Image interpolation & plastic banner design 6x8 feet

I'm interested if anyone could give me some tips on setting up a photoshop file for a plastic banner that will be approx 6ft x 8 ft.  I have have photos that are original size of 11 x 14 inches - is it protocol to start with this size of a photo and interpolate up to a larger size ie: 6ft x 8 ft?
How small of an image can you start with (at 300 dpi) to interpolate - and how high can you go? What is typical / standard working practice?
What's the typical resolution needed for a plastic banner?
Thank you in advance!

>  is it protocol to start with this size of a photo and interpolate up to a larger size ie: 6ft x 8 ft?
Yes. I've done billboards with smaller files. Once you get into it there is no "protocol" per se. Trust your eyes, if you blow it up and it stinks then you might need to rethink the design.
>How small of an image can you start with (at 300 dpi) to interpolate - and how high can you go?
You are not going to need that much resolution for the project you are working on and different images res up differently. If you start with something that's soft to begin with and/or contains jpeg artifacts then it doesn't blow up as well as a really sharp uncompressed image.
>What is typical / standard working practice?
What I would do is create the canvas and then just drag the photo onto it - then transform it until you are satisfied but don't press return, take note of what percentage you are enlarging it and then just press escape. You can delete that layer. Go back to the original image and image size it up that percentage and make sure you use bicubic smoother as the algorithm. Then copy that to the canvas. That's about as good as it gets unless you get into plug-ins that are written specifically to up res. Although for me I don't see a big improvement over bicubic smoother.
>What's the typical resolution needed for a plastic banner?
Communication with the printer is key in doing large format. Ask them what resolution they are looking for, it will vary depending on how close people are going to be to the piece. My guess is around 75ppi, but talk to them before you begin.
Good Luck!

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    The image mylinks is not rendered by the portlet. It is a part of the page. You can always do a similar thing like rendering the image in the same page before the portlet.

  • Image processor script and image interpolation setting (cs3)

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    This is the change I made in CS5 fit image
        // resize the image using a good conversion method while keeping the pixel resolution
        // and the aspect ratio the same
        //app.activeDocument.resizeImage(newWidth, newHeight, resolution, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); Commented out JJMACK
        if ( newWidth > app.activeDocument.width || newHeight > app.activeDocument.height ) {
            if (!limit) {app.activeDocument.resizeImage(newWidth, newHeight, resolution, ResampleMethod.BICUBICSMOOTHER);}
        else { app.activeDocument.resizeImage(newWidth, newHeight, resolution, ResampleMethod.BICUBICSHARPER); }
    Note: Adobe choice to use BICUBIC is probally the best choice for users in general. For I find an images has been sharpened before its downsizes, downsizimg it using BICUBICSHARPER  is not the best choice then.

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    That's about it, DP.
    I still say that an adaptation of the "Preserve Details" function to be a general purpose image resampling tool (e.g., for use in crops, transforms, etc.) would be WELL worth Adobe doing.

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    <STYLE type=text/css>
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    #mainpage {
    background: #F4FBFF url(\Images\img01.jpg) repeat-x;
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    Can anyone help me, please?
    Many thanks!

    Thanks Gary, the codes are as follows:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>HomeDirect UK</title>
    <TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; WIDTH: 100%" id=mainpage cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>
    <STYLE type=text/css>
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    #mainpage {
    background: #F4FBFF url( gVgi_1QzVRI1N-a68GiJOnAxK6ZMqo7RPTg/default.jpg?psid=1) repeat-x;
    body, th, td, input, textarea {
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #666666;
    p, ol, #box p, #content #DescriptionHolderStart
    padding: 10px;
    h1, h2, h3 {
    color: #449BC7;
    h1 {
    font-size: 3em;
    h2 {
    text-transform: uppercase;
    font-size: 1.1em;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #449BC7;
    h3 {
    font-size: 1em;
    ul, ol {
    margin-left: 3em;
    a {
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: #449BC7;
    a:hover {
    border: none;
    text-decoration: none;
    h1 a, h2 a, h3 a {
    border: none;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #449BC7;
    h1 a:hover, h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover {
    background: none;
    color: #449BC7;
    hr {
    display: none;
    width: 780px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    /* Header */
    #header {
    width: 780px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    height: 134px;
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    float: left;
    height: 41px;
    background: url( 15K9SA8u2D5eWDGABjs-SLdqOIRraFv0hrQ/menu.png?psid=1) no-repeat;
    width: 780px;
    #menu ul {
    margin: 0;
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    list-style: none;
    line-height: normal;
    text-align: center;
    #menu li {
    display: inline;
    line-height: 41px;
    padding: 0 15px;
    #menu a {
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: 1.1em;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #ffffff;   
    #menu a:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;
    /* Logo */
    #logo {
    width: 780px;
    height: 93px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    text-align: right;
    #logo h1 {
    padding-right: 20px;
    color: #ffffff;
    padding-top: 20px;
    font-size: 24px;
    #logo h2 {
    font-style: italic;
    font-size: 10px;
    padding-right: 20px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    /* Page */
    #pagewrap {
    background: url( VsUYbF3zT2wWyh3glyCehjZy1CyGCwNSSXg/top.png?psid=1) no-repeat;
    padding-top: 10px;
    #page {
    margin: 0 auto;
    background: #ffffff url( ix7xcCgdYx08UfkQt_CEU5lJHrePgf0N-Kw/back.gif?psid=1) repeat-y top;
    border-top: none;
    text-align: left;
    #table1 table {
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    height: 19px;
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    #box H1
    font-size: 18px;
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    /* Content */
    #content {
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    background: url( KQ7jNL8l8eoYgJUn2afe2aCSEgGHXM3gX1A/h2.gif?psid=1) no-repeat;
    height: 63px;
    padding-top: 8px;
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    font-size: 16px;
    color: #ffffff;
    #content .entry
    padding: 10px;
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    background: url( bnsGjp9FncS55s208h9RSzb3JZSRDZXfSQw/title_back.gif?psid=1) no-repeat;
    #sidebar2 .top {
    padding-top: 20px;
    /* Footer */
    padding: 20px;
    #footer p {
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 9px;
    color: #ffffff;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    #footer a
    color: #FFFFFF
    <DIV id=main>
    <DIV id=header>
    <DIV id=logo>
    <H2>Short Slogan Here</H2></DIV>
    <DIV id=menu>
    <LI><A href="#eBayStoreLink">Store</A></LI>
    <LI><A href="#paymentpolicy">Payments</A></LI>
    <LI><A href="#shippingpolicy">Shipping</A></LI>
    <LI><A href="#returnspolicy">Returns</A></LI>
    <LI><A href="#termspolicy">Terms</A></LI>
    <LI><A href="#guaranteepolicy">Guarantee</A></LI>
    <LI><A href="#aboutusdetails">About Us</A></LI></UL></DIV></DIV>
    <DIV id=top></DIV>
    <DIV id=pagewrap>
      <DIV id=page>
        <DIV id=content></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><DIV align=center></DIV></html>
    Thanks again!

  • Image Interpolation - Need different approach

    I'm having problems with built in Java image interpolation methods and haven't had any success finding a way to create my own, or using a different existing one. Basically I'd like to interpolate using a peak-picking method, similar to nearest neighbor except that it will consider all neighbors and take the value that has the highest alpha value. The overall goal is to never throw away the highest value when scaling down. An example would be an image that is 2x4:
    If I scaled the image down to 2x2 the resulting image would look like:
    The values above represent the alpha values in each pixel. Not sure if this "peak picking" method has a mathematical name so I'm not sure what to search for. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    That's not really similar to nearest neighbor at all, but here's a start
        public static BufferedImage customResize(BufferedImage src,
                                                int targetWidth,
                                                int targetHeight) {
            BufferedImage scaled = new BufferedImage(targetWidth,
            int srcWidth = src.getWidth();
            int srcHeight = src.getHeight();
            float ratioX = ((float) srcWidth) / targetWidth;
            float ratioY = ((float) srcHeight) / targetHeight;
            for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) {
                    int beginNearestX = (int) Math.floor((x - .5f) * ratioX);
                    int endNearestX = (int) Math.ceil((x + .5f) * ratioX);
                    int beginNearestY = (int) Math.floor((y - .5f) * ratioY);
                    int endNearestY = (int) Math.ceil((y + .5f) * ratioY);
                    int peakPickARGB = 0;
                    int peakAlpha = -1;
                    /*traverse the area of pixels in the source image that are
                     *mapped to the pixel in the scaled image*/
                    for (int x2 = beginNearestX; x2 <= endNearestX; x2++) {
                        for (int y2 = beginNearestY; y2 <= endNearestY; y2++) {
                            if (x2 < 0 || x2 > srcWidth ||
                                    y2 < 0 || y2 > srcHeight)
                            int srcRGB = src.getRGB(x2, y2);
                            int alpha = (srcRGB << 24) & 0xff;
                            if (alpha > peakAlpha) {
                                peakAlpha = alpha;
                                peakPickARGB = srcRGB;
                    //set the the "peak-pick"
                    scaled.setRGB(x, y, peakPickARGB);
            return scaled;
        }I tried to keep the code simple so you can see how it might be done, but there are certainly some good optimizations that can be made. And this "peak-pick" interpolation won't really work well when scalling up an image.

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    Thanks in advance for any/all advice.

    Chris, Mike, Gator...
    Thanks for your input.  Mike... you're essentially saying I should downsize the artwork slightly and then reload into AI and convert to PDF after resizing.  I have the full CS4 package although I confess that as a 15-year CorelDraw user, I never got into AI LOL... and now that I'm retired and doing these projects to keep the grey matter sharp... I don't know if I have the courage to try and convert my brain from CorelDraw to AI.  But anyhow, your idea sounds like a do-able approach, certainly worth trying.
    Gator... I honestly don't know for sure.  I know they want artwork in 300dpi, and it should be in PDF or AI or CDR (CorelDraw) formats.  And as much as I like CD for Vector work, Iequally love PS for general work... in fact, I probably use PS more than CD these days.  I never bothered much with Corel's PhotoPaint even though I've been to Corel Seminars in the past.  I will talk to my guys and see what they do before printing.

  • Images Behind flash banner

    I was wondering if there is any way to place an image behind a flash banner or picture so incase someone dosnt have flash they can still see a non animated verson of what would be there.

    Use SWFObject Replacement.
    Add some alternate HTML content for non-Flash supporting devices.
    See also, jQuery Cycle.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Error while loading a logo .gif image to the banner

    Hi all,
    I'm running Portalea on NT platform and I receive the following error, trying to load a gif image as a logo to the banner (this is in spanish but I hope you can understand it):
    Wed, 27 Dec 2000 07:03:25 GMT
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: excepcisn definida por el usuario no tratada
    ORA-06512: en "PORTAL30.WWDOC_DOCU_BRI_TRG", lmnea 60
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: excepcisn definida por el usuario no tratada
    ORA-04088: error durante la ejecucisn del disparador 'PORTAL30.WWDOC_DOCU_BRI_TRG'
    DAD name: portal30
    PROCEDURE : PORTAL30.wwptl_banner.savecustom
    URL : http://ORACLE1:80/pls/portal30/PORTAL30.wwptl_banner.savecustom
    SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/1.3.12 (Win32) ApacheJServ/1.1 mod_ssl/2.6.4 OpenSSL/0.9.5a mod_perl/1.22
    HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE=multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7d02753210f0280
    HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
    HTTP_ACCEPT=application/, application/msword, application/, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-comet, */*
    HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip, deflate
    HTTP_COOKIE=portal30=AB515A5F55262E576590647AC04D98A8EF1D5A6F56D19ECCD710BDB4A08D2354903C0CA288FDE0C9283E116C71C00B1B3821CEAB7A24979CFF326F4979143EE1FD147BC097C2AD7705313C93DAB32D8 4A6CF71C26B267CC0B2FEA03B385A2E84; portal30_sso=7452540140821A6010973F5CAC7E7D17C7498F309E15C228015C1C0546A702F5AFDE500B69BDCB8DE5C29DD726FC8DEEE85A1DC979ECC7B8A6A16CADEF1DAB0C0ACEC11897D5B99B1033884D61307BEA7AE581C 8AB988C8CBBBDCE6174BA01F6

    No errors was found in the installation log. I'm looking in the WWDOC_DOCUMENT$ table and found records that make references to my previous tries to upload the logo image. In order to make others tries, how can I delete this information? Are references to this files in any other table?.
    I'm looking over the solution provide by Laurent Baresse, refering to the NLS_LANGUAJE problem ... (Thanks Laurent).
    Best regards
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Karthika Siva ([email protected]):
    Are you able to upload any documents into a content area? Please look at your installation log file (install.log) for any errors that may have occured during the installation of the product. Also make sure that the tablespace containing the WWDOC_DOCUMENT$ table is not full.

  • Small images not showing in design view

    Desperate for help! I've been trying to diagnose this for a
    long time. For some strange reason, images that used to show up in
    my design view are now displaying the 'missing image' icon. I've
    narrowed it down to this--if the image is less than 8px high, the
    image will not display. When I increase it to 8px or more high
    (width does not have any bearing on it), the image is displayed.
    Same exact image name, same placement, path, file type, etc. The
    only variable changed is the image height. Someone please tell me
    what is going on. By the way, this just started to happen. These
    small images were displaying fine up until yesterday.

    You have two id="header" elements on the page....
    I can see both the 5px tall GIF and JPG images just fine in
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "peregrinedesign" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:gmiaur$bv$[email protected]..
    > OK, but I'm not sure this will help. Here's the page:
    > What you will see is correct, and when I preview with a
    browser it is fine
    > also, it's only the DW design view that is not showing
    the small jpeg.
    > On the right side, there are two small black rectangles.
    The one on the
    > left
    > is a gif, and the one on the right is the jpg. They were
    both exported
    > from the
    > same original Fireworks file. I have tested using
    Photoshop also.
    > Thank you for your attention to this.

  • Use eps files  in a 2' x 6' banner designed in CS2 Illustrator.

    I have two eps files (logos) I'd like to use in a 2' x 6' banner. The rest of the banner will use text. How can I incorporate these eps files? I'm using CS2 Illustrator. Thanks for your help.

    If the .eps artwork is vector, there should be no resolution issue (depending on possible raster effects/images contained).
    You can see whether it is raster or vector when you select (an embedded version of) it. Vector will appear as other vector artwork.
    Is Anti-Aliased ticked in the Edit>Preferences>General?
    Concerning the pixelation/usability, you may judge by using different zoom levels.
    You may ask the recipient about resolution.

  • How can I transform an image into a different design?

    I've used the Distort effects in AE to modify the following video:
    Into this:
    I'm a pretty pleased with the results.  I simply used the Transform and Mirror effects.
    However, I have a bunch of other designs which I can't distort into a good alternative design by using the same method.  Here is an example:
    I am hoping some of you very clever people can come up with a method I can use for transforming this sort of design into something decent!

    Thanks for the replies!
    I realise this is a broad question.  I will elaborate on the images from my first post in order to provide more details:
    1)  I have generated a number of animated designs, the blue image when animated looks like moving electricity.  All of the designs are geometric patterns of one form or another.  I have around 50 of these designs.
    2)  I want to create variations on these geometric animations. Rather than start from scratch and create a brand new design (which is a lengthy process), I want to use the effects in After Effects to create variations.  In the example I provided, I took the blue design and used a number of effects to create the green design.
    3)  Essentially, I now have two different animations.  The blue original, and the green variation.
    4)  Here is my question.  Are there any specific effects within After Effects, that allow me to distort an image/animation to such a degree that it essentially looks like a different image/animation?  So far, I have used Transform and Mirror.
    I gave Kaleidoscope a try, and that gave some good results, so thanks for that suggestion.
    5)  The problem I am having is that some of my other designs are more or less 'symmetrical' in appearance - like the yellow image from my first post.  The Transform, Mirror and Kaleidoscope effects do not really distort the symmetrical animations enough.  This is because they simply tend to either rotate the image (which is a circle, so rotating it does little), or they mirror the design (which again does little as the image is a circle).  So, are there any other effects I can choose which will distort a symmetrical geometrical design, whilst still retaining a degree of geometric appearance?
    I thank you again for your time, it really is appreciated!
    EDIT:  As Todd Kopriva suggested, here is the link to the other forum post:  - I forgot to link back to this forum from there.  I will add that shortly.

  • Why can't I drag images from Finder to Design View Dreamweaver CC?

    Hey Guys,
    I'm using OS X Mavericks (10.9) and Adobe DW CC
    For some reason in both CC and CS6 I can no-longer drag files from Finder (Mac OS X's Explorer) into the design view ( for eg: adding images to a table cell ), the browse button doesn't work properly either... The "browse for file" button only works if there is an image already there and then it will update the image, otherwise if there's no image in the table cell it will bring up the browse dialogue box but does nothing if I select a file and press "open".
    Is there a setting that was introduced in CS 6 that affects this behavior?

    Hi All,
    This bug has been fixed in the latest version of Dreamweaver CC 2014, which is now available for download.
    Download it from or directly through the Creative Cloud desktop app.
    We’re excited to hear back from you. Please share your feedback.

  • How to set image border with CSS Designer?

    I must be missing something obvious...
    I need to set an image border. I select the image. But I don't see any relevant inline style option in CSS Designer.
    It only lets me change <inline style> : td but there's no option for the image.
    What am I missing?

    Thanks John,
    Yes, obviously I select the image.
    However, it doesn't change anything.
    I don't get the "img" selector whatever choice I select it the Sources pane.
    What am I missing?

Maybe you are looking for

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