Im unabe to publish onto my business Catalyst

I was wondering if anyone else was having the same issue as myself, Im trying to preview a site and everytime I try I get this warning, I have noticed that Muse doesnt automatically
sign me in anymore, can anyone help

Hi Stokerjohn
I've done some more sleuthing and found the answer to this problem in another post called An unknown authentication error has occurred using your Adobe ID (AUTH_UNKNOWN_ERROR)
I tells you what to do. It is simple and has worked for me. Scroll down the list and check it out.
Hope that helps

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    Hi, Aish,
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    Could you please share your .muse file with us to investigate? Please email it to [email protected] If your file is greater than 20MB you can use something like Adobe SendNow or SendThisFile or Dropbox. Please do not forget to mention the link to this forum thread in your e-mail so that we can identify the file.

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    Thanks Gaurav
    I've got more than one editable region in the body, and want other body parts to be un-editable, so that answers that question, even if its not the answer I would have liked! I guess from that answer that Dreamweaver created nested templates are going to be a no-no for BC as well?
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    Thank you for choosing Ecwid! To change the design of your storefront, you should go to Ecwid Control Panel > Settings > Design > CSS Themes. Find your current active theme and add all the necessary changes in a big input field that you’ll see there. To know more about how to improve your storefront design, please refer to this article
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    Also, you can find a good range of articles and tips on how to improve your Ecwid store in our Help Center Feel free to use it!
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    Hi JSokki,
    These might be helpful for you ebsite.html
    I'm moving this thread to our Business Catalyst forum.

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    Hi edgydoug1,
    You have a challenging case since "Edge Advertising" appears to be a common business name with many other established websites for "Edge Advertising" or "Cutting Edge Advertising" businesses around the world.
    First, I'm going to contradict Gaurav. I may be interpreting what I see on Google incorrectly, but it looks to me as though Google has indexed your site. It's a one page site. Correct?
    A few things you'll want to do to improve the chances searchers will find your site:
    1) Set the Page Title for your page in the Page Properties dialog. I recommend setting it to your business name. You might consider including Winnepeg in the page title, since that will increase the odds that someone looking for "Edge Advertising" in your area will find you, rather than the Edge Advertising in Washington, D.C., Tampa Bay, Fairport, NY, Houston Texas, etc.
    2) You might consider putting your contact information where your copyright currently is.
    3) Enter keywords for your page in the Page Properties dialog Metadata panel. Be sure to include Winnepeg and Manitoba (spelled out), along with your business name and the services you provide.
    4) Pay special attention to where you apply h1, h2, h3 tags via paragraph styles. You should probably make the main "Edge Advertising" title the h1 for the page.
    There are two primary factors to SEO, indexing and page ranking.
    Indexing is about making sure your pages have content that corresponds to what your prospective customer will be searching for. This generally means choosing ~3 search phrases and doing what you can to be sure those phrases and the words in those phrases are used in your site. Your site has quite a bit of live text content, so you're probably doing well but you'll want to think about search phrases and see how well they correspond to words and phrases in your content.
    With a single page site you're limited to a single page title and no filename for the HTML file (since it will be index.html), so you'll want to make sure the page title is good and you make good use of h1, h2, h3 tags. You may also want to add alt tags to your images (if you haven't already). And keywords in your metadata.
    Page ranking is largely about the number of other sources (websites, twitter, facebook, blogs, etc.) that contain links into your site. If lots of other sites are referring to your site, your page ranking will be higher relative to other sites with similar page content.
    Again, given the business name is not unique and many of the other businesses with the same name are likely to offer the same services, it's going to be difficult to differentiate your site to web searchers. You'll want to make sure the geographic location of your business is prominent along with the principals and anything else that may be unique to your business (that also known to web surfers).
    Finally, when you make a change to your site, if you submit your sitemap.xml file to Google using Webmaster Tools it theoretically will encourage Google to re-index your site sooner, though there's no guarantees how long it will take.

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    The Accordion panel widget now supports "Close All" in Design view. The selected panel Design view will now be selected/active when previewing, exporting or publishing the site to Business Catalyst.
    The selected tab in Design view for the Tabbed panel widget will now be selected/active when previewing, exporting or publishing the site to Business Catalyst.

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    Business catalyst itself is a CMS, and you can most certainly create a site on Muse and bring it to Business catalyst, by publishing it to Business catalyst, so there is no need to recreate it all in Business catalyst. However, all the editing that needs to be done, should be done in Muse. This is because any edits done to the site in Business catalyst will not reflect to the site file in Muse and there is no way to take the changes made to the site in Business catalyst back to Muse to edit or work on them.
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