to it. Details follow.
    You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken while booted in “normal” mode. If the system is now running in safe mode and is bootable in normal mode, reboot as usual. If it only boots in safe mode, use that.
    Below are instructions to enter UNIX shell commands. They do nothing but produce human-readable output. However, you need to think carefully before running any program at the behest of a stranger on a public message board. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    The commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
    If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. Step 1 should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PB=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(sed 's/^/   /' <<< "$o") && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; PC () { o=$(grep [^[:blank:]] "$2"); PR "$1"; }; PF () { o=$($PB -c Print "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); PR "$1"; }; PN () { [[ $o -eq 0 ]] || printf "\n%s: %s\n" "$1" $o; }; { system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | sed '8!d;s/^ *//'; o=$(system_profiler SPDiagnosticsDataType | sed '5,6!d'); fgrep -q P <<< "$o" && o=; PR "POST"; o=$(($(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256)); o=$((o>=1024?o:0));  PN "Pageouts (MiB)"; s=( $(sar -u 1 10 | sed '$!d') ); [[ ${s[4]} -lt 90 ]] && o=$( printf 'User %s%%\t\tSystem %s%%' ${s[1]} ${s[3]} ) || o=; PR "Total CPU usage"; [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(ps acrx -o comm,ruid,%cpu | sed '2!d'); PR "Max %CPU by process (name, UID, %)"; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); PR "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); PR "Inserted libraries"; PC "cron configuration" /e*/cron*; o=$(crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "User cron tasks"; PC "Global launchd configuration" /e*/lau*; PC "Per-user launchd configuration" ~/.lau*; PF "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; PF "Per-user login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; PF "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); PN "Restricted user files"; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist") || ID=; ID=${ID:-No bundle ID}; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf '%s\n\t(%s)\n' "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); PR "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); PR "Unsigned shared libraries"; o=$(system_profiler SPFontsDataType | egrep "Valid: N|Duplicate: Y" | wc -l); PN "Font problems"; for d in {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}*; do o=$(ls -A "$d"); PR "$d"; done; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 1 done'
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    The command may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "Step 1 done" to appear below what you entered. The output of the command will beautomatically copied to the Clipboard. All you have to do is paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-Vagain. Please don't copy anything from the Terminal window. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Remember that you must be logged in as an administrator for this step. Do as in Step 1 with this line:
    PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(sed 's/^/   /' <<< "$o") && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; { o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); PR "Login hook"; o=$(sudo crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "Root cron tasks"; o=$(syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'); PR "Log check"; } 2>&- | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 2 done'
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    You can then quit Terminal. Please note:
    ☞ Steps 1 and 2 are all copy-and-paste — type only your login password when prompted.
    ☞ When you type your password, you won't see what you're typing.
    ☞ If you don’t have a password, set one before taking Step 2. If that’s not possible, skip the step.
    ☞ Step 2 might not produce any output, in which case the Clipboard will be empty. Step 1 will always produce something.
    ☞ The commands don't change anything, and merely running them will do neither good nor harm.
    ☞ Remember to post the output of both steps (unless you had to skip Step 2.) It's already in the Clipboard after you complete each step. You don't have to copy it. Just paste into a reply    
    ☞ If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output of either command, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    ☞ Don't post what you see in the Terminal window. The output is copied automatically to the Clipboard.
    ☞ Don't paste the output of Step 1 into the Terminal window. Paste it into a reply.


    HELP!!! Okay so i stopped using Chrome a few months ago and switched to safari as my daily go-getter and it was fine. No bad lag and bad stuff. After I updated my Macbook Pro(13 inch, mid-2009 model, 2.26GHz, 2gb RAM) to OS X MAVERICKS 10.9.1 everything was working fine the first time. The next day(today) i switched on my laptop and started using safari. All of a sudden, safari became really laggy and it affected my laptop as well! So i forced quit it and tried it again. IT HAPPENED AGAIN! Safari and My laptop became laggy. This has been going on for the past 10 times i've forced quit and reopened safari. At first i thought maybe every browser would be this slow. But i opened chrome and its working flawlessly! As i'm typing this right now, i''m using chrome. Any suggestions to help me with safari? I don't wanna turn on Safari until i get a proper answer on how to fix this.

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostictest. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary in case your startup drive is failing.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as some other aspects of the configuration that may be related to the problem.
    Don’t be alarmed by the seeming complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out. Here's a brief summary: In each of two steps, you copy a line of text from this web page into a window in another application. You wait about a minute. Then you paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is copy; paste; paste again. That's all there is to it. Details follow.
    While investigating the problem, you may have started the computer in "safe" mode. If possible, these steps should be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing. If you can only boot in safe mode, you can still use this procedure, but not all of it will work. Be sure to mention that in your reply, if you haven't already done so.
    Below are instructions to enter UNIX shell commands. The commands are safe and do nothing but produce human-readable output, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. I am not asking you to trust me. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    The commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
    Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. Step 1 should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PB=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n\n' "$1" "$o"; }; PF () { o=$($PB -c Print "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); PR "$1"; }; { o=$(( $(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256 )); [[ $o -gt 1024 ]] && printf "\nPageouts: %s MiB\n\n" $o; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); PR "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); PR "Inserted libraries"; o=$(crontab -l); PR "User cron tasks"; o=$(cat /e*/lau*); PR "Global launchd configuration"; o=$(cat ~/.lau*); PR "Per-user launchd configuration"; PF "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; PF "Per-user login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; PF "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); [[ $o -eq 0 ]] || printf "\nRestricted user files: %s\n\n" $o; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist"); ID=${ID:-No bundle ID}; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf '%s\n\t(%s)\n' "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); PR "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); PR "Unsigned shared libraries"; for d in {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}* L*/Fonts; do o=$(ls -A "$d"); PR "$d"; done; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 1 done'
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    The command may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "Step 1 done" to appear below what you entered. The output of the command will be automatically copied to the Clipboard. If the command produced no output, the Clipboard will be empty. Paste into a reply to this message. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Remember that you must be logged in as an administrator for this step. Do as in Step 1 with this line:
    PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n\n' "$1" "$o"; }; { o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); PR "Login hook"; o=$(sudo crontab -l); PR "Root cron tasks"; o=$(syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'error|GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'); PR "Log check"; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; echo $'\nStep 2 done'
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    You can then quit Terminal.
    To prevent confusion, I'll repeat: When you type your password in the Terminal window, you won't see what you're typing.
    Note: If you don’t have a login password, set one before taking Step 2. If that’s not possible, skip the step.
    Important: If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output of these commands, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    Remember, Steps 1 and 2 are all copy-and-paste — type only your password. Also remember to post the output.

  • Intermittently, when I try to enter the internet through Safari, it freezes up and won't fully load in the internet. If I turn the iMac off and start it again, it seems fine. I have had my internet provider check everything from their end.

    Intermittently, when I try to enter the internet through Safari on my Imac, it freezes up so that the loading line only goes 1/3 way across and then stops. If I shut down the computer and then restart, it usually loads fine. I have had my internet provider check eveything form their end and it is fine. I suspect that I have a software conflict. My provider and others have said that I should use FireFox because Safari is not that stable. I am running OSX Maverick on my system. This was a recent download.  Is anyone else having this problem and have you any ideas how I can correct it.    

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostic  test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary on principle, not because of anything suggested in this comment. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help to identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as some other aspects of the state of the system that may be pertinent.
    Don’t be alarmed by the seeming complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out. Here's a brief summary: You copy a line of text from this web page into a window in another application. You wait about a minute. Then you paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is: copy, paste, paste again. That's all there is to it. Details follow.
    You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken while booted in “normal” mode. If the system is now running in safe mode and is bootable in normal mode, reboot as usual. If it only boots in safe mode, proceed anyway.
    Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script. It does nothing but produce human-readable output. However, you need to be cautious about running any program at the behest of a stranger on a public message board. If you question the safety of the procedure suggested here — which you should — search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    The script will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but it's really a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
    If you have more than one user, and the affected user is not an administrator, then please run the script twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The administrator is the user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time. If you can't log in as an administrator, just run the script as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign ($) or a percent sign (%). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    clear; PB=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; PR () { [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(sed 's/^/   /' <<< "$o") && printf '\n%s:\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$o"; }; PC () { o=$(egrep -v '^[[:blank:]]*($|#)' "$2"); PR "$1"; }; PF () { o=$($PB -c Print "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); PR "$1"; }; PN () { [[ $o -eq 0 ]] || printf "\n%s: %s\n" "$1" $o; }; a=$(id | grep -w '80(admin)'); [[ "$a" ]] && sudo true && r=1 || r=; { [[ "$a" ]] || echo $'No admin access\n'; [[ "$a" && ! "$r" ]] && echo $'No root access\n'; system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | sed '8!d;s/^ *//'; o=$(system_profiler SPDiagnosticsDataType | sed '5,6!d'); fgrep -q P <<< "$o" && o=; PR "POST"; o=$(($(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256)); o=$((o>=1024?o:0));  PN "Pageouts (MiB)"; s=( $(sar -u 1 10 | sed '$!d') ); [[ ${s[4]} -lt 90 ]] && o=$( printf 'User %s%%\t\tSystem %s%%' ${s[1]} ${s[3]} ) || o=; PR "Total CPU usage"; [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(ps acrx -o comm,ruid,%cpu | sed '2!d'); PR "Max %CPU by process (name, UID, %)"; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); PR "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); PR "Inserted libraries"; PC "cron configuration" /e*/cron*; o=$(crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "User cron tasks"; PC "Global launchd configuration" /e*/lau*; PC "Per-user launchd configuration" ~/.lau*; PF "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; PF "Per-user login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; PF "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); PN "Restricted user files"; cd; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist") || ID=; ID=${ID:-No bundle ID}; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf '%s\n\t(%s)\n' "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); PR "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); PR "Unsigned shared libraries"; o=$(system_profiler SPFontsDataType | egrep "Valid: N|Duplicate: Y" | wc -l); PN "Font problems"; for d in {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}*; do o=$(ls -A "$d"); PR "$d"; done; [ "$r" ] && { o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); PR "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook); PR "Login hook"; o=$(sudo crontab -l | grep [^[:blank:]]); PR "Root cron tasks"; }; o=$(syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'); PR "Log check"; } 2> /dev/null | pbcopy; exit
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). The text you pasted should vanish immediately, leaving the Terminal window empty. If that doesn't happen, press the return key.
    If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter your password, the script will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important.
    The script may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. Wait for the line "[Process completed]" to appear in the Terminal window.
    You can then quit Terminal. The output of the script will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. All you have to do is paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V again.
    Please note:
    ☞ This procedure is all copy-and-paste — type only your login password when prompted. When typing it, you won't see what you're typing. Make sure caps lock is off.
    ☞ Remember to post the output. It's already in the Clipboard when you see "[Process completed]" in the Terminal window.
    ☞ If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.

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