Imovie 6 themes

I need iMovie 6 themes - don' know where they went to.....

mwh71057 wrote:
… but HATE new iMovie....
me too, when iMovie-b appeared, 5y ago, as iM08.
(I posted here a 'first look' review .... ooohhh, I was grumpy!)
it was just a demo for a complete new approach to the theme 'how to edit?', misleading with the same name as iM-a, the dv-editor.-
vers09 brought back basics as slowmo ....
vers11 is a nice hobbyist tool.
vers13 will hopefully bring back support of plug-ins …-
and iMovie-b was an excellent preparation for switching to FinalCutProX, which was 2y ago 'iMovie on steroids'!
no wonder - same creator … all major video-editors (Premiere, FC/p, FC/e, iM-a, iM-b, FCPX) were designed by the same person!
.... it needs a while to get comfortable - but then you will never go back! What you need is a start from the ground, with an "I have no idea of editing!"-attitude, and stsart by 0.- ......
enjoy movie making!

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    (Like iPhoto does with photos) But not one at a time! If that is not possible with IMovie, can iTunes do that?
    I want to import my videos from an external drive to my Mac Book Pro 10.8.3. Thank you so much for your time and patience.

    Hi Walter,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below will give you some insight as to how iMovie organizes video:
    iMovie '11: Organize your video
    Organize the Event Library
    When you import video from your camera into iMovie, you name the video (called an Event), and then by default iMovie lists it in the Event Library by the date it was recorded.
    To separate clips in the Event browser by the days they were recorded, choose View > “Show Separate Days in Events.”
    You might want to do this if you have any Events that contain video that was recorded on more than one day. For example, an Event could have video recorded on New Year’s Eve and on New Year’s Day. To find specific clips more easily, you could separate the footage by date.
    I hope this information helps ...
    - Judy

  • Where are all the iMovie HD themes?

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    iMovie 1 to HD6 - is one application that evolved.
    iMovie'08 to 11 - in my opinion totally WRONG NAMED as iMovie and by this implying any relationship at all - AND THERE IS NON - It is a totally new breed and no old functions or Plug-Ins can work here at all.
    If Apple had named the product right - it had had my 100% sympathy but by taking credits of a vastly superior product - it only made me sorry.
    So - There is no THEMES in iMovie'08 to 11
    BTW - Apple did this again with FinalCut - when selling iMovie Pro-X as FinalCut Pro-X - this has nothing to do with original FinalCut either.
    Yours - sorry to be of no comfort - Bengt W

  • IMovie Menu Theme Problem...

    I have made many DVDs happily with iMovie.
    When I started a new project today, however, all the menu themes had dissapeared.
    Only the "Travel" option is now available.
    I've tried looking through the preferences etc. and cannot find any way of opening them again. The help option makes no mention of the problem, either.
    I am running iLife '06 on Panther...

    So, you are writing only about the G5 computer; there is no second unit involved?
    Since you stated "I am running iLife '06 on Panther..." and posted a question in
    a Discussions forum area for the iMac G4 LCD computer with pivoting display,
    the natural assumption based on two provided factoids would point to a second
    computer outside of the one indicated on your signature-line of your posts.
    If that is in error, perhaps the iMovie (iLife) section of the Discussions should be
    visited and the topic addressed in that venue? My post's avatar is an iMac G4.
    {Of course, iMovie would be similar no matter the hardware it is installed into,
    so long as the operating system is the same and the version of iMovie is, too.}
    Was a previous version of iMovie in the computer at an earlier time? Perhaps
    there is a plist or other settings file from a different version; or some other item
    affecting how iMovie works in the computer. Why it would change - is curious.
    Did you boot the computer from the OS X Installer, and run 'repair disk' then also
    run 'repair disk permissions' from the installer's Disk Utility? After quitting the utility,
    and restarting from the computer's hard disk drive, you could re-boot the computer
    and see if SafeBoot mode on startup, plus run the local Disk Utility's 'repair disk
    permissions' then restart normally (SafeBoot= shift key on boot, until login box;
    login and continue to desktop) since you have to exit SafeBoot by restarting.
    In order to re-install iMovie, you would probably have to remove old pkg files for it
    from the receipts folder and plist files from preferences; there are other ways, to
    get just iMovie to reinstall. One is to get and use (in demo) the Pacifist utility; it
    can extract and install just a portion of a software set from the disc.
    I'm not sure why the functions in your iMovie app have changed in such a way.
    There may be some other similar topics in the same section where iLife apps
    are discussed. And some other kinds of maintenance may be required to help
    Leopard function as good as it could be. I'd get and run OnyX from Titanium
    Software, a free download utility tool; the item has a good Automation section
    and that can do a lot of good (and if misused, a little harm) to the OS X system.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Missing IMovie HD Themes

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    Library/Application tools/Imovie/Themes
    Or something like that. I checked and NOTHING is there.
    I checked in my IDVD and the themes are there.
    What happened and how do I get them back.
    I'm using an ILife06 that i'm sharing with my Brother. 5 licences and he has the disks.
    Any Suggestions

    The specific files you're looking for are called:
    If you can't locate them, they must have somehow been deleted. I which case you'll need to reinstall them.
    The themes that iDVD uses are different than those in iMovie. Those files are stored in at Library>Application Support>iDVD>Themes.
    So it's entirely possible to have the iDVD themes without having the iMovie themes.

  • IMovie-like themes in Final Cut Express, without using iMovie

    While I have been getting up to speed using FCE--thanks to Tom Wolski's instructional DVD and book--I was reminded recently while watching a neighbor's video made in iMovie '09 how nice it is to have a variety of pre-made "themes" for titles and transitions.
    Is there a similar set of "themes" one can buy for FCE?
    If not, how can the average person create such themes for FCE? (Does it require other software or a college degree in computer graphic design? Or is this a feature of FCP that is absent in FCE?)
    I know I could apply themes to desired clips in iMovie '09 and then export and reimport into FCE, but I don't want to lose video quality when iMovie "throws out" every other vertical line of interlaced video.
    Thanks in advance for your input.

    Hi Tom:
    Thanks for the reply. I have a few follow-up questions. Please forgive me if they are rudimentary; I'm not at all familiar with FCP or Motion, or these pre-built Motion projects.
    Tom Wolsky wrote:
    They are quite different. They're pre-built Motion projects in which you can load some content or add text depending on the project. They're primarily titling projects so they're not strictly themes in the sense that they are in iMovie.
    I'm trying to get a sense of what these pre-built Motion projects are like. Do they create titles like one would find in the iMovie themes such as Bulletin Board, Filmstrip, or Comic Book? They may be very different. I'd love to see few examples of these pre-built Motion projects on the web. Can you steer me to a URL where I can see such examples on the web? Any ideas how I get a better sense of what these pre-built Motion projects offer?
    There are no associated transitions with them for instance, though most of the pre-built projects could be edited in Motion and made into alpha transitions.
    Is this something that a person reasonably familiar with FCE could learn to do without too much difficulty in FCP/Motion? Unless Apple decides to release something along these lines in future versions of FCE, I might have to upgrade to FCP, but I don't want to jump in if I'm going to be over my head.
    Do you have any instructional videos out for FCP, Tom?

  • Importing iMovie losses theme

    Hi all,
    This is my 1st project, so please bear with me
    iMovie is sooo much easier, but I want to burn a DVD.
    Anyway when I add a video(iMovie) to the menu background while using the command key, all is well. However the whole
    them is gone, it plays in motion, but not in preview.
    Also, the playback cursor is stuck at about the 1st transititon of the video. I think I figured out that you need to uncheck the block (far left) of the track line.
    Whats up with the whole theme issue though? Its actually active in map view.
    iMovie 4 / iDVD 5
    Thanks for your time.

    The iApps are easy to use - BUT - there are many things that may not be intuitive to everyone.
    I strongly suggest you go through the iLife tutorials that can be found at:
    They should make many things much clearer.

  • 3rd Party iMovie 6 Themes

    I'm looking for iMovie Themes from 3rd party developers. But I can't find any. Does somebody know if there are any?

    mwh71057 wrote:
    … but HATE new iMovie....
    me too, when iMovie-b appeared, 5y ago, as iM08.
    (I posted here a 'first look' review .... ooohhh, I was grumpy!)
    it was just a demo for a complete new approach to the theme 'how to edit?', misleading with the same name as iM-a, the dv-editor.-
    vers09 brought back basics as slowmo ....
    vers11 is a nice hobbyist tool.
    vers13 will hopefully bring back support of plug-ins …-
    and iMovie-b was an excellent preparation for switching to FinalCutProX, which was 2y ago 'iMovie on steroids'!
    no wonder - same creator … all major video-editors (Premiere, FC/p, FC/e, iM-a, iM-b, FCPX) were designed by the same person!
    .... it needs a while to get comfortable - but then you will never go back! What you need is a start from the ground, with an "I have no idea of editing!"-attitude, and stsart by 0.- ......
    enjoy movie making!

  • Imovie 6 themes templates

    Hello can anybody recomend me where can i download new and better imovie themes libraries in other to update the ones already in imovie 6 gallery.
    MacBookpro Mac OS X (10.4.6)

    Hi. I googled "free iDVD themes" and came up with a few web sites that allowed me to download some for free. You can also purchase sets of others or individual ones.
    You can try I have purchased from them before, and Hope this helps.

  • IMovie Scrapbook theme transitions not showing

    Initially, I had my transitions in a Scrapbook theme set automatically. Later on, I decided on change them manually. I moved them around and added new ones, and all the usual ones work faboulously. However, when I add any of the Scrapbook transitions, it simply doesn't work. There is no background, no compilation of photos. Images simply skip from the previous one to the next one. The frustrating part is that in some places it works without any problems, whereas in others, I am simply not able to fix it. When I click on the transition itself, it actually shows the pins on the photos that are to be used in the Scrapbook transition, but still, when I play the movie, the transition doesn't work.
    Any ideas on how to overcome this? I am already losing my mind here...

    facing the same problem too

  • Imovie hd theme flickering

    I have used the pass through theme several times with no problem, both with dv and hdv.
    I have just discovered now (after 5 attempts) that the rendered theme flickers between the blurry part and what looks like a high contrast. This is difficult to describe, but it looks like part of the underlying picture switches between a very high contrast version of the picture and the blurry part of the pass through. Why would the theme generator all of a sudden produce a bad result after several successful attempts?
    I did a search for this problem, but cannot find a similar issue.
    I certainly would appreciate any information that could shed some light on this problem.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but it is not that type of flicker. It is a big block part of the picture that oscillates between regular blurry part and what seems to be color posturize effect.
    The background picture that I am using was a screen shot from the footage and this might be part of the problem as when I use a picture from iphoto, I don't have this problem. But, I have used a screen shot before several times and have not experienced this before.
    It is a weird phenomenon, but if anyone has seen this before, I would sure appreciate any info.
    Macbook Mac OS X (10.4.10)

  • IMovie Update - Themes are gone.

    After performing the update, my themes are all gone. Anyone else having that problem?

    Hi SpencerELE:
    Does this help?
    iDVD: Which themes are included

  • Imovie 06 themes are messing up with SL installed

    I cant use any of the themes in my editing. The program starts to render out upon placement on timeline, then when complete will go blank. Is this due to Snow Leopard being installed?

    Still waiting for a response. Need to know, Im working on a project to use these effects and also the Ken Burns effects on photos.

  • I set the duration of a clip and iMovie sets it to something else. So I try to set all stills to same length and iMovie sets them all to a different interval. Now I have a movie much longer than intended. ?!?!

    Well, the title of the question pretty much says it all.

    If you go to Edit/Preferences, you can set the default duration for each slide. This will affect only those photos you've imported into your project AFTER changing this preference.
    You should also turn off the preference for Scale to Frame Size, so your photos do not fill the screen. (And, for efficiency's sake, make sure your source photos are no larger than 1000x750 pixels, per the FAQs at the top of this forum.)
    You can also set the duration of each slide by selecting all of the stills you want to include on in your slideshow, right-clicking and selecting the Create Slideshow option.

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    Are there third party themes that can be downloaded and added into iMovie 11? I tried Googling for "iMovie 11 themes", but all that comes up are reviews of the built-in ones.

    I would bet you $100 bucks on it. As of today, right now. No there is not any.
    Daniel C. Slagle
    Keeper of the "Unofficial" iMovie FAQ
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link

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