IMac is running two primary displays

I am currently using Air Display for mac. My iPad is serving as the second display. However, when I turn on mirror display, it switches the screens of my iPad with my iMac, so that the computer shows the screen in the resolution which I'm assuming is that of my iPad. Its very pixellated and diffcult to read anything. I went to display under system preferences to fix the problem, but both blue screens have the white dock bar above them. It seems to be that both have been set as the primary display, but my iMac is showing my iPad's normal screen instead. How would I fix this? Also, why is there a dock bar above both of the diplays? They aren't side by side as I had seen in other places, but stacked on top of eachother.
Thanks for your help,

OK, well I would go with what Apple says in writing but if you want to take a trip to visit the Genius Bar that won't hurt.
Good luck, I'm 99% certain  you will find I was correct but please let us know.
BTW when posting please click the Reply link in the post you are replying to, otherwise we can't tell who y our comunication is directed to.

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    Yes, the new iMac has two Thunderbolt ports. Plus Thunderbolt can be daisy chained thru external Thunderbolt drives and displays that have multiple ports.
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    You can have two independent external displays on the workstation macs such as G4, G5 and Mac Pros but not on apple laptops to the best of my knowledge. If you look on that page it shows the Mac Pro then underneath it is the image of two montiors side by side with the shark image going across it. Lower down is a Macbook Pro with one additional monitor next to it.
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    Sorry that was a dumb typo on my behalf. Here is the setup:
    Apple 27inch iMac only bought today, so it's the newest version with the two Thunderbolt ports.
    Two seperate external monitors each connected to a seperate port via a DVI cable and Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter.
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    Thunderbolt port x 2.
    External Monitor x 2.
    Mini DisplayPort Adapter x 2.
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    You can use another DVI, VGA, or even HDMI display for far cheaper with this adapter, US$60 plus shipping:
    Warning: Results may be unacceptably laggy.
    But a converter to Mini DisplayPort is quite expensive, US$150 plus shipping:

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    It's a real low-down shame that the HD5750-equipped 27-inch iMac cannot support triple displays.
    All of the HD5750 video cards available for Windows PCs support triple displays (two DVI and one DisplayPort) with the Eyefinity technology that was built into the HD5750's GPU.
    Having one iMac 27-inch flanked by two additional 2560x1440 monitors would be so SWEET.

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    Of the cards originally available for the Quad, only the nVidia 4500FX could support two 30" displays.
    Your best option is to get the newly released ATi X1900 G5 edition. It will support two 30" displays and is considerably faster than the 6600 you have in there now.
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    Thanks for your answer. I also wrote to Display Link forum. Here is their reply (It's not the answer I was hoping for...):
    +I think these were the first dynadocks Toshiba released. When manufacturing them, they managed to program them all with the same serial number - all zeros. This means multiple devices cannot be distinguished on the USB bus, so our software can only communicate with one dock at a time.+
    +Unfortunately this is a limitation and means only one of this first generation dynadock can be used at a time. Toshiba fixed this in their later dynadocks that are sold now.+
    +And no - there is no way for a user to reprogram the serial number. It has to be done in the factory.+

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    OK, well I would go with what Apple says in writing but if you want to take a trip to visit the Genius Bar that won't hurt.
    Good luck, I'm 99% certain  you will find I was correct but please let us know.
    BTW when posting please click the Reply link in the post you are replying to, otherwise we can't tell who y our comunication is directed to.

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    Sounds good---maybe too good to be true. Any drawbacks to such a setup as this?
    Any advice most appreciated.

    Thanks for the info Malcolm. I checked out those links you provided, and it appears that buying two adapters for the presently-inistalled video card which would allow it to run two VGA monitors looks like a workable solution, all right. But it would be more expensive than just buying that Radeon AGP card to run both monitors, if the latter would work (that's what I'm still wondering).
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    I appreciate the info, but I'm still favoring the Radeon 700 AGP card if someone can tell me it might work.
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    Thanks again,

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    I would really appreciate some help on this matter.

    Thanks BSteely, Would you happen to know of a box to recommend? I guess something like this would be more suitable: r129?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1272121514&sr=1-29
    Than this: /ref=sr140?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1272121514&sr=1-40

  • TS1587 I tried everything, except for reinstalling the SO-DIMM memory modules. Still, my iMac will not wake up. Turning it on you can hear the fan run, but the display stays dark. Any ideas what to do? Thanks Maja

    My iMac won't start up, or wake from sleep.  I've tried everything, except for reinstalling the SO-DIMM memory modules. Still, my iMac will not wake up.  Turning it on, you can hear the fan run, but the display stays dark.  Any ideas what to do?  Thanks!

    Mac doesn't boot
    Can you hear the fans and hard drive and see the white boot screen? Flashing question mark? The circle just runs and nothing happens? Only black screen and nothing else? These can be very helpful to diagnose the source of the problem. [1]
    Flashing question mark [2]: This is usually a sign of a failed hard drive. This indicates that boot up volume can not be found.
    Black screen: This is usually a sign of a failed logic board. There is no single reason for this and this may be caused by failed GPU, screen, CPU or RAM.
    Circle of death/no circle/blue screen: This is usually a sign of a hard drive failure. This may NOT be a dead hard drive, just broken permissions or something
    Gray screen/Apple logo/spinning gear or globe/prohibitory sign/folder with flashing question mark [3]: This could be a sign of faulty hardware but more likely a software issue, i.e. broken permissions, failed software update, etc.
    What to do
    First, hold down the option key (also known as the alt key) just after you've pressed the power button. This should show all the available options to boot from, so if you have Windows installed through Bootcamp or a disk in your SuperDrive, you should be able to see them along with your OS X drive/partition. Select the OS X partition with arrow keys and press enter. Startup key combinations
    If that doesn't help continue doing the steps from below:
    1. SMC reset [4]. Shut down and unplug all cables including power cord for at least 30 seconds and then plug in power cord and keyboard/mouse.
    2. PRAM reset [5]. Hold down option, command, P and R while booting. Start it when you hear the sound and don't let go before it reboots.
    3. Safe boot [6]. Hold down shift while booting to boot into safe mode. If this works, open Disk Utility from Utilities and repair your permissions and verify the disk
    4. Hardware test [7]. Insert the install disk (disk 1 in Mac which shipped with OS X 10.5.4 or earlier, disk 2 if shipped with OS X 10.5.5 or newer) and hold down "D" before the grey boot screen opens. Follow on screen instructions
    5. Boot from install disk. Boot from the disk that came with your Mac. Hold C while booting. Select Disk Utility from top bar and repair permissions and verify the disk. Reboot normally and see if it works now.
    6. Boot from another Mac (Firewire target disk mode). Connect the machines with a Firewire cable. Power on your Mac and press T. Select the other Mac's hard drive. Download the current OS X combo update. Run the combo update installer and select the drive that won't boot as the destination.
    7. "Repair" OS X. Boot from the install disk as in point 5. and reinstall OS X. This should NOT erase any data, just replaces the system files which may have caused your booting problem. Now install the latest combo update for OS X and repair permissions on your drive with Disk Utility.
    7.1. Install OS X into an external hard drive and then boot from it [8] and try to copy your data from the hard drive before proceeding. If you have done a backup recently, you don't have to do this.
    8. Restore OS X from Time Machine backup. Boot from the disk that came with your Mac and choose the Time Machine restore option. This step will lose any changes made since your last backup but the system and your data will be put back to exactly as it was on that date.
    8.1 Reinstall OS X. Boot from the install disk as in point 5. and select Disk Utility again. Now erase the whole hard drive and install OS X again. If you had a Time Machine backup and step 7 worked you don't have to do this.

  • If I daisy chain two Thunderbolt Displays to a 2011 iMac 27" can I connect a Wacom Cintiq HD to the other Thunderbolt port?

    In one Thunderbolt port are the two Thunderbolt displays, in another Thunderbolt port is the Cintiq HD. Would this work on an iMac 27".

    Looks like 2 external displays are the max, even for the 2-port (TB) iMac.  So if the Cintiq shows up in ASP and is considered by the computer as a display, then NO, you won't be able to use the Wacom Cintiq in 'addition' to (2) TB displays.

  • Connecting two iMacs using second one as display

    I have two iMacs 8,1(2210) 20", I would like to setup it up as dual display (using one of them as a display only). Is it possible? Can't seem to find the right cable (mini dvi to mini dvi). Any suggestion? I saw a video with something about "command+f2" to extent the displays, is that right?

    Your iMacs don't support Target Display Mode Target Display Mode: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    You may or may not be satisfied with software solutions such as mentioned above.

  • Want to run two 30" cinema displays from Mac Pro

    I'm running Avid Media Composer software to edit a film that I made, and I would like to run (if possible) two Apple 30" cinema displays next to each other off of my Mac Pro (the computer was purchased at end of 2009). While editing with Avid software, I like to spread out my work and bins in able to see everything, and strange as it may sound, I'd like more room than one 30" display can provide. Currently, I have one Apple 30" Cinema display in use, and could purchase another large display if I can find out-- definitively, if my Mac Pro computer will be able to handle it and power it effectively. I realize that Apple doesn't sell the 30" displays anymore, but I saw a few relatively inexpensive ones available on Craigslist recently.
    The second monitor that I'm using now is a much older (non-Mac) monitor (and smaller) and the resolutions don't match the high resolution of my single Apple 30" display. So, my reason for wanting a second, larger display are twofold... 1) to see more of my work, and 2) to get the highest resolutions to match (2560x).
    The ports on the back of the Mac Pro don't look like they will support the use of a second 30" display, just one. Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Do I need to purchase another video card to run a second 30" Apple display? If so, which ones are best/do you suggest?
    Do I need to upgrade my processing speed (get a faster processor) to run two large, high-rez monitors?
    Mac Pro
    Processor: 2 x 2.8 GHz
    Memory: 2 GB
    800 MHz DDRZ FB-DIMM
    Quad-Core Intel Xem
    Purchased end of 2009

    If it has two DVI ports, just plug in the second display with an additional Dual-Link DVI cable -- the card can run both displays without issue.
    If it has one DVI and one other type, Exactly which display card do you have installed?

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