
It seems that IISProxy is working for many people. That mean I must be doing
something wrong. I am trying to use IIS 5 on Win2k platform as proxy to WLS
6.0. I created the IISPROXY.INI file in the weblogic/bin directory. Now
everytime try to connect to a JSP file, I get a 403 message, which is
Execute Access forbidden. Here is what I put in the IISPROXY.INI file,
My directory setup is
IIS is set to proxy all .jsp using d:\bea\wlserver6.0\bin\iisproxy.dll
iisproxy.ini file is located in d:\bea\wlserver6.0\bin directory
The permission for %BEA_HOME% is set to,
Everyone - read+execute (this folder, subfolder and files)
IUSER_RANJOO - read+execute (this folder, subfolder and files)
IWAM_RANJOO - read+execute (this folder, subfolder and files)
Do I have to do anything other than this to get the IISProxy working? Also I
don't get a log file for proxy in the temp directory, even though I have
turned on the Debug flag.
Thanks in advance for your help.
BTW: I get the same 403 if I try to get to WLS5.1 SP8 (using that

"Ranjoo" <[email protected]> wrote:
It seems that IISProxy is working for many people. That mean I must be doing
something wrong. I am trying to use IIS 5 on Win2k platform as proxy to WLS
6.0. I created the IISPROXY.INI file in the weblogic/bin directory. Now
everytime try to connect to a JSP file, I get a 403 message, which is
Execute Access forbidden. Here is what I put in the IISPROXY.INI file,
My directory setup is
IIS is set to proxy all .jsp using d:\bea\wlserver6.0\bin\iisproxy.dll
iisproxy.ini file is located in d:\bea\wlserver6.0\bin directory
The permission for %BEA_HOME% is set to,
Everyone - read+execute (this folder, subfolder and files)
IUSER_RANJOO - read+execute (this folder, subfolder and files)
IWAM_RANJOO - read+execute (this folder, subfolder and files)
Do I have to do anything other than this to get the IISProxy working? Also I
don't get a log file for proxy in the temp directory, even though I have
turned on the Debug flag.
Thanks in advance for your help.
BTW: I get the same 403 if I try to get to WLS5.1 SP8 (using that
Add DebugConfigInfo=ON in iisproxy.ini, then
You should get some config information other than 403.

Similar Messages

  • Another IISPROXY question (multiple SAP systems)

    We've got a challenge. We have SAP EP (6.0 SP12), visible from outside
    (via  MS ISA server publishing). Also we have several SAP systems (BW,
    ERP2004, Solution Manager), that we want to make available from web.
    We installed IIS proxy module on portal server machine. It's working.
    I even maneged to publish some test reports and WebGUI of BW server.
    But when I try to publish in a simmilar way other system, I fall into
    When you call '/sap/bw/' for example, SAP system after authentication
    converts it to something like '/sap(lsdkSDF435ssdgf)/bw'. As far as I
    understand between "(" and ")" there is some hash of password or something.
    The problem is, that it's true and the same for all SAP systems.
    So if I put in iisproxy.xml following strings:
    <mapping name="bw">
    <compress-types>text/html, text/plain</compress-types>
    it's working for BW server. We able to see reports and webGUI.
    If I try to add following strings for ERP2004 server:
    <mapping name="erp">
    <compress-types>text/html, text/plain</compress-types>
    and try to open webGUI, it redirects to BW server.
    A think that's because double '/sap(' prefixes.
    How can we avoid that?
    Same situation for SolMan.
    In portal's 'System Landscape' setup is:
    BW system
        ITS description: CLIxxxSID
        ITS host name: portal-server.ourdomain.ru (this name in accessible from internet, it's a host where portal and IISPROXY are installed)
        ITS path: /sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
    ERP2004 system
        ITS description: CLIxxxSID
        ITS host name: portal-server.ourdomain.ru
        ITS path: /erp/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/ (I added /erp/ trying to distinguish request to ERP2004 server), without it it's also not working)
    In intranet (if we do not use IISPROXY) everything is working. Of course with other system definitions in System Landscape.
    Do I need to provide more details? Or my question is clear?
    Thanks in advance for help and support!
    P.S. Actually I opened an OSS message on this topic (with "high" priority), but no SAP activities since September, 6th :o(

    Hi Jayesh!
    Seems it's not working :o( And worst thing, that I do not know why :o(
    What i've done.
    1) Created an alias '/erp/sap/', that points to '/default_host/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui'.
    2) In System Landscape edited system definition (of an ERP2004 system), so that ITS path is now '/erp/sap/' and ITS host 'ourportal.ourdomain.ru'.
    3) Created an 'SAP transaction iView' that should launch SU01 transaction in ERP2004 system.
    Now when I try to open it from page, portal tries to connect me to our BW server.
    Seems that alias are working in some other way :o(
    Here's what I can see in IISPROXY log:
    11:57:29 Filter J2EE --> GET /erp/sap/
    11:57:29   7616 Proxy    GET http://erp2004.ourdomain.ru:8000/erp/sap/
    11:57:29   7616 Proxy    HTTP/1.1 200 OK | queued for 0.000 sec, processed in 0.078 sec.
    11:57:29   7616 Proxy    | GET http://erp2004.ourdomain.ru:8000/erp/sap/ | HTTP/1.1 200 OK | 0.000 | 0.078
    11:59:41 Filter J2EE --> GET /sap(dslkknvDSAFSADVFDSVaslkdv)/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui?okcode=/nSU01&DisconnectOnClose=0&sap-client=200&sap-language=en&sap-accessibility=
    11:59:41   6952 Proxy    GET http://bw.ourdomain.local:8000/sap(dslkknvDSAFSADVFDSVaslkdv)/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
    So it's still tries to open '/sap(dslkknvDSAFSADVFDSVaslkdv)/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui' instead of /erp/sap(
    Thanks for help and support!

  • Problem with 'Edit Locally' command -- Due to IISProxy?

    We have a problem with 'Edit Locally' command since we are using Windows Authentication. Our architecture is:
    SAP EP 6.0 SP2 Patch 28 (Solaris)
    IIS Proxy (Windows 2003)
    The situation is:
    If we access to SAP Portal using old url (directly to Solaris) using form-based authentication we do not have any problem with 'edit locally' command.
    However, if we access to SAP Portal using IISProxy and Windows Authentication we get an 'Operation failed' error message.
         Java plug-in console shows the following message:
    cargar: clase com/sapportals/wcm/app/docapplet/DocApplet.class no encontrada.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sapportals.wcm.app.docapplet.DocApplet.class
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         ... 10 more
    Where is the problem? Is due to authentication method? SAP Portal or IISProxy configuration?

    Thanks for your comment,
    Now, we have tested with version 1.5.0_01 plugin version but the result is the same: 'Operation failed'
    This is a very important topic to solve before installing Windows Authentication in a productive environment.
    Has anybody any solution?

  • How do you configure multiple appservers in iisproxy.ini?

    I am coming from the WebSphere world, and trying to figure out this whole WebLogic
    thing. The problem I am having is for the weblogic plugin for IIS. In WebSphere,
    the plugin was proxied by path and port #. I setup an iisproxy.ini and got it
    working for one appserver, but when I went to add another one of our appservers,
    I couldn't get it to work.
    What I have is:
    # EAR 1
    WebLogicHost=10.10.xxx.xxx WlForwardPath=/useradmin,/abc/def,/ghi/ttk
    How do I add another WlForwardPath= line with different paths on a different port?
    I am lost.
    Thanks for any help!!

    So it sounds like you have two PXI systems that are not connected or related to each other, is that right? Since your PXI chassis connected via MXI-3 is working fine, we�ll take that out of the equation.
    It sounds like you are trying to configure your PXI-8176 system as a Remote System through an Ethernet connection. Is your PXI-8176 running Windows (if so which version) or Real-Time (RT) operating system?
    If you are running Windows XP on the PXI-8176 and also on your computer you can use XP Remote Desktop to control your PXI-8176 system through Ethernet (see the following link for information on that):
    Another option is to use Remote Device Access (RDA) to cont
    rol your SCXI modules and DAQ board (6052E). RDA will only work with Traditional NI-DAQ, it is not supported in NI-DAQmx. I�ve included a couple of links for KB�s that have more information on RDA for you.
    If you ordered your controller only with Real-Time on it you can use the following document to configure and troubleshoot your PXI-8176 RT system.
    I hope this helps you.
    Doug K.
    National Instruments

  • IISproxy problem: Edit locally - check in

    Hi all EP freaks,
    I have with succes implemented th IISproxy filter so I now can access the portal through the IIS(version 5.0).
    I have som excel files that are being edited with the "Edit locally" function. This works fine (excel opens up and I can edit the data locally) but when I afterworth will "Check In" the modified documents the system "hangs". On the client the normal "copy file windows window" showing "Copyied 140% and still not finished... This wil go on for ever so I click cancel and the modified excelfile is'nt updated through the portal.
    In the IISproxy log file i have:
    18:02:47   4400 Proxy    | POST http://server01.domain.local:50100/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fTEST!2fManager!2fTESTMAPPE!2fDocuments!2fcom.sap.km.AdminExplorer_2/dok | HTTP/1.1 200 OK | 0.000 | 0.078
    18:02:48   4400 Proxy    | GET http://server01.domain.local:50100/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/etc/docservice/docservice.cab | HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified | 0.000 | 0.046
    18:02:49   4400 SAP    E NiRawOutStream::RawWrite(): NiRawWrite( NI-1 ) failed: -6 (NIECONN_BROKEN)
    18:02:49   4400 Proxy  E ProxyImpl::ProcessBody(): IOException: NiRawOutStream::RawWrite(): NiRawWrite( NI-1 ) failed: -6 (NIECONN_BROKEN)
         at SapConnection.cpp:331
    18:02:49   4400 Proxy  E Failed to send request body.
    Please help me
    Best regards
    Lars Bregnedal

    Please try also the following settings:
    These were reported by SAP support as the recommended settings for customer having problems with Local Editing and IIS Proxy.
    ActiveX is for Windows only, Java Applet can be used also on other platforms. To use the Java Applet uncheck ActiveX, select "Java Applet" and set the version to "1.3" even if running 1.4 (again a recommendation from SAP support).
    If it still doesn't work, you should check that your Java Plug-In actually works. Here is a link I always use to check that the Java Plug-In works:

  • 'Edit Locally' command Error -- IISProxy?

    We have a problem with 'Edit Locally' command since we are using Windows Authentication. Our architecture is:
    SAP EP 6.0 SP2 Patch 28 (Solaris)
    IIS Proxy (Windows 2003)
    The situation is:
    If we access to SAP Portal using old url (directly to Solaris) using form-based authentication we do not have any problem with 'edit locally' command.
    However, if we access to SAP Portal using IISProxy and Windows Authentication we get an 'Operation failed' error message.
         Java plug-in console shows the following message:
    cargar: clase com/sapportals/wcm/app/docapplet/DocApplet.class no encontrada.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sapportals.wcm.app.docapplet.DocApplet.class
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         ... 10 more
    Where is the problem? Is due to authentication method? SAP Portal or IISProxy configuration?

    I'm having the same problem. Did you solved it?

  • Bug in iisproxy.ini handling ? (PathPrepend)

    We have no problem proxiing IIS to WebLogic in general case, but now we have to
    make a more specified proxiing.
    Our configuration for the project is:
    IIS 5.0
    WebLogic Server 6.0sp1
    proxiing by path
    We have an application hiddenname.war - so which URI is /hiddenname - but we don't
    want users to see this URI.
    We want that, if a user requests:
    he obtains:
    So we set those properties in the iisproxy.ini:
    But it doesn't work, and we can see in the wlproxy.log:
    Wed Nov 07 11:05:41 2001 wlforward: /hiddenname/default.jsp.wlforward
    Wed Nov 07 11:05:41 2001 URI = [hiddenname/hiddenname/default.jsp?]
    It seems that the "PathPrepend" action is done twice ?!
    Has someone got info or solutions on this problem ?

    Is this problem solved?
    I want this exact problem to be resolved. I am using BEA WLS 7 with SP1. and
    IIS5 SP3 on Windows 2000 Server.
    "Jimmy Lopez" <[email protected]> wrote:
    We have no problem proxiing IIS to WebLogic in general case, but now
    we have to
    make a more specified proxiing.
    Our configuration for the project is:
    IIS 5.0
    WebLogic Server 6.0sp1
    proxiing by path
    We have an application hiddenname.war - so which URI is /hiddenname -
    but we don't
    want users to see this URI.
    We want that, if a user requests:
    he obtains:
    So we set those properties in the iisproxy.ini:
    But it doesn't work, and we can see in the wlproxy.log:
    Wed Nov 07 11:05:41 2001 wlforward: /hiddenname/default.jsp.wlforward
    Wed Nov 07 11:05:41 2001 URI = [hiddenname/hiddenname/default.jsp?]
    It seems that the "PathPrepend" action is done twice ?!
    Has someone got info or solutions on this problem ?

  • IISProxy and Windows 2003

    We are in need of a reverse proxy solution for WL that works with Windows 2003
    IIS6. IISForward/IISproxy is not supported and doesn't work. We have tried several
    third party products but they all fail relating to how WL manages cookies. Any

    I got it working by following the steps that Patrick Montelo sent, also allow ISAPI extentions.
    I am running Weblogic 8.1 SP3 if that helps.
    -------------From Patrick---------------
    2003 is locked down out of the box, try this:
    1. Open IIS manager
    2. Go to WebService Extensions folder
    For ASPs:
    1. Select Active Server Pages
    2. Click the allow button
    For JSPs:
    1. Click "Add a new web service extension"
    2. Type in a name like "Weblogic pages"
    3. Click "Add" button
    4. Browse to your iisproxy.dll file
    5. Select "Set extension status to allowed"
    6. Click "Ok"

  • IIsproxy, PDF files and IE60 as a browser

    We set up the IISproxy (1.6)for our EP 60 SP9. Everything works fine except when we try to open some PDF files. After some time we get the error "The file is damaged and could not be repaired". This error only occurs for some PDF's, independent of its size.
    When we access through SAP Web Server we do not get any problem to open those files.
    All laptops and desktop have MS IE 6.0 (6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_rtm.04083_2158) as official browser. When we try with other browser like firefox there is no problem at all.
    Any hint or help?
    Thanks in advance

    We had similar issue with some PDFs on EP. For us, we used embedded iViews/HTML which renders PDFs. The problem is that embedded HTML with PDF does not work properly if you have fastwebaccess feature in the PDF.
    You will have to recreate/reprint/re-author the PDF without the fastwebaccess feature using Adobe.
    Thanks and regards
    Kwong Tat

  • Iisforward iisproxy error

    I have installed and configured the iisforward/iisproxy plugin with IIS 6.0 + WLS 8.1 SP5.
    iisproxy.ini [CONTENT]:
    I tried to load the page but nothing happens..just an error page from IE.
    wlproxy.log [CONTENT]:
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 loadFile(): Properties loaded from \\?\C:\bea\weblogic81\server\bin\iisproxy.ini
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 init: created a new server node: id=''
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007
    ================New Request: [portal/console.wlforward] =================
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 SSL is not being used
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 resolveRequest: wlforward: /portal/console
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 timer thread starting
    URI is /portal/console, len=15
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 Request URI = [portal/console]
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 attempt #0 out of a max of 5
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 Trying a pooled connection for ''
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 getPooledConn: No more connections in the pool for Host[] Port[8010] SecurePort[8010]
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 general list: trying connect to ''/8010/8010 at line 1265 for '/portal/console'
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 INFO: New NON-SSL URL
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 Connect returns -1, and error no set to 10035, msg 'Unknown error'
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 EINPROGRESS in connect() - selecting
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 Local Port of the socket is 1283
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 Remote Host Remote Port 8010
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 general list: created a new connection to ''/8010 for '/portal/console', Local port: 1283
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 WLS info in sendRequest: recycled? 0
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 URL::parseHeaders: StatusLine set to [200 OK]
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 parsed all headers OK
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 sendResponse() : uref->getStatus() = '200'
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 for, updating JVMID: 336430126
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 Going to send headers to the client. Status :200 OK
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 *******Exception type [WRITE_ERROR_TO_CLIENT] raised at line 1545 of .\iisproxy.cpp
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 NOT failing over after sendResponse() exception: idempotent=1 pastFailover=1
    Mon May 28 15:22:49 2007 request [portal/console] did NOT process successfully ..................
    Anyone can help me?
    Emerson Santos

    In your source, you have set the prefix to /irj/.  If you change it to /irj it will work.
    Note - IISProxy is no longer supported, SPNegro should be used instead.

  • IisProxy HTTPS Error

    Hi all, I've setup the IisProxy to work as an intermediate HTTPS server to our WAS 6.40 J2EE Server.
    When we try to access the portal HTTPS we receive the following error:
    IisProxy.dll: 500 Internal Server Error
    +ProxyWorker(): IOException: SapSSLSessionInit() failed: -6 (SSSLERR_INIT_FIRST)
    at SapConnection.cpp:659+
    We already check permission in *.pse files and folder. Also restart services in both servers.
    ¿Does anybody have any clue? Really appreciate your comments !!!
    Manuel .-

    Hi Oliver,
    All you have to do is:
    1. Generate the *.csr in the WAS and sign it by a CA.
    2. Import the resultant *.cer in the WAS
    3. Import this *.cer in the PSE files
    This means that the WAS and the PSE files in the Web Server need to have the same *.cer file in order to avoid the MISMATCH error.
    Please let me know if you need a detailed procedure.
    Manuel Bernal

  • IISProxy.dll error

    This is the set up we have currently.
              Nt 4.0 server with IIS 4.0. I have followed the WebLogic 5.1 documentation
              and made the root web executable then mapped the extensions .jsp and .jhtml
              to c:\weblogic\iisproxy.dll.
              I have the iisproxy.ini in the c:\weblogic directory and it is a direct copy
              out of the documentation. We are getting an http 500 internal server error.
              When you hit refresh you get a %1 is no a valid windows nt application.
              I believe this problem is isolated to the IIS server.
              I had a sniffer on the network and at no time do I see any traffic from the
              IIS server to the Weblogic server. If I hit the Weblogic server explicitly
              it will server jsp pages.

    The problem was a corrupted dll. Vinod was great in sending me a debug dll
              and it starting working. Once a fresh copy of the current dll was abtained
              and installed the servers are now talking.
              Thanks for all your help Vinod.
              "Jesse Martinez" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:396ccc85$[email protected]..
              > This is the set up we have currently.
              > Nt 4.0 server with IIS 4.0. I have followed the WebLogic 5.1 documentation
              > and made the root web executable then mapped the extensions .jsp and
              > to c:\weblogic\iisproxy.dll.
              > I have the iisproxy.ini in the c:\weblogic directory and it is a direct
              > out of the documentation. We are getting an http 500 internal server
              > When you hit refresh you get a %1 is no a valid windows nt application.
              > I believe this problem is isolated to the IIS server.
              > I had a sniffer on the network and at no time do I see any traffic from
              > IIS server to the Weblogic server. If I hit the Weblogic server explicitly
              > it will server jsp pages.
              > -Jess-

  • Using CookieName in the iisproxy.ini file

    Hello All,
              According to the Weblogic 451 docs, In the IISProxy.ini file, you should
              set the "CookieName= "
              property to whatever value you have specified for the
              property in your weblogic.properties file. (If it is anything other than the
              default name which is "WeblogicSession").
              We have an IIS proxy fronting 2 Weblogic App Servers which run in a
              clustered mode. Also the
              cookie name is specified in the properties file to something different than
              the default WeblogicSession
              (lets say it is "mySession").
              When we do this we see the strange behavior of the application routing us
              back to our Login page in the middle
              of a session. We assume this is happening because when our request is
              switched to a different App Server it
              cannot be associated with any session. And so we are asked to login and
              create a new session.
              This started happening only when we switched to using IIS Proxy and have the
              set to "mySession". This problem goes away if we change the cookieName to be
              the default and remove
              the entry from the IISProxy.ini file.
              Our App Servers are running Weblogic 4.5.1 with sp8.
              Any ideas ??

    The cookie name in your ISAPI plugin and weblogic.properties should be the
              same in all your plugins and weblogic servers. This is required. Plugin and
              WLAS share the same cookie. However, plugin and WLAS are in different
              processes. In order for plugin and WLAS to locate the same cookie, same
              cookie name in the configuration is required.
              Cheers - Wei
              Ketan Bhukhanwala <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Hello All,
              > According to the Weblogic 451 docs, In the IISProxy.ini file, you should
              > set the "CookieName= "
              > property to whatever value you have specified for the
              > "weblogic.httpd.session.cookie.name="
              > property in your weblogic.properties file. (If it is anything other than
              > default name which is "WeblogicSession").
              > We have an IIS proxy fronting 2 Weblogic App Servers which run in a
              > clustered mode. Also the
              > cookie name is specified in the properties file to something different
              > the default WeblogicSession
              > (lets say it is "mySession").
              > When we do this we see the strange behavior of the application routing us
              > back to our Login page in the middle
              > of a session. We assume this is happening because when our request is
              > switched to a different App Server it
              > cannot be associated with any session. And so we are asked to login and
              > create a new session.
              > This started happening only when we switched to using IIS Proxy and have
              > CookieName
              > set to "mySession". This problem goes away if we change the cookieName to
              > the default and remove
              > the entry from the IISProxy.ini file.
              > Our App Servers are running Weblogic 4.5.1 with sp8.
              > Any ideas ??
              > Thanks
              > Ketan.

  • IP Address of Client after IISProxy.dll configured

    We have a requirement to capture IP address of client. we are able to do it when the users access the portal from inside the firewall using portal url. http://<servername>:port/irj
    but when users access the portal outside the firewall we have IISproxy.dll configured which redirects requests from IIS server to our ep server. so everytime when we try to capture ip address we get the ipaddress of the  IIS web server instead of user ip address.
    one possible way could be get the ip address of the user on IIS server and send it as a parameter in redirected request to ep server.
    Any suggestions?

    In the XML Config file you have to have the following
    <filter name="IisProxy filter" <b>remote-address="forward"</b>>
    This will then forward the clients IP address to the J2EE server
    I hope this helps

  • Question about Load balancing with IISPROXY

              We are running WLS 5.1.0 SP5 on NT 4.0 SP6. We are not using clustering.
              We are able to round robin between multiple instances of the WLS successfully.
              Question: If one of the instances of WLS goes down, is there any way to configure
              the plugin to take it out of the loop automatically (without using clustering)?

    This is not the syntax. Syntax is just this:
              eg: MaxSkips=25
              The doc says:
              5:10:1000 for min:default:max
              By which we mean that default value is 10, max is 1000 and min is 5. I guess the
              docs are confusing about the syntax here. We will correct them.
              Anil Kommareddi wrote:
              > Vinod,
              > I could not find any documentation on the MaxSkips parameter except in the Service Pack
              > docs. The syntax is MaxSkips=min:default:max.
              > how do the min and max parameters work?
              > Vinod Mehra wrote:
              > > Even if the servers in the WebLogicCluster list are non clustered you WILL be
              > > able to do load balancing. But the problem is if the servers go down the plugin
              > > will not remove them. But it not that bad. If an connection attempt fails the
              > > server is marked as bad and will be skipped for the next MaxSkips (default=10)
              > > cycles of load balancing. MaxSkips parameter is configurable for IISProxy
              > > (SP4 onwards, I think).
              > >
              > > -Vinod.
              > >
              > > Prasad Peddada wrote:
              > >
              > > > I believe there won't be any load balancing unless you use servers in a cluster. As
              > > > an alternative you can use hardware load balancers directly in a situation like this.
              > > >
              > > > Anil Kommareddi wrote:
              > > >
              > > > > Hi,
              > > > >
              > > > > We are running WLS 5.1.0 SP5 on NT 4.0 SP6. We are not using clustering.
              > > > > We are able to round robin between multiple instances of the WLS successfully.
              > > > >
              > > > > Question: If one of the instances of WLS goes down, is there any way to configure
              > > > > the plugin to take it out of the loop automatically (without using clustering)?
              > > > >
              > > > > Thanks,
              > > > > Anil.
              > > >
              > > > --
              > > > Cheers
              > > >
              > > > - Prasad

  • IIsProxy version for windows authentication

    We are in the process of installing windows authentication to our EP 6.0 portal. We are running on SP 11 J2EE with portal SP 11 patch 3. 
    The first question I have in document “Using Header variables or Integrated Windows Authentication” section “Installing the IIsProxy module” says for security reasons we need to install version Was this version released, we cannot find it on the service market place?
    My second question, when we use version IISPROXY16_2-10001433.SAR the authentication mechanism works fine to the portal but I cannot navigate within the portal, it looks like the screen get stuck on the first Iview no matter what role you choose. When we use version IISPROXY15_0-10001969.SAR things work fine. I increased the trace while using IISProxy 16.2 but there were no errors in the logs. We would like to be on the latest version. Any idea what might be the problem?
    Thanks for your help,
    Mike Fasheh

    Hi folks !
    I have made this configuration a couple of times without problems (other iisproxy version), but for some reason this time is not working and Im totally desesperated =(
    - 1st server, win 2003, iis 6.0: Iisproxy 1.6.2 installed, it forwards the requests correctly
    - 2st. server, ibm with aix, sap ep 6.0 sp12. Configurations made for NT authentication.
    The problem:
    For some reason the virtual directories defined in IisProxy.xml file are not taking the IIS Security Settings (Integrated Windows Authenticated). The iisproxy is just forwarding the request, but the IIS is not making the NT authentication.
    If I change the name of the virtual directory in the IisProxy.xml file (put any name). In this case, IIS applies the security settings correctly.
    Any clue about this ?
    Thanks a lot for your help !!!!!!
    Regards from Mexico,

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