IMovie app don't work with upgrade why

iMovie app dose not work since the upgrade I can not get any media files why

iMovie app dose not work since the upgrade I can not get any media files why

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    Hey Vladimir86,
    This may be a question that MOTU could answer. It says on their website their devices are compatible with GarageBand. Here is link to their support page:
    Here is also a link to the mac setup guide: .pdf
    Hope this helps

  • Apps don't work with new OS

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    Try downloading and installing a new app. Anything (free is fine!).

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    That means the apps are no longer compatible with IOS 4.2.1. - yes you will have to buy a new phone to use those apps.
    this is directly due to the app developer and not on Apple.

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class CSE extends JApplet implements ActionListener, ItemListener
    //ToolBar components
    JToolBar mainSelect = new JToolBar("Materials");
    JButton materials;
    String materialNames[] = {"Fur Square", "Bolt of Linen", "Bolt of Damask", "Bolt of Silk", "Glob of Ectoplasm", "Steel Ingot", "Deldrimor Steel Ingot", "Monstrous Claw", "Monstrous Eye", "Monstrous Fang", "Ruby", "Lump of Charcoal", "Obsidian Shard", "Tempered Glass Vial", "Leather Square", "Elonian Leather Square", "Vial of Ink", "Roll of Parchment", "Roll of Vellum", "Spiritwood Plank", "Amber Chunk", "Jadeite Shard"};
    ImageIcon materialIcons;
    //Graphic components
    JDesktopPane mainGraph = new JDesktopPane();
    JPanel dailyGraph = new JPanel();
    JPanel weeklyGraph = new JPanel();
    JPanel finalPrices = new JPanel();
    Box graphs = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    //The Console
    JFrame CSEFrame = new JFrame();
    JSplitPane mainConsoleBackdrop = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT);
    JSplitPane dataOut = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT);
    JTextArea prediction = new JTextArea(10,10);
    JScrollPane predictionScroll;
    Box finalPricesLabels = Box.createVerticalBox();
    Box finalPricesLay = Box.createVerticalBox();
    JLabel finalBuy = new JLabel("Net Buy Price Change: 0.00");
    JLabel finalSell = new JLabel("Net Sell Price Change: 0.00");
    JLabel buySell = new JLabel("We recommend you: N/A");
    JTextArea priceUpdate = new JTextArea(10, 10);
    JTextArea priceUpdateWeekly = new JTextArea(10, 10);
    JScrollPane priceUScrollW;
    JScrollPane priceUScroll;
    JCheckBox weeklySelect = new JCheckBox("To show weekly price changes.", false);
    JCheckBox dailySelect = new JCheckBox("To show daily price changes.", true);
    ButtonGroup dataToShow = new ButtonGroup();
    String days[] = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
    Calendar calSource = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
    int day = calSource.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int month = calSource.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int year = calSource.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    int monthCheck [] = {Calendar.JANUARY, Calendar.FEBRUARY, Calendar.MARCH, Calendar.APRIL, Calendar.MAY, Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.JULY, Calendar.AUGUST, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, Calendar.OCTOBER, Calendar.NOVEMBER, Calendar.DECEMBER};
    int dayS = day;
    int monthS = month;
    int yearS = year;
    //if there is file found
    boolean proceed = false;
    //int data for analysis
    int buyPrice;
    int currentBuyPrice;
    int sellPrice;
    int currentSellPrice;
    boolean weekly = false;
    //tools for parsing and decoding input
    String inputS = null;
    String s = null;
    Scanner [] week = new Scanner[7];
    Scanner scanner;
    int position = 0;
    //weekly tools
    String weekPos[] = {"Seventh", "Sixth", "Fifth", "Fourth", "Third", "Second", "First"};
    int dayOfWeek = 0; //0 = 7    1 = 6...
                    public JButton getToolBarButton(String s)
                        String imgLoc = "TBar Icons/" +s +".gif";
               imgURL = CSE.class.getResource(imgLoc);
                        JButton button = new JButton();
                        if(imgURL != null)
                            button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(imgURL, s));
                            System.err.println("Couldn't find; " +imgLoc);
                        return button;
                        public CSE()
                                   // super("Test CSE");
                                    for(int x=0; x<materialNames.length; x++)
                                        materials = getToolBarButton(materialNames[x]);
                                    // sizes
                                    setSize(850, 850);
                                    //colors and fonts
                                    weeklyGraph.setBackground(new Color(250, 30, 40));
                                    dailyGraph.setBackground(new Color(100, 40, 200));
                                    //text Manip.
                                    predictionScroll = new JScrollPane(prediction, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
                                    priceUScroll = new JScrollPane(priceUpdate, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
                                    priceUScrollW = new JScrollPane(priceUpdateWeekly, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
                                    //main splitpane config.
                                    //placement and Layout
                                    //consoleData layout
                                    getContentPane().add(mainSelect, BorderLayout.NORTH);
                                   // CSEFrame.setVisible(true);
                                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                                            inputS = e.getActionCommand();
                                            FileReader newRead = null;
                                                    try {
                                                           newRead = new FileReader(monthS +"-" +dayS +"-" +yearS +"/" +inputS +".dat");
                                                           proceed = true;
                                                        catch(FileNotFoundException f)
                                                           System.out.println("File not found");
                                                           proceed = false;
                                          BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(newRead);
                                          scanner  = new Scanner(bufferedReader);
                                         //starts daily analysis
                                        //starts weekly analysis
                                    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
                                    public void weekly(String inputS)
                                        weekly = true;
                                        for(int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                                           dateToUse(month, day, year, (x+1));
                                                    FileReader weeklySource = new FileReader(monthS +"-" +dayS +"-" +year +"/" +inputS +".dat");
                                                    BufferedReader weeklyBuffer = new BufferedReader(weeklySource);
                                                    week[x] = new Scanner(weeklyBuffer);
                                             catch(FileNotFoundException f)
                                                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "No such weekly files- going back;" +(x+1) +"days");
                                        weekly = false;
                                    public void getPrice(Scanner scanner)
                                            //puts into string the next scan token
                                            String s =;
                                            //takes the scan toke above and puts it into an editable enviroment
                                            String [] data = s.split("\\s");
                                            for(position = 0; position < data.length; position++)
                                                        //Scanner test to make sure loop can finish, otherwise "no such line" error
                                                           /*Starts data orignazation by reading from each perspective field
                                                            * 1 = day
                                                            * 2 = day of month
                                                            * 3 = month
                                                            * 4 = year
                                                           if(position == 0 && weekly == false)
                                                               String dayFromFile = data[position];
                                                                int dayNum = Integer.parseInt(dayFromFile);
                                                              priceUpdate.append(days[dayNum-1] +" ");
                                                           else if(position == 1  && weekly == false )
                                                              priceUpdate.append(data[position] + "/");
                                                           else if(position == 2 && weekly == false)
                                                              priceUpdate.append(data[position] + "/");
                                                            else if(position == 3 && weekly == false)
                                                                priceUpdate.append(data[position] +"\n");
                                                           //if it is in [buy] area, it prints and computes
                                                            else if(position == 7)
                                                                //obtains string for buy price and stores it, then prints it
                                                                String buy = data[position];
                                                            if(weekly == false)
                                                            priceUpdate.append("Buy: " +buy +"\n" );
                                                             //converts buy to string
                                                            currentBuyPrice = Integer.parseInt(buy);
                                                            //eliminates problems caused by no data from server- makes the price 0
                                                            if(currentBuyPrice < 0)
                                                                currentBuyPrice = 0;
                                                            //if it is greater it adds
                                                            if(currentBuyPrice > buyPrice)
                                                                     buyPrice += currentBuyPrice;
                                                            //if it is equal [there is no change] then it does nothing    
                                                            if(currentBuyPrice == buyPrice)
                                                                buyPrice +=0;
                                                            //if there is a drop, it subtracts
                                                                   buyPrice -= currentBuyPrice;
                                                            //if it is in [sell] area, it prints, and resets the position to zero because line is over
                                                            else if(position == 8)
                                                                //puts sell data into string and prints it
                                                                String sell = data[position];
                                                                if(weekly == false)
                                                                priceUpdate.append("Sell: " + sell +"\n");
                                                                //turns sell data into int.
                                                              currentSellPrice = Integer.valueOf(sell).intValue();;
                                                            //gets rid of problems caused by no data on server side- makes it 0 
                                                            if(currentSellPrice < 0)
                                                                currentSellPrice = 0;
                                                            //adds if there is an increase
                                                            if(currentSellPrice > sellPrice)
                                                                     sellPrice += currentSellPrice;
                                                            //does nothing if it is the same    
                                                            if(currentSellPrice == sellPrice)
                                                                sellPrice +=0;
                                                            //subtracts if there is drop
                                                                   sellPrice -= currentSellPrice;
                                                                //further protection against "No such line" and moves it down
                                                               if(scanner.hasNextLine() == true)
                                                                //if scanner is finished, prints out all lines
                                                               if(scanner.hasNextLine() == false && weekly == false)
                                                                finalBuy.setText("Net Buy Price Change: "+buyPrice);
                                                                finalSell.setText("Net Sell Price Change: " +sellPrice);
                                                                buyPrice = 0;
                                                                sellPrice = 0;
                                                                position = data.length;
                                                               else if(scanner.hasNextLine() == false && weekly == true)
                                                                   priceUpdateWeekly.append("\n" +weekPos[dayOfWeek] +" day of the week ended with; \nBuy Price;" +buyPrice +"\nSell Price;" +sellPrice);
                                                                   buyPrice = 0;
                                                                   sellPrice = 0;
                                                                   position = data.length;
                                                                   if(dayOfWeek > 6)
                                                                   dayOfWeek = 0;
                                public void getMonth()
                                    for(int x=0; x < monthCheck.length; x++)
                                        if(month == monthCheck[x])
                                              monthS = (x+1);
                                              x = monthCheck.length;
                                 public void dateToUse(int month, int day, int year, int increment)
                                 //set day of source
                                  dayS = (day - increment);
                                //if day of source is less then O then we have moved to another month 
                                if(dayS <= 0)
                                        //checks the difference between how much we have incremented and the day we have started; this tells us how far into the new month we are
                                        int incrementDay = increment - day;
                                        //decrements month
                                        //if month is less then zero, then we have moved into another year and month has become 12
                                        if(monthS <= 0)
                                            monthS = 12;
                                        //the following looks at the current month and if it goes below it assigns the day to the proper ammount of days of the month before minus the days into the month
                                           if(month == 3)
                                               dayS = 28 - incrementDay;
                                           else if(month == 5 || month == 7)
                                               dayS = 29 - incrementDay;
                                           else if(month == 2 || month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11)
                                               dayS = 31 - incrementDay;
                                                dayS = 30 - incrementDay;
                               //resets the source date to the current date once data from the week has been reached
                                public void dateReset()
                                    dayS = day;
                                    monthS = month;
                                    yearS = year;
                     public void init()
                         //JFrame frame = new CSEFrameSet();
                        // this.setContentPane(CSEFrameSet());
                        CSE aCSE = new CSE();
    public static void main(String [] args)
    CSE cs = new CSE();
    }I have tried uploading it to a server, running it from appletviewer, and locally using the .HTML file. The GUI works fine, everything is there, however, pressing the buttons does nothing.
    Can you not use the Scanners and such with JApplets?
    Yes, the directories are good.
    EDIT EDIT EDIT; OK, it works with appletviewer, but still doesn't work when it is published.
    Message wa

    I can't seem to edit the post anymore, here it is again;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class CSE extends JApplet implements ActionListener, ItemListener
    //ToolBar components
    JToolBar mainSelect = new JToolBar("Materials");
    JButton materials;
    String materialNames[] = {"Fur Square", "Bolt of Linen", "Bolt of Damask", "Bolt of Silk", "Glob of Ectoplasm", "Steel Ingot", "Deldrimor Steel Ingot", "Monstrous Claw", "Monstrous Eye", "Monstrous Fang", "Ruby", "Lump of Charcoal", "Obsidian Shard", "Tempered Glass Vial", "Leather Square", "Elonian Leather Square", "Vial of Ink", "Roll of Parchment", "Roll of Vellum", "Spiritwood Plank", "Amber Chunk", "Jadeite Shard"};
    ImageIcon materialIcons;
    //Graphic components
    JDesktopPane mainGraph = new JDesktopPane();
    JPanel dailyGraph = new JPanel();
    JPanel weeklyGraph = new JPanel();
    JPanel finalPrices = new JPanel();
    Box graphs = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    //The Console
    JFrame CSEFrame = new JFrame();
    JSplitPane mainConsoleBackdrop = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT);
    JSplitPane dataOut = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT);
    JTextArea prediction = new JTextArea(10,10);
    JScrollPane predictionScroll;
    Box finalPricesLabels = Box.createVerticalBox();
    Box finalPricesLay = Box.createVerticalBox();
    JLabel finalBuy = new JLabel("Net Buy Price Change: 0.00");
    JLabel finalSell = new JLabel("Net Sell Price Change: 0.00");
    JLabel buySell = new JLabel("We recommend you: N/A");
    JTextArea priceUpdate = new JTextArea(10, 10);
    JTextArea priceUpdateWeekly = new JTextArea(10, 10);
    JScrollPane priceUScrollW;
    JScrollPane priceUScroll;
    JCheckBox weeklySelect = new JCheckBox("To show weekly price changes.", false);
    JCheckBox dailySelect = new JCheckBox("To show daily price changes.", true);
    ButtonGroup dataToShow = new ButtonGroup();
    String days[] = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
    Calendar calSource = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
    int day = calSource.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int month = calSource.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int year = calSource.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    int monthCheck [] = {Calendar.JANUARY, Calendar.FEBRUARY, Calendar.MARCH, Calendar.APRIL, Calendar.MAY, Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.JULY, Calendar.AUGUST, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, Calendar.OCTOBER, Calendar.NOVEMBER, Calendar.DECEMBER};
    int dayS = day;
    int monthS = month;
    int yearS = year;
    //if there is file found
    boolean proceed = false;
    //int data for analysis
    int buyPrice;
    int currentBuyPrice;
    int sellPrice;
    int currentSellPrice;
    boolean weekly = false;
    //tools for parsing and decoding input
    String inputS = null;
    String s = null;
    Scanner [] week = new Scanner[7];
    Scanner scanner;
    int position = 0;
    //weekly tools
    String weekPos[] = {"Seventh", "Sixth", "Fifth", "Fourth", "Third", "Second", "First"};
    int dayOfWeek = 0; //0 = 7 1 = 6...
    public JButton getToolBarButton(String s)
    String imgLoc = "TBar Icons/" +s +".gif"; imgURL = CSE.class.getResource(imgLoc);
    JButton button = new JButton();
    if(imgURL != null)
    button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(imgURL, s));
    System.err.println("Couldn't find; " +imgLoc);
    return button;
    public CSE()
    // super("Test CSE");
    for(int x=0; x<materialNames.length; x++)
    materials = getToolBarButton(materialNames[x]);
    // sizes
    setSize(850, 850);
    //colors and fonts
    weeklyGraph.setBackground(new Color(250, 30, 40));
    dailyGraph.setBackground(new Color(100, 40, 200));
    //text Manip.
    predictionScroll = new JScrollPane(prediction, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
    priceUScroll = new JScrollPane(priceUpdate, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
    priceUScrollW = new JScrollPane(priceUpdateWeekly, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
    //main splitpane config.
    //placement and Layout
    //consoleData layout
    getContentPane().add(mainSelect, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    // CSEFrame.setVisible(true);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    inputS = e.getActionCommand();
    FileReader newRead = null;
    try {
    newRead = new FileReader(monthS +"-" +dayS +"-" +yearS +"/" +inputS +".dat");
    proceed = true;
    catch(FileNotFoundException f)
    System.out.println("File not found");
    proceed = false;
    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(newRead);
    scanner = new Scanner(bufferedReader);
    //starts daily analysis
    //starts weekly analysis
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
    public void weekly(String inputS)
    weekly = true;
    for(int x = 0; x >< 7; x++)
    dateToUse(month, day, year, (x+1));
    FileReader weeklySource = new FileReader(monthS +"-" +dayS +"-" +year +"/" +inputS +".dat");
    BufferedReader weeklyBuffer = new BufferedReader(weeklySource);
    week[x] = new Scanner(weeklyBuffer);
    catch(FileNotFoundException f)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "No such weekly files- going back;" +(x+1) +"days");
    weekly = false;
    public void getPrice(Scanner scanner)
    //puts into string the next scan token
    String s =;
    //takes the scan toke above and puts it into an editable enviroment
    String [] data = s.split("\\s");
    for(position = 0; position < data.length; position++)
    //Scanner test to make sure loop can finish, otherwise "no such line" error
    /*Starts data orignazation by reading from each perspective field
    * 1 = day
    * 2 = day of month
    * 3 = month
    * 4 = year
    if(position == 0 && weekly == false)
    String dayFromFile = data[position];
    int dayNum = Integer.parseInt(dayFromFile);
    priceUpdate.append(days[dayNum-1] +" ");
    else if(position == 1 && weekly == false )
    priceUpdate.append(data[position] + "/");
    else if(position == 2 && weekly == false)
    priceUpdate.append(data[position] + "/");
    else if(position == 3 && weekly == false)
    priceUpdate.append(data[position] +"\n");
    //if it is in [buy] area, it prints and computes
    else if(position == 7)
    //obtains string for buy price and stores it, then prints it
    String buy = data[position];
    if(weekly == false)
    priceUpdate.append("Buy: " +buy +"\n" );
    //converts buy to string
    currentBuyPrice = Integer.parseInt(buy);
    //eliminates problems caused by no data from server- makes the price 0
    if(currentBuyPrice < 0)
    currentBuyPrice = 0;
    //if it is greater it adds
    if(currentBuyPrice > buyPrice)
    buyPrice += currentBuyPrice;
    //if it is equal [there is no change] then it does nothing
    if(currentBuyPrice == buyPrice)
    buyPrice +=0;
    //if there is a drop, it subtracts
    buyPrice -= currentBuyPrice;
    //if it is in [sell] area, it prints, and resets the position to zero because line is over
    else if(position == 8)
    //puts sell data into string and prints it
    String sell = data[position];
    if(weekly == false)
    priceUpdate.append("Sell: " + sell +"\n");
    //turns sell data into int.
    currentSellPrice = Integer.valueOf(sell).intValue();;
    //gets rid of problems caused by no data on server side- makes it 0
    if(currentSellPrice < 0)
    currentSellPrice = 0;
    //adds if there is an increase
    if(currentSellPrice > sellPrice)
    sellPrice += currentSellPrice;
    //does nothing if it is the same
    if(currentSellPrice == sellPrice)
    sellPrice +=0;
    //subtracts if there is drop
    sellPrice -= currentSellPrice;
    //further protection against "No such line" and moves it down
    if(scanner.hasNextLine() == true)
    //if scanner is finished, prints out all lines
    if(scanner.hasNextLine() == false && weekly == false)
    finalBuy.setText("Net Buy Price Change: "+buyPrice);
    finalSell.setText("Net Sell Price Change: " +sellPrice);
    buyPrice = 0;
    sellPrice = 0;
    position = data.length;
    else if(scanner.hasNextLine() == false && weekly == true)
    priceUpdateWeekly.append("\n" +weekPos[dayOfWeek] +" day of the week ended with; \nBuy Price;" +buyPrice +"\nSell Price;" +sellPrice);
    buyPrice = 0;
    sellPrice = 0;
    position = data.length;
    if(dayOfWeek > 6)
    dayOfWeek = 0;
    public void getMonth()
    for(int x=0; x < monthCheck.length; x++)
    if(month == monthCheck[x])
    monthS = (x+1);
    x = monthCheck.length;
    public void dateToUse(int month, int day, int year, int increment)
    //set day of source
    dayS = (day - increment);
    //if day of source is less then O then we have moved to another month
    if(dayS <= 0)
    //checks the difference between how much we have incremented and the day we have started; this tells us how far into the new month we are
    int incrementDay = increment - day;
    //decrements month
    //if month is less then zero, then we have moved into another year and month has become 12
    if(monthS <= 0)
    monthS = 12;
    //the following looks at the current month and if it goes below it assigns the day to the proper ammount of days of the month before minus the days into the month
    if(month == 3)
    dayS = 28 - incrementDay;
    else if(month == 5 || month == 7)
    dayS = 29 - incrementDay;
    else if(month == 2 || month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11)
    dayS = 31 - incrementDay;
    dayS = 30 - incrementDay;
    //resets the source date to the current date once data from the week has been reached
    public void dateReset()
    dayS = day;
    monthS = month;
    yearS = year;
    public void init()
    //JFrame frame = new CSEFrameSet();
    // this.setContentPane(CSEFrameSet());
    CSE aCSE = new CSE();
    public static void main(String [] args)
    CSE cs = new CSE();
    }Message was edited by:

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    I've been having this problem in my Blackberry Curve 9300 since 2 weeks ago.
    After I updated my Twitter app, I started having this problem: The applications (Twitter, Facebook, Viber and even the App World) won't run even if I'm connected to WiFi. Actually, it doesn't run with edge, 3G and GSM. My phone has to be on EDGE for them to run with WiFi, which I didn't need to have for them to run before.
    I tried the hard reboot. It worked for 3 minutes max, with EDGE but once it returned to edge, it stopped working once again.
    Again, I've never used a data plan before and it works, as long as there's WiFi coverage and I am happy with that until this problem happened. Hope somebody can help me solve this. Thanks in advance!

    Do you have a blackberry data plan active. On your account? You need an active blackberry data plan to use the majority of data functions on your phone, even if you are connected to wifi 

  • Flex2 (beta3) apps don't work with Firefox when browser scrollbars appear

    I ran into a very strange situation where my flex2 (beta2 and
    beta3) application is big enough to cause browser scrollbars to
    appear. In such a case, if I scroll the browser, then all button
    controls in the flex2 app can not listen to mouse events any more.
    I found this problem with Firefox (v1.5) in Windows XP. IE in XP is
    perfectly fine. Below is the code, simple enough to illustrate my
    situation. To test, please compile the first file into test.swf,
    and then access test.html form Firefox. Thanks.

    well i can say in dark,, many have done this solution, if its
    right even for u
    just clear ur cache using the ASO zip file available on
    Now all the packages /missing file would get imported.could
    be some
    class definitions are'nt getting replaced
    (i faced this kinda problem before.. my old swf';s were
    getting played.. so i just cleared the cache and problem was

  • Apps don't work after upgrade ipad ios 5.1

    I have updated my ipad to ios 5.1.
    No apps work except native ones.
    Is there a way to fix this ?

    Try downloading any free app from the store (as that appears to reset something) and then re-try them - the free app can then be deleted.

  • Is it me or old apps don't work with IOS 5.0 ?

    I everyone
    In an attempt to install IOS 5 , iI realized tha none of the apps could start, only native apps like itunes and mail could work.
    I had to return to IOS 4.3 to use apps I open everyday.
    Do we need to wait for developpers to update their apps to current IOS 5.0?

    @ Meg
    Thanks for the Tip I'll try that out. I just hope that my most used app will work on IOS 5 , although I didn't see the latest update on Itune .
    For stability reason, I didn't hack or jailbreak the the phone. I managed to go back to the previous IOS setting the phone in "safemode" and installed IOS 4, that was it.
    I'll post back once installed

  • IPhone 3GS apps don't work after 4.3 upgrade

    Some apps like mail, safari, app store, ipod don't work after upgrading to iOS 4.3. itues is up to date and have never had issues before. tried to downgrade to 4.2 but was unable to. Help!

    I have the same issue, half the apps no longer work, just stays in 'updating' mode. I've tried uninstalling some but now the app store is freezing. THe ones I am able to reinstall give me error message saying I'm not logging in correctly (I am). I'm guessing some apps versions aren't compatible with the new software but a few I was able to use after the software update and now I can't

  • HT4759 How do I upgrade my iOS I use an iPad one and  some apps don't work for the iOS I'm running , help,

    Help , I don't know how to update my iOS on the iPad one some apps won't work with the one I have and are suggesting that I update . Can someone help me figure this out.

    See the chart below to determine whether you can upgrade your device and what you can upgrade to. If you do not have a Software Update option present on your iDevice, then you are trying to upgrade to iOS 5 or higher. You will have to connect your device to your computer and open iTunes in order to upgrade.
    IPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad iOS Compatibility Chart
         Device                                       iOS Verson
    iPhone 1                                      iOS 3.1.3
    iPhone 3G                                   iOS 4.2.1
    iPhone 3GS                                 iOS 6.1.x
    iPhone 4                                      iOS 7.0.x
    iPhone 4S                                    iOS 7.0.x
    iPhone 5                                      iOS 7.0.x
    iPhone 5c                                     iOS 7.0.x
    iPhone 5s                                     iOS 7.0.x
    iPod Touch 1                               iOS 3.1.3
    iPod Touch 2                               iOS 4.2.1
    iPod Touch 3                               iOS 5.1.1
    iPod Touch 4                               iOS 6.1.x
    iPod Touch 5                               iOS 7.0.x
    iPad 1                                          iOS 5.1.1
    iPad 2                                          iOS 7.0.x
    iPad 3                                          iOS 7.0.x
    iPad 4                                          iOS 7.0.x
    iPad Mini                                      iOS 7.0.x
    iPad Air                                        iOS 7.0.x
    Select the method most appropriate for your situation.
    Upgrading iOS
       1. How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch
       2. iPhone Support
       3. iPod Touch Support
       4. iPad Support
         a. Updating Your iOS from iOS 5
              Tap Settings > General > Software Update
         If an update is available there will be an active Update button. If you are current,
         then you will see a gray screen with a message saying your are up to date.
         b. If you are still using iOS 4 — Updating your device to iOS 5 or later.
         c. Resolving update problems
            1. iOS - Unable to update or restore
            2. iOS- Resolving update and restore alert messages

  • I have a MBP 13" running 10.8, can I also install 10.6 to run apps that don't work with 10.8?

    I have a 13" MBP running 10.8.2, can I also install 10.6 to run some apps that don't work with 10.8?

    Uninstall Genieo:
    See if that makes a difference.
    DawnHerbie wrote:
    Also is Safeboot ok to use?
    Yes, it will do no harm, but it is meant for trouble shooting and you should not have to use it all the time.
    Message was edited by: OGELTHORPE

  • What's the go with this latest update. Half my apps don't work and the iPad runs slower? How do I go back to the old operating system?

    What's the go with this latest update. Half my apps don't work and the iPad runs slower? How do I go back to the old operating system?

    Make sure your apps are updated.  You might try Settings > iTunes & App Store > Automatic Downloads - Updates = "On".
    You cannot go back to an old operating system.

  • After upgrade to os 4 some apps don't work including Apple Store

    Upgrade went ok, but took long time. Some apps don't work correctly or crash. e.g. Apple Store app just recycles back to main screen. Starbucks app works for a few seconds then crashes.

    I had same problems.
    I decided to "downgrade" back to OS3. You can too!
    Go to this thread and read about it.

Maybe you are looking for

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