IIS 6.0 Policyagent not working with AM loadbalancer

Trying to enable SSO for IIS 6.0 website running on port 80 with Access manager 7.0. AM loadbalancer URL is configured on OracleAS webcache.
Everything works fine when policyagent is configured with one of the AM servers instead of load balancer URL. But when configured with AM loadbalancer URL a blank page gets displayed after user gives his credentials on the AM authentication page and submits. Below is the error part of log generated at policyagent's end.
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<RequestSet vers="1.0" svcid="auth" reqid="0">
<Request><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><AuthContext version="1.0">
<Request authIdentifier="0"><NewAuthContext orgName="/"/></Request></AuthContext>]]></Request>
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: BaseService::sendRequest Request line: POST /amserver/authservice HTTP/1.0
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556 Debug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: BaseService::sendRequest Cookie and Headers =Host: am.xxxx.com
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556 Debug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: BaseService::sendRequest Content-Length =Content-Length: 296
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556 Debug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: BaseService::sendRequest Header Suffix =Accept: text/xml
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: BaseService::sendRequest(): Total chunks: 9.
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: BaseService::sendRequest(): Sent 9 chunks.
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556 Debug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: HTTP Status = 404 (Not Found)
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: Http::Response::readAndParse(): Reading headers.
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: Connection: Close
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: Server: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server OracleAS-Web-Cache-10g/ (N;ecid=1254975795829,0)
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 13:38:04 GMT
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: Http::Response::readAndParse(): Reading body content of length: 73435745963999573
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 all: Connection::waitForReply(): returns with status success.
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: Http::Response::readAndParse(): Completed processing the response with status: success
2008-04-21 19:08:04.556MaxDebug 2160:18ef080 AuthService: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>
<H1>Not Found</H1>
The requested URL /amserver/authservice was not found on this server.<P>
<ADDRESS>Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server Server at INTRANET-WC.xxxx.COM Port 7777</ADDRESS>
Any idea why it is looking for /amserver/authservice context on the webcache??

com.sun.am.cookie.name = iPlanetDirectoryPro
# If this property is set to true the cookies set by the agent
# will be marked secure and will only be transmitted if the
# communications channel with the host is a secure one.
com.sun.am.cookie.secure = false
# The URL for the Access Manager Naming service.
com.sun.am.naming.url = http://<Loadbalancerhostname>:7777/amserver/namingservice http://<Loadbalancerhostname>:7777/amserver/namingservice
com.sun.am.ignore.naming_service = true
# The URL of the login page on the Access Manager.
com.sun.am.policy.am.login.url = http://<Loadbalancerhostname>:7777/amserver/UI/Login http://<Loadbalancerhostname>:7777/amserver/UI/Login
# Name of the file to use for logging messages.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.local.log.file = D:/Sun/Access_Manager/Agents/2.2/debug/Identifier_1/amAgent
# This property is used for Log Rotation. The value of the property specifies
# whether the agent deployed on the server supports the feature of not. If set
# to false all log messages are written to the same file.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.local.log.rotate = true
# Name of the Access Manager log file to use for logging messages to
# Access Manager.
# Just the name of the file is needed. The directory of the file
# is determined by settings configured on the Access Manager.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.remote.log = amAuthLog.<Protectedserverhostname>.80
com.sun.am.log.level = all:5
# The org, username and password for Agent to login to AM.
com.sun.am.policy.am.username = lmsagent1
com.sun.am.policy.am.password = HCuUvbq+uuVQ0LA9cDZUsw==
# Name of the directory containing the certificate databases for SSL.
com.sun.am.sslcert.dir = D:/Sun/Access_Manager/Agents/2.2/iis6/cert
# Set this property if the certificate databases in the directory specified
# by the previous property have a prefix.
com.sun.am.certdb.prefix =
# Should agent trust all server certificates when Access Manager
# is running SSL?
# Possible values are true or false.
com.sun.am.trust_server_certs = true
# Should the policy SDK use the Access Manager notification
# mechanism to maintain the consistency of its internal cache? If the value
# is false, then a polling mechanism is used to maintain cache consistency.
# Possible values are true or false.
com.sun.am.notification.enable = true
# URL to which notification messages should be sent if notification is
# enabled, see previous property.
com.sun.am.notification.url = http://<Protectedserverhostname>:80/amagent/UpdateAgentCacheServlet?shortcircuit=false
# This property determines whether URL string case sensitivity is
# obeyed during policy evaluation
com.sun.am.policy.am.url_comparison.case_ignore = true
# This property determines the amount of time (in minutes) a policy entry
# remains valid after it has been added to the cache. The default
# value for this property is 3 minutes.
# This property determines the amount of time (in minutes) an sso entry
# remains valid after it has been added to the cache. The default
# value for this property is 3 minutes.
# This property allows the user to configure the User Id parameter passed
# by the session information from the access manager. The value of User
# Id will be used by the agent to set the value of REMOTE_USER server
# variable. By default this parameter is set to "UserToken"
# Profile attributes fetch mode
# String attribute mode to specify if additional user profile attributes should
# be introduced into the request. Possible values are:
# NONE - no additional user profile attributes will be introduced.
# HTTP_HEADER - additional user profile attributes will be introduced into
# HTTP header.
# HTTP_COOKIE - additional user profile attributes will be introduced through
# cookies.
# If not within these values, it will be considered as NONE.
# The user profile attributes to be added to the HTTP header. The
# specification is of the format ldap_attribute_name|http_header_name[,...].
# ldap_attribute_name is the attribute in data store to be fetched and
# http_header_name is the name of the header to which the value needs
# to be assigned.
# NOTE: In most cases, in a destination application where a "http_header_name"
# shows up as a request header, it will be prefixed by HTTP_, and all
# lower case letters will become upper case, and any - will become _;
# For example, "common-name" would become "HTTP_COMMON_NAME"
# Session attributes mode
# String attribute mode to specify if additional user session attributes should
# be introduced into the request. Possible values are:
# NONE - no additional user session attributes will be introduced.
# HTTP_HEADER - additional user session attributes will be introduced into HTTP header.
# HTTP_COOKIE - additional user session attributes will be introduced through cookies.
# If not within these values, it will be considered as NONE.
# The session attributes to be added to the HTTP header. The specification is
# of the format session_attribute_name|http_header_name[,...].
# session_attribute_name is the attribute in session to be fetched and
# http_header_name is the name of the header to which the value needs to be
# assigned.
# NOTE: In most cases, in a destination application where a "http_header_name"
# shows up as a request header, it will be prefixed by HTTP_, and all
# lower case letters will become upper case, and any - will become _;
# For example, "common-name" would become "HTTP_COMMON_NAME"
# Response Attribute Fetch Mode
# String attribute mode to specify if additional user response attributes should
# be introduced into the request. Possible values are:
# NONE - no additional user response attributes will be introduced.
# HTTP_HEADER - additional user response attributes will be introduced into
# HTTP header.
# HTTP_COOKIE - additional user response attributes will be introduced through
# cookies.
# If not within these values, it will be considered as NONE.
# The response attributes to be added to the HTTP header. The specification is
# of the format response_attribute_name|http_header_name[,...].
# response_attribute_name is the attribute in policy response to be fetched and
# http_header_name is the name of the header to which the value needs to be
# assigned.
# NOTE: In most cases, in a destination application where a "http_header_name"
# shows up as a request header, it will be prefixed by HTTP_, and all
# lower case letters will become upper case, and any - will become _;
# For example, "common-name" would become "HTTP_COMMON_NAME"
# indicate where a load balancer is used for Access Manager
# services.
# true | false
com.sun.am.load_balancer.enable = true
####Agent Configuration####
# this is for product versioning, please do not modify it
# Set the url access logging level. the choices are
# LOG_NONE - do not log user access to url
# LOG_DENY - log url access that was denied.
# LOG_ALLOW - log url access that was allowed.
# LOG_BOTH - log url access that was allowed or denied.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.audit.accesstype = LOG_BOTH
# Agent prefix
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.agenturi.prefix = http://<Protectedserverhostname>:80/amagent
# Locale setting.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.locale = en_US
# The unique identifier for this agent instance.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.instance.name = unused
# Do SSO only
# Boolean attribute to indicate whether the agent will just enforce user
# authentication (SSO) without enforcing policies (authorization)
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.do_sso_only = true
# The URL of the access denied page. If no value is specified, then
# the agent will return an HTTP status of 403 (Forbidden).
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.accessdenied.url =
# This property indicates if FQDN checking is enabled or not.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.fqdn.check.enable = true
# Default FQDN is the fully qualified hostname that the users should use
# in order to access resources on this web server instance. This is a
# required configuration value without which the Web server may not
# startup correctly.
# The primary purpose of specifying this property is to ensure that if
# the users try to access protected resources on this web server
# instance without specifying the FQDN in the browser URL, the Agent
# can take corrective action and redirect the user to the URL that
# contains the correct FQDN.
# This property is set during the agent installation and need not be
# modified unless absolutely necessary to accommodate deployment
# requirements.
# WARNING: Invalid value for this property can result in the Web Server
# becoming unusable or the resources becoming inaccessible.
# See also: com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.fqdn.check.enable,
# com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.fqdn.map
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.fqdn.default = <Protectedserverhostname>
# The FQDN Map is a simple map that enables the Agent to take corrective
# action in the case where the users may have typed in an incorrect URL
# such as by specifying partial hostname or using an IP address to
# access protected resources. It redirects the browser to the URL
# with fully qualified domain name so that cookies related to the domain
# are received by the agents.
# The format for this property is:
# com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.fqdn.map = [invalid_hostname|valid_hostname][,...]
# This property can also be used so that the agents use the name specified
# in this map instead of the web server's actual name. This can be
# accomplished by doing the following.
# Say you want your server to be addressed as xyz.hostname.com whereas the
# actual name of the server is abc.hostname.com. The browsers only knows
# xyz.hostname.com and you have specified polices using xyz.hostname.com at
# the Access Manager policy console, in this file set the mapping as
# com.sun.am.policy.agents.fqdn.map = valid|xyz.hostname.com
# Another example is if you have multiple virtual servers say rst.hostname.com,
# uvw.hostname.com and xyz.hostname.com pointing to the same actual server
# abc.hostname.com and each of the virtual servers have their own policies
# defined, then the fqdnMap should be defined as follows:
# com.sun.am.policy.agents.fqdn.map = valid1|rst.hostname.com,valid2|uvw.hostname.com,valid3|xyz.hostname.com
# WARNING: Invalid value for this property can result in the Web Server
# becoming unusable or the resources becoming inaccessible.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.fqdn.map =
# Cookie Reset
# This property must be set to true, if this agent needs to
# reset cookies in the response before redirecting to
# Access Manager for Authentication.
# By default this is set to false.
# Example : com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.cookie.reset.enable=true
# This property gives the comma separated list of Cookies, that
# need to be included in the Redirect Response to Access Manager.
# This property is used only if the Cookie Reset feature is enabled.
# The Cookie details need to be specified in the following Format
# name[=value][;Domain=value]
# If "Domain" is not specified, then the default agent domain is
# used to set the Cookie.
# Example : com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.cookie.reset.list=LtpaToken,
# token=value;Domain=subdomain.domain.com
# This property gives the space separated list of domains in
# which cookies have to be set in a CDSSO scenario. This property
# is used only if CDSSO is enabled.
# If this property is left blank then the fully qualified cookie
# domain for the agent server will be used for setting the cookie
# domain. In such case it is a host cookie instead of a domain cookie.
# Example : com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.cookie.domain.list=.sun.com .iplanet.com
# user id returned if accessing global allow page and not authenticated
# Enable/Disable REMOTE_USER processing for anonymous users
# true | false
# Not enforced list is the list of URLs for which no authentication is
# required. Wildcards can be used to define a pattern of URLs.
# The URLs specified may not contain any query parameters.
# Each service have their own not enforced list. The service name is suffixed
# after "# com.sun.am.policy.agents.notenforcedList." to specify a list
# for a particular service. SPACE is the separator between the URL.
# Boolean attribute to indicate whether the above list is a not enforced list
# or an enforced list; When the value is true, the list means enforced list,
# or in other words, the whole web site is open/accessible without
# authentication except for those URLs in the list.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.notenforced_list.invert = false
# Not enforced client IP address list is a list of client IP addresses.
# No authentication and authorization are required for the requests coming
# from these client IP addresses. The IP address must be in the form of
# eg:
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.notenforced_client_ip_list =
# Enable POST data preservation; By default it is set to false
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.postdata.preserve.enable = false
# POST data preservation : POST cache entry lifetime in minutes,
# After the specified interval, the entry will be dropped
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.postcache.entry.lifetime = 10
# Cross-Domain Single Sign On URL
# Is CDSSO enabled.
# This is the URL the user will be redirected to for authentication
# in a CDSSO Scenario.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.cdcservlet.url =
# Enable/Disable client IP address validation. This validate
# will check if the subsequent browser requests come from the
# same ip address that the SSO token is initially issued against
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.client_ip_validation.enable = false
# Below properties are used to define cookie prefix and cookie max age
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.profile.attribute.cookie.prefix = HTTP_
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.profile.attribute.cookie.maxage = 300
# Logout URL - application's Logout URL.
# This URL is not enforced by policy.
# if set, agent will intercept this URL and destroy the user's session,
# if any. The application's logout URL will be allowed whether or not
# the session destroy is successful.
# Any cookies to be reset upon logout in the same format as cookie_reset_list
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.logout.cookie.reset.list =
# By default, when a policy decision for a resource is needed,
# agent gets and caches the policy decision of the resource and
# all resource from the root of the resource down, from the Access Manager.
# For example, if the resource is http://host/a/b/c, the the root of the
# resource is http://host/. This is because more resources from the
# same path are likely to be accessed subsequently.
# However this may take a long time the first time if there
# are many many policies defined under the root resource.
# To have agent get and cache the policy decision for the resource only,
# set the following property to false.
com.sun.am.policy.am.fetch_from_root_resource = true
# Whether to get the client's hostname through DNS reverse lookup for use
# in policy evaluation.
# It is true by default, if the property does not exist or if it is
# any value other than false.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.get_client_host_name = true
# The following property is to enable native encoding of
# ldap header attributes forwarded by agents. If set to true
# agent will encode the ldap header value in the default
# encoding of OS locale. If set to false ldap header values
# will be encoded in UTF-8
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.convert_mbyte.enable = false
# The following property is to enable encoding of URL special
# chars, if any. If set to true agent will encode URL special
# characters before sending for policy evaluation.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.encode_url_special_chars.enable = false
#When the not enforced list or policy has a wildcard '*' character, agent
#strips the path info from the request URI and uses the resulting request
#URI to check against the not enforced list or policy instead of the entire
#request URI, in order to prevent someone from getting access to any URI by
#simply appending the matching pattern in the policy or not enforced list.
#For example, if the not enforced list has the value http://host/*.gif,
#stripping the path info from the request URI will prevent someone from
#getting access to http://host/index.html by using the URL http://host/index.html?hack.gif.
#However when a web server (for exmample apache) is configured to be a reverse
#proxy server for a J2EE application server, path info is interpreted in a different
#manner since it maps to a resource on the proxy instead of the app server.
#This prevents the not enforced list or policy from being applied to part of
#the URI below the app serverpath if there is a wildcard character. For example,
#if the not enforced list has value http://host/webapp/servcontext/* and the
#request URL is http://host/webapp/servcontext/example.jsp the path info
#is /servcontext/example.jsp and the resulting request URL with path info stripped
#is http://host/webapp, which will not match the not enforced list. By setting the
#following property to true, the path info will not be stripped from the request URL
#even if there is a wild character in the not enforced list or policy.
#Be aware though that if this is set to true there should be nothing following the
#wildcard character '*' in the not enforced list or policy, or the
#security loophole described above may occur.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.ignore_path_info = false
# Override the request url given by the web server with
# the protocol, host or port of the agent's uri specified in
# the com.sun.am.policy.agents.agenturiprefix property.
# These may be needed if the agent is sitting behind a ssl off-loader,
# load balancer, or proxy, and either the protocol (HTTP scheme),
# hostname, or port of the machine in front of agent which users go through
# is different from the agent's protocol, host or port.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.override_protocol =
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.override_host =
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.override_port =
# Override the notification url in the same way as other request urls.
# Set this to true if any one of the override properties above is true,
# and if the notification url is coming through the proxy or load balancer
# in the same way as other request url's.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.override_notification.url =
# The following property defines how long to wait in attempting
# to connect to an Access Manager AUTH server.
# The default value is 2 seconds. This value needs to be increased
# when receiving the error "unable to find active Access Manager Auth server"
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.connection_timeout =
# Time in milliseconds the agent will wait to receive the
# response from Access Manager. After the timeout, the connection
# will be drop.
# A value of 0 means that the agent will wait until receiving the response.
# WARNING: Invalid value for this property can result in
# the resources becoming inaccessible.
com.sun.am.receive_timeout = 0
# The following property in milliseconds indicates how long the
# socket connection needs to be kept open.
# The default value is 0 which implies no timeout.
com.sun.am.connect_timeout = 0
# This property determines the amount of time (in minutes) after which
# the agent polls whether the primary server is up and running.
# The default value is 5 minutes
com.sun.am.poll_primary_server = 5
# Indicate if the socket option TCP_NODELAY should be enabled.
# Possible values are true or false. Default is false
com.sun.am.tcp_nodelay.enable = false
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.locale = en_US
# Set the IIS filter priority. The choices are
# HIGH - IIS5 filter priority is HIGH.
# LOW - IIS5 filter priority is LOW.
# MEDIUM - IIS5 filter priority is MEDIUM.
# DEFAULT - IIS5 filter priority is DEFAULT.
com.sun.am.policy.agents.config.iis.filter_priority = HIGH

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    Thanks for your nice solution, but unfortunatelly it does not work with lines longer than 100 chars with Netscape. It works fine with IE and appletviewer too.
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                URL url = new URL(protocol,hostName,portNumber,URLstring);
                InputStream in = url.openStream();
                BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(in);
                StringBuffer input = new StringBuffer(60);
                int c;
                while ((c = bis.read()) != -1){
                dataFromServer = input.toString();
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            }I use input file test.html with exactly 100 chars ('a')
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  • Voice Memo is not working with iOS 8.2

    Voice Memo Records is not working with iOS 8.2. how to fix it?

    Voice Memo Records is not working with iOS 8.2. how to fix it?

  • On updating my iphone it shows no network inspite the sim inserted,now it also not working with itunes.i cant see menu page on display screen

    on updating my iphone it shows no network inspite the sim inserted,now it also not working with itunes.
    i cant see menu page on display screen


  • Caller ID not working with Nokia 6600?

    I have a T-Mobile (US) Nokia 6600, and I can't seem to get address book to display incoming SMS or the caller ID of incoming calls. I've successfully paired the phone via bluetooth, and I can make address book dial the phone and send an sms. I can sync via iSync, use my phone as a modem, etc. etc.
    But regardless of what settings I tweak, I can't seem to get Address Book to show a bezel of any kind on incoming calls - not even an 'Unknown Caller' message! Am I missing something obvious? Third party apps like BluePhoneElite work just fine, so I'm pretty sure it's something wrong with Address Book...
    15" Aluminum Powerbook 1.5 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    mdcdsc wrote:
    My caller ID does not work with the new ap either.  I don't like the new ap at all.  The old one was beautiful.  Now my email is very hard to see, so much that I will just use the Apple email that comes with my IPOD.  The caller ID was my favorite thing with the old ap.  and now it doesn't work.  I have followed the instructions and turned everything on, but it just does not work.
    The Caller ID issue was due to an outage. It should be resolved anytime soon. Can yu log out and log back in. Go to app settings and in notifications and turn CAller ID off and on.
    On email - what do you mean 'email is very hard to see' ? I would like to pass on this feedback to the team.

  • Flash player does not work with new ICS Android 4.0.4 OS. Has this problem been addressed?

    Flash player does not work with new ICS Android 4.0.4 OS. Has this problem been addressed? I am using Firefox Beta for android and I also tried just Firefox.

    Please check the Play Store app for any Flash updates and install them if present.

  • Flash player does not work with Ie or Firefox with win 8.1?

    Flash player does not work with Ie or Firefox with win 8.1 64, If i try and play a video I get the message to install Flashplayer.
    If I try and install it it says it is already installed. Your onsite  installer says it is not applicable to my machine.
    I have followed all the normal steps re enabling addons and active filters etc.
    all to no avail Pc is Dell 6 months old, Flashplayer has never worked on this machine. Last MS update mid Dec 2014.
    Version of flashplayer is 15....03.......

    Flash Player is a built-in component of Internet Explorer.  There's nothing separate to download or install.
    Firefox requires a different version of Flash Player (the NPAPI plug-in), which will be served to you if you go here: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer using Firefox; however, there are some unique stability issues related to Firefox on Win8.1, and you're probably better off using Google Chrome if you want a more optimal experience with Flash Player.
    For problems where IE isn't being detected by sites that require Flash:
    First, confirm that ActiveX Filtering is configured to allow Flash content:
    Internet Explorer 11 introduces a number of changes both to how the browser identifies itself to remote web servers, and to how it processes JavaScript intended to target behaviors specific to Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, this means that content on some sites will be broken until the content provider changes their site to conform to the new development approach required by modern versions of IE.
    You can try to work around these issues by using Compatibility View:

  • My work computer runs Outlook 2003, which I know will not work with the iCloud, so I hard sync.  But then the new info on my iPhone does not backup to iCloud.  Is there a solution?

    I have a Macbook and iPhone and like to back up to iCloud.  However, my work computer runs Outlook 2003, which I know will not work with the iCloud.  The company has no plans to update anytime soon.  Since the calendar and contact list on my office computer are my primay ones, I hard sync through iTunes.  The problem is that any data synced from Outlook 2003 to the iPhone from iTunes does NOT later backup to iCloud.  Is there a solution?

    I have the same problem with Outlook 2003 and Win XP which the multinational organisation I work for standardises on and will probably stay with forever!

  • My Time Capsule does not work with existing WiFi

    Following a question solved on March 24 by LaPastenague, but gone bad again.
    Apple AirPort Time Capsule
    I felt the need for a physical backup of my data, as I would not completely trust the different clouds. I use, and have used Dropbox for 4-5 years and are very satisfied with that, but I am still not sure if or when a political lunatic will shut off the internet.
    I purchased the Apple AP Time Capsule 2T, because all my other stuff are Apple, and that it's wireless. My old backup is Maxtor 300 GB.
    Since we stay 2-3 weeks on two locations, one in Norway and one in Sweden (two different countries) we must use Mobile Broadband 4G, cables or fibre connections are useless for us, and we don't have it up to the houses. I have one mini router for each country, we bring with us iPhones, iPads, iMac, Apple TV, APExpress. When we pass the boarder I change the mini router, and the system continues working perfect on the WiFi, except the APExpress that needs to be reconfigured,  but then it works.
    The APTC was difficult to make working as it would not accept to be in an existing network, but with good help from the Apple Community, LaPastenague, with forcing the TC connect to the APE with Ethernet cable in bridge mode, ref "My Time Capsule does not work with existing WiFi" from March 24, the problem was solved and all gadgets worked together in a perfect harmony, until we changed location.
    Now, as I have my second WiFi network, and the APExspress is reconfigured, it's like the TC thinks, I am the base boss here, I am not taking orders from APE one more time, and it simply does not work, not only that, it fluctuates all the time.
    I have a slight feeling that the two WiFi bands are making the trouble as during the configuration of the TC sometime the last figure 6 and 7 pops up, and that has something two do with the two different 2,4 and 5 GHZ bands
    So, I am curious if you have any idea ?
    I am thinking of returning the TC if I don't make it work now, but how do I delete all the data that's on it?

    I can deal with the last question first and easily.
    I am thinking of returning the TC if I don't make it work now, but how do I delete all the data that's on it?
    Open the airport utility .. go to the disk tab and select erase.
    When you select erase you will get mulitiple options.
    Quick removes the file table but does not delete the files,, it takes 2min or less.
    A Zero out data is the secure way,, by writing 0 ie low level drive format.
    It can take several hours..
    7 pass will take a week.. not recommended..
    35 pass erase is ridiculous.. it would take a month.. put an ax through the TC. It is quick and better.
    Now, as I have my second WiFi network, and the APExspress is reconfigured, it's like the TC thinks, I am the base boss here, I am not taking orders from APE one more time, and it simply does not work, not only that, it fluctuates all the time.
    The fact that it did work and has now failed might point to faulty unit.
    The only way to tell is reset it properly to factory and start over.
    Universal Factory Reset.. any model TC or AE.
    Unplug your TC/AE from power or turn off at the power point.
    Hold in reset. and power the TC/AE back on..  all without releasing reset and keep holding in for about 10sec. (this is often difficult without a 2nd person or a 3rd arm).
    Release it when the status light flashes rapidly. If it doesn’t flash rapidly you have missed it and try again.
    Be Gentle! Feel the switch click on. It has a positive feel..  add no more pressure after that.
    TC/AE will reboot after a couple of minutes with default factory settings and will wipe out previous configurations of the router.
    No files are deleted on the hard disk in a TC.. No reset of the TC deletes files.. to do that you use erase from the airport utility.
    Generally having multiple wireless AP should not cause problems.. but it is better to set channels manually.. so it doesn't go beserk rotating channels.
    Remember to keep all names short, no spaces and pure alphanumeric.
    Sadly though the Apple routers have no logging now and no SNMP and almost nothing to help diagnose a problem, so if it continues .. take it back to apple.. they have given you no other method of fixing it.

  • ITunes 12.1.1 does NOT work with Windows - Fix??

    Hi everyone,
    I had issue after issue with the latest iTunes update (12.1.1) not working on my windows 7. It simply would not lunch when clicking on the shortcut to open.
    After a fair bit of searching I found this alternative version which seemed to do the trick and now it works:
    iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) - iTunes64Setup.exe(2015-02-18)

    The "for older video cards" installer - which, like most prior "64 bit" versions of iTunes, is actually a 32 bit application with a 64 bit installer - may be a useful fallback if the full 64 bit version does not install or run correctly.  Although is a major improvement over, there are clearly still some lurking incompatibilities with some 64 bit Windows systems/components.  It is, however, a little misleading to say that "iTunes 12.1.1 does NOT work with Windows" - in many cases it works fine without switching to the alternative version.  I have the full 64-bit version of running on three systems - two Windows 7 and one Windows 8.1 - no issues with either installation or operation on any of them.

  • Home sharing does not work with new mountain lion update.

    home sharing does not work with new mountain lion update. Does anyone else have the same issue. Updated all computers in my home, deauthorized and reauthorized each computer. turn off home sharing and turned it back on. don't know what else to do..please help...

    Our Apple TVs continue to lose connection ever since installing Mountain Lion on the host computer. The only thing that fixes them is to quit and relaunch iTunes, which only works unti the ATV goes to sleep. If a movie is paused for more than a few minutes and the ATV goes to sleep, pressing play again on the remote is greeted with "There are no movies on this computer" or "Turn on Home Sharing."
    If we stop a video on one ATV and attempt to resume it in another room, the error begins again. The other ATV can't connect until iTunes is relaunched.
    My guess is that it has something to do with the new [annoying] security settings. But I still haven't found a fix other than restarting iTunes everytime we want to watch something from our downloads. Fail.

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  • Image Calibration and MOI

    I am trying to create a program that will calculate the moment of inertia of a particular image.  I want to be able to prompt the user to select an image, calibrate the image based on real world settings, and calculate the MOI of a particular region.