IMac and Raw files

Hello everyone:
I have and old iMac (the white one), upgraded with Mac OS X 10.6.8.
The computer works perfectly, I´m a photographer and still works with Photoshop and with large files like CR2 (Raw files).
Recently I bought a new camera: Canon powershot G15 and I can´t see the thumbnails in my Finder, neither in my iPhoto´11, but I can see them in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
In order to solve this problem, I have downloaded the RAWCameraUpdate4 from the Apple Support website, wich says that support the G15 raw files, but when I tried to install it, it appears a window taht says: this software is not compatible with your system.
Because of that, I was thinking about update my OS X to  Mountain Lion. I´ve been reading the technical specifications and my computer fulfills with the general requirements, but also it is writen that the supported models are iMac (Mid 2007 or newer).
My iMac was bought in decembrer 2006, I kown it´s old, but it runs perfectly, as I said before.
So finally, here´s my question:
Is to buy a new mac the only option that I have to solve my problem? Or maybe is it possible to update my system to Mountain Lion?
Thank and sorry for my english mistakes

It would be better to post in either the hardware forum for your system or the forum for Mt Lion - this does not involve iPhoto in any way and the people who are in those forums are better to answer compatibility of OD questions

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    As to the music, just copy it over to the MacBook, either via Home Sharing, file sharing, or an external storage medium (hard drive, USB flash drive, etc.).

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    Have you checked your "Import" settings for "Raw&Jpeg" pairs in the "Import" panel?
    You can set Aperture to import raw, jpeg, or raw&jpeg.
    If you imported Raw&Jpeg, but have set Aperture to use the Jpeg as original, you will see the imported image as Jpeg image, not as a raw image, even if the raw has also been imported. You can switch between Raw and Jpeg originals for selected images from the Photos menu:
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    You don;t have a preset set. What you are seeing is normal behavior when importing Raw files.
    What you see at first is the camera produced JPG preview imbedded in the Raw file. Aperture puts this up while it decodes the actual Raw data. This JPG has all the special settings and enhancements set on the camera and is basically the image that would be produced if you were shooting JPG.
    As a rule none of the settings on the camera (apart from the basics) are applied to the Raw file though some of the newer cameras have settings that could affect the data stored in the Raw file.
    This is a often asked question by those just getting into Raw and you can search the discussions here for other answers to this question.
    Given the capability of today's cameras, especially the high-end ones, a lot of users have decided to abandon Raw as unnecessary  if they are happy with the images the camera produces. It's all a matter of personal needs.

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    Highlight the two photos (using Ctrl+click), right-click on one of them and select "Stack...Stack Selected Photos".

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    Elements 10 and RAW files?
    Message title was edited by: Brett N

    just keep updating the application and every thing will be fine
    just check the details of the camera that u r using
    go to the link

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    Hi Guys,
    Hoping someone out there will have the answer to this.
    Just come back from a long trip with thousands of pics in RAW, I like to use Canon DPP to generate the JPGs quickly and to give me Canons interpretation on the RAW image. (Apparently same processing as in camera).
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    2.) Which is edited?
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    Any help offered would be greatly appreciated.

    1.) Which of the two is the visible one in Library mode? can one set the preference?
    Raw only. The jpeg is sort of like sidecar. Cannot set a preference. The only setting you can change is to view them separately.
    2.) Which is edited?
    Raw only.
    ... and at the same time I feel I need to be able to compare them.
    Lightroom's Canon-specific DNG profiles are developed to match Canon's picture styles (or whatever they are called). So, if you use, say, the Faithful Picture style in Camera, Lightroom's "Camera Faithful" profile will render your raws very close to DPP, if not identical. That's for default settings. However when you start adjusting, Lightroom's and DPP's processing may differ.
    You may not even need those Jpegs for comparison, after all.

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    In Library Grid view, on the Tool Bar (T), change "Sort:" to "File Extension"

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    Thanks for that,
    I downloaded RPP and it does indeed open the RAW files and lets me convert them into TIFFs or JPGs which I can then import into Photoshop to play with.  However I'm still confused about why I can't open them in Photoshop directly.  My other camera is a SLR saving to a SanDisk Extreme lll Compact Flash card and I can open RAW files off that on the same computer with no problem using a Photoshop RAW converter plug-in.

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    Yes, it will get upgraded.  I have my calendar on Lion and my iPhone 5.0.1 working seamlessly at the moment.  That doesn't mean you won't have problems because with new technology that can be expected.  Make sure you do a back up if you're worried about losing data.

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    I always shoot in raw (D70), but when I double click a picture in iPhoto it opens up a jpeg version (converted with who knows what settings) in the Gimp.
    Surely if I click on a raw file the program to which the file is sent should get a raw file and not some converted version?
    In fact it is a little wierder than this; if I drag a raw file onto the Gimp in the toolbar it opens up the raw file in Gimp (actually using the ufraw converter). However, if the raw file has ever been double-clicked, then Gimp opens up with iPhoto's jpeg.
    There may be a setting somewhere to change this aberrent behaviour, but I haven't found it yet.
    Anyone have an idea?
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Don't regret buying the Mac. The problem is simply the iPhoto is not the software you should be using. I'm still working out what I want to do. I think it's going to work like this....
    Use the software that came with the camera to download the image data. Store the images into folders with folder names that give the date and place or subject. (I will use either Canon or Nikon software depending on the camera.)
    Use "shoebox" to tag and index the images. Shoebox allows much more sophisticatd tagging than iPhoto. For example tag the subject "Nicholas" and location "Los Angeles" and then a querry for "family" in "California" will find the image.
    Shoebox, like iPhoto can launch an editor
    The Editor I like is Gimp. Clean interface and it is fast.
    however I'm keeping an open mind about PS.
    I just started using the Mac too My other computer runs Linux. (Linux and Darwin are very much alike.) The image
    data will continue to live on the Linux computer's RAID system.
    I will import cropped and color corrected JPEG images into iPhoto as needed when I want to make slide shows and books and DVDs to give away.
    I intend to re-evaluate this after iPhoto 6 is released in a January.
    iPhoto RAW conversion system is just not targeted at the small minority of people who in the film era could see the difference between (say) Agfa's "Portrait 160" and Fugicolor 200. or between Velia and Kodachrome. Apple was just not thinking of people like that when they devaloped thier RAW
    software. They were attempting to address the larger mass consummer market.

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    I have all three types of files in my iphoto library. I need to sort them so I can export Raw files and some TIFF files to Elements 3 for conversion and/or editing. I need to convert some Tiffs to Jpeg to save space.
    Is there some way I can sort my 3000 files so that I can find all of a type in order to, for instance, do a Batch Rename in Elements? Is there a way to do that sort of conversion within iphoto?
    imac g5 1gig   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   300 gig external HD
      Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    To sort your pictures by file types, create Smart Folders where Filename Contains .tif or .tiff, .jpg or jpeg, etc.
    Once you have created the Smart Folders, you can export the contents of the Smart Folders to folders on your Desktop or elsewhere and then batch convert the files in Elements.
    I don't think there's a way to batch convert the files within iPhoto, but you can ask about that in this iPhoto forum.

  • IMac and Raw Format

    Hello everyone:
    I have and old iMac (the white one), upgraded with Mac OS X 10.6.8.
    The computer works perfectly, I´m a photographer and still works with Photoshop and with large files like CR2 (Raw files).
    Recently I bought a new camera: Canon powershot G15 and I can´t see the thumbnails in my Finder, neither in my iPhoto´11, but I can see them in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
    In order to solve this problem, I have downloaded the RAWCameraUpdate4 from the Apple Support website, wich says that support the G15 raw files, but when I tried to install it, it appears a window taht says: this software is not compatible with your system.
    Because of that, I was thinking about update my OS X to  Mountain Lion. I´ve been reading the technical specifications and my computer fulfills with the general requirements, but also it is writen that the supported models are iMac (Mid 2007 or newer).
    My iMac was bought in decembrer 2006, I kown it´s old, but it runs perfectly, as I said before.
    So finally, here´s my question:
    Is to buy a new mac the only option that I have to solve my problem? Or maybe is it possible to update my system to Mountain Lion?
    Thank and sorry for my english mistakes

    10.6 supported RAW formats...
    10.7 Supported RAW formats...
    To see if maybe you can run Lion/10.7...
    At the Apple Icon at top left>About this Mac.
    Then click on More Info>Hardware and report this upto but not including the Serial#...
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: iMac
    Model Identifier: iMac7,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache: 4 MB
    Memory: 6 GB
    Bus Speed: 800 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: IM71.007A.B03
    SMC Version (system): 1.21f4
    If it's a core Duo & not a Core2Duo, then it'll only run in 32 bit mode.
    Snow Leopard/10.6.x Requirements...
    Lion/101.7 System requirements
        •    x86-64 processor (Macs with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, or Xeon processor.)
        •    At least 2GB of memory, (I say 4GB)
        •    Latest version of Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.8), with the Mac App Store installed
        •    At least 4GB of disk space for downloading, (I say 40GB at least)
    Like Snow Leopard, Lion does not support PowerPC-based Macs (e.g., Power Macs, PowerBooks, iBooks, iMacs (G3-G5), eMacs).
    Lion also does not support 32-bit Intel Core Duo or Core Solo based Macs. Rosetta is no longer available in Lion, which means Lion no longer supports PowerPC applications.

  • Is it possible to ignore and not import JPG files when a JPG and raw file of the same name exist?

    Is it possible to ignore JPG files on import? I shoot raw + JPG and see no reason to keep the JPGs; I shoot JPG primarily as a backup (I back all the JPGs up online to my smugmug account then delete them before importing the raw files), but they're also occasionally handy if one wants to get a quick print in the field. I know that one can set a preference to "Treat JPEG Files Next to Raw Files As Separate Photos", but even then they still are imported.
    As an example, say I have this scenario (not on DSLRS, but on pNs cameras, sometimes a JPG but not raw is captured - I suspect this has to do with how the buffer is filling) with these files on a memory card:
    When I import pictures from this folder, I'd like 2 CR2 files and 1 JPG to be imported. I'm even willing to copy the relevant files and drag and drop them onto LR's Library module. But even if I do that, all five files get imported. Thanks!

    jim01403 wrote:
    trshaner wrote:
    For this typical example 98% of the image files are transferred while LR is building previews, which is exactly what I was suggesting be avoided.
    No, I don't believe that's correct. As I said in my previous post, Lightroom's Import is a two-stage process.....first copy the files from the card, then when that is finished, render whatever previews have been requested.
    AFAIK there is nothing unusual about my system, Lightroom has always imported in this two-stage way as far back as I can remember. Based on this I see no 'safety' benefit from copying files first outside Lightroom, then using an ADD import process. On the contrary, as this takes away the possibility of using the "Second Copy on Import" option, as well as having to manually setup import folders, I see nothing but downside from that approach.
    Mea culpa, Jim is correct! I checked my Windows 7 system with LR4.2 and I monitored the 'Destination folder' during an import direct from memory card to hard drive. 'Copy and import' showed in the progress bar until all image files were visible using Windows Explorer in the 'Destination folder.' Only after all files had transferred did the progress bar change to ‘Render 1:1 Previews.’ I started using LR1.0 on a Pentium 3 single-core system with Windows XP 32 bit, which I think is when I made this observation. Regardless, it is clear that LR4.2 is using a two-step import process. Thanks Jim for being persistent!
    It still begs the question why some people are experiencing very slow imports, damaged image files, and other related import problems from memory cards? My guess (and it's only a guess) is that they have 1) 'Rename Files,' 2) 'Automatically write changes into XMP,' or 3) 'Include Develop settings in metadata inside JPEG, TIFF and PSD files' checked in LR preferences. It would be a good idea for anyone experiencing import issues to try an import with these three (3) options unselected.
    My apologies to the OP DBarman for going off topic. Hopefully the extra information and observations are helpful.

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