?if@inlines: @type='MAINT'? not returning desired data

Hi All,
should this line work? I am not getting the Number of months
<?if@inlines: @type='MAINT'?><?Number_of_Months?><?end if?>
The xml looks like this
<Detail_Line_SubGroup type="MAINT">

Hi All,
should this line work? I am not getting the Number of months
<?if@inlines: @type='MAINT'?><?Number_of_Months?><?end if?>
The xml looks like this
<Detail_Line_SubGroup type="MAINT">

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  • Ibots not returning any data

    I have some ibots that I scheduled to run on a daily basis and which were working perfectly.
    Suddenly the same ibots, they run but the content of the attachment says "The specified criteria did not return any data".
    I checked the log files and could not see any relavant error.
    If I go back in the report that I am sending through the ibot, it runs without any problem.
    I tried to send it in different formats and run as different users, but the results are still the same!
    Any idea what else I could check?
    Type: Warning
    Severity: 50
    Time: Wed May 15 14:10:19 2013
    File: project/webodbcaccess/odbcconnectionimpl.cpp Line: 199
    Properties: RptPath-/shared/MICROS/giuliano/cube_build_verification;SID-btilnnapkfo2omg91a71b9m6n2;bindID-1;connID-31;ThreadID-4640;statementID-364;RSP-o:go~r:report
    SQLFetchScroll returned code SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND

    Thanks it solved the issue.
    But One more thing Now I have placed the parameters in the where clause of the query
    select field1,field2,field3,field4,field5,job_name,candidate_name,interview_date from etc.ethr_irc_int_details
    where field1 is not null
    and job_name = :1
    and candidate_name = :2
    and interview_date = :3
    in the VO I am executing
    public void iniQuery(String S1, String S2,String S3)
    System.out.println("insdie ini query of the VO");
    System.out.println("S1 "+S1);
    System.out.println("S2 "+S2);
    System.out.println("S3 "+S3);
    and in AM
    ETHRIntDetailsVOImpl IDVO = (ETHRIntDetailsVOImpl)this.getETHRIntDetailsVO();
    // IDVO.executeQuery();
    // OAViewObject IDVO = (OAViewObject)findViewObject("ETHRIntDetailsVO");
    Row row = IDVO.first();
    again I am not getting any data in the row??
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    Please help urgently.

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    disk = ['file:/var/ovs/mount/616CC4FA976D4352B1630FFCE835FEC5/running_pool/14_VM1/System.img,xvda,w']
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    Can any one help out in this ASAP.
    Thanks in Advance.

    sorry but did you installed guest OS or not ?
    Did you install from image, from dvd ...?
    If yes try start youre vm from server terminal
    #>xm create -c vm. cfg

  • Binocular search for Cost Center is not returning any data

    Hi Gurus,
    When clicking on the SRM-Shooping Cart-Cost Assignment- Account Assignment Overview- Cost center Binocular search icon,  it is not returning any data.  However,  when drilling down in the Account Assignment Overview, you will see another Binocular search icon for Cost Center which is working fine.
    Any idea of how you troubleshoot it.
    Thanks in advace for your help.

    Not sure about the cost assignment drill down, but after we applied SP13 to SRM server 550 the binoculars for cost center stopped working. the following note corrected this.
    Note 1259735 - Search help of generic account does not work
    If it has never worked, then probably need to setup a RFC dialog user for the F4 search help, Multiple threads on here around the dialog user for F4 with details on configuration and use.

  • Custom reports in R12 not returning any data

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    Secondly, I've also configured the concurrent program request to run as single operating unit mode. This aided in fixing any issues with LOVs on the parameter form. However, still no results from the report itself. I've also searched around quite extensively and added a P_CONC_PROGRAM_ID user parameter in reports developer, as well as adding SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT') to the before report trigger and SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWEXIT') to the after report trigger as well. No luck. I've also tried running mo_global.set_policy_context on the before report trigger and no such luck.
    Has anyone seen similar issues with this and could shed some light? At this point, the workaround I would see is to just change the query to use respective all tables and match up against the orgid, but I'd rather not do that.

    I am facing exactly the same issue with 2 of my custom Reports in R12.1.3. We did our level best to find out the issue. It was always a hit and trial fix.
    But the following were our observations and workarounds
    0) The reports Conc Prog were in MOAC - Single mode. Both the reports had SRW INIT, EXIT and P_CONC_REQUEST_ID
    1) The reports which caused the issues[NO data fetched for MOAC] had multiple Queries in the data model and one Query fetches data and the 2nd one doesnt. Both the queries when run from SQL developer after setting the org gave results.
    Workaround for Report1
    a) We deleted the data link connecting the 2 columns in both the queries and added a bind variable instead in the 2nd /child query to refer to the column in the parent query and linked the 2 groups.
    Workaround for Report 2
    a) In report 2 the queries were not linked to each other. Only one query used to return results and the 2nd one returned 0 rows. The workaround was to use the "where" conditions as lexical parameters after having set the value for the same in before report trigger.
    Both the work around looks illogical. Still It worked..!
    Biju Radhakrishnan

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    My question is how would I know that the qry is not returning any data. I know I can create a text field, and write a trigger on it, to set it True or False depending on the fact that data is being returned or not.

    In Data Model create a summary column for function=count on one of your columns.
    Then for BeforeReport trigger you can write
    function BeforeReport return boolean is
    if :CS_RPT_NODATA > 0 then
    return (TRUE);
    end if;
    SRW.MESSAGE(300,'There is no data');
    return (FALSE);
    Regards, Gicu

  • Payroll extractor 0HR_PY_1 do not return any data in RSA3 in full mode

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    I use RSA3 to check the extractor.
    It does not return any data(0 records) in full mode.
    Do i need to do activate any other object, apart from the datasource?
    Thanks in advance  for your help.

    Hi Suresh,
    HR extractors need additional authorizations. When the extractor is run, there would be a check if the user is authorized to extract data. Check SAP notes 672514 & 397208. Also find my previous post on this.
    Re: Extractor 0HR_PY_1 does not return data to BW
    Best Regards,

  • BC4J - ViewObject not returning latest data

    BC4J - ViewObject not returning latest data. Some kind of EO/VO Cache Latency Issue.
    I have an edit page that presents a drop-down list which is suppose to display * un-assigned * messages, but does not. The drop-down list is using an <jbo:InputSelect> tag that gets values from a ViewObject (UnAssignedMessageView ) which issues the query listed below. Note, the ViewObject is not based on an Entity Object.
    (Query in UnAssignedMessageView)
    select      message.message_desc_short, message.message_id
    from     fmm.message
    where      message.message_id not in (select cardmessage.message_id from fmm.card_message)
    and message.message_id != 0     
    (from the edit.jsp)
    <jbo:ApplicationModule id="am" configname="com.maxmcbyte.fmm.model.ModelModule.ModelModuleLocal" releasemode="Reserved" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds" appid="am" viewobject="CardMessageView1" />           <<****** The VO where the inserts/updates are recorded.
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds2" appid="am" viewobject="MessageUnAssignedView" />     <<****** The VO for the unassigned message drop-down-list.
    The problem is at step 3.
    Starting with 3 Unassigned Messages.
    Step 1: enter new record AND select a MESSAGE_ID from the drop-down list.
    Step 2: commit the transaction.
    Step 3: enter another record AND select a MESSAGE_ID from the drop-down list.     <<****** the list should now be displaying 2 unassigned messages but is displaying 3.
    Note, if I check the database after step 3 using the same query as in the UnAssignedMessageView I get the correct result. I guess I'm not understanding how BC4J ViewObject Caching is working. It is strange that even after I commit the record that the cache is not updated.
    I have read the docs and will have to re-read them again * but * it would be REAL NICE to see an illustration of "A DAY IN THE LIFETIME OF DATA IN BC4J" for dummies like me.
    Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here AND what specifically needs to be done?
    Thanks All,
    Bill G...

    Well, I figured it out * BUT * this is the sort of thing that I'll bet stumps a lot of new users * AND * should be posted to a "Gotch-Ya" list.
    I'd still like to see an illustration of "A DAY IN THE LIFE OF DATA IN BC4J"
    Bill G...
    <jbo:ApplicationModule id="am" configname="com.maxmcbyte.fmm.model.ModelModule.ModelModuleLocal" releasemode="Reserved" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds1" appid="am" viewobject="CardMessageView1" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds2" appid="am" viewobject="MessageUnAssignedView" />
    <%-- adding this did the trick --%>
    ViewObject view2 = ds2.getRowSet().getViewObject();

  • Very Very Urgent Issue: Restricted Key Figure does not return any data

    Hi all,
    Please help me solving this urgent issue.
    created customer exit variable on characterstics version and also
    other customer exit variable on Value type.
    I coded that in variable exit. Problem is when I include these in
    restrickted keyfigure My query does not return me any data.
    But if I remove from restrickted key firgure and put it as normal
    charaterstics I see the variable is getting populated.
    Also in RSRT the SQl generated when these are included in RKF is not
    I debugged and know they are getting populated. As when included in RKF
    I can also see the values of customer exit variables from information
    I also know that there is data in cube for those restrictions.
    I posted one OSS Notes regarding this urgent issue. But got no reply from SAP.
    FYI: We are using BEx 3.5 Browser SAP GUI 6.4 Patch 20 BW Patch 11
    SAP BW
    **Please do not post the same question twice: Very Urgent Issue: Restricted Key Figure does not return any data

    Everyone out there this is very urgent. If someone can help me solving this problem.
    We are using BEx 3.5 Browser SAP GUI 6.4 Patch 20 BW Patch 11.
    I posted one oss notes also regarding this issue. But got no reply from SAP.
    So, Please help me solving this issue.
    SAP BW

  • Very Urgent Issue: Restricted Key Figure does not return any data

    Hi all,
    created customer exit variable on characterstics version and also
    other customer exit variable on Value type.
    I coded that in variable exit. Problem is when I include these in
    restrickted keyfigure My query does not return me any data.
    But if I remove from restrickted key firgure and put it as normal
    charaterstics I see the variable is getting populated.
    SAP BW

    Everyone out there this is very urgent. If someone can help me solving this problem.
    We are using BEx 3.5 Browser SAP GUI 6.4 Patch 20 BW Patch 11.
    I posted one oss notes also regarding this issue. But got no reply from SAP.
    So, Please help me solving this issue.
    SAP BW

  • Form/php not returning certain data

    So I just recently designed/launched a website (Dreamweaver CS 5.5) that utilizes a form for feedback from visitors. The form/corresponding php script seems to be functioning, as I have tested it numerous times. The only problem is that ONE of the entry forms doesn't seem to be returning any data.
    The HTML for the form is as follows:
      <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="send.php">
            <table width="510" border="0">
                <td colspan="2"><p>Questions? Comments? Criticism?</p>
                <p>Let the Artist know by filling out this handy form:</p></td>
                <td width="72">Name:*</td>
                <td width="428" class="returntext"><span id="sprytextfield1">
                <label for="name"></label>
                <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
                <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Minimum number of characters not met.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Exceeded maximum number of characters.</span></span></td>
                <td class="returntext"><span id="sprytextfield2">
                <label for="email"></label>
                <input type="text" name="email" id="email" />
                <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Minimum number of characters not met.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Exceeded maximum number of characters.</span></span></td>
                <td class="returntext"><label for="textfield"></label>
                  <span id="sprytextfield3">
                  <label for="subject"></label>
                  <input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" />
                  <span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Minimum number of characters not met.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Exceeded maximum number of characters.</span></span></td>
                <td><span id="sprytextarea1">
                  <label for="comment"></label>
                  <textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea>
    <span class="textareaRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
                <td> </td>
                <td><input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit" />
                <input type="reset" name="button2" id="button2" value="Reset" /></td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Fields marked &quot;*&quot; are required.</td>
    And the PHP script is:
    $to = "[email address removed by moderator]";
    $subject = $_REQUEST['subject'];
    $name = $_REQUEST ['name'];
    $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ;
    $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ;
    $comment = $_REQUEST['comment'] ;
    $totalmessage = "
            Name:        $name  \n
            Email:        $email  \n
            Subject:    $subject  \n
            Comment:    $comment  \n ";
    if (mail($to, $subject, $totalmessage)) {
       echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>");
      } else {
       echo("<p>Message delivery failed...</p>");
    When I test the page through my browser (firefox 24.0), I receive the e-mail as it should be, except that the "comment" section is always empty, no matter what I enter. I have checked and double checked and triple checked, and the associated text field is names "comment", and its entry in the script is ['comment']. I have tried replacing the sprytextarea with a regular, non-spry text area, and that didn't make a difference either. The only difference between this field and the other fields (all of which are returning exactly what they should) is that it's a textarea rather than a text field...but if that is the case, I have no idea how to fix it.
    Any help on the matter would be much appreciated.

    According to the official specification for plain text email messages (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-2.3), a newline character must not appear independently in the body. It should always be preceded by a carriage return.
    Your code looks like this:
    $totalmessage = "
            Name:        $name  \n
            Email:        $email  \n
            Subject:    $subject  \n
            Comment:    $comment  \n ";
    Change it to this:
    $totalmessage = "
            Name:        $name  \r\n
            Email:        $email  \r\n
            Subject:    $subject  \r\n
            Comment:    $comment";
    The specification also says that lines in the body must be no longer than 998 characters. Because you have no idea how long the content in the text area will be, it's a good idea to pass the body of the email to the wordwrap function like this before sending the mail:
    $totalmessage = wordwrap($totalmessage, "\r\n");
    I also agree with bregent that you should be using $_POST instead of $_REQUEST.

  • ExtractValue not returning the data after dbms_xmlschema.CopyEvolve

    Hi ,
    I am facing the problem while selecting the value from the XMLTYPE table using extractValue.
    Here address field is newly added to schema and evolved . But unable to get the address field value .
    My procedures are like this
    SQL> declare
    2 res boolean;
    3 xmlschema xmltype := xmltype(
    4 '<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb">
    5 <xsd:complexType name="t_person" xdb:SQLType="PERSONDT_T">
    6 <xsd:sequence>
    7 <xsd:element name="persondetails" type="persondetailsType"/>
    8 <xsd:element name="companyinfo" type="companyinfoType"/>
    9 <xsd:element name="salaryinfo" type="salaryinfoType"/>
    10 </xsd:sequence>
    11 </xsd:complexType>
    12 <xsd:complexType name="persondetailsType" xdb:SQLType="PERSONDETAILS_T">
    13 <xsd:sequence>
    14 <xsd:element name="personname" type="xsd:string" />
    15 <xsd:element name="personexperience" type="xsd:decimal" />
    16 </xsd:sequence>
    17 </xsd:complexType>
    18 <xsd:complexType name="companyinfoType" xdb:SQLType="COMPANYINFO_T">
    19 <xsd:sequence>
    20 <xsd:element name="companystartdate" type="xsd:date" />
    21 <xsd:element name="companystandard" type="xsd:decimal" />
    22 </xsd:sequence>
    23 </xsd:complexType>
    24 <xsd:complexType name="salaryinfoType" xdb:SQLType="SALARYINFO_T">
    25 <xsd:sequence>
    26 <xsd:element name="salary" type="xsd:decimal" />
    27 <xsd:element name="paymonth" type="xsd:string" />
    28 </xsd:sequence>
    29 </xsd:complexType>
    30 <xsd:element name="person" type="t_person" />
    31 </xsd:schema>');
    32 begin
    33 if (dbms_xdb.existsResource('/public/personDetails.xsd')) then
    34 dbms_xdb.deleteResource('/public/personDetails.xsd');
    35 end if;
    36 res := dbms_xdb.createResource('/public/personDetails.xsd',xmlschema);
    37 end;
    38 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> begin
    2 dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema ('www.PersonInfoUrl.com',xdburitype('/public/personDetails.xsd'),TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE);
    3 end;
    4 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    3 ,comments VARCHAR2(20)
    4 ,joindate DATE
    5 ,personjoininfo xmltype)
    6 XMLTYPE COLUMN personjoininfo XMLSCHEMA "www.PersonInfoUrl.com" element "person"
    7 /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into PERSON_COMP_TABLE (empId ,comments ,joindate ,personjoininfo )
    2 values ('2006NEW312','RDDEPT','15-jan-2006',
    3 sys.XMLType.createXML(
    4 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    5 <person xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="www.PersonInfoUrl.com">
    6 <persondetails>
    7 <personname>Robert </personname>
    8 <personexperience>4.5</personexperience>
    9 </persondetails>
    10 <companyinfo>
    11 <companystartdate>2004-07-24</companystartdate>
    12 <companystandard>3.9</companystandard>
    13 </companyinfo>
    14 <salaryinfo>
    15 <salary>2444.3</salary>
    16 <paymonth> june </paymonth>
    17 </salaryinfo>
    18 </person>'))
    19 /
    1 row created.
    SQL> select count(*) from PERSON_COMP_TABLE;
    SQL> declare
    xmlschema xmltype := xdburitype('/public/personDetails.xsd').getXML();
    res boolean;
    select insertChildXML(
    xmltype('<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" name="address" type="xsd:string"
    into xmlSchema
    from dual;
    if (dbms_xdb.existsResource('/public/personDetails.xsd')) then
    end if;
    res := dbms_xdb.createResource('/public/newpersonDetails.xsd',xmlschema);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.74
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.56
    SQL> begin
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:08.49
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.52
    SQL> select count(*) from PERSON_COMP_TABLE;
    SQL> insert into PERSON_COMP_TABLE (empId ,comments ,joindate ,personjoininfo )
    values ('1234PTR','DTSDDEPT','12-jan-2006',
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <person xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="www.PersonInfoUrl.com">
    <personname>Julie </personname>
    <paymonth> june </paymonth>
    1 row created.
    SQL> select count(*) from PERSON_COMP_TABLE;
    SQL> SELECT empid, extractValue(personjoininfo,'/person/companyinfo/address') FROM PERSON_COMP_TABLE
    2 /
    Here "address " is not returned. it has return the value "santaclara".
    How to solve this ?. Please advise

    After chasing down couple of silly mistakes I was able to get your example to work
    SQL> call dbms_xmlschema.deleteSchema ('www.PersonInfoUrl.com',4)
      2  /
    Call completed.
    SQL> declare
      2    res boolean;
      3    xmlschema xmltype := xmltype(
      4  '<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb">
      5     <xsd:complexType name="t_person" xdb:SQLType="PERSONDT_T">
      6             <xsd:sequence>
      7                     <xsd:element name="persondetails" type="persondetailsType"/>
      8                     <xsd:element name="companyinfo" type="companyinfoType"/>
      9                     <xsd:element name="salaryinfo" type="salaryinfoType"/>
    10             </xsd:sequence>
    11     </xsd:complexType>
    12     <xsd:complexType name="persondetailsType" xdb:SQLType="PERSONDETAILS_T">
    13             <xsd:sequence>
    14                     <xsd:element name="personname" type="xsd:string"/>
    15                     <xsd:element name="personexperience" type="xsd:decimal"/>
    16             </xsd:sequence>
    17     </xsd:complexType>
    18     <xsd:complexType name="companyinfoType" xdb:SQLType="COMPANYINFO_T">
    19             <xsd:sequence>
    20                     <xsd:element name="companystartdate" type="xsd:date"/>
    21                     <xsd:element name="companystandard" type="xsd:decimal"/>
    22             </xsd:sequence>
    23     </xsd:complexType>
    24     <xsd:complexType name="salaryinfoType" xdb:SQLType="SALARYINFO_T">
    25             <xsd:sequence>
    26                     <xsd:element name="salary" type="xsd:decimal"/>
    27                     <xsd:element name="paymonth" type="xsd:string"/>
    28             </xsd:sequence>
    29     </xsd:complexType>
    30     <xsd:element name="person" type="t_person"/>
    31  </xsd:schema>');
    32  begin
    33    if (dbms_xdb.existsResource('/public/personDetails.xsd')) then
    34      dbms_xdb.deleteResource('/public/personDetails.xsd');
    35    end if;
    36    res := dbms_xdb.createResource('/public/personDetails.xsd',xmlschema);
    37  end;
    38  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> begin
      2    dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema ('www.PersonInfoUrl.com',xdburitype('/public/personDetails.xsd'),TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE);
      3  end;
      4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
      2  /
    Table dropped.
      2  (
      4    ,comments VARCHAR2(20)
      5    ,joindate DATE
      6    ,personjoininfo xmltype
      7  )
      8  XMLTYPE COLUMN personjoininfo XMLSCHEMA "www.PersonInfoUrl.com" element "person"
      9  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into PERSON_COMP_TABLE (empId ,comments ,joindate ,personjoininfo )
      2  values ('2006NEW312','RDDEPT','15-jan-2006',
      3  XMLType(
      4  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      5  <person xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="www.PersonInfoUrl.com">
      6     <persondetails>
      7             <personname>Robert </personname>
      8             <personexperience>4.5</personexperience>
      9     </persondetails>
    10     <companyinfo>
    11             <companystartdate>2004-07-24</companystartdate>
    12             <companystandard>3.9</companystandard>
    13     </companyinfo>
    14     <salaryinfo>
    15             <salary>2444.3</salary>
    16             <paymonth> june </paymonth>
    17     </salaryinfo>
    18  </person>'))
    19  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> select count(*) from PERSON_COMP_TABLE
      2  /
    SQL> declare
      2    xmlschema xmltype := xdburitype('/public/personDetails.xsd').getXML();
      3    res boolean;
      4  begin
      5    select insertChildXML
      6           (
      7             xmlschema,
      8             '/xsd:schema/xsd:complexType[@name="companyinfoType"]/xsd:sequence',
      9             'xsd:element',
    10             xmltype('<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" name="address" type="xsd:string"/>'),
    11             'xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    12           )
    13      into xmlSchema
    14      from dual;
    16    if (dbms_xdb.existsResource('/public/newPersonDetails.xsd')) then
    17      dbms_xdb.deleteResource('/public/newPersonDetails.xsd');
    18    end if;
    20    res := dbms_xdb.createResource('/public/newPersonDetails.xsd',xmlschema);
    21  end;
    22  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> commit
      2  /
    Commit complete.
    SQL> begin
      2    dbms_xmlschema.CopyEvolve
      3    (
      4       xdb$string_list_t('www.PersonInfoUrl.com'),
      5       XMLSequenceType(xdburitype('/public/newPersonDetails.xsd').getXML()),
      6       null
      7     );
      8  end;
      9  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select count(*) from PERSON_COMP_TABLE
      2  /
    SQL> insert into PERSON_COMP_TABLE (empId ,comments ,joindate ,personjoininfo )
      2  values ('1234PTR','DTSDDEPT','12-jan-2006',
      3  XMLType(
      4  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      5  <person xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="www.PersonInfoUrl.com">
      6     <persondetails>
      7             <personname>Julie </personname>
      8             <personexperience>3.5</personexperience>
      9     </persondetails>
    10     <companyinfo>
    11             <companystartdate>2005-11-21</companystartdate>
    12             <companystandard>3.9</companystandard>
    13             <address>santaclara</address>
    14     </companyinfo>
    15     <salaryinfo>
    16             <salary>2444.3</salary>
    17             <paymonth> june </paymonth>
    18     </salaryinfo>
    19  </person>'))
    20  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit
      2  /
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select count(*) from PERSON_COMP_TABLE
      2  /
    SQL> SELECT empid, extractValue(personjoininfo,'/person/companyinfo/address') FROM PERSON_COMP_TABLE
      2  /
    SQL>The mistakes included the XPath used to insert the new element into the XML Schema
    You had
    where as the correct XPath is
    and then you had
    if (dbms_xdb.existsResource('/public/personDetails.xsd')) then
    end if;
    res := dbms_xdb.createResource('/public/newpersonDetails.xsd',xmlschema);
    which means that once the document newpersonDetails.xsd had been created once a subsequent execution of the testcase would fail as the document would already exist.
    I'm also a little confused... Your testcase implies that you were able to insert the second document, but the number of rows in the table is still shown as 1 after the insert apparently succeeded. Since you did not correctly update the XML Schema before the calling copyEvolve I do not understand how your output shows that the second insert succeeded.

  • Query for file version less than 10.0 does not return expected data

    I'm trying to build a query for all PCs that have a version of Iexplore.exe in c:\windows\program files\ that is less than 10.0 .  When I run the query it returns no data. When I change 10.0 in the query to 9.9 it returns files with version 10.xxx in
    the results.  Its as if it is seeing 10.0 as 1.0.   Is this expected ?
    select SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.ADSiteName, SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.FileName, SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.FileVersion from  SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile on SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where
    SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.FileName = "iexplore.exe" and SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.FilePath = "C:\\program files\\internet explorer\\" and SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.FileVersion < "9.9"

    It is because the values are not integer, they are a string. And therefore 1 is smaller then 9.

  • Column not returning any data

    For some reason, the result set returned from the following query will not return one of the columns, and I am stumped. Any help would be appreciated. The column that is returning NULL, even though all the other columns return data is CHQ.CHECK_NO (Note: CHQ.CHECK_DATE is returning data just fine). CHQ.CHECK_NO is defined as Number 15,0
    (INV.INVOICE_DATE >= '25-JUL-05')

    After further checking, it appears that indeed all the CHECK_NO data is actually NULL for the result set I am querying. The fact that the CHECK_DATE was returning data lead me to believe that there would have to be a corresponding CHECK_NO.... guess NOT! :) Ugh, I just happened to get stuck with a really odd test result set. Thanks for the help! On trying a different VENDOR_NO in the query, it is returning CHECK_NO data. I'll have to inquire as to why there would be CHECK_DATE data and not a CHECK_NO... hmm.
    I did add the TO_DATE() function into my query, thanks for the tip.

  • Rtrim in where clause not returning correct data

    A select statement specifying
    where rtrim(field_name) &lt;&gt; ''
    is not returning any rows even though there is data on the table with field_name not blank.
    If this particular where clause is omitted the data is returned and rtrim(field_name) is populated correctly.
    This is occurring across different tables and in both and databases. I can't find any references to this being a bug.
    Has anyone else come across this ? Can anyone explain why this is happening please ?

    An empty VARCHAR2 is considered NULL by Oracle.
    sql> select 1 from dual where trim (' ') = '';
    no rows selected
    sql> select 1 from dual where trim (' ') != '';
    no rows selected
    sql> select 1 from dual where trim (' ') is null;

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