Image in 6i and 10g

dear all
i have form 6i with image item
i was use database 9i
in the table i define the column as blob
there is no problem in database 9i
but when i go to database 10g
i cant query the data that have the image using the same form
so how can i use forms 6i to view, or store image on database 10g

i have the same problem and i read that patch 13 solve this problem put i installed that patch and still have the same
any ideas
Edited by: egyhamada on 14/04/2009 02:49 ص

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    If i open the 10g test.dflt file it looks something like:
    %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %
    %Creator: Oracle Toolkit 2 for Motif PRODUCTION
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    height 66
    width 80
    after page control(L)
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    linefeed control(J)
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    I afound that the problem is that the app server does not know about the printer as it is connected to a users PC. Thus when using the dflt desformat it selects the default printer language of the App Server printer. This is the reason why the files are diffrent.
    If I understand everything the process should be:
    1 - Run the report from forms (on app server).
    2 - Write the report to a file on App Server and then transfer the file to the user PC.
    3 - Send file correct printer on the user PC.
    The problem still remains on how to create the correct file which can be send to the printer connected to the users PC as the driver of the correct printer is not known too the App Server. The printer still prints the file incorrectly as the file is not created using its drive as what the case was when running it in 6i.
    Setting the MODE to character (which will enable you to provide a .prt file if you had one to give) will not work as the report contains an image.
    Edited by: hfp843 on Sep 17, 2008 2:28 AM

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    thnaks in advance..

    we did this in a similar way RajeshAlex describes.
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    Hope this helps

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    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    public class ImgSize {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("Picture.jpg");
            double width = image.getWidth(null);
            double height = image.getHeight(null);
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            Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(abc);
            double width = image.getWidth(null);
            double height = image.getHeight(null);
            System.out.println("width :" + width + "-- height :" + height);
    width :-1.0-- height :-1.0
    width :2592.0-- height :1944.0
    There is no difference in main function getWidth/ getHeight and function getImageDimension getWidth/ getHeight
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    width :-1.0-- height :-1.0
    Plz help in understanding this.

    Toolkit images are not loaded until they are first drawn or you request a property from it (such as getWidth). To force the image to load and wait for it to finish loading, you can use the MediaTracker class. The ImageIcon class has one built in.
    Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("Picture.jpg");
    new ImageIcon(image); //loads the image

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    Please note the fact that 6i Reports is not certified to work with 10g Database. Hence it becomes impossible to address the sorting behavior of 6i Reports, though there is nothing different in the way it works. I would suggest you to use 10gR2 version of Reports services with 10g Database which is certified and supported. Thanks for your understanding.

  • Image select, resize and locally store (flex3 air example)

    Hi there,
    After a few days of struggling with images, resize functions
    and file dialog boxes I created a nice example application that
    shows how you can select an image, resize it and save the resized
    image in the application storing directory.
    I hope you can profit from it.
    Greets, jacob
    example code for flex 3 air.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
    public var imageFile:File;
    public var fileresultimage:Object;
    public var fileresultlabel:Object;
    // File.applicationStorageDirectory gets you to the local
    storage dir
    //On Windows, this is the "projectname" directory
    //(for example, C:\Documents and Settings\application
    // On Mac OS, it is /Users/userName/Documents.
    public var docsDir:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
    public function
    var imagesFilter:FileFilter =
    new FileFilter("Foto (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png)",
    imageFile = new File();
    imageFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, imageSelected);
    imageFile.browseForOpen("Select an Image",[imagesFilter]);
    // if there is a file selected
    public function imageSelected(event:Event):void
    var newFile:File = as File;
    //if there is a file object on the screen
    //if there is a label object on the screen
    if (newFile.exists==true)
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    loader.load(new URLRequest(imageFile.url));
    // when load of the selected image is complete we save a
    smaller version of it.
    public function handleImageComplete(event:Event):void
    var loader:Loader = Loader(;
    // width and heigt of selected image
    //put original image into bitmapdata
    var bitmapje:BitmapData;
    bitmapje=new BitmapData(originalimgwidth, originalimgheight,
    true, 0x00000000);
    object reference
    // call the resize function and give the original
    image,maxx,and maxy with it.
    var thumb:BitmapData=resizeimage(bitmapje,150,150);
    var newimagefile:File=new File();
    // T = Thumbnail
    // 1 = next id in the db
    // for now we use a random number
    var random:Number= Math.random();
    random = Math.ceil(random*100);// to get a positive number
    var filenameForSave:String="T"+random; //new filename;
    newimagefile=docsDir.resolvePath("Thumbs/" + filenameForSave
    + ".png"); //image path
    var stream:FileStream = new FileStream; // create new
    filestream, FileMode.WRITE); // open
    var data:ByteArray = encodeToPng(thumb); // convert
    bitmapdata to a png bytearry
    stream.writeBytes(data, 0, data.length); // writing the
    // show the saved thumb
    // resize function
    private function
    var bmp:BitmapData =image;
    var true_width:Number = bmp.width;
    var true_height:Number = bmp.height;
    var resize:Boolean=false;
    if (true_width>maxx) resize=true;
    if (true_height>maxy) resize=true;
    if (resize==true)
    var width:Number=maxx;
    var height:Number = (width / true_width) * true_height;
    if (true_height>maxy)
    width = (height/true_height)*true_width;
    //new calculated width and heigt relative to the given maxx
    and maxy.
    //create a new image object with the calculated widht and
    height for the smaller image
    var mysmallimage:Image=new Image();
    //new matrix for smaller image
    var m : Matrix = new Matrix() ;
    //scale the matrix to the correct sizes.
    m.scale( mysmallimage.width / bmp.width, mysmallimage.height
    / bmp.height ) ;
    //draw the image into the image object bmp, m, false, true ) 0, 0, mysmallimage.width,
    mysmallimage.height ) ;;
    //put the smaller image into bitmapdata so it can be
    var littlebitmapdata:BitmapData=new
    // set the temporary small image to null so the GC can
    remove it from the memmory.
    //returning the small image.
    return littlebitmapdata;
    // encoder to png
    private function encodeToPng(bmd:BitmapData):ByteArray
    var png:PNGEncoder= new PNGEncoder();
    return png.encode(bmd);
    <!--<mx:Image id="tempimage" x="404" y="36"
    <mx:Image id="myimg" x="10" y="55" width="314"
    height="227" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center"/>
    <mx:TextInput id="imageurl" x="53" y="303" width="160"
    <mx:Button x="221" y="303" label="Bladeren"
    <mx:Image x="346" y="55" id="savedthumb"/>
    <mx:Text x="23" y="0" text="Original image with limit
    width and height to show it on the screen." height="47"
    <mx:Text x="346" y="0" text="Local stored thumbnail"/>
    To bad the attach code button still isn't fixed :(

    Hi there,
    Will you be able to provide the backend script for saving the
    file data?Will you be able to provide the backend script for saving
    the file data?
    This example is created for a desktop application. Saving the
    file is included in this example, it saves in the application
    storage directory.
    // File.applicationStorageDirectory gets you to the local
    storage dir
    //On Windows, this is the "projectname" directory
    //(for example, C:\Documents and Settings\application
    // On Mac OS, it is /Users/userName/Documents.
    If you attempt to use certain functionality in a website, you
    need other functionality for storing the image on the server. There
    are lots of examples on that one.. Perhaps i need it in the future.
    If i do i will post an example on the forum.
    Also, may I post your link to other forums, so that others may
    Sure you may post the example on other websites and forums.
    I found it difficult to find nice examples, so the more the
    better ;)
    Just put underneath the example something like:
    Created By: Jacob Hingst From Holland
    No copyright attached, so free for your use.

  • Create a new Buffered Image using Raster and ColorModel

    Sorry , I crosspost this message,because no one reply.
    Recently,I write a programme combining C++ and Java .
    The C++ part create a array containing image data in form of BI_RGB and biBitCount==32.
    The java part create a image using Raster and ColorModel like this:
       static int[] data ;
       DataBuffer db = new DataBufferInt(data, data.length);
       WritableRaster wr =Raster.createPackedRaster(db, 1024,768, 32, null);
       ColorModel cm = new DirectColorModel(32,0xff0000,0x00ff00,0x0000ff);
       img = new BufferedImage(cm, wr, false, null);But it doesn't work .
    it report this:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Raster
    age.SunWritableRaster@dff3a2 is incompatible with ColorModel DirectColorModel: r
    mask=ff0000 gmask=ff00 bmask=ff amask=0
    at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.<init>(
    at monitor.test.Perform2.main(

    hey epico
    compiles & runs 4 me
    see javadocs for SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
    import java.awt.image.*;
    public class Tester {
    DataBuffer db;
    WritableRaster wr;
    ColorModel cm;
    BufferedImage im;
    int[] data;
    int[] masks;
    int w = 768;
    int h = 576;
      public Tester() {
        data = new int[768*576];
        for (int i = 0;i < w*h ;i++ ) {
          data[i] = 0;
        masks = new int[3];
        masks[0] = 0xff0000;
        masks[1] = 0x00ff00;
        masks[2] = 0x0000ff;
        db = new DataBufferInt(data,data.length);
        SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sm = new SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_INT,w,h,masks);
        cm = new DirectColorModel(32,0xff0000,0x00ff00,0x0000ff);
        wr = Raster.createWritableRaster(sm,db,null);
        im = new BufferedImage(cm,wr,false,null);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Tester tester1 = new Tester();

  • Convert a Tiff Image to png and show

    I wanto to convert a Tif image to png and show this in my web page but i dont want to save the png iamge in my server.
    Actualy i do that:
    byte[] bytes = imagenData;
                    ByteArraySeekableStream tiffStrm = new ByteArraySeekableStream(bytes);
                    String[] CdcNms = ImageCodec.getDecoderNames(tiffStrm);
                    ImageDecoder tifDecoder = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder(CdcNms[0], tiffStrm, new TIFFDecodeParam());
    //                 Check the number of pages
                    int IFDs = tifDecoder.getNumPages();
    //                 Get the first page
                    RenderedImage ren = tifDecoder.decodeAsRenderedImage(1);
                    byte[] bytes2 = doSingleConversion(ren);AND
    protected byte[] doSingleConversion(RenderedImage tifImage) throws Exception
              byte[] bytes = null;
              String out = "temp.png";
              try {
                   //      Create the PNG file
                   PNGEncodeParam pngParm = PNGEncodeParam.getDefaultEncodeParam(tifImage);
                   JAI.create("filestore", tifImage, out, "PNG", pngParm);
                   //Read the file into a byte array
                   File f = new File(out);
                   FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
                   bytes = new byte[(int) f.length()];
                   return bytes;
              catch(Exception e) {
                   e.printStackTrace ();
         }But this code save de image in the server; it�s posible do it without save.

    Numbers the iWorks program? Not sure you can convert it to that or just a list of numbers. Never heard of anyone that would even want to convert an Image file, Photo, to any other format. Other then another image format like JPG, PNG or a PSD Photoshop file.

  • Help! Saving an image to stream and recreating it on client over network

    I have an application that uses JDK 1.1.8. I am trying to capture the UI screens of this application over network to a client (another Java app running on a PC). The client uses JDK 1.3.0. As AWT image is not serializable, I got code that converts UI screens to int[] and persist to client socket as objectoutputstream.writeObject and read the data on client side using ObjectInputStream.readObject() api. Then I am converting the int[] to an Image. Then saving the image as JPEG file using JPEG encoder codec of JDK 1.3.0.
    I found the image in black and white even though the UI screens are in color. I have the code below. I am sure JPEG encoder part is not doing that. I am missing something when recreating an image. Could be colormodel or the way I create an image on the client side. I am testing this code on a Win XP box with both server and client running on the same machine. In real scenario, the UI runs on an embedded system with pSOS with pretty limited flash space. I am giving below my code.
    I appreciate any help or pointers.
         public static String getImageDataHeader(Image img, String sImageName)
             final String HEADER = "{0} {1}x{2} {3}";
             String params[] = {sImageName,
             return MessageFormat.format(HEADER, params);
         public static int[] convertImageToIntArray(Image img)
             if (img == null)
                 return null;
            int imgResult[] = null;
                int nImgWidth = img.getWidth(null);
                int nImgHeight = img.getHeight(null);
                if (nImgWidth < 0 || nImgHeight < 0)
                    Trace.traceError("Image is not ready");
                    return null;
                Trace.traceInfo("Image size: " + nImgWidth + "x" + nImgHeight);
                imgResult = new int[nImgWidth*nImgHeight];
                PixelGrabber grabber = new PixelGrabber(img, 0, 0, nImgWidth, nImgHeight, imgResult, 0, nImgWidth);
                ColorModel model = grabber.getColorModel();
                if (null != model)
                    Trace.traceInfo("Color model is " + model);
                    int nRMask, nGMask, nBMask, nAMask;
                    nRMask = model.getRed(0xFFFFFFFF);
                    nGMask = model.getRed(0xFFFFFFFF);
                    nBMask = model.getRed(0xFFFFFFFF);
                    nAMask = model.getRed(0xFFFFFFFF);
                    Trace.traceInfo("The Red mask: " + Integer.toHexString(nRMask) + ", Green mask: " +
                                    Integer.toHexString(nGMask) + ", Blue mask: " +
                                    Integer.toHexString(nBMask) + ", Alpha mask: " +
                if ((grabber.getStatus() & ImageObserver.ABORT) != 0)
                    Trace.traceError("Unable to grab pixels from the image");
                    imgResult = null;
            catch(Throwable error)
            return imgResult;
         public static Image convertIntArrayToImage(Component comp, int imgData[], int nWidth, int nHeight)
             if (imgData == null || imgData.length <= 0 || nWidth <= 0 || nHeight <= 0)
                 return null;
            //ColorModel cm = new DirectColorModel(32, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0xFF000000);
            ColorModel cm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
            MemoryImageSource imgSource = new MemoryImageSource(nWidth, nHeight, cm, imgData, 0, nWidth);
            //MemoryImageSource imgSource = new MemoryImageSource(nWidth, nHeight, imgData, 0, nWidth);
            Image imgDummy = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imgSource);
            Image imgResult = comp.createImage(nWidth, nHeight);
            Graphics gc = imgResult.getGraphics();
            if (null != gc)
                gc.drawImage(imgDummy, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, null);       
                gc = null;       
             return imgResult;
         public static boolean saveImageToStream(OutputStream out, Image img, String sImageName)
             boolean bResult = true;
                 ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
                int imageData[] = convertImageToIntArray(img);
                if (null != imageData)
                    // Now that our image is ready, write it to server
                    String sHeader = getImageDataHeader(img, sImageName);
                    imageData = null;
                     bResult = false;
             catch(IOException error)
                 bResult = false;
             return bResult;
         public static Image readImageFromStream(InputStream in, Component comp, StringBuffer sbImageName)
             Image imgResult = null;
                 ObjectInputStream objIn = new ObjectInputStream(in);
                 Object objData;
                 objData = objIn.readObject();
                 String sImageName, sSource;
                 int nWidth, nHeight;
                 if (objData instanceof String)
                     String sData = (String) objData;
                     int nIndex = sData.indexOf(' ');
                     sImageName = sData.substring(0, nIndex);
                     sData = sData.substring(nIndex+1);
                     nIndex = sData.indexOf('x');
                     nWidth = Math.atoi(sData.substring(0, nIndex));
                     sData = sData.substring(nIndex+1);
                     nIndex = sData.indexOf(' ');
                     nHeight = Math.atoi(sData.substring(0, nIndex));
                     sSource = sData.substring(nIndex+1);
                     Trace.traceInfo("Name: " + sImageName + ", Width: " + nWidth + ", Height: " + nHeight + ", Source: " + sSource);
                     objData = objIn.readObject();
                     if (objData instanceof int[])
                         int imgData[] = (int[]) objData;
                         imgResult = convertIntArrayToImage(comp, imgData, nWidth, nHeight);
            catch(Exception error)
             return imgResult;

    While testing more, I found that the client side is generating color UI screens if I use JDK 1.3 JVM for running the server (i.e the side that generates the img) without changing single line of code. But if I use JDK 1.1.8 JVM for the server, the client side is generating black and white versions (aka gray toned) of UI screens. So I added code to save int array that I got from PixelGrabber to a text file with 8 ints for each line in hex format. Generated these files on server side with JVM 1.1.8 and JVM 1.3. What I found is that the 1.1.8 pixel grabber is setting R,G,B components to same value where as 1.3 version is setting them to different values thus resulting in colored UI screens. I don't know why.

  • Silicon image sil 3112 and seagate 200GB sata

    hey everyone..
    im trying hard to get dma activated on my sata drive..i dont need raid(and cant have it..only one sata drive  ...but hdparm -tT shows slower performance on the sata drive
    /dev/sda = sata
    /dev/hda = pata
    hdparm -Tt /dev/sda
    Timing cached reads:   1008 MB in  2.01 seconds = 502.32 MB/sec
    HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(null) (wait for flush complete) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    Timing buffered disk reads:   58 MB in  3.05 seconds =  19.04 MB/sec
    HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(null) (wait for flush complete) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    hdparm /dev/sda
    IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)
    readonly     =  0 (off)
    readahead    = 256 (on)
    geometry     = 24321/255/63, sectors = 390721968, start = 0
    hdparm -i /dev/sda
    HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    the results for the pata drive are
    hdparm -Tt /dev/hda
    Timing cached reads:   996 MB in  2.00 seconds = 497.58 MB/sec
    Timing buffered disk reads:  120 MB in  3.00 seconds =  39.97 MB/sec
    im able to enable dma/set Xfer mode/IO/ only in the pata drive, not in the sata kernel config ive enabled "scsi low-level->sata support->silicon image sata support" and also enabled "silicon image chipset support under ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support"
    im right now using sata as root and the drive is stable..just need dma..thanks in advance

    According to Jeff Garzik's sata pages the drivers for the Sil 311x chipsets have beta status.
    I had worse luck with my no-name PCI Sil-SATA controllers: as soon as I connected a hard disk the kernel would not boot anymore when using libata drivers. I can only use the allegedly deprecated IDE drivers,  these work fine for me.
    The libata drivers should set the proper DMA modes automatically, but things are slightly different with SATA. Anyways, 20MB/s is proof enough that some sort of DMA is actually there. Performance would be much worse without any DMA at all.
    If you really want to use the libata driver you should try a 2.6.12rc kernel, libata has seen quite a many updates since 2.6.11

  • Why do I get Colored bands on some images in LR4 and LR5, but not in Aperture?

    On some images -- both RAW and JPG -- when opened in LR4 or LR5, there will be one or two "curved" color abberation lines across the entire image. This doesn't occur when I open the images in Aperture. Any idea why? Thanks

    >Is it possible that Aperture is showing you the camera-embedded JPG by default?  What happens if you actually produce a JPG from the raw file in Aperture?
    Aperture works the same way as Lightroom in this respect. It will first show you the embedded jpeg and will render a new conversion from the raw data as soon as it can. So it is possible the OP saw the embedded jpeg, but that should not last long and certainly by now should have been replaced with a newly rendered preview. Either Aperture is more forgiving of a small defect in the raw file or Lightroom import is somehow getting corrupt files of the sd card and Aperture not (would be weird). Another option is that the camera raw cache is corrupt. This can be checked by emptying the cache (Preferences->File Handling->Purge Cache). Lastly, this might be a corrupt preview in Lightroom. Check this by zooming 1:1 on an offending area in the Develop module and seeing if it goes away.
    >I suspect that the curvature is in fact due to lens corrections, and that these lens corrections are always on
    I believe you are right. I remember vaguely that there is some default lens correction with some cameras like this that is independent of the lens correction module. No clue whether the LX7 is one.

  • Occasional ora-6502 using forms 6i and 10g

    Hi all.
    We have been experiencing some weird and unexpected ora-6502 errors in some of our forms 6i modules running against 10g (rel 1 or 2).
    Forms modules are correctly functioning and for some reason, one day an ora-6502 error suddenly pops up.
    Now the weirdest thing is that after you put some messages on the trigger, so you can track down where the error is coming from, it disappears.
    I know that this may sound hard to believe, but it has happened several times. All we do is put some message built in, recompile all, and the error is gone (for a while).
    So my questions are:
    - Is this a known issue beween forms 6i and 10g Db?.
    - Is there a patch on Metalink ( we use Forms [32 bits] Versión (Producción))
    - A workaround?
    and most important
    - Have anyone been exposed to a similar situation?
    Regards, Luis ...!

    Now the weirdest thing is that after you put some messages on the trigger, so you can track down where the error is coming from, it disappears.Sounds like the form has not been "clean compiled" against the server on which it is running. Try a "Compile All", which causes all previously compiled program units to be compiled fresh.
    Or even better, clean out all the compiled code from your fmb before compiling the fmb on the server where it runs.
    See this topic:   Re: Why does this happen - find ';', replace with ';'?

  • Designer 6i and 10g on the same machine?

    I have Designer 6i and corresponding repository on my machine.
    The problem with 6i I can't save diagramm in HTML format
    I believe I can save in HTML format in 10g or other?
    Can I install on the same machine 10g designer?
    should I configure new repository?

    See my update on your earlier question.
    As for running 6i and 10g on the same machine, yes you can do it. You just have to install them in separate Oracle Homes, and be careful when you tell them which version of EXP and IMP to use. There is one MAJOR caveat, however. They cannot use the same Designer Repository - 6i client won't talk to a 10g repository and 10g client won't talk to a 6i repository. You can upgrade a 6i repository to 10g with the RAU, but take a backup before you do - the only way to go back is to restore your backup. Besides, I think that if you upgrade to the last supported version of Designer 6i (you should be able to get it from MetaLink) you will get the Publish Diagrams utility.
    Frankly, my opinion is that there is only one reason to stay on 6i - if you need to generate and support 6i client/server Oracle Forms. If you don't use Oracle Forms, or if you have moved on to Web Forms with the middle tier Forms Server, I'd recommend an upgrade to Designer 10g and Developer 10g.

  • Calling shared objects in unix from Forms 6i and 10g

    I would like to know how to call shared objects in unix from Froms 6i and 10g. Can anybody help in this regard? Your help is very well appreciated.

    Do you have any 11i instance where those custom forms are used? If yes, you will have to copy those forms from 11i to R12 instance, open the forms using Forms 10g builder, compile it and upload it back to the server.
    Note: 427879.1 - How To Customize And Compile An Application Seeded Form (FMB) Or Library (PLL)?
    Note: 743490.1 - Customization in Oracle Applications
    Note: 563258.1 - How To Upgrade 11i Custom Forms And Reports To R12

  • Using get_application_property(CONFIG) in 6i and 10g

    for a short time, our application has to run with 6i and 10g at the same time. We have to use the new constant CONFIG also in 6i. How can I mask this constant that it works correctly. Implementing it like this doesn't work:
    PROCEDURE gui$new_session
    pl_id ParamList;
    form_name varchar2(100);
    lo_connect varchar2(250);
    lo_url varchar2(200);
    lo_conf varchar2(50);
    co_config CONSTANT NUMBER := 'CONFIG';
    form_name := replace(pdb_anwendung.get_anw_exe('PRAG_MENUE45'), '.FMX','');
    IF get_application_property(USER_INTERFACE) <> 'WEB' THEN
    lo_connect := get_application_property(USERNAME)||'/'||get_application_property(PASSWORD)||'@'||get_application_property(CONNECT_STRING);
    lo_conf := get_application_property(co_config);
    lo_url := '"/forms/frmservlet?config='||lo_conf||'&form='||form_name||'&userid='||lo_connect||'","","location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,status=no,");self.close();';
    END IF;
    Unfortunately, I can't set the constant CONFIG directly into get_application_property (what is working properly used directly in 10g) because then I get a compilation error in 6i. Can somebody help me?

    co_config CONSTANT NUMBER := 'CONFIG';... won't work because you are assigning a varchar value to a number. CONFIG (without the quotes) is a built-in constant in Forms 10g that has a value of 221. So you could try this (notice there are no single quotes)...
    co_config CONSTANT NUMBER := CONFIG;... but I doubt that will compile in 6i as CONFIG won't be defined. So maybe you could use...
    co_config CONSTANT NUMBER := 221;It's bad practice to hard-code a value like that though.

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