ILife installation failed - Contact software manufacturer

I am trying to install iLife'11 on my MacBook and I am geting the following error message. Any help will be appreciated.

Please make sure that you are logged in as administrator and your anti-virus is disabled as it might interrupt the installation process.
Let me know the link from where you are trying to download Acrobat.
You might also try installing with a different admin user account and check if it installs fine.
Let me know.

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    That wouldn't be an adobe error.
    Can you tell us how you are upgrading and exactly what the error message says? Right off the bat I would say you have malware on your system.

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    Buy an old machine or move to Creative Cloud.

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    Did you ever figure out the problem? "Contact Software Manufacturer"?? That sounds ominous... I've got the same issue and I'm pretty durn aggravated right about now....

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    So I'm trying to upgrade my mother's iMac from OS 10.5.8 to OS 10.6.3 (she recently go a new iPhone 5 and it's not compatible with iTunes in OS 10.5.8)
    We purchased the Snow Leopard install disc directly from Apple - it came and I set about installing the new OS.
    After about 30 minutes spent on installing it got stuck with a time remaining of 21 minutes. After about 20 minutes of it being stuck on that time a big alert message popped up: INSTALLATION FAILED - Installer encountered an error that caused installation to fail. Contact Software Manufacturer. And it gave a restart option. I restarted and tried to install again, same thing happened.
    I've used disc utilty to both verify and repair the HD - it had no problems.
    Again the computer is a 2009 iMac 20" 2.66ghz Core 2 Duo, 2GB Memory - 320GB Harddrive that is about half full.
    Don't know what else to do and would appreciate any help!

    First off your going to have to copy her users files off the machine to a regular external drive using drag and drop copy methods on all the Home folders containing data except the Library folder.
    If there are any browser bookmarks, AddressBook databases or serial keys, email addresses or any data like that not stored in the home folders, that will have to be gleamed and transfered to the external drive. Your basically planning on having to do a erase and install if things don't work out.
    Most external drives comes pre-formatted FAT32 that has a 4GB file size limit. If this is ok, then no problem.
    If there are any +4GB sized files then the drive will have to be reformatted (Erase) in Disk Utiltiy using the default Mac format it gives. Formatting or erasing a drive deletes all data off of it.
    Unmount and disconnect the drive(s) to prevent accidents.
    Next what you do is reduce the contents of the users folders you just backed up by dropping their inside contents to the Trash and then Empty Trash. What this will do is improve perfomance when 10.6 is installed, the files will be returned later.
    Next you head to Disk Utility and use the Erase Free Space > Zero option on your boot volume, this will take some time to finish and it writes Zero's to the entire free space of the drive catching a bad sector that is likely interfering with the OS X 10.6 upgrade.
    The normal mapping off procedure for these bad sectors doesn't seem to work when Disk Uitity is used or when installing OS X for some reason.
    Once that is completed, use a very soft and clean cloth and a bit of rubbing alcohol to clean and polish the bottom of the 10.6 disk so it shines without a blemish.
    Insert the 10.6 disk and using a wired keyboard, hold the c key down and boot the machine, it should boot off the disk instead of the hard drive.
    First screen is the language screen, next is the 10.6 installer DON'T INSTALL, rather head to the Utiltiies Menu and select Disk Utlitiy and Repair Disk on the internal boot drive. Repeat.
    If there is a issue with the drive and it can't repair it, then there is a bigger problem. A erase and install might cure it, or a new drive is required.
    If the drive is repaired or fine, then quit the Installer and the machine should reboot into 10.5, and try to run the 10.6 upgrade installer again like you did before, and if successful, immediatly Software Update repeatly until clear, you need to be on 10.6.8. Done.
    If it gets stuck again, then eject the disk (hold a wired left mouse button down while booting) and have Apple rush you out a replacement 1o.6 disk. and try again.
    If that disk fails, or Disk Utiltiy can't repair the drive, then your looking at c booting off the 10.6 disk and using Disk Utiltiy to Erase (using the Security Option > Zero All Data) on the ENTIRE drive, then checking the format is 1 Partition, click the box, Option: GUID and Format: OS X Extended Journaled and MacintoshHD is the name or make it so.
    Then quit Disk Utiity and install 10.6 from the disk that way. If the Zero process fails, the drive is bad and will need to be replaced.
    Unfortunatly erasing the entire drive also erases all software and any files not backed up.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6
    Now for some reason even after the erase and install you get stuck installing on either 10.6 install disk, then it depends where it gets stuck, if it's random times, then I would suspect a dirty lense on the Superdrive which there are cd lense cleaning kits.
    Usually the stuck installing at the same time/location is a problem with the install disk or the boot drive.

  • DW CS5 11.0.4 Updater Installation failed

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    /!\ Some updates failed to install.
    The following updates were unable to install. If you wish to install these updates, please fix the problems below and retry:
    Dreamweaver CS5 11.0.4 Updater Installation failed
    Contact Customer Support for further assistance.
    I click the Customer Support link, and it takes me to a page that says "Download the Adobe Support Advisor". I do that, and run it, and it says:
    Inspection found an issue but cannot determine the cause or corrective action. Please connect Adobe Support for further assistance.
    I click the support link, and it presents me with a list of help topics, but I don't see a topic on updater failures. There are phone numbers but I don't see a way to email support. There's a link to the forum, and that brought me here.
    I tried downloading and running the updater from the Adobe website:
    It gives me the same "Installation Failed" error.
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    What should I do now? How do I find out the cause of the failure?

    Try this link:

  • Lion Install Failed "The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."

    Not a comforting message to see...
    Here are the errors just before the above message is emitted and the install ends.
    Jul 26 05:33:33 localhost OSInstaller[344]: PackageKit: Extracting file://localhost/Volumes/Mac%20OS%20X%20Install%20DVD/Packages/Essentials.pkg (destination=/Volumes/i7Mac/.OSInstallSandbox-tmp/Root, uid=0)
    Jul 26 05:34:51 localhost OSInstaller[344]: PackageKit: Got copier error 2 extracting to path ./usr/lib/zsh/4.3.11/zsh/ Read-only file system
    Jul 26 05:34:51 localhost Unknown[329]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-37/Common/DataPool.c:135: Error: finished pool without filling it
    Jul 26 05:34:51 localhost Unknown[329]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-37/Common/commonUtils.c:360: Error: fh_pread -1
    Jul 26 05:34:51 localhost Unknown[329]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-37/Common/StreamCompressor.c :294: Error: pread failed for /Volumes/i7Mac/.OSInstallSandbox-tmp/Root//usr/lib/zsh/4.3.11/zsh/ Undefined error: 0
    Jul 26 05:34:51 localhost Unknown[329]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-37/Common/StreamCompressor.c :928: Error: returning errno 22 from FinishStreamCompressorQueue
    Jul 26 05:35:33 localhost OSInstaller[344]: PackageKit: Install Failed: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=110 "An error occurred while extracting files from the package “Essentials.pkg”." UserInfo=0x7f83610395f0 {NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred while extracting files from the package “Essentials.pkg”., NSFilePath=/Volumes/i7Mac/.OSInstallSandbox-tmp/Root, NSURL=Essentials.pkg -- file://localhost/Volumes/Mac%20OS%20X%20Install%20DVD/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg,, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f8360d42420 "The operation couldn’t be completed. FinishStreamCompressorQueue error"} {
             NSFilePath = "/Volumes/i7Mac/.OSInstallSandbox-tmp/Root";
             NSLocalizedDescription = "An error occurred while extracting files from the package \U201cEssentials.pkg\U201d.";
             NSURL = "Essentials.pkg -- file://localhost/Volumes/Mac%20OS%20X%20Install%20DVD/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg";
             NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=BOMCopierFatalError Code=1 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. FinishStreamCompressorQueue error\" UserInfo=0x7f8360d47220 {NSLocalizedFailureReason=FinishStreamCompressorQueue error, offset=2847022, type=BOMCopierFatalError, sourcePath=/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/Packages/Essentials.pkg, destinationPath=/Volumes/i7Mac/.OSInstallSandbox-tmp/Root}";
             PKInstallPackageIdentifier = "";
    Jul 26 05:35:33 localhost OSInstaller[344]: install:didFailWithError:Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=110 "An error occurred while extracting files from the package “Essentials.pkg”." UserInfo=0x7f83610395f0 {NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred while extracting files from the package “Essentials.pkg”., NSFilePath=/Volumes/i7Mac/.OSInstallSandbox-tmp/Root, NSURL=Essentials.pkg -- file://localhost/Volumes/Mac%20OS%20X%20Install%20DVD/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg,, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f8360d42420 "The operation couldn’t be completed. FinishStreamCompressorQueue error"}
    Jul 26 05:35:34 localhost OSInstaller[344]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
    If I boot to the "Recovery HD" I get a message "Installation Failed, Try re-intalling" Which would be a fine idea, but I can't because if I re-start installation from the hard drive I get the above errors. 
    I've burned the "InstallESD.img" to a DVD, but it also doesn't seem to work. Comes up as though I'm in the Reco

    Here's what I did to get Lion installed:
    Burn the installer to a DVD and install from there. It worked for me. Here's what you need to do:
    First you need another computer running at least 10.6.8.
    1. On the other computer go to 'App Store' (make sure you're logged in to the App Store with the AppleID you used on the troubled computer)
    2. Click on 'Purchased' in the 'App Store' window's toolbar
    3. If you are on 10.6.8, and haven't downloaded Lion on that computer just click "Install" to download the installation application.
    3. a, if the other computer is already running Lion, you'll need to re-download the installer.
    3. b. Hold down 'Option' when selecting 'Purchased' then you click "Install"
    4. When the Lion Installer starts up, just quit it. You want to work with the Installer application.
    5. Find the "Install Lion OS X" application in the 'Applications' folder.
    6. Hold down 'Control' and click on the application and select 'Show Package Contents'
    7. Find 'InstallESD.dmg' which is in the "Shared Support" folder and copy it to your desktop.
    8. Burn 'InstallESD.dmg' to a DVD ('Disk Utility' is simplest to do this).
    9. Put the new install DVD into the computer that has Lion partially installed and reboot holding down the "C" key.
    10. run the installer as normal, selecting your harddrive as the target.
    In my case, when it rebooted to the harddisk the Lion installer started AGAIN. If this happens, let it run. Then you should be done.
    Hope this helps.

  • Mac Install Fail - The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance

    On Mac OS X 10.9.5
    After downloading CC from
    The .zip download is fine.
    The installer runs but stops half way through (during "running scripts") and gives the error message in the pic below
    The installation failed - The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance
    ANY HELP HUGELY APPRECIATED. I have know idea what to do

    Since you did not download from Adobe, I don't think Adobe can help
    When I clicked the link you provided, it LOOKS like your school has created custom install packages... so check there

  • While trying to re-install Mac OS X, appears the following screen: Install failed Mac OS X could not be installed on your computer The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacture for assistance.  C

    While trying to re-install Mac OS X, appears the following screen:
    Install failed
    Mac OS X could not be installed on your computer
    The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail.
    Contact the software manufacture for assistance.
    Click Restart to restart your computer and try installing again.

    You should be able to install Mac OS X 10.7 or later on your 2011 MacBook Pro without issue, if it came with 10.6.3 as your signature suggests.  Mind you, any 2011 MacBook Pro must use the original 10.6 installer disc labelled MacBook Pro if it desires to have 10.6 installed on it.   The retail installer disc will not work on that model, nor will one from another age MacBook Pro, or other model labelled installer.  Also
    10.7 came both on USB Flash drive and Mac App Store installer versions.   Both required either 10.6.6 minimum be pre-installed, or no Mac OS X operating system on the drive or partition it was to be installed on.
    10.7.1 through 10.7.5 combo could be installed only once 10.7 had been installed.  A combo update is available for installing on top of any version of 10.7.  Otherwise only the preceding version could be updated to the next.
    10.8 came only on Mac App Store installer.  It is available only to 10.6.8 and later users.
    10.8.1 to 10.8.5 combo could be installed only once 10.8 had been installed.  A combo update is available for installing on top of any version of 10.8.  Otherwise only the preceding version could be updated to the next.
    10.9 came only on Mac App Store installer. It is available only to 10.6.8 and later users.
    Both 10.9 and 10.9.1 had a serious security vulnerability, which only 10.9.2 addressed.
    10.9.2 combo could be installed only once 10.9 had been installed. 
    For all three Mac App Store releases, the partition to be installed on had to be GUID partition formatted according to Apple Disk Utility.

  • I want to update my macbook pro, but it's showes always the installation failed and i should contact the software manufacturer for assistance. i want to update my OS X 10.8.4

    i want to update my macbook pro, but it's showes always the installation failed and i should contact the software manufacturer for assistance. i want to update my OS X 10.8.4

    Not normal. Shutdown and restart.

  • How to sort this error - he Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance

    Just purchased a MacBook Pro but had to reinstall OS X but now when I try to install anything I get the following message - The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ If you’re running Mac OS X 10.7 or later, open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the page that opens.
    Select "/var/log/install.log" from the file list. Post the messages from the last installation attempt, starting from the time when you launched the Installer or Software Update. Post the log text, please, not a screenshot.
    If there are runs of runs of repeated messages, please post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.

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    Any application I install on my MacBook Pro gives the message "The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance" What can I do?

    Well that's one. Try the Microsoft help forums: It's their application.
    Name another.

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