Image displayed by child window captured by parent window.

This is a rather peculiar problem.
My application starts with a JFrame which takes some file as an input and then open another window and plot the graph.What happens is whatever is drawn on the child window(graph) is captured by the parent window which looks quite odd.Could anyone help me out the how to solve this problem??

sure... here are the codes......
//parent window:
package igib.genebrowser;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import igib.genebrowser.plot.*;
public class GeneBrowserMain extends JFrame
     public GeneBrowserMain()
          Container cp = this.getContentPane();
          cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
          DrawFeature df = new DrawFeature();
          cp.add(df, BorderLayout.CENTER);
     public static void main(String args[])
          Point p = new Point(400,300);
          GeneBrowserMain gbm = new GeneBrowserMain();
          GeneBrowserMenu menu = new GeneBrowserMenu();
//GeneBrowserMenu file
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import igib.genebrowser.plot.*;
import igib.genebrowser.*;
public class GeneBrowserMenu extends JMenuBar implements ActionListener
     JMenu fileMenu;
     JMenuItem open;
     JMenuItem quit;
     GeneBrowserMain gbm;
     public GeneBrowserMenu()
          this.gbm = gbm;
          fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
     open = new JMenuItem("open");
          quit = new JMenuItem("quit");
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          if(e.getSource() == open)
                         Point p = new Point(300,200);
                         FileOpenWindow f = new FileOpenWindow();
               catch(Exception ex)
          if(e.getSource() == quit)
//FileOpenWindow which takes file as input and opens GBMainFrame and plot graphs
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.colorchooser.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
import igib.genebrowser.util.*;
import igib.genebrowser.plot.*;
import igib.genebrowser.*;
public class FileOpenWindow extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener
     public JTabbedPane tPane ;
     public File seqFile, repeatFile, snpFile, geneFile;
     JLabel sequenceFile, repeatfile, snpfile, genefile, jb, winsize, shiftsize;
     JButton browse1, browse2, ok1, ok2, browse3, browse4, browse5, browse6;
     JTextField jtf1, jtf2, jtf3, jtf4, jtf5, jtf6;
     File f;
     PlotGraph pg;
     GBMainFrame gb;
     GeneBrowserMain gbm;
     JComboBox shiftSize, winSize;
     public FileOpenWindow()
          super("Open File");
          ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("images/middle.gif");
          Container cp = this.getContentPane();
          tPane = new JTabbedPane();
          JPanel jp1 = addNCBI();
          JPanel jp2 = addOther();
          tPane.addTab("NCBI", icon, jp1);
          tPane.addTab("Other", icon, jp2);
     private JPanel addNCBI()
          JPanel cp = new JPanel();
          cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(8,5));
//***********************1st row*************************************************//
          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************1st row*************************************************//
//***********************2nd row*************************************************//
          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************2nd row*************************************************//
//***********************3rd row*************************************************//
          jb = new JLabel(" Sequence");
          sequenceFile = new JLabel(" File :");
          browse1 = new JButton("browse");
          jtf1 = new JTextField(" ");
          jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************3rd row*************************************************//
//***********************4th row*************************************************//
               jb = new JLabel(" Repeat");
               repeatfile = new JLabel(" File :");
               browse2 = new JButton("browse");
               jtf2 = new JTextField(" ");
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************4th row*************************************************//
//***********************5th row*************************************************//
          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************5th row*************************************************//
//***********************1st row*************************************************//
               winsize = new JLabel("Window Size: ");
               winSize = new JComboBox();
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
               shiftsize = new JLabel("Shift Size: ");
               shiftSize = new JComboBox();
//***********************1st row*************************************************//
//***********************5th row*************************************************//
          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************5th row*************************************************//
//***********************6th row*************************************************//
               for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    jb = new JLabel(" ");
               ok1 = new JButton("OK");
               for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************6th row*************************************************//
               return cp;
     private JPanel addOther()
          JPanel cp = new JPanel();
          cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(9,5));
//***********************1st row*************************************************//
          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************1st row*************************************************//
//***********************2nd row*************************************************//
          jb = new JLabel(" ");
          sequenceFile = new JLabel("sequenceFile :");
          browse3 = new JButton("browse");
          jtf3 = new JTextField(" ");
          jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************2nd row*************************************************//
//***********************3rd row*************************************************//
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
               repeatfile = new JLabel("RepeatFile :");
               browse4 = new JButton("browse");
               jtf4 = new JTextField(" ");
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************3rd row*************************************************//
//***********************4th row*************************************************//
          jb = new JLabel(" ");
          snpfile = new JLabel("SNP File :");
          browse5 = new JButton("browse");
          jtf5 = new JTextField(" ");
          jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************4th row*************************************************//
//***********************5th row*************************************************//
          jb = new JLabel(" ");
          genefile = new JLabel("Gene File :");
          browse6 = new JButton("browse");
          jtf6 = new JTextField(" ");
          jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************5th row*************************************************//
//***********************6th row*************************************************//
          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************6th row*************************************************//
//***********************1st row*************************************************//
               winsize = new JLabel("Window Size: ");
               winSize = new JComboBox();
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
               shiftsize = new JLabel("Shift Size: ");
               shiftSize = new JComboBox();
//***********************1st row*************************************************//
//***********************6th row*************************************************//
          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************6th row*************************************************//
//***********************7th row*************************************************//
               for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    jb = new JLabel(" ");
               ok2 = new JButton("OK");
               for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    jb = new JLabel(" ");
//***********************7th row*************************************************//
          return cp;
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               String ncbi = "";
               String repeat= "";
                    ncbi = jtf1.getText();
                    repeat = jtf2.getText();
                    System.out.println("NCBI" + ncbi + "www");
                    if( ncbi.equals(" ") && repeat.equals(" "))
                         System.out.println("NCBI333" + ncbi);
                         DisplayInfo di = new DisplayInfo("Sorry!, Please select some file", "");
                         GBFileProp.snpFile = "";
                         GBFileProp.geneFile = "";
               catch(Exception ex)
               GBFileProp.fileName = ncbi;
               GBFileProp.repeatFile = repeat;
               ReadNCBI readFile1 = new ReadNCBI(ncbi);
               ReadRepeatFile rrf = new ReadRepeatFile(repeat);
                    gb = new GBMainFrame();
               catch(Exception ex)
                    DisplayInfo di = new DisplayInfo("Sorry!, Wrong File", "Enter file in \".gbk\" format");
               String sequence= "";
               String repeat= "";
               String snp= "";
               String gene= "";
                    sequence = jtf3.getText();
                    repeat = jtf4.getText();
                    snp = jtf5.getText();
                    gene = jtf6.getText();
                    if( sequence.equals(" ") && repeat.equals(" ") && snp.equals(" ") && gene.equals(" "))
                                                  DisplayInfo di = new DisplayInfo("Sorry!, Please select some file", "");
                         System.out.println("File " + GBFileProp.repeatFile);
               catch(Exception ex)
               GBFileProp.fileName = sequence;
               GBFileProp.repeatFile = repeat;
               GBFileProp.snpFile = snp;
               GBFileProp.geneFile = gene;
               ReadGeneFile a = new ReadGeneFile(gene);
               ReadSNPFile rsp = new ReadSNPFile(snp);
               GCReadFile grf = new GCReadFile(sequence);
               ReadRepeatFile rrf = new ReadRepeatFile(repeat);
                    gb = new GBMainFrame();
               catch(Exception ex)
                    DisplayInfo di = new DisplayInfo("Sorry!, Wrong File", "Enter file in corresponding format");
               String w;
               catch(Exception ex)
               String w;
               catch(Exception ex)
               String w;
               catch(Exception ex)
               String w;
               catch(Exception ex)
               String w;
               catch(Exception ex)
               String w;
               catch(Exception ex)
               final JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
               FileFilter type1 = new ExtensionFilter ("Fasta File(.faa)", new String[] {".faa",".txt"});
               chooser.addChoosableFileFilter (type1);
               chooser.setFileFilter (type1);
               int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(this);
               if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                    seqFile = chooser.getSelectedFile();
          else if(e.getActionCommand().equals("sequence_other"))
               final JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
               FileFilter type1 = new ExtensionFilter ("Fasta File(.faa)", new String[] {".faa",".txt"});
               chooser.addChoosableFileFilter (type1);
               chooser.setFileFilter (type1);
               int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(this);
               if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                    seqFile = chooser.getSelectedFile();
     public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e)
          GBFileProp.windowsize = (int)Integer.parseInt(winSize.getSelectedItem().toString());
          GBFileProp.shiftsize = (int)Integer.parseInt(shiftSize.getSelectedItem().toString());
     public void Fselect(int sel)
               final JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
     ImageIcon openIcon = new ImageIcon("images/open.gif");
               FileFilter type1 = new ExtensionFilter ("NCBI File(.gbk)", new String[] {".gbk",".txt"});
               FileFilter type2 = new ExtensionFilter ("ptt File(.ptt)", new String[] {".ptt",".txt"});
               FileFilter type3 = new ExtensionFilter ("Fasta File(.faa)", new String[] {".faa",".txt"});
               FileFilter type4 = new ExtensionFilter ("Text File(.txt)", new String[] {".txt",".txt"});
               chooser.setCurrentDirectory (new File (System.getProperty ("user.dir")));
               if(sel == 1)
                    chooser.addChoosableFileFilter (type1);
          chooser.setFileFilter (type1);
               if(sel == 2)
                    chooser.addChoosableFileFilter (type2);
          chooser.setFileFilter (type2);
               if(sel == 3)
                    chooser.addChoosableFileFilter (type3);
          chooser.setFileFilter (type3);
               if(sel == 4)
                    chooser.addChoosableFileFilter (type4);
          chooser.setFileFilter (type4);
     int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(this);
               if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                    f = chooser.getSelectedFile();
                    //System.out.println("path of open "+ f);
//GBMainFrame file
package igib.genebrowser;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import igib.genebrowser.plot.*;
import igib.genebrowser.util.*;
public class GBMainFrame extends JFrame
     GBMainMenu gb;
     PlotGraph pg;
     JPanel jf = new JPanel();
     JPanel jf1;
     LineGraph lg, lg1;
     JPanel jp1, jp2;
     JLabel jl;
     public GBMainFrame()
          super("File: " + GBFileProp.fileName + " " + GBFileProp.repeatFile + " " + GBFileProp.snpFile + " " + GBFileProp.geneFile);
          Container cp = this.getContentPane();
          cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
          Color c1=new Color(255,100,100);
          jf = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,15));
cp.add(jf, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          pg = new PlotGraph();
          cp.add(pg, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          cp.add(GBFileProp.jsb, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          lg1 = new LineGraph();
          lg1.setSize(50, 1000);
          cp.add(lg1, BorderLayout.EAST);
          lg = new LineGraph();
          cp.add(lg, BorderLayout.WEST);
          gb = new GBMainMenu();
//PlotGraph File
package igib.genebrowser.plot;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
//import Acme.JPM.Encoders.*;
//import Acme.*;
import java.awt.print.*;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import igib.genebrowser.util.*;
import igib.genebrowser.*;
public class PlotGraph extends JPanel implements MouseListener,MouseMotionListener
     int xcoordinate;
     JScrollBar scrollBar;
     int mouseX;
     int mouseY;
     String st1 = " ";
     JScrollPane jsp;
     int check;
     int n;
     double base;
     int value;
     String repeatSymbol = "!";
     int position[] = new int[1500];
     public PlotGraph(String st)
          check = 0;
          GBFileProp.check = false;
     public PlotGraph()
          check = 0;
          //System.out.println(GBFileProp.gcmax + "max y");
          GBFileProp.filesize = GBFileProp.readGeneEnd[GBFileProp.genescore - 6];
          //System.out.println(GBFileProp.seqscore + " GBFileProp.seqscore");
          if(GBFileProp.filesize < GBFileProp.seqscore)
               GBFileProp.filesize = GBFileProp.seqscore;
               if(GBFileProp.filesize < GBFileProp.readSNPPosition[GBFileProp.snpscore-6])
                    GBFileProp.filesize = GBFileProp.readSNPPosition[GBFileProp.snpscore-6];
               if(GBFileProp.filesize < GBFileProp.endRepeatPosition[GBFileProp.repeatscore-2])
                    GBFileProp.filesize = GBFileProp.endRepeatPosition[GBFileProp.repeatscore-2];
          GBFileProp.scrollsize = (int)GBFileProp.filesize/285;
          GBFileProp.check = true;
          AdjustmentListener lst = new AdjustmentListener()
               public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)
                    int i = e.getValue();
                    value = i;
                    GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate = (int)(e.getValue()*10*base);
                    GBFileProp.defaultEndCoordinate = GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate + (int)(10000*base);
          catch(Exception e)
               System.out.println("error here" + e);
//******************** For Painting all the graph**********************************//
     public void paintComponent(final Graphics g)
          Font f = new Font("Times-Roman", Font.PLAIN, 16);
          GBFileProp.scrollsize = (int)GBFileProp.filesize/285;
          base = (double)(100.0/GBFileProp.zoomSize);
          n = (int)(GBFileProp.filesize/base);
               GBFileProp.checkSave = false;
               Image img = this.createImage(1200,800);               
               Graphics gph = img.getGraphics();
                    OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(;
                    GifEncoderTest ge = new GifEncoderTest(img,os);
                    catch(Exception e){}
                    GBFileProp.checkPrint = false;
                    PrinterJob pj=PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
               catch (Exception PrintException)
                    System.out.println("print error" + PrintException);
                    GBFileProp.checkPrint = false;
                    GBFileProp.snpposition = 500;
                    GBFileProp.geneposition = 500;
                    GBFileProp.repeatposition = 500;
                    GBFileProp.userdefinedpoint = 500;
                    GBFileProp.snpposition = 450;
                    GBFileProp.geneposition = 400;
                    GBFileProp.repeatposition = 150;
                    GBFileProp.userdefinedpoint = 500;
               catch(Exception e)
                    System.out.println("Error in snp plotting");
               catch(Exception e)
                    System.out.println("Error in gene plotting");
               catch(Exception e)
                    //System.out.println("Error in GC plotting");
               catch(Exception e)
                    System.out.println("Error in User Defined plotting");
               catch(Exception e)
                    System.out.println("Error in Repeat plotting");
//******************** For Painting all the graph**********************************//
//***************************** For Painting Gene**********************************//
     public void drawGenePage(Graphics g1)
          Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g1;
          BasicStroke pen = new BasicStroke(3.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND);
//****************************** X coordinate *************************************//
          for(int i = 0; i < 10000; )
               int xcor = (GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate + (int)(i*base));
               String xCoordinate = "" + xcor;
               i = i + 1000; //+ (int)(1000/base);
//****************************** X coordinate *************************************//
               g1.drawString("Gene:", 10, (GBFileProp.geneposition - 25));
               for (int i = 0; i < GBFileProp.genescore ; i++) // - 5 to b subtracted from genescore
                    int basestart = (int)((GBFileProp.readGeneStart[i] - (int)(GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate))/base); ///10;
                    int baseend = (int)((GBFileProp.readGeneEnd[i] - (int)(GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate))/base);
                    if(basestart >=0 && baseend <=(int)(10000))
                         arrow(true,true,i, g, basestart, baseend);
                    if(basestart >=0 && baseend > (int)(10000))
                         arrow(true,false,i, g, basestart, 10000);
                    if(basestart < 0 && baseend <= (int)(10000))
                         arrow(false,true,i, g, 0, baseend);
                    if(basestart < 0 && baseend > (int)(10000))
               //System.out.println("GeneSt: " + GBFileProp.readGeneStart[i] + " GeneEd: " + GBFileProp.readGeneEnd[i] + " No " + i + "GeneScore " + GBFileProp.genescore);     
//*****************************End For Painting Gene**********************************//
//*****************************Start For Painting snp**********************************//
     public void drawSNPPage(Graphics g1)
          //System.out.println(GBFileProp.snpscore + "for snp");
          Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1;
          BasicStroke pen = new BasicStroke();
          g.drawString("SNP", 20, GBFileProp.snpposition);
          for(int i = 0; i < GBFileProp.snpscore; i++)
               int basePosition = (int)((GBFileProp.readSNPPosition[i] - GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate)/base);
               //System.out.println(" position " + (basePosition/10));
                                                                                                              //Line SNP score
          for(int i = 0; i < GBFileProp.snplinescore-1; i++)
               int basePosition = (int)((GBFileProp.readSNPStartPosition[i] - GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate)/base);
          for(int i = 0; i < GBFileProp.snplinescore-1; i++)
               int basestart = (int)((GBFileProp.readSNPStartPosition[i] - (int)(GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate))/base); ///10;
               int baseend = (int)((GBFileProp.readSNPEndPosition[i] - (int)(GBFileProp.defaultEndCoordinate))/base);
               System.out.println(basestart + "     " + baseend);
               if(basestart >=0 && baseend <=(int)(10000))
               if(basestart >=0 && baseend >(int)(10000))
               if(basestart < 0 && baseend <=(int)(10000))
               if(basestart < 0 && baseend > (int)(10000))
//*****************************Start For Painting GCPlotting**********************************//
     public void drawGCPage(Graphics g1)
          Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1;
          g.drawString("GC Percentage", 20, 20);
          BasicStroke pen = new BasicStroke();
          //System.out.println(GBFileProp.seqscore + " score");
          for(int i = 0; i < (int)((10000)*base); )
               //System.out.println(GBFileProp.defaultEndCoordinate + " " i" " + GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate);
                    int firstPosition = (int)GBFileProp.GCPercentage[(int)((((int)(i) + GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate)/GBFileProp.shiftsize))] * (3*100)/GBFileProp.gcmax;
                    int secondPosition = (int)GBFileProp.GCPercentage[(int)((((int)((i+GBFileProp.shiftsize)) + GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate)/GBFileProp.shiftsize))] * (3*100)/(GBFileProp.gcmax);
                    g.drawLine((int)((i/10)/base), GBFileProp.gcposition - firstPosition, (int)(((i+GBFileProp.shiftsize)/10)/base), GBFileProp.gcposition - secondPosition);
                    i = i + GBFileProp.shiftsize;
          for(int i = 0; i < GBFileProp.seqscore -1; i++)
               int firstPosition = (int)Integer.parseInt(GBFileProp.GCPoint.elementAt(i).toString()) * 3;
               int secondPosition = (int)Integer.parseInt(GBFileProp.GCPoint.elementAt(i+50).toString()) * 3;
               //int secondPosition = (int)GBFileProp.GCPercentage[i+50] * 3;
               g.drawLine((int)(i/10), 300 - firstPosition, (int)(i+50)/10, 300 - secondPosition);
               i = i + 49;
//*****************************End For Painting GCPlotting**********************************//
//*****************************Start For Painting Repeat File**********************************//
     public void drawRepeatPage(Graphics g1)
          int check = 0;
          Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1;
          g.drawString("Repeat", 10, 480);
          for (int i = 0; i < GBFileProp.repeatscore ; i++)//- 1 to b subtracted from repeatscore
               int basestart = (int)((GBFileProp.startRepeatPosition[i] - (int)(GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate))/base); ///10;
               int baseend = (int)((GBFileProp.startRepeatPosition[i] - (int)(GBFileProp.defaultStartCoordinate))/base);
               if(basestart > 0 && basestart < 10000)
                              System.out.println(" Line" );
                              GBFileProp.repeatposition = 575;
                              repeatSymbol = GBColorSymbol.repeatSymValues[GBColorSymbol.lineSym];
                              if(GBFileProp.repeatName[i].length() >= 2)
                                        g.drawString(repeatSymbol, (int)(basestart/10), GBFileProp.repeatposition);
                                   else if(GBFileProp.repeatName[i].substring(0,2).equals("L2"))
                                        g.drawString(repeatSymbol, (int)(basestart/10), GBFileProp.repeatposition);
                                   else if(GBFileProp.repeatName[i].substring(0,2).equals("L3"))
                                        g.drawString(repeatSymbol, (int)(basestart/10), GBFileProp.repeatposition);

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    hi to all,
    if u open child window that time parent window close?

    not sure what you mean here but a child window cant 'lose' its parent. If the parent dies/doesn't exist the same happens for the child.

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    my problem is that when i m click on the parent window.the child window is invisible. i want my child window is still open while parent window is activated.
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    public final void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean alwaysOnTop)

  • Move data from Child window textbox to Parent window Mainwindow WPF

    I'm trying to take what's in a textbox in the child window to the textbox in the Parent window and close the child window...? any links or  a code example to help please
    Thank you in advance

    Create a Main window with a button and a child window with a text box in it and try to use this code in the main window
    namespace WpfApplication
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
    ChildWindow childWindow;
    string CaptureMessageFormChildWindow;
    private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    childWindow = new ChildWindow();
    childWindow.Closed += (s, args) => MessageBox.Show(childWindow.textBox1.Text);
    CaptureMessageFormChildWindow = childWindow.textBox1.Text;
    //Now you can use the data captured form the child windows
    The complexity resides in the simplicity Follow me at:

  • How to load 2 CVI panels as child window to a parent window created by VC++?

    Hello, I want to load 2 CVI panels as child window to a main window, which is created by VC++.
    the CVI panel is in a dll file(created by LabCVI). 
    the Load child panel routine is something like following,
    int __stdcall RunDLLUI (int* hParent )
    int hpanel;
    HWND hWnd;
    if ((hpanel = LoadPanelEx (0, "guidlluir.uir", PANEL, __CVIUserHInst)) < 0)
    return 0;
    // set parent
    if ( hParent != 0 )
    GetPanelAttribute (hpanel, ATTR_SYSTEM_WINDOW_HANDLE, (int *)&hWnd);
    SetParent( hWnd, (HWND)hParent);
    DisplayPanel (hpanel);
    // RunUserInterface ();
    return 1;
    The problem is, if I call  RunUserInterface (), then no window shown, it is, I think, that this routine blocks both the other panel to be created and the main window to be shown.  but if I don't call it, the 2 child windows won't response mouse event. seems no message dispatching for them.
    so how can I get what I want, thx a loooooooooooooooooooooooot.

    Hello, I want to load 2 CVI panels as child window to a main window, which is created by VC++.
    the CVI panel is in a dll file(created by LabCVI). 
    the Load child panel routine is something like following,
    int __stdcall RunDLLUI (int* hParent )
    int hpanel;
    HWND hWnd;
    if ((hpanel = LoadPanelEx (0, "guidlluir.uir", PANEL, __CVIUserHInst)) < 0)
    return 0;
    // set parent
    if ( hParent != 0 )
    GetPanelAttribute (hpanel, ATTR_SYSTEM_WINDOW_HANDLE, (int *)&hWnd);
    SetParent( hWnd, (HWND)hParent);
    DisplayPanel (hpanel);
    // RunUserInterface ();
    return 1;
    The problem is, if I call  RunUserInterface (), then no window shown, it is, I think, that this routine blocks both the other panel to be created and the main window to be shown.  but if I don't call it, the 2 child windows won't response mouse event. seems no message dispatching for them.
    so how can I get what I want, thx a loooooooooooooooooooooooot.

  • Child Window Communicate with Parent Window Question

    I am new to the ADF. If I want to create a page which has a button that open a new window. On the new window, user can update something and close the window. After the close of the new window, the parent window should be notified and do some action. How can I implement this logic in ADF. Please advise. Thank you

    such window dependencies can only be handled if you use in JavaScript so that you can build up a window handle that allows you to call back to the parent window. Question: Do you need a new window, or would a lightweigh popup do as well ? If yes, then this can be achieved easy and with no JavaScript, which should be seen as preferred

  • Closing Report Preview window closes all parent windows

    I have a form 6.0 calling a report 6.0 with several user parameters using run_report_object in preview mode. After the finishing previewing, the user closes the report preview window. Then the preview window closes all the parent windows.
    Need help!
    1) The parameters are char, date and number types.
    2) I don't have a parameter form. I take out the high-light of the parameters on the parameter form and the parameter form title.
    3) I have several user parameters and without the parameter form i'm still able to pass the parameters from the Form.

    report_other parameter can only take 255? characters.
    I use create parameter list and add_parameter instead.

  • How to pass the data from a pop up window to the parent window

    Hi All,
    I have a jsp page which contains a add button, while clicking it a popup will come out(which is a another jsp page). There are some input fieldsand a submit button. Now how could I send the data from the pop up to the parent winow. Also I have to check that if the pop up is open and I click add button then another pop up must not open.
    Plz reply its urgent
    Thanks and Regards
    Rajib Sharma

    Thanks for the reply
    But it not worked
    I have a jsp page and the popup is also a jsp page the data that is passed from the popup window to the parent must be send to the server from the parent window to get a data from the data base as search result. Its of no use to get it as js data
    Thanks and regards
    Rajib Sharma

  • Can I create a small window belongs a parent window?

    Hello all,
    I want to change the interface of my program by putting all pop-up windows into a big parent window like Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. How can I do it in Java?
    Thank you,


  • Javascript to open popup window and disable parent window

    Can anyone please help me the javascript issue.
    I have a button which opens up a pop window and when this popup window is opened i want to disable the parent window and enable it when i close the popup window.
    can anyone please help me with a possible approach.
    Edited by: orton607 on Aug 25, 2010 2:19 PM

    I have a problem with this modal window approach and I have noticed. The thing is I am able to open up a popup window which is a simple data entry form. In this form i have the button Create which calls a javascript function and then an pl/sql insert process.
    Below is the javascript function for the button create
    function createNew()
    alert('Successfully inserted the record. Click OK to close popup window and to \n view details of the new inserted record please select the table on parent window.');
    window.close();//close the popup window
    //call doSubmit function on the parent window to cause the page to refresh.
    }The problem, i have is when i open up a popup window in this window when I click on the create button, its again opening up a new empty window. i don't understand what might be the problem.
    can you please help me out with this one.
    Edited by: orton607 on Aug 25, 2010 4:19 PM

  • Problem: iframe open link in new window or in parent window

    Post Author: tahirmulani
    CA Forum: .NET
    please paste following code in your .aspx or any other language page and run it<iframe id="iframe1" src="" height="50%" width="100%">   </iframe>you got the yahoo's web site in your browser , when you click on "answer" or any button bellow thatone, new page is open in perent window or in new window ! i want to avoid that one,i want to open new page in same frameWhat can i Do?

    Post Author: Argan
    CA Forum: .NET
    This is not a forum for posting web or .net coding questions.
    Please try one of the many other forums across the internet for questions like these.

  • Accessing variables from Child window from the parent window

    Hi All,
    I am in the process of integration of payment gateway, here I am opening payment gateway page as a new window, and after payment is done then I need access one variable which is hidden variable ...any ideas

    Have a hidden field/js variable in the parent page. Add a Javascript function in parent page which would take a value as parameter and set in the parent page hidden field/js variable. In the child window, you can invoke the method from script block as window.opener.setValue(document.getElementById('CHILD_WINDOW_HIDDEN_FIELD_ID').value)
    For Javascript related questions, please visit Javascript forums.

  • Processing Child form on parent window..

    Hi.. anyone here has any idea how to process a child form on a parent window.. like for example, i click on submit button on the child window, and the form directs to another JSP file which its results should be display on the parent window.. anyone has any idea?

    I had similar problem, I used frames and needed to submit a form from a frame to parent window. I used property "target" of form to specify where I want this form to be submitted, like this:
    function submit() { = "name of the target where to submit";
    or something like this:
    <html:form action="/blahblah" target="name of the target where to submit" method="post">
    hope it helps
    Vassili Skarine

  • How to parse parameter from child window to parent window in JSP

    I have two JSP i.e. course1.jsp and course2.jsp. I would want to find out how I could parse the parameter/value from child window to the parent window when the child window get closed.
    What I am trying to do is actually a file upload process. The child windows will open for user to upload the file, and when close, the file name will be parse into the parent form for database update. Is this something possible at all? or is there any other better approaches.
    Thank you.
    These are the two files:
    --------course1.jsp ------------
    Attach File <p>
    <FORM name="courseForm" action="course2.jsp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 border=0 WIDTH=500>
    <TR >
    <input type="text" NAME="f_file_name" size="30" VALUE="this value should be taken from child windows">
    get file name
         <INPUT class="buttons" TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Submit">
    ---- course2.jsp -------
    String filename = "this is the string needs to go back to parent windows when I click on close";

    In course2.jsp, you have to write some javascript code to reload the parent window document to reload the document with an added parameter. But, instead of doing this, you can also do simple thing; in course2.jsp, you can reference course1.jsp controls via javascript object, "parent". On closing event of course2, you can write:
    parent.courseForm.f_file_name.text = '<%=filename%>' ;
    window.close() ;
    But for this to work, you must open your course2.jsp document thru function instead of simple hyper link (as you did thru ).
    So, modify the hyperlink line like below:
    get file name
    Hope it helps.

  • Window.opener  property from child window to parent window

    When communicating between the child (popup) window to the parent window works fine as long as we pass the static reference to the window.opener
    Example :
    Main Page
    form name = staticform
    input name = col1
    Popup Page
    javascript :
    window.opener.staticform.col1.value = some value
    How can I use a dynamic reference for the staticform.col1 in the window.opener property to post the value back to the parent window ?
    thanks for the help

    Actually, I think tolmank's would work... I've done basically the same thing before, but more like this (if it's generic, it's a good idea to have checks for the things being in existance). This is something I used in a generic color chooser I wrote in Javascript. Had multiple fields in one form using it for selecting different foreground/background colors.
    String form = request.getParameter("form");
    String fgfield = request.getParameter("fgfield");
    String bgfield = request.getParameter("bgfield");
    vfnSet = function() {
       if(typeof(window.opener) == 'undefined' || window.opener == null) {
       if(typeof(window.opener.document.forms['<%= form %>']) == 'undefined') {
       var oForm = window.opener.document.forms['<%= form %>'];
       if(typeof(oForm.<%= fgfield %>) == 'undefined') {
       if(typeof(oForm.<%= bgfield %>) == 'undefined') {
       oForm.<%= fgfield %>.value = document.forms['colorform'].foreground.value;
       oForm.<%= bgfield %>.value = document.forms['colorform'].background.value;

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