Image JPEG data

I am developing a program that needs to be able to create reports in RTF format. Some of the things that it needs to put in the report are images of various onscreen components, such as JPanels.
I've written the RTF writer so that it can insert JPEG files into the document, and I know how to save a JPanel's contents as a JPEG image into a file. This means that I can insert the JPanel's contents into the report by saving it to the disk and then loading it into the document. However, I'd prefer to be able to put the data straight into the document - I've looked throught the various Image related classes, but I can't find anything that will do as I wish.
I suppose it would be possible to create the Image and then use ImageIO's write method to insert the data (although this will be a bit of a pain because the rtf code is using Writers, not OutputStreams).
Can anyone suggest an easier way of doing this?

The image data I need has to be the raw hexadecimal file data. I can't see how I can get this from the image class.

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  • Capture images (JPEG) from IP-Camera

    Hey there!
    I have been trying to capture images from an IP-Camera. I understand that this has to be done by using a custom DataSource and I have tried many many example found here on the net, but with no results.
    I think I've tried every piece of code found here at this forum regarding this subject.. :/
    The best I could do was not getting an error while creating a custom DataSource from a BufferedStream..but the when I try to configure/realize the Processor - created with Manager.createProcessor(customdatasource) - it gives me an error which, I think, has something to do with unrecognized content..
    I could post all the examples I tried but I think it would be too much of a confusion so...does anyone have a full working example of code to achieve this? WITH the frame grabber class? plizzzzzzzzz?

    I felt Captfoss' solution was inspired and so gave it a go. The following builds a video from an ip cam jpg stream using a version of Sun's It is hacked together quickly and with scope for improvement, but it works, proves the idea, and is a good example.
    Run as:- java JpegImagesToMovie -w 320 -h 240 -f 30 -o file:test.avi
    * @(#)     1.3 01/03/13
    * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    * Sun grants you ("Licensee") a non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use,
    * modify and redistribute this software in source and binary code form,
    * provided that i) this copyright notice and license appear on all copies of
    * the software; and ii) Licensee does not utilize the software in a manner
    * which is disparaging to Sun.
    * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
    * This software is not designed or intended for use in on-line control of
    * aircraft, air traffic, aircraft navigation or aircraft communications; or in
    * the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
    * facility. Licensee represents and warrants that it will not use or
    * redistribute the Software for such purposes.
    * Some public domain modifications by Andy Dyble for avi etc by self and from 
    * other internet resources 19/11/2008. Reads editable 20 ip cam network jpg files.
    * Supported formats tested for compression options. This code could be much improved
    * further to these amendments. Absolutely no warranties.
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    * This program takes a list of JPEG image files and convert them into
    * a QuickTime movie.
    public class JpegImagesToMovie implements ControllerListener, DataSinkListener {
        public boolean doIt(int width, int height, int frameRate, Vector inFiles, MediaLocator outML, String outputURL)
         ImageDataSource ids = new ImageDataSource(width, height, frameRate, inFiles);
         Processor p;
         try {
             System.err.println("- create processor for the image datasource ...");
             p = Manager.createProcessor(ids);
         } catch (Exception e) {
             System.err.println("Yikes!  Cannot create a processor from the data source.");
             return false;
         // Put the Processor into configured state so we can set
         // some processing options on the processor.
         if (!waitForState(p, p.Configured)) {
             System.err.println("Failed to configure the processor.");
             return false;
         // Set the output content descriptor to QuickTime.
         if(outputURL.endsWith(".avi") || outputURL.endsWith(".AVI"))
              p.setContentDescriptor(new ContentDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.MSVIDEO));
         if(outputURL.endsWith(".mov") || outputURL.endsWith(".MOV"))
              p.setContentDescriptor(new ContentDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.QUICKTIME));
         // Query for the processor for supported formats.
         // Then set it on the processor.
         TrackControl tcs[] = p.getTrackControls();
         for(int i=0;i<tcs.length;i++)
              System.out.println("TrackControl "+i+" "+tcs);
         Format f[] = tcs[0].getSupportedFormats();
         if (f == null || f.length <= 0) {
         System.err.println("The mux does not support the input format: " + tcs[0].getFormat());
         return false;
         for(int i=0;i<f.length;i++)
              System.out.println("Supported Format "+i+" "+f[i]);
    //     tcs[0].setFormat(f[0]);
         if(outputURL.endsWith(".avi") || outputURL.endsWith(".AVI"))     // must be VideoFormat
              System.err.println("Setting the track format to: "     // INDEO50 CINEPAK f[0] etc
                   + tcs[0].setFormat(new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.INDEO50)));
         if(outputURL.endsWith(".mov") || outputURL.endsWith(".MOV"))
              System.err.println("Setting the track format to: "     // JPEG CINEPAK RGB f[0] etc
                   + tcs[0].setFormat(new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.JPEG)));
         //System.err.println("Setting the track format to: " + f[0]);
         // We are done with programming the processor. Let's just
         // realize it.
         if (!waitForState(p, p.Realized)) {
         System.err.println("Failed to realize the processor.");
         return false;
         // Now, we'll need to create a DataSink.
         DataSink dsink;
         if ((dsink = createDataSink(p, outML)) == null) {
         System.err.println("Failed to create a DataSink for the given output MediaLocator: " + outML);
         return false;
         fileDone = false;
         System.err.println("start processing...");
         // OK, we can now start the actual transcoding.
         try {
         } catch (IOException e) {
         System.err.println("IO error during processing");
         return false;
         // Wait for EndOfStream event.
         // Cleanup.
         try {
         } catch (Exception e) {}
         System.err.println("...done processing.");
         return true;
    * Create the DataSink.
    DataSink createDataSink(Processor p, MediaLocator outML) {
         DataSource ds;
         if ((ds = p.getDataOutput()) == null) {
         System.err.println("Something is really wrong: the processor does not have an output DataSource");
         return null;
         DataSink dsink;
         try {
         System.err.println("- create DataSink for: " + outML);
         dsink = Manager.createDataSink(ds, outML);;
         } catch (Exception e) {
         System.err.println("Cannot create the DataSink: " + e);
         return null;
         return dsink;
    Object waitSync = new Object();
    boolean stateTransitionOK = true;
    * Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state.
    * Return false if the transition failed.
    boolean waitForState(Processor p, int state) {
         synchronized (waitSync) {
         try {
              while (p.getState() < state && stateTransitionOK)
         } catch (Exception e) {}
         return stateTransitionOK;
    * Controller Listener.
    public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt) {
         if (evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent ||
         evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent ||
         evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
         synchronized (waitSync) {
              stateTransitionOK = true;
         } else if (evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent) {
         synchronized (waitSync) {
              stateTransitionOK = false;
         } else if (evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
    Object waitFileSync = new Object();
    boolean fileDone = false;
    boolean fileSuccess = true;
    * Block until file writing is done.
    boolean waitForFileDone() {
         synchronized (waitFileSync) {
         try {
              while (!fileDone)
         } catch (Exception e) {}
         return fileSuccess;
    * Event handler for the file writer.
    public void dataSinkUpdate(DataSinkEvent evt) {
         if (evt instanceof EndOfStreamEvent) {
         synchronized (waitFileSync) {
              fileDone = true;
         } else if (evt instanceof DataSinkErrorEvent) {
         synchronized (waitFileSync) {
              fileDone = true;
              fileSuccess = false;
         public static void createInputFiles(Vector files)
              // Create a file for the directory
              File file = new File("images");
              // Get the file list...
              String s[] = file.list();
              files.removeAllElements();     // if any set from arguments
              for(int i=0;i<s.length;i++)
                        files.addElement("images"+File.separator+s[i]);     // and to sort if required
                        System.out.println((i+1)+": "+s[i]+" - ignored");
    public static void main(String args[]) {
         if (args.length == 0)
         // Parse the arguments.
         int i = 0;
         int width = -1, height = -1, frameRate = 1;
         Vector inputFiles = new Vector();
         String outputURL = null;
         while (i < args.length) {
         if (args[i].equals("-w")) {
              if (i >= args.length)
              width = new Integer(args[i]).intValue();
         } else if (args[i].equals("-h")) {
              if (i >= args.length)
              height = new Integer(args[i]).intValue();
         } else if (args[i].equals("-f")) {
              if (i >= args.length)
              frameRate = new Integer(args[i]).intValue();
         } else if (args[i].equals("-o")) {
              if (i >= args.length)
              outputURL = args[i];
         } else {
    ///     createInputFiles(inputFiles);
         if (outputURL == null)// || inputFiles.size() == 0)
         // Check for output file extension.
         if(!outputURL.endsWith(".avi") && !outputURL.endsWith(".AVI") && !outputURL.endsWith(".mov") && !outputURL.endsWith(".MOV"))
              System.err.println("The output file extension should end with a .mov extension");
         if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
         System.err.println("Please specify the correct image size.");
         // Check the frame rate.
         if (frameRate < 1)
         frameRate = 1;
         // Generate the output media locators.
         MediaLocator oml;
         if ((oml = createMediaLocator(outputURL)) == null) {
         System.err.println("Cannot build media locator from: " + outputURL);
         JpegImagesToMovie imageToMovie = new JpegImagesToMovie();
         imageToMovie.doIt(width, height, frameRate, inputFiles, oml, outputURL);
    static void prUsage() {
         System.err.println("Usage: java JpegImagesToMovie -w <width> -h <height> -f <frame rate> -o <output URL>");// <input JPEG file 1> <input JPEG file 2> ...");
    * Create a media locator from the given string.
    static MediaLocator createMediaLocator(String url) {
         MediaLocator ml;
         if (url.indexOf(":") > 0 && (ml = new MediaLocator(url)) != null)
         return ml;
         if (url.startsWith(File.separator)) {
         if ((ml = new MediaLocator("file:" + url)) != null)
              return ml;
         } else {
         String file = "file:" + System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + url;
         if ((ml = new MediaLocator(file)) != null)
              return ml;
         return null;
    // Inner classes.
    * A DataSource to read from a list of JPEG image files and
    * turn that into a stream of JMF buffers.
    * The DataSource is not seekable or positionable.
    class ImageDataSource extends PullBufferDataSource {
         ImageSourceStream streams[];
         ImageDataSource(int width, int height, int frameRate, Vector images) {
         streams = new ImageSourceStream[1];
         streams[0] = new ImageSourceStream(width, height, frameRate, images);
         public void setLocator(MediaLocator source) {
         public MediaLocator getLocator() {
         return null;
         * Content type is of RAW since we are sending buffers of video
         * frames without a container format.
         public String getContentType() {
         return ContentDescriptor.RAW;
         public void connect() {
         public void disconnect() {
         public void start() {
         public void stop() {
         * Return the ImageSourceStreams.
         public PullBufferStream[] getStreams() {
         return streams;
         * We could have derived the duration from the number of
         * frames and frame rate. But for the purpose of this program,
         * it's not necessary.
         public Time getDuration() {
         return DURATION_UNKNOWN;
         public Object[] getControls() {
         return new Object[0];
         public Object getControl(String type) {
         return null;
    * The source stream to go along with ImageDataSource.
    class ImageSourceStream implements PullBufferStream {
         Vector images;
         int width, height;
         VideoFormat format;
         int nextImage = 0;     // index of the next image to be read.
         boolean ended = false;
         float frameRate;
         long seqNo = 0;
         public ImageSourceStream(int width, int height, int frameRate, Vector images) {
         this.width = width;
         this.height = height;
         this.images = images;
              this.frameRate = (float)frameRate;
         format = new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.JPEG,
                        new Dimension(width, height),
         * We should never need to block assuming data are read from files.
         public boolean willReadBlock() {
         return false;
    byte[] input_buffer;
    byte[] imgbytearray;
    byte[] imgusebyte;
    int camWidth = 320;
    int camHeight = 240;
    URL url;
    long timeStamp;long timeStamp0=System.currentTimeMillis();long resultTimeStamp;
         public boolean urlFetchJPG()
              String ipcamserver = "";     // examples , , , , ,
                   url = new URL("http://"+ipcamserver+"/axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi?camera=&resolution=320x240".trim());
              catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Exception url "+e);}
                   if(input_buffer==null)input_buffer = new byte[8192];
                   if(imgbytearray==null)imgbytearray = new byte[camWidth*camHeight*3];
                   URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
                   BufferedInputStream in;
                   int bytes_read;
                   int sumread=0;
                   in = new BufferedInputStream(uc.getInputStream());
                   while((, 0, 8192))!=-1)
                             byte[] imgbytearraytemp = new byte[sumread+bytes_read+8192];
                   imgusebyte = new byte[sumread];
              catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Exception urlFetchJPG "+e);}
              return true;
         * This is called from the Processor to read a frame worth
         * of video data.
         public void read(Buffer buf) throws IOException {
         // Check if we've finished all the frames.
         if (nextImage >= 20) //images.size())
              // We are done. Set EndOfMedia.
              System.err.println("Done reading all images.");
              ended = true;
    ///     String imageFile = (String)images.elementAt(nextImage);
    //     System.err.println(" - reading image file: " + imageFile);
         // Open a random access file for the next image.
    ///     RandomAccessFile raFile;
    ///     raFile = new RandomAccessFile(imageFile, "r");
         byte data[] = null;
         // Check the input buffer type & size.
    ///     if (buf.getData() instanceof byte[])
    ///          data = (byte[])buf.getData();
              data = imgusebyte;
         // Check to see the given buffer is big enough for the frame.
    ///     if (data == null || data.length < raFile.length()) {
    ///          data = new byte[(int)raFile.length()];
         // Read the entire JPEG image from the file.
    ///     raFile.readFully(data, 0, (int)raFile.length());
    //     System.err.println(" read " + raFile.length() + " bytes.");
    ///     buf.setLength((int)raFile.length());
         buf.setFlags(buf.getFlags() | buf.FLAG_KEY_FRAME);
    ///          long time = (long)(seqNo * (1000D / frameRate) * 1000000);
              timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
              resultTimeStamp = timeStamp - timeStamp0;
              long time = resultTimeStamp * 0xf4240L;
         // Close the random access file.
    ///     raFile.close();
         * Return the format of each video frame. That will be JPEG.
         public Format getFormat() {
         return format;
         public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor() {
         return new ContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor.RAW);
         public long getContentLength() {
         return 0;
         public boolean endOfStream() {
         return ended;
         public Object[] getControls() {
         return new Object[0];
         public Object getControl(String type) {
         return null;

  • Getting JPEG Library Error for Corrupt JPEG Data using CS5

    After recently upgrading to CS5 I am getting JPEG Library Errors for corrupt JPEG data. I have my old PC still in use that uses CS4 and does not generate these errors when accessing the same site. Could someone please assist me in how to get rid of these errors using CS5? I can't find help out there anywhere for this!
    Thanks in advance!

    You could use Photoshop's Image Processor to open all of your jpegs in a given folder, make a slight tweek and resave them in the hopes of cleaning out any errors that DW is hitting. It's worth a shot maybe.
    1. In PS go to File > Scripts > Image Processor
    2. For Step 1, browse to a folder in your site with jpeg issues
    3. For Step 2, choose save in same location
    4. For Step 3, choose Save as JPEG and check Convert File to sRGB
    5. Click Run
    This will create a sub folder called JPEG with the images resaved there. You can drag them into the parent folder to replace the originals.
    If you haven't already, make sure to report the bug here:
    At least the right people will be made aware of it then and if it's common enough to trip whatever quantity/user reports system they use, it would get included for repair.
    I honestly don't think it's a "bug" per se, since the forum isn't absolutely flooded with the problem.

  • How to retrive images from data base

    I am facing problem to retriving image data from
    and how can i so that retrived image into web page
    plz help me

    Look at the URL below:
    How to store/retrieve image to/from SQLServer
    Example below fetch pdf doc from database and show in browser, in order to show image the only difference would be setting the content type to
    How to view XLS documents loaded from database in the web browser

  • Corrupt JPEG Data

    Whenever I open the Assets tab in Dreamweaver 8 (am using XP
    Pro), I get a one-after-the-other series of the error message:
    Corrupt JPEG data: 11 extraneous bytes before marker 0xdb . The
    number of extraneous bytes varies (58, 4, etc) and so does the 0x
    number (0xd9, 0xc4, etc.)
    I don't know which jpg files are causing the problem and
    there are hundreds of them listed within Dreamweaver Assets.
    How can I determine which jpeg files are corrupt?

    > Why does Dreamweaver bother with this error message
    about "corrupt jpeg
    > data:
    > premature end of data segment" if the image, created in
    Photoshop, works
    > fine
    > on the web page, and in any other software??
    Most likely because the image has a corrupted data segment
    that your limited
    test of software chooses to ignore?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "RichR49" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ghr65t$6ep$[email protected]..
    > Why does Dreamweaver bother with this error message
    about "corrupt jpeg
    > data:
    > premature end of data segment" if the image, created in
    Photoshop, works
    > fine
    > on the web page, and in any other software?? Since
    Adobe/Macromedia hard
    > coded
    > this error message into Dreamweaver, they should be able
    to disable it in
    > a
    > patch. I would like to see a complete list of
    Dreamweaver error messages
    > along
    > with a solution to fix the problem, in the back of the
    manual that comes
    > with
    > the software. It is currently not documented anywhere.

  • Corrupt JPEG data: 1 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9

    Every time when I run the programming with icon and string JList, it shows the following message:
    Corrupt JPEG data: 1 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9
    Does any body have any ideas to solve the above problem?
    Thank you in advance.

    Have you tried using an uncorrupted JPEG image?

  • Does anyone know how to display (in LabVIEW) the memory use during execution of an image and data acquisition VI to predict when it is time to cease the acquisition to prevent the program crashing?

    Does anyone know how to display (in LabVIEW) the memory use during execution of an image and data acquisition VI to predict when it is time to cease the acquisition to prevent the program crashing?
    I am acquiring images and data to a buffer on the edge of the while loop, and am finding that the crashing of the program is unpredictable, but almost always due to a memory saturation when the buffers gets too big.
    I have attached the VI.
    Thanks for the help
    Attachments: ‏946 KB

    Take a look at this document that discusses how to monitor IMAQ memory usage:
    Hope this helps -

  • My back up failed and I get a messageTime Machine couldn't complete the backup to "TimeCap".  The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Mary Fleming's MacBook Pro .sparsebundle" is already in use.

    I noticed today that my last back-up was this a.m. and it has tried several times to back up since but I keep getting this message
    Time Machine couldn’t complete the backup to “TimeCap”.
    The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/ MacBook Pro ."sparsebundle” is already in use.
    I have never had this problem before and don't know what to do. I am not that great around computers so if anyone can help I would appreciate it. I did try to do some research but could not understand any of the content I read. I sure don't know what "sparsebundle" is and this is the first time I ever heard the term.
    If anyone can help woold appreciate it.
    I have Version 10.9.1

    This is a standard issue..
    Been around since LION but you missed out.. !! Well the old rule applies.. there are three types of Mac users.
    1. The bugs have bitten you, and you have done the work arounds.
    2. The bugs are biting you and you are now trying to find out what is going on.
    3. The bugs will bite you. And in the meantime you laugh at everyone with problems and say it must be all their fault. Doesn't happen to my system. 
    You were simply in the last group.. now, with the wonders of mavericks to help, you got bit.
    The solution is simple.. unplug the power cord from the TC .. count to 10.. power up the TC again.
    No luck look at the more technical help.
    C12 here.
    Your naming might also be an issue if this continues to happen.. see C9.

  • How to display image and data in module pool screen?

    I want to display image and relevant data besides the image in module pool screen, I am using docking container to display the image.
    Actually I am able to display image or data any one but not both.
    one more thing I want to display multiple images and their data.
    Please suggest some one if you have any idea.

    You can try below way, I have used in report.
    DATA: gc_docking              TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Docking Container
           gc_split                 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_easy_splitter_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Splitter
           gc_top_container         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Top Container
           gc_bottom_container      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Bottom Container
          gc_document              TYPE REF TO cl_dd_document, "#EC NEEDED  "Document
           gc_events                TYPE REF TO lcl_event_class, "#EC NEEDED  " Local Event Class
           gc_grid                  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, "#EC NEEDED  " ALV Class
    " Creating Docking
    CREATE OBJECT gc_docking
             ratio = c_95.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Splitting the Docking container
           CREATE OBJECT gc_split
               parent        = gc_docking
               sash_position = c_10 "Position of Splitter Bar (in Percent)
               with_border   = c_1. "With Border = 1 Without Border = 0
    *   Placing the containers in the splitter
         gc_top_container = gc_split->top_left_container .
         gc_bottom_container = gc_split->bottom_right_container .
    *   Creating Grid
         CREATE OBJECT gc_grid
             i_parent = gc_bottom_container.
    * Background job handling
         CREATE OBJECT gc_grid
             i_parent = gc_docking.
    *   Creating the document
       CREATE OBJECT gc_document
           style = 'ALV_GRID'.

  • MacPro backed up to Time Machine, added Mac Mini now get "The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Jerry Booher's MacBook Pro.sparsebundle" is already in use." error when Mac Pro tries to back up

    MacPro backed up to Time Machine, added Mac Mini now get "The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/Jerry Booher’s MacBook Pro.sparsebundle” is already in use." error when Mac Pro tries to back up

    It is standard Mountain Lion error due to the networking ability which is comparable to wet string. (actually that was lion.. it dried out some with Mountain Lion.. higher in the hills perhaps!!)
    See C12 and C17
    But many people are suffering the same issue..
    And the above is even a little out of date.. you might need to do a reset to the TC.
    Welcome to Apple's beta program for everyone.

  • HT3275 For the past several days, I have been getting this message during backups: Time Machine could not complete the back up.  The backup disk image "Volumes/Data/iMac.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error-1).

    For the past several days, I have been getting this message during backups:
    Time Machine could not complete the back up.  The backup disk image "Volumes/Data/bhoppy2's iMac.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error-1).  When I click on the 'help' icon on the message, it reverts to a blank page, and I cannot find anything online regarding the term 'sparsebundle.'  In addition, I cannot access previous backups any longer. 

    See C17 in Time Machine Troubleshooting by Time Machine guru Pondini:

  • I get this error message when I try to back up my laptop:  Time machine could not complete the backup.  The backup disc image "/Volumes/Data/Lou Ann Buesing's Mac Book Pro. sparse bundle is already in use.  Anyone know how to fix it?

    I get this error message when I try to back up my laptop:
    ' Time machine could not complete the backup.  The backup disc image "/Volumes/Data/Lou Ann Buesing's Mac Book Pro. sparse bundle' is already in use. "
    Anyone know how to fix it?

    Reboot the TC.. Sometimes you need to reboot the whole network.
    This is what comes of Lion and then made worse in Mountain Lion of Apple not spending enough time to fix the bugs.
    Read C12 in pondini.
    C17 can be related I think.

  • When backing up on time machine is get " The back up disk image'/volume/data/eric balnchard's Macbook.sparbundle"could not be accessed (error-1). what does it mean? it's a new time machine

    when backing up on time machine is get " The back up disk image'/volume/data/eric balnchard's Macbook.sparbundle"could not be accessed (error-1). what does it mean? it's a new time machine

    Expect to see this error again due to a bug in Lion (and Mountain Lion).
    See # C17 in Pondini's excellent support document below, or look over to the right of this web page under the heading of More Like This

  • HT3546 I get an error when trying to back up on my TC. Message says - The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Macintosh.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1).

    I get an error when trying to back up on my TC. Message says - The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/Macintosh.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1).
    Any suggestions

    See here...

  • HT1218 ?My time machine could not complete back up.  Says backup disk image"/volumes/data/name's iMac.sparsebundle" could not be accessed error 1??

    Time Machine could not complete the backup.
    The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Name's iMacsparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1 )

    I checked the pondini fixes and ended up doing the following - in case this could help someone else with OSX Lion and Time Capsule...
    First, I downloaded and used Airport Utility 5.6 instead of 6.1 - BTW, I had to attempt download and installation THREE times before the program actually installed.  Be persistant.
    Pondini #5: It's possible some names (of all things!) may be a problem.    See item C9.  I had to re-name my Mac, Time Capsule, network, etc... to remove all apostrophes and spaces.
    Pondini #7:  If you have WD SmartWare installed on Lion, it's not compatible, per RoaringApps, and there are reports it can cause this problem as well.   Use Western Digital's uninstaller, or delete the app from /Applications and the files com.wdc.WDDMservice.plist and com.wdc.WDSmartWareServer.plist from /Library/LaunchDaemons.   There may also be a file in Library/Application Support.
    I then had to shut down computer, unplug Time Capsule, unplug modem; plug everything in again, then reboot computer; then had to go to Apple- System Preferences- Network- and reselect my Time Capsule to connect to WiFi again.
    Then opened Time Machine preferences again and attempted back up - it worked!

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