IMove HD Trailers Won't Play

Just got the new MacBook, tested out the remote and played some iMovie HD Trailers and they played with ease. I have gone back now to view more trailers with the remote and they are not loading. Anyone esle having this problem? Solutions? THanks

thanks for responding, to be a bit more clear-
i am referring to the new remote which accompanies the MacBook. heres what i do when i use the remote
menu>videos>movie trailers> and i select preferred trailer
the trailer appears to be loading but never plays its just staying in the loading state, i've tried leaving it for mins. and mins. to let it work itself out but the trailer still never plays.
trailers from running off of quicktime run fine.
hope that helps. thanks

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    Sorry, but there's a dedicated discussion forum for iMovie, where you might be luckier finding help.

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    Mine seems fine, but you might post a link to a specific trailer.
    It's possible it may be Flash related, some early disks broke Flash.
    What version of QuickTime do you have? Which browser are you using?
    Check your version here:

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    I just discovered this problem with both IE8 and Firefox. Adobe is aware of the issue:
    I followed the instructions in the above link and at least got videos working again in IE8, it says this also works for IE9 but I didn't try that out.
    To make youtube videos work in firefox I put an s in http: to make the URL read https: and that allows the videos to play.
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    Most probably iDVD pref file - trash it - or even better start a new User-account
    log into this and have a re-try.
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows.*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Hard disk is untidy. Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Delete iDVD pref file - *or rather start a new user/account* - log into this and re-try
    iDVD pref file resides. Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences and is named.
    While iDVD is NOT RUNNING - move this file out to desk-top.
    Now restart iDVD.
    • Program miss-match. iDVD 5.0.2, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK - DON’T work under Leopard
    • Program miss-match. iDVD 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iDVD’08 v. 7.0.1, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • iDVD (08) v7 Locate theme folder. Move out iDVD1, iDVD 2 and eventually iDVD4 folders to desktop - re-try
    • Try a Cleaning CD/DVD that cleans the laser lens on the DVD burner/player
    iDVD 6.0.4 and iDVD 7.0.1 are compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    Last resort. from Craig. Solved the problem!! Finally!!
    I deleted every iDVD application and folder from my boot drive,
    emptied the trash and then installed iDVD 08 using the customize option
    and I am up and running.
    If You do a re-install be sure to get rid of all iDVD old parts AND then EMPTY the Trash-basket !
    iDVD updated ?
    Apple Codec updated ?
    Start a New Clean project - or delete project assets
    Yours Bengt W

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    Yahoo QT trailers load fine (well, the "Pirates 2" one did) and QT files I d/l to my hard drive play like a wonder.
    So, what could be the problem here?
      Windows XP  

    This forum is for the support of ARD Apple Remote Desktop which is software used to remotely mange apple computers
    nothing to do with Apple remote controllers
    Try ry changing the battery in the remote, if that doesn't work try posting in one of the hardware forums

  • Apple  trailers won't play

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    Uninstall the Divx Player, repair permissions, restart your computer.  Either use Quicktime 10 or Quicktime 7 which is located inside your Utility Folder.
    Still having trouble?  Install Perian, repair permissions and restart your computer after the installation.

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    anyone else having trouble viewing downloaded iTunes Theatrical Trailers? They get the QuickTime icon on them and not the thumbnail, and when it comes to playback, they just show a black image.

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    Secondarily, I've run the recommended "Pro Video Formats" update twice and the Mac keeps suggesting it as a necessary update, even after the update has been installed. (not sure if this problem is relevant to the primary QT problem.)  I have also restarted the Mac after both updates.
    Any suggestions?

    Using Chrome on my 2008 MacBook Pro (2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, OS X Lion 10.7.5 [11G63]).
    If using latest version of Chrome which eliminates access of the QT Plugin, then switch to Safari or download the trailers or trailer URL for direct playback in the QT X or QT 7 player.

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