Image convert from jpg to BMP (black & white)

Hi everybody
here i am converting a jpg file to 2 bit monochrome image.
Though this program is making the bmp monochrome image of passing jpg image.
but the program is hanged in between.
I don't understand the why it is hanging..though it is generating the result.
please help me to solve the hanging problem.
source output is:
C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin>java jaiexp.JAISampleProgram6 aish5.jpg
FarmHouse2.bmp image
ERROR: it doesn't finish gracefully....!!
source code
package jaiexp;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.image.renderable.*;
     * This program decodes an image file of any JAI supported
     * formats, such as GIF, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNM, PNG, into a
     * convert it to BMP and save it as bmp file
     public class JAISampleProgram6 {
          /** The main method. */
          public static void main(String[] args) {
               // Define the source and destination file names.
               String outputFile = "C:\\j2sdk1.4.1_02\\bin\\jaiexp\\FarmHouse2.bmp";
               Image bwImage = null;
               /* Validate input. */
               if (args.length != 1) {
                    System.out.println("Usage: java JAISampleProgram " + "input_image_filename");
               }//if ends
               * Create an input stream from the specified file name
               * to be used with the file decoding operator.
               Image colorImage = null;
               try {
                    colorImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(args[0]);
               } catch (Exception e) {
               }//try catch ends
               ImageFilter filter = new BlackWhiteFilter();
               ImageProducer producer = new FilteredImageSource(colorImage.getSource(),filter);
               bwImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(producer);
               // Create the ParameterBlock.
               ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
               // Create the AWTImage operation.
               //PlanarImage im = (PlanarImage)JAI.create("awtImage", pb);
               RenderedOp image1 = (RenderedOp)JAI.create("AWTImage", pb);
               try {
                    FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
               }catch(Exception e){
               }//try catch ends
          }//fun ends
     }//class ends
     class BlackWhiteFilter extends RGBImageFilter{
     public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb){
     int alpha = (rgb >> 24) & 0xff;
     int red = (int)(((rgb >> 16) & 0xff) * 0.3f);
     int green = (int)(((rgb >> 8) & 0xff) * 0.59f);
     int blue = (int)((rgb & 0xff) * 0.11f);
     int bws = ((red+green+blue) > 127) ? 255 : 0;
     return ((alpha & 0xFF) << 24) | ((bws & 0xFF) << 16) | ((bws & 0xFF) << 8) | ((bws & 0xFF) << 0);
     }//class ends
thanks in advance.
- Deepak
email: [email protected]

Also keep in mind that there are two definitions of bitmap. You want the 2-color version where each bit represents one color or the other. However, thanks to Microsoft, their bitmaps are really just uncompressed strings of RGB values, storing each pixel in multiple bits.

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    Any Idea.

    I don't know where I read it but I guess I was wrong. JAI does support TIFF G4 compression. The problem I am facing now is that I get the following error when I try to create the TIFF G4 image from the JPG :
    java.lang.Error: Bilevel encodings are supported for bilevel images only.
         at Imagen.main(
    Note: I get the TIFF with no compression ok.The problem arises when I try G4 compression.
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    Thanks for helping.
                   // Pass form Base64 to JPG
                   byte[] b64DecodedJPG =new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer("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");
                   ByteArrayInputStream baisJPG = new ByteArrayInputStream(b64DecodedJPG);
                   ImageDecodeParam param = null;
                   ImageDecoder dec = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("JPEG", baisJPG, param);
                   RenderedImage op = dec.decodeAsRenderedImage();
                   // Create the TIFF G4 image
                   FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream("radar.tiff");
                   TIFFEncodeParam tiffparam = new TIFFEncodeParam();               
                   ImageEncoder enc = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("tiff", fs, tiffparam);
                   ParameterBlock params = new ParameterBlock();
                   RenderedOp image2 = JAI.create("scale", params);

  • How to convert raster images like( PNG, JPG,GIF, BMP, TIFF etc) into SVG

    Hi Friends!
    With a hope that any Java Guru from SUN Forum can help me to solve my query, I'm posting my thread here.
    I have a project with feature to add image. My requirement is to convert any selected image file like (PNG,JPG,BMP,Tiff) into SVG Formate before adding it to Frame.
    I found one software from the link :
    Which covert raster to SVG.
    But I don't how can i use it runtime ?
    I want to convert during runtime process. like when user select option for to add Image then it call a procedure to add Image by converting any raster to svg & finally add to Frame.
    Your any help/suggestions wold be appreciated

    There are basically two approaches:
    1. Embed the raster image in the SVG
    2. Vectorize the image
    1. Use Batik, or just write the XML yourself. Create some SVG files with embedded images, the syntax isn't to difficult. You could do it with a PrintWriter.
    2. Good luck to you. Writing a good vectorizer is
    - difficult
    - often pointless
    - though a great challenge if you're in to it
    The appllication you mention actually is only a front-end. it doesn't execute the vectorization itself. It uses Potrace and autotrace, which are native applications.

  • RE:  Converting from png to bmp

    Hi All
    I'm using JAI to convert an image given to me from png to a bmp. However I keep getting
    : Error: One factory fails for the operation "encode" and a huge list of areas where various errors have occured. It basically results in an empty bmp being written. Here's the code I'm using:
    import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
    public class PngToBmp
        private static void convPng(File theFile)
             String name = ((theFile.getName()).replace('.','_'))+".bmp";  //Setting bmp name
             RenderedImage pngImage = JAI.create("fileload", theFile.getPath());  //This is reading in the image
             RenderedOp op =  JAI.create("filestore", pngImage, "C:\\"+name, "BMP"); //This writes the image to the local disk
    //This third line of code that is causing the problems - according to the errors produced.
    }       I also have a main method in the class to call convPng. Any ideas as to what I've done wrong? I looked at the reading in and writing out website for JAI - that's where I constructed this code from. I've clearly not understood something though.
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    As no one replied I finally found the solution. I can't really explain why that code posted above doesn't work I guess it has something to do with the way the png is decoded. Anyway if you want to convert a png to a bmp here's the code to do it:
        public static void convPng(String source, String path)
                OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path);
                RenderedOp image;
                image = JAI.create("fileload", source);
                JAI.create("encode", image, out, "bmp", null);
            catch(IOException err)
                System.out.println("!! Read/Encode Error !!");
        }The source string is the path of the png and path is where the bmp is to be saved out to.

  • Converting from jpg to pdf

    how do i convert pictures sent to microsoft outlook from phone to pdf files.. they come in jpg?

    Are you currently subscribed to our CreatePDF online service?
    Kind regards, Stacy

  • Convert from jpg to pdf

    Have hp all in one print, scan, copy 5540 run windows 7 need to convert my scans and be able to send in pdf format instead of jpg everything is going out jpg, buisnesses cannot open the jpg only pdf any help please.

    There are many alternatives such as this
    You can download this free software from the following link. You can use pdf24 to edit pdf files too.:
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Convert JPG to BMP using XI

    I would like to transfer the Image file from one Legacy System to SAP R/3 server which then ABAPers can utilize using TCode: <b>SE78</b>.
    But here are the constraints -->
    *) The Legacy System is providing the Image file in JPEG format <u>Only</u>.
    *) SAP R/3 TCode : SE78, can <u>only</u> take the files in BMP format.
    *) Even if you simply change the extension of JPEG file to BMP, then SAP R/3 is <u>not accepting</u> that file which suggest it needs typical BMP file only.
    I referred this thread also
    Error while uploading *.BMP file using SE78
    In this thread user actually resolves his problem after using a tool which explicitly converted a JPG to BMP but they are not using XI.
    Now is their any way with which JPG can be converted to BMP. I found couple of tools but they require the file first ( using browse option ) & then they will convert it, mean you can't call them using XI & provide that file as an argument.
    I just need to know what you all think, is it possible to convert the JPG to BMP using XI or not. Also are you aware of any Java/.NET which can actually take the Image file ( JPG format ) & convert it & provide it back.
    - Lalit -

    Hi Lalit,
      I've made a quick search and in my opinion the better thing you can do, is to create a Java routine to convert JPG to BMP.
    you can use JAI (Java Advanced imaging) to read input stream (JPG format), and convert into a BMP format.
    <a href="">This PDF</a> contains the JAI documentation and some examples.
    I hope it will help.
    Best regards

  • Black & white and Sepia effects

    Hi, I have iPhoto 5 (version 5.0.4) and would like to convert original photos to either Black & White or Sepia. Can I do this in this version? I don't seem to have those options when I select a photo to start editing it. thanks :o)

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    It’s quite a while since I used v5 but I think you’ll need a later version to do this. Or you can use an external editor:
    In order of price here are some suggestions:
    Seashore (free)
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

  • Way to adjust black/white levels using color checker card in FCP6?

    When I shoot, I use a Gretag MacBeth white balance card for the camera, and also shoot a grey scale ColorChecker card with black, grey and white areas.
    When I apply a 3 way color checker, sampling the black, then white, then grey in that order, I don't really notice any visible change (which I guess is good!).
    But, I was hoping that it would also notice that the black in my video, is not really the blackest legal black - and make adjustments for that - and also the brightest whites.
    I guess the 3-way color correction only does, who would guess?, color correction.
    Is there a way to use the color checker card with some some included in FCP or 3rd party tools to make the blacks in my image closer to the blackest legal blacks, whites closes to the whitest legal whites - or am I totally missing the point?
    The video actually looks great, but I was wondering if there was some way to further enhance it, using the color checker card - which seems to be a useful standard?

    Zebulun - I seem to remember a few years back doing still photography - where I'd eyedropper a white point, and eye dropper a black point, to change the value Photoshop thought was white and black.
    And, I guess I was hoping to be able to do something like that using the black, grey and white of that card.
    Is there anyway the card could be used with the waveform? It just seems logical somehow that if you know for sure, here's what black is, here's what white is, that that info could be used for other purposes than color balance?

  • Iphone 4S - New OS - Black & White w/ Inversion - Fix????

    How do I reset a black & white image that is inverted?  My 4S this morning when taken off charger had no color & when I looked at it the image in inverted like the old black & white negatives.  What caused this and how do I reset?   Very annoying and even after rebooting will not go back to normal color...   Guidance???

    Hello Rick,
    It sounds like the colors are inverted. If you go to Settings > General > Accessibility and toggle off Invert Colors it will go back to normal.
    Invert Colors and Grayscale
    -Norm G. 

  • Convert color images to black&white bitmaps

    I have black&white scans of public domain books (image format). I use an OCR software to convert them to indexable PDFs (image+text format). However, the OCRed PDFs are insanely big: a 27 MB scanned PDF leads to an indexable PDF of 728 MB! And unfortunately, my OCR software doesn't have output settings, so I have to find a way to compress the files using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro.
    Using Advanced Options > Optimization does reduce the file size, but not significantly. The problem seems to be that my OCR software converts the black&white scans to color images, and encodes them as such inside the PDF. So I need a way to set the image modes back to black&white. I tried using the Advanced Options > Preflight dialog, and selecting "Convert to black&white". However, the resulting PDFs stay about the same size! It seems that "Convert to black&white" converts the images to grayscale, instead of to bitmap.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    I mentioned "bitmaps", because when I open the original PDF and right-click a random page and select "Modify image..." and open the image in Photoshop, the mode is set to "Bitmap mode": meaning 1-bit mode, containing either black or white pixels. However, when I do "Modify image..." for the OCRed PDF, the mode is set to "RGB Color Mode". I think this explains, in part, the huge size of the OCRed PDF.
    Maybe this table will make it more clear:
    Original PDF (Bitmap Mode, 132 dpi)
    Size: 27 MB
    OCRed PDF (RGB Color Mode, 300 dpi)
    Size: 728 MB
    Now, from the table above, it's clear that I have to reduce the image resolution. So, using the Acrobat's PDF optimizer, I tried the following settings:
    Optimized OCRed PDF: Try 1 (Downsample to 132 dpi, JPEG compression)
    Size: 733 MB
    Optimized OCRed PDF: Try 2 (Downsample to 132 dpi, ZIP compression)
    Size: 449 MB
    But 449 MB is still huge for a single book. And I don't want to reduce the resolution under 132 dpi, because I will loose quality. Clearly, if the original document is just 27 MB, I should be able to squeeze the OCRed document too. But I don't know how.

  • Image loses resolution when converting from pages to jpg

    I created an ad for my son's yearbook in Pages.  It is 9MB but I need to submit as jpg.  The only way I can figure to do that is to convert from Pages to PDF and from PDF to JPEG.  However when I do this, it shrinks from 9MB to just over 1MB which is too low rez.  Can anyone help?  I'm on a deadline. Thanks!!!

    OSX outputs pdfs at 72dpi if there is any transparency such as shadows, reflections, charts and of course directly specified transparency.
    The jpeg is generated from a pdf and is the wrong method of producing an ad, which should remain text/vector to stay sharp, with photographic style images at 300dpi.
    jpegs should only be used for purely photographic material because it makes everything else fuzzy.
    Your ad should be supplied as a vector pdf. If it has photographic material do not use transparency effects and make sure the images are at least 300dpi at final size.

  • Import an image to black&white into array

    Hello there.
    I'm making a type of cutter, that cuts stamps out of potatos. Currently, the pattern is an array of booleans of 25x25, where you have to click what you want to see and then the program cuts it out. We'd like to add more functionality though, perhaps by allowing images to be imported and these should then get put in the array, according to black/white-scale.
    I have absolutly no idea how I'd start doing anything like this.
    Thanks in advance!

    You should use the File Dialog VI. Provide it with a promt name (appears in the windows bar). pattern label (image type name), file patern (extention like *.bmp or *.jpg) and a start path (folder you would like to start in). You will now get a popup which starts in the folder you provided and limits to the extention you provided. Se VI attached (LV 2011) for an example.
    What falkpl ment with VDM is Vision Development Module. This is an addon which you can install onto LabVIEW. It gives you a large library of VIsion functions to work on your images. For more info goto:
    Vision Development Module
    NI IMAQ is a driver for our Frame Grabbers to capture images from cameras.
    Hope this helps. Have a nice day
    Rik Prins, CLD
    Applications Engineering Specialist Northern Europe, National Instruments
    Please tip your answer providers with kudos.
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    to the Sample Code License Terms which can be found at:
    Select ‏24 KB

  • How can I convert RGB Color to Black-White Color?

    Dear everyone!
    I am using Photoshop CS5. I have got a file from my customer which is done as RGB and the resolution is 300dpi. There are black texts and color images in the file. I wish to print Black-White Process Film (1 black color), but I don't know how to solve it. I started converting my file to Grayscale and then the black texts are not black enough because it becomes lighter. When I go to Level and adjust the color, both the image and texts becomes darker. What must I do to make only texts blacker without effecting the image?
    Please find the attached file for the reference.
    For more information, please let me know.
    My Best Regards,

    luck_lesson wrote:
    ...I have got a file from my customer which is done as RGB and the resolution is 300dpi. ..
    What file format was supplied to you? Was it truly RGB @ 300ppi or did you rasterize a PDF?
    300ppi is lousy for text. You might converse with your customer to instruct them on the ideal way to supply a file to you.

  • Converting grayscale to black & white

    I have a sketched out map of a parking lot that I want to convert to a true black and white. Can someone please tell me step by step how to do this?

    Curvemeister told you how to convert from RGB to grayscale. And by the way I think the new(ish?) black and white adjustment layer does your trick in one adjustment. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    To move from grayscale to "true black and white" (bitmap), you can use the adjustment layer...threshold and move the slider. Personally, I like to upsample the image some, as bitmaps have no gray tones to smooth lines out. Your target resolution should be 450-600 ppi at the size you will print. Of course, you can go higher... You can upsample using bicubic smoother and then use the threshold adjustment layer. When you're happy with how it looks, just image...mode...bitmap it and you've got a true black and white.
    Of course if your image is photographic, you might want to turn it into "line art," which is kind of a different thing. If you try the threshold adjustment layer on a photo, you'll see what I mean.
    Be sure to save as, or dupe the file before you begin!

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