IMac hard drive space

My iMac has duplicates of every song on my hard drive. The duplicates do not appear in iTunes but they show twice in my finder window. How do i get rid of them all to reduce the amount of used hard drive space?

Both files for each song are stored in the same folder, or in different folders?
Does the duplication occur when you add the song to the library, or at some other time? If other time, what are you doing in iTunes when it happens?

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    I am trying to clean up my iMac hard drive and find a lot of space in a folder named 'Deleted Users'...what is this and can I delete it to save space?

    If a user account is deleted and the data for that account is not deleted, it is placed there. Yes, you can delete the files there.

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    You probably don't really need 1080 at 60 for your finished projects but since you're just starting out with Motion, you need to lower your expectations. A long way. 1080 is about 2 million pixels per frame, DV is only about 400,000. That's not just five times as many pixels for the Mac to track; everything in video is exponential.
    Explore the training tutorials available by Mark Spencer. You will get an idea of how his super powerful machine reacts with the software.
    Adding a light roughly doubles the processing time over flat scenes. Two lights increases processing again. Reflections require processing the lights and then calculating the reflections so add another quarter of the time required for flat scenes. Add camera movement, motion blur, and depth of field and you need exponentially more processing time for every frame. The preload of renders into RAM is one of the cooler features of Motion, as comapred to After Effects, but that takes tons of time, to.
    Try working in ye olde DV resolution for a few days. Get to know the software's limitations and what gets imposed by your Macintosh. Step up to 720p/30 and see how things slow down.

  • Solutions for lots of hard drive space?

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    Thanks in advance for all your help.

    321estrellas wrote:
    - I wonder if enclosure manufacturers do special orders of JUST the enclosure without the cables and power adapter? Since I'll likely be buying the same one but plugging one at a time...(maybe one other for another computer)
    Not sure if they will or not. Of course, IMO, it is not bad to have an extra Power Adapter and cables (or more), just in case. You would be suprised how things can get misplaced or when you really would like another FW or eSATA cable. You can call some of these places and ask, it nevers hurts. I have had very good experiences with Firewiredirect, OWC/MacSales and Wiebetech, probably worth a customer service IM window with them or call or email. Worst they can say it is not possible.
    - Alternatively the Wiebtech SilverSata I enclosure seems pretty convenient and maybe I'll expand it with 6-8 additional trays...but again I may want to use another HD in another computer but I'm sure I can figure a way around that...
    If you get a G5 or MacIntel they all use the same drives so if you remove it from a tray you can put it in the computer. I like the SilverSata I because it is relatively small and light and I will often throw a 750gig Drive into a tray when traveling to have a place to capture things and keep copies of photo downloads, audio files for Soundtrack and other files which take up room and a partition for a boot/repair/restore disk for the laptop.

  • How do I delete Photo Stream photos that are taking up hard drive space in my Masters folder, but not actually appearing in any event, or on the interface at all?

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    How can I safely delete them?

    If the files are loose inside the iPhoto library package here's one way to get them out:
    1 - open your library, select all of the photos in the library and add a unique keyword, XXXX,  to all of them.
    2 - Rebuild the library with  iPhoto Library Manager  as follows:
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.>Click on the Add Library button,
    2 -  select the library you want to add from those in the selection window.
    3 - make sure that in the rebuild window the checkbox  "Scavange orphaned photos" is checked.
    4 - now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    5 - in the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed. Click on the Create button.
    Note 1: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments. However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost.
    Note 2:  Your current library will be left untouched for further attempts at a fix if so desired.
    3 - open the library, create a smart album with the criterial "Keyword is not XXXX".
    4 - the smart album will include those photos that were not visible in your original library. Select them and use the key combination of Command+Option+Delete to move them to the iPhoto Trash bin.
    5 - empty the iPhoto Trash bin via the iPhoto ➙ Empty iPhoto Trash Bin menu option.
    6 - empty the Trash bin in the Dock to remove the files from your hard drive completely.
    Be sure to read Note 1 above.  You can use the new library without your books, slideshow, etc. and it will not  contain those errant files.  Of course delete the original library if the new one is satisfactory.

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    Any and all help would be appreciated.
    Daves-iMac:~ Dave$ sudo du -chxd 1 /
    WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
    or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
    typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.
    To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.
    33M /.DocumentRevisions-V100
    12M /.fseventsd
    608M /.Spotlight-V100
      0B /.Trashes
      0B /.vol
    66G /Applications
    2.3M /bin
      0B /cores
    4.5K /dev
    1.0K /home
    3.4G /Library
    1.0K /net
      0B /Network
    2.3G /private
    1004K /sbin
    3.9G /System
    329G /Users
    498M /usr
    4.0K /Volumes
    405G /
    405G total

    Solved, I used DaisyDisk which displayed that my other half was storing loads of iTunes data. I don't understand why Finder did not pick this up though?

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    If the /private/var/log/ folder is taking up the space, put that path into the Finder's Go to Folder command in the Go menu and delete the logs, or open one and look for one or more lines repeated over and over.

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    Select the drive and choose Get Info from the File menu, or open any folder on it and choose Show Status Bar from the Finder's View menu if it isn't already displayed.

  • How to Reclaim Hard Drive Space

    Hi there,
    I have deleted several GB of messages, folder by folder from Entourage as I have the complete set in Mail. However, I had restarted my iMac and there seems to be too small amount of hard drive space available after this delete has been completed. I don't see anything left in the Entourage folders, nor in the Trash on the dock. So, where else can I check to reclaim the hard drive space? I'm currently showing 140 GB and there should be around 155 GB free.
    Advice much appreciated. Thank you!

    Have a look at this article* I wrote:
    Hope you are able to find your lost space.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

  • Lack of hard drive space overnight and oddity at login prompt.

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    HI and Welcome to Apple Discussions...
    Boot from your Mac install disc and run Disk Utility in case the startup disk needs repairs.
    Insert your install disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    *(Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)*
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    While you have the Disk Utility window open, look at the bottom of the window. Where you see Capacity and Available. *Make sure there is always 10% to 15% free disk space*
    If you cannot boot from your install disc, try booting in Safe Mode
    What is Safe Mode
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Mavericks recovered hard drive space post-install

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    Just installed Mavericks this morning and am surprised and alarmed in equal measure.
    My MacBook Pro Late 11 750GB HG had:
    156GB remaining before installing mavericks
    It now it has
    415GB remaining post installation.
    All my apps and files appear to be there so I am at a loss to work out what has happened.

  • Macbook Pro hard drive space issue - iPhoto not responding

            I have a MacBook Pro running snow leopard. Has got two user accounts on it. Comes up with 29 Gb remaining on the internal hard drive. IPhoto was not responding in my wife's account. I think the hard drive space is the issue here. I have had a number of attempts to get the "29 Gb remaining" changing to a higher figure but those attempts do not increase that figure.
          I did keep trying to securely remove trash, by removing some of the events in my iPhoto first, and removing the iTunes libraries of both accounts. When securely emptying the trash, it came up with 27,000 items to delete, and took all night. On re-starting the laptop, the "29 Gb remaining" was unchanged. Any tips to get this figure up, and be able hopefully to access my wife's iPhoto account ? Then try from there.
           I got an iMac running iTunes with the libraries there. So I need no music in the laptop.

    I started up the laptop today. Finder showed there was 65 Gb available . Maybe takes a day or two to bed in, any changes from securily emptying the trash. Fired up iPhoto, had a beach ball for 10 seconds, holding my breath "here we go again"...... then it stopped spinning . The application was then alright. Works okay this evening.
    Looks like the issue is solved

  • Hard drive space disappeared after starting to us iDisk

    Before I started using iDisk I had about 80 G of hard drive space. Now I have 7 G!
    I have followed other threads and I have checked the Volumes folder and find my home folder there, the iDisk and my external drive.
    If I try to delete any of them I get a message that says I don't have the permissions.
    I have decided to trash iDisk. How do I get rid of it and get my drive sapce back?

    the default on my iMac was to auto-back the Macintosh HD to iDisk daily. Well, the HD had about 57 Gb of stuff on it, and the iDisk allows a max of 1 Gb, and even if you pay more, you can only get up to 4 Gb. So, the program copied to the iDisk icon on my desktop. Lost 57 Gb of space ovennight. Finally found out that its a good thing to back up (to your online iDisk acct) a few things that you want to keep. I had a tech walk me through. First, if everything is still as it was on your HD, delete the copied HD from the iDisk desktop icon. Then, you can either DL huge files (like your whole HD to some disks, or in my case, I had a freestanding 100 Gb harddrive, so I used it for the target, and backed up EVERYTHING. Now when I perform a backup, it doesn't add much-just whats new or changed.

  • Deauthorizing to create hard drive space

    I am going to give my computer to my wife, and want to create hard drive space. This is a computer we already share, but maintain separate music libraries on iTunes under each of our user accounts. In attempting to create disc space, I wanted to remove my music from the computer, but we share the same iTunes account. So if I deauthorize the computer for my account, her music purchased from iTunes won't play either.
    I thought that as a solution I would deauthorize the computer for the account. Then delete my iTunes library, then using my wife's account on the computer (which would still have songs purchased from iTunes on it) I would reauthorize the computer so that the computer would play songs we purchased, but I could save disc space. My hope is that if my library isn't on the computer when I reauthorize it, it will still play her library (even if we have a few of the same songs). Also this will allow me to authorize the new computer that I will purchase soon.
    I hope this is clear, and hopefully someone can answer this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Once you authorize five computers to play your music purchases, you can't listen to music you've purchased on a sixth computer until you deauthorize one of the already authorized computers. When you deauthorize a computer, you can't listen to any music that was purchased using your account on that computer. To authorize or deauthorize a computer, your computer needs to be connected to the Internet.
    Each computer can be authorized to play music purchased with multiple Apple or AOL accounts. For example, if each member of your household has an Apple account and you share one computer, each person can choose whether to authorize the computer to play music purchased with their account. Similarly, multiple users can share the same computer and account and thereby use only one of the authorizations for the songs purchased with that account.
    - source - iTunes Help
    So, I don't think it is necessary for you to deauthorize the computer. If you move your iTunes Library to another machine, you simply authorize your account on that machine.
    For further clarification, type in Authorizing or deauthorizing a computer in your search field after selecting iTunes and Music Store Help via the iTunes Help Menu.
    iMac G5 Rev C 20" 2.5gb RAM 250 gb HD/iBook G4 1.33 ghz 1.5gb RAM 40 gb HD   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   LaCie 160gb d2 HD Canon i960 printer

  • Out of Hard Drive space with Mavericks

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    Question.  Can I load FCPx on a separate, external 3 terabyte drive and work from that?  Would that solve my drive space issue on my iMac HD?
    What would be the step by step process to do that or, a better idea?
    Thanks a pile.  I have HD constipation!

    Your application must be in the Applications folder, but your libraries can and indeed *should* be in an external drive. They can be stored anywhere, no need to put them in special designated folders as before.
    The library system actually makes managing your stuff extremely easy. A library is a single document, so you can simply move it in the Finder (when FCP X is not running).
    You can have as many or as few libraries as you want, copy them, move them, etc. You don't have to have everything active at once in FCP X. Open and close libraries as needed (whereas before, all events on a given drive were loaded, you can now just open a single library in a disk containing dozens of them).
    Take the time to familiarize with the library concept and you'll find that it is much better than what we had before.

Maybe you are looking for

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