Image operations

i want to clarify some prob regardin java swing. Actually my problem is i have to save image that is in panel or frame means i have to save image on system from image object in image file like gif jpeg or tif format.
Second problem is i have to save image in different format means suppose we have image in gif format and we have to convert this gif image into different image format like jpeg tiffand all image format.
third problem is i have to save image after rotate in some angle. In this thing we got success in rotating images but we don't know how to save this rotate image on back to system.
Plz let me know something regarding the question.

download the java advanced imaging (JAI) and the
documentation. there you'll find everything you need.
tmlWhoa! JAI rocks but the questioner only wanted to do a few simple things. He can use the 2D API that's part of j2se 1.4, for example.
Write images using method write of class ImageIO of package javax.imageio.
To write a rotated image, first render the rotated version onto a BufferedImage, then write it.
Get a book on the 2D API. You'll be glad you did.

Similar Messages

  • Very slow image operation

    I have a strange problem.
    Some of my images are VERY slow to load, scale... (any image operation).
    I have those 2 images : (25Ko : 295x551 pixels) (24Ko : 295x551 pixels)
    I wrote a little program which load and scale the image.
    Here is the result :
    Time to load image : 171 ms.
    Time to scale image : 157 ms.
    Time to load image : 1157 ms.
    Time to scale image : 2578 ms.How can this huge difference explained ?
    Thanks for your help.
    The program :
    public class Test
         private final static BufferedImage scale(BufferedImage source, float scaleFactor)
              int width = Math.round(source.getWidth()*scaleFactor);
              int height = Math.round(source.getHeight()*scaleFactor);
              ColorModel dstCM = source.getColorModel();
              BufferedImage dst = new BufferedImage(dstCM, dstCM.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height), dstCM.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
              Image scaledImage = source.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
              Graphics2D g = dst.createGraphics();
              g.drawImage(source, 0, 0, width, height, null);
              return dst;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              String imagePath = "cat1.jpg";
              //String imagePath = "cat2.jpg";
              long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              BufferedImage image = File(imagePath));
              long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              System.out.println("Time to load image : " + (t2-t1) + " ms.");
              t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              image = scale(image, 0.2f);
              t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              System.out.println("Time to scale image : " + (t2-t1) + " ms.");

    I have a strange problem.
    Some of my images are VERY slow to load,
    scale... (any image operation).
    I have those 2 images : (25Ko : 295x551
    pixels) (24Ko : 295x551
    I wrote a little program which load and scale the
    Here is the result :
    Time to load image : 171 ms.
    Time to scale image : 157 ms.
    Time to load image : 1157 ms.
    Time to scale image : 2578 ms.How can this huge difference explained ?
    Thanks for your help.Using the Netbeans profiler, I can see that for some reason, the cat2.jpg image is resulting in a hot spot where the scale() method ends up performing a color conversion via ColorConvertOp. Placing a debugger breakpoint on this call and debugging the code using cat1.jpg, the method is never called. So, there is something different about the color models of the two images, or there is a bug in the image reading code that is misinterpreting the image data.
    This bug may be what you are seeing:

  • Image operation

    Hello everybody,
    I am trying to do a simple task yet I have been unable to complete it successfully.
    I have an avi video and I want to extract a particular frame from it, then I want to subtract this frame to other frames in the video, this could be helpful for instance to remove the background from a video. The video corresponds to a bubble that grows and collapses in a few frames.
    I am able to do the subtraction from operation (i.e.. Frame 2 - frame 1); I then convert the resulting image to a grayscale image (SSL) with the IMAQ cast image VI/ However, the resulting image is all black. I expected to see the difference between the two images as a dark ring that shows the growth of the bubble and not only a black image. 
    Can somebody give me a hand with this problem?
    I am attaching the VI and the video(Test.avi). 
    Test.avi ‏159 KB ‏57 KB

    Hi Roberto83
    You probably have to allocate memory for both Frame A and B by using IMAQ Create.
    See attached VI.
    Attachments: ‏61 KB

  • Problem in saving the image into SQL database..

    In my application I have to save image file (say jpg) into the database and retrieve back and display it on the applet. I am through with grabbing the pixels of the image & sending the pixel array to the servlet but I am struck in how to store the image into the database and retrieve the same.
    Can anybody please help me in this regard... its really urgent...
    Thanks in advance

    I've been researching this problem (saving images in a MySQL database) in order to accomplish a task I was assigned to. Finally I was able to do it. I'd be glad if it will be of any use.
    First of all: the original question was related to an applet. So, the post from rkippen should be read. It says almost everything, leaving the code job for us. Since I managed to write some code, I'll put it here, but I'm not dealing with the byte transferring issue.
    To obtain a byte array from a file I'd open the file with FileInputStream and use a loop to read bytes from it and save them into a ByteArrayOutputStream object. The ByteArrayOutputStream class has a method named �toByteArray()� which returns an array of bytes (byte [] b = baos.toByteArray()) that can be transferred in a socket connection, as said by rkippen.
    My problem was to save an image captured by a web camera. I had an Image object, which I converted into a byte array and saved into the database. Eventually I had to read the image and show it to the user.
    The table in the MySQL database could be:
    CREATE TABLE  test (
      id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      img blob NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (id)
    )I had problems trying to use the �setBlob� and �getBlob� methods in the Statement object, so I used the �setBytes� and �getBytes� methods . In the end, I liked these methods most because they where more suitable to my application.
    The database operations are:
        public int insertImage(Image image) throws SQLException {
            int id = -1;
            String sql = "insert into test (img) values (?)\n";
            PreparedStatement ps = this.getStatement(sql);  // this method is trivial
            byte [] bytes = this.getBytes(imagem); // * see below
            ps.setBytes(1, bytes);
            id = ps.getGeneratedKeys().getInt(0); //Actually I couldn't make this line work yet.
            return id;
        public Image selectImage(int id) throws SQLException {
            Image img = null;
            String sql = "select img from test where id = ?\n";
            PreparedStatement ps = getStatement(sql);
            ps.setInt(1, id);
            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
            if ( {
                byte [] bytes = rs.getBytes(1);
                img = this.getImage(bytes); // * see below
            return img;
        }* If the bytes are read directly from a file, I think it is not necessary to convert it into an Image. Just send the bytes to the database method would work. On the other hand, if the image read form the DB will be written directly into files, the bytes obtained from rs.getBytes(1) would be enough.
    The image operations are:
        public byte [] getBytes(Image image) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
                ImageIO.write(this.getBufferedImage(image), "JPEG", baos);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
            return baos.toByteArray();
        public Image getImage(byte [] bytes)  {
            Image image = null;
            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
            try {
                image =;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
            return image;
        public BufferedImage getBufferedImage(Image image) {
            int width = image.getWidth(null);
            int height = image.getHeight(null);
            BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            Graphics2D g2d = bi.createGraphics();
            g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
            return bi;
        }That's it. I hope it is useful.

  • [GDI PLUS and win32] - why i only get a black image?

    heres my image class:
    class image
    ULONG_PTR m_gdiplusToken;
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
    HDC hdcimage=CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    Gdiplus::Graphics *graphic;
    Image *img;
    int imageheight=0;
    int imageweight=0;
    int framecount=0;
    int intSelectFrame=0;
    int framedelay=0;
    string strfilename="";
    Gdiplus::Color clrBackColor=Gdiplus::Color::Transparent;
    HDC hdcwindow;
    bool blnTransparent=true;
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    HBITMAP hbitmap=CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcimage,1,1);
    SelectObject(hdcimage, hbitmap);
    image(HDC hdcWindow)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    image(int width, int height)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    hdcimage = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    HBITMAP hbitmap=CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcimage,width,height);
    SelectObject(hdcimage, hbitmap);
    image( const string & filename)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    if(toupper(filename[filename.size()-3])=='C' && toupper(filename[filename.size()-2])=='U' && toupper(filename[filename.size()-1])=='R')
    //create the transparent icon handle
    ICONINFO ii;
    BOOL fResult = GetIconInfo(hicon, &ii);
    if (fResult)
    BITMAP bm;
    fResult = GetObject(ii.hbmMask, sizeof(bm), &bm) == sizeof(bm);
    if (fResult)
    imageweight= bm.bmWidth;
    imageheight= ii.hbmColor ? bm.bmHeight : bm.bmHeight / 2;
    if (ii.hbmMask) DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask);
    if (ii.hbmColor) DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor);
    HBITMAP hbitmap=CreateBitmap(imageweight,imageheight,1,32,NULL);//create the bitmap with icon size
    SelectObject(hdcimage, hbitmap);//add the bitmap to memory DC
    DrawIconEx(hdcimage,0,0,hicon,imageweight,imageheight,0,0,DI_NORMAL);//draw the icon to DC with right size
    //seems the DrawIcon(), always, draw it with 32X32 size
    Gdiplus::Image img2(towstring(filename).c_str());
    HBITMAP hbitmap=CreateBitmap(img2.GetWidth(),img2.GetHeight(),1,32,NULL);
    SelectObject(hdcimage, hbitmap);
    Gdiplus::Graphics graphics(hdcimage);
    graphics.DrawImage(&img2, 0, 0, img2.GetWidth(), img2.GetHeight());
    Gdiplus::Font fnt(L"Verdana", 10);
    Gdiplus::SolidBrush solidBrush(Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 0, 0));
    Gdiplus::PointF pt(2, 2);
    Gdiplus::Pen pen(Gdiplus::Color(255,0,255,0));
    graphics.DrawString(L"Drawing Text", -1,&fnt, pt,&solidBrush );
    graphics.DrawLine(&pen, 0, 0, 200, 100);
    UINT count = 0;
    count = img2.GetFrameDimensionsCount();
    GUID* pDimensionIDs = (GUID*)malloc(sizeof(GUID)*count);
    img2.GetFrameDimensionsList(pDimensionIDs, count);
    framedelay =img2.GetPropertyItemSize(PropertyTagFrameDelay);
    img=new Image(towstring(filename).c_str());
    image (const image &cSource)
    image& operator= (const image &cSource)
    return *this;
    property <int> SelectFrame
    return intSelectFrame;
    Set(int selectframe)
    UINT count = 0;
    count = img->GetFrameDimensionsCount();
    GUID* pDimensionIDs = (GUID*)malloc(sizeof(GUID)*count);
    img->GetFrameDimensionsList(pDimensionIDs, count);
    graphic=new Graphics(hdcimage);
    graphic->DrawImage(img, 0, 0, img->GetWidth(), img->GetHeight());
    property<int> FramesCount
    return framecount;
    property<Gdiplus::Color> Backcolor
    return clrBackColor;
    Set(Gdiplus::Color bkcolor)
    clrBackColor = bkcolor;
    void draw(HDC control)
    //if (clrBackColor.GetValue() == Gdiplus::Color::Transparent)
    if (clrBackColor.GetValue()== Gdiplus::Color::Transparent)
    TransparentBlt(control, 0, 0,width(),height(),hdcimage, 0, 0,width(), height(), GetPixel(hdcimage,width()-1,height()-1));
    operator HBITMAP()
    HBITMAP hbitmap=CreateBitmap(imageweight,imageheight,1,32,NULL);//create the bitmap with icon size
    SelectObject(hdcimage, hbitmap);//add the bitmap to memory DC
    return hbitmap;
    int height()
    return imageheight;
    int width()
    return imageweight;
    operator HDC()
    return hdcimage;
    delete img;
    //SelectObject(hdcimage, hbmOld);
    when i create an image object i must put a file name. now i need show it on menus, by HBITMAP. so i did:
    operator HBITMAP()
    HBITMAP hbitmap=CreateBitmap(imageweight,imageheight,1,32,NULL);//create the bitmap with icon size
    SelectObject(hdcimage, hbitmap);//add the bitmap to memory DC
    return hbitmap;
    //on menus
    void bitmap(image imgImage)
    //HBITMAP bitimage = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( NULL, filename.c_str(), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
    HMENU hMenu = NULL;
    hMenu = mnuBar;
    hMenu = MenuHandle;
    SetMenuItemBitmaps(hMenu,menuposition,MF_BYPOSITION ,(HBITMAP)imgImage ,(HBITMAP)imgImage);
    i don't get any errors. my problem is: why i get only a black color?
    when i do:
    SelectObject(hdcimage, hbitmap);
    is copy everything from HDC to hbitmap, right?

    now works fine. thanks for all
    class image
    ULONG_PTR m_gdiplusToken;
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
    HDC hdcimage=CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    HBITMAP btBitmap;
    Image *img;
    int imageheight=0;
    int imageweight=0;
    int framecount=0;
    int intSelectFrame=0;
    int framedelay=0;
    string strfilename="";
    Gdiplus::Color clrBackColor=Gdiplus::Color::Transparent;
    HDC hdcwindow;
    bool blnTransparent=true;
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    obj = SelectObject(hdcimage, btBitmap);
    image(HDC hdcWindow)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    image(int width, int height)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    hdcimage = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    btBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcimage,width,height);
    obj = SelectObject(hdcimage, btBitmap);
    image( const string & filename)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    if(toupper(filename[filename.size()-3])=='C' && toupper(filename[filename.size()-2])=='U' && toupper(filename[filename.size()-1])=='R')
    //create the transparent icon handle
    ICONINFO ii;
    BOOL fResult = GetIconInfo(hicon, &ii);
    if (fResult)
    BITMAP bm;
    fResult = GetObject(ii.hbmMask, sizeof(bm), &bm) == sizeof(bm);
    if (fResult)
    imageweight= bm.bmWidth;
    imageheight= ii.hbmColor ? bm.bmHeight : bm.bmHeight / 2;
    if (ii.hbmMask) DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask);
    if (ii.hbmColor) DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor);
    btBitmap=CreateBitmap(imageweight,imageheight,1,32,NULL);//create the bitmap with icon size
    obj = SelectObject(hdcimage, btBitmap);//add the bitmap to memory DC
    DrawIconEx(hdcimage,0,0,hicon,imageweight,imageheight,0,0,DI_NORMAL);//draw the icon to DC with right size
    //seems the DrawIcon(), always, draw it with 32X32 size
    Gdiplus::Image img2(towstring(filename).c_str());
    obj = SelectObject(hdcimage, btBitmap);
    Gdiplus::Graphics graphics(hdcimage);
    graphics.DrawImage(&img2, 0, 0, img2.GetWidth(), img2.GetHeight());
    UINT count = 0;
    count = img2.GetFrameDimensionsCount();
    GUID* pDimensionIDs = (GUID*)malloc(sizeof(GUID)*count);
    img2.GetFrameDimensionsList(pDimensionIDs, count);
    if (framecount>1)
    framedelay =img2.GetPropertyItemSize(PropertyTagFrameDelay);
    framedelay =0;
    img=new Image(towstring(filename).c_str());
    image (const image &cSource)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    obj = SelectObject(hdcimage, btBitmap);
    image& operator= (const image &cSource)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
    obj = SelectObject(hdcimage, btBitmap);
    return *this;
    property <int> SelectFrame
    return intSelectFrame;
    Set(int selectframe)
    UINT count = 0;
    count = img->GetFrameDimensionsCount();
    GUID* pDimensionIDs = (GUID*)malloc(sizeof(GUID)*count);
    img->GetFrameDimensionsList(pDimensionIDs, count);
    Gdiplus::Graphics graphics(hdcimage);
    graphics.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, img->GetWidth(), img->GetHeight());
    property<int> FramesCount
    return framecount;
    property<string> FileName
    return strfilename;
    Set(string filename)
    delete img;
    if(toupper(filename[filename.size()-3])=='C' && toupper(filename[filename.size()-2])=='U' && toupper(filename[filename.size()-1])=='R')
    //create the transparent icon handle
    ICONINFO ii;
    BOOL fResult = GetIconInfo(hicon, &ii);
    if (fResult)
    BITMAP bm;
    fResult = GetObject(ii.hbmMask, sizeof(bm), &bm) == sizeof(bm);
    if (fResult)
    imageweight= bm.bmWidth;
    imageheight= ii.hbmColor ? bm.bmHeight : bm.bmHeight / 2;
    if (ii.hbmMask) DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask);
    if (ii.hbmColor) DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor);
    btBitmap=CreateBitmap(imageweight,imageheight,1,32,NULL);//create the bitmap with icon size
    obj = SelectObject(hdcimage, btBitmap);//add the bitmap to memory DC
    DrawIconEx(hdcimage,0,0,hicon,imageweight,imageheight,0,0,DI_NORMAL);//draw the icon to DC with right size
    //seems the DrawIcon(), always, draw it with 32X32 size
    Gdiplus::Image img2(towstring(filename).c_str());
    obj = SelectObject(hdcimage, btBitmap);
    Gdiplus::Graphics graphics(hdcimage);
    graphics.DrawImage(&img2, 0,0,img2.GetWidth(),img2.GetHeight());
    UINT count = 0;
    count = img2.GetFrameDimensionsCount();
    GUID* pDimensionIDs = (GUID*)malloc(sizeof(GUID)*count);
    img2.GetFrameDimensionsList(pDimensionIDs, count);
    framedelay =img2.GetPropertyItemSize(PropertyTagFrameDelay);
    img=new Image(towstring(filename).c_str());
    property<Gdiplus::Color> Backcolor
    return clrBackColor;
    Set(Gdiplus::Color bkcolor)
    clrBackColor = bkcolor;
    void draw(HDC control)
    //if (clrBackColor.GetValue() == Gdiplus::Color::Transparent)
    if (clrBackColor.GetValue()== Gdiplus::Color::Transparent)
    TransparentBlt(control, 0, 0,width(),height(),hdcimage, 0, 0,width(), height(), GetPixel(hdcimage,width()-1,height()-1));
    operator HBITMAP()
    return btBitmap;
    int height()
    return imageheight;
    int width()
    return imageweight;
    operator HDC()
    return hdcimage;
    //delete graphic; //isn't needed, because i, now, don't use it //and i don't use the new keyword
    delete img;
    //DeleteObject(btBitmap);//don't show me the image. so isn't need too
    thanks for all

  • Trouble Creating System Image in Windows 8.1

    My system: Satellite P55-A5312 with 750GB HDD, Windows 8.1 (upgraded from pre-installed 8.0), BIOS fw 1.90 (just updated)
    Tried to create System Image: Start ==> Search ==> File History ==> System Image Backup ( in lower left corner of the screen).  Successfully finds the 1TB backup drive (newly formatted at NTFS) attached via USB.  Message says 204GB of space will be needed to store the image. (Note: 1TB is almost 5 times what is needed).
    Start Backup ==> "The Backup Failed", "There is not enough disk space to create the volume shadow copy on the storage location, etc.).
    I found the following thread in this forum:​ecovery/System-Image-Fails-on-Windows-8-1-Pro/m-p/​...
    and am curious what the following recommendation means: "To work around this problem, increase the size of the OEM partition on the backup drive."
    What OEM partition?  My backup drive has a single NTFS partition consuming the entire capacity of the HDD.  What am I doing wrong?
    Go to Solution.

    After increasing the size of 1 partition, the System Image utility completed without error.  To fully confirm, I need to try an image restore.
    The long answer is noteworthy (refer to the attached).  I used 3 different methods to query partition size and usage. 
    1. Disk Management shows that 4 of the 5 partiions are 100% free space.  What I don't understand is how the System Image utility of Windows 8.1 understands the partition sizes/usage but Disk Management does not.
    2.  Macrium Reflect gives what appears to be an accurate representation of the partitions and their size/usage.  It also includes a (hidden?) partition not shown in Disk Management, thus 6 instead of 5 partitions.
    3. MiniTool Partition Wizard agrees for the most part with Macrium Reflect with two notable exceptions.  It shows the 128MB partition has zero free space (vs 113.7MB = 89% free space using Macrium Reflect).  This is a BIG difference.  Also, the C partition showed slightly different usage than Macrium Reflect.
    In the end, I used MiniTool Partition Wizard to modify 1 partition only (increase the 350MB partition to 414MB, resulting in a little more than the mandatory 50MB free space).  The System Image operation then completed without error.
    What baffles me is why 3 different utilities give different results of partition usage (I think they all agree on partition size).  I would have never thought that determining partition usage was akin to rocket science, but perhaps it is...
    PartitionInfo.pdf ‏241 KB

  • Setting azure portal icon for new images

    According to the Azure Service Management REST API, one should be able to set the icon to be displayed in the portal using the IconUri and SmallIconUri tags as described here.
    I sent this command with these values set to the URLs for publicly available png icon files and created a new image.  The image was created successfully and no errors were returned, however the icons displayed are still the default windows icons.
    Is this feature disabled somehow or is there some other specification that needs to be set or addressed?
    I could continue to try endless possibilities (like different sized icons or URL locations) but it seems like this should have worked according to the API specification since no other restrictions were stated.
    Could someone please tell me how to get this to work?

    Sorry for mis-understand your question:
    I think this IconURI feature disabled.
    Because in latest Azure Management Class libraries, this class libraries is based on latest Azure REST API.
    You can't find IconUri property.
    MSDN article always update slowly.
    namespace Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute.Models
    // Summary:
    // The List OS Images operation response.
    public class VirtualMachineOSImageListResponse : OperationResponse, IEnumerable<VirtualMachineOSImageListResponse.VirtualMachineOSImage>, IEnumerable
    // Summary:
    // Initializes a new instance of the VirtualMachineOSImageListResponse class.
    public VirtualMachineOSImageListResponse();
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The virtual machine images associated with your subscription.
    public IList<VirtualMachineOSImageListResponse.VirtualMachineOSImage> Images { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Gets the sequence of Images.
    public IEnumerator<VirtualMachineOSImageListResponse.VirtualMachineOSImage> GetEnumerator();
    // Summary:
    // A virtual machine image associated with your subscription.
    public class VirtualMachineOSImage
    // Summary:
    // Initializes a new instance of the VirtualMachineOSImage class.
    public VirtualMachineOSImage();
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The affinity in which the media is located. The AffinityGroup value
    // is derived from storage account that contains the blob in which the media
    // is located. If the storage account does not belong to an affinity group the
    // value is NULL and the element is not displayed in the response. This value
    // is NULL for platform images.
    public string AffinityGroup { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The repository classification of the image. All user images have
    // the category User.
    public string Category { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies the description of the image.
    public string Description { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies the End User License Agreement that is associated with
    // the image. The value for this element is a string, but it is recommended
    // that the value be a URL that points to a EULA.
    public string Eula { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies a value that can be used to group images.
    public string ImageFamily { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Indicates whether the image contains software or associated services
    // that will incur charges above the core price for the virtual machine. For
    // additional details, see the PricingDetailLink element.
    public bool? IsPremium { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. An identifier for the image.
    public string Label { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies the language of the image. The Language element is only
    // available using version 2013-03-01 or higher.
    public string Language { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The geo-location in which this media is located. The Location value
    // is derived from storage account that contains the blob in which the media
    // is located. If the storage account belongs to an affinity group the value
    // is NULL. If the version is set to 2012-08-01 or later, the locations are
    // returned for platform images; otherwise, this value is NULL for platform
    // images.
    public string Location { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The size, in GB, of the image.
    public double LogicalSizeInGB { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The location of the blob in Azure storage. The blob location belongs
    // to a storage account in the subscription specified by the SubscriptionId
    // value in the operation call. Example:
    public Uri MediaLinkUri { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The name of the operating system image. This is the name that is
    // used when creating one or more virtual machines using the image.
    public string Name { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The operating system type of the OS image. Possible values are:
    // Linux, Windows.
    public string OperatingSystemType { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies a URL for an image with IsPremium set to true, which
    // contains the pricing details for a virtual machine that is created from the
    // image. The PricingDetailLink element is only available using version 2012-12-01
    // or higher.
    public Uri PricingDetailUri { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies the URI that points to a document that contains the privacy
    // policy related to the image.
    public Uri PrivacyUri { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies the date when the image was added to the image repository.
    public DateTime PublishedDate { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. The name of the publisher of this OS Image in Azure.
    public string PublisherName { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies the size to use for the virtual machine that is created
    // from the OS image.
    public string RecommendedVMSize { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    // Optional. Specifies the URI to the small icon that is displayed when the
    // image is presented in the Azure Management Portal. The SmallIconUri element
    // is only available using version 2013-03-01 or higher.
    public Uri SmallIconUri { get; set; }
    You can get this class libraries by nuget manage cmd:
    Install-Package Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Libraries -Pre
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  • How to refresh an Image component

    I have a parent page with a table to show employees and a tab to show detail of employees
    Detail is in a Region and is sharing the same datacontrol with parent page and i don´t have any parameter in task flow.
    Sincronization Parent - Detail works fine using Partialtriggers.
    Detail Region has a button for upload an image and another button to process the image and an Image component(by servlet) to show it.
    Process button call an operation exposed in AM, This method do Insert or Update in IMAGE TABLE.
    The problem is than image is not refreshed until i do full refresh the page.(but only occurs when updating the image, for insert the Image component show the new image)
    I tried this code at end of process button logic but i can't achieve refresh the image.
      public void saveFileUploaded() {
          oper =
           Map args = operaImatge.getParamsMap();
           args.put("empId", empId);
           args.put("imatgeBlob", createBlobDomain(file));
    // try refresh entire region method 1
       // try refresh image component
      //  try refresh region method 2    
           RichRegion region = (RichRegion)JSFUtils.findComponentInRoot("r1");
      }Any suggestion?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: DV on 03-sep-2011 17:36
    Edited by: DV on 04-sep-2011 11:33

    I have updated the use case at first message.
    you wrote
    you have a binding to the component that is holding the image.. and then refresh the container region..
    that would refresh the image inside.
    can you give two cents?
    i just created a binding for image component but
    what must i do?
    the button for process image (operation exposed in my AM service) and Image component(by servlet) are in the same .jsff.
    Means the changes occurs in same jsff without interaction with parent page.
    Edited by: DV on 04-sep-2011 11:43

  • How to use local variables to pass an image mask correctly

    I'm kind of new to labview but i'll try to explain the problem as best as i can: I'm trying to pass an image mask (basically an image) to the next iteration of a while loop using local variables. I think the image passes through the loop with the local variable but i can't read from it correctly for some reason. And I don't think the problem has to do with local variables because i've tried using shift registers and that didnt work either. I think the problem is that you need to do something to read the image correctly again, like using IMAQ copy or something (that didnt work tho), but i can't figure out what the problem is. Does anyone know what the problem is? I know this isnt a great explanation and if its too confusing i could send some snapshots of the program or something. Any help would be greatly appreciated though.

    So i attached 2 snapshots of the program to give a better idea of the problem. The first snapshot shows an image getting written to the local variable SavedMask. The second snapshot, which is run on the next iteration of a while loop, shows the local variable SavedMask being read to other image operations. When i run the program, the SavedMask image is always displayed correctly on the front panel, but i can't read from it for whatever reason. I think the problem could be like you said, that im only passing an imaq reference, and i think theres a certain way to extract the image data. Do you know the correct way to extract the image data or how to pass the image data and not just a reference to the data.
    first.jpg ‏81 KB
    second.jpg ‏68 KB

  • Replication of image files

    In the zenworks documentation i read the following.
    Selecting this option installs the Imaging services and adds the Imaging role to the device. With this role, the device can be used as an Imaging server to perform all the Imaging operations, such as taking an image, applying an image, and multicasting an image. However, the ZENworks images are not replicated from the Primary Server to Imaging Satellites.
    When in ZCC and i choose to configure satellite server i can check mark the imaging satellite role.
    In the configure imaging satellite role i can choose Configure Imaging Content Replication
    Can somebody tell me why you have this option if the documentation says it can not be done?

    frigge wrote:
    > In the zenworks documentation i read the following.
    > Selecting this option installs the Imaging services and adds the
    > Imaging role to the device. With this role, the device can be used as
    > an Imaging server to perform all the Imaging operations, such as
    > taking an image, applying an image, and multicasting an image.
    > *However, the ZENworks images are not replicated from the Primary
    > Server to Imaging Satellites.*
    > When in ZCC and i choose to configure satellite server i can check
    > mark the imaging satellite role.
    > In the configure imaging satellite role i can choose *Configure
    > Imaging Content Replication*
    > Can somebody tell me why you have this option if the documentation
    > says it can not be done?
    I believe what they mean with "Imaging Content" is files regarding the
    PXE imaging role, like tftp and preboot files etc. Not images per say.
    A true red devil...
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  • Strange behaviour writing images.

    Hi All,
    I am using the javax.imageio package to do (what I thought would be) simple image resizes on the server side. I am completely baffled by the following behaviour though:
    * Images are resized correctly.
    * When resized to be smaller than the original size, they are shown correctly in the browser.
    * When resized to be larger than the original size, the browser shows an image of the correct dimensions but the bottom portion of the image is blank. The size of the blank portion is directly proportional to the size of the resize.
    * When I get the servlet to write to a file instead of the ServletOutputStream, the image does not have the blank portion.
    * When I get the servlet to write to a file, and then send the file to the ServletOutputStream the image does have the blank portion.
    * The problem persists if I use an AffineTransform to do the scaling instead of using Image.getScaledInstance().
    * No combination of flushing/closing/disposing resources seems to bring back the blank portion.
    * Using a MediaTracker to wait for image operations to complete has no effect.
    * Using Thread.sleep() to wait for image operations to complete has no effect.
    * The problem persists regardless of whether I use ImageIO.write() or ImageWriter.write().
    * Changing the response buffer size has no effect.
    * ImageIO.setUseCache(false) has no influence.
    * Both IE and Firefox show the blank portions.
    * I think I am going crazy.
    Here is the code which does the transform and sends the output (you don't see the declarations, but 'output' is just response.getOuputStream()):
                    /* do the resize */
                    transform = new AffineTransformOp
                           ((double) width) / image.getWidth(),
                           ((double) height) / image.getHeight()),
                    scaledImage = transform.filter(image, null);
                    /* write to a servlet output stream */
                    i = ImageIO.getImageWritersByMIMEType(file.getContentType());
                    imStream = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(output);
                    imWriter = (ImageWriter);
                    /* free resources */
                    output.flush();If anybody has any suggestions, I'm all ears!

    * I think I am going crazy.Not crazy... just stupid:
    response.setContentLength((int) file.getSize());I was setting the content length to the size of the original image.

  • CS4 very slow image linking.

    We are having a efficiency issues with CS4.
    We have a large IDML document with 80 pages and 1800 images. Each image is about 24kb jpg.
    If we open the document and InDesign can find images, it will take hours to open the document. And it is very annoying that InDesign stops responding and doesn't show even a progressbar while opening the document.
    If we open the document and InDesign cannot find images, it will open the document in few minutes. Then if we fix the location of images and say "Update all links" or "Relink" broken links, InDesign will start fetching the images but it again takes hours..
    It doesn't matter if the images are on the server or local machine.
    If we update the links in smaller chunks, it will take a few minutes to update all the links. Little more testing shows that the time the InDesign takes to fetch the images increases exponentially when the amount of images increases. That seems a bug to me.
    I'm not sure what InDesign is doing when it fetches images but I know it becomes way too slow and it propably does too much.
    Is this fixed in CS5? And if not, please fix this.
    We are running CS4 InDesign 6.0.6 in Mac OSX 10.5.8 in Mac pro (2.66GHz with 8Gb memory)

    I have a strange problem.
    Some of my images are VERY slow to load,
    scale... (any image operation).
    I have those 2 images : (25Ko : 295x551
    pixels) (24Ko : 295x551
    I wrote a little program which load and scale the
    Here is the result :
    Time to load image : 171 ms.
    Time to scale image : 157 ms.
    Time to load image : 1157 ms.
    Time to scale image : 2578 ms.How can this huge difference explained ?
    Thanks for your help.Using the Netbeans profiler, I can see that for some reason, the cat2.jpg image is resulting in a hot spot where the scale() method ends up performing a color conversion via ColorConvertOp. Placing a debugger breakpoint on this call and debugging the code using cat1.jpg, the method is never called. So, there is something different about the color models of the two images, or there is a bug in the image reading code that is misinterpreting the image data.
    This bug may be what you are seeing:

  • How to Convert Bitmap Images into WPF XAML files

    I am tasked with converting about twenty bitmap images into a workable XAML file complete with all of the path statements, line segments, arc segments, etc. Is there a tool out there that take the bitmap image and create an entirely new XAML file?

    this is not a trivial task [and maybe beyond the scope of this forum]. If you had some vector image like svg images there might be a control out to use, but with raster images, I dont know of any control or code to use; I *think*, you will have to vectorize
    the image content yourself, which isn't that easy...
    So, is Background and Foreground easily distinguishable? Do shapes overlap? ...
    If there are only some shapes in the image and BG and FG can be separated easily then you could "scan" the image by some chaincode like operation to get the contours/contour vectors and then decide what to do. If there are patterns in BG or FG
    things will become more difficult, you then will have to perform more math-to-image operations and a vector-representation while reading/scanning the image might not be enough (keywords are computer vision, pattern recognition [with multi-linear-forms] etc).
    Maybe an existing computer vision [-able] component loke opencv can help a lot...
    Edit: I just did a google lookup and found eg this:
    I havent read it so far, so I cannot say, if its what you need, but title and a quick view into looks promising/interesting.

  • ZENworks Imaging Loop

    Sorry for posting again, but here is some more information, as well as some extra things we have tried.
    The screen results with this exit code after the workstation has been imaged, prior to booting back into PXE and then re-imaging, along with completion and the same message.
    ================================================== ==================
    Novell ZENworks Imaging Engine v10.2.0.0
    Copyright 1999-2009, Novell, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    Imaging operation(s) assigned by
    Elapsed time: 12:48
    No more jobs to be done in policy
    ZENworks imaging failed with error: 52.
    Novell ZENworks SID changer for linux
    Version Copyright 2007 - 2009
    Exiting: Computer has not been recently imaged
    ================================================== ==================
    The above message occurs (and this happens to other Laptops & PCs) after the machine has been imaged, but we are still having the computer re-imaging itself, it is in a constant loop.
    We were running Zenworks 7SP1 IR4. Last week we loaded Zenworks 7SP1 SR4.
    My manager has rolled back to IR4, but no change, as we have computers constantly re-imaging over and over in a loop.
    I have tried deleting the workstation object (name) from within ConsoleOne, and still the problem occurs. I have also made sure there are no add-on images attached to the imaging.
    Now, whenever we image a PC, the imaging process appears to finish, but we get an error: "Zenworks Imaging failed with Error:52"
    The system then reboots and starts the process again. If you look at the workstation properties, the Zenworks Image tickbox has not cleared, and hence the restart of the imaging.
    I found that Zenworks error 52 is: "52 - No partition type given when asked to create a part". I don't know why it would be saying that. (It is also possible that this message has always been there, but we have never noticed it, as the process has always worked).
    I came across an article that suggests the "ZENworks agent on the workstation has to be the same version as the ZENworks snap-ins in ConsoleOne".
    We are using:
    ConsoleOne Version 1.3.6h
    ZENworks Desktop Management 7.0.1 = snap-ins for configuring policy settings
    ZENworks Desktop Management 7.0.1 = snap-ins for administering and managing software distributions
    If you have any ideas could you please let us know?
    Cheers and thanks,

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    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
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    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
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    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • How search for a string or image inside an image?

    Here's what I want to do:
    1. The user has an image that they don't know if they or someone else applied some modification to (either drawing some text on it or an image)
    2. The program can look and see if he text is drawn at a specific size, font, style, location, angle and alpha on the image (or an image done much the same way on top)
    How would I do this? Is it possible to look for that pattern without the original, unmarked image? (So you couldn't compare it and see if the pixels in that location differ the right way)
    Is this even possible in Java? Where do i start?

    The second way (with no original image to compare to) might be impossible.>No, no. That is what the scrying is for, just scan (or grab an image via a webcam) the crystal ball for an image to work with, then proceed with the strategy you outlined for comparing 2 images. ;-)
    As far as image filters that compare one image with another, you might first look to a video processing tool such as AviSynth. It is a script based video editing tool (that can work equally well with static images), that provides a whole heap of image operations that allow easy comparison of images. I mention it because I am guessing you will see an image operation that works for your purposes, and can then research the filter type for how to go about implementing it in Java.
    For (vague) example, one image subtracts the other, with a 'minimum threshold' set to account for the slight changes that might occur between PNG and JPEG - if there are no changes, the resulting image should be 'black'.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Firefox will not start and any attempts to do so opens a crash report which neither properly closes nor restarts firefox.

    firefox was working this morning but in the afternoon, after i got off a game that did not require use of firefox, firefox would not start. it does not show up in the task manager and typing "firefox.exe -ProfileManager" into the search box opens a c

  • Display WSDL in PI 7.0

    Hi folks, In PI 7.0 Where i can get "Display WSDL" option.If it is not there ,may i know the alternative .Please suggest me Thanks, Dileep

  • Linking Knowledge Directory to Oracle UCM

    I have my Portal running in ALUI. I need to create a Knowledgebase – possibly external as this needs to be accessed by applications other than the portal as well – but I need to search/browse through this from the portal. The Search UI / inputs will

  • No Dolby AC3 presets showing up

    I've been using Adobe Media Encoder CD6 since it was released and finding it vastly superior to Compressor in regards to output quality. The only problem I had been having was that it didn't have a preset for Dolby AC3, so I would do the video in AME

  • Can't share wireless

    To whomever can help me, I have had the Time Capsule for almost two years. I never had a problem using multiple devices to obtain the internet. I moved to Japan and have it connected to ethernet ( I was using a cable modem stateside) I can't get my i