IMac 17 wireless network with XP breaks Dreamweaver and Explorer on XP

Used to work fine. Now after recent Mac updates anytime the Mac and PC are networked Dreamweaver on the PC will not start "another program is using the server" nor does Explorer work!
No problems with PC except when the iMac and it are connected. Break connection or reboot PC and problem goes away.

Okay, so there's nobody out there with a similar problem or possible solution?
This isn't a joke - everytime I log onto the XP Pro machine the iMac messes with Dreamweaver (it can't load 'cause it detects another program trying to load on the network) and Explorer is broke and won't work. I then have to reboot the PC clearing the iMac's connection and the PC is fine again.

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    I currently have the following network configuration:
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    2. Disabled the u-verse modem wireless router, and have connected an Apple Time Capsule wireless router (on a DMZ)
    3. Have four Netgear XAVB5001 powerline adapters connected to the time capsule (for our iMac desktops and the Apple TV)
    4. Have an Airport Express wirelessly connected to the time capsule to extend range (for our iPhones and iPad)
    All this is currently working. What I would like to do is the following, keeping 1-3 above the same:
    4. Connect the airport express to the time capsule via Netgear XAVB5101 powerline adapter (instead of wirelessly connecting to the time capsule as it is today) and use it to extend the wireless range of the time capsule
    5. Add ANOTHER airport express to the time capsule via powerline adapter (and extend the wireless range elsewhere in the house).
    Does anyone have any experience with this kind of setup and can assure that it would work? (I'm trying to decide whether to spring for a couple more powerline adapters and another airport express)
    Thanks in advance!

    I had a VERY similar problem:  I was trying to extend my wireless network using a hardwired ethernet connection from Airport Extreme to my Time Capsule.  Every time I plugged in the wire to the TC, everything disappeared.  Unplugged, and boom.  Came back.
    Here's how I solved it:
    Go into Airport Utility and select the unit you are trying to use as a wireless extender and choose to edit it.  Then, on the wireless tab select CREATE a wireless network.  But, give it the exact same name and password.  This is completely counter-intuitive.  You would think to choose EXTEND, but this would be wrong.  Next choose the network tab.  And, select Router mode to Bridge (off).
    By choosing the same name and password, your phone, laptop, etc. will think it's on the same network and move seamlessly from one to the other.
    See if this fixes your issue.  Fixed mine instantly.  AND, it only took 3 painstaking hours of checking ethernet connections and rewiring jacks, etc. to figure it out.  LOL

  • How can I expand my wireless network with a Time Capsule and Airport Express?

    My entire house is wired for ethernet access (2 floors).  I have a Time Capsule on the 2nd floor that reaches the entire house except for one room. 
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    The problem I encounter is that I have two separate wifi networks with two separate names.  I realize I can extend the wireless network on the 2nd floor to the 1st floor but I can only do this wirelessly to my knowledge, and the entire problem is that the signal doesn't reach the front room.  Also, there is really no place in-between that the AE can be placed to extend the reach.  The building is concrete and steel, I think that has a lot to do with the problem.
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    Your network is not working as you describe.. or I have misunderstood the layout..
    What is the broadband type? Modem is where? What is the main router?
    From your screen shots the main router is the airport express that covers one room which seems wrong.
    Why isn't the TC the main router? or both bridged.. if you go back and look at the apple document.. one or both apple routers are in bridge mode..
    You are having issues with setup .. half of which is caused by v6 airport utility.
    What OS are you running? Please install 5.6 utility.. do it.. do it now!!
    Easy for Lion.
    Messy but possible for ML.
    How to load 5.6 into ML.
    1. Download 5.6 for Lion.
    Click to open the dmg but do not attempt to install the pkg.. it won't work anyway.
    2. Download and install unpkg.
    Run unpkg on the desktop.. it is very simple.. drag the AirPortUtility56.pkg file over to unpkg.. and it will create a new directory of the same name on the desktop.. drill down.. applications utilities .. there lo and behold is Airport utility 5.6 .. drag it to your main utilities directory or just run it from current location.
    You cannot uninstall 6.1 so don't try.. and you cannot or should not run them both at the same time.. so just ignore the toyland version.. the plastic hammer.. and start using 5.6.. a real tool.

  • Can I extend AP Extreme Wireless network with my a TC and also use TimeMachine with it?

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    Thank you for your help in advance.

    I currently have an Airport Extreme Base Station in my Home Office in the basement and would like to purhcase a TC to be placed upstairs to extend the Wireless Signal and also use it with TM to backup several apple computers.
    That is doable.
    Do I need to run a Network Cable from the AE in the basement to the TC unit or can I simply piggy back off the wireless signal produced by the AE?
    Wired Ethernet cable connections are strongly preferred in setups like this, since there is no speed loss in a wire....and much less chance of an error occuring over a wired connection. The wireless signal produced by the Time Capsule will be much faster with a wired connection as well.
    Wireless between the AirPort and TC might work.....IF....the Time Capsule is located where it can receive a really strong signal from the other AirPort, but at best, the speed will drop by about half when you do this.
    I'm also running Apply TV in many rooms....will the TC unit produce a new wireless signal or extend the wireless already in the house.  This is critical as Apple TV Units and the device connecting to it must be on the same network.
    The TC will extend the existing network using either a wired or wireless connection.

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    Here's a Youtube video of how to do it.
    I had the same set up you do. I did not have success with the Express g. And in my case I had much better success when I sold the Express g on ebay, bought an Express N from the refurb store, so it only cost around $20 get something that is much more reliable.
    I quickly tried to find an Apple Support tech note for you but didn't, post back if you need more.

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    Is the issue that you cannot access the 802.11n AirPort Express Base Station (AXn) with the AirPort Utility that is running on your Win7 PC? ...  or that once you have configured the AXn, the PC is unable either to find the new wireless network or can find it but cannot connect to it?

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    I have a mid-2010 iMac and just purchased a 2TB TC, I just found out that it can't join existing wireless network with new AC standard so attached to iMac via ethernet with TC's wifi turned off.  How do i access TC now? not showing up in disk utility or on desktop. It is working fine with TM.  My cheeper seagate drives etc kept crashing, so i didnt trust cheeper back up options anymore.  Connected those drives to TM via firewire and could see the drives and access them.
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    Now a rant.  I can't believe in this wireless age that Apple would make a product that cant join a wireless net work.  The apple rep said i could return it and look for the previous TC that would join an existing wireless network.  Are we going backwards?

    Ok... it is getting a bit clearer but there are still some questions.
    I connect to the internet via airport only and it is pretty fast.
    I was assuming airport in this statement in your first post meant the TC or the Express.. but I now realise we are still in the mass confusion stage where apple calls everything wireless an airport. So what you mean is the airport internal card of the computer??
    Also, I didn't want to bridge TC with my new fios router that I paid 100 dollars for, to get N speed and also paying 10 dollars more a month for fast speed.  I heard that bridging slows down everything and then there can be port issues with mail etc.
    I think this is mistaken.
    Putting the TC in bridge mode plugged into your FIOS will not slow the network.. nor will it cause mail or port issues.. in bridge the TC is just a fancy WAP and switch plus the network hard drive.
    If the computer is close it will be faster than the FIOS.
    You can run both wireless networks with different names.. so it is clear which is which. But you can also setup roaming so the computers themselves pick which is the best wireless.
    I tried extending the wireless net work and tried joining wireless network, but the TC kept crashing and I had to keep resetting the TC.  the Apple support person said these, extend wireless network and joint wireless network, are no longer a connection option with the new TC because of the new AC protocol.
    Thanks again!
    You cannot extend to a non-apple wireless router.
    You cannot use join a wireless network because when you do the ethernet ports will be cut off.
    But that has not changed.. I don't think Apple support is correct.. there has been no change with the AC model.. it is simply a fact that apple routers do not work in join wireless mode other than as a dumb client. The same applies to AC as to the earlier version.. but I have asked another person to check this.
    Join in the express is the only apple router that still allows an ethernet connection.
    For now you best use of the TC is bridged to the FIOS. Wireless you can sort out between several options.

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    You need to turn on Printer Sharing on both the PC and OS X. I can't help you on Vista but in OS X it's System Preferences - Sharing - check the Printer Sharing box.

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    Replace the Time Capsule with one that has a larger hard drive. Or erase the one you have and start a new set of backups or backup one of the computers to a different backup drive.

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    How can i extend an existing wifi verizon wireless network with time capsule?
    It all depends on what you mean by "extend".
    If you plan to "extend" by connecting the Time Capsule to the Verizon router using a wired Ethernet cable, this can be accomplished.
    If you were hoping to connect the Time Capsule to the Verizon router using wireless only, unfortunately the Time Capsule and Verizon products are not compatible for that purpose.
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    In particular, you would want to focus on the information regarding a "Roaming Network"

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    You should probalby contact Netgear

  • Can't connect to wireless network with Dell Inspiron 1525 with Vista

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    - Jill
    Go to Solution.

    Sorry I am not sure if this is needed but I am using a WRT54G router ver.6.

  • HP LaserJet M1120 MFP will not print on wireless network with Windows 8.1 operating system

    The printer worked on the wireless network with Windows 8.
    I have been advised that it does not work with windows 8.1 because a driver is required. However this is not available to download.
    It is ridiculous that by having the latest operating system I am unable to use the HP printer on the wireless network
    When will HP have the driver to download?

    Check the support site here.
    Make sure you have the firmware update also.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos Thumbs Up to the right in the post.
    If my post resolved your problem, please mark it as an Accepted Solution ...
    I worked for HP but now I'm retired!

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