IMac & MacBook Pro

We have had a iMac for over a year and just added a macbook pro to the family.
My goal is to be able to access the iPhoto library from the macbook which is on the iMac.
Is this possible? Do I need to create a network in the house? I currently have a modem but do not have a router or airport extreme, do I need one do create the link.
I know I can import my library via my external hard drive but do not want to do that because I still plan on using my iMac for uploading the photos from the camera.
Any insights are greatly appreciated.

Your iMac doesn't support it.  See section 4 in:

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    "why can’t they include a way to plug in your home phone through the computer and an app to do this.": Because Apple doesn't control the land line phone. Some providers allow it using their modem, using a app made by the provider/telephone manufacturer, but most don't. Apple simply can't make software for all the phones out there. The problem doesn't come from Apple, it comes from the internet/landline providers.

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    Wow, using computers in school. I remember when I went, teachers flipped out if you had as much as a cell phone
    A couple things I would like to point out:
    1.) WWDC /=/ product releases. While it is likely, no one knows for a fact what will happen at WWDC other than usual events. I would expect it, but don't jump the gun and say "a new Mac will be launched at WWDC", because they have been released before WWDC.
    2.) The iPad is in a different tier than Mac, IMO. I believe iPads should be supplements to PC's, since if troubleshooting need occur, you must still have a PC to restore. (Mac is PC). So say if you suddenly go into Recovery mode, you will be stuck until you find a PC to restore to. One downfall of iOS devices, so for that reason, I will not recommend the iPad alone.
    If you plan to do most of your computing at home, I would get the iMac. I am a college student, and plan on replacing my Macbook Pro (selling it) with an iMac if I can afford it. I agree with you on the "bang for your buck", but even then, iMac is still pricey. With $850, you're still shy $300 of the $1149 price w/education discount. If you want to upgrade your processor (which I would), that's even more $. Plus, software if you need it.
    What exactly are you going to do with a Mac that you cannot do with a Windows PC (outside of just using the Mac OS)? The playing field is leveling out quite a bit. But, if you plan on developing of any sort, get a Mac.

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    Any 802.11 b/g/n or 802.11 b/g WiFi router will work. Any router can be configured by a Mac. While some now ship with fancy configuration software that attempts to mimic the easy setup of an Apple base station, they all can be configured via a web browser. My own preference is NetGear.

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    Dear MacChad,
    What you will need is an Ethernet cable that connects your Airport Extreme Base Station to your "Internet connection device".
    What this "Internet connection device" is will depend on how you are connected to the Internet with your ISP. Typical ways would be via Cable modem (supplied by your ISP in most cases), or DSL modem (supplied by your ISP in most cases).
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    Note that Wireless LAN is not secure, therefore it is recommended that you take all precautions to protect your network. Especially if you do not want to share it with your neighbours.
    Some suggested steps are:
    1. Create a "Closed Network".
    2. Assign a password to your network
    3. Create a generic SSID (aka. Network name). One that DOES NOT reflect the fact you have an Airport Extreme Base Station, any Macintosh products and your name.
    4. Turn on WPA encryption at the minimum. WEP encryption is too weak and is useless.
    5. Utilize MAC address filtering, but entering the MAC address of both your iMac and MacBook Pro into your Airport Extreme Base Station's MAC Filter list.
    I hope this helps.
    -- Vinko

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    Try to set the Boolean pref <b>image.mem.decodeondraw</b> to false on the <b>about:config</b> page
    *[ bug 705516] - Missing Favicons in the Application Menu Bar (comment 9)
    See also:

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    (The Macbook Pro is a 17" Mid 2009, if that makes any difference)

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then take one of the actions that you're having trouble with. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • IMac, MacBook Pro or custom pc?

    I need a good machine, since I'm starting 6th form soon, I was wondering should I go with a MacBook Pro 13 inch retina, an iMac 21.5 inch or a custom pc, plus it will be useful if I could take it on flights etc but that's not essential, also it may need a lot of memory, and I was wondering, what gaming can you do on a mac?
    -Thanks, Scott

    bootcamp will let you install windows which will run just as it was a normal windows computer
    one deside at bootup if one wish to start windows or osx
    read more here

  • Synchronizing iMac & MacBook Pro causes faulty cursor

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    the first suggestion would be to NEVER use superduper to clone drives back and forth between different model computers. this will inevitably lead to problems due to differences in hardware. I'm very surprised you can even boot the computers after that.
    if reinstalling the OS did not work make a new user account and log into it. do you have the same problems there?

  • IMac/Macbook Pro WiFi connectivity weak.. iPad1 good

    Hi, I'm having very spotty connection problems, stalling, pages not loading, working for a few min then stalling again on my imac and macbook pros (2011) models. But the iPad 1 is rock solid connecion. What can I do to get my computers to have as good as a connection?

    Hello Passenger57,
    First update your  User Profile if you are no longer at 10.6.5 of Snow Leopard.
    Wireless Improvements
    Move the Base Station If interference is particularly bad in one part of your house or office, move the base station to another location. But this can be tricky if your AirPort base station has to connect to the broadband feed coming into the house and that feed happens to enter at a particularly interference-prone spot.
    Use the 5GHz Band Compared with the 2.4GHz band, the 5GHz band is practically empty. The newest AirPort Extreme Base Station is one of the few Wi-Fi base stations designed for home use that work in that 5GHz band. All of Apple’s Core 2 Duo laptops and iMacs (except the discontinued 17-inch 1.87GHz model) can also use the 5GHz band; with the build-to-order wireless option, so can the Mac Pro.
    To switch to the 5GHz band, launch AirPort Utility, select your base station, and switch to Manual Setup. Click on the AirPort button and select the Wireless tab. Select 802.11n Only (5 GHz) from the Radio Mode pop-up menu. Click on the Wireless Options button and select Use Wide Channels. Click on Update to restart the base station.
    Currently, no Mac-compatible adapters enable you to use the 5GHz band in older Macs or with older versions of OS X.
    Also by unchecking the "Ask to Join Networks" box and deleting any networks you don't use from your Preferred Networks panel and moving your network to the top of the list by dragging it there may help.

  • IMAC/Macbook Pro crash everytime i plug in an Mbox 2

    Sorry didnt know where to post this... so i would be very grateful if someone could help me.
    I have a brand new iMac 20" and an mbox 2 running protools LE. Everytime i plug the Mbox into the machine it gives me the black screeen where it asks me to restart, i have not been able to get it working once and its very frustrating.
    I went into the apple store and tried to do the same thing with a macbook pro, again it crashed the machine........ i connected it to a macbook and it wouldnt even recognise the mbox or give it power.
    what am i doing wrong can anyone help me, has anyone esle seen this problem before?

    I had exactly same problem as others do in here.
    But now I'm using mbox 2 without having computer freezing problem.
    Here's what I did - though it might not be helpful for some.
    Well, I installed Leopard first because I wanted to use Windows. (mbox 2 was working fine with Windows... how weird!!)
    Now, mbox 2 is connected (to usb port besides line in port) and the computer doesn't crash. but it doesn't light itself up.
    Since I have intel imac, I downloaded pro tools le 7.1.1.
    In the folder, I opened up 'Read before install' file or something similar.
    In that document, it clearly states that you have to connect mbox 2 to the usb port that's RIGHT NEXT TO POWER CONNECTION.
    So I checked it out and that usb port is actually right next to firewire port. (well pretty close)
    So I installed pro tools le 7.1.1.
    Restarted the computer with mbox 2 connected.
    Boila! Mbox 2 lights up finally!
    I opened up pro tools and it WORKS!
    Now, switching to different usb port is just plainly ridiculous but that's typical apple I guess.
    Before I leave, here's my imac spec.
    Intel iMac with black/stainless steel design.
    20inch, 2.0 ghz intel core duo 2 cpu, 1g RAM, ATI Radeon HD2400.
    BTW, check out for imac graphic firmware if you own imac 20/24 inch with ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro. It might help ease freezing problem. It might.
    Message was edited by: bkteh

  • MacPro iMac MacBook Pro

    Its a new year and I have some old systems Iw ant to update.
    I work on my MacPro and its all up to date(my main system). I have an older iMac Late 07 and MacBookPro 09 I would like to get up to date. I am adding new Internal HDs and RAM.
    Can I clone my MacPro System drive and just copy them over to the iMac and MacBook Pro so all systems are up to date and mirrored? My concern is Snow leopard and multiple system? I have the family pack but do not want to have to install each system from scratch.
    Thank You

    That will work just fine. Clone the system to external and then clone to your other systems. Also it's legal since you have the family pack.

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