IHDPro Error -- Also posted in Compressor Forum

Has anyone encountered this and do you know what it means or how to troubleshoot? I've dropped a motion project (.motn) into compressor and this error comes up. It follows with "Unable to figure out your host, assuming it is Final Cut Pro".
My thanks to those who have seen it, or can help troubleshoot. Perhaps it is a filter I may be using in Motion? Not sure.

Thanks Patrick, that is definitely PLAN A. I have about 30 "video head shots" for PAC 10 Football that I've developed and was hoping to batch render them out of Motion somehow. That was my logic for dropping the .motn files right into compressor.
Funny thing is, after the error pops up a couple of times (and I press "continue" in the dialogue box)compressor can actually "see" the .motn file but once I set up the batch, it all crashes away quietly.
This motion project has about 6 really complex montages, light sweeps, and an alpha movie of the football player on top, so it was worth a shot to try to batch. Oh well, the 8 core takes the render time down to about 4 minutes each, so I'm not too disappointed.
Thanks again maybe others have seen the error, or maybe you could try dropping a complex .motn file (using some noise industries filters) into compressor, and see if you see the same error.

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    Please be aware that I have not got any ePubs to the retail stage as yet, I was working flatout on a bunch of ePubs for a few months when the project got put on the backburner — so my experience is limited.
    I'm not sure what your process is, but InDesign CS4 does an OK job of creating ePubs — just so long as you set the files up correctly (eg. the easiest way to get page breaks between chapters is to save each chapter as a separate InDesign file and then combine them in a book. ALSO, everything should be styled using paragraph, character and oject styles)
    Unless CS5 has SIGNIFICANT upgraded support for ePub, you might be wasting your money.
    Check out the excellent tutorials by Gabriel Powell
    He gives the most outstanding introduction to ePUB from InDesign I've yet seen.
    A couple of things I found I needed to do to get ePubs looking right in anything other than ADE:
    • I got a better result if I wrote my own CSS — InDesign does not do a good job of this at all, AFAIC. Export style names only and use these as the basis for your CSS.
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    Good luck

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    Hello Muhd
    Please could you go in Administartion > Set Up > Fixed assets > GL
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    'Acquisition without vendor'.
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    2)Check GL accounts settings
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    SAP Business One Forums Team

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    Hi Jac,
    1, There is a known issue in a lower version before  2005A SP01 PL30when you try to run a retirement operation for a fixed asset with Net Price equal to the Net Book Value, it failed and you got the following error message:
    21141 error while posting journalentry: -5012 /Unbalanced Transaction.
    If you are in this scenario, please upgrade your Fixed Assest to the latest patch.
    2. If you are not in above scenario, this problem is possibly caused by the incorrect configuration of accounts in G/L
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    There should not be 'Default VAT Group' related to these accounts except for account 'Default Revenue Acc. Retirement' in G/L Account Determination.
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    3) The Chart of Accounts window will open, click on the'Account Details' button beneath the window to open G/L Account Details;
    4) Empty the field 'Default VAT Code';
    5) Execute the Retirement functionality again.
    You can also refer to SAP Note 1050423 for reference. https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1050423
    I hope it is helpful!
    Ivy Zhang
    SAP Business One Forums Team

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    Hi Pedro,
    I found the portlet on this page
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    karol wrote:Sometimes the images aren't displayed even though I have the right option set in my forum profile. Most of the images posted on the forum work, but some seem to be blocked.
    For example, the images from https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php … 9#p1150769 used to work, now they're gone http://i.imgur.com/APAmVFH.png
    I can't access http://xylosper.net/ , it seems down,
    Same here.
    but I have the same problem with https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php … 4#p1371584 - I only get an image with the filename http://i.imgur.com/ctLrXcn.png instead of the images / thumbnails. It's not text, I can't highlight it with my mouse, but I can see the full url if I click 'Quote'.
    Can you see them?
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    It would appear that you have a problem with one of your ram chips. Try changing the chips and run the test again. See HERE. This is the Aluminum Powerbook forum are and you might get more expert help on your G5 Dual over in that forum area. Never, never lose your OS installer CD/DVD. That should be in the vault. You may try to contact AppleCare to see if they can help you get another one.

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    Rahul Sharma

    What ever the special gl you are created or assigned to K in OBXT are will not allow to post down payment. in FB60 by using these special gl indicators we can post invoice.
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    Error in posting
    error is Posting period 002 2008 is not open??
    how to open posting period??

    Hello Nikki,
    Kindly ask your FI consultant to open period 002 2008.
    Once period got open ; you can post payresult of period 02 2008 within this period.
    We believe that you want to post payresults of period 02 2008 which are late due to some reason..you can post this results in current open period also.

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    Please check the psoting date and also the reversal  date in FBS1. Please check when you have posted the document and when you want ot reverse the same.
    Thank you,

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    I am getting error while posting stock in T. code- MB1C
    Error- G/L account 799999 dose not exists in company code.
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    Dear Sundyeep,
    As already explained,please search in google or forum before posting,you can copy paste your error massege in google,it will provide you the relative links.Read the threads at the top of forum.For your error go through this link:-
    Or use Tcode OBC4 and OBC5 to define and assign field status variant to Company Code.
    Edited by: davinderpalsingh on Sep 5, 2011 3:04 PM

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    Field VM07M-GEBEH. does not exist in the screen SAPMM07M 0410     
    is these config issue?
    and how we can do config to resolve this issue.

    You have to maintain Plant Parameters from Inventory side as well in consumption based planning side.
    check out the path,
    SPRO>Materials Management>Consumption Based Planning-->Plant Parameters,
    SPRO>Materials Management>Inventory Magnt and Phy inv.
    -->Plant Parameters.
    Copy, from existing Plant.

  • Getting error while posting reports on Unix Process Scheduler Server

    Hello ,
    I am getting the below error while posting reports on Unix Process Scheduler Server .
    PSDSTSRV.14338 (2) [09/08/09 08:21:34 PostReport](1) (JNIUTIL): Java exception thrown: java.io.IOException: Stream closed.
    PSDSTSRV.14338 (2) [09/08/09 08:21:34 PostReport](3) HTTP transfer error.
    PSDSTSRV.14338 (2) [09/08/09 08:21:34 PostReport](3) Post Report Elapsed Time: 0.0900
    PSDSTSRV.14171 (10) [09/08/09 08:21:34 PostReport](1) (JNIUTIL): Java exception thrown: java.io.IOException: Stream closed.
    Please advise ,thank you.

    user5838027 wrote:
    Node name :PS_HTTP
    URL: http://ddas1020.dev.com:16000/psreports/hrdmo
    URI Port: 16000
    Please let me know if any other info is needed.
    URL: http://ddas1020.dev.com:16000/psreports/hr90dmo
    Hopefully, your application URL looks like http://ddas1020.dev.com:16000/psp/hr90dmo/..., your URI host looks like ddas1020.dev.com (or corresponding ip address), and hhtp is checked.
    Did you also tried to give the web login/password ?

  • Error while posting payroll results to FI -IN PY

    Dear Consultants,
    When I am posting Payroll results to FI I am able to see the + amount and - amount is equal still it giving error and when I check PCP0 it says incorrect document generated. Please do needful.
    Error message: Error in document: HRPAY 0000000094 DEVCLNT200
    Error in document: HRPAY 0000000094 DEVCLNT200
    Message no. RW609
    Errors occurred when checking or posting the document
    Reference type = HRPAY
    Reference key = 0000000094
    Logical system = DEVCLNT200
    You can find the errors in the log.
    System Response
    The document cannot be posted.
    Remove the error in the document and create and post the document again.
    Second error message : Posting period 012 2012 is not open
    Message Text
    Posting period 012 2012 is not open
    Technical Data
    Message type__________
    E (Error)
    Message class_________
    F5 (Document Editing)
    Message number________
    Message variable 1____
    Message variable 2____
    Message variable 3____
    Message variable 4____
    Message Attributes
    Level of detail_______
    2 (Level of detail 2)
    Problem class_________
    Sort criterion________
    Environment Information
    Please do needful, why this error is coming even though the +and - amount are equal.

    Dear Siva,
    Sorry for delay in reply, as per my understanding I have done the assignment correctly, and the same arrears are coming in RT table as well as in payslip. When I checked the report RPDKON00 I have got a list of wage types assigned to GL account under Country grouping 40,
    A.Define wage type posting characteristics : I have copied arrears, carryforward wage types from their original wage types.
    Example : From Basic pay (which is using in infotype 0008)  I have copied Basic arrear wage type and basic carryforward wage type. and assigned the same in ZN42, ZN43, ZN44 and did the assignment.
    B. Define symbolic account : I have copied the symbolic account which is assigned to Basic wage type and copied the same and created new symbolic account and assigned to only basic arrear wage type which is coming in RT table.
    C .Assigned wage type to symbolic account : I have not assigned arrear wage type symbolic account to Original wge type in V_T53EL. Only Basic wage type symbolic account is mapped here.
    D Mapping symbolic account to G/L account : I have assigned the arrear wage type Symbolic account to the same GL which is assigned to original Basic wage type symbolic account.
    I have followed the same process for all the arrear wage types, and even the report RPDKON00 it is showing the same there is no error message.
    Apart from that I have created a New Symbolic account for /ZF5 and did all assignment, and assigned /ZF5 wage type symbolic account to /3F1 wage type symbolic account and GL mapping also same as /3F1.
    In Standard /552 arrear process there is no /ZF5 postings it will directly deduct the amount.
    Please suggest do I need to check any other area or how can I solve this error. kindly do needful.

  • Firefox gives "content encoding error" for multiple sites (mostly forums), however, wget can open those sites just fine

    I am working under a corporate proxy server, so this might influence the problem. From home i can access the sites just fine. From here - it gives "content encoding error" on different kinds of forums. For example, http://www.freeallegiance.org/forums/index.php?act=home
    I tried to download wget and could download the website htm file just fine!

    I also have this problem. I believe it is caused by being connected through a proxy which is adding a second compression to the data. (I think IF uses gzip compression already).
    Added details:
    * Opera also works.
    * I can view the IF admin section on FF
    * I can view the forum if I go through a web proxy.

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