IGS Standalone Win32

I am searching for the SAP IGS Software Win32 standalone. On all documantation ( i.e. http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2004/helpdata/en/4b/72d43ac66e1f08e10000000a114084/frameset.htm)
tells to download it from service.sap.com/patches but there ist now downloadable file.
can anyone tell me, where to find it?

Hi Jorg,
Go to http://service.sap.com/swdc
Installations and Upgrades -> Entry By Application Group -> SAP NetWeaver -> SAP NetWeaver -> SAP NetWeaver 04 -> Installation And Upgrade -> Give the OS Platform -> Give the DB Platform
There will be a list of downloadable softwares select

Similar Messages

  • IGS - UNIX Some Words are Illegible

    I have a great problem. I possess IGS version UNIX installed in development and quality and the IGS version Windows installed in production.   
    IGS in the version Unix the sources don't appear in a correct way. I make alteration in WebApplicationDesigner but in the moment of the execution of the URL the font is appears distorted.   
    For exemplo: 
    View the word " abastecimento " (the word i not   
    correctly visible, it seems i with the very small space)   
    IGS in the version Windows that doesn't happen. The font appear correctly.   
    I already verified several notes SAP and I have to an open OSS, that come back the following answer:   
    "the reason for this is that the integrated IGS uses a platform-   
    independent library for drawing the characters within the image.   
    This differs from the standalone IGS on Win32 that uses a   
    Windows-specific library where a different font technique is used.   
    In other words, if you use the same TrueType font files with the   
    integrated and the standalone IGS you always get different results.   
    If you are not satisfied with the results of the integrated IGS   
    you can switch to using the standalone IGS instead." 
    I don't believe that is true, because the execution of the sources is interpreted by "client" and not in the Unix.   
    Anybody have an idea?

    Hi Alexandre,
    OSS is correct:
    the IGS receives all relevant information (data and customizing) for drawing an image. When creating the image the IGS also draws all texts directly into this bitmap, e.g. the charts title or the labels of a value axis. When the image is complete it is sent back as the result of the IGS call.
    As you can see there is no client logic involved, everything happens on the server.
    Regards, Kai

  • IGS for BW 3.5- Chart showing as column only

    IGS for BW 3.5
    Hi All,
    We've been having problems with our WAD chart, it is showing up only as column chart even though we change the chart type to e.g line chart, bar chart..etc.
    I found note 653249 but it everything seems okay in our system. IGS test in RSRT is working. Checked as well the settings by running BW_IGS_ADMIN and everything seems okay.
    We upgraded our front-end and now using BW 3.5 Patch 2 ( this came with SAP GUI 7.10), but still not working.
    I am not a Basis person, but i need to know what caused this problem and how to fix it. We are using BW 3.5 and IGS version is 6403.0.8.2.
    Seems like we are using the IGS standalone installation since the configuration file path is in D:\Program Files\SAP\Internet Graphics Server\conf\igs.xml.
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    Hi Kai,
    Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
    However, i would like to clarify on something. in note 653249, it says there that "The IGS must not contain a gfwchart.dll file." In our setting, the chart is using the mischart.dll ( see below).
    3291 CHART 6403.0.8.5 SAPMIS
    3292 CHART 6403.0.8.5 SAPMIS
    So i was thinking our setting is alright. So this should be gfwchart.dll? Please confirm. If so, do you know of any note/docs for this setting? I will need it so i can endorse it to Basis.
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    Your input is appreciated.

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    trc file: "C:Program FilesSAPInternet Graphics Serverlogsapgisxml_0151D2B0530_0.trc", trc level: 1, release: "640"
    Tue Mar 15 14:05:36 2005
    [Initialize] Could not load config file sapgisxml.ini. Exiting...
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    Thanks in advance,

    Did you ever got this to work?
    I try to set up GIS connection as well but having a hard time to find any good documentation.
    Do I have to create sapgisxml by my self?

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    I'm just a beginner myself, but that seems curious.
    The methods that your code uses will need something to support them,
    if JRE is unavailable you would need another means to supply all those dependencies.
    If this was even possible, it would make your program huge.
    Perhaps you would be better off to code it in .NET or VB which uses methods and API's native to windows.

  • Error handling in the InDesign SDK

    I've almost reached the first milestone on my InDesign project and before I move on I decided to do a code review. One thing that caught my attention are the InDesign smart pointers and how they are used in the SDK samples and some of the open source stuff.
    For example, here is some code from AppearancePlaceBehaviourUI.cpp in function GetCursor().
    InterfacePtr<IHierarchy>     sourceItem(const_cast<AppearancePlaceBehaviorUI*>(this), UseDefaultIID());
    InterfacePtr<IHierarchy>     parentItem(sourceItem->QueryParent());
    InterfacePtr<IPlaceBehavior> parentBehavior(parentItem, UseDefaultIID());
    if (parentBehavior == nil)
        InterfacePtr<IHierarchy> sourceContent(sourceItem->GetChildCount() ? sourceItem->QueryChild(0) : nil);
        if (sourceContent)
            InterfacePtr<IPlaceBehaviorUI> sourceBehaviorUI(sourceContent, UseDefaultIID());
            cursor = sourceBehaviorUI->GetCursor(globalLocation, modifiers);
    Although the code works under normal circumstances, it strikes me as unsafe code.
    sourceItem->QueryParent() is called without first checking that sourceItem is not a NULL pointer.
    Functions of the sourceItem object are used again (GetChildCount() and QueryChild()).
    The pointer sourceContent is checked before passing it to the constructor of sourceContent.
    Function GetCursor() is called without checking if sourceBehaviourUI is not NULL.
    For code tidiness pointers should really be tested against nil (i.e. if (ptrSomeObject != nil))
    It strikes me as being inconsistent and easy to break - unless that is some of these interfaces are guaranteed to return pointers, in which case is there documentation to state as much? What would happen in the case of an exception such as bad_alloc - are they guaranteed not to throw?
    I know that in some places (but not all), the samples use an "exception-style" approach of placing code blocks within a "do while(kFalse)" statement. They check for a NULL pointer and if they find one, break out of the "loop". This approach avoids deep nesting code.
    It would be great if Adobe gave a statement stating what their code base will do and won't do (i.e. exception safety). A few definative error handling examples for developers wouldn't go amiss either.

    Hi Dirk,
    Agreed - I also would like to see more real world source code that explains concepts. It would be good to see samples geared towards operations on a very small set of types (i.e. Libraries, Library Commands) with tutorials explaining what the sample is trying to demonstrate. For example:
    Library sample demostrates:
    How to open a library.
    How to close a library.
    How to add items via approach A.
    How to add items via approach B.
    How to remove an item from a library.
    How to remove an item from a library based on a specific criteria.
    How to remove all items from a library.
    Such samples would also demonstrate Adobe's idea of best practice - consistent code style, comments and error handling.
    As Helmut25 posts in his thread "Tutorial for plug-in programming?" it would be good to see more step by step tutorials that don't just do a copy and paste but also explain clearly what is being done and why. You want to get into an Adobe developers head, understand their view of the universe and then apply what you've learned in your own projects.
    Back onto error handling...
    I've spent many a year doing Win32 programming (via C-style API, not MFC), so I'm used to using GetLastError() to find out why a function failed. Never really had reason to use SetLastError() and by and large avoided it. I think any API has to state what will happen when things go wrong (Microsoft's Win32 documentation is very good at this) and consequently you know how to write your code to account for such things.
    One thing I like to do on standalone Win32/C/C++ applications is use a tool called AppVerifier, which allows you to throw various spanners into the works and see how your application copes. Shame there isn't something similar for testing plug-ins. I like to think that if InDesign crashes, it's not down to my code.

  • No module named collections

    Hi Experts,
    I've installed TREX 7.0(standalone, win32). I'm trying to enable semantic search by following the document at 'https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/f0d3be0e-0401-0010-b780-ff7e4e103ea0'.
    In the step 3., when i try to create a .xtm file using
    "txt2xtm.py --input=
    <TREX_DIR>     opicmapsexampleexample.txt -- output=<TREX_DIR>     opicmapsexampleexample.xtm"
    (in my case, txt2xtm.py --input=C:usrsapTRXTRX00exe     opicmapsexampleexample.txt --output=C:usrsapTRXTRX00exe     opicmapsexampleexample.xtm)
    I get the import error, 'No module named collections'.
    I searched for 'collections.py' file in the entire directory where trex was installed(C:usrsap), but found result is zero.
    It requires to activate the python activation as given in,
    Here, i followed 'Activate the Python extension handler' and in 'Registering the Python extensions' part , I changed "if '0' to '1'" for 'Topic Map' and 'Semantic Search' extensions.
    Here're the commands executed in command prompt,
    C:Documents and SettingsC5119720>cd C:usrsapTRXTRX00
    C:usrsapTRXTRX00>cd C:usrsapTRXTRX00exeextensionsxtm
    C:usrsapTRXTRX00exeextensionsxtm>txt2xtm.py --input=C:usrsapTRXTRX00exe     opicmapsexampl
    eexample.txt --output=C:usrsapTRXTRX00exe     opicmapsexampleexample.xtm
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:usrsapTRXTRX00exeextensionsxtm     xt2xtm.py", line 4, in <module>
        from testbase import TestBase, TestError
      File "C:usrsapTRXTRX00exeextensionsxtm     estbase.py", line 2, in <module>
        import os, sys, string, thread, threading, time, fuzzypy
      File "C:usrsapTRXTRX00exePythonlib     hreading.py", line 13, in <module>
        from collections import deque
    ImportError: No module named collections
    Please suggest how to get this 'collections' module.

    Hi All,
    I got the solution for this. I've been executing the scripts txt2xtm.py without using 'python' keyword. The screenshots given in the document doesn't contain this information and it's relevant for a release lower than 7.0. After adding 'python' keyword before the script name, the error has gone.
    Best Regards,

  • Configuring JBoss / BPEL vs Oracle DB as dehydration DB

    Hi all,
    I'm still trying to get BPEL running on JBoss vs Oracle as dehydration DB. I've already got an Oracle DB with a database that serves other BPEL (standalone Win32 and Linux versions). Simply, I downloaded the ready to install pack for Win32, containing Jboss and Bpel. I installed it and it functions. So I followed the installation guide and modified the oracle-ds.xml, oracle-sample-bpel-ds.xml, run.bat, startorabpel.bat.
    The server starts up but there are exceptions and I cannot find domains, as if the db was not found (but it's up and running).
    I've been searching on the for some, but I cannot find anything about this:
    17:03:54,036 INFO [RARMetaData] Loading JBoss Resource Adapter for JDBC 2 XA dr
    17:03:54,036 INFO [RARMetaData] Required license terms present. See deployment
    17:03:59,464 WARN [NestedThrowable] Duplicate throwable nesting of same base ty
    pe: class org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException is assignable from: class org
    17:03:59,464 ERROR [MainDeployer] could not create deployment: file:/C:/OraBPELJ
    org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: create operation failed for package fi
    le:/C:/OraBPELJB/system/appserver/jboss/server/default/deploy/oracle-ds.xml; - n
    ested throwable: (org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Trying to install an
    already registered mbean: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=BPELServerDataSource
    at org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer.create(SARDeployer.java:227)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
    Please, can someone help me ?
    Thank you.
    Matteo Regazzi

    Basically in the deploy directory, only the oracle-ds.xml should reside. Please remove the
    oracle-sample-bpel-ds.xml from the deploy directory and start jboss. Now this should work.

  • Standalone IGS?

    Hi Everyone,
    Can someone tell me where the standalone Internet Graphics Server is or how to install it?  All I've found in the marketplace is the files for the Kernel Integrated Internet Graphics Server.  I tried the SCM 701 Installation Master but I don't see it in there either.

    Okay, I found the IGSSETUP file for windows Windows IA32 32 bit but there is nothing offered under the Windows x86 folder, just the Kernel integrated.  Is the Standalone IGS even supported on a Windows x86 environment?

  • IGS - Program Not Registered

    I am unable to get connection to IGS.<SID>. I get the following error - "Program IGS.<SID> Not Registered. Secondly When I try to execute SIGS it prompts me "could not reach IGS".
    I am able to register  with "Rfcexec" successfully, so that i can check via sigw and see that IGS.<SID> is registerd.
    But still, when i try to test the connection via sm59 for IGS_RFC_DEST it prompts me the same error.
    Any valuable suggestions/comments.

    it depends on your SAP version. do you see IGS in SAPMMC? if not ,this means that it is standalone and can be shutdown/started with Windows services.

  • Error while installing Oracle BI Publisher ( standalone on XP

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to install BI Publisher Standalone, and I am getting an error "An unhandeled win32 exception occurred in setup.exe" and opens a Visual Studio debugger. How can I install it? can any one help me in this.

    I have also been unsuccessful in installing in XP. Trying it for the past few weeks.
    Created a SR with Oracle support a few weeks ago and they could not help me either ..... they tell me that Microsoft has some "helper" programs that interfere with the installation and that these helper programs need to be killed via the task manager. But they do not know which specific helper programs need to be killed.
    Also Tim Dexter has a blog that may be of help to you .... though it did not help me.

  • An error occured during the installation of assembly "Microsoft.VC80.CRT,type+"win32",version="8.0.50727.6195"publicKeyToken="1fc8b3 b9a1e18e3b",processorArchitecture="x86". Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT:0x80070BC9.

    At first i got a problem with my Apple Mobile Device Support, but then after i've done some research browsing the net on how to fix that problem, i've finally found the solution to that problem... However, after I've finish installing and trying to run ITunes, there's a pop up says Error 2 , Apple Application Support is needed to run ITunes.... So i've followed the instruction and suggestions given out which is to extract my iTunes64Setup and install Apple Application Support standalone manually, but during the installation, an error pops out that really really really could give me cancer.... the error goes like this-
    ""An error occured during the instilation of assembly "Microsoft.VC80.CRT,type+"win32",version="8.0.50727.6195"publicKeyToken="1fc8b3 b9a1e18e3b",processorArchitecture="x86". Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT:0x80070BC9.""
    God knows how many times i've reinstalled Itunes, and how many pages i've been thruu just to look for a solution to this problem..... PLEASE HELP ME IM BEGGING YOU TO WHOEVER HAVE ANY IDEA ON HOW TO FIX THIS T^T
    Im running on Window 7 ultimate 64-bit btw...

    OK.  If both of you are Windows 7.  Make sure you go to Windows update (START button, type in Windows Update). Check for updates and update whatever that are available. (especially Microsoft .NET Framework 4 )
    After that see if you still get this error message.
    The last resort would be to unistall and reinstall the whole thing.
    Follow the steps below:
    1. Go to Microsoft website to fix install and Unistall problems. Click "Run now" from Fix it to remove all iTunes & related installer files:
    Be aware that Windows Installer CleanUp Utility will not remove the actual program from your computer. However, it will remove the installation files so that you can start the installation, upgrade, or uninstall over.
    2. You should remove all instances of iTunes and the rest of the components listed below:
    it may be necessary to remove all traces of iTunes, QuickTime, and related software components from your computer before reinstalling iTunes.
    Use the Control Panel to uninstall iTunes and related software components in the following order:
    Apple Software Update
    Apple Mobile Device Support
    Apple Application Support (iTunes 9 or later)
    Follow the instructions from Apple article listed here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1923 to remove all components
    3. Reboot your computer. Next, download iTunes from here:http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/ and install from scratch

  • Problem Installing Adobe Flex Builder 3 (Standalone)

    I have attempted a few times today to install the Flex Builder 3 standalone file, but I am having issues. I am currently using Adobe CS4 Design Premium on my computer.
    I am new to this type of application development.  Currently, I mainly used flash to create my interactive applications, but I need to branch out to create more complex applications.  As I already know actionscript 3.0, I was interesting into getting into Flex.  I do not know Javascript, C++, etc.
    Once I download the standalone file to my desktop and run the installer, I do not choose to download Flash Player 9 because I already have nor do I choose do download the Coldfusion or JSEclipse Plug-in as I do not have Eclipse on my computer (it comes with the standalone as I have been led to believe).  After running the installer, it almost gets to the end and then I get the following error message:
    I click OK, it finishes the install and says
    I go to the log file and get the following:
    !SESSION 2010-02-24 16:22:40.424 -----------------------------------------------
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
    Framework arguments:  -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command install -from file:\C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\com.adobe.flexbuilder.update.site/ -featureId com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.standalone -version 3.0.214193
    Command-line arguments:  -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command install -from file:\C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\com.adobe.flexbuilder.update.site/ -featureId com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.standalone -version 3.0.214193
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.update.core 4 0 2010-02-24 16:22:44.799
    !MESSAGE Cannot install featurecom.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.standalone 3.0.214193
    Can anybody help me on this?  Is there something I missing prior to download?

    We're in the same boat here - the the behavour of xsd:all in
    BETA 3 renders our Flex app virtually useless because of
    communication issues with the backend webservice. We have studied
    the proposed workaround suggested, unfortunately we only control
    the FLEX app - we do not control the WS we have to integrate with.
    As a result we've gone back to BETA 2 to do some critical
    changes in the software but the "Beta expired." message we've been
    receiving is really not well received. As we have been very
    proactive in supporting development in the BETA phases including
    reporitng bugs, we think that Adobe shoudl also have some
    flexibility here and offer ways to extend the BETA 2. We're not
    asking for any type of support during that phase - purely the
    ability to compile our source until we can implement the full work
    around which will allow the software to run on BETA 3. The
    suggestion to change dates or go to previous restore points do not
    work well here with our numerous developers.

  • Work Manager 6.0 for SMP 2.3 - standalone server - Startup Exceptions

    Hello Experts.
    I am installing a standalone Agentry Server for Work Manager 6.0 on the server where we have installed SMP 2.3.
    It has been installed successfully and does start up, however I get some annoying error messages during start up.
    It seems that the server is running - I can succesfully synchronize to an ATE client.
    Due to the results from this thread, I have changed all ports in the Agentry.ini file to separate ports numbered 7521, 7522, 7523 and 7524.
    Port issues - SMP and Agentry
    Errors from the startup.log:
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: HTTP-XML Back End Back End: Started
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Server: Starting threads.
    13:26:00 05/05/2014:    1 initial threads.  Threads will auto-scale.
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Event: 20, 4, Server v6.1.0.3
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Starting front ends
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: ANGEL Front End: Starting threads.
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Exception: 13:26:00 05/05/2014 : 2 (Socket Error), UNKNOWN (UNKNOWN, ), ..\Socket\win32\sockets.cpp#1514:ListeningStreamSocket::OSListeningSocket::listenOn
    13:26:00 05/05/2014:    3 initial threads.  Threads will auto-scale.
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: ANGEL Front End: opening listen socket on port 7523
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Exception: 13:26:00 05/05/2014 : 2 (Socket Error), UNKNOWN (UNKNOWN, ), ..\Socket\win32\sockets.cpp#1514:ListeningStreamSocket::OSListeningSocket::listenOn
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Event: 17, 10, open
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Event: 17, 10, ANGEL Front End v6.1.0.3
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Exception: 13:26:00 05/05/2014 : 2 (Socket Error), UNKNOWN (UNKNOWN, ), ..\Socket\win32\sockets.cpp#1514:ListeningStreamSocket::OSListeningSocket::listenOn
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Event: 0, 0, Old log files moved into Logs-Rolled\2014-05-05-132546
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Event: 0, 23, 4
    13:26:00 05/05/2014: Exception: 13:26:00 05/05/2014 : 2 (Socket Error), UNKNOWN (UNKNOWN, ), ..\Socket\win32\sockets.cpp#1514:ListeningStreamSocket::OSListeningSocket::listenOn
    13:26:01 05/05/2014: Event: 0, 2, Server startup is complete.
    13:26:01 05/05/2014: Agentry Application startup complete
    Can anybody help with the meaning and implications of these errors ?
    Thank you.
    Søren Hansen.

    Damn... I missed one port
    You are correct. The default port (8282) of Agentry is used multiple places in the Agentry.ini file, and collides with SMP.
    Thanks Steve.
    For others:
    Please make sure the following ports of the Agentry.ini file are unique across all applications on the server. In this case I have chosen to call all my ports on this instance 752X.
    Now the server starts without errors.
    [ANGEL Front End Ports]
    [TCP Front End]
    nonStandardJavaOptions=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=7524,server=y,suspend=n
    Søren Hansen.

  • Trouble installing itunes -itunessetup.exe is not a valid win32 application

    I have trouble installing itunes. The following message appears: C:\Documents and Setting\Owner\My Documents\ itunsSetup.exe is not a valid Win32 application. I tried the following but I still have problems: remove previous version of itunes, remove quicktime, install again quicktime as a standalone, delete temporary files, restart computer, delete all itunes related files.

    Finally an answer from Apple:
    Dear Stefanie,
    I understand that you're receiving an error when trying to open the iTunes
    installer that you downloaded. I'd like to try to help you resolve this issue.
    It appears that your web browser may be truncating your download of the iTunes
    software. I urge you to try using a different web browser to download iTunes. If
    this is not possible, you can also try using a different computer to download
    iTunes, and then transfer the iTunes installer file (iTunesSetup.exe) to your
    original computer and open it from there.
    Some transfer options would include using your iPod to transfer the file via
    hard disk mode, using a local network, burning a CD, using an external hard disk
    or a USB drive, or even sending the file to yourself via email or over an
    instant messaging network.
    I hope this information helps to resolve your iTunes installation issue. If it
    does not and you still need assistance from Apple, you will need to call Apple
    technical support (there may be a fee associated with the call). To find the
    appropriate phone number, please visit:
    The iTunes Store

Maybe you are looking for