Illustrator selecting layers by name then "make mask" command

Hi guys,
I'm trying to get a vbscript to do this maybe easy task for some of you
I want to select 2 layers by name and then set the command :
NameA = "nomdeCalqueA"
NameB = "nomdeCalqueB"
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
        Set idoc = appRef.ActiveDocument
        appRef.activeDocument.Selection = Empty
    For Each targetDocument In appRef.Documents
        countOfLayers = targetDocument.Layers.Count
        For layerIndex = countOfLayers To 1 Step -1
            Set targetLayer = targetDocument.Layers(layerIndex)
                layerName = targetLayer.Name
                    If (InStr(layerName, NameA) = 1) Then
                    'then select my layer
                    End If
                    If (InStr(layerName, NameB) = 1) Then
                    'then select my layer
                    End If
        appRef.executeMenuCommand ("makeMask")
I'm a little lost...
Thank you for helping.

iDoc.Layers("Name") in VB.NET ...  try it for VBS or possibly iDoc.Layers.Item("Name").
Again -- just remember you're masking elements, not layers.
Since you're more comfortable with VB maybe this could help, albeit it VB.NET. Translation should be pretty easy for you though. Note: I just pop in GUIDs to temporarily name the groups. You can use a different naming convention.
Dim aDoc As Document = app.ActiveDocument
aDoc.Selection = False
Dim grp1 = CreateGroup(aDoc, "Layer 4")   'whatever layer name you want
Dim grp2 = CreateGroup(aDoc, "Layer 2")   'whatever layer name you want
Private Function CreateGroup(aDoc As Document, layerName As String)
    Dim tmpGuid = Guid.NewGuid.ToString
    Dim layer As Layer = aDoc.Layers(layerName)
    Dim grp = layer.GroupItems.Add : grp.Name = tmpGuid
    For i = layer.PageItems.Count To 1 Step -1
        Dim pi = layer.PageItems(i)
        If Not pi.Name = tmpGuid Then pi.Move(layer.PageItems(tmpGuid), AiElementPlacement.aiPlaceInside)
    layer.PageItems(tmpGuid).Selected = True
    Return layer.PageItems(tmpGuid)
End Function

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    big_smile wrote:
    Looking through the guide, it doesn't seem "hasSelectedArtwork", is a built in function either. Are there any tutorials or guides that explain how to target selected layers?
    Wrong reference manual, see this one: -Scripting-Reference-JavaScript.pdf
    Page 91 -- CHAPTER 1: JavaScript Object Reference
    Value type
    What it is
    If true, an object in this layer has been selected; set to false to deselect all objects in the layer.
    So as I talked about here:
    W_J_T wrote:
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    W_J_T wrote:
    if(layerReferenceString.hasSelectedArtwork == true){
         // relative code
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    No, it doesn't say how to do it there
    Well, then you probably haven't read carefully enough about what can be set up when exporting as .psd in Illustrator.
    When you export as .psd there are several export options about preserving layers. As mentioned, there are some restrictions.
    But tell me, what is unclear about the following quote?
    Write Layers
    Exports groups, compound shapes, nested layers, and slices as separate, editable Photoshop layers. Nested layers that are more than five levels deep are merged into a single Photoshop layer. Select Maximum Editability to export transparent objects (that is, objects with an opacity mask, a constant opacity less than 100%, or a blending mode other than Normal) as live, editable Photoshop layers.
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    Maximum Editability
    Writes each top-level sublayer to a separate Photoshop layer if doing so doesn’t compromise the appearance of the artwork. Top-level layers become Photoshop layer sets. Transparent objects remain editable transparent objects. Also creates a Photoshop shape layer for each compound shape in a top‑level layer if doing so doesn’t compromise the appearance of the artwork. To write compound shapes with solid strokes, change the Join type to Round. Whether or not you select this option, all layers over 5 levels deep are merged into a single Photoshop layer.

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    Hi LRagsdale517,
    You should definitely be able to upload multiple files by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking the files you want to upload. Just to make sure you don't have an old version of the service cached, please clear the browser cache and then log in to After clicking the File Upload icon in the upper-right corner, you should be able so select multiple files for upload.
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    I selected the star layer
    Next I selected Layer>Created Clipping Mask
    Then I selected Color blend mode
    Then I selected Solid Color
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    Is there a way to do this?
    Thanks in advance

    You can command-select the layers you want to move and drag them forward or backward in time. It's easy. There is no way that I know of to do this automatically if you stretch a layer. AE does not have insert-and-ripple capabilities like a video editor does.
    Place or move a layer in time
    The layer duration bar represents the layer duration visually. The In, Out, and Duration columns in the Timeline panel represent the layer duration numerically.
    To choose which columns are visible in the Timeline panel, choose Columns from the panel menu, or right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a column heading.
    These procedures move the entire layer in time.
    To set the In point or Out point numerically, click the number in the In or Out column for the layer in the Timeline panel.
    To move the In point or Out point to the current time, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the number in the In or Out column for the layer in the Timeline panel.
    To move the In points of selected layers to the beginning of the composition, press Alt+Home (Windows) or Option+Home (Mac OS).
    To move the Out points of selected layers to the end of the composition, press Alt+End (Windows) or Option+End (Mac OS).
    To move selected layers one frame later, press Alt+Page Down (Windows) or Option+Page Down (Mac OS). To move selected layers 10 frames later, press Alt+Shift+Page Down (Windows) or Option+Shift+Page Down (Mac OS).
    To move selected layers one frame earlier, press Alt+Page Up (Windows) or Option+Page Up (Mac OS). To move selected layers 10 frames earlier, press Alt+Shift+Page Up (Windows) or Option+Shift+Page Up (Mac OS).
    To move the entire layer in time by dragging, drag the layer duration bar to the left or right. To snap the layer duration bar to significant points in time (such as markers, or the start or end of the composition), Shift-drag the layer duration bar.
    When you drag a layer in the Timeline panel, the Info panel displays the name, duration, change in time, and In and Out points for the layer. 
    Before and after dragging the duration bar 
    Jeff Almasol provides a script on his redefinery website with which you can move selected layers as a group, aligning the group to a specific time in the composition.
    To the top 

  • Layers feature and a layer mask pen tool

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    Theres some basic stuff you are not understanding…
    1. In Photoshop there is the pen tool for creating abstract vector edges, and selection tools (lasso, magic wand etc). You need to turn the results of the pen tool into a selection. Best way is using the the Command/return shortcut, or command clicking on the path in the paths panel.
    2 layers need to be , not - If you want to delete areas (make them transparent). To do this either go to Layer/New/Layer from background - or hold Option and double click the Background layer.
    3 See answer 2, and use Free Transform (command T)

  • Select layer by name.

    I need to be able to select a specific layer by name to make active. I cannot find any documentation.
    The layer name is always "PDF (Replace Contents...)" - then I'll replace the content with a specified  PDF (constant - naming convention also).

    Search on getbyname in the scripting guides you will find documentation like this
    The collections, as in this example, can be treated as arrays, which is useful for iteration. They also provide
    methods to create their contained objects, and to access them by name:
    var newLayer = activeDocument.artLayers.add(); // Create a new ArtLayer object = "My Layer"; // name it for later reference
    var layerRef = activeDocument.artLayers.getByName("My Layer");
    so you would code somethinf like this
    try { var layerRef = activeDocument.artLayers.getByName("PDF");}
                        alert("Document does not have the Required PDF layer");
                        var abort = true

  • Ive been trying for hours now but illustrator wont allow me to create clipping mask

    I have created the attached logo wit the pen tool. I then cut the middle bit out using the shape builder tool.
    I imported this onto a new document containing an image/object i want to clip it to . I select both go to object> make clipping mask.
    Both objects suddenly go blank and i can see the no fill/ no stroke icons. If this doesnt happen then ai will plain and simply say "cannot make clipping mask".
    This has been bothering me for a couple days now.
    Anyone have any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.

    You can do it in a quite different/similar way with Cliping masks, without or with the purple/flamelike/smoky coloured background.
    Note: There was an error in the first suggestion in post #18: In Step 5) you should select C) (the purple/flamelike/smoky coloured background to cut from) instead of D) (the underlying texture of the dripping black parts), sorry, I just spotted it.
    You may (reusing part of the first suggestion):
    1) Go back to, or start anew with, the following basic parts (starting with this stacking order):
    A) The Compound Path forming the inner dripping black part (in the A),
    B) The Compound Path forming the outer dripping black parts,
    C) The purple/flamelike/smoky coloured background to cut from,
    D) The underlying texture of the dripping black parts,
    E) The underlying texture of the inner letter parts;
    2) Select A) and B) and copy them both at the very top of the stacking order, then release both Compound Paths and delete the inner path from A) and the outer path from B), then make them into a new Compound Path consisting of the inner letter shapes (you may use Pathfinder>Minus Front or Object>Compound Path>Make);
    3) Move E) (the underlying texture of the inner letter parts) up just below the new Compound Path from 2), select both, and Object>Clipping Mask>Make, then hide;
    4) Select A) (the Compound Path forming the inner dripping black part (in the A)) and B) (the Compound Path forming the outer dripping black parts) and Object>Compound Path>Make;
    5) Select the combination from 4) and D) (the underlying texture of the dripping black parts) and Object>Clipping Mask>Make;
    6) Show 3).
    C) The purple/flamelike/smoky coloured backgroun, if you keep it, or any other background will will be visible wherever it is not covered.

  • Init Select for Field name

    Hi all ,
    While i am trying to run initdelta i am getting error message "init select for field name Currently running in  request REQ_jijhoieoililh" how to resolve.
    i am unable to fill setup tables for plant maintinence datasource 2li_17_I3HDR i am not finding option in SBIW.
    Also i am getting Error "No Successful initialisation of the delta update took place " how to do that i did in
    infopackage but but still getting this error.
    thanks in advance--

    Hello Srinivas,
    in the transaction LBWE, in the plant maintainance applcation, in the update column for MC17I30HDR, make it active.
    then proceed with filling the setup tables.
    take a look Roberto's weblog
    Hope this helps..

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